Lab 2 MIC254
Lab 2 MIC254
Lab 2 MIC254
Group: AS1143A1
Gram-negative Rod-shaped Food Bacteria
Many people only think of bacteria as "germs," unseen creatures that may infiltrate our
bodies and cause sickness. In the human body, there are about ten times as many bacterial
cells as there are human cells. Few people realise that many bacteria not only cohabit with
humans all the time, but also perform an astounding diversity of useful tasks. Many of these
bacteria cells are found lining the digestive tract to help keep it healthy. Certain bacteria
dwell in the soil or on decaying plant debris, where they, together with fungi, play a vital part
in nutrient cycling. Bacteria may also be employed to produce vitamins and insulin, as well
as to clean up oil spills. Certain bacteria cause food spoilage, food-borne disease, and
agricultural damage, but others are extremely beneficial in the manufacture of fermented
foods like yoghurt and soy sauce. Few bacteria are pathogens or parasites that cause illness in
animals and plants.
Gram negative rods are a kind of bacterium distinguished by their shape and Gram
stain colour. Bacteria are classified into two types based on the structure of their cells which
is rods and cocci. Cocci are spherical bacteria, whereas Rods are rod-shaped bacteria.
Because everyone eats, everyone is at risk of developing a foodborne disease. Meat and dairy
products are the most often implicated foods. Salmonella Typhimurium, E. coli O157:H7, and
Shigella spp. are among the most common foodborne pathogens that harm humans globally.
All pathogens found in food are significant. But, depending on the circumstances, they might
be more or less dangerous. Certain foodborne bacteria, such as Salmonella spp. and E. coli
O157:H7, can cause significant disease with a low infectious dose. Surprisingly,
Gram-negative bacterial pathogens account for around 69% of all infections.
A) Macroscopic examination.
1. The cultural characteristics of the given cultures on Nutrient agar and
MacConkey Agar plates were studied.
2. The picture below was used as a guide.
B) Characterization of bacteria.
Motility test.
1. A loopful of log phase culture broth was placed on the coverslip.A small
amount of vaseline was applied at the edge of the coverslip.
2. The cavity slide was inverted over the coverslip.
3. The slide was gently pressed against the cover slip and then was reverted back.
4. The culture was hanging at the centre of the cavity slide.
5. The motility pattern of the bacterial culture was observed using the
Biochemistry test.
1. A loopful of each culture was inoculated into urea broth.
2. A loopful of each culture was inoculated into litmus milk.
3. A loopful of each culture was inoculated into various sugar broths (maltose,
glucose, lactose and sucrose).
4. Each culture was inoculated into TSI agar slant using an inoculating needle by
stabbing through the centre of the medium to the bottom of the tube. Then, the
surface of the agar slant was streaked.
5. All broths and agar slants were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours.
A) Macroscopic examination.
Texture Nutrient
Agar Dry Smooth Smooth
Agar Smooth Smooth Dry
Elevation Nutrient
Agar Raised Flat Raised
morphology MacConkey
Agar Flat Raised Convex
Form Nutrient
Agar Raised and Round and Round
punctiform punctiform
Agar Round Round Round
Margin Nutrient
Agar Entire Entire Entire
Agar Serrate Entire Entire
B) Characterization of bacteria.
Motility test.
Motile ✔ ✔
Non-motile ✔
Picture of Klebsiella
Figure 2.1
Picture of Salmonella in sugar broth Picture of E. coli in sugar broth
Figure 2.2
Biochemistry test
Urea broth
No changes Formation of No changes
white spots on the
Litmus milk
Purple precipitate Precipitate 3 layers formed
formed at bottom formed at bottom with purple
precipitate at
bottom and
formation of
white spots
Sugar broth
Glucose Pale pink Light pink Light Pink
Pale Reddish pink Reddish pink
Butt colour
Orange Dark Orange Yellow
Slant colour
TSI agar Orange Dark Orange Yellowish Dark
Type of reaction
Acid/acid Acid/acid Acid/alkaline
Blackening of
the medium No A little dark Darker
Gas production
A lot little A lot
This experiment was done by conducting 3 types of experiments. The first experiment
involves examining E. coli, klebsiella, salmonella, by providing cultures on nutrient agar
under a microscope. This approach involved observing and learning about the
gramme-negative bacteria's macroscopic appearance. In this experiment, the macroscopic
morphology of gram-negative bacteria was observed and studied. Next, for the second
procedure was the motility test and Biochemistry test, which are in the motility test, the
motility pattern of movement for E. coli, klebsiella, and salmonella was observed.
