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Functional Math Assignment 1 Part 1 Take Home Spring 2024

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HTU Course No: 30303111 HTU Course Name: Functional Math

Assignment Brief Number: 1

Version 1

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Assignment Brief
Student Name/ID
BTEC Unit Number and Title NA
HTU Course Number and Title Functional Math, 30303111
Academic Year 2023-2024
Assignment Author Mr. Radwan alSmadi, Mrs. Nehma Altawil, Ms. Bayan Shabaneh,
Dr. Rola Musleh and Dr. Morad Hamad.
Course Tutor Mr. Radwan alSmadi, Mrs. Nehma Altawil, Ms. Bayan Shabaneh,
Dr. Rola Musleh and Dr. Morad Hamad.
Assignment Title Assignment part 1_ Take Home
Assignment Ref No NA
Issue Date 31/3/2024
Formative Assessment dates 1/4/2024 – 10/5/2024
Submission Date 12/5/2024 10:00 am
IV Name & Date Dr. Hussein Al-Ta`ani

Submission Format
• This assignment consists of two parts: the take-home part and the in-class part. You must complete
both parts and submit them according to the following guidelines:
Take-home activities
• You are required to provide complete answers to all tasks. Use software to support your answers
when you are allowed to.
• Answers need to be provided following clear and coherent steps, using the correct formulas and
equations. Final answers without detailed steps are not accepted.
• If a schematic, diagram, or photo is copied, the source must be referenced properly. Quotations are
not allowed by any means. Only re-wording with proper reference is accepted.
• This is a strictly individual assignment and no collaboration amongst students is allowed, where
working with your colleagues is not a teamwork, it is plagiarism. Also, if there was any suspicion
then a selective oral will be done.
• You are required to upload your submission files (MS word file or pdf) to the university’s eLearning
system through (https://elearning.htu.edu.jo/) within the submission date and time stated above. NO
• Your submission will be detected if its content created by any of AI programs as we will depend
also on the Turnitin similarity results.

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Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 – Acquire basic mathematical knowledge in algebra and functions.

LO2 – Acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers
LO4 – Develop awareness of the relevance of mathematics and its applications to other fields of
Assignment Brief and Guidance

You applied to work as a mathematician in the Department of Simulation and Analysis in “Electronica”,
a major industrial hardware developer. You were given these problems to demonstrate your practical
mathematical skills.

Question One:

Use appropriate software to answer the following question verifying your results and graphs.
Graph the given function, not by plotting points but by starting with the graph of one of the standard
functions, explaining the transformations step by step.
𝑦 = − √1 +

Question Two:

1. Find the equation of the line normal to the curve 𝑦 2 = 9(3 − 𝑥)5 𝑥 2
at 𝑥 = 2 and 𝑦 > 0.

a. Find an equation for the line that is tangent to the curve 𝑦 = 𝑥 3 − 6 𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 at the origin.

b. Graph the curve and the tangent line together (using software). The tangent intersects the curve
at another point. Use Zoom and Trace to estimate the points coordinates.

c. Confirm your estimate of the coordinates of the second intersection point by solving the
equations for the curve and the tangent line simultaneously.

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Question Three:

An economy has three sectors: labor, transportation, and food industries. Suppose the demand on $1.00
in labor is $0.40 for transportation and $0.20 for food; the demand on $1.00 in transportation is $0.50
for labor and $0.30 for transportation; and the demand on $1.00 in food production is $0.50 for labor,
$0.05 for transportation, and $0.35 for food. Outside consumer demand for the current production period
is $10,000 for labor, $20,000 for transportation, and $10,000 for food.
1. Set up (without solving) a linear system whose solution will represent the required production
2. Solve the system of equations using matrices to find the production schedule that will meet
interindustry and consumer demand.

Question Four:

Answer the following questions showing your work:

1. Definition: Exponential Growth and Decay:
The function 𝑦 = 𝑦0 𝑒 𝑘 𝑥 , where 𝑘 is a nonzero constant, is a model for exponential growth if 𝑘 > 0
and a model for exponential decay if 𝑘 < 0.
𝑦0 is a constant that represents the value of the function when 𝑥 = 0.
Now, depending on the definition above, solve the following problem where you can use the graphical
calculator (or software) to help you find the final answers.
The population of Silver Run in the year 1890 was 6250. Assume the population increased at a rate
of 2.75% per year.
a. Estimate the population in 1915 and 1940.
b. Approximately when did the population reach 50,000?

2. Solve the following trigonometry equation:

sin 𝜃 + cos 𝜃 = 0

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Question Five:
𝑥 2 +𝑥−2
Sketch the function 𝑓(𝑥) = using software verifying and explaining the following:
𝑥 2 −𝑥−6

1. The Domain and the Range.

2. Whether 𝑓(𝑥) is an even, odd or neither function. (Show your work)
3. Is 𝑓(𝑥) a one-to-one function? Explain.
4. X and Y intercepts.
5. Whether 𝑓(𝑥) has any vertical and/or horizontal asymptotes, (if yes, name them).
6. Is 𝑓(𝑥) invertible? If yes, verify a way to find its inverse?
7. Is there any hole in this function? If yes, where?

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 P1 Solve simple equations of various M1 Find the D1 Solve advanced
Acquire basic functions. inverse of equations containing
mathematical knowledge functions. exponential,
P2 Evaluate simple operations on
in algebra and functions logarithmic and
Matrices and find the corresponding
P3 Find the domain of functions.

LO2 P4 Compute limit of various types of M2 Find the D2 Discuss the

functions. extreme values of behavior of a
Acquire basic knowledge
functions. function depend on
in differentiation and P5 Determine the derivative of common
the first and second
integration functions using Chain Rule and/or the
M3 Evaluate the derivative functions.
implicit differentiation.
integral by
substitution and by
P6 Apply the Fundamental Theorem of parts.
LO3 P7 Transform or combine certain M4 Discuss the D3 Sketch curve of a
Acquire the skills needed functions to form new functions using tangent and normal function and analyze
to use technology such as graphical software. lines to a curve. its properties using
calculators and computers graphical software.

LO4 P8 Use integral calculus to find the area M5 Solve practical D4 Solve applied
Develop awareness of the between two curves. algebraic problems optimization
relevance of mathematics through system of problems using
and its applications to linear equations differentiation.
other fields of study using Matrices.

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