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Protein Worksheet

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Name___________________________________________________ Pd: __________

Proteins Worksheet
1. What elements (atoms) are proteins made of?
- They are made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen.
2. Unlike Carbohydrates and Lipids, Proteins contain which element? _________________________

3. What types of food can you find proteins in?

- On animal based foods, like fish, egg, meat and plant based foods, like fruits and vegetables.

amino acids
4. What is the monomer of a protein? _________________________________________________

5. Draw the monomer of a protein below.

they are called plypetide

6. What is a chain of amino acids called?_______________________________________

7. These chains of amino acids are held together by ____________________________ bonds.

8. What is the byproduct of forming the bonds mentioned in the above question? ___________________

9. Draw a Polypeptide chain:

10. Amino acids can be split into two groups. Name and describe those two groups.

Polar amino acids

1. Name: __________________________________________________

Nonpolar amino acids

2. Name: __________________________________________________
11. Why are there so many different shapes of proteins?
- 20 Amino Acids and they fold up on themselves.

12. Proteins contain a very important element that we cannot breathe in, what is it?_________________________

13. If we can’t breathe in the answer from the above question, how do we get it?
- Foods

14. Amino acid is to Protein as ___________________ is to DNA.

15. How many different types of proteins can be found in the human body?
a. Dozens b. Hundreds c. Thousands d. Millions

side chain
16. What part an amino acid’s chemistry determines the function of a protein? ______________________________

20 amino acids
17. How many different amino acids are there? _____________

18. What type of catalyst is made of proteins? ________________________________

White blood cells

19. ______________________________ are made of proteins and help fight disease.

20. ______________________________ are made of proteins and help you feel emotions.

21. Circle which picture below represents a protein:

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