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Lesson 6: PRICING IN TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY distribution channels, and promotional strategies need to

be tempered relative to the product's price.

4. Buyer Perceptions of Value and Price. Buyers have
Price is the amount that the customer pays for the different perceptions of product quality and value based
products; the amount of money exchanged for something on branding and image. Price affects buyer perceptions.
of value. Price makes products available to the target The higher the price, the higher the buyer's expectations of
market and reflects the value of the product. It is the sum quality are.
of values which consumers exchange for the benefit of
having or using the product. It goes by several other names 5. Competition. Knowing what competition offers is an
such as rent, professional fee, room rates, tuition, fees etc. important factor in the success of a business. In highly
price sensitive markets, companies try to win customers
Key Concepts Relevant to Pricing by selling a lower price than that of customers.
There are few terms that need to be defined in order to 6. Government Regulations and Taxes. Some
easily understand concepts in pricing. They are as follows: government regulations and taxes can either cause a
1. Sales - total amount that a company gets based on company to maintain its low prices or increase its prices.
quantity sold multiplied with selling price. There may be a government regulation or ordinance that
prohibits a company from increasing its prices. However,
2. Revenue - total income/ profit that the company keeps taxes and other governmental fees may be charged by
after all the expenses have been paid for. Simply put: sales some local governments and prices should be increased to
minus expense equals revenue. cover for such additional expenses.

3. Fixed Costs - costs incurred due to the operations of the 7. Nature of the Market and Demand. Tourism caters to
business and do not fluctuate with volume of sales. a highly segmented marketplace. Pricing needs to address
the differences in the nature of such markets as well as the
4. Profit Margins - level of income that is desired by the differences in the demand of each market segment.
company. This usually comes out in percentage form as the
amount of mark-up placed on top of the fixed and variable 8. Pricing in Different Markets. Different markets have a
cost of a product. different levels of price sensitivity. Hence, a one price fits
all markets would not be recommended.
5. Variable Costs - costs that vary based on volume or
quantity. Bigger quantities of the same order will cost less 9. Price Elasticity of Demand. Price increases or
than smaller quantities of the same specifications. This decreases normally have an effect on the level of sales of
concept is commonly known as economies of scale. the product.

6. Break-even Point - the point wherein total cost is equal If demand increases when price decreases, then the
total revenue. A company incurs a loss if costs exceeds product is elastic. If demand stays the same even if there is
revenue and generates an income when revenue exceeds a price cut, the product is inelastic. In the tourism industry,
costs. It is important to know the break-even point as prices fall, demand increases; hence, products are
especially for a new product, so that it is clear to elastic. Consumer demand is highly sensitive to price
management at what volume of sales is the company changes. Price elasticity may be affected by customer's
starting to earn an income. perception of product uniqueness, availability of
substitutes, and how consumers budget.
Key Factors Affecting Price
10. Other Environmental Factors. Other environmental
1. Costs. The setting of prices should incorporate a factors that may be beyond the company’s control can
calculation of how much it costs the organization to affect pricing. These factors may include but not limited to
produce the product or the service. Both variable and fixed political instability, calamities, environmental issues, etc.
costs should be included in the price.
Price and Its Relationship to Marketing Objectives
2. Organizational and Marketing Objectives. Companies
get into business for survival, profit maximization, high Tourism establishments may have different reasons for
rate of return of investment, brand equity growth and an coming up with a marketing mix strategy. 
adequate share of the market. Some organizations such as
foundations and national parks may set low fees mainly 1. Survival. A company may be experiencing a deep crisis
because they are not commercial in nature. that the most basic reason for its marketing efforts is
merely to survive. A crisis may be a recession, an economic
3. Other Marketing Mix Variables. Price is affected by the crisis, or stiff competition.
interplay of the other variables in the marketing mix.
Higher prices should mean higher quality products and 2. Current Profit Maximization. Some companies seek to
services, elite distribution channels, and more use marketing for short term financial gains. Gains such as
personalized promotions. For products priced in the lower current profit maximization, improved cash flows and
bracket, expectations on product and service quality, swift return on investment are mostly for short-term
financial gains.
3. Market Share Leadership. Some companies build on position itself as elite and hopes to target the Class A
marketing strategies that will help company gain a huge market.  
market share and become a market leader in its product
category. This objective seeks to enjoy low costs because of 2. Market Skimming Pricing
high volume which will eventually lead to long-term gains. Companies employ the market skimming pricing strategy
4. Brand Equity Growth. Establishing a positive brand when the market is price insensitive. Consumers become
image leads to high awareness and perception of quality. price insensitive when demand is high and supply is
low. Hence, products and services that have high demand
5, Product-Quality Leadership. Some companies want usually set higher prices to achieve higher profit margins.
their brands to be associated with high quality. Marketing This is an effective short-term policy since competition can
strategies seek to make some brands known as the best easily come in and provide more supply.
service providers in their category since consumers are
willing to pay more for good quality. 3. Market Penetration Pricing

2. GENERAL PRICING APPROACHES Market penetration pricing is used when setting a low
initial price to penetrate the market quickly and to attract
Aside from pricing strategies, there are general pricing many buyers for a large market share. Some start-up
approaches that will help marketers in determining the companies use this strategy since they have lower
"right" price. operating costs than bigger companies. It is an aggressive
way of attracting consumers to try your product because it
1. Cost-based Pricing. Cost-based pricing is an approach is cheaper than the existing products in the market.
that aims to cover costs and make a profit. When using However, quality should be at par with competition to
cost-based pricing, the fixed and variable costs are ensure repeat sales. 
computed and a mark-up is added. This kind of pricing
strategy, however, does not look into the price sensitivity Pricing that considers market behavior and demand
of its consumers nor the pricing scheme of its competitors.  include product bundling, volume discounts, discounts
based on time of purchase, and discriminatory pricing. 
2. Break-even Analysis and Target Profit Pricing. This
kind of pricing approach is when price is determined using 4. Product Bundling Pricing 
break-even price and projecting a target profit. 
Product bundling is a strategy used to attract buyers to
3. Buyer-based Pricing (Value-based). Some companies purchase because of the reduced rate of the bundle
base their prices on the product's value as perceived by the compared to the total cost of the items if purchased
consumers. Perceived-value pricing uses the buyer's individual. The sellers using product-bundle pricing
combine several of their products and offer the bundle at a
perceptions of value and not the seller's cost as the key to
reduced price. 
pricing. The question marketers seek an answer to is, "At
what price are buyers willing to buy my product?".  5. Volume Discounts
4. Competition-based pricing. This approach looks at Volume discounts are rates given to frequent or high-
what price competitors are putting on their products and volume users to attract them to purchase the products.
services. Companies base them mainly against the price Some companies have a demand for a product in large
pegged by their main competitors. Less attention is paid on quantities through a single purchase or for a continuous
costs, margins, and demand. period of time throughout the year. 

