DLL Q3 W8 Tle6
DLL Q3 W8 Tle6
DLL Q3 W8 Tle6
Production/Repair of Simple Electrical Gadgets
A. References
1. Teacher’s pp. 88-90
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook -Technology and Livelihood Education pp. 219-223
pages (Author: Susana V. Guinea , Ma. Gilmina G. Sotoya , Randy R. Emen)
4. Additional
B. Other Learning Pictures and Pictures and Pictures and Pictures and Pictures and charts
Resources charts charts charts charts
How do we 1. What Give an Enumerate the
A. compute our tools and example of safety and health
business materials are different electrical 1. What are practices in making
Reviewing income? needed to make gadgets that we the health and electrical gadgets.
previous lesson or Show sample electrical are using at home safety practices in
presenting the of gadgets? and in school? making electrical
new lesson computation 2. What are What is gadgets?
of income their uses? the use of each 2. Why are
from sales. gadget? these important?
Do you have 1. What 1. Showing How do you 1. Showing a
appliances at electrical gadgets pictures of health interpret this video doing
home? are we going to and safety statement? simple repair.
How does it use when we practices.
function? want to get “Have a
Where is it electricity in a place for http://www.youtu
connected? distance? everything and be.com/watch?
What everything in its v=MspNVXPUKR8
electrical proper place” &t=52s
materials Listen to the
were used? pupil’s
What kind of interpretation of http://www.youtu
tools do we the statement. be.cm/watch?
used in fixing v=qmQxQ1v85e0
B. those Can you
electrical say something
Establishing a materials? about the video?
purpose for the
lesson 2, Inspect the
furniture fixtures
found in the
practice house or
classroom for
broken parts:
chair and table
legs, hinges of
cabinet doors,
extension cord,
and sink.
can you say about
the chairs, tables
1. 1. Show 1. What can 1. Show
picture or chart of you say about the videos or pictures Present a
Prepare the different picture? showing safety situational
videos and electrical gadgets. measures in problem about the
picture from (Extension cord, making electrical effects of broken
the different lamp shades, door gadgets. furniture and
tools and bell, bulb tester). 2. List down fixtures at home
C. Presenting materials. the protocol. and in school.
examples/ 2. Real
instances objects found What will
of the new in the happen if we
lesson ignore broken
industrial arts
room. furniture and other
D. Discussin Activity 1: 1.What electrical 1. What are Safety and health What are
g new concepts gadgets have you the health and measures that the parts of the
Discuss the
and practicing should be
importance of seen in the safety practices in table that need
new skills #1
using tools picture? making electrical observed while repair?
and materials 2.What are the gadgets. working any What are
in making uses of these electrical project to the materials
simple electrical avoid accidents. needed?
electrical gadgets? 1. Avoid What are
contact with
gadget. Activity 1: Group energized electrical the tools needed?
Activity 2: Activity circuits. What are
Identifying Group 1 – Give an 2. Treat all the procedures in
tools and electrical gadget electrical devices repairing broken
materials and their uses at as if they are live table?
needed in home. or energized.
making Group 2 – Give 3.
Procedure for
simple an electrical repairing broken
electrical gadgets and their Disconnect the
gadget. uses in school. power source
before servicing or
TOOLS Group 3 – Give an Usual defects of
repairing electrical
Combination electrical gadget table are loosening
pliers and their uses of its fixing
4. Use only
Side cutter inside the room. materials such as
tools and
pliers equipment with nails, screws and
Long-nose non-conducting bolts. This is
pliers handles when caused by either
Tester working on loose of nail’s hole
Screw drivers electrical devices. or the fixing
5. Never use material itself.
metallic pencil or Here’s how to fix it
rulers, when . 1. Prepare all the
working with materials and
Wire stripper
electrical tools.
Soldering gun
equipment. 2. Identify the
MATERIALS 6. Wear non- materials and
Lamp conductive gloves, tools.
receptacle protective clothes 3. Find the loose
Convenience and shoes with part where fixing
outlet insulated soles. materials are
Male plug 7. Never placed or lost
Female plug handle electrical screws.
Flexible pipe equipment when 4. Either replace
Plastic hands, feet or body the broken part of
conduct pipe are wet or the table or
perspiring or when transfer where to
G.I. conduct
standing on a wet fasten.
floor. 5. To fasten the
8. Do not part or parts
store highly thoroughly, place a
C clamp flammable liquids brace to support
Plastic near electrical the loosen
molding equipments. legs.
Fluorescent 9. Never
lamp touch another
Incandescent person’s
bulb equipment or
Starter electrical control
Ballast devices unless
Battery (Dry instructed to do so.
cell, wet cell) 10. When it is
necessary to touch
Lamp holder
equipment ( for
example, when
Junction box checking over
Utility box heated motors or
Switch heating flat iron)
Push Button use the back of the
Nails hand.
E. Discussing new 1. How Activity 2: Group Group Activity: 1. What are Activity 1: Group
concepts and
are these Reporting 1. Why is it the safety Activity
practicing new
skills#2 materials and Group 1 – important to measures to Gather data of the
tools used? electrical gadget follow the health observe while following:
Uses of tools: and their uses at and safety making an Group1 –
a. home. practices in extension cord, Broken chair
Group 2 – an making electrical electric buzzer? Group 2 –
Combination electrical gadget gadgets. Connect the wires Broken table
Pliers –these and their uses in on the terminal of Group 3 –
are use to school. the CO first, then Loose Cabinet door
twist, cut, Group 3 – an to the terminal of
Group 4 –
hold and pick electrical gadget the male plug. If
Plug Cord of Flat
electrical wire and their uses we connect the
or tie wires. inside the room. wire to the male
b. Side plug first, maybe
somebody will plug Activity 2:
cutter Pliers –
in and we might Reporting
use to cut
electrical get electrocuted.
wires or tie 2. What are
wires, also the safety
use in precautions when
skinning small doing electrical
wires. repair at home?
c. Long Turn off the main
Nose Pliers – switch first, then
use to hold, proceed to the
cut, twist or repair.
pick up small
objects in a
limited space.
Tester – an
used to test if
there is a flow
of electricity
in the
a made.
Screw Drivers
– tools used
in tightening
and loosening
screws. It has
2 kinds: flat
and Philips.
f. Wire
er – use to
take off a
portion at the
end of the
wire before it
is connected
to terminals
of other
g. Soldering
gun/iron - this
is used to join
two tiny
metallic parts
such as
television and
radio spare
Hammer –
used to
fasten nail
through the
bamboo or
concrete wall.
F. Developing 1. What Matching type. 1. We have a Write True if the
mastery electrical Match column A 1. What will newly-made statement is about
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
tools I am with column B you do first when extension cord, gathering data and
going to use A you replace a what will you do False if it is not.
when I want _____ 1. blown-out fuse? before using it?
to remove Extension cord 2. What is Check the first by 1. Inspect
the plate of _____ 2. Lamp the first thing to using tester if the the table.
the shade do before you connection is 2. Knowing
convenience _____ 3. Bulb replace tumbler correct. the tools needed.
outlet or tester switch? 2. You are 3. Hammer
switch? 3. You are going to replace a
_____ 4. Door bell and saw are not
2. I washing your simple pole switch,
B needed.
want to make clothes, and you what will you do
a. Gadget 4.
an extension need to plug in first?
cord, what use to call the the washing Turn off the main Measurement
electrical attention of the machine, what is switch before must be
materials I am owner of the the best thing to replacing the considered.
going to buy? house. do first? switch. 5. Ignore the
b. Use in
testing an loose part of the
incandescent table.
bulb, starter,
c. Use as
decoration lamp
inside the room.
d. A gadget
use to access
electricity in our
appliances are far
from the
convenient outlet.
G. Finding 1. 1. We have Write C if the What will you do
practical a school program statement is when you
applications Demonstrate outside, but there correct and write observed one of
of concepts the uses of is no available W if the your furniture at
and skills in the different convenience statement is home has damage?
daily living tolls and outlet. wrong.
materials. 2. What _____1. Always
2. How electrical gadget use tools with
do we take are we going to non-conducting
good care of use? handles when
them? working on
electrical devices.
_____2. An
electrician can do
some repairs of
appliances even
with wet hands.
_____3. To test
the hotness of an
electric iron, you
can use back part
of your hand.
_____4. Unplug
the equipment if
water spilled into
_____5. An
electrical current
passes to the
person as you
touch a live wire
H. Making 1. What 1. What are How do you gather
generalizations are the tools 1. What are the importances What are the the data in
and and materials the benefits of of following the protocols in repairing
abstractions needed in using different health and safety making electrical furniture?
about the making practices in gadget?
electrical gadgets? What are the
lesson simple making electrical importance of
electrical gadget? gathering data
gadgets? before repairing?
2. What
are the
importance in
using tools
and materials
in making
I. Evaluating Choose the Identify the Write S if the Fill in the blanks Complete the
learning correct electrical gadgets situation shows as with the correct diagram.
answer inside that are safe practice, answer.
the box. commonly used at writes U if it is an 1. Provide a
home and school. unsafe practice. _______________
Tester _____1. male
This is ______1. Never ______ for the
plug used to get use equipment tools.