Meanwhile, in the biochemistry test, the reaction of both cultures was examined and studied
after 24 hours of incubation at 37°C For the third procedure, was the observation of the
spoiled food sample in which the chosen spoiled food was the rice with E. coli, spoiled rice,
rice with Klebsiella and the rice with Salmonella. It was examined for odour, texture, and
colour. Ultimately, all the observations were recorded in the table 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4
For the second experiment, in which, motility test. The E. coli and salmonella shows
motility based on theory. However, the E. coli and salmonella motility cannot be observed
under the microscope in figure 2.1. This is due to the personal errors made by students in
which the lens zooming was not properly handled well. Furthermore, some strains of E. coli
are non-motile in addition to its flagellated bacteria with peritrichous flagella arrangement.
For Klebsiella, it does not show motility and is non-flagellated.
Furthermore, in the same procedure, a few biochemistry tests were conducted by a
specific medium which is urea broth. For both gram-negative bacteria which are E. coli and
Salmonella, it does not show any changes in colour. This is due to the absence of urease
enzymes in urea broth which helps to detect the presence of urease. Decarboxylation of
amino acids results in urea. Ammonia and 𝐶𝑂2 are produced when urea is hydrolysed. The
solution becomes more alkaline due to the creation of ammonia, and the pH change is
indicated by phenol red, which turns from pale orange at pH 6.8 to magenta (pink) at pH 8.1.
Within 24 hours, rapid urease-positive microbes turn the entire medium pink.
For litmus milk in E. Coli, purple precipitate formed at the bottom. For Klebsiella,
precipitate formed at the bottom and for Salmonella 3 layers formed with purple precipitate
formed at the bottom with the formation of white spots. For sugar broth, E. Coli, Klebsiella,
and Salmonella were tested in this experiment.However, this experiment was conducted by 3
different groups which are group 1 , group 2 and group 3 as shown in figure 2.2. In E. coli,
for maltose, pink- red colour is formed. For glucose, pale pink is formed. For lactose, light
pink is formed. For sucrose, pale yellowish-pink is formed. For Klebsiella, In Lactose it
shows brown chocolate colour. In Glucose, it shows light pink colour. For both Maltose and
Sucrose, it shows reddish pink colour. For Salmonella, there are 2 different types of colour
observed which are Reddish-pink colour, and light pink colour. For both maltose and glucose,
it does show light pink colour. Meanwhile, for both lactose and sucrose, it shows reddish pink
colour. Thus, the changes in air bubbles and colour does give a positive result to glucose. For
the TSI Agar test, TSI Agar is a biochemical test used for the identification of the ability of a
gram-negative bacterium to ferment a specific type of sugar and the ability to produce
hydrogen sulphide. For E. coli, the butt colour is orange. For slant colour, it shows orange
colour. For this type of reaction, it is acidic. For blackening of the medium for E. Coli, it
shows no changes.
In the last procedure, there are spoiled food samples. For food naturally spoiled, it
smells odour, sticky and watery texture, and has a black colour. For food inoculated with E.
Coli, it has a sour smell odour, sticky and slimy texture also comes with greenish black
colour. For food inoculated with Klebsiella, it has a sour smell with sticky and mushy texture
along with yellowish green colour. Lastly, for food inoculated with salmonella it has a
pungent smell odour with sticky and wet texture along with no changes in colour.
In conclusion, the objectives of this experiment were met. The characteristics of the
gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria E. coli, Klebsiella, and Salmonella have been determined
at the end of the experiment, and it has been discovered that each of them has a different
colonial morphology. According to the motility test, Salmonella and E. coli are both motile,
but Klebsiella is not. Each of the biochemical tests, which include the urea broth test, TSI
Agar test, litmus milk test, and sugar broth test, yields a different response from each of the
three bacteria. The students were then exposed to the features of food spoilage brought on by
gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria, where the spoilt food is stale rice, and the characteristics
noticed were the odour, texture, and colour of the stale rice. The majority of the results were
consistent with theory, though with minor variations.
1) Discuss why the motility test should be done at the log phase of bacterial growth.
The motility should be performed during the log phase of bacterial development
because it is the best time to test for motility. The log phase of bacterial development
is the time when the bacteria are healthy and actively growing. During the log phase,
motility will occur.
1. Aryal, S. (2022, August 10). Fermentation test - Principle, procedure, uses and
4. Aryal, S. (2022, August 10). Litmus milk test - Principle, procedure, uses and
5. Karki, G. (2020, August 10). TSI (Triple sugar iron) test: Objective, principle,