3. PRICING STRATEGIES 6. Discounts Based on Time of Purchase

Pricing strategies are ways by which tourism business This strategy addresses the seasonality aspect of the
offer products and services at the "right" price. Some tourism product. A price reduction is given to buyers who
considerations in coming up with the right price include purchase services out of season when the demand is lower
the stage in the product life cycle, market demand, or when purchased way ahead of time. Early bird
competition, and company objectives. discounts and off-peak season discounts are examples of
this kind of strategy. 
For new product pricing, strategies that can be employed
include prestige pricing, market skimming, and market 7. Discriminatory Pricing
penetration pricing.  Defined discriminatory pricing as the segmentation of the
1. Prestige Pricing market and pricing differences based on price elasticity
characteristics of the segments. In this strategy, the
Prestige pricing is used when the product or service is company sells a product or service at two or more prices,
positioned to be luxurious and elegant. Higher price although the difference in price is not based on differences
projects that the product is high-end and prestigious. This in cost but tries to maximize the amount that each
strategy seeks to attract a certain type of clientele and customer pays. This addresses the highly price-sensitive
project a degree of exclusivity. By its high price, it seeks to market segment. 
Other pricing strategies, which may influence purchase, price sensitivity of each market segment. It enables
include psychological pricing and promotional pricing. organizations to sell possibly vacant rooms at reduced
rates during off-peak but also maximizes its revenue
8. Psychological Pricing  during peak periods. 
Psychological aspects like prestige references prices, Market Recovery through Price
round figures, and ignoring end figures are used in pricing.
This strategy plays on the psychology of the consumer. The Some destinations that have lost market share through
consumer defines the perceived value of the product. different external and internal reasons may recover from
their loss through price combined with effective
9. Promotional Pricing promotions. Price can represent a significant incentive to
Promotional pricing offers discounts and short-term encourage visitors to offset their fears and to return.
incentives especially during the introductory stage of the Dealing with Price Changes
product or during special activities such as anniversaries
or festivals. It gives the guests a reason to avail the product Know when to initiate a price cut or a price increase. When
and promotes a positive of the property. This kind of does a company change its prices? Companies normally
pricing, however, may backfire on the product since users adopt a strategy that works well with their company.
might just wait for another promotional offer for them to Companies need to be careful to employ price cuts because
buy again. doing so might lead to a price war where all the market
players are affected negatively. One major reason to cut
4. REVENUE MANAGEMENT prices is when there is excess capacity or inventory.
Revenue management is a systematic approach to Despite promotional efforts, product improvements and
matching demand for services with an appropriate supply better distribution systems, a company may resort to
in order to maximize revenues. With advancements in lowering its prices in the hope that sales volume will
technology, revenue management has become more increase. Another reason for cutting price is to gain a
scientific and less gut feel-based. Most hospitality higher market share. Amidst stiff competition, companies
establishments are able to juggle all bookings and rate may choose to reduce its price or come up with a lower
quotations in a way that maximum revenue potential is market price than competitors with the intention of
achieved at any given night. It plans out the ideal business gaining revenue through increase in volume. 
mix and adjusts rates on an ongoing basis as reservations Lesson 7 - TOURISM PROMOTIONS
Revenue management is beneficial to the hotel and airline
industry in particular because of the following reasons: Promotions has been defined as the coordination of
all seller-initiated efforts to set up channels of
1. Product is perishable; thus, it is better to sell the room/ information and persuasion to sell goods and services or
seat at a low price than have it empty. pr0mote an idea. All seek to inform, create awareness,
2. Capacity is fixed daily. In no way can rooms or seats be attempt to persuade, and reinforce buying behavior of
increased at a specific day to meet demand. customers.

3. Demand fluctuates and is uncertain depending on days Various strategies are thought of and implemented by the
of the week and season of the year. seller to ensure that the tourism product or service is
made known to its possible target market. These strategies
4. Different market segments have different lead times for seek not just to inform people but more importantly to
purchase. Conventions and conferences have longer persuade people to buy the product. The end goal of any
preparation time that can span from anywhere between promotional activity is to close the sale. 
one year to three years, while a business traveler can book
even a week prior to travel. Advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales
5. Flexibility in pricing hotel rooms and airline seats. The promotion, public relations, and internet marketing are
market accepts that hotel room and airline seat rates may known as the promotional mix.
vary depending on purchase lead time and seasonality. 2. ADVERTISING
Yield management is a form of discriminatory pricing Advertising is defined as any paid form of non-personal
wherein some of the market segments pay higher or lower communication about an organization, product, service, or
prices than other tourists for the same tourism products idea by an identified sponsor. It is mass communication
and services in order to ensure optimal yield from the that is paid for. It can reach the largest number of
available inventory. It aims to manage revenue by prospects very quickly. Advertising covers the various
controlling prices and capacity. Yield management messages consumers receive from television, radio,
addresses the perishability of tourism products and newspapers, magazines, billboards, transit displays, and
services. It entails a thorough knowledge of the different even online. Online options include banner advertising,
market segments, demand, and booking patterns as well as skyscraper ads, pay per click, etc.
In the hospitality industry, advertising is viewed as a way 5. Musical – uses simple but catchy music effectively
to create and maintain awareness of the company, through product jingles or songs. 
property, or destination. However, not all tourism
products and services would benefit from advertising. A 6. Personality – creates a character that represents the
careful assessment of one's resources and objectives need product such as Jollibee, the friendly Bee.
to be done before deciding on using advertising as a tool 7. Technical Expertise – reveals the company’s expertise
for promotions. Big properties such as hotels, fast food with the product or service. 
chains, and country destinations may benefit from a
carefully planned advertising strategy. 8. Scientific Evidence – presents research or scientific
evidence that the brand is better than competing brands. 
Objectives of Advertising
9. Testimonial Evidence – features a highly credible
An advertising objective is a specific communication task person such as a celebrity endorsing the product. 
to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a
specific period of time. Advertising can be classified based The Use of Celebrity Endorsers
on its objectives: (1) to inform, (2) to persuade, and (3)
to remind. Celebrity endorsement plays an important role in helping
products become more tangible and create differentiation.
Informative advertising is used when introducing a new The use of celebrity endorsers becomes a preferred
product or to build up primary demand for the product. strategy for promoting a product or service because the
Companies employ aggressive tools to ensure that a new celebrity lends his credibility to the product, helps attract
product creates excitement and demand within its target attention, provides a persuasive message, and targets the
market. audience based on the celebrity's demographic profile. Roll
(2010) elucidates the following three main aspects to
Persuasive advertising is used when competition is stiff.  consider in choosing a celebrity endorser:
Companies rely on persuasive advertising to be able to
keep its market share. 1. Attractiveness of the celebrity to create a positive
impact on the product.
Reminder advertising is very important for products that 2. Credibility of the celebrity expressed through
have reached the maturity stage. Products attempt to expertise and trustworthiness, and
maintain market position even if they are already top of 3. Meaning transfer between brand and celebrity which
mind. refers to the compatibility of brand and celebrity in
According to Shoemaker et al. (2207), the ideal hospitality terms of identity, personality, market positioning and
advertisement should accomplish five things: lifestyle.