Combination pliers
electricity in a with frayed cords, 2.
screw driver distance. damaged
Electrical wires_____2. It has two insulation or Carefulness
holder kinds, the male broken plugs. prevents
and female plug ______2. Avoid _______________
with two water at all times _____.
terminals when working 3. Turn off
_____1. An _____3. Gadget with electricity. the
electrical tool used to give light ______3. Never ______________
which is used or decoration in a touch or try before doing
to twist or room. repairing any electrical repairs.
splice an _____4. It is used electrical 4. Work in
electrical to call attention of equipment or place where there
wire. an individual circuits with wet is enough
_____2. An inside the house. hands. _______________
instrument _____5. It is used ______4. If you to avoid eye strain.
used to test if to test any of the are working on 5. Be sure to
the gadget is electrical gadgets any receptacle at ______________
functioning or if it is functioning your home then your hands after
there is a flow or not. always turn off the working.
of main switch.
electricity in ______5. Always
the use appropriate
connection insulated rubber
made? gloves and goggles
_____3. A while working on
part of a lamp any electrical
that holds the circuit.
_____4. Tools
used in
and loosening
_____5. An
material that
is used as a
connector or
path where
flows. It can
be duplex,
solid, or
_____6 . It is
used to
connect to
wire into the
J. Additional List down the List down some 1. Make a project Give the steps in Do the simple
activities for tools and electrical gadgets plan for replacing a repair at home.
application or materials and their uses. lampshade. blown-out fuse. Share your
remediation used in 2. Make a project experience
making bulb plan for bulb tomorrow.
testers. tester.
3. Make a plan for
a buzzer circuit.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Didtheremedia
llessons work?
No. of learners
withthe lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my Strategies used Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that
teaching that work well: work well: work well: work well: work well:
strategies ___ Group ___ Group ___ Group ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
worked well? collaboration collaboration collaboration ___ Games ___ Games
Why did these ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Power Point ___ Power Point
work? ___ Power Point ___ Power Point ___ Power Point Presentation Presentation
Presentation Presentation Presentation ___ Answering ___ Answering
___ Answering ___ Answering ___ Answering preliminary preliminary
preliminary preliminary preliminary activities/exercises activities/exercises
activities/ activities/exercises activities/exercises ___ Discussion ___ Discussion
exercises ___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Case Method ___ Case Method
___ Discussion ___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Think-Pair-Share
___ Case Method ___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) (TPS)
___ Think-Pair- (TPS) (TPS) ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of
Share (TPS) ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories Poems/Stories
Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories Poems/Stories ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated
Poems/Stories ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated Instruction Instruction
___ Differentiated Instruction Instruction ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama
Instruction ___ Role ___ Role ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Role Playing/Drama Playing/Drama ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
Playing/Drama ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method Why? Why?
___ Discovery ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
Method Why? Why? ___ Availability of ___ Availability of
___ Lecture ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs Materials Materials
Method ___ Availability of ___ Availability of ___ Pupils’ eagerness to ___ Pupils’ eagerness to
Why? Materials Materials learn learn
___ Complete IMs ___ Pupils’ eagerness ___ Pupils’ eagerness ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s
___ Availability of to learn to learn Cooperation in doing Cooperation in doing
Materials ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s their tasks their tasks
___ Pupils’ Cooperation in doing Cooperation in doing
eagerness to learn their tasks their tasks
___ Group
Cooperation in
doing their tasks
F. What difficulties __ Bullying among __ Bullying among __ Bullying among __ Bullying among __ Bullying among
did I encounter pupils pupils pupils pupils pupils
that my principal __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’
or supervisor can behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude
help me solve? __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
__ Unavailable __ Unavailable __ Unavailable __ Unavailable __ Unavailable
Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology
Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment
__ Science/ __ Science/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/
Computer/ Computer/ Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
Internet Lab Internet Lab __ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical
__ Additional __ Additional Clerical works works works
Clerical works works __Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness __Reading Readiness
__Reading __Reading Readiness __Lack of Interest of __Lack of Interest of __Lack of Interest of
Readiness __Lack of Interest of pupils pupils pupils
__Lack of Interest pupils
of pupils
G. What innovation Planned Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
or localized Innovations: __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
materials did I __ Localized __ Making use big __ Making use big __ Making use big __ Making use big
use/discover that Videos books from books from books from books from
I wish to share __ Making use big views of the views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality
with other books from locality __ Recycling of plastics __ Recycling of plastics __ Recycling of plastics
views of the __ Recycling of to be used as to be used as to be used as
locality plastics to be used as Instructional Materials Instructional Materials Instructional Materials
__ Recycling of Instructional __ local poetical __ local poetical __ local poetical
plastics to be Materials composition composition composition
used as __ local poetical __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards
Instructional composition __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures
Materials __Fashcards
__ local poetical __Pictures