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Barcodes and QR Codes Coding Guidelines v12 2019 PDF

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Coding Guidelines for Packaging and Transport
ALDI INTERNATIONAL BUYING, v 12 English, July 2019
Table of contents i
Page Page Page
Introduction ii 3 Quality assurance 9 Encoding sales and order information
Further reference iii 3.1 Introduction 31 9.1 Introduction 115
1 Barcode basics 3.2 Barcode verification 32 9.2 Application of order barcodes 115
1.1 A barcode explained 1 3.3 Check digits 32 9.3 Application rules 116
1.2 Barcode types used by ALDI 2 9.4 Identifiers and their use 117
4 ALDI barcode number ranges 9.5 Identifiers to be coded on an EACH 118
1.3 General barcode components 3
4.1 Allocation of barcode number ranges 33 9.6 Identifiers to be coded on a CASE 119
1.4 The scanning process 4
4.2 Barcode number ranges and company prefixes 34 9.7 PLU interim phase 120
1.5 Barcode module 5
1.6 Barcode sizes 6 5 Positioning examples of sales GTIN 9.8 GTIN for branded items 121
1.7 Barcode size range – EAN-8 7 5.1 Introduction 35 10 Appendix
1.8 Barcode size range – EAN-13 8 5.2 Folding cartons 36–41 10.1 Quick check guide for barcode compliance 122
1.9 Barcode size range – UPC-A 9 5.3 Flexible bags 42–49 10.2 Glossary 123
1.10 ALDI recommended barcode sizes 10 5.4 Tins and cans 50–56 10.3 Contact details 124
5.5 Jars and pots 57–65 10.4 Download link 125
2 ALDI-specific barcodes
5.6 Trays and labels 66–69 10.5 History of changes 126
2.1 Achieving a 100% first-time read rate 11
5.7 Drink cartons 70–73
2.2 EAN-8 barcodes with encoded GTIN 12
5.8 Bottles 74–84
2.3 EAN-8 barcodes with encoded RCN 13
5.9 Tubes 85–88
2.4 EAN-13 barcodes with encoded GTIN 14
5.10 Catch-weight items 89–90
2.5 EAN-13 barcodes with encoded RCN 15
2.6 Price- or weight-encoded EAN-13 barcodes 6 Creative integration examples of sales GTIN
with RCN 16 6.1 Introduction 91
2.7 UPC-A barcodes with encoded GTIN 17 6.2 Examples 92–103
2.8 UPC-A barcodes with encoded RCN 18
2.9 Price-encoded UPC-A barcodes with RCN 19 7 QR Codes
2.10 Modified elements 20 7.1 Introduction 104
2.11 Quiet zones 21 7.2 General information on QR Codes 105–107
2.12 Position of the numeric code 22 7.3 QR Code colours 108
2.13 Extended and truncated barcodes 23 7.4 Legibility and functionality of QR Codes 109
2.14 Barcode colours 24 7.5 QR Code positioning examples 110–112
2.15 Acceptable bar colours 25–26
8 PLU numbers for sales items
2.16 Acceptable background colours 27–28
8.1 Introduction 113
2.17 Acceptable colour combinations 29
8.2 General specifications 113
2.18 Unacceptable colour combinations 30
8.3 Legacy PLU numbers specifications 113
8.4 Variant PLU numbers specifications 114

Introduction i
The purpose of these guidelines
These barcode guidelines have been created to set out recommendations for best practice and to
enable those working with the ALDI SOUTH Group to understand general as well as ALDI specific
coding requirements. This applies to product packaging (sales units), display cases and transport
packaging (order units).
Sales barcodes
This document is intended to serve as a guide on how best to integrate sales barcodes successfully
into all types of ALDI sales units. The prime objective is to minimise transaction time at the checkout.
All packaging must have correct barcodes so as to ideally achieve a 100% first-time read rate.
In order to achieve optimal results, ALDI packaging must have multiple barcodes. A minimum of two,
but ideally four, barcodes need to be positioned according to the type of packaging. In addition,
barcodes should be integrated into the packaging design as harmoniously as possible, which is aided
by optimum choