Elec3404 Term Project 2011
Elec3404 Term Project 2011
Elec3404 Term Project 2011
Project Description
+Vcc DC
Audio power amplifiers are designed to drive loudspeakers. They have DC power supplies,
input stage, and output stage, as shown in Fig.1. The input stage of a power amplifier
(sometimes called the "front end") is to receive and prepare the input signals for
"amplification" by the output stage. It is a stage of pre-amplification or voltage amplification.
The output stage converts the signal into a much more powerful "replica" that is capable of
driving high power to a speaker. It amplifies current. As Power = current voltage (for
resistive loads), this is where the “power” amplification comes from.
Audio power amplifiers get the energy from a DC power supply to amplify an audio input
signal. Power ratings and efficiency are two of important specifications for audio amplifiers
(also noise and THD for commercial amplifiers). The rated power output of an amplifier is
referred to its maximum output and may be stated for various load impedances. The efficiency
is determined by the class of an amplifier (i.e. class A, B and AB) and its circuit configuration.
Class AB is probably the most common one currently used in home stereo.
For this term project, a simple audio power amplifier shown in Fig.2 will be designed and built
[1]. In the front stage, an audio signal is pre-amplified by a non-inverting op-amp with a
voltage gain of about 10 (determined by R2 and R1). In the output stage, a Darlington push-
pull configuration is used to amplify the current. The audio amplifier uses dual DC supply of
15V so that coupling capacitors at outputs of two stages can be omitted. Four diodes D1 to
D4 are used to reduce the cross over distortion to form a class AB amplifier.
Output stage
Current amplification
Vcc DC supply
C6 100u
Front stage + Vcc
Voltage amplification
C4 100u Q3
Q2N3904 -15V
+ Q1
+ Vee
C2 0.1u D1N4001
D2 D1N4001
+ V0
- D3 D1N4001
Input signal RL
i.e. MP3, RE2
radio, ect D4 D1N4001
Vin 8 ohm resistor
or Funtion C1 0.1u
+ Q2
Q4 TIP32
+ Q2N3906
C3 100u
C5 100u
R2 10k
R1 1k
Design Specifications
Power Supply voltage: Vcc= +15 Volts and Vee= -15 Volts.
The output power Pout should be at least more than 2Watt with a load of 8.
The frequency response of your amplifier must be “flat” within 3 dB from about 30Hz
to 30kHz.
Quiescent DC power (when no signal is being amplified) should be as low as possible
while eliminating cross-over distortion in the push-pull output stage. In other words,
Project Tasks
1. Design: Choose values for the resistor RE1, RE2, RB1, and RB2 in the circuit of Fig.2,
to set up proper DC bias to achieve maximum swing of output voltage Vo.
2. Spice simulation – to optimise your design and theoretically predict the performance of
the amplifier.
DC bias analysis for all nodes. Create a table to record the values, and compare
them with experimental ones later on.
Transient analysis to show maximum output voltage and current to 8 load. It
might be necessary to adjust the resistances of RB1 and RB2 to obtain higher
swing of the output voltage. Calculate the maximum output power and power
AC analysis to show the frequency response of the amplifier, mark out lower and
higher 3dB cut-off frequencies.
3. Construct the power amplifier circuit on a bread board first and measure DC bias,
voltage gain, output power, and efficiency for the amplifier using a dummy load (8
resistor, power rating needs to suit to the output power) and the function generator.
4. If the measurements for the amplifier on the breadboard meet the required design
specifications, solder the circuit on a vero board (Check [4] [5] for basic soldering
information and working with veroboard). Note: take a photo of the breadboard setup
before soldering the circuit on the veroboard to keep a record in your logbook. Again
use the dummy load and function generator to measure the maximum output power and
power efficiency.
5. For the circuit on the verobaord, measure the voltage gain for sinusoidal inputs at
several frequencies. Plot the frequency response and indicate the 3dB break points.
Compare these results to the Spice simulation plots.
6. Finally connect an audio signal source and a speaker (to replace the FG and dummy
load) with the amplifier and listen to the output. How much is the voice from the audio
source amplified? Note: the power rating of the speaker should match the output power
of the amplifier.
The following steps help you proceed the design and construction of your audio amplifier.
