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TM-281A/ TM-481A


144 MHz FM 调频对讲机
430 MHz FM 调频对讲机

© B62-2348-20 (M,M3)
09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02



Thank you for choosing this Kenwood transceiver. Mn: General
Kenwood always provides Amateur Radio products (Where “n” represents a variation number.)
which surprise and excite serious hobbyists. This The market code is printed on the barcode label of the
transceiver is no exception. As you learn how to use this carton box.
transceiver, you will find that Kenwood is pursuing “user
friendliness”. For example, each time you change the Refer to the product specifications {pages 69, 70} for
Menu No. in Menu mode, you will see a text message on information on the available operating frequencies within
the display that lets you know what you are configuring. each model. For accessories supplied with the model,
refer to page 1.
Though user friendly, this transceiver is technically
sophisticated and some features may be new to you.
Consider this manual to be a personal tutorial from the FEATURES
designers. Allow the manual to guide you through the
• Menu allows for easy control and selecting of various
learning process now, then act as a reference in the functions.
coming years.
• Up to 200 memory channels to program frequencies and
other various data. (Up to 100 memory channels if Memory
Channel Names are assigned to the channels.)
• Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) or Digital
The models listed below are covered by this manual. Code Squelch (DCS) rejects unwanted calls from other
TM-281A: 144 MHz FM Transceiver
TM-481A: 430 MHz FM Transceiver • Equipped with an easy-to-read large LCD with alphanumeric
display capability.
The frequency indication examples in this instruction • Free PC software (Memory Control Program) is available to
program the frequency, signalling, and other settings of your
manual are provided for the TM-281A (VHF model).
transceiver. The MCP can be downloaded at:
Therefore, the actual operation frequencies will not match http://www.kenwood.com/i/products/info/amateur/software_download.html
when operating the TM-481A (UHF model).
When condensation occurs inside the transceiver:
Please observe the following precautions to prevent
Condensation may occur inside the transceiver when the room is warmed
using a heater on a cold day or when the transceiver is quickly moved fire, personal injury, and/or transceiver damage:
from a cold location to a warm location. When condensation occurs, the
microcomputer and/or the transmit/receive circuits may become unstable, • Do not attempt to configure your transceiver while
resulting in transceiver malfunction. If this happens, turn OFF the transceiver driving; it is simply too dangerous.
and wait for a while. When the condensed droplets disappear, the transceiver
will function normally. • Be aware of local laws pertaining to the use of
headphones/headsets while driving on public roads.
If in doubt, do not wear headphones while mobiling.
• Do not transmit with high output power for extended
periods; the transceiver may overheat.
• Do not modify the transceiver unless instructed by
this manual or other Kenwood documentation.
• Do not expose the transceiver to long periods
of direct sunlight nor place it close to heating
• Do not place the transceiver in excessively dusty,
humid or wet areas, nor on unstable surfaces.
• If an abnormal odor or smoke is detected
coming from the transceiver, turn OFF the power
immediately. Contact a Kenwood service station or
your dealer.
• This transceiver is designed for a 13.8 V power
source. Never use a 24 V battery to power the

SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES ...................................... 1 VFO MODE .......................................................... 15
WRITING CONVENTIONS FOLLOWED MHz MODE .......................................................... 16
IN THIS MANUAL ...................................................... 1 DIRECT FREQUENCY ENTRY ..................................... 16
MOBILE INSTALLATION .......................................... 2 WHAT IS A MENU? ................................................ 18
DC POWER CABLE CONNECTION ......................... 3 MENU ACCESS ...................................................... 18
Mobile Operation .................................................. 3 MENU FUNCTION LIST .......................................... 19
Fixed Station Operation........................................ 4 CHAPTER 6 OPERATING THROUGH REPEATERS
Replacing Fuses................................................... 5 OFFSET PROGRAMMING FLOW .......................... 22
ANTENNA CONNECTION ........................................ 5 PROGRAMMING AN OFFSET ............................... 23
ACCESSORY CONNECTIONS ................................ 6 SELECTING AN OFFSET DIRECTION ............................ 23
External Speaker .................................................. 6 SELECTING AN OFFSET FREQUENCY........................... 23
Microphone........................................................... 6 ACTIVATING THE TONE FUNCTION .............................. 24
PC Connection ..................................................... 7 SELECTING A TONE FREQUENCY................................ 24
CHAPTER 3 GETTING ACQUAINTED TRANSMITTING A 1750 Hz TONE ......................... 25
FRONT PANEL ......................................................... 9 REVERSE FUNCTION ............................................ 26
DISPLAY ................................................................. 10 AUTOMATIC SIMPLEX CHECK (ASC) .................. 26
REAR PANEL .......................................................... 12 TONE FREQUENCY ID SCAN ............................... 27
MICROPHONE ........................................................ 12 CHAPTER 7 MEMORY CHANNELS
MIC KEYPAD DIRECT ENTRY .................................... 13 NUMBER OF MEMORY CHANNELS ..................... 28
SWITCHING THE POWER ON/OFF ...................... 14 MEMORY CHANNEL? ............................................ 28
ADJUSTING THE VOLUME .................................... 14 STORING SIMPLEX FREQUENCIES OR
ADJUSTING THE SQUELCH ................................. 14 STANDARD REPEATER FREQUENCIES ............. 29
TRANSMITTING ..................................................... 15 STORING ODD-SPLIT REPEATER
SELECTING AN OUTPUT POWER ................................ 15 FREQUENCIES ...................................................... 30
SELECTING A FREQUENCY ................................. 15 RECALLING A MEMORY CHANNEL ..................... 30
USING THE TUNING CONTROL ................................... 30 SELECTING A CTCSS FREQUENCY ........................... 45
USING THE MICROPHONE KEYPAD ............................. 31 CTCSS FREQUENCY ID SCAN ................................ 45 1
CLEARING A MEMORY CHANNEL ....................... 31 DCS ......................................................................... 46
NAMING A MEMORY CHANNEL ........................... 32 SELECTING A DCS CODE ........................................ 46 2
MEMORY CHANNEL TRANSFER .......................... 33 DCS CODE ID SCAN ............................................. 47
MEMORY \ VFO TRANSFER ................................... 33 CHAPTER 10 DUAL TONE MULTI-FREQUENCY 3
CHANNEL \ CHANNEL TRANSFER ............................. 33 (DTMF) FUNCTIONS
CALL CHANNEL ..................................................... 35 MANUAL DIALING .................................................. 48 4
RECALLING THE CALL CHANNEL ................................ 35 DTMF MONITOR.................................................... 48
REPROGRAMMING THE CALL CHANNEL........................ 35 DTMF TX HOLD ................................................... 49 5
CHANNEL DISPLAY ............................................... 36 AUTOMATIC DIALER ............................................. 49
STORING A DTMF NUMBER IN MEMORY .................... 49 6
CONFIRMING STORED DTMF NUMBERS ..................... 50
NORMAL SCAN ...................................................... 38 7
BAND SCAN ........................................................... 38
PROGRAM SCAN ..................................................... 38 8
ADJUSTING THE PAUSE DURATION ............................. 51
MHz SCAN ........................................................... 39
DTMF LOCK ............................................................ 51
MEMORY SCAN ..................................................... 40 9
ALL-CHANNEL SCAN ............................................... 40 CHAPTER 11 AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS
GROUP SCAN......................................................... 40 APO (AUTO POWER OFF) ..................................... 52 10
CALL SCAN ............................................................ 41 BEAT SHIFT ............................................................ 52
PRIORITY SCAN .................................................... 41 S-METER SQUELCH .............................................. 52 11
PROGRAMMING A PRIORITY CHANNEL ......................... 41 SQUELCH HANG TIME .............................................. 53
USING PRIORITY SCAN ............................................ 42 BEEP FUNCTION ................................................... 53 12
MEMORY CHANNEL LOCKOUT ............................ 42 BUSY CHANNEL LOCKOUT .................................. 54
SCAN RESUME METHOD ..................................... 43 FREQUENCY STEP SIZE ...................................... 54 13
CHAPTER 9 SELECTIVE CALL DISPLAY BACKLIGHT ............................................ 55
PERMANENT BACKLIGHT ........................................... 55 14
CTCSS AND DCS ................................................... 44
CTCSS .................................................................... 44 AUTOMATIC BACKLIGHT ............................................ 55

LOCK FUNCTION ................................................... 56
TUNE ENABLE ....................................................... 56
NARROW BAND FM OPERATION ......................... 58
POWER-ON MESSAGE ......................................... 58
PROGRAMMABLE VFO ......................................... 59
TIME-OUT TIMER ................................................... 60
MIC LOCK ............................................................... 62
MAINTENANCE ...................................................... 64
GENERAL INFORMATION............................................ 64
SERVICE................................................................ 64
SERVICE NOTE ....................................................... 64
CLEANING .............................................................. 65
RESETTING THE TRANSCEIVER ......................... 65
INITIAL SETTINGS .................................................... 65
FULL RESET .......................................................... 65
VFO RESET .......................................................... 66
TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................ 67

After carefully unpacking the transceiver, identify the The writing conventions described below have been
items listed in the table below. We recommend you keep followed to simplify instructions and avoid unnecessary
the box and packaging for shipping. repetition.

Accessory Qty Instruction What to do

Microphone (DTMF Mic) 1 Press [KEY]. Press and release KEY.
DC power cable (Blade) 1
Press Press and hold KEY for 1 second or
Fuse (Blade) 1 [KEY] (1s). longer.
Mounting bracket 1 Press Press KEY1 momentarily, release
Screw set 1 [KEY1], [KEY2]. KEY1, then press KEY2.
Microphone hanger 1 Press and hold KEY1, then press
Instruction manual 1 KEY2. If there are more than 2
keys, press and hold each key in
turn until the final key has been
With the transceiver power OFF,
Press press and hold KEY, then turn the
[KEY]+[ ]. transceiver power ON by pressing
[ ] (Power Switch).


1 MOBILE INSTALLATION 2 Position the transceiver, then insert and tighten

the supplied hexagon SEMS screws (4) and flat
To install the transceiver, select a safe, convenient washers (4).
location inside your vehicle that minimizes danger to your • Double check that all hardware is tightened to prevent
passengers and yourself while the vehicle is in motion. vehicle vibration from loosening the bracket or
Consider installing the unit at an appropriate position so transceiver.
that knees or legs will not strike it during sudden braking
of your vehicle. Try to pick a well ventilated location that
is shielded from direct sunlight.

1 Install the mounting bracket in the vehicle using the

supplied self-tapping screws (4), flat washers (4), and SEMS
spring washers (4). screw
• The bracket must be installed so that the 3 screw hole • Determine the appropriate angle of the transceiver, using
positions on the side of the mounting bracket are towards the 3 screw hole positions on the side of the mounting
the rear of the bracket. bracket.
Self-tapping screw
(5 mm x 16 mm)
Spring washer

Flat washer

DC POWER CABLE CONNECTION 4 Confirm the correct polarity of the connections, then
attach the power cable to the battery terminals;
red connects to the positive (+) terminal and black
connects to the negative (–) terminal. 1
Locate the power input connector as close to the transceiver as
possible. • Use the full length of the cable without cutting off excess
even if the cable is longer than required. In particular,
never remove the fuse holders from the cable.
The vehicle battery must have a nominal rating of 12 V.
Never connect the transceiver to a 24 V battery. Be sure Black
to use a 12 V vehicle battery that has sufficient current Fuse holder
capacity. If the current to the transceiver is insufficient,
the display may darken during transmission, or transmit 5 Reconnect any wiring removed from the negative
output power may drop excessively. terminal.
1 Route the DC power cable supplied with the 6 Connect the DC power cable to the transceiver’s
transceiver directly to the vehicle’s battery terminals power supply connector.
using the shortest path from the transceiver.
• Press the connectors firmly together until the locking tab
• If using a noise filter, it should be installed with an clicks.
insulator to prevent it from touching metal on the vehicle.
• We recommend you do not use the cigarette lighter
socket as some cigarette lighter sockets introduce an
unacceptable voltage drop.
Fuse holder
• The entire length of the cable must be dressed so it is
isolated from heat, moisture, and the engine secondary
(high voltage) ignition system/ cables.
2 After the cable is in place, wrap heat-resistant tape
around the fuse holder to protect it from moisture and
tie down the full run of cable.
3 To prevent the risk of short circuits, disconnect other
wiring from the negative (–) battery terminal before
connecting the transceiver.
FIXED STATION OPERATION 2 Connect the transceiver’s DC power connector to the
connector on the DC power cable.
In order to use this transceiver for fixed station operation, • Press the connectors firmly together until the locking tab
1 you will need a separate 13.8 V DC power supply (not clicks.
included). The recommended current capacity of your
power supply is 14 A or more.
1 Connect the DC power cable to the regulated DC
power supply and ensure that the polarities are correct
(Red: positive, Black: negative). Fuse holder
• Do not directly connect the transceiver to an AC outlet.
• Use the supplied DC power cable to connect the
transceiver to a regulated power supply.
• Do not substitute a cable with smaller gauge wires.

Fuse holder Note:

Black (–) ◆ For your transceiver to fully exhibit its performance capabilities,
we recommend using the optional PS-60 (22.5 A, 25% duty
Red (+) cycle) power supply.
◆ Before connecting the DC power supply to the transceiver, be
sure to switch the transceiver and the DC power supply OFF.
◆ Do not plug the DC power supply into an AC outlet until you
make all connections.

To AC outlet

Regulated DC
power supply

If the fuse blows, determine the cause, then correct the Before operating, install an efficient, well-tuned antenna.
problem. After the problem is resolved, replace the fuse. The success of your installation will depend largely on 1
If newly installed fuses continue to blow, disconnect the type of antenna and its correct installation. The
the power cable and contact your authorized Kenwood transceiver can give excellent results if the antenna
dealer or an authorized Kenwood service center for system and its installation are given careful attention.
Use a 50 Ω impedance antenna and low-loss coaxial feed
line that has a characteristic impedance of 50 Ω, to match
the transceiver input impedance. Coupling the antenna
to the transceiver via feed lines having an impedance
other than 50 Ω reduces the efficiency of the antenna
system and can cause interference to nearby broadcast
television receivers, radio receivers, and other electronic

Fuse Location Fuse Current Rating

Transceiver 15 A ◆ Transmitting without first connecting an antenna or other
Supplied Accessory matched load may damage the transceiver. Always connect the
20 A antenna to the transceiver before transmitting.
DC Power Cable ◆ All fixed stations should be equipped with a lightning arrester to
reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and transceiver damage.

Only use fuses of the specified type and rating; otherwise the Antenna connector
transceiver could be damaged.

Note: If you use the transceiver for a long period when the vehicle
battery is not fully charged, or when the engine is OFF, the battery
may become discharged, and will not have sufficient reserves to start
the vehicle. Avoid using the transceiver under these conditions. To antenna

Feed line connector

For voice communications, connect a 600 Ω microphone
EXTERNAL SPEAKER equipped with an 8-pin modular plug into the modular
If you plan to use an external speaker, choose a speaker socket on the front of the main unit. Press firmly on the
with an impedance of 8 Ω. The external speaker jack plug until the locking tab clicks.
accepts a 3.5 mm (1/8") mono (2-conductor) plug. We
recommend using the SP-50B speaker.

Attach the supplied microphone hanger in an appropriate

location using the screws included in the screw set.
Microphone hanger

hanger screw
(3 mm x 10 mm)

Keypad serial data

No Connection
MIC, 600 Ω impedance
DC 8 V, 100 mA max
No Connection
To utilize the optional MCP-1A software, you must first
connect the transceiver to your PC using an optional
Programming Cable (via the microphone jack).
The MCP-1A is free downloadable software available
from Kenwood at the following URL:
Note: Ask your dealer about purchasing a Programming Cable.

1 Press [ ] (Power) briefly to switch the transceiver
Are you ready to give your transceiver a quick try? power ON.
2 Reading this section should get your voice on the • A high pitched double beep sounds and a Power-on
air right away. The instructions below are intended message appears momentarily. The various indicators
only as a quick guide. If you encounter problems and the current operating frequency appear on the LCD.
or there is something you would like to know more, • The transceiver stores the current parameters when it is
read the detailed explanations given later in this turned OFF and automatically recalls those parameters
manual. the next time you turn the transceiver ON.
2 Turn the Volume control clockwise, to the 12 o’clock
3 Turn the Tuning control to select a reception
1 2 3 frequency.
• You may further turn the Volume control to adjust the
volume level of the signal.
4 To transmit, hold the microphone approximately 5 cm
(2 inches) from your mouth.
5 Press and hold Mic [PTT], then speak in your normal
tone of voice.
6 Release Mic [PTT] to receive.

5 7 Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 to continue


FRONT PANEL Press [F] then press [MENU] to enter Menu Mode
{page 18}.
Note: This section describes only the main functions of the front
panel controls. Explanations for functions not described here are Turn to select:
provided in the appropriate sections of this instruction manual. • Operating frequencies when in VFO Mode {page 15}.
• Memory Channels when in Memory Recall Mode 3
: @ {page 30}.
• Menu Nos. when in Menu Mode {page 18}.
• Scan direction while scanning {pages 27, 37, 45, 47}.

e CALL key
Press to recall the Call Channel {page 35}. Press and
hold for 1 second while in VFO Mode to begin Call/
VFO Scan {page 41}. Press and hold for
. ; = B >
1 second while in Memory Recall Mode to begin Call/
q (Power) switch/ Volume control Memory Scan {page 41}.
Press [F] then press [CALL] to activate the Tone {page
Press to switch the transceiver power ON or OFF
24}, CTCSS {page 44}, or DCS {page 46} function.
{page 14}.
Turn to adjust the level of the receive audio from the r VFO key
speaker {page 14}.
Press to enter VFO Mode {page 15}. In this mode,
w MENU button/ Tuning control you can change the operating frequency using the
Tuning control or Mic [UP]/[DWN]. Press and hold for
Press to enter MHz Mode {page 16}. In this mode, 1 second while in VFO Mode to begin Band Scan {page
you can change the operating frequency in 1 MHz 38}. Press and hold for 1 second while in VFO Mode
steps using the Tuning control or Mic [UP]/[DWN]. after programming a scan range to begin Program
Press and hold for 1 second while in VFO Mode to Scan {page 38}.
begin MHz Scan {page 39} or while in MR Mode to
begin Group Scan {page 40}.

In MR Mode, press [F] then press [VFO] to transfer DISPLAY
the contents of the selected Memory Channel to the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
VFO {page 33}.

t MR key
Press to enter Memory Recall Mode {page 30}. In this
mode, you can change memory channels using the
3 Tuning control or Mic [UP]/[DWN]. Press and hold
for 1 second while in Memory Recall Mode to begin
Memory Scan {page 40}.
17 16 15 14 13 12
Press [F], use the Tuning control to select the desired
channel, then press [MR] to reprogram the Call
Channel or a Memory Channel {page 29}. 1
Appears when the CTCSS function is activated {page 44}.
y REV key
Press to switch the transmit frequency and receive
Appears when the Tone function is activated {page 24}.
frequency when operating with an offset {page 23} or
an odd-split Memory Channel {page 28}. 3
Press [F] then press [REV] and rotate the Tuning Appears when the DCS function is activated {page 46}.
control to increase or decrease the squelch level
{page 14}. 4
Appears when the repeater shift function is activated
u /F key {pages 23, 30}. (“ ” is not used on this transceiver.)
Press and hold for 1 second to lock the transceiver 5
keys {page 56}.
Appears when the Reverse function is activated {page 26}.
Press momentarily to access the second functions of
the transceiver keys.

6 14

Appears when the Automatic Simplex Check (ASC) Appears when the Memory Channel Lockout function is
function is activated {page 26}. ON {page 42}.
7 15

Appears when the Priority Scan function is activated Shows the strength of transmitted {page 15} and received
{page 42}. {page 52} signals.
8 indicates the squelch is open and the frequency
is “busy”. It also appears when the squelch is set to
“WX” is not used on this transceiver.
minimum {page 14}. If using CTCSS or DCS, it indicates
9 the squelch is open due to a received signal that contains
the same CTCSS tone or DCS code that is set in your
Appears when narrow FM Mode is selected {page 58}. transceiver.
10 acts as an S-meter while
Displays the frequencies, Menu settings, Memory name receiving and an RF power meter while transmitting.
and other information. indicates the transceiver is transmitting.
11 16
Displays the Menu No., Memory Channel number, and Appears when the function key is pressed.
status {pages 18, 29}.
H appears when high power transmission is selected and
Appears when the displayed Memory Channel has data L appears when low power is selected {page 15}.
{page 29}. (“M” is not used on this transceiver.)

Appears when the Key Lock function is ON {page 56}.

: @ . ;
: = :
. 2

DTMF Microphone Microphone (KMC-30)

q Antenna connector
q PTT (Push-to-Talk) switch
Connect an external antenna {page 5} here. When
making test transmissions, connect a dummy load in Press and hold to transmit. Release to receive.
place of the antenna. The antenna system or load
should have an impedance of 50 Ω. w DWN/ key

w Power Input 13.8 V DC cable Press to lower the operating frequency, Memory
Channel number, Menu Number, etc. Hold down
Connect a 13.8 V DC power source here. Use the to repeat the action. Also press to switch between
supplied DC power cable {pages 3, 4}. values for functions with multiple choices. Press and
hold Mic [PTT], then press [DWN/ ] to transmit .
e SP (speaker) jack
If desired, connect an optional external speaker for e UP/ key
clearer audio. This jack accepts a 3.5 mm (1/8") Press to raise the operating frequency, Memory
mono (2-conductor) plug. See page 6. Channel number, Menu Number, etc. Hold down
to repeat the action. Also press to switch between
values for functions with multiple choices. Press and
hold Mic [PTT], then press [UP/ ] to transmit .

Identical to the front panel CALL key. This key can The microphone keypad (keypad models only) allows you
be reprogrammed if desired {page 57}. Press and hold to make various entries depending on which mode the
Mic [PTT], then press [CALL/A] to transmit A. transceiver is in.

t VFO/B key In VFO or Memory Recall mode, use the Mic keypad to
select a frequency {page 16} or Memory Channel number
Identical to the front panel VFO key. This key can be {page 30}. First press the Mic PF key assigned the 3
reprogrammed if desired {page 57}. Press and hold ENTER function {page 57}.
Mic [PTT], then press [VFO/B] to transmit B.

y MR/C key
Identical to the front panel MR key. This key can be
reprogrammed if desired {page 57}. Press and hold
Mic [PTT], then press [MR/C] to transmit C.

u PF/D key
To manually send a DTMF number, press and hold Mic
The default function of this key is 1 MHz step. This [PTT], then press the DTMF keys on the Mic keypad {page
key can be reprogrammed if desired {page 57}. Press 48} in sequence.
and hold Mic [PTT], then press [PF/D] to transmit D.

i DTMF keypad
This 16-key keypad is used for DTMF functions
{page 48} or to directly enter an operating frequency
{page 16}, or a Memory Channel number {page 30}.
The keypad can also be used to program a Memory
Channel name, Power-on message, or other character
strings {page 61}.
You can also use the Mic keypad to program a Memory
Channel name, Power-on message, or other character
strings {page 61}.

1 Press [ ] (Power) to switch the transceiver power The purpose of Squelch is to mute the speaker when no
ON. signals are present. With the squelch level correctly set,
• A high pitched double beep sounds and a Power-on you will hear sound only while actually receiving signals.
message {page 58} appears briefly, followed by the The higher the selected squelch level, the stronger the
frequency and other indicators. signals must be to receive.
4 The appropriate squelch level depends on the ambient
RF noise conditions.
1 Press [F], [REV].
• The current squelch level appears.

2 To switch the transceiver OFF, press [ ] (Power) (1s).

• When you turn the transceiver OFF, a low pitched double
beep sounds.
• The transceiver stores the current frequency and
parameters when it is turned OFF and recalls these 2 Turn the Tuning control to adjust the level.
parameters the next time you turn the transceiver ON.
• Select the level at which the background noise is just
eliminated when no signal is present.
ADJUSTING THE VOLUME • The higher the level, the stronger the signals must be to
Turn the Volume control clockwise to increase the audio • 10 different levels can be set.
output level and counterclockwise to decrease the output (0: Minimum ~ 9: Maximum; 1 is the default value,)
3 Press any key other than [ ] (Power) to store the
• If you are not receiving a signal, press the Mic PF key
assigned the MONI function {page 57}, then adjust the
new setting and exit the squelch adjustment.
Volume control to a comfortable audio output level. Press
the MONI key again to cancel the Monitor function.

2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select “H”
TRANSMITTING (high; default) or “L” (low) power.
1 To transmit, hold the microphone approximately 5 cm 3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
(2 inches) from your mouth, then press and hold Mic cancel.
[PTT] and speak into the microphone in your normal 4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
tone of voice.
• “ ” and the RF Power meter appears. The RF
Power meter shows the relative transmit output power ◆ Do not transmit at high output power for an extended period of
( ). time. The transceiver could overheat and malfunction.
◆ Continuous transmission causes the heat sink to overheat. 4
• If you press Mic [PTT] while you are outside the
Never touch the heat sink when it may be hot.
transmission coverage, a high pitched error beep sounds.
2 When you finish speaking, release Mic [PTT]. Note: When the transceiver overheats because of ambient high
temperature or continuous transmission, the protective circuit may
Note: If you continuously transmit for longer than the time specified function to lower transmit output power.
in Menu No. 21 (default is 10 minutes) {page 60}, the internal time-
out timer generates a warning beep and the transceiver stops
transmitting. In this case, release Mic [PTT] and let the transceiver
cool down for a while, then press Mic [PTT] again to resume SELECTING A FREQUENCY
This is the basic mode for changing the operating
You can configure different power levels for transmission. frequency. To enter VFO Mode, press [VFO].
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to Turn the Tuning control clockwise to increase the
select Menu No. 6 (TXP). frequency and counterclockwise to decrease the
frequency, or use Mic [UP]/[DWN].

• Press and hold Mic [UP]/[DWN] to step the frequency

If the desired operating frequency is far away from the In addition to turning the Tuning control or pressing Mic
current frequency, it is quicker to use the MHz Tuning [UP]/[DWN], there is another way to select the frequency.
Mode. When the desired frequency is far away from the current
frequency, you can directly enter a frequency using the
To adjust the MHz digit:
Mic keypad (keypad models only).
1 While in VFO or Call Mode, press [MENU].
1 Press [VFO].
• The MHz digit blinks.
• You must be in VFO mode to make a direct frequency
4 entry.
2 Press the Mic PF key assigned the ENTER function
{page 59}.

2 Turn the Tuning control to select the desired MHz

3 Press any key to set the selected frequency and return
to normal VFO Mode. 3 Press the numeric keys ([0] to [9]) to enter your
4 Continue adjusting the frequency as necessary, using desired frequency.
the Tuning control or Mic [UP]/[DWN]. • Pressing Mic Enter fills all remaining digits (the digits
you did not enter) with 0 and completes the entry. For
example, to select 145.000 MHz, press [1], [4], [5] and
press Mic Enter to complete the entry.
• If you want to revise the MHz digits only, leaving the kHz
digits as they are, press Mic [VFO] in place of Mic Enter.

Example 1 Note: If the entered frequency does not match the current frequency
step size, the frequency is automatically rounded down to the next
To enter 145.750 MHz: available frequency. When the desired frequency cannot be entered
exactly, confirm the frequency step size {page 54}.
Key in Display
[Enter] ––– –––
[1], [4], [5] 1 4 5. – – –
[7], [5], [0] 1 4 5. 7 5 0
Example 2
To enter 145.000 MHz:
Key in Display
[Enter] ––– –––
[1], [4], [5] 1 4 5. – – –
[Enter] 1 4 5. 0 0 0

Example 3
To change 144.650 MHz to 145.650 MHz:
Key in Display
1 4 4. 6 5 0
[Enter] ––– –––
[1], [4], [5] 1 4 5. – – –
Mic [VFO] 1 4 5. 6 5 0

WHAT IS A MENU? 2 Turn the Tuning control to select your desired Menu.
• As you change the Menu No., a brief explanation of each
Many functions on this transceiver are selected or menu appears along with its current parameter.
configured via a software-controlled Menu rather than
through the physical controls of the transceiver. Once
you become familiar with the Menu system, you will
appreciate its versatility. You can customize the various
timings, settings, and programming functions on this
transceiver to meet your needs without using many
5 controls and switches. 3 Press [MENU] to configure the parameter of the
currently selected Menu No.
1 Press [F], [MENU].
• A brief explanation of the menu, and the setting and Menu
No. appear on the display.

4 Turn the Tuning control to select your desired


Menu Name Setting Menu Number

5 Press [MENU] to store the new setting or any other

key to cancel.
6 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.

On the Menu Ref
Function Selections Default
display No. Page
2.5(TM-281A Only)/5 / 6.25/ 10/ 12.5/ 15/ TM-281A: 12.5 kHz
STP 1 Frequency step size 54
20/ 25/ 30/ 50/ 100 kHz TM-481A: 25 kHz
T 2 Tone frequency 67.0 ~ 254.1 kHz 88.5 24
CT 3 CTCSS frequency 67.0 ~ 254.1 kHz 88.5 45
DCS 4 DCS code 023 ~ 754 023 46
SFT 5 Shift direction OFF/ +/ − OFF 23
TXP 6 Transmission power High/ Low High 15
TM-281A: 136 ~ 174 MHz TM-281A:136 ~ 174 MHz
P.VFO 7 Programmable VFO 59
TM-481A: 400 ~ 470 MHz TM-481A:400 ~ 470 MHz
SSQ 8 S-Meter squelch ON/ OFF OFF 52
SQH 9 Squelch hang time OFF/ 125/ 250/ 500 m OFF 53
TM-281A: 600 kHz
OFFSET 10 Repeater offset frequency 0 ~ 69.95 MHz 23
TM-481A: 5 MHz
Varies (see
ARO 11 Automatic Repeater Offset ON/ OFF 25
reference page)
PRI 12 Priority Scan ON/ OFF OFF 41
SCAN 13 Scan Resume method TO/ CO/ SE TO 43
L.OUT 14 Memory Channel Lockout ON/ OFF OFF 42
M.CH 15 Memory Channel capacity 100/ 200 100 28
M.NAME 16 Memory Name 6 character − 32
Memory Name/ Frequency
MDF 17 MN/ FRQ MN 32
APO 18 Automatic Power-off OFF/ 30/ 60/ 120/ 180 min. OFF 52
On the Menu Ref
Function Selections Default
display No. Page
Varies (see
CK 19 CALL key CALL/ 1750 25,35
reference page)
HLD 20 1750 Hz tone TX hold ON/ OFF OFF 25
TOT 21 Time-out Timer 3/ 5/ 10 min. 10 60
BCL 22 Busy Channel Lockout ON/ OFF OFF 54
5 P.ON.MSG 23 Power-on message 6 character − 58
BP 24 Beep ON/ OFF ON 53
BS 25 Beat Shift ON/ OFF OFF 52
FMN 26 Narrow FM ON/ OFF OFF 58
ENC 27 Tuning control lock ON/ OFF OFF 56
DTMF.MR 28 Automatic dialer Up to 16 digit − 49
SPD 29 DTMF TX speed FA/ SL FA 50
DT.H 30 DTMF TX hold ON/ OFF OFF 49
PA 31 DTMF pause period 100/ 250/ 500/ 750/ 1000/ 1500/ 2000 ms 500 51
DT.L 32 DTMF key lock ON/ OFF OFF 51
DT.M 33 DTMF monitor ON/ OFF OFF 48
MC.L 34 Microphone key lock ON/ OFF OFF 62
Microphone programmable
PF1 35 function key MHZ 57

On the Menu Ref
Function Selections Default
display No. Page
Microphone programmable MHZ/ REV/ SQL/ M--V/ M.IN/ C.IN/
PF2 36 MR 57
function key MENU/ SHIFT/ LOW/ BRIGHT/ LOCK/
Microphone programmable MHZ/ REV/ SQL/ M--V/ M.IN/ C.IN/
PF3 37 VFO 57
function key MENU/ SHIFT/ LOW/ BRIGHT/ LOCK/ 5
Microphone programmable MHZ/ REV/ SQL/ M--V/ M.IN/ C.IN/
PF4 38 CALL 57
function key MENU/ SHIFT/ LOW/ BRIGHT/ LOCK/
BRIGHT 40 Display Brightness Maximum level 55
ABR 41 Automatic display brightness ON/ OFF OFF 55
RESET 99 Reset selection VFO/ FULL VFO 65

Repeaters, which are often installed and maintained OFFSET PROGRAMMING FLOW
by radio clubs, are usually located on mountain tops
or other elevated locations. They generally operate at 1 Select a receive frequency.
higher ERP (Effective Radiated Power) than a typical
station. This combination of elevation and high ERP
allows communications over much greater distances than 2 Select an offset direction.
communicating without using repeaters.
Most repeaters use a receive and transmit frequency pair
with a standard or non-standard offset (odd-split). 3 Select an offset frequency
In addition, some repeaters must receive a tone from (only when programming odd-split
the transceiver to be accessed. For details, consult your repeater frequencies).
6 local repeater reference.

4 Activate the Tone function

(if necessary).

5 Select a tone frequency

(if necessary).

If you store all the above data in a Memory Channel, you

will not need to reprogram the parameters every time.
Refer to “MEMORY CHANNELS” {page 28}.
TX: 144.725 MHz
TX tone: 88.5 Hz
RX: 145.325 MHz TX: 144.725 MHz
TX tone: 88.5 Hz
RX: 145.325 MHz

You must first select an amateur radio repeater To access a repeater which requires an odd-split
downlink frequency as described in “SELECTING AN OFFSET frequency pair, change the offset frequency from the
FREQUENCY”. default which is used by most repeaters. The default
offset frequency is 600 kHz.
SELECTING AN OFFSET DIRECTION 1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
Select whether the transmit frequency will be higher (+) select Menu No. 10 (OFFSET).
or lower (–) than the receive frequency. 2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to the appropriate offset frequency.
select Menu No. 5 (SFT).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select “+”
or “–”. 6
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
cancel. • The selectable range is from 0.00 MHz to 69.95 MHz in
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode. steps of 50 kHz.
• “+” or “–” appears above the frequency, indicating which 3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
offset direction is selected. cancel.
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
Note: After changing the offset frequency, the new offset frequency
will also be used by Automatic Repeater Offset.

If the offset transmit frequency falls outside the allowable

range, transmission is inhibited. In this case, adjust the
reception frequency so that the transmit frequency is
within the band limits or change the offset direction.
Note: While using an odd-split memory channel or transmitting, you
cannot change the offset direction.

ACTIVATING THE TONE FUNCTION 4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.

To activate Tone, press [F], [CALL]. Available Tone Frequencies

• As you press [F], [CALL], the selection cycles as follows: 42 Tone Frequencies (Hz)
“OFF” ➞ “TONE” ➞ “CTCSS” ➞ “DCS” ➞ “OFF”.
• “T” appears on the upper part of the display, indicating that 67.0 85.4 107.2 136.5 173.8 218.1
the Tone function is activated. 69.3 88.5 110.9 141.3 179.9 225.7
71.9 91.5 114.8 146.2 186.2 229.1
74.4 94.8 118.8 151.4 192.8 233.6
77.0 97.4 123.0 156.7 203.5 241.8

Note: You cannot use the Tone function and CTCSS/ DCS functions 79.7 100.0 127.3 162.2 206.5 250.3
6 simultaneously. Switching the Tone function ON after having
activated the CTCSS/ DCS functions deactivates the CTCSS/ DCS 82.5 103.5 131.8 167.9 210.7 254.1
Note: 42 different tones are available for the transceiver. These
42 tones includes 37 EIA standard tones and 5 non-standard tones.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 2 (T).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
the desired tone frequency (default is 88.5 Hz).

3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to


This function automatically selects an offset direction, Call Channel default settings:
according to the frequency on the VHF band. The • On M market models, pressing [CALL] changes the
transceiver is programmed for an offset direction as transceiver to the Call Channel {page 35}.
shown below. To obtain an up-to-date band plan for
repeater offset direction, contact your national Amateur To change the setting of the CALL key:
Radio association. 1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
Note: Automatic Repeater Offset does not function when the select Menu No. 19 (CK).
Reverse function is ON. However, pressing [REV] after Automatic
Repeater Offset has selected an offset (split) status, exchanges the 2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
receive and transmit frequencies. “CALL” or “1750”.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to 3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
select Menu No. 11 (ARO). cancel.
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to switch 4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
the function “ON” (default) or “OFF”.
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to This transceiver is also capable of remaining in the
cancel. transmit mode for 2 seconds after transmitting the tone.
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode. 1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 20 (HLD).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
“ON” or “OFF” (default).
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.

◆ You can turn the Reverse function ON when you are operating in
The reverse function exchanges a separate reception Simplex Mode. However, it does not change the Transmission/
Reception frequencies.
and transmission frequency. So, while using a repeater,
◆ If pressing [REV] places the reception frequency outside the
you can manually check the strength of a signal that you allowable range, an error tone sounds and the function does not
receive directly from the other station. If the station’s operate.
signal is strong, both stations should move to a simplex ◆ If pressing [REV] places the transmission frequency outside the
frequency and free up the repeater. allowable range, pressing Mic [PTT] causes an error tone to
z sound and transmission is inhibited.
◆ You cannot switch Reverse ON or OFF while transmitting.





144.725 MHz
REV ON While using a repeater, the ASC function periodically
6 checks the strength of the signal you are receiving from
the other station. If the station’s signal is strong enough
TX: 144.725 MHz TX: 144.725 MHz TX: 144.725 MHz TX: 145.325 MHz to allow direct contact without a repeater, the “ ” indicator
RX: 145.325 MHz RX: 145.325 MHz RX: 145.325 MHz RX: 144.725 MHz starts blinking.
Press [REV] (1s) to switch the function ON (or OFF).
To swap the transmission and reception frequencies: • “ ” appears when the function is ON.
Press [REV] to switch the Reverse function ON (or OFF). • While direct contact is possible, “ ” blinks.
• “R” appears when the function is ON.

Note: • To quit the function, press any key.
◆ Pressing [PTT] causes the “ ” icon to quit blinking. • When the tone frequency is identified, a beep sounds and
◆ ASC can be activated while operating in Simplex Mode. the identified frequency blinks.
However, it does not change the Transmission/Reception
◆ ASC does not function while scanning.
◆ Activating ASC while using Reverse switches Reverse OFF.
◆ If you recall a Memory Channel or the Call Channel that contains
a Reverse ON status, ASC is switched OFF.
◆ ASC causes received audio to be momentarily intermitted every
3 seconds. 3 Press [MENU] to program the identified tone
frequency in place of the current tone frequency or
press any other key to exit the Tone Frequency ID
This function scans through all tone frequencies to identify • Turn the Tuning control while the identified tone 6
the incoming tone frequency on a received signal. You frequency is blinking to resume scanning.
can use this function to determine which tone frequency is 4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
required by accessing your local repeater.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to ◆ Some repeaters do not re-transmit the access tone in the
select Menu No. 2 (T). download signal. In this case, check the other station’s uplink
signal to detect the repeater access tone.
2 Press [MENU] (1s) to start the Tone Frequency ID ◆ The transceiver continues to check the Weather Alert Channel
Scan. and Priority Channel during Tone Frequency ID Scan.

• When the transceiver receives a signal, scan starts.

The decimal point blinks during scan.
• While the transceiver is receiving a signal during Tone
Frequency ID Scan, the signal is emitted from the
• To reverse the scan direction, turn the Tuning control.
In Memory Channels, you can store frequencies and 4 Press [MENU] to accept or press any other key to
related data that you frequently use so that you do not cancel.
need to reprogram that data every time. You can quickly Note:
recall a programmed channel through simple operation. ◆ If you change the Memory Channel capacity from 200 channels to
A total of 200 Memory Channels (100 when using 100 channels after having stored data in channels 100 to 199, all
the Memory Name function) are available for storing Memory Channel data in channels 100 to 199 will be erased.
frequencies, modes, and other operating conditions. ◆ If you change the Memory Channel capacity from 100 channels to
200 channels after storing Memory Names in those channels, the
Memory Name data will be erased.
The transceiver must be configured to either 200 Memory SIMPLEX & REPEATER OR ODD-SPLIT MEMORY
Channels without using the Memory Name function or CHANNEL?
100 Memory Channels with the Memory Name function
7 (default). You can use each Memory Channel as a simplex &
repeater channel or an odd-split channel. Store only
To change the Memory Channel capacity: 1 frequency to use as a simplex & repeater channel or
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to 2 separate frequencies to use as an odd-split channel.
select Menu No. 15 (M.CH). Select either application for each channel depending on
the operations you have in mind.
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
either “100” (default) or “200”. Simplex & repeater channels allow:
• Simplex frequency operation
• Repeater operation with a standard offset (if an offset
direction is stored)
Odd-split channels allow:
• Repeater operation with a non-standard offset
3 Press [MENU]. Note: Not only can you store data in Memory Channels, but you can
also overwrite existing data with new data.
• “SURE ?” appears.

The data listed below can be stored in each Memory Note:
Channel: ◆ Memory Channel Lockout cannot be set to the Program Scan
Memory (L0/U0 ~ L2/U2) and Priority Channel (Pr).
Simplex &
Parameter Repeater Odd-Split
Receive frequency Yes
Transmit frequency Yes
1 Press [VFO].
Tone frequency Ye s Yes
2 Turn the Tuning control to select your desired
Tone ON Yes Yes frequency.
CTCSS frequency Yes Yes • You can also directly enter a desired frequency using the
keypad {page 13}.
3 If storing a standard repeater frequency, select the
DCS code Yes Yes following data:
DCS ON Yes Yes • Offset direction {page 23} 7
• Tone function, if necessary {page 24}
Offset direction Yes N/A
• CTCSS/ DCS function, if necessary {pages 44, 46}
Offset frequency Yes N/A
If storing a simplex frequency, you may select other
Reverse ON Yes N/A related data (CTCSS or DCS settings, etc.).
Frequency step size Yes Yes 4 Press [F].
Narrow band FM Yes Yes • A Memory Channel number appears and blinks.
• “ ” appears if the channel contains data.
Beat Shift Yes Yes
Memory Channel lockout Yes Yes
Memory Channel name Yes Yes

Yes: Can be stored in memory.

N/A: Cannot be stored in memory.

• Memory Channel numbers L0/U0 ~ L2/U2 {page 38}, Pr
{page 41} are reserved for other functions.
5 Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN] to
select the Memory Channel in which you want to store
the data.
6 Press [MR] to store the data to the channel. Note:
◆ When you recall an odd-split Memory Channel, “+” and “–”
appear on the display. To confirm the transmission frequency,
press [REV].
◆ Transmit offset status and reverse status are not stored in
Some repeaters use a pair of reception and transmission odd-split Memory Channels.
frequencies with a non-standard offset. If you store 2
separate frequencies in a Memory Channel, you can
operate on those repeaters without programming the RECALLING A MEMORY CHANNEL
offset frequency and direction.
1 Store the desired reception frequency and related data
by following steps 1 to 6 given for simplex or standard 1 Press [MR] to enter Memory Recall mode.
repeater frequencies {page 29}. • The Memory Channel last used is recalled.
2 Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN] to 2 Turn the Tuning control to select your desired Memory
select your desired transmission frequency. Channel.
3 Press [F].
4 Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN]
to select the pre-programmed reception Memory
Channel in which you want to store the data.
5 Press [MR] (1s). • You cannot recall an empty Memory Channel.
• The transmission frequency is stored in the Memory • To restore VFO mode, press [VFO].

You can also recall a Memory Channel by entering a To erase an individual Memory Channel:
desired Memory Channel number with the microphone
1 Recall the Memory Channel you want to erase.
2 Press [ ] (Power) (1s) to switch the transceiver OFF.
1 Press [MR] to enter Memory Recall mode.
3 Press [MR]+[ ] (Power).
2 Press the microphone key assigned the ENTER
function. • An erase confirmation message appears.

3 Enter the channel number using the microphone

• For single-digit channel numbers, enter “0” first or press
Mic Enter after entering the channel number.
• For two-digit channel numbers that begin with “1”, press
Mic Enter after entering the channel number. 4 Press [MR] to erase the channel data.
Note: • The contents of the Memory Channel are erased. 7
◆ You cannot recall an empty Memory Channel. An error beep • To quit clearing the Memory Channel, press any key other
than [MR].
◆ You cannot recall the Program Scan Memory Channels
(L0/U0 ~ L2/U2) and Priority Channel (Pr) using the numeric Note:
keypad. ◆ You can also clear the Priority Channel and L0/U0 ~ L2/U2 data.
◆ When you recall an odd-split memory channel, “+” and “–” (The Call Channel cannot be cleared.)
appear on the display. Press [REV] to display the transmission ◆ To clear all Memory Channel contents at once, perform a Full
frequency. Reset {page 65}.
◆ After recalling a Memory Channel, you may modify data such ◆ You cannot clear channels while in Channel Display Mode.
as Narrow Band, Tone, or CTCSS. However, these settings are
cleared once you select another channel or the VFO Mode. To
permanently store the data, overwrite the channel contents.

• The cursor moves to the next digit.
You can name Memory Channels using up to 6
alphanumeric characters. When you recall a named
Memory Channel, its name appears on the display in
place of the stored frequency. Names can be call signs,
repeater names, cities, names of people, etc. In order
to use the Memory Name function, the Memory Channel
capacity must be set to 100 channels. To change the • To move to the previous digit, press [VFO]. To delete the
Memory Channel capacity from 200 to 100, access character at the current cursor position, press [F].
Menu No. 15 (M.CH) {page 28}. 6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 to enter up to 6 digits.
1 Press [MR] and turn the Tuning control to recall your 7 Press [MENU] to complete the entry.
desired Memory Channel. • Press any key other than [MR], [VFO], [F], and [MENU]
2 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to to cancel the entry.
select Menu No. 16 (M.NAME). • To complete an entry of less than 6 characters, press
7 [MENU] two times.
3 Press [MENU].
• A blinking cursor appears. 8 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
After storing a Memory Name, the Memory Name
appears in place of the operating frequency. However,
you can still display the operating frequency, if desired.
To display the frequency rather than Memory Name,
access Menu No. 17 (MDF) and select “FRQ”. This
menu toggles the display mode between the Memory
4 Turn the Tuning control to select a desired Name (“MN”) and frequency display (“FRQ”).
alphanumeric character. Note:
• You can enter the following alphanumeric characters: ◆ You cannot name the Call Channel {page 35}.
0 ~ 9, A ~ Z, – (hyphen), / (slash), and a space. ◆ You cannot assign a Memory Name to a channel that does not
• Rather than using the Tuning control, you can use the contain data.
Mic keypad (keypad models only) to enter alphanumeric ◆ You can overwrite stored names by repeating steps 1 to 8.
characters {page 62}. ◆ The stored name is erased when you clear the Memory Channel

You can copy channel information from one Memory
MEMORY \ VFO TRANSFER Channel to another. This function is useful when storing
After retrieving frequencies and associated data from frequencies and associated data that you temporarily
Memory Recall Mode, you can copy the data to the VFO. change in Memory Recall Mode.
This function is useful, for example, when the frequency 1 Press [MR], then turn the Tuning control or press Mic
you want to monitor is near the frequency stored in a [UP]/[DWN] to recall the desired Memory Channel.
Memory Channel.
2 Press [F].
1 Press [MR], then turn the Tuning control or press Mic
[UP]/[DWN] to recall the desired Memory Channel.
• Alternatively, press [CALL] to select the Call Channel.
2 Press [F], [VFO] to copy the Memory Channel data to
the VFO.
Note: 3 Select the Memory Channel where you would like the 7
◆ On odd-split channels, the above operation copies only the data copied by using the Tuning control or pressing
reception frequency to the VFO (not the transmission frequency).
To copy the transmit frequency of an odd-split channel, press Mic [UP]/[DWN].
[REV] before performing the transfer.
◆ You can also transfer the Program Scan memory channels
(L0/U0 ~ L2/U2) and Priority Channel (Pr) to the VFO.
◆ Lockout status and Memory Names are not copied from a
Memory Channel to the VFO.

4 Press [MR].

The tables below illustrate how data is transferred ∆
Channel 01 ~ 199 L0/U0 L2/U2, Pr
between Memory Channels.
Receive frequency ∆ Receive frequency
Channel 01 ~ 199 ∆ Channel 01 ~ 199
Transmit frequency ∆ Transmit frequency
Receive frequency ∆ Receive frequency
Tone frequency ∆ Tone frequency
Transmit frequency ∆ Transmit frequency
Offset direction ∆ Offset direction
Tone frequency ∆ Tone frequency
CTCSS frequency ∆ CTCSS frequency
Offset direction ∆ Offset direction
DCS code ∆ DCS code
CTCSS frequency ∆ CTCSS frequency
DCS code ∆ DCS code ∆
ON/ OFF status ON/ OFF status
Tone/ CTCSS/ DCS Tone/ CTCSS/ DCS Offset frequency ∆ Offset frequency

ON/ OFF status ON/ OFF status
Reverse ON ∆ Reverse ON
7 Offset frequency ∆ Offset frequency
Frequency step size ∆ Frequency step size
Reverse ON ∆ Reverse ON
Memory Channel name 1
∆ Memory Channel name1
Frequency step size ∆ Frequency step size
Memory Channel Memory Channel
Memory Channel name1 ∆ Memory Channel name1 ∆
Lockout ON Lockout OFF
Memory Channel Memory Channel Narrow FM ON/ OFF ∆ Narrow FM ON/ OFF

Lockout ON/ OFF Lockout ON/ OFF
Narrow FM ON/ OFF ∆ Narrow FM ON/ OFF 1
When “100” is selected in Menu No.15 (M.CH).
◆ When transferring an odd-split channel, the Reverse status,
Offset direction, and Offset frequency are not transferred
{pages 23, 26}.

