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Estimation of Traffic Congestion Cost-A Case Study of A Major Arterial in Karachi

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Procedia Engineering 77 (2014) 37 – 44

Fourth International Symposium on Infrastructure Engineering in Developing Countries, IEDC


Estimation of Traffic Congestion Cost-A Case Study of a Major

Arterial in Karachi
Mir Shabbar Alia, Muhammad Adnana*, Syed Muhammad Nomana, Syed Fazal Abbas
Department of Urban and Infrastructure Engineering, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, 75270, Pakistan


This paper consists of a study conducted to quantify the traffic congestion problem. Additionally, it describes
the complete methodological process from data collection to cost per minute delay. Traffic congestion issues are
frequently observed in large cities of the world where the road facilitiesoperate at capacity limits. To estimate the
congestion cost,an arterial route of Karachi (A metropolitan city of Pakistan) was selected that has significant
importance due to the industrial and port associated activity. The obtained results indicate that Pak Rs. 1 million are
lost daily due to traffic congestion, which is extrapolated for whole Karachi. The amount is a composition of
opportunity and fuel consumption costs caused due to excessive delays in congestion.

© 2014
© 2014 Elsevier
The Authors. Published
Ltd. This by Elsevier
is an open Ltd. under the CC BY-NC-ND license
access article
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Department of Urban and Infrastructure Engineering, NED University of
Engineering under
Peer-review and Technology.
responsibility of the Accounting Research Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA.

Keywords:Traffic Congestio;, arteria;, congestion cost; delay.

1. Introduction
In the last two decades, rapid growth and urbanization brings precarious issues to the under developing
countries. Mainly all these issues are classify as public issues which leads towards drastic impact to the

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+92-021-99261261-8, Ext:2551; fax:+92-021-99261255.

E-mail address: adnanres@neduet.edu.pk

1877-7058 © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Department of Urban and Infrastructure Engineering, NED University of
Engineering and Technology
38 Mir Shabbar Ali et al. / Procedia Engineering 77 (2014) 37 – 44

settlements. One of the eminent problem faces by all classes of population is road transportation related problem.
The incompetent and inefficient transportation infrastructure was the main restraint for the development [1]. The
problem of traffic congestion in major cities of the world likeKarachi is a frequent phenomenon. The traffic
congestion tends to prolong, hinder and counterproductive for the number of economic activities in the city.The
studies on traffic associated issues and threats are examine under different domains such as environment and
health. In contrast, economical loss due to traffic is also investigated in number of ways.Arnott and Small[2]
studied and described the undesirable effects of traffic to their environments, like air degradation due to vehicle
emission and traffic noise pollution along with the congestion. McKinnon [3]studied the effect of traffic
congestion on logistical operations.Goodwin [4] discussed about the transportation management issues for
resolution of traffic congestion faced in Europe. Thomson and Bull [5] discussed about the concerns associated
with traffic congestion.The study conducted by Australian Government,Department of Transport and Regional
Service,[6] estimated congestion cost for a year approximately USD 10 billion which comprises of operating cost,
private time cost and business time cost for all Australian cities. Another research was also conducted for Dhaka
city,Bangladesh[7], estimated congestion cost for a year was USD 3.868 billion. This cost comprises
environmental, vehicle operating cost, social cost, travel time cost etc. The methodology was based on collecting
data regarding travel time, and number of vehicles. Goodwin [8] came up with the findings for UK that economic
cost of traffic congestion was approximately USD 30 billion for a year in 2004 and predictedthat this may increase
upto USD50 billion in 2010. The method used was composed of collecting data for free flow speed, traffic volume,
congestion delay and value of time.Congestion cost is also estimated through a simulation the study, Garrido [9]
usedmicrosimulation technique to estimate the traffic congestion cost of the Antofagasta, Chile having population
of around 0.4 million inhabitants. The study described the simulation procedure and concluded that theaverage
congestion cost of aworking day is approximately USD 1.02 million.

The large cities of Pakistan face similar types of congestion problems, and there is no such effort present at the
moment that quantifies the amount of monetary losses due to congestion. Although, there are number of
effortsmade to accommodate and facilitate the increasing traffic in urban areas but congestion seems to be an
unresolved issue. Such as; Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) formerly known as CDGK established a
command and control system to monitor traffic flow but the data that has been generated, Lahore Mass
Transportation System (BRT) are adopted to tackle traffic congestion. Keeping this in view, this research was
conducted to investigate the quantity of congestion and then quantify in term of cost. For this, one of the busiest
and significantly important road stretch of Karachi were selected which mainly serve to the activities affiliated
with industrial and port.The research was design to ascertain the traffic congestion with a conventional approach.
Numbers of traffic parameter were collected through field surveys. This paper containsthe description about study
area, type of data collected for this study and obtained findings followed by the concluding remarks.