1. Tangibilize the service element so that the reader can 3. DIRECT MARKETING
mentally grasp what is offered. With the moving away of marketing from advertising to
2. Promise a benefit that can be delivered and/or provide the integrated marketing communications approach, direct
solutions to problems. marketing (DM) has gained prominence and acceptance. In
3. Differentiate the property from that of the the field of tourism marketing, which focuses on niche
competition. markets. the direct marketing approach is widely used.
4. Have positive effects on employees who must execute
the promises. Direct marketing is an interactive system of marketing
5. Capitalize on word of mouth. that uses one or more advertising media to affect a
measurable response. It seeks to establish continuing
Types of Advertising Execution relationships between a company and its regular
For advertising to achieve its objectives of differentiation, customers. Offers are sent to a customer database of
tangibilizing the product, and having positive effects on people who are most
employees and customers, Kotler et al. (2010) present able, willing and ready to buy the product. 
different execution styles, as follows:
Advantages of Direct Marketing
1. Slice of Life –shows how people use the products in
a normal setting. Direct Marketing is an ideal promotional tool for products
and services that want to capture a niche market.
2. Lifestyle – shows how product fits with one’s way of life.
1. Precision Targeting.  Having a good database can help
3. Fantasy – creates a “wonder” world around the product pin point prospects based on prospect's lifestyles,
or its use. demographics, purchasing patterns, etc. The direct mail
4. Mood or image – builds positive images or moods campaign can be very precise in specifying its target
around the product such as beauty, love, fun, and serenity.  market.
2. Personalized Messages. A person's name is the
sweetest word in the world. Prospective customers will
definitely read through material when their name is on it. One of the advantages of direct marketing as a promotional
Addressing specific customers personally will capture tool is measurability. A properly executed direct marketing
their attention than generic and random messages. campaign can be measured in several ways, namely:
3. Privacy. The company's offer is not visible to 1. The number of inquiries generated;
competitors since it is personalized. The competition will 2. The ratio of conversions or purchases realized
not be able to monitor what the offer is. Hence, they will from inquiries generated; and
not be able to match it. 3. Its communication impacts.
4. Faster Sales. Direct marketing can yield to faster sales 4. PERSONAL SELLING
since it is targeted to actual users of the product.
Sales representatives are the company's link to customers.
5. Variety of Packaging Options. A variety of packaging The salesperson represents the business to its customers.
options are available for direct mail campaigns limited Whatever the impression and the image the salesperson
only by the marketer's creativity and budget. has is the image that the clients form in their minds about
6. Less Competition (from other media content). A letter the company he represents. Personal selling can be
or package that is opened by the prospect will have less defined as the person-to-person communication between a
competition from other media content compared to salesperson and a prospective customer in which the
billboards, TV commercials, and the like. The receiver needs are met in exchange for money or resources.
would take more time reading through your content Sales representatives are an integral part of the success of
because it is personalized and unique. the tourism and hospitality industry. Kotler et al. (2010)
7. Immediate Results. A response form or action is outline the primary task sales professionals perform for
normally solicited from the prospective customer; hence, their companies as follows:
results can be immediate. 1. Prospecting. The sales professional is tasked to look
8. Measurability. The company knows the number of into potential customers or "prospects." A good and active
direct mailers issued; hence, it will be easy to determine database should be maintained as well as networking skills
response rates.  to ensure that there is a steady flow of new customers
coming into the business. 
Elements of a Direct Marketing Campaign
2. Targeting. Sales professionals need to determine how
There are three important elements that should be taken to prioritize limited time and resources to tap customers
into consideration when planning a direct marketing from their list of prospects. 
campaign. These are: (1) the list, (2) the message, and (3)
the offer. 3. Communicating. A constant stream of communication
should flow from customer to client and vice versa. Sales
The list contains all the names and contact information of personnel need to find ways and means to keep in touch
your target market. The list should be accurate, with clients. This can be done through giving information
updated, and narrowed down based on the about new products and services or generating new
characteristics of the market who you think would most business from clients. 
likely be interested in your product offering. This list may
also be referred to your database. 4. Selling. Sales personnel are trained to do product
presentations, negotiations, overcoming objections, and
The message is important to closing the sale. This is the core of what the salesperson
be customized and personalized. Marketers estimate that does for the company.
prospective customers have very limited attention spans
and it will only take a few seconds for them to make a 5. Servicing. Salesperson should not remain as order
judgement on whether to continue reading your message takers. Instead, they should shift to becoming customer
or for them to proceed to doing other things. It takes a lot consultants - helping clients solve problems and rendering
of skill to make the message simple and interesting so as to technical/ expert assistance.
make it easy for the prospect to learn more about the 6. Information Gathering. Sales representative assist the
product and the offer. company in gathering intelligence information such as
The offer should be interesting and worthy for the what competition is doing or what the company's need are.
prospective customer to consider making a purchase. It They also suggest innovations based on market demands.
should move the prospective client into action. Making the 7. Allocating. When there are product shortages or over-
offer not available to other clients and available for a bookings, sales people assist in deciding which clients to
limited time only, will help make the offer more appealing.  prioritize based on past and future business engagements. 
Measures of Success Selecting Sales Strategies
1. Prevent erosion of key accounts. Key accounts are your
clients that sustain your company. These accounts should
be managed well, given the proper attention and further product offer, now is the time to deliver an impressive
cultivated for more frequent consumption and upselling. product presentation. The product presentation should be
Salespersons should be trained how these accounts can be customized to the prospect and should include features,
kept and prevented from switching to competitors. benefits, and advantages of availing the products and
2. Grow key accounts. Growing key accounts means
adding more companies into this key segment of the 5. Negotiation and Overcoming Objections. This is a very
market. Cultivate secondary or marginal accounts with challenging phase in the sales process. This involves
high potential to become key accounts.  arriving at a mutually beneficial exchange of value
between the seller and the buyer. Negotiation is the
3. Grow selected marginal accounts. Marginal accounts process of resolving differences what the buyer wants and
can provide the company with much needed extra sales what the seller wants to give in exchange for what the
and revenue when demand from key accounts is low. buyer can pay for. Objections come in different forms, it
Choose marginal accounts that can be cultivated to provide may be because of the price or rate of your product, the
additional consumption.  actual product or service, or simply a lack of interest in the
4. Eliminate selected marginal accounts. Some marginal product. There are different ways to respond to objections.
accounts may not be yielding any revenue for the company You may choose to deal with it directly or compensate for
even after several attempts to make it grow. Know when to the objection by offering other benefits that would be
drop accounts so that time and resources allotted for said important to the client too. 
accounts can be channeled to other accounts. 6. Closing the Sale. Officially closing the sale is done
5. Retain selected marginal accounts with lower-cost through a signed contract. Unfortunately, a lot of
sales support. Maintain marginal accounts that take less salesperson are too afraid to ask for the sales; hence, they
time and resources to service. That way, these accounts go back to their offices uncertain if they have closed the
can produce marginal sales without much effort and sale. 
budget provided. 7. Follow-up/ Maintenance. Once the sale has been made
6. Obtain new business from selected and the service has been delivered, the salesperson keeps
prospects. Business development should always be the relationship going by doing follow-up activities such as
prioritized. New business from existing accounts as well as a phone call or personal visit to ensure that the product
promising prospects can be beneficial to the growth of the and service quality was provided. Customer satisfaction
company. often results in repeat business and positive word of
mouth. In case of customer dissatisfaction, the follow-up
Steps of the Sales Process call will enable feedback and may be an avenue to address
and respond to concerns and complaints.
1. Prospecting and Qualifying Prospects. The sales
process begins with identifying prospective customers 5. PUBLIC RELATIONS
using a variety of sources. Prospects start out as leads;
these may come from people who have been referred by Public Relations (PR) is the process of creating a positive
your current clients, clients of your competitors, new image and customer preference through third party
users, databases, and inquiries. These leads are then endorsement. This can be done using various activities all
qualified to determine whether investing time and aimed to generate a positive image through what others
resources in acquiring the customer will be profitable. say about one's establishment. 

2. Pre-approach. The pre-approach phase is the stage PR banks on the idea that if a credible person – not related
wherein the salesperson seeks to understand the business to your business – says something good about your
opportunities that the prospects can provide the company. product or service, consumers may be more certain that it
It is the stage where the salesperson makes himself is really good. Communicating to the company's public
familiar with the business of the company and what the includes both its internal and external audience. The
company's needs are in order to ensure that there is a fit internal audience includes employees and investors.
between what the company needs and what the Employees should maintain a positive outlook for the
salesperson is selling. company that they work for. They should be the primary
believers of the benefits of the company's products and
3. Approach. The approach is when the salesperson starts must show excitement toward it as well as the company
to communicate with the prospect. Professionalism and they represent.
strong social skills are very important in establishing
rapport especially for the initial meeting. The salesperson Major Public Relations Activities
should also observe proper etiquette, protocols, and Major PR activities that the establishment can pursue
cultural sensitivity all throughout the engagement. include the following:
4. Presentation and Demonstration. Knowing the 1. Press / Media Relations – the use of third-party
prospect's needs and how to address his problems, and endorsement through mass media channels to generate
having been given valuable official time to listen to the publicity and awareness for huge audiences.
2. Product Publicity – involves efforts to introduce o Public Relations Tools and Audiences
publicize specific products, special events, new
developments within the business. Public relations can be used to address various audiences
such as employees, guests, community groups, other
3. Corporate Communications – covers internal and stakeholders, and special audiences. A variety of public
external communications promotes understanding of the relations tools can be effective in addressing specific
organization. audiences. 
4. Lobbying - involves dealing with legislators and
government officials who may pass bills that have an
impact – whether positive or negative – on one’s business.
5. Counselling – involves advising management about
public issues and company positions and image.     
Contributions of Public Relations to Marketing
The contributions of public relations cannot be
downplayed. They can help marketing in the following
1. Assist in the launch of new product.
2. Assist in repositioning a mature product.
3. Build up interest in a product category.
4. Influence specific target groups.
5. Defend products that have encountered public
Public Relations Process
In planning PR Strategy, the following steps are
1. Understanding the firm's mission, culture, and target
market. A thorough understanding of the firm's mission
and culture will help one come up with an effective PR
plan. This can be achieved through research.
2. Setting of objectives. Marketing objectives need to be
established prior to the creation of a PR plan. These
objectives can either be to build awareness for the new
product, build credibility for the brand, stimulate the sales
force, and channel intermediaries or lower promotion
3. Defining the target market. Identify a specific target
market and get to know the behavior of this specific
segment of the market. Understand how this market
communicates and what major factors can influence its
purchase behavior. Important Points to Remember

