Manohari Nagar
Manohari Nagar
Manohari Nagar
Clinical history: Patient is a follow up case of lymphoma of right Breast. Post chemotherapy status . Current
PET-CT is being done for further evaluation and disease status.
Procedure: Whole body FDG PET scan was acquired from vertex to mid thigh in a whole-body PET-CT scanner
(GE Discovery), one hour after intravenous injection of 370 MBq of 18F-FDG. High resolution, contrast CT scan
was also obtained of the same area. Oral contrast was administered for bowel opacification, over 90 min, before
the scan. Images were reconstructed using Q Clear algorithm and slices were reformatted into transaxial, coronal
and sagittal views. Semi-quantitative estimation of FDG uptake was performed by calculating SUV max value,
corrected for dose administered and lean body mass (g/ml).
Physiological biodistribution :- noted in the parapharyngeal region, left ventricle, liver, spleen, kidneys and urinary
Normal physiological tracer distribution noted in the brain parenchyma. No focal abnormal uptake noted in the
Note: All brain lesions may not be apparent on a PET/CT scan and a MRI can be performed where clinically indicated.
The thyroid gland shows homogenous pattern on CT. No abnormal FDG uptake is seen in the thyroid.
Few subcentimetre sized non-FDG avid right axillary level I lymph nodes are noted, largest one measuring about
2 x 1.4 cm .
Mild thickening of skin of right breast noted, maximum wall thickness measures about 1 cm.
The heart and the mediastinal vascular structures are well opacified with I/V contrast. The trachea and main bronchi
appear normal.
The liver is normal in size and shape No focal intrahepatic lesion is noted. The intrahepatic biliary radicles are not
dilated. The portal vein is normal. No abnormal FDG uptake is noted in the liver parenchyma.
The pancreas and spleen appear normal on CT with no abnormal FDG uptake.
Bilateral adrenal glands appear normal in size with no abnormal FDG uptake. Both the kidneys appear normal in
size, shape and attenuation. No scan evidence of calculus or hydronephrosis is noted.
The stomach, opacified small bowel and rest large bowel loops appear normal in caliber and fold pattern.
Musculoskeletal system:
The visualized portion of the musculoskeletal system shows normal physiological tracer distribution.
In a follow up case of Lymphoma of Right Breast . Post-chemotherapy. PET/CT scan shows:
No abnormal FDG avid lesion noted in right breast
non-FDG avid right axillary level I lymph nodes
No focal abnormal FDG avid lesion in rest of the body.
As compared to previous PET-CT dated 11.02.2023, there is complete metabolic resolution of
metabolic activity in right axillary lymph nodes
Deauville score I
MD Nuclear Medicine Senior Consultant
AIIMS, DELHI Nuclear medicine & PET-CT