To calculate the DC biasing conditions and resistor values, start from the output stage
and work backward to the input stage. For example, according to the maximum output
current, the collector current of Q1 can be estimated by the load current. Then the base
current of Q3 can be worked out by the total current gain of the Darlington transistor
(Q1 and Q3). This current is the majority of the current flowing through RB1 (say
about 90%) as the current flowing through the diodes is very small.
RE1 and RE2 in the circuit are to keep thermal stability of the push-pull amplifier
because the VBE of the transistors drop when transistors getting hot [2]. Typically the
two resistors are a few ohms or less to provide a “buffer” for the critical quiescent
current biasing.
Use Spice to verify and optimize your design.
The total voltage gain of the audio amplifier is provided by the non-inverting op-amp
circuit. The voltage gain is determined by R1 and R2 (Av=1+R2/R1).
Calculate the DC bias according to the transistor specifications which can be found
from the datasheet [3] or test by the curve tracer of BJT transistors (available in the
Lab 440).
Determine the maximum power for all components in order to choose their power
ratings. Standard resistors are 1/4th watt. Check the transistors’ specification for the
power and peak voltage.
Build the circuit on a breadboard first. Solder it on a veroboard/stripboard [4] [5] after
testing it on the breadboard successfully.
Start to build and test the output stage of the amplifier first. Without AC input and the
load, apply the DC voltage to the output stage only and test it. Ensure the DC supply
current stable. Measure the biasing voltage at every node in the circuit of the output
stage and compare with the values in the Spice.
If the measured biasing voltages agree with those obtained from the Spice, apply an
AC signal (1 kHz sine wave from the function generator) to the anode of D3 (in Fig.2)
and test the output voltage with no load. What is the maximum voltage you can obtain
without distortion?
input, and slowly increase it to get a maximum undistorted output. With the max.
output voltage you can calculate the output power. If the output voltage clips at a lower
power, you may need to reduce the resistance of your base resistors (RB1 and RB2) to
maximize the output swing.
The power transistors (TIP31 and TIP32 in Fig.2) may get hot when testing with a
load. Make sure they are mounted on a heat sink properly.
Now wire up the front stage on the breadboard and connect it with the output stage
tested above.
Apply 1kHz sinusoidal signal from the function generator to the front stage, as shown
in Fig.2, and test the whole circuit with the 8Ωload. Note: you may need to reduce the
signal from the function generator as it will be amplified about ten times by the op-amp
circuit when the two stages are connected.
The scheduled lecture, tutorial and laboratory sessions will offer adequate support for
your basic understanding of the amplifier.
The laboratory is available during the university working hours for you to build and
test the project.
A packed kit including resistors, capacitors, transistors, op-amp, and diodes is
DC power supply, oscilloscope, function generator, heatsink, soldering station, bread-
board, veroboard, wires are available in the laboratory. Contact with Ms. Kavitha in
R441 for the help regarding the hardware in the laboratory.
Laboratory supervisor and tutors will provide assistance on project development
during the allocated sessions. For further help about the term project please contact
with Dr. Chu by ruihong@ee.usyd.edu.au.
The project takes 15% mark of this UoS and is assessed by an individual logbook and
group demonstration (group of 2 students). The assessment of the project will take place
In the group demonstration, the understanding and design of the audio power amplifier
should be presented. The measurement of the maximum output power and the power
efficiency of the amplifier need to be demonstrated. Questions related to the theoretical
understanding, testing skills, and calculations could be asked randomly. In the logbooks,
students are required to record details of each stage of the project development, including
analysis, calculations, diagrams, waveforms, observations, comparisons, troubleshooting, as
well as problems and solutions. Evidence of all work undertaken must be included and
documented clearly in your logbook. Ensure that waveforms are represented in the same
time domain, where the period, amplitude, and DC values must be clearly indicated on your
sketches. Note: The logbooks are to record the development of the project and are not lab
reports. The logbooks must be handed in to a lab staff immediately after your group
[1] http://www.rose-hulman.edu/class/ee/hudson/ece351/labs/ECE351Lab5.pdf
[2] P. Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art of Electronics, Cambridge University Press, 1985
[3] Datasheet for components, http://www.alldatasheet.com/
[4] Soldering information available on: http://www.kpsec.freeuk.com/solder.htm
[5] Construction a circuit on a veroboard/stripboard, available on: