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MHF4U Unit 3 Exampler

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MHF4U Unit 3 Project

Name: ________________________________________________

Score: ________________________________________________

Learning Goals
● Students will be tested on what they have learned in this unit.
● Students will have the entire period to complete their unit test. They will be
accomodated according to their IEP if applicable (extra time, formula sheet
provided, etc.).

Overall Expectations

● C1. Identify and describe some key features of polynomial functions, and make
connections between the numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations of
polynomial functions.

● C2. Identify and describe some key features of the graphs of rational functions, and
represent rational functions graphically.

● C3. Solve problems involving polynomial and simple rational equations graphically
and algebraically.

● C4. Demonstrate an understanding of solving polynomial and simple rational

Specific Expectations

C1. Connecting Graphs and Equations of Polynomial Functions

● C1.1 Recognize a polynomial expression, recognize the equation of a polynomial function,
give reasons why it is a function, and identify linear and quadratic functions as examples
of polynomial functions.

● C1.2 Compare, through investigation using graphing technology, the numeric, graphical,
and algebraic representations of polynomial functions.

● C1.3 Describe key features of the graphs of polynomial functions.

● C1.4 Distinguish polynomial functions from sinusoidal and exponential functions, and
compare and contrast the graphs of various polynomial functions with the graphs of other
types of functions.

● C1.5 Make connections, through investigation using graphing technology, between a

polynomial function given in factored form and the x-intercepts of its graph, and sketch
the graph of a polynomial function given in factored form using its key features.

● C1.6 Determine, through investigation using technology, the roles of the parameters a, k, d,
and c in functions of the form y = af(k(x – d)) + c, and describe these roles in terms of
transformations on the graphs of f(x) = x3 and f(x) = x4.

● C1.7 Determine an equation of a polynomial function that satisfies a given set of

conditions, using methods appropriate to the situation, and recognize that there may be
more than one polynomial function that can satisfy a given set of conditions.

● C1.8 Determine the equation of the family of polynomial functions with a given set of zeros
and of the member of the family that passes through another given point.

● C1.9 Determine, through investigation, and compare the properties of even and odd
polynomial functions, and determine whether a given polynomial function is even, odd, or
Project Instructions: Find Correct graph of polynomial and observe Parabola’s.

Objective: To explore the graph of a polynomial and observe

● The shape of the curve when the coefficient of x2 is positive.
● The shape of the curve when the coefficient of x2 is negative.
● Its number of zeroes.

Material required: Cardboard, graph paper, ruler, pencil, eraser, pen, adhesive.

Instructions: In this project, we will explore the importance of finding polynomials,

parabolas using graphs. Specifically,We will follow the below steps :
● The shape of the curve obtained in each case is a parabola.
● Parabola opens upward when the coefficient of x2 is positive.
● It opens downward when the coefficient of x2 is negative.
● Maximum number of zeroes which a quadratic polynomial can have is 2.

Research: Research on the figures. observe it then fill it with required information.

1. Write a method of Construction .

● Take cardboard of a convenient size and paste a graph paper on it.
● Consider a quadratic polynomial f (x) = ax2 + bx + c
● Two cases arise:

● (i) a > 0 (ii) a < 0

● Find the ordered pairs (x, f (x)) for different values of x.
● Plot these ordered pairs in the cartesian plane

● Join the plotted points by a free hand curve

2. Answer the following

a) When you draw the parabola than first parabola will opens downward
b) When you draw the parabola then the second Parabola opens upward
c) The First parabola intersects the x-axis at 2 point(s).(- 3 , 0) and ( 4, 0)
d) Number of zeroes of the given polynomial is 2
e) The Second Parabola intersects the x-axis at 1 point(s).(0 , 0)
f) Number of zeroes of the given polynomial is 1
g) The third parabola intersects the x-axis at none point(s).
h) Number of zeroes of the given polynomial is 0
i) Maximum number of zeroes which a quadratic polynomial can have is 2.

Application : This activity helps in

1. understanding the geometrical representation of a quadratic polynomial
2. finding the number of zeroes of a quadratic polynomial.

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Student Name:

Level 1: 50%-59% Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Grad

60%-69% 70%-79% 80%-100% e

Knowledge: How well did you demonstrate your knowledge and understanding
Identify and describe some key features of the graphs of logarithmic
functions, make connections among the numeric, graphical, and algebraic
representations of logarithmic functions, and solve related problems
graphically. Solve exponential and simple logarithmic equations in one
variable algebraically, including those in problems arising from real-world
applications. Solve problems involving trigonometric equations and prove
trigonometric identities.
Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
limited some considerable detailed
procedural skills procedural procedural procedure in
in solving skills in solving skills in solving solving the
problems. the problems. the problems. problems.

Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate

limited some considerable thorough
understanding on understanding understanding understanding
using tools in on using tools on using tools in on using tools
order to solve the in order to order to solve in order to
problems. solve the the problems. solve the
problems. problems.

Thinking: How well did you demonstrate your planning skills in solving the
given problems (making illustrations and determining the given facts that are
necessary in order to perform tasks), carrying out the solutions well by using
the proper tools needed, analyzing facts given, and presenting your solutions
in a creative way demonstrating the understanding Identify and describe
some key features of the graphs of logarithmic functions, make connections
among the numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations of logarithmic
functions, and solve related problems graphically. Solve exponential and
simple logarithmic equations in one variable algebraically, including those in
problems arising from real-world applications. Solve problems involving
trigonometric equations and prove trigonometric identities.

Does not Demonstrates Demonstrate Demonstrate

demonstrate some planning good planning excellent
planning skills. skills. skills. planning skills.

Not being able to Being able to Being able to Being able to

carry out the carry out the carry out the carry out the
solutions using solutions using solutions using solutions using
proper tools. proper tools. proper tools. proper tools
Does not analyze Somewhat Analyzes well Analyzes
given facts and analyze given the given facts excellently the
data facts and data and data given facts
and data

Presenting Presenting Presenting Presenting

solutions using solutions using solutions using solutions using
creative thinking creative creative creative
process in solving thinking thinking thinking
problems in a process in process in process in
limited solving solving solving
effectiveness problems in problems problems with
some considerable a high degree
effectiveness effectiveness of

Communication: How well did you present your solutions and express your
scientific argument demonstrating the understanding Identify and describe
some key features of the graphs of logarithmic functions, make connections
among the numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations of logarithmic
functions, and solve related problems graphically. Solve exponential and
simple logarithmic equations in one variable algebraically, including those in
problems arising from real-world applications. Solve problems involving
trigonometric equations and prove trigonometric identities.

Express and Express and Express and Express and

organizes organizes organizes organizes
scientific thinking scientific scientific scientific
with limited thinking with thinking with thinking with
clarity some clarity acceptable high degree of
clarity clarity

Application: How well did you apply your knowledge and understanding in
presenting your solutions and scientific argument demonstrating the Identify
and describe some key features of the graphs of logarithmic functions, make
connections among the numeric, graphical, and algebraic representations of
logarithmic functions, and solve related problems graphically. Solve
exponential and simple logarithmic equations in one variable algebraically,
including those in problems arising from real-world applications. Solve
problems involving trigonometric equations and prove trigonometric

Was not able to Was able to Was able to Was able to

apply knowledge apply apply apply
and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge
understanding in understanding understanding and
presenting in presenting in presenting understanding
solutions and solution and solution and in presenting
scientific scientific scientific solution and
arguments. arguments in a arguments in a scientific
minimal considerable arguments in
manner manner an excellent

Overall Teacher Comments


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