4. Designing the PR message. Create a strategy by which 1. Effective public relations begins with top
your PR campaign will be designed and what management. The PR head manages how the product or
communication channels would be effective to achieve service will be regarded by the public but it is the top
your objectives and attract your target market. management who leads in creating good public relations.
The owner or the general manager should be at the
5. Implementing the PR plan. This means putting the plan forefront of communicating positive information to various
into action. Constant monitoring and review will assist you audiences. The employees take their cue from how the
in properly implementing the PR plan. leader creates a positive impression.
6. Evaluating PR results. Evaluating the results of the PR 2. No amount of PR can overcome a flawed
campaign can come in the form of: (a) exposures of the product. Public relations can create a positive image of any
brand; (b) awareness, comprehension/ attitude changes product but no amount of PR can overcome a bad product.
within the target market; or (c) sales and profit There is still no substitute for coming up with a good
contribution.   product. There is no shortcut to success.  
Public Relations Opportunities made to influential decision makers such as company
executives and sales people in the belief that trial will
PR opportunities can be created based on a strategic plan
improve knowledge, which will eventually lead to a sale.
of action. Based on the company's resources and
objectives, the PR messages and activities may be built 2. Coupons are certificates that offer buyers savings when
around any of the following: they purchase specific products. It is used to stimulates
1. The Owner/ Operator. If the owner or operator has sales of a mature product as well as promote trial of a new
potential "star" appeal, or has already built a positive product. This tool should be used carefully to avoid a price
reputation, building PR messages around him may be the or coupon war which detracts consumers from the
best option. Celebrities who come up with their own intrinsic value of the product or service.
businesses become instant celebrity endorses.
3. Packages involves putting together a set of
2. The Location. One's location can also be used to position complementing products to come up with one bundle at a
the product positively. A well-received business location special price. If the products are sold separately, the total
can help bring awareness to one's product or service. A cost will be more expensive. This helps in increasing per
unique location can become a pull factor to ensure that capita revenue and selling products that may otherwise be
potential customers will take notice of your brand.  unsold.
3. The Product/ Service. The product or service itself can 4. Premiums are goods offered either for free or at low
be an opportunity to create good public relations. It can be cost to provide incentive for consumers to buy a product.
used as the trademark of a business. A good product Some establishments create novelty items that can be
creates positive word of mouth and that in itself is the brought home as a symbol of the product brought, such as
beginning of good public relations. a mug that goes free with coffee.
6. SALES PROMOTIONS 5. Patronage Rewards are bonuses in the form of cash or
items of value that can be redeemed for regular purchases
Sales promotions is a direct inducement that offers an made. These kinds of programs create more frequency of
extra value or incentive for the product to the sales force, purchase, positive word of mouth, and possibly larger
distributors or the ultimate consumer with the primary purchases.
objective of creating an immediate sale. (Belch and Belch,
2007) It consists of short-term incentives to encourage the 6. Point of purchase promotion includes displays and
purchase or sale of a product or service. (Kotler, 2010) It promotions that take place at the point of sale. Some hotels
display brochures of their other branches at the lobby or
involves a variety of techniques that serves to accelerate
front desk. Some souvenir items are positioned near the
purchase of products and services. 
cashier for easy, random, and impulse purchases.
The growth of sales promotions was mainly due to the 7. Contests and Games give consumers a chance to win
changes in the marketing environment. Belch and Belch something such as trip or cash upon purchase of products
(2007) identified the following factors: and services. Raffle entries are given to consumers based
1. Growing power of retailers. on total amount of consumption which are then raffled off
2. Declining brand loyalty. for a prize such as an overnight stay in a hotel, a resort, etc.
3. Increased promotional sensitivity Sales Promotions Process
4. Brand proliferation
5. Fragmentation of the consumer market The sales promotion program is the part of the bigger
6. Short term focus of the consumer market promotional plan (which in turn is part of the bigger
7. Increased accountability marketing plan). The following is the sales promotion
8. Competition process.
9. Clutter
 Deciding whether a sales promotion is necessary.
Kotler et al. (2010) spell out some factors to consider in  Setting of objectives for the sales promotions.
setting up a sales promotional plan:  Selecting which promotional tools to use.
 Developing the sales promotional program,
1. Objectives of the campaign
considering the following:
2. Type of market to be tapped
3. Competition   a. Size of the program based on type of incentive. The
4. Cost and effectiveness of each tool size of the program is determined by the type of incentive
to be offered and the magnitude by which program will be
Sales Promotional Tools implemented. 
1. Samples are offers of a trial amount of a product. Some   b. Target Market of the program. Determining the target
samples are free, others charge a small amount to offset its market of the sales promotion covers the decision to offer
cost while inducing product trial. Sampling can also be
the program to anyone or to a select marker that has audience turnover, (2) behavior frequency, and (3)
remained untapped for the business. forgetting rate.
  c. Distribution method to be used. The marketer then Audience turnover is the rate at which the target audience
decides on what distribution method to use. Will the changes between two periods. If turnover is great,
coupons or flyers be mailed, handed out to passersby or continues advertising is recommended.
should an advertisement to be used? There are cost
implications per distribution method. Behavior frequency is the number of times during the
year that the target makes the decision to purchase. The
  d. Duration of the program. Deciding on how long the
more frequent this is, the more advertising should be done. 
program will run is a crucial element of sales promotion.
Its primary objective is to induce immediate sales; hence, if Forgetting rate is the rate at which a message is forgotten
the period is too short, prospects may not have enough or behavior change become non-evident. The higher the
time to decide to purchase. If the period is too long, the
forgetting rate, the more advertising should be applied.
deal may lose some of its "immediate" effect.
4. Evaluate the media results. 
5.  Implementing the program. A careful implementation
and monitoring of the plan will determine the success or Measuring the results of media messages is a difficult task
failure of the plan. Make sure that everyone in the team is especially since there are many variables that have to be
ready to implement and maximize the added promotional
taken into consideration. Evaluation research and tracking
of media messages are important for media planning. This
6.  Evaluating the program. Since the sales promotion runs will help identify strengths and weaknesses of the
for a specific period of time, evaluating its impact based on communication plan and adjust how implementation can
added volume of sales would be easy. The use of coupons, further gain positive results. 
cards, and other notices of the sales promotion can help
determine response rate. There is a variety of ways to test whether communication
campaigns are effective. These include recall, recognition,
Preparing the Promotional Plan and sales effect. Media research firms have scientific ways
Below are the recommended steps marketers need to take of testing whether campaigns are effective or not. 
in coming up with a concrete, efficient and well-planned Lesson 8: DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS IN THE TOURISM
promotional campaign.
1. Decide on what promotional tools to use.