CALL CHANNEL • When you program the Call Channel as an odd-split
channel, select a reception frequency first.
Call Channel default settings:
2 Press [F].
• On M market models, pressing [CALL] changes the
transceiver to the Call Channel. • A Memory Channel number appears and blinks.

The Call Channel can be recalled instantly no matter 3 Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN] to
what frequency the transceiver is operating on. For select the Call Channel (“C”).
instance, you may use the Call Channel as an 4 Press [MR].
emergency channel within your group. In this case, Call • The selected frequency and related data are stored in the
Scan {page 41} will be useful. Call Channel.
The default Call Channel frequency is as follows;
TM-281A: 144.000 MHz
TM-481A: 440.000 MHz
Note: Unlike Memory Channels 0 to 199, the Call Channel cannot
be cleared.
To also store a separate transmit frequency, continue with the following
1 Press [CALL] to recall the Call Channel. 5 Select the desired transmission frequency.
• The Call Channel frequency and “C” appear. 6 Press [F].
7 Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN] to
select the Call Channel (“C”).
8 Press [MR] (1s).
• The separate transmission frequency is stored in the Call
• To return to the previous frequency, press [CALL] again. Channel.
REPROGRAMMING THE CALL CHANNEL ◆ When you recall an odd-split Call Channel, “+” and “–” appear on
the display.
1 Select your desired frequency and related data (Tone, ◆ Transmit offset status and Reverse status are not stored in an
CTCSS, DCS, or offset direction, etc.). odd-split Call Channel.

CHANNEL DISPLAY While in Channel Display mode, you cannot activate the
following functions:
While in this mode, the transceiver displays only Memory
Channel numbers (or Memory Names if they have been • VFO Mode
stored), instead of frequencies. • VFO Scan
1 With the transceiver power OFF, press [REV]+[ ] • Call/VFO Scan
(Power) to turn the power ON.
• MHz Scan
• The transceiver displays the Memory Channel numbers
in place of the operating frequencies. • Scan Direction
• Memory Store
• Memory to VFO Transfer
• Memory to Memory Transfer
• Clear Memory Channel
7 2 Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN] to
select your desired Memory Channel number. • VFO Reset
• Full Reset
• 1 MHz Step
• Selection for Tone and Selective Call
• Auto Simplex Checker
• Menu Mode

To recover normal operation, turn the transceiver power

OFF and press [REV]+[ ] (Power) again.
◆ To enter the Channel Display Mode, you must have at least one
Memory Channel that contains data.
◆ If the Memory Channel contains a Memory Name, the Memory
Name is displayed in place of “CH”.

Scan is a useful function for hands-off monitoring of your Note:
favorite frequencies. By becoming comfortable with all ◆ When the CTCSS or DCS function is activated, the transceiver
types of scan, you will increase your operating efficiency. stops at a busy frequency and decodes the CTCSS tone or DCS
code. If the tone or code matches, the transceiver unmutes.
This transceiver provides the following types of scans. Otherwise, it resumes scanning.
◆ Press and hold the Mic PF key programmed as MONI {page
Sca Type Purpose 57} to pause scan in order to monitor the scanning frequency.
Release the key to resume scanning.
Scans the entire band of the ◆ Pressing and holding Mic [PTT] causes scan to stop (excluding
Band Scan Priority Scan).
frequency you selected.
◆ While scanning, you can change the scan frequency direction by
Scans the specified frequency turning the Tuning control or using the Mic [UP]/[DWN] keys.
Normal Program
ranges stored in Memory ◆ Starting scan switches OFF the Automatic Simplex Check (ASC)
Scan Scan
Channels L0/U0 ~ L2/U2. {page 26}.
Scans the frequencies within a ◆ Adjust the Squelch level before using Scan {page 14}. Selecting
MHz Scan a Squelch level too low could cause Scan to stop immediately.
1 MHz range.
All-Channel Scans all Memory Channels
Scan from 0 to 199 (or from 0 to 99). 8
Scan Scans Memory Channels in
Group Scan groups of 20 channels (0 ~ 19,
20 ~ 39, 40 ~ 59, etc.).
Scans the Call Channel and
Call the current VFO frequency.
Scan Memory Scans the Call Channel and
Channel the selected Memory Channel.
Checks the activities on the
Priority Scan Priority Channel (Pr) every
3 seconds.

When you are operating the transceiver in VFO Mode, You can limit the scanning frequency range. There are
3 types of scanning are available: Band Scan, Program 3 memory channel pairs (L0/U0 ~ L2/U2) available for
Scan, and MHz Scan. specifying the start and end frequencies. Program
Scan monitors the range between the start and end
BAND SCAN frequencies that you have stored in these Memory
Channels. Before performing Program Scan, store the
The transceiver scans the entire band of the frequency you Program Scan frequency range to one of the Memory
selected. For example, if you are operating and receiving Channel pairs (L0/U0 ~ L2/U2).
at 144.525 MHz, it scans all the frequencies available for
the VHF band. (Refer to receiver VFO frequency range ■ Storing a Program Scan Frequency Range
in the specifications {page 70}.) When the current VFO
receive frequency is outside the Program Scan frequency 1 Press [VFO] and turn the Tuning control or
range {below}, the transceiver scans the entire frequency press Mic [UP]/[DWN] to select your desired start
range available for the current VFO. frequency.

1 Press [VFO] and turn the Tuning control or press 2 Press [F].
Mic [UP]/[DWN] to select a frequency outside of the • A Memory Channel number appears and blinks.
8 Program Scan frequency range.
3 Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN]
2 Press [VFO] (1s) to start Band Scan. to select a Memory Channel from L0 ~ L2.
• Scan starts from the current frequency.
• The 1 MHz decimal blinks while scanning is in progress.
3 Press any key other than [F] or [ ] (Power) to stop
Band Scan.
◆ The transceiver scans the frequency range that is stored in Menu 4 Press [MR] to store the start frequency in the
No. 7 (P.VFO) {page 59}. Memory Channel.
◆ If you select a frequency within the L0/U0 ~ L2/U2 range in step 2,
Program Scan starts. 5 Turn the Tuning control to select your desired end
6 Press [F].

7 Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN] to MHZ SCAN
select a matching Memory Channel from U0 ~ U2.
• For example, if you have selected “L0” in step 3,
MHz Scan allows you to scan an entire 1 MHz frequency
select Memory Channel “U0”. range within the current VFO frequency.
1 Press [VFO] and turn the Tuning control or press Mic
[UP]/[DWN] to select a frequency in which to perform
MHz Scan.
• If you want to scan the entire 145 MHz frequency, select
any frequency between 145.000 and 145.9975 MHz
8 Press [MR] to store the end frequency in the (for example, select 145.650 MHz). Scan will operate
Memory Channel. between 145.000 MHz and 145.9975 MHz. (The upper
frequency limit depends on the current frequency step
■ Performing Program Scan
1 Press [VFO] and turn the Tuning control to select 2 Press [MENU] (1s) to start MHz Scan.
a frequency within the frequency range of Memory • Scan starts from the current frequency.
Channel L0/U0 ~ L2/U2. • The 1 MHz decimal blinks while scanning is in progress.
2 Press [VFO] (1s) to start Program Scan. 8
• Scan starts from the current frequency.
• The 1 MHz decimal blinks while scanning is in
3 Press any key other than [F] or [ ] (Power) to
stop Program Scan. 3 Press any key other than [F] or [ ] (Power) to stop
MHz Scan.
◆ The transceiver stops scanning when it detects a signal.
◆ If more than 2 Program Scan channel pairs are stored and
overlaps the frequency range among the pairs, the smaller
Program Scan Memory Channel number has priority.
◆ If the step size of the current VFO frequency is different
from that of the programmed frequencies, VFO Scan begins
instead of Program Scan.
◆ To perform Program Scan, the “L” channel must be lower than
the “U” channel. Otherwise, Band Scan starts {page 38}.

MEMORY SCAN 1 Press [MR] and turn the Tuning control or press Mic
[UP]/[DWN] to select a Memory Channel in the range
Memory Scan monitors Memory Channels in which you of the group you want to scan.
have stored frequencies.
2 Press [MENU] (1s).
ALL-CHANNEL SCAN • Scan starts from the selected Memory Channel number
and ascends up through the channel numbers (default).
The transceiver scans all of the Memory Channels in • To reverse the scan direction, turn the Tuning control or
which you have stored frequencies. press Mic [UP]/[DWN].
1 Press [MR] (1s). 3 Press any key other than [F] or [ ] (Power) to stop
• Scan starts from the last Memory Channel number and Group Scan.
ascends up through the channel numbers (default).
Note: You must have 2 or more Memory Channels in the selected
• To jump to a desired channel while scanning, quickly turn group that contain data.
the Tuning control.
• To reverse the scan direction, turn the Tuning control or 100 Channels 200 Channels
press Mic [UP]/[DWN].
Group 1: 0 ~ 19
2 Press any key other than [F] or [ ] (Power) to stop Group 1: 0 ~ 19
Group 2: 20 ~ 39
8 All-Channel Scan.
Group 3: 40 ~ 59
Note: Group 2: 20 ~ 39
◆ You must have 2 or more Memory Channels that contain data, Group 4: 60 ~ 79
excluding special function Memory Channels (L0/U0 ~ L3/U3, Pr,
and AL). Group 5: 80 ~ 99
Group 3: 40 ~ 59
◆ You can perform Memory Scan while in CH Display Mode. While Group 6: 100 ~ 119
Scan is paused, the Channel number blinks.
Group 7: 120 ~ 139
Group 4: 60 ~ 79
GROUP SCAN Group 8: 140 ~ 159
The transceiver scans Memory Channels in groups of 20 Group 9: 160 ~ 179
channels. When Menu No. 15 (M.CH) is set to 100, the Group 5: 80 ~ 99
Group 10: 180 ~ 199
transceiver uses 5 groups of 20 channels. When Menu
No. 15 (M.CH) is set to 200, the transceiver uses 10
groups of 20 channels.

You can alternate between monitoring the Call Channel You may sometimes want to check your favorite
and the current operating frequency. frequency activities while monitoring other frequencies.
In this case, use the Priority Scan function. Priority Scan
1 Select the frequency (in VFO or Memory Recall Mode)
checks the activities of the Priority Channel every
you want to monitor.
3 seconds. If the transceiver detects a signal on the
• In VFO Mode, turn the Tuning control or press Mic Priority Channel, it recalls the frequency to the VFO.
[UP]/[DWN] to select the desired frequency.
• In Memory Recall Mode, turn the Tuning control or press PROGRAMMING A PRIORITY CHANNEL
Mic [UP]/[DWN] to select the Memory Channel you want
to monitor. 1 Press [VFO] and turn the Tuning control or press Mic
[UP]/[DWN] to select your desired Priority Channel
2 Press [CALL] (1s) to start the Call Scan. frequency.
• The Call Channel and the selected VFO frequency or
memory channel are monitored. 2 Select selective call functions, if necessary.
• The 1 MHz decimal blinks while scanning is in progress. 3 Press [F].
3 Press any key other than [F] or [ ] (Power) to stop • The Memory Channel number appears and blinks.
Call Scan. 4 Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN] to 8
Note: select the Priority Channel (“Pr”).
◆ You must configure the CALL key function to “CALL”
(Menu No. 19) prior to using Call Scan. Otherwise, a
1750 Hz tone will be transmitted.
◆ You can perform Call Scan even if the recalled Memory Channel
has been locked out {page 42}.

5 Press [MR] to store the data on the Priority Channel.

1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to You can lock out Memory Channels that you prefer not to
select Menu No. 12 (PRI). monitor during Memory Scan or Group Scan {page 40}.
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select 1 Press [MR] and turn the Tuning control or press
“ON” or “OFF” (default). Mic [UP]/[DWN] to select the Memory Channel to be
locked out.
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
cancel. 2 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
• “PRI” appears. select Menu No. 14 (L.OUT).
3 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
“ON” or “OFF” (default).

4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.

• The transceiver checks for a signal on the Priority Memory Channel Number
8 Channel every 3 seconds.
4 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
• When the transceiver detects a signal on the Priority cancel.
Channel, “Pr” blinks and the frequency changes to the
Priority Channel. 5 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
• If you do not operate any control or key for 3 seconds • The “ ” icon appears below the Memory Channel
after the signal drops, the transceiver returns to the number, indicating the channel is locked out.
original frequency and resumes Priority Scan.
6 To unlock the Memory Channel, repeat steps 1 ~ 5,
Note: selecting “OFF” in step 3.
◆ If you clear the Priority Channel {page 31}, Priority Scan stops.
• The “ ” icon disappears.
◆ Priority Scan temporarily stops while the transceiver is
transmitting. Note:
◆ The Program Scan channels (L0/U0 ~ L2/U2), Call Channel and
Priority Channel (Pr) cannot be locked out.
◆ Even if a Memory Channel is locked out, you can perform Call
Scan {page 41} between the Call Channel and Memory Channel.

SCAN RESUME METHOD 3 Press [MENU] to store the new setting or any other
key to cancel.
The transceiver stops scanning at the frequency (or
Memory Channel) where a signal is detected. It then 4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
continues or stops scanning according to which Resume Note: To temporarily stop scanning and monitor weak signals, press
Mode you have selected. the Mic PF key assigned the MONI function {page 57}. Press the
MONI key again to resume scanning.
• Time-Operated Mode (default)
The transceiver remains on a busy frequency (or
Memory Channel) for approximately 5 seconds, then
continues to scan even if the signal is still present.
• Carrier-Operated Mode
The transceiver remains on a busy frequency (or
Memory Channel) until the signal drops out. There is
a 2-second delay between signal dropout and scan
• Seek Mode
The transceiver moves to a frequency (or Memory
Channel) where a signal is present and stops. 8

To change the scan resume method:

1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 13 (SCAN).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select “TO” (Time-Operated; default), “CO” (Carrier-
Operated), or “SE” (Seek) Mode.

CTCSS AND DCS Note: CTCSS and DCS do not cause your conversation to be
private or scrambled. It only relieves you from listening to unwanted
You may sometimes want to hear calls from only specific
persons or groups. In this case, use Selective Call. This
transceiver is equipped with CTCSS (Continuous Tone CTCSS
Coded Squelch System) and DCS (Digital Coded Squelch).
These Selective Calls allow you to ignore (not hear) A CTCSS tone is a sub-audible tone and is selectable
unwanted calls from other persons who are using the same from among the 42 tone frequencies listed in the table
frequency. The transceiver unmutes only when it receives a on page 45. The list includes 37 EIA standard tones
signal having the same CTCSS tone or DCS code. and 5 non-standard tones.
To activate CTCSS, press [F], [CALL].
d • As you press [F], [CALL], the selection cycles as follows:
ive “OFF” ➞ “TONE” ➞ “CTCSS” ➞ “DCS” ➞ “OFF”.
R • “CT” appears on the upper part of display, indicating that the
CTCSS freq.: CTCSS function is activated.
82.5 Hz
When CTCSS is ON, you will hear calls only when the
9 selected CTCSS tone is received. To answer the call, press
and hold Mic [PTT], then speak into the microphone.
cted Note:
CTCSS freq.: ◆ You cannot use the CTCSS and Tone/ DCS functions
simultaneously. Switching the CTCSS function ON after having
82.5 Hz CTCSS freq.: activated the Tone/ DCS functions deactivates the Tone/ DCS
100 Hz functions.
Re ◆ If you select a high CTCSS frequency, receiving audio or noise
jec that contains the same frequency portions may cause CTCSS to
ted function incorrectly. To prevent noise from causing this problem,
select an appropriate squelch level {page 14}.
◆ While transmitting the 1750 Hz tone by pressing [CALL]
{page 25}, the transceiver does not transmit the CTCSS tone.

1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control or 42 Tone Frequencies (Hz)
press Mic [UP]/[DWN] to select Menu No. 3 (CT).
67.0 85.4 107.2 136.5 173.8 218.1
• The current CTCSS frequency appears.
69.3 88.5 110.9 141.3 179.9 225.7
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
your desired CTCSS frequency. 71.9 91.5 114.8 146.2 186.2 229.1
• The selectable CTCSS frequencies are the same as 74.4 94.8 118.8 151.4 192.8 233.6
those for the Tone frequency. Refer to the table below for
the available CTCSS frequencies. 77.0 97.4 123.0 156.7 203.5 241.8
79.7 100.0 127.3 162.2 206.5 250.3
82.5 103.5 131.8 167.9 210.7 254.1


3 Press [MENU] to store the new setting or any other This function scans through all CTCSS frequencies to
key to cancel. identify the incoming CTCSS frequency on the received
signal. You may find this useful when you cannot recall
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
the CTCSS frequency that the other persons in your 9
Note: To use the selected CTCSS tone, you must first turn the group are using.
CTCSS function ON.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 3 (CT).
2 Press [MENU] (1s) to start the CTCSS Frequency ID

• While scanning, the decimal point of the CTCSS DCS
frequency blinks.
• To reverse the scan direction, turn the Tuning control or DCS is similar to CTCSS. However, instead of using
press Mic [UP]/[DWN]. an analog audio tone, it uses a continuous sub-audible
• To quit the function, press any key.
digital waveform that represents a 3-digit octal number.
You can select a DCS code from among the 104 DCS
• When a CTCSS frequency is identified, the identified codes listed in the table below.
frequency appears and blinks.
To activate DCS, press [F], [CALL].
• As you press [F], [CALL], the selection cycles as follows:
“OFF” ➞ “TONE” ➞ “CTCSS” ➞ “DCS” ➞ “OFF”.
• “DCS” appears on the upper part of display, indicating that
the DCS function is activated.

3 Press [MENU] to program the identified frequency in When DCS is ON, you will hear calls only when the
place of the current CTCSS frequency or press any selected DCS code is received. To answer the call, press
other key to exit the CTCSS Frequency ID Scan. and hold Mic [PTT], then speak into the microphone.
• Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN] while Note: You cannot use the DCS function and CTCSS/ Tone functions
simultaneously. Switching the DCS function ON after having
the identified frequency is blinking to resume scanning. activated the CTCSS/ Tone functions deactivates the CTCSS/ Tone
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
◆ CTCSS turns ON automatically when performing CTCSS
Frequency ID Scan, even if the current frequency is not set with 1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
CTCSS. select Menu No. 4 (DCS).
◆ Received signals are monitored through the speaker while
scanning is in progress. • The current DCS code appears.
◆ The transceiver continues to check the Priority Channel during
CTCSS scan.
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
your desired DCS code.
◆ CTCSS Frequency ID Scan does not scan the tone if a signal is
not detected. • The current DCS code appears and blinks.

• The available DCS codes are shown in the following
104 DCS Codes
023 065 132 205 255 331 413 465 612 731
025 071 134 212 261 332 423 466 624 732
026 072 143 223 263 343 431 503 627 734 • While scanning, the decimal point between “DCS” and
031 073 145 225 265 346 432 506 631 743 the DCS code blinks.
032 074 152 226 266 351 445 516 632 754 • To quit the function, press any key.
036 114 155 243 271 356 446 523 654
• When a DCS code is identified, the identified DCS code
043 115 156 244 274 364 452 526 662
appears and blinks.
047 116 162 245 306 365 454 532 664
051 122 165 246 311 371 455 546 703
053 125 172 251 315 411 462 565 712
054 131 174 252 325 412 464 606 723

3 Press [MENU] to store the new code or any other key

to cancel. 3 Press [MENU] to program the identified DCS code in
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode. place of the current DCS code or press any other key
to exit the DCS Code ID Scan.
DCS CODE ID SCAN • Turn the Tuning control or press Mic [UP]/[DWN] while 9
the identified DCS code is blinking to resume scanning.
This function scans through all DCS codes to identify the
incoming DCS code on the received signal. You may 4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
find this useful when you cannot recall the DCS code Note:
that the other persons in your group are using. ◆ DCS turns ON automatically when performing DCS Code ID
Scan, even if the current frequency is not set with DCS.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to ◆ Received signals are monitored through the speaker while
select Menu No. 4 (DCS). scanning is in progress.
◆ The transceiver continues to check the Priority Channel during
2 Press [MENU] (1s) to start the DCS Code ID Scan DCS scan.
function. ◆ DCS Code ID Scan does not scan the code if a signal is not

This transceiver provides you with 10 dedicated DTMF • When DTMF TX Hold is activated {page 49}, you do
Memory Channels. You can store a DTMF number (16 not need to continuously press Mic [PTT] to remain in
digits max.) in each of these channels to recall later for transmission mode. However, transmission mode is
speed dialing. retained for only 2 seconds after pressing a key, so if
the next key is not pressed within this time limit, the
Many repeaters in the U.S.A. and Canada offer a service transceiver stops transmitting.
called Autopatch. You can access the public telephone
network via such a repeater by sending DTMF tones. For DTMF MONITOR
further information, consult your local repeater reference.
When pressing the Mic DTMF keys, you will not hear
DTMF tones emitted from the speaker. However, you
MANUAL DIALING can monitor the DTMF tones if desired.

The keys on the Mic keypad function as DTMF keys; 1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 33 (DT.M).
the 12 keys found on a push-button telephone plus 4
additional keys (A, B, C, D). 2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
“ON” or “OFF” (default).
To perform Manual Dialing, follow the steps below.
1 Press and hold Mic [PTT] to transmit.
2 While transmitting, press the keys in sequence on the
10 keypad, to send the DTMF tones.
• The corresponding DTMF tones are transmitted.
Freq. (Hz) 1209 1336 1477 1633 3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
697 1 2 3 A
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
770 4 5 6 B
852 7 8 9 C
941 0 # D

This function causes the transceiver to remain in 1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
transmission mode for 2 seconds after you release each select Menu No. 28 (DTMF.MR).
key. So, you can release Mic [PTT] while sending DTMF
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
your desired DTMF Memory Channel number from 0
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to to 9.
select Menu No. 30 (DT.H). • You can also select a DTMF Memory Channel by using
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select Mic [UP]/[DWN].
“ON” or “OFF” (default).

3 Press [MENU].
• The DTMF code entry display appears and the first digit
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
4 Turn the Tuning control to select a DTMF code.
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
• You can also enter a DTMF code using the Mic keypad.
Simply press your desired DTMF codes on the keypad.
AUTOMATIC DIALER • On the display, is represented by “E” and is 10
represented by “F”.
If you use the 10 dedicated DTMF Memory Channels to
store DTMF numbers, you do not need to remember a 5 Press [MR] to select the DTMF code and move the
long string of digits. cursor to the next digit.

• To move to the previous digit, press [VFO]. To delete the

character at the current cursor position, press [F].
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 to enter up to 16 digits. • The number stored in the channel scrolls across the
display, accompanied by DTMF tones from the speaker.
7 Press [MENU] to complete the entry. (DTMF tones are not emitted if Menu No. 33 (DT.M) is set
• Press any key other than [MR], [VFO], [F], and [MENU] to “OFF”.)
to cancel the entry. • After transmission, the frequency display is restored.
• To complete an entry of less than 16 digits, press [MENU]
3 Release Mic [PTT].
two times.
8 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode. ◆ If you select an empty DTMF Memory Channel and press
[MENU], the frequency display is restored.
CONFIRMING STORED DTMF NUMBERS ◆ In step 2, above, you can preview the DTMF Memory Channels
first by turning the Tuning control or pressing Mic [UP]/[DWN].
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select This transceiver allows you to configure the DTMF
your desired DTMF Memory Channel number from 0 number transmission speed between Fast (default) and
to 9. Slow. If a repeater cannot respond to the fast speed,
• You can also select a DTMF Memory Channel by using adjust this parameter.
Mic [UP]/[DWN].
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
3 Press [REV]. select Menu No. 29 (SPD).
• The numbers scroll across the display and the DTMF
tones emit from the speaker without transmitting.
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
10 “FA” (Fast) or “SL” (Slow).
4 Press any key other than [REV] or [MENU] to exit. • The tone duration of Fast is 50 ms and Slow is 100 ms.

TRANSMITTING A STORED DTMF NUMBER 3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
1 Press Mic [PTT]+Mic [PF/D].
2 Release Mic [PF/D] (continue pressing Mic [PTT]),
then press a key from 0 to 9 to transmit the desired
DTMF Memory Channel number.
• To transmit tone “D”, press Mic [PF/D] again.
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
ADJUSTING THE PAUSE DURATION 4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.

You can change the pause duration (a space digit) stored When this function is activated, you cannot send
in Memory Channels. The default setting is DTMF tones using the Mic keypad. DTMF memory
500 milliseconds. transmission is also inhibited.

