Jurrnal in English Nadia
Jurrnal in English Nadia
Jurrnal in English Nadia
Daya cerna dapat ditentukan dengan analisis biokimiawi secara enzimatis berdasarkan
kandungan nitrogen asam amino dalam protein kacang. Kacang bermutu protein tinggi apabila
dapat dihidrolisis secara spesifik maupun non-spesifik untuk menghasilkan asam amino dalam
jumlah besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik mutu dan fungsional
ekstrak protein kacang-kacangan serta daya cerna protein kacang dengan perlakuan kombinasi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu perbedaan
kombinasi ekstrak protein kacang. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang
signifikan pada karakteristik mutu dan sifat fungsional protein kacang. Perbedaan kombinasi
ekstrak protein kacang yang digunakan dianggap mampu meningkatkan karakteristik mutu dan
sifat fungsionalnya. Analisis daya cerna protein menggunakan enzim pepsin dan pankreatin
tertinggi sebesar 80 persen pada sampel kombinasi kacang hijau dan tunggak dan terendah
sebesar 65 persen pada sampel kombinasi kacang koro, tunggak, dan merah. Kadar protein
ekstrak kacang berada pada kisaran 69,4 – 94,0 persen. Karakteristik fungsional berupa kelarutan
protein ekstrak protein kacang tertinggi pada sampel kombinasi kacang koro, tunggak, dan merah
yaitu 99,7 persen dan terendah pada sampel kombinasi kacang hijau dan merah yaitu 50,8
persen. Tingkat penyerapan air tertinggi 349,1 persen dan terendah 210,6 persen. Daya serap
minyak berkisar antara 101,6 - 248,8 persen dengan hasil tertinggi pada sampel kombinasi
kacang koro dan tunggak dan terendah sampel kontrol kacang hijau. Perbedaan kombinasi
ekstrak protein kacang yang digunakan diyakini dapat meningkatkan kadar protein, kelarutan,
daya serap air, daya serap minyak dan daya cerna protein.
Digestibility needs set because determines the ability of a protein for broken down and
becomes amino acids or component of its constituents. Ability the determine protein quality.
Peanut high-quality protein could be hydrolyzed Specific or non-specific for producing amino
acids in a large amount. The number of amino acids in a protein determines nitrogen content.
Elemental nitrogen plays a role in the determination of digestibility so the number is very
influential in score digestibility. In general digestibility of vegetable protein is lower compared to
animal protein and has to limit amino acids so the diversification of protein sources expected
could increase protein quality. Quality protein height also has power and high protein
Digestibility determines the availability of amino acids by biological. Contains amino
acids in a protein determines big score percentage digestibility. If the protein can hydrolyze with
good Becomes amino acids so that the amounts of amino acids that are absorbed and utilized by
the body are high, then the digestibility of the protein high. Protein digestibility is the size
amount of Absorbed amino acids from a given protein intake. Measurement digestibility is based
on the measurement amount calculated nitrogen (N) residue as a protein that does not could
digest (Tejasari, 2019). Digestibility could be rated by biochemistry with the use of various
enzymes. Enzymes that can be used are pepsin-trypsin, pepsin-pancreatin, and solution
multienzyme (mixture of trypsin, chymotrypsin, and peptidase).
Potency protein amino acids in legumes are enough high. Contains amino acids in mung
beans including lysine 140.2 mg/g, methionine 130 mg/g, leucine 69.1 mg/g, and protein content
of 23.84% (Bishti et al., 2017). Peanut amino acids arrears include alanine 39 mg/g, arginine 75
mg/g, valine 50 mg/g (Rangel et al., 2004), and protein content of 20.5-22.11% (Research
Agency Peanuts and tubers, 2008). Lima bean's amino acids include serine 73.9 mg/g, histidine
32.4 mg/g, proline 76.2 mg/g (Chel-Guerrero et al., 2012), and protein content ranging from
between 19.93-21.40% (Diniyah et al., 2013). Kidney bean's amino acids include tryptophan
10.1 mg/g, phenylalanine 53.2 mg/g, and serine 4.72 mg/g (Audu and Aremu, 2011) with a
protein content of 23.10% (Nio, 2012). Content enough amino acids complete on fourth type
peanut this could utilize as product protein concentrate. Research previously has got digestibility
by enzymatic in peanut protein cowpea, lima beans, kidney beans, and mung beans (Tinus et al.,
2012; Siddhuraju, 2001; Nergiz, 2007; El-Adawy, 2000). The treatment combination of pea
protein expected capable increase score digestibility. In state mixed, amino acids derived from
pea protein different could each other fill and complete so that no there is no limiting amino acid.