 Advertising A distribution system is the "place" aspect of a company's

 Direct Marketing marketing mix. It provides an adequate framework for
 Sales Promotions making a company's products or services available to the
 Public Relations consumer. It is a set of different organizations,
 Personal Selling independent or not, that are involved in the process of
 Internet Marketing making products and services available for use or
consumption. Distribution systems are often used to move
2. Decide on which media channels to use.
the customer to the product. A combination of different
distribution channels makes up the distribution system. It
 Television
provides a steady flow of products to customers. An
 Radio
effective distribution system makes the difference between
 Internet
a market share leader and a company struggling for
 Telephone
survival. It is viewed as the company's circulatory system.
 Newspapers
 Magazines Distribution channels are a set of independent
 Newsletters organizations involved in the process of making a product
 Brochures or service available to the consumer or business user.
3. Identify when the promotional tool will be released Distribution channels move goods from producers to
and in which channel. (Timing the Media Release) consumers or move consumers to where tourism products
and services are. It overcomes the major time, place, and
Audience size and interests vary at different periods of the possession gaps that separate goods and services from
year. Budgets are increased when projecting an increase in those who would use them.
interest. Kotler et al. (2002) discussed that timing
decisions should take three factors into consideration: (1) Factors that Increased Its Importance
Focus on an effective distribution system has been affected 7. Financing. Capital outlay of distribution channels
by several factors. These factors have actually led to the should cover for the costs involved in the actual
increased importance of selecting channel members and distribution of the products. Channel work entails
coming up with an effective distribution system. These resources to pursue its effectively.
factors include the following:
8. Risk-taking. The distribution function comes with
1. Competition. There is a growth of both local and financial risks such as the inability to sell inventory at full
international competitors. Tourism products and margin, losses, pilferage, etc. Assuming such risks is part of
destinations cannot just wait for people to come, they the distribution channel's functions.
should be able to invite them to come.
The Role of the Internet
2. Globalization. With globalization and the growth of
foreign partnerships, systematic distribution networks With past pace of technological developments, the Internet
need to be developed to enhance competitiveness in the is changing the landscape on how tourism products and
global arena. services are distributed. The Internet is becoming a highly
effective tool for hospitality and travel companies. More
3. Electronic Distribution Techniques. The growth of companies are now trying out the advantages that the
technology has given rise to international reservation Internet affords its users. Some of the advantages of using
systems which give consumers better access to travel the online platform for distributing travel products and
products and services. services are:

4. Perishability of the Product. The concern on tourism 1. Reservations, purchases and payments can be made
product's perishability may be addressed by easier access online.
to its purchase through the availability of distribution
channels. 2. Companies are not subjecting to office hours; can be
accessed 24/7.
Distribution Channels and Its Functions
3. It is able to access a wider market who are money rich
A distribution channel is a delivery arrangement used by a but time poor. They are the ones who have access to
supplier, carrier, or destination marketing organization. technology and are tech-savvy.
Direct distribution channels are those the company uses
on its own without the assistance of independent 4. It is able to cut the queuing process or waiting time. No
intermediaries. An indirect distribution channel, on the more waiting in line for one's number to be called in
other hand, uses the assistance of independent airline reservations offices or being put on hold for
intermediaries to distribute its products. minutes for a tele sales agent to attend to you.

1. Information. Distribution channels are exposed to 5. It saves on labor costs. Online reservations are
information about what the market needs and wants. They facilitated and processed through a company's website
can gather marketing research and intelligence instead of using a hired reservation agent.
information about the marketing environment. 6. Product comparisons and evaluation of alternative can
2. Promotions. Distribution channels help in developing be facilitated using the Internet. As such, decision-making
and spreading persuasive communications about a time can be reduced.
company's current offer. 2. MARKETING INTERMEDIARIES
3. Contact. Distribution channels are the company's link to Marketing intermediaries are types of indirect
finding and communicating with prospective and current distributions channels which are independent
buyers. organizations that help distribute products and services.
4. Matching. Distribution channels know what the 1. Travel Agents
products can do and what the buyer needs; hence, they can
shape and fit the offer to these needs. These are the most widely used marketing intermediary in
the tourism industry. Travel agents offer a wide array of
5. Negotiation. Distribution channels represent the products and services from transportation to
company to the consumer during negotiation. Hence, they accommodations and tour packages. Travel agents four
are equipped to settle on pricing and other terms for distinct functions:
purchase and acquisition of products and services.
a. distribution and sales network
6. Physical Distribution. Distribution channels handle the b. reservation and ticketing;
physical transport of goods and services to its consumers. c. information provision and travel counselling; and
d. design of individual itineraries;
9. Concierges
2. Tour Operators/Wholesalers
The hotel front office staff are usually the most frequently
These are organizations that offer packaged vacation tours asked hotel employees about the nearest restaurants,
to the general public targeting the leisure market. The tour shopping malls or attractions. As such, the concierges, bell
package includes transportation and accommodation as staff, and front desk clerks should be ready with good
well as meals, ground transportation, entertainment, and recommendations.
activities. Some tourist markets find such products too stiff
and inflexible. Channel Conflict