1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to

select Menu No. 31 (PA).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
100, 250, 500 (default), 750, 1000, 1500, or 2000 ms.
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to

4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.

You sometimes may want to disable the keypad to avoid
accidental DTMF transmission. In this case, turn the
DTMF Lock function ON.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 32 (DT.L).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
“ON” or “OFF” (default).
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to

The transceiver switches OFF automatically if no keys or Since the transceiver uses a microprocessor to control
controls are pressed or adjusted for the selected duration. various functions of the transceiver, the CPU clock
One minute before the transceiver switches OFF, warning oscillator’s harmonics or image may appear on some
beeps sound for a few seconds and “APO” blinks. spots of the reception frequencies. In this case, turn the
Beat Shift function ON.
You can select the APO time from OFF (disable), 30, 60,
90, 120, or 180 minutes. 1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 25 (BS).
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 18 (APO). 2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
“ON” or “OFF” (default).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
the APO time from OFF (default), 30, 60, 90, 120, or
180 minutes.

3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to

3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to 4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
11 cancel.
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode. S-METER SQUELCH
S-meter Squelch causes the squelch to open only when
◆ APO continues to count even while the transceiver is scanning.
a signal with a strength greater than or the same as the
◆ The APO timer starts counting down the time when no key
presses, no control adjustments, and no PC control command S-meter setting is received. This function relieves you
sequences are detected. from constantly resetting the squelch when receiving
◆ The APO warning beep sounds even if Menu No. 24 (BP) weak stations you have no interest in.
{page 53} is set to “OFF” or the volume level is 0.

1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to 2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
select Menu No. 8 (SSQ). from OFF (default), 125, 250, and 500 ms.
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
“ON” or “OFF” (default).

3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to


3 Press [MENU] to store the setting. 4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
• The S-meter setting segments appear.
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
The Beep function provides confirmation of entry,
error status, and malfunctions of the transceiver. We
recommend you leave this function ON in order to detect
erroneous operations and malfunctions.
5 Press [F], [REV] to enter S-Meter Level Select Mode. However, to turn the beep function OFF:
6 Turn the Tuning control to select your desired level. 1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 24 (BP).
7 Press any key other than [ ] (Power) to store the
setting and exit S-Meter Level Select Mode. 2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select 11
When using S-meter Squelch, you may want to adjust the
time interval between when the received signals drop and
when the squelch closes.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 9 (SQH).
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to FREQUENCY STEP SIZE
Choosing the correct frequency step size is essential in
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode. selecting your exact receive frequency using the Tuning
The transceiver generates the following warning beeps control or Mic [UP]/[DWN]. You can select your desired
even if the Beep function is turned OFF. frequency step size from:
• APO warning beeps {page 52} 2.5 kHz (TM-281A Only), 5 kHz, 6.25 kHz, 10 kHz, 12.5
• Time-out Timer warning beep {page 60} kHz, 15 kHz, 20 kHz, 25 kHz, 30 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz.
Note: The beep output level is linked to the VOL control position. To change the frequency step size:
1 While in VFO Mode, press [F], [MENU] and turn the
BUSY CHANNEL LOCKOUT Tuning control to select Menu No. 1 (STP).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
This function is used to prevent transmitting on a your desired frequency step size.
channel or frequency that somebody else is currently
using. When turned ON, an error beep sounds and
you cannot transmit even if you press Mic [PTT] while
another party is using the channel or frequency.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 22 (BCL).
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select cancel.
“ON” or “OFF” (default).
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
11 Note: If you change to a frequency step size that does not match the
current operating frequency, the transceiver automatically adjusts the
frequency to match the new frequency step size.

3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to

4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.

The default step size for each model is as follows: 4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
Market Code Default Frequency Step Size Note: Setting the brightness to OFF (minimum level 1) will turn the
front panel key backlight OFF.
TM-281A ( M3 ) 12.5 kHz
Note: The market code is printed on the barcode label of the carton When using automatic backlight, the display backlight
box. will illuminate every time a front panel or microphone
key is pressed. The backlight remains on for 5 seconds
before it turns off again.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
You can manually change the display brightness to select Menu No. 41 (ABR).
match the lighting conditions where you are operating 2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
the transceiver. This setting can be permanent or the “ON” or “OFF” (default).
display can light up only when keys are pressed.

When a permanent setting is selected, the backlight
will remain at that setting until it is changed again. The
default setting is the maximum brightness.
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to cancel.
select Menu No. 40 (BRIGHT).
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to adjust 11
Note: No change occurs if the brightness is set to the highest level.
the display brightness.

3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to


The lock function disables most of the keys to prevent While the Lock function is ON, you sometimes may want
you from accidentally activating a function. Transceiver to turn the Tuning control to change the frequency. In
Lock is suitable for a typical mobile installation where you this case, turn the Tune Enable function ON.
select most operations using the microphone.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
1 Press [F] (1s). select Menu No. 27 (ENC).
• “ ” appears when this function is ON. 2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
“OFF” (default) or “ON”.

• The following keys cannot be locked:

[ ] (Power), [F] (1s), [F]+[REV], Volume control, [PTT],
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
and the Mic keypad.
2 Press [F] (1s) again to unlock the keys.
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
◆ The Tuning control is also locked. To retain use of the Tuning
control while the Lock function is ON, access Menu No. 27 (ENC)
{below} and select “ON”.
◆ You cannot reset the transceiver {page 65} while the Lock
function is ON.
11 ◆ You cannot switch the transceiver operating mode by pressing
[ ] (Power) + any key.
◆ Microphone PF keys {page 57} operate normally even if the Lock
function is ON.

You can access many transceiver settings without using • MONI: Monitor function ON/OFF
transceiver keys or controls. Microphone keys PF/D, • ENTER: Used to enter a frequency or memory channel
MR/C, VFO/B, and CALL/A are programmable with number with the keypad
transceiver functions. • 1750: Transmit 1750 Hz
The microphone key default assignments are as follows: • VFO: Enter VFO Mode
• MR: Enter MR Mode
Mic PF1 key [PF/D]: 1 MHz step • CALL: Select the Call Channel
Mic PF2 key [MR/C]: Memory Recall
Mic PF3 key [VFO/B]: VFO Select • MHZ: Enter 1 MHz Step Mode
Mic PF4 key [CALL/A]: Call Channel Select • REV: Reverse function ON/OFF (momentary press) and Auto
Simplex Checker function ON/OFF (must be held down for 1
second to activate)
◆ Turn the transceiver OFF before connecting the microphone.
◆ Menu No. 34 (MCL) must be configured to “OFF” in order to
• SQL: Enter Squelch Mode
program the microphone keys. • M--V: Memory to VFO transfer
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to • M.IN: Store a Memory Channel
select one of Menu No. 35 to Menu No. 38 • C.IN: Store the Call Channel
(PF1 ~ PF4). • MENU: Enter Menu Mode
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select • SHIFT: Shift function ON/OFF
the programmable function from the list provided • LOW: Select transmission power
• BRIGHT: Adjust display backlight
• LOCK: Transceiver Lock function ON/OFF (must be held 11
down for 1 second to activate)
• TONE: Selection for Tone/ Selective Call
• STEP: Select the frequency step size

3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to Note: Rather than entering Menu Mode and selecting PF1 ~ PF4,
you can simply press and hold the PF key you want to program, then
cancel. turn the transceiver power ON. When programming the PF keys
in this manner, select the function by turning the Tuning control or
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode. pressing Mic [UP]/[DWN], press [MENU] to store the setting, then
press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
By default, the transceiver operates in normal FM You can change the Power-on message (a maximum of
(±5 kHz) mode for both transmission and reception. 6 characters) when the transceiver is turned ON.
You can also operate the transceiver in narrow band FM
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
(±2.5 kHz).
select Menu No. 23 (P.ON.MSG).
To operate the transceiver in narrow band FM:
2 Press [MENU].
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to • The current message and entry cursor appear.
select Menu No. 26 (FMN).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
“ON” or “OFF” (default).

3 Turn the Tuning control to select a character.

• You can enter the following alphanumeric characters:
0 ~ 9, A ~ Z, – (hyphen), / (slash), and a space.
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to • Rather than using the Tuning control, you can use the
cancel. Mic keypad (keypad models only) to enter alphanumeric
characters {page 62}.
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
4 Press [MR] to move to the next digit.
When narrow band FM operation is ON, “N” appears in • To move to the previous digit, press [VFO]. To delete the
11 the top right of the LCD. character at the current cursor position, press [F].
5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 to enter up to 6 digits.

Note: You can store the narrow band FM operation status to the
Memory Channels {page 29}.

6 Press [MENU] to complete the setting and store the
Power-on message.
7 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
Note: If a Power-on message is not set, the transceiver model name
appears when the transceiver power is turned ON.
4 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
To limit the operating frequencies within a certain range, 5 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
program the upper and lower frequency limits to the Note:
program VFO parameters. For example, if you select 144 ◆ You cannot program the 100 kHz or lower digits.
MHz for the lower limit and 145 MHz for the upper limit, ◆ The upper limit frequency cannot be set lower than the selected
the tunable range will be limited from 144.000 MHz to lower limit frequency.
145.9975 MHz.
1 While in VFO mode, press [F], [MENU] and turn the
Tuning control to select Menu No. 7 (P.VFO).
• The current programmable frequency range for the band
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
the lower limit frequency (in MHz).


3 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select

the upper limit frequency (in MHz).

The Time-out Timer limits the time of each transmission
to a maximum of 3, 5, or 10 (default) minutes. Just
before the transceiver stops the transmission, a warning
beep sounds. This function is necessary to protect the
transceiver from thermal damage and can therefore not
be turned OFF.
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 21 (TOT).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select “3”,
“5” or “10” (default) minutes.

3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to

4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
Note: A warning beep sounds even if you set Menu No. 24 (BP) to
OFF {page 53}.

You can change numerous transceiver settings by operating the Mic DTMF keys.
The following table shows what function is switched ON and OFF or which setting is changed by pressing the DTMF
keys in the appropriate mode of operation.

TX Mode 1 Storing DTMF Storing Power-on

Key RX Mode Storing Memory Name Memory Message
1 N/A Transmit Tone 1 See note, below Input Code 1 See note, below
2 N/A Transmit Tone 2 See note, below Input Code 2 See note, below
3 N/A Transmit Tone 3 See note, below Input Code 3 See note, below
4 N/A Transmit Tone 4 See note, below Input Code 4 See note, below
5 N/A Transmit Tone 5 See note, below Input Code 5 See note, below
6 N/A Transmit Tone 6 See note, below Input Code 6 See note, below
7 N/A Transmit Tone 7 See note, below Input Code 7 See note, below
8 N/A Transmit Tone 8 See note, below Input Code 8 See note, below
9 N/ A Transmit Tone 9 See note, below Input Code 9 See note, below
0 N/A Transmit Tone 0 See note, below Input Code 0 See note, below
CALL/A Assigned function Transmit Tone A Delete current character Input Code A Delete current character
VFO/B Assigned function Transmit Tone B Move cursor to previous digit Input Code B Move cursor to previous digit
MR/C Assigned function Transmit Tone C Move cursor to next digit Input Code C Move cursor to next digit
PF/D Assigned function Transmit Tone D Confirm Memory Name Input Code D Confirm Power-on Message
DWN/__ Down Transmit Tone _ Move character down Input Code _ Move character down
UP/ # Up Transmit Tone # Move character up Input Code # Move character up

DTMF tones are not transmitted in TX Mode if the MIC LOCK
DTMF Lock function is ON.
2 The Mic Lock function disables the Mic PF keys to
When transmitting a stored DTMF number, press Mic prevent you from accidentally changing the transceiver
[PTT]+Mic [PF/D], release Mic [PF/D], then press a operation.
Memory Channel number from 0 to 9. To transmit the
“D” tone, press Mic [PF/D] again. 1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
3 select Menu No. 34 (MC.L).
On the display, is represented by “E”.
4 2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
On the display, is represented by “F”. “ON” or “OFF” (default).
Note: When storing a Memory Name or Power-on message, the
DTMF keys can be used. Each time a key is pressed, the displayed
character will change, according to the table below.