2. Study Area

The study area situated in one of the economical hub city of Pakistan i.e. Karachi and having significant
importance to provide service to the industrial area and port activity. This is a long stretch of road in which one end
is located in the urban area, dominated by residential houses, and other end sited in the industrial area, subjected to
industries, oil refiners and other low scale industries. The length of road stretch is about 25 km serving to the
heterogeneous traffic which includes light and heavy traffic from bike to container truck. This road stretch is
highly feasible for commercial activity because of its significance. These commercial activities held along the
stretch mainly in urban area which tends to increase the traffic congestion. The study area was divided into 9
observation points amongst which seven were intersections and two of them were mid-block points. Among these
points four points situated in urban area and five points are located in industrial area. The figure 1 shows the map
of road stretch which segmented into urban and industrial area and the points identifies the observation spots in the
Mir Shabbar Ali et al. / Procedia Engineering 77 (2014) 37 – 44 39

Fig. 1. Showing road stretch as Urban Area and Industrial Area

3. Data Collection and Processing

The project methodological framework encompassed the data collection, data processing, data analysis and the
final step of congestion estimation and valuation, which is based on the collected data. This is explained in the
following paragraphs.

For data collection, an instrumented vehicle which was indigenously developed by NED University having
mounted video cameras and tracker system, was used for traffic volume observation at 9 different location
mentioned above. The data was collected intwo time phases, morning and evening, such as time interval between
8:00am to 1:00pm and 3:00pm to 8:00pm respectively. The morning and evening data hours were considered so as
to record the peak traffic hours. The data at each point was collected for two days, to counter effect the variations.
Among these survey points two control points were established. The purpose of these control points was to control
the data variation of non-counted hours, to develop an urban and industrial average data throughout the link. The
data at control points, MalirKalaboard and Bin Qasim intersection, was collected for longer durations with the
strategy to extrapolate the data for supplementary intervals. Volume data was characterized into different travel
modes such as: Cars, Motorcycles, Rickshaw, Pickup, Buses, Trucks and Trailors,Bicycles and Animal carts for
non-motorized modes of transport.The delay study conducted on the field with the help of same indigenous vehicle
running on the road stretch (from Star Gate to Pakistan Steel) to quantify the delay and their reasons.The delay
time was calculated based on the definition that total accumulated time of the vehicle for a trip at which the vehicle
40 Mir Shabbar Ali et al. / Procedia Engineering 77 (2014) 37 – 44

is travelling below the reference speed. Various reference speeds such as20, 40 and 60Km/Hr were used for
calculation of delay time as literature does not provide any firm guideline regarding the choice of reference speed
[8].Special emphasizes were given on the accuracy of the delay data thus it was calculated manually (through
average vehicle technique) as well as through Tracker data set.

Value of time (VOT) is also estimated using a socio-economic survey data from the commuters of this road
stretch. The socio-economic survey was based on the questionnaire which provides information about commuter’s
mode choice and different attributes of the travel modes such as travel cost, travel time and waiting time in case of
Public and Para transit types of mode. The idea was to estimate VOT of individuals travelling in different modes
using an indirect technique which is based on estimating mode specific utility equations that includes travel time
and travel cost parameters, as a part of multinomial logitmodel form [10].The estimated VOT valuesare utilised to
measure opportunity cost component of traffic congestion cost. Fuel efficiency and fuel consumption data for
different types of modes, prevailing in that road stretch, was gathered to estimate vehicle operating cost component
of traffic congestion cost. Equation (1) and (2) represents the expressions utilised to compute opportunity and
vehicle operating costs.

ܱ‫ ܥ‬ൌ  σ௠
௠ୀଵሺܸܱܶ௠  ൈ ‫ݕ݈ܽ݁ܦ‬௠  ൈ ܸ௠ ൈ ܸ‫ܿܿ݋‬௠ ሻ (1)

Where, OC= Opportunity Cost of traffic congestion, ܸܱܶ௠ = Value of time for specific mode m, ‫ݕ݈ܽ݁ܦ‬௠ =travel
delay in time units observed for mode m(estimated at some reference speed),ܸ௠ =number of vehicles of type m per
day, ܸ‫ܿܿ݋‬௠ = Average vehicle occupancy for specific mode m.

ܸܱ‫ ܥ‬ൌ ‫ כ ܮ‬σ௠

௠ୀଵሺ‫ܥܨ‬௠  ൈ ‫ݕ݈ܽ݁ܦ‬௠  ൈ ܸ௠ ሻ (2)

Where, VOC= Vehicle operating Cost, ‫ܥܨ‬௠ = Fuel cost in Rs/hr for specific mode m, ܸ௠ and ‫ݕ݈ܽ݁ܦ‬௠ have the
same meaning mentioned earlier and L= length of stretch in Km. Where, ‫ܥܨ‬௠ is calculated using equation (3).