3. Travel Specialists Conflict may arise between channel members when one
member of the distribution system perceives another to be
Travel specialists are organizations that focus on one or engaged in behavior that may hinder the other member
more functions of the distribution system. Examples of from achieving their goals. These conflicts may either be
such tour specialists are educational tour specialists who horizontal or vertical. Horizontal conflict arises within the
focus on schools, colleges, and universities in servicing same level of distribution channel while vertical conflict
educational field trips. ensues between members at different levels of the same
distribution channel.
4. Hotel Sales Representatives
Selecting Channel Members
Hotel sales representatives sell hotel room, function
rooms, and other services in a particular market area. Not because all distribution channels are available means
Hotels have found it more efficient to hire local hotel sales you need to use all of them. Carefully selecting the type of
representative in profitable key cities instead of sending its intermediaries, you will need for your business will
hotels sales executives to do personal selling in the area. increase your efficiency and reduce possible conflicts that
Hotel sales representatives can carry different non- may arise. Here are the steps to follow in selecting channel
competing hotel brands simultaneously. They are paid a members:
straight commission.
1. Knowing the needs of your customers.
5. Government Tourist Associations 2. Attracting channel members.
3. Studying economic feasibility.
National, regional, and local tourism agencies or offices are 4. Maintaining control.
an excellent way to bring information to the market and
gain bookings. They usually market their locality to 3. BUSINESS LOCATION AND ITS IMPORTANCE
tourists and carry with them the different establishments,
properties, and attractions within their territory. One of the most important aspects of distribution is its
location. Business whose customers come to them, must be
6. Consortia conveniently located and accessible. However, there is no
formula for choosing a location. It is dependent on several
A consortium is a group of hospitality organizations that is factors that only the establishment can identify and
allied for mutual benefit of the members. It allows a evaluate. Some companies prefer those that are along the
property to be independent in ownership and main highways while others find that their company is
management while gaining advantages of group marketing. successful if it is close enough - but not within - the
7. Reservation Systems business district. The location decision of a company
cannot be separated from its marketing strategy.
Reservation systems are entities that provide central
reservation system for hotels. They provide the system for Four general steps in choosing a location and these are as
small chains by providing overseas reservation service follows:
through a local number. Reservation companies earn 1. Understanding the marketing strategy and target market
revenue by charging for each reservation they book. of the company.
8. Global Distribution Systems (GDS) 2. Analyze the regional location and select geographic
Global distribution systems such as Amadeus and Galileo market areas.
are computerized reservation systems that serve as 3. Select an area within the chosen geographic region
product catalog for travel agents and other distributors. taking into consideration the demographic and psycho
These agencies are linked to the reservation system graphic characteristics of the market in the area,
through a terminal. They are able to see product inventory competition, and growth potential.
and make reservations using the terminal located in their
own offices which is connected to the GDS.
4. Choose an individual site that is compatible with the 6. DELIVERY SYSTEMS
Restaurants have another distribution system uniquely
4. FRANCHISING available to this tourism sector. The delivery system is an
easy way for consumers to have food conveniently brought
Franchising is a method of doing business by which a to where they are. Fixed delivery numbers of most
franchisee is granted the right to engage in offering, selling restaurants are also an added factor, as consumers
or distributing goods or services under a marketing format remember it more easily. With the development of efficient
which is designed by the franchiser. A franchisee software, customer's telephone numbers and addresses
agreement is an authorization granted to someone to sell are already recorded. The telephone agent just needs to
or distribute a company's goods and services in a certain verify and take the orders.
area, or a business established or operated under such
authorization. For restaurants with fewer branches, a delivery company
offers delivery services in a consolidated manner. Quick
A franchisee is an organization or person that purchases a Delivery enables restaurants without its own delivery
brand name to distribute a product or service. A franchiser facility to have access to this distribution system. With the
is the parent company of a franchising distribution advancements in technology, more distribution system will
network. The franchiser lends its name, brand, and be available.
reputation to the franchisee. In addition to name affiliation,
franchise agreements should provide franchisees with the Delivery system expands the way the products are
traditional support, financial support, safeguards for the availed and increases cost per cover for restaurants.
business, auditing, reservation system, and sales support.
A franchiser provides a management handbook of its Lesson 9: DIGITAL MARKETING
standard operating procedure so that franchisees no 1. Social Media
longer need to reinvent the wheel. Because the business
model and the operational aspects of running the business Social media is a participatory online media where news,
have been tested through time, the likelihood of success is phones, videos, and podcasts are made public via social
higher than another start-up business. However, media websites through submission. Social media is a
capitalization is quite high due to franchisee fees and great way to influence a crowd by listening to what they
income is shared with the franchiser in the form of say online, then adjusting and improving what one offers.
royalties and other incidental fees such as marketing fees When one engages his market in conversation, he is able to
and reservation fees. measure their pulse, open them up to listen to them, and in
time, able to influence them. By one's absence in the social
5. STRATEGIC ALLIANCES media, the ability to influence one's market is decreased. In
Strategic alliance is another form of geographic marketing tourism products and services, social media is
distribution channel. It is an arrangement between two an important tool. It helps make products more tangible
companies that have decided to share resources to through the experiences shared by others. Conversations
undertake a specific, mutually beneficial project. A that happen in social media employ electronic word of
strategic alliance is less involved and less permanent than mouth which is very useful in tourism promotions.
a joint venture, in which two companies typically pool Top 10 Most Visited Websites in the Philippines
resources to create a separate business entity. In a
strategic alliance, each company maintain its autonomy 1. Facebook
while gaining a new opportunity. 2. Google.com
3. Google.com.ph
Franchisers need to screen prospective franchisees to 4. YouTube
determine that the franchisee has the relevant experience, 5. Yahoo
financial capability, and motivational drive to succeed in 6. BlogSpot
the business. 7. Wikipedia
A strategic alliance could help a company develop a more 8. Twitter
effective process, expand into a new market or develop an 9. Olx
advantage over a competitor, among other possibilities. 10. WordPress
This kind of distribution channel is when a hotel, Social Media Content
restaurant or resort partners with a telephone company,
credit card company or other relevant companies and 1. Blogging. Blogging is one of the easiest ways to enter
share customers and aim for objectives that will benefit social media. Everyone has the right to create and maintain
both companies. a blog regardless of your motivation. Blogs create a free
exchange of ideas so you learn from what others think and
share your own thoughts through comment box. Personal reviewing, and commenting on their daily experiences as
blogs are those maintained by individuals who want to they happen. Because of its immediacy, tourism marketers
express themselves online. These are not funded nor must be on their toes. Uploads become viral in a manner of
sponsored by anyone. Corporate blogs are those sponsored minutes. Negative word of mouth can spread online as
by specific companies with the objective of promoting its unpleasant experiences happen. Hence, marketers need to
products and services. be online too, in order to engage its customers where they
2. Microblogs. Microblogs bring social networking to its
most essential elements - a post, a comment, and am Location contributes largely to the success of any business.
indication of relationships. GPS-enabled smartphones have apps which can help you
track the nearest restaurant or which of your friends are
3. Photo sharing. Photos convey more than words can. nearby for an impromptu face-to-face get-together.
Photos are very useful in sharing places visited, food eaten,
and people one has been with. It has been said that Online videos through YouTube have helped tourism
Filipinos nowadays take pictures of the food they eat first products become tangible in the eyes of their customers.
than the traditional custom of saying grace before meals. Viewing experiences of others who have visited
Also, travel and food photos can easily be uploaded to destinations help give the prospective customers more
one's FB account and shared with friends simultaneously. motivation to visit the destination featured in the video.