Key Displayed Characters

1 Q Z 1
3 Press [MENU] to store the setting or any other key to
2 A B C 2
3 D E F 3
4 Press any key other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.
4 G H I 4 Note: The Mic Lock function will not lock the DTMF keys.
5 J K L 5
6 M N O 6
7 P R S 7
8 T U V 8
12 9 W X Y 9
0 [space] 0 — /


PS-60 SP-50B MCP-1A

Regulated DC Communications Speaker Memory Control Program
Power Supply (Free Software)

The MCP-1A can be

downloaded at:

PG-2N PG-3B KMC-30 MC-59

DC Power Cable DC Line Noise Filter Microphone DTMF Microphone

MC-60A MJ-88
Stand Microphone Modular to 8-pin Microphone Programming Cable
(MJ-88 required) Plug Ask your dealer about purchasing a
Programming Cable.


MAINTENANCE You may return this product for service to the authorized
Kenwood dealer from whom you purchased it, or any
GENERAL INFORMATION authorized Kenwood service center. A copy of the
service report will be returned with the transceiver.
This product has been factory aligned and tested to Please do not send subassemblies or printed circuit
specification before shipment. Under normal circumstances, boards; send the complete transceiver.
the transceiver will operate in accordance with these Tag all returned items with your name and call sign for
instructions. All adjustable trimmers, coils, and resistors identification. Please mention the model and serial
in the transceiver were preset at the factory. They should number of the transceiver in any communication
only be readjusted by a qualified technician who is familiar regarding the problem.
with this transceiver and has the necessary test equipment.
Attempting service or alignment without factory authorization
can void the transceiver warranty.
When operated properly, the transceiver will provide If you desire to correspond on a technical or operational
years of service and enjoyment without requiring further problem, please make your note short, complete, and to
realignment. The information in this section gives some the point. Help us help you by providing the following:
general service procedures requiring little or no test • Model and serial number of equipment
equipment. • Question or problem you are having
• Other equipment in your station pertaining to the problem
• Meter readings
If it is ever necessary to return this equipment to your • Other related information (menu setup, mode, frequency, key
dealer or service center for repair, pack it in its original sequence to induce malfunction, etc.)
box and packing material. Include a full description of the
problems experienced. Include your telephone number,
fax number, and e-mail address (if available) along with Do not pack the equipment in crushed newspapers for shipment!
your name and address in case the service technician Extensive damage may result during rough handling or shipping.
needs to call you for further information while investigating
14 your problem. Do not return accessory items unless you
feel they are directly related to the service problem.

Note: The Memory Channels have no data stored. Refer to
◆ Record the date of purchase, serial number and dealer from pages 25 and 54 for the Call Channel and frequency step
whom this product was purchased. size default values.
◆ For your own information, retain a written record of any
maintenance performed on this product. Note: When in Channel Display Mode or while Key Lock is activated
◆ When claiming warranty service, please include a photocopy of {page 56}, you cannot perform VFO reset or Full reset.
the bill of sale, or other proof-of-purchase showing the date of
CLEANING This resets all transceiver parameters to the factory
default values. There are two methods available for
The keys, controls, and case of the transceiver are resetting the transceiver.
likely to become soiled after extended use. Remove
the controls from the transceiver and clean them with Full Reset Method 1:
a neutral detergent and warm water. Use a neutral
detergent (no strong chemicals) and a damp cloth to 1 With the transceiver power OFF, press [F]+[ ]
clean the case. (Power).
• All indicators light momentarily, followed by the full reset
confirmation message.
If your transceiver seems to be malfunctioning, resetting
the microprocessor may solve the problem. The
following 2 reset modes are available. When performing
the reset, you may lose memory data and stored
information. Back up or write down important data 2 Press [F].
before performing the reset.
• “SURE ?” appears.
INITIAL SETTINGS • Press any key other than [F] to cancel.

The factory defaults for the operating frequencies are as 3 Press [F] again to reset the transceiver.
follows. • “WAIT” appears momentarily.
• TM-281A: 144.000 MHz
• TM-481A: 440.000 MHz

Full Reset Method 2: VFO Reset Method 1:
1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to 1 With the transceiver power OFF, press [VFO]+[ ]
select Menu No. 99 (RESET). (Power).
2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select • The VFO reset confirmation message appears.
3 Press [MENU].
• “SURE ?” appears.

2 Press [VFO].
• “SURE ?” appears.
• Press any key other than [VFO] to cancel.

• Press any key other than [MENU] to cancel. 3 Press [VFO] again to reset the transceiver.
• “WAIT” appears momentarily.
4 Press [MENU] to reset the transceiver.
• “WAIT” appears momentarily. VFO Reset Method 2:
VFO RESET 1 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to
select Menu No. 99 (RESET).
This resets the transceiver parameters excluding the
DTMF Memory, the Memory channel contents, and the 2 Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning control to select
Call channel contents. There are two methods available “VFO”.
for resetting the transceiver. 3 Press [MENU].
Note: Menu No. 7 (P.VFO) and Menu No. 10 (OFFSET) return to • “SURE ?” appears.
the factory default values.

• Press any key other than [MENU] to cancel.
4 Press [MENU] to reset the transceiver.
The problems described in the following tables are commonly encountered operational malfunctions. These types
of difficulties are usually caused by improper hook-up, accidental incorrect control settings, or operator error due to
incomplete programming. These problems are usually not caused by circuit failure. Please review these tables and
the appropriate section(s) of this instruction manual before assuming your transceiver is defective.

Problem Problem Cause Corrective Action Page Ref.

The transceiver will not 1 The power cable was 1 Connect the supplied DC power cable 3
power up after connecting connected backwards. correctly:
a 13.8 V DC power supply Red → ( + ); Black → ( – ).
and pressing the [ ] 2 One or more of the power 2 Look for the cause of the blown fuse(s). 5
(Power) switch. Nothing cable fuses are open. After inspecting and correcting any
appears on the display. problems, install a new fuse(s) with the
same ratings.
The display is too dim, The supply voltage is too low. The supply voltage requirement is 3, 4
even though you selected 13.8 V DC ±15% (11.7 V to 15.8 V DC).
a high brightness level. If the input voltage is outside this range,
adjust your regulated power supply and/or
check all power cable connections.
The frequency cannot be Memory Recall was selected. Press [VFO]. 30, 15
selected by turning the
Tuning control or by
pressing Mic [UP]/[DWN].
Most buttons/keys and the 1 One of the Lock functions is 1 Unlock all of the Lock functions. 51,56,62
Tuning control do not ON.
function. 2 The transceiver is in Channel 2 With the transceiver power OFF, press 36
Display mode. [ ] (Power)+[REV] to exit Channel
Display mode.

Problem Problem Cause Corrective Action Page Ref.
Memory Channels cannot No data has been stored in any Store data in some Memory Channels. 29
be selected by turning the Memory Channels.
Tuning control or by
pressing Mic [UP]/[DWN].
You cannot transmit even 1 The microphone plug was not 1 Switch OFF the power, then insert the 6
though you press Mic inserted completely into the microphone plug until the locking tab
[PTT]. front panel connector. clicks in place.
2 You selected a transmit offset 2 Press [F], [MENU] and turn the Tuning 23
that places the transmit control to select Menu No. 5 (SFT).
frequency outside the Press [MENU] and turn the Tuning
allowable transmit frequency control to select “OFF”. Press [MENU]
range. to store the setting, then press any key
other than [MENU] to exit Menu Mode.


Specifications are subject to change without notice due to advancements in technology.

TM-281A (M3 market models) 136 ~ 174 MHz
TX frequency range
TM-481A (M market models) 400 ~ 470 MHz
TM-281A (M3 market models) 136 ~ 174 MHz
RX frequency range
TM-481A (M market models) 400 ~ 470 MHz
Mode F3E (FM)
Antenna impedance 50 Ω
Usable temperature range -20 ˚C ~ +60 ˚C (-4 ˚F ~ +140 ˚F)
Power supply 13.8 V DC ±15 % (11.7 ~ 15.8 V)
Grounding method Negative ground
Transmit (max.) 14 A or less
Receive (at 2 W output) 1.0 A or less
Frequency stability (-20 ℃ ~ +60 ℃ ) Within ±2.5 ppm
Dimensions (W x H x D projections not included) 160 x 43 x 126 mm/ 6.30 x 1.69 x 4.69 in
Weight Approx. 1.13 kg/ 2.5 lb

High 65 W (TM-281A)/ 45 W (TM-481A)
Power output
Low Approx. 25 W
Modulation Variable reactance modulation
Spurious emissions –60 dB or less
Wide: ±5 kHz
Maximum frequency deviation
Narrow: ±2.5 kHz
Audio distortion (at 60% modulation) 3% or less
Microphone impedance 600 Ω

Circuitry Double superheterodyne
Intermediate frequency (1st/ 2nd) 49.95 MHz/ 450 kHz
Wide (TM-281A): 0.18 μV or less
Sensitivity (12 dB SINAD) Wide (TM-481A): 0.20 μV or less
Narrow (TM-281A): 0.22 μV or less
Narrow (TM-481A): 0.25 μV or less
Selectivity (–6 dB) Wide: 12 kHz or more
Narrow: 10 kHz or more
Selectivity (–60 dB) Wide: 30 kHz or less
Narrow: 24 kHz or less
Squelch sensitivity 0.1 μV or less
Audio output (8 Ω , 5 % distortion) 2 W or higher
Audio output impedance 8Ω

1750 Hz .................................. 25 Lock .................................... 51 Storing, Odd-split ................ 30 Call ...................................... 41
Accessories Manual Dialing .................... 48 Storing, Simplex .................. 29 Group .................................. 40
Optional............................... 63 Monitor ................................ 48 Transfer to VFO .................. 33 MHz..................................... 39
Supplied ................................ 1 Pause Duration ................... 51 Menu Priority ................................. 41
All-Channel Scan .................... 40 Storing in Memory ............... 49 Access ................................ 18 Program .............................. 39
Automatic Power Off............... 52 Tone Transmission Speed .. 50 Function List........................ 19 Resume Method.................. 43
Automatic Repeater Offset ..... 25 Transmitting a Stored MHz Mode ............................. 16 Specifications ......................... 69
Automatic Simplex Check....... 26 Number ............................... 50 MHz Scan ............................... 39 Squelch
Automatic Dialer ..................... 49 TX Hold ............................... 49 Microphone Adjusting ............................. 14
Band Scan .............................. 38 Frequencies, Selecting Control ................................ 61 Hang Time .......................... 53
Beat Shift ................................ 52 Direct Frequency Entry ....... 16 Lock .................................... 62 S-meter ............................... 52
Beep Function ........................ 53 MHz Mode........................... 16 PF Keys .............................. 57 Time-out Timer (TOT)............. 60
Busy Channel Lockout............ 54 VFO Mode........................... 15 Narrow Band FM .................... 58 Tone
Call Channel Frequency Step Size .............. 54 Offset 1750 Hz Tone ..................... 25
Changing............................. 35 Full Reset ............................... 65 Automatic Repeater ............ 25 Activating ............................ 24
Recalling ............................. 35 Fuses, Replacing ...................... 5 Direction .............................. 23 Freq. ID Scan ...................... 27
Call Scan ................................ 41 Group Scan ............................ 40 Frequency ........................... 23 Selecting ............................. 24
Channel Display ..................... 36 Installation ................................ 2 Power-on Message................. 58 Transmitting ............................ 15
Continuous Tone Coded Accessory Connections ........ 6 Power ON/ OFF ...................... 14 Output Power ...................... 15
Squelch System (CTCSS) Antenna Connection ............. 5 Priority Scan Troubleshooting ...................... 67
Freq. ID Scan ...................... 45 DC Power Cable Connection, Programming ...................... 41 Tuning Control Unlock ............ 56
Selecting a Frequency ........ 45 Fixed Station ......................... 4 Using ................................... 42 VFO
Using ................................... 44 DC Power Cable Connection, Program Scan Mode ................................... 15
Digital Code Squelch (DCS) Mobile ................................... 3 Frequency Range ............... 38 Programmable .................... 59
Code ID Scan...................... 47 PC Connection ...................... 7 Using ................................... 39 Reset................................... 66
Selecting a Code................. 46 Keypad Direct Entry ............ 13 Programmable Function Volume, Adjusting................... 14
Using ................................... 46 Keys and Controls .................... 9 (PF) Keys ............................. 57
Display Lock Function ......................... 56 Repeater Operation ................ 22
Backlight ............................. 55 Maintenance ........................... 64 Reset
LCD ..................................... 10 Manual Dialing ........................ 48 Full ...................................... 65
Dual Tone Multi-Frequency Memory Channels VFO..................................... 66
(DTMF) Clearing............................... 31 Reverse Function ................... 26
Automatic Dialer.................. 49 Lockout ............................... 42 Scan
Confirming a Stored Naming................................ 32 All-Channel ......................... 40
Number ............................... 50 Recalling ............................. 30 Band.................................... 38

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