‫ܥܨ‬௠ ൌ σଷி௧ୀଵ൫‫ݍܿܨ‬௠ ி௧ ൈ ‫݌ܨ‬ி௧ ൈ ߤி௧ ൯ (3)

Where, ‫ݍܿܨ‬௠ = Fuel consumption quantity in litres/km or Kg/km of specific mode m, ‫݌ܨ‬ி௧ = fuel price of specific
fuel typesFt = 1, 2 and 3 such as CNG, Gasoline and Diesel, respectively in Rs. /litres or Rs/kg.ߤி௧ =proportion of
specific mode type m using a particular fuel type for travelling on that road stretch.

4. Results and Discussion

The collected data was compiled according to the parameters described in equations (1), (2) and (3). The
average values of the volume collected at 9 different locations were given in Table 1. As the survey data was
gathered only for 16 hours of the day, these values are adjusted to represents values for a single average day. Some
past studies results were utilized to derive those adjustment factors. In addition to this, table 1 also provides
observed values of vehicle occupancy for each different type of mode travelling on the stretch of the segment. The
travel mode, bike (motorcycles) contributed largely in the traffic stream and then all other vehicle types. The
presence of significant amount of bikes is mainly due to inconvenient public transport system prevailing in
Karachi. There is also significant numbers of Trucks present in the traffic stream which is because of type of land
use in the neighborhood of this road stretch. Large numbers of industries are located nearby and also this road
provides access to major seaport in Karachi. Due to this fact significant number of office Vans (privately hired
vehicle such as coasters and hiace) are also seen frequently during peak hours; which carries passengers from the
residence to industries and vice versa. It is interesting to note that the average vehicle occupancy of carobtained as
low compared to its seating capacity. This is because most of the commuters which are using car for their own
travel. Figure 2 further describe the percentage of different modes present in the stream.

Table 1.Classified volume and vehicle occupancy

Mir Shabbar Ali et al. / Procedia Engineering 77 (2014) 37 – 44 41

Volume Vehicle
(veh/ day) Occupancy

Car 2970 2.2

Taxi 481 3.2
Office Van 978 13
Three Wheeler 432 2
Bike 3419 1.2
Public Transport 1334 38
Truck 1188 4



Public Car
Transport 27%

Bike 4%
30% Office Van
Three 10%

Fig. 2.Mode percentage share in the traffic stream

Table 2 describes the average speed of classified modes on that road stretch.The road is classified as major
urban arterial road, which basically fulfills the purpose of mobility and the design speed is around 110 km/hr. The
average speed of the road clearly depicting the prevailing condition of the arterial that is partly due to the
deteriorated pavement structure and partly due to the increased demand, both of these factors in combination
creating frequent traffic jams along the road stretch. Table 2 also shows estimated travel delays for each
representative travel mode at two reference speeds (i.e. 20Km/hr and 30km/hr). The table demonstrates that the
delay of a particular mode and reference speed is directly proportional but the increment of delay is not similar
among modes which describe the mobility characteristic of that mode. It was clearly observed from the table the
bike has lesser delay and truck has largest delay in both the reference speed which in mainly due to their size.
42 Mir Shabbar Ali et al. / Procedia Engineering 77 (2014) 37 – 44

Table 2.Average speed and average delay under reference speed.

Average Speed Avg. Delay (Min/ Veh) Avg. Delay (Min/ Veh)
(Km/ hr) at ref. speed 20kph at ref. speed 30kph
Car 50 8 10
Taxi 45 8 11
Office Van 42 9.5 12.4
Three Wheeler 28 6.5 8.3
Bike 35 4 4.6
Public Transport 29 13.9 19.3
Truck 26 16.8 25

The value of time was also estimatedin this study using an indirect approach, more details of this can be seen in
Adnan et al [11], however, VOT values are shown with respect to mode usersin table 3.Average fuel consumption
quantity of classified modes and their proportions (i.e.μ1,μ2, μ3)are also shown in same table. Fuel consumption
quantities are estimated by running various test vehicles of same mode type on the road stretch. The proportions of
vehicles using different fuel type is determined based on physical examination of various travel modes based on
sample size of 300 vehicle of each mode type.