Protein amino acids are also used for knowing the characteristics of protein function.
Characteristics of protein functional effect to the product to be generated. Because it is necessary
to conduct testing characteristics nature functional and value power protein digestibility
enzymatic with treatment combination of legume protein to use knowing influence combination
to score power protein digestibility and characteristics functional. Study this aim for knowing
protein content, characteristics of protein function (solubility, water absorption, and oil
absorption), and analysis of protein digestibility of legumes.
Protein Extraction of the Bean
Protein extraction was performed using the isoelectric precipitation method (Chel-
Guerrero et al., 2012). The deffated flour suspension of beans (1:10 w/v for mung bean and
kidney bean) (1:6 w/v for cowpea dan lima bean) was adjusted to its optimal pH (pH 9 for mung
bean and kidney bean; pH 11 for cowpea and lima bean) by adding 1 M NaOH. After the pH
value is stable, do a stirring constantly for 1-2 hours at 25ºC using a magnetic stirrer. After that,
the solution was centrifuged (at 5500 rpm, 4ºC, 10 minutes for mung bean; 9500 rpm, 4ºC, 20
minutes for kidney; 10.000 rpm, 4ºC, 20 minutes for cowpea; and 10.000 rpm, 4ºC, 10 minutes
for lima bean) were done for obtaining the supernatant. The supernatant containing soluble
protein was gained thru subsequent precipitation by setting the isoelectric pH of each bean (pH
4,6 for mung bean and pH 4,6 for kidney, cowpea, and lima bean) with the addition of 1 M HCL
and stirring constantly until the pH is stable. Then let stand for 30 minutes to allow the protein to
be absorbed and perfectly deposited. The solution was centrifuged at the same condition. The
protein precipitate was washed twice with distilled water and then dried using a freeze-dryer for
the next analysis.
Statistical Analysis
Data from the test results of extract protein content, protein digestibility, solubility extract
protein, water absorption, and oil absorption were analyzed using SPSS software version 25.0
statistical method Analysis of Variance Test (ANOVA) with a significance level of = 0.05 or
95% confidence level. When it is significantly different, it will be continued with Duncan's
Multiple Range Test (DMRT) to determine the level of difference between treatments. Results
obtained are presented in tables and graphs. In addition, secondary data is also used obtained
from several references and several related studies.
K1: Mung Bean A2: MC Combination B1: MLC Combination
K2: Lima Bean A3: LC Combination B2: MCK Combination
K3: Cowpea A4: KC Combination B3: LCK Combination
K4: Kidney Bean A5: MK Combination B4: LKM Combination
A1: ML Combination A6: KL Combination C1: MLCK Combination
Figure 2. Digestibility of nutraceutical protein of beans
Research results Based on Figure 2 show that the average digestibility obtained in the
whole sample is different by significance. Rated digestibility of nutraceutical protein of beans
highest A2 (combination of mung beans and cowpea) with a score of 80 ±0.35 percent
digestibility and lowest B3 (combination of lima beans, cowpea, and kidney beans) by 65 ±0.19
percent. This thing is following results which control shows that digestibility of mung beans and
cowpea is taller compared to kidney beans and lima beans. Based on the literature, amino acids
for example histidine in mung beans (37.5mg/g) and cowpea (37mg/g) are enough tall compared
to lima beans (32.4mg/g) and kidney beans (28.3mg/g) (Brishti et al., 2017; Rangel et al., 2004;
Chel-Guerrero et al., 2012; Audu and Aremu 2011).
Enhancement of digestibility is connected with an increase in total protein and a
decreased content of substance nutrients in the ingredients of food. Enhancement could be
caused by the hydrolysis process. The hydrolysis process used pepsin and pancreatin enzymes
capable break bond protein peptides Specific Becomes from amino acids so that digestibility the
taller (Shumoy et al., 2018). Protease enzymes break down proteins into free peptides and amino
acids so that could increase the concentration of amino acids. The enzyme pepsin converts
proteases to protease and peptone next followed by the hydrolysis process by enzymes capable of
pancreatin cut off chain peptide on side carboxyl protein (Muchtadi, 2010; Maurer, 2001).
