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Biology Mar 2009 Eng

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Total No.

of Questions : 42

Code No. March, 2009


Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ( English Version ) Instructions : i) ii) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Unlabelled diagrams do not get any marks. Max. Marks : 90

PART I ( BOTANY ) PART A Answer the following questions in one word or in one sentence each : 5 1=5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name the pentose sugar present in RNA. Name the living mechanical tissue in plants. Define imbibition. State Blackmans law of limiting factors. Name the hormone responsible for Richmond-Lang effect in plants. PART B Answer any five of the following in 2 to 5 sentences each : 6. 7. 8. 9. Differentiate between sense and anti-sense strands of DNA. What is recombinant DNA technology ? Mention two applications of it. Mention the differences between parenchyma and sclerenchyma. What is transpiration ? Mention two types. 5 2 = 10

10. Mention two physiological functions of Abscissic acid. 11. Mention two commercial applications of NAA ( Naphthalene Acetic Acid ). PART C Answer any four of the following in about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable : 12. Explain the semi-conservative method of DNA replication. 4 5 = 20

13. Explain the steps involved in DNA fingerprinting technique. 14. Explain the structure of pUC-18 with a labelled diagram. 15. With labelled diagrams, explain the kinds of xylem vessels ( tracheae ) based on their lignification. 16. Explain transpiration pull theory of ascent of sap. Mention any two merits of it. 17. What is Pasteurs effect ? Explain any four external factors affecting the rate of respiration. PART D I. Answer any one of the following : 18. Give the schematic representation of Calvin cycle. 19. Give reasons for the following in one sentence each : a) b) c) d) e) Genetic code is universal. Golden rice is yellowish in colour. As the wind blows, rate of ascent of sap increases. RQ value of proteins is generally less than 1. Carotenoid and Xanthophyll are called accessory photosynthetic pigments. ( Questions only from the Practical syllabus ) II. Answer any one of the following : 20. a) 1 5=5 1 5=5 5 5 1=5

Draw a neat labelled diagram of the vascular bundle of young Monocot stem to show the anatomical details. 4 1

b) 21. a)

Dorsiventral leaf is also called hypostomatic leaf. Why ?

Describe an experiment to demonstrate unequal transpiration in plants. 4


The addition of limewater to water in an experimental set-up with aquatic plants decreases the amount of oxygen released. Why? 1

PART II ( ZOOLOGY ) PART E Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each : 5 1=5 22. Mention the phenotypic ratio of a dihybrid cross. 23. What is afforestation ? 24. Name the hyperglycemic factor. 25. Define stroke volume. 26. Name the organic connection between the mother and the foetus that helps in physiological exchange. PART F Answer any five of the following in about 2 to 5 sentences each : 5 2 = 10 27. Differentiate between genetic diversity and habitat diversity. 28. What is soil erosion ? Mention two causes of soil erosion. 29. Mention the possible blood groups of the progeny whose mother is heterozygous for A group and father is heterozygous for B group. 30. What are narcotic drugs ? Mention two examples for hallucinogens. 31. What is rhinitis ? Mention two symptoms of it. 32. List the differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis. PART G Answer any four of the following in about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable : 4 5 = 20

33. State the law of segregation. Explain the monohybrid cross in Pisum Sativum ( Garden pea ). 34. What is biodiversity depletion ? Explain any four anthropocentric causes of biodiversity depletion. 35. Explain the role of any five enzymes in protein digestion.

36. What are surface barriers ? Explain the role of skin and mucus membrane as bodys first line of defence. 37. Define blood clotting. Explain Best and Taylors theory of mechanism of blood clotting. 38. Explain the steps involved in urine formation. PART H I. Answer any one of the following : 1 5=5

39. Draw a neat diagram of the human sperm and label the following parts : Distal centriole, main piece of tail, Axoneme, Nebenkern, Nucleus, Acrosome, Proximal centriole, Neck. 40. Give reasons for the following in one sentence each : a) b) Hypertrichosis is seen only in males. Accumulation of CO2 warming. c) d) e) Human heart is myogenic. FSH is a gametokinetic factor. Cleavage in frogs egg results in unequal blastomeres. ( Questions only from the Practical syllabus ) II. Answer any one of the following : 41. a) 1 5=5 in the atmosphere results in global 5 5 1=5

Draw a neat diagram of the T.S. of the hepatic lobule and label the following : Hepatic triad, Hepatic cord, Sinusoids, Central vein, Hepatic artery, Hepatocyte. 4 1 4

b) 42. a) b)

Name the connective tissue covering of liver. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a multipolar neuron.

Name the biochemical test to detect the presence of glucose in urine sample of a diabetic. 1

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