4. Video Sharing. Videos are even more effective than 2. THE INTERNET AND THE WORLD WIDE WEB
photos. With movement and audio, the experience
becomes richer. There comes a greater appreciation of The Internet is a catch-all word used to describe a massive
what is being shared. When people travel, a camera that network of computer systems, linking users in practically
can take good photos and videos is a must-have. every country in the world. Internet penetration has
grown by leaps and bounds that it has become useful and
5. Location-based Social Network. Also known as social instrumental in spreading communication and marketing.
mobile network, this is where people can share their
location with friends. This application allows you to The world wide web is essentially a graphic overlay on top
"check-in" to inform friends of your current location and of the other Internet services providing a multimedia
also check on a list of venues that are nearby. interface that enables users to access a vast pool of
interlinked documents. The Internet began simply as a way
Social Networking Sites (SNS) Ethics to distribute information. The second generation of
Internet marketing has ushered in new ways of marketing,
In doing social media marketing, please consider the direct selling, and database marketing. As technology
following ethical considerations: improved, almost all major brands have an Internet
strategy in the emerging environment of electronic
1. Do not randomly contact people to build up a list of
followers/ friends, then suddenly bombard them with
posts about yourself or your products. Limitations of the Internet
2. Make sure the content is original. If not, please The web has been developed to a great extent in recent
acknowledge sources. Better to post original pictures than years. However, marketers still need to be aware that it
get photos from the Internet and make them look as if it’s has its limitations.
your own.
1. Digital Divide.
3. Tone down on the use of expletives and negative words. 2. Information overload.
Mobile Phone and SNS Growth 3. Speed.
4. Security.
The rise of the mobile phone helped SNS grow 5. Credibility of information.
exponentially. Television used to be the most viewed 6. Intellectual property and copyright issues.
screen until it was recently overtaken by the computer 7. Trustworthiness.
screen (from desktop computers to the handier laptops).
However, with mobile penetration higher in most Advantages of Using the Internet
countries, mobile phone has become the most valuable Through the Internet as a medium still has its limitations,
channel of information. it also has distinct advantages that help business increase
Instant access to the internet whenever and wherever their sales. Here are some advantages:
means that people are tweeting, updating, uploading, 1. Global market reach.
2. 24/7 nature. Group Buying Sites (Groupons)
3. Multimedia nature.
4. Lower costs. Online Selling or e-commerce have become a cost-effective
5. Interactivity. intermediary for different types of products, including
tourism products. Recent studies revealed how consumers
Marketing on the Internet adopt to new technologies in the delivery of goods and
services such as enterprise resource planning and online
With so much information uploaded in the Internet every shopping. Surfing the net for cheap airfares and/or hotels
day, searching for the right information becomes more and have become tedious due to the proliferation of a huge
more difficult. Attracting potential customers becomes a amount of information in specific company websites.
challenging task with most of your competitors also have Group buying sites have grown in the recent years
online presence. Using the web for distribution and primarily to help put together great deals in one website.
promotion of hospitality products can be done using any or Deal aggregators or group buying sites, collectively known
all of these strategies. as groupons, facilitate discount seeking, bargain hunting,
1. Through their chain or consortium. Most major hotel and new product discoveries. There is a wide range of
and restaurant chains maintain a website for both products and services available in these sites which
promotional and booking purposes. include restaurant meals, spa/massage/facial treatments,
hotel rooms, tour packages inclusive of airfare, hotel
2. By setting up their own site. Independent tourism accommodations, meals, etc. These sites have grown in
operators can set up their own websites that feature their number.
products, services, and rates that potential customers can
access at their convenience. Online Auctions

3. By listing themselves on one of the mega-travel Another form of e-commerce is the online auction. Online
websites. These are virtual malls that combine travel auctions have the ability to flexibly set prices based on the
products from different sources and competing suppliers. dynamic concurrence of supply and demand subject to
Potential customers are able to compare and search for specific market and competitive conditions. Group buying
alternatives using one site. auctions have proliferated because of its reported success.


It is not enough to have a good website. The website needs The basics of online marketing through creating a solid
to be marketed to lead potential customers to visit the site. strategy, search engine optimization and search engine
Establishments can be listed either organically or through marketing, website analytics, email marketing, social
paid placement. Organic search refers to free listing based media marketing, online PR, affiliate marketing and online
on keywords found in the website. Technology can now display advertising are still effective tools. Coming up with
trace activity within the website and actual bookings a blending of which channels may work best in tapping the
generated from online marketing efforts making internet target market for your particular product is the goal of an
marketing's return on investment measurable. effective digital marketing campaign. Social Media, as
well as all other digital media campaigns, are a
Characteristics of a Good Hospitality Website Design complementary extension of all your other marketing
tools. If digital marketing is used correctly, it can
1. Useful and relevant content.
enhance your business presence both online and offline.
2. Ease of navigation.
3. Artistic design that complements content. The creation of e-mail changed the direct mail campaigns.
4. Functional characteristics. The birth of search disrupted classified ads. The birth of
social media changed public relations. Social media help
Travel Websites
develop relationships with your customers. It is essential
A travel website is a consolidator of different travel to stay involved long after your campaign has ended
products. It brings together a varied range of travel because in social, one can simply sustain the relationship
products so that potential customers can go to just one of the brand with one's customers the same way we
site. The customers can compare rates, features, and sustain relationships with friends who may have gone
facilities of different establishments. It also contains abroad.
comments made by customers who have availed of the
The future of digital marketing is promising.
product. These sites are growing fast mainly because of
customer's preference in using a travel website is also  It is a game changer. The rules of the game have
growing. It assists and guides customers in the evaluation changed in the advent of the digital era.
of alternatives and facilitates purchases online.
 It is a great equalizer. Small companies can have a
huge online presence as a multi-million-peso
 It transcends time and space. Businesses now can
reach more people in less time and distance.

At this day and age, if your business is not in the Internet -

you might be out of business sooner than later.

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