Based on Figure 2 treatment combination could increase the digestibility of pea protein
because in a state mixed derived amino acids of each bean could each other fill and complete
however, the amount is not far different with results digestibility one type peanuts. A study
previously obtained score digestibility by enzymatic in pea protein green by 80-85 percent (El-
Adawy, 2000), peanuts cowpea 82-86 percent (Tinus et al., 2012), beans red 68-72 percent
(Nergiz, 2007), and 68.25 percent lima beans (Sidduraju, 2001). The value of protein
digestibility can be affected by processing like heating and hydrolysis with sour so which could
reduce substance anti- nutrition in peanuts. Besides that, protein digestibility is influenced by
factors endogenous and exogenous. Factor exogenous is protein interactions with other
compounds such as polyphenols, carbohydrates, fats, and protease inhibitors. Whereas factor
endogenous is related to the characterization of protein structure (Caire-Juvera et al., 2013).
K1: Mung Bean A2: MC Combination B1: MLC Combination
K2: Lima Bean A3: LC Combination B2: MCK Combination
K3: Cowpea A4: KC Combination B3: LCK Combination
K4: Kidney Bean A5: MK Combination B4: LKM Combination
A1: ML Combination A6: KL Combination C1: MLCK Combination
Figure 5. Oil absorption nutraceutical protein of beans
Based on Figure 5, can is known that treatment combinations have a significant influence
on the absorption of the resulting oil (sig = 0.000 < 0.05). Figure 5 shows that oil absorption in
nutraceutical protein peanuts range between 101.6 ±0.06 - 248.8 ±1.67 percent. Rated power
absorb oil highest found in sample A3 (combination of lima beans and cowpea) and the lowest
in-sample K2 (lima beans). Rated oil absorption is different in each sample could cause because
to the existing differences in protein content, amino acids, and non-polar components of protein.
This thing in line with the statement of Yoshie et al. (2008) that oil absorption is related to the
composition and type of amino acids. Oil absorption could influence by several factors including
protein content, non-polar protein components, and levels of liquidity from oil. Oil absorption
can also be caused by the size of a particle, the size of more particles small and uniform will
produce high oil absorption content (Suwarno, 2003).
In Figure 5 it is known oil absorption treatment control is worth lower compared with
treatment combination extract peanuts. This is following the statement of Sutrisniati (1995) in
Giyarto et al. (2016) that a higher protein content will result in more oil absorption. The value of
oil absorption is closely related to hydrophobicity and protein solubility. Proteins that have a
high absorption value are hydrophobic, hydrophobic proteins are effective at lower surface
tension and bind more lipophilic materials.
The increase in the value of oil absorption can be caused by the combination treatment,
but it is also due to the different types of amino acids contained in each peanut sample. The
increase in protein content also increases oil absorption due to its hydrophobicity. Similar to
water absorption, oil absorption depends on the protein structure of the ingredients. The protein
structure which is more lipophilic (non-polar) contributes to the increase in oil absorption (Lin et
al., 1974 Pratiwi et al., 2018). Onsaard (2012) also suggested that the mechanism of oil
absorption is caused by the presence of non-polar groups on proteins that are bound to the
hydrocarbon chains of fatty acids or oils. The hydrophobic amino acids in legumes include
alanine, glycine, leucine, valine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, proline, cysteine, methionine, and
tryptophan (Brishti et al., 2017; Rangel et al., 2004; Chel-Guerrero et al., 2004). al., 2012; Audu
and Aremu 2011).
The protein content of legume extracts was in the range of 69.4 – 94 percent with the
highest value in sample K1 (mung beans) and the lowest in-sample K2 (lima beans). Functional
characteristics of protein extracts from legumes had the highest solubility value in sample B3
(combination of koro, cowpea, and kidney beans) of 99.7 percent and the lowest in sample A5
(combination of green and kidney beans) of 50.8 percent. The water absorption value of the
protein extract of legumes ranged from 210.6 – 349.1 percent with the highest value in sample
A3 (combination of lima beans and cowpeas) and the lowest in-sample K1 (mung bean).
Functional characteristics in the form of oil absorption of the protein extract of peanuts obtained
the highest value of 248.8 percent in sample A3 (combination of lima beans and cowpeas) and
the lowest value of 101.6 percent in sample K2 (lima beans). The digestibility of the protein
extract of legumes ranged from 65 – 80 percent with the highest value in sample A2
(combination of green and cowpeas) and the lowest in sample B3 (combination of koro, cowpea,
and kidney beans).
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