Intro: Younger generations like Intro: Accidents happen because of failure to follow proper
Intro: It’s very common that when we have some electrical problems at home we hire you are all crazy about gadgets. directions and safety precautions. It’s very important to follow
an elctrician to fix or repair for a fee. Today, we are going to study some basic electrical What is your idea about gadgets? directions because they are guides...Once followed properly it
B. Establishing a purpose for the tools and materials that can help you to be equipped so in the near future you can fix or Maybe what’s in your mind is yields positive and safety results.
repair basic electrical problems at home by yourself. Ipad, cellphones, Talets, Laptops
etc. But today we are going to
study about a different kind of
gadgets which can be of help in
your home when you learn about
these gadgets.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of Refer to Activity 1 and 2 (TLE6IA-0f-8) The teacher will show some The teacher will present common accidents that happened due to
the new lesson electrical gadgets lack of knowledge and practice of safety measures and
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
Discuss with the learners the different tools Discuss with the learners the Discuss with the learners the Discuss the different safety precautions and health
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new needed in making simple electrical gadgets. different materials needed in different simple electrical practices in making simple electrical gadgets.
Refer to Appendix 1 (TLE6IA-0f-8) making simple electrical gadgets. gadgets and their uses
skills #1 Follow directions in making simple electrical gadgets like
Refer to Appendix 2 (TLE6IA-0f- (extension cord, door bell, plugs,
lampsades, etc.) extension cord.
Refer to appendix 3 Refer to appendix 4 and 5
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new
F. Developing mastery For reinforcement the teacher will do activity guessing game. The teacher will show a graphic The teacher give a short assessment test
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Refer to Reinforcement activity. organizer for the pupils to measure refer to activity 5
their mastery of the lessons
Refer to Activity 4
G. Finding practical applications of concepts Refer to activity “Experience Chart” List down some electrical gadgets Why is it important to share your knowledge in safety and
and skills in daily living in your home. Tell how they make precautionary measures in handling/ making electical gadgets to
your life comfortable. your friends and family members.
How does some electrical gadgets at home make your work easy?
H. Making generalizations and abstractions Ennumerate the different tools in making simple Ennumerate the different What are some of the electrical What should you always remember in constructing/ making
about the lesson electrical gadgets and give its function. materials in making simple gadgets that can help work easy electrical gadgets to avoid accidents or fatalities?
electrical gadgets and give its at home?
I. Evaluating learning Refer to assessment 1 Draw some simple electrical See rubric assessment 2
gadgets. Color them using the
primary colors.
J. Additional activities for application or Make a research of other tools and materials in making simple electrical gadgets. Make an iterview of some of your Try to construct other electrical gadgets of your choice. Do it
remediation neighbors on how some electrical creatively.
gadgets are useful to them.
A. No.of learners who earned 80%on the formative
B. No.oflearnerswho requireadditionalactivities
C. Didtheremediallessons work?
No.oflearnerswho havecaughtupwiththe
D. No.oflearnerswho continuetorequire
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Enclosure 1A to DepEd Order No. ______ , s. 2016
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