Table 3.Vehicle classified VOT with μ-factor and fuel consumption quantity.
Modes VOT μ1 μ2 μ3 FcqCNG FcqGasoline FcqDiesel
(Rs/hr) (kg/km) (lt/km) (lt/km)
Car 87 0.56 0.44 - 17-19 10-12 -
Taxi 80 0.63 0.37 - 18-20 10-12 -
Office Van 75 0.57 0.43 - 10-11 7-8 -
Three Wheeler 60 0.79 0.21 - 28-30 25 -
Bike 44 - 1 - - 55-60 -
Public Transport 34 0.59 - 0.41 6-8 - 2-4
Truck 35 - - 1 - - 1-2

The results shown in table 1, 2 and 3 are utilized in quantifying the level of congestion and traffic congestion
cost using equations (1), (2) and (3). As shown in table2 above, time loss for average vehicle type is approximately
10minutes/tripusing conservative definition of delay (i.e. 20km/hr reference speed) along with the volume of traffic
which is 60,000 vehicles/day. On these bases,totaldelay was found out to be 600,000 minutes/day which is nearly
410 days/day. The Level of Service (LOS) for this stretch was fond out to be D. The free flow travel time for the
stretch, was 17 minutes, but in actual circumstances average travel timeper average vehicle is found to be
30minutesfor the complete stretch of road which is around 21km. The per trip additional time as associated to the
free flow speed is approximately 175%of the free flow travel time, which provides travel time index value as 1.75.
Furthermore, a very interesting fact is that the free flow speed is hardly achievable on this track at any time of the

Based on the collected data and observed results, table 4 shows total direct traffic congestion cost as around
3million PKR per day (30,440 USD per day) for the road stretch under study using conservative definition of travel
delay (i.e. 20 km/hr reference speed). On per year basis, this figure will be approximately 11 Million USD per
annum. This is significant amount of monetary value that could be avoided by taking counteractive measures. It is
a very high cost especially when compared to the GDP. Therefore, as happened in the Western World, serious
Mir Shabbar Ali et al. / Procedia Engineering 77 (2014) 37 – 44 43

mitigation steps needs to be implied here as well. Furthermore, this is the loss incurred due to traffic congestion at
a particular commuter stretch. This value when extrapolated to the whole Karachi city makes the issue more
cumbersome. Thus, the policy making institutions needs to take serious actions to deal with it.

Table 4. Total Cost of direct traffic congestion per day in Pak Rupees
Heads Loss in PKR
Opportunity Cost (OC) 1,897,800
Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) 1,042,000
Wear and Tear Cost (10% of VOC) 104,200
Total Cost 3,044,000

The simple extrapolation of the traffic congestion cost for whole arterial network of Karachi city can be done
by calculating per km cost for the stretch under study, which is around 0.53 Million USD per km per year. This
cost needs to be multiplied with the existing length of arterial network of Karachi i.e. 1300 Km. This give total cost
of 687.8Million USD per year for whole Karachi that is equivalent to 2% of the total revenue of Pakistan.Figure 3
presents extrapolation of the value obtained for Karachi for future 10 years based on 10% constant inflation rate.

Traffic Congestion Cost -Extrapolation

Cost in Million USD per Year

2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024

Fig. 3. Extrapolation of traffic congestion cost of Karachi in future years

Fig. 3 indicates that in year 2018, (which is 5 years from now), the Karachi congestion cost will exceed 1billion
USD per year, which is representing 2% of the total GDP share of Karachi. So, in essence this suggested that for an
urban city of developing country, traffic congestion cost may be around 1-2% of the GDP that particular city is
contributing. In this manner, fourmajor urban cities GDP share is noted, and against that traffic congestion cost is
estimated in table 5.
44 Mir Shabbar Ali et al. / Procedia Engineering 77 (2014) 37 – 44

Table 5. Total Cost of direct traffic congestion for other cities in Pakistan
City GDP Share in Traffic Congestion
Pakistan Economy Cost ( Billion USD
(231 Billion USD) per year)
Lahore 15% 0.519
Faisalabad 8% 0.277
Rawalpindi 1% 0.030
Multan 1% 0.030

5. Conclusion

This research study estimated the traffic congestion cost of Karachi, a metropolis city of Pakistan. In addition to
this also estimates the possible cost of traffic congestion in other large cities of Pakistan based on an assumed
extrapolation strategy. This research is first of its kind in the country, and paves way for further its enhancement in
other parts of the country to find out the scale of the problem that is being caused by traffic congestion. The current
and projected cost of this traffic congestion as compared with GDP demonstrated the importance of this problem.
The policy making institutions needs to take serious actions to deal with it.Furthermore, this is the loss incurred
directly due to traffic congestion not included the cost associated with it like environmental degradation cost. If
this cost also estimate will gives the more drastic image of this issue.


The study was funded by Indus Motor ltd. Pakistan with the collaboration of Department of Urban and
Infrastructure Engineering, NED University Karachi. We are particularly grateful to the Police department for
assistance in data collection process. We also thank to student for their assistance in data collection and analysis.

[1] Goulias, K. G., 2003. Transportation system and Planning, Methods and Application.
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[8] Goodwin, P.B., 2004. The economic costs of road traffic congestion. London: University College London, ESRC Transport Studies Unit,
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Symposium on Infrastructure Engineering in Developing Countries, IEDC 2013.Submitted for publication.

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