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In today's interconnected world, global perspectives are more important than ever.

With the rise of globalization and the increasing movement of people, goods, and ideas across

borders, it is essential that individuals have a deep understanding and appreciation of

different cultures and perspectives. This is where technology can play a significant role.

Technology has made it easier than ever for people to access information from around the

world, connect with people from different cultures, and learn about different ways of life.

This increased access to information and communication can broaden people's perspectives

and help them develop empathy for people from different backgrounds.

Digital technologies have advanced more rapidly than any innovation in our history –

reaching around 50 percent of the developing world’s population in only two decades and

transforming societies. By enhancing connectivity, financial inclusion, access to trade and

public services, technology can be a great equaliser. In education, virtual learning

environments and distance learning have opened up programmes to students who would

otherwise be excluded (United Nations, 2020). Furthermore, with the onset of the COVID-19

pandemic, the demand for and reliance on technology grew yet again. On the individual level,

more people found themselves working from home or out of work. Combined with the

international travel lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, these dramatic changes in daily life

led to a rise in technology use. Whether setting up home offices, doing online school with

children, staying connected with family, or simply trying to entertain ourselves in

unprecedented times, people turned to digital solutions such as Zoom, Google, Netflix, and

more (Towsend, 2021)

One area where the interplay between technology, globalization, and language is

perhaps most evident is education. Globalization has enabled universities to work together as

well as with educational institutions at other levels (such as K-12 in the United States) in

ways that were 5 previously not possible, creating a unique situation where globalization is

shaping the educative process (Abeles 1998).Social media and online communities have

created new spaces for people to connect and exchange ideas across borders, breaking down

cultural barriers and creating opportunities for people to learn from each other. Additionally,

language translation tools have made it easier for people to communicate across languages,

facilitating cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. Moreover, virtual reality and other

immersive technologies have the potential to create realistic simulations of different cultures

and environments. This can help people understand what it's like to live in a different part of

the world and help them develop empathy for people from different backgrounds. However,

it is important to note that technology is not a panacea for promoting global perspectives.

While technology has the potential to broaden people's perspectives, it can also reinforce

existing biases and create echo chambers where people are only exposed to viewpoints that

align with their own. Thus, it is essential to work towards ensuring that technology is used in

ways that promote understanding and empathy across cultures.

In the broadest sense, language continues to shape technology by virtue of technology

having a linguistic component. As many technologies – such as e-mail and other technology-

based forms of communication - are at least somewhat dependent on written language – as

opposed to spoken language or direct numbers – designers are frequently turning to language

resources to shape the technologies they are designing. Mariani (2005) notes that language

resources are now seen as “crucial for the development of written and spoken language

processing systems.” Bird and Simmons (2003) also note this pressure, emphasizing that
“multiple communities depend on language resources, including linguists, engineers,

teachers, and actual speakers” (Madden, 2019).

In conclusion, technology has played a significant role in shaping global perspective.

The technological revolution has transformed the way companies and nations organize

production, trade goods, invest capital, and develop new products and processes. The internet

has become a global marketplace, workspace, and meeting place that provides vast

opportunities to learn about and interact with the world. Technological innovations offer an

exciting future for international trade, making it easier to move technological innovations

across borders. However, these technologies also pose difficult governance challenges, both

domestic and cross-border (Menten, 2021). From lack of governance framework, to

incompatible licensing and taxation requirements, to outdated trade agreements, public and

private stakeholders must work closely together to establish the framework and foster the

environment for these new technologies to unleash their positive potential while mitigating

the potential harms. In particular, the harmonization of regional rules on issues such as data

flows, licensing, and taxation is crucial. Educators can seize this moment to pair digital media

and technology with global learning for the 21st century. By developing media literacy on a

global scale, discovering personal opinions behind global issues, and using digital media and

technology to help students both understand and contribute to the richness and complexity of

our wide world, we can harness the power of technology to shape a more informed and

interconnected global perspective (Madden, 2019). It has the potential to connect people

across borders, break down cultural barriers, and help people understand different ways of

life. However, it is important to be aware of the potential pitfalls and work to ensure that

technology is used in ways that promote understanding and empathy across cultures.
Significance of the Study

Since technology has evolved throughout the years, the role of it in shaping global

perspective had been also arisen. It helps us to understand how technology has transformed

the way we interact with the world and with each other. Studying the role of technology in

shaping global perspective can help us to identify the potential benefits and risks associated

with the use of technology. By understanding the ways in which technology can both

facilitate and hinder cross-cultural understanding, we can work towards creating more

inclusive and diverse communities and societies for today’s generation.

This research very essential to the following:

Youth. The large number of technology users came from the youth and so this

research will help them understand the role of technology, especially social media in shaping

global perspective. Moreover, this will give them broader information on the risks and

benefits from using technology. Lastly, this will also promote inclusivity and broader

perspective across the world.

Future Researcher. The research will be useful for the future researchers as

reference about the role of technology in shaping global perspectives from the perspective of

the youth. This research might help them to elaborate and understand more about the


Society and/or Community. This research will be beneficial to the society and/or

community in understanding the use of technology in communication and not just for

entertainment to shape global perspective. Also, this will promote diversity not just inside the

community but also in social media and across the world.

Statement of the Problem

This research objectively aims to find out the important role of technology in global

perspective. Specifically, this study answers the following questions.

1. How has the internet and social media impacted global communication and


2. What are the risks and benefits of technology in shaping global perspectives?

3. How has technology impacted the way individuals and communities respond to global

crises and events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic or climate change?

Scope and Delimitations

This research will focus in the role of technology such as social media in shaping

global perspectives from the perspective of the youth. The researchers will conduct the

research on ______________ at Sanchez Mira School of Arts and Trades,

The research is limited in finding the risks and benefits of technology such as social

media in education and global issues that will be answered by the respondents through

questionnaire. The discussion includes the data gathered and additional information from

related literature are also included.


 https://www.nap.edu/read/1101/chapter/2

 https://vitalsignswalloffame.com/a-growing-demand-for-technology-global-


 https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1076&context=cis_diss

 https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781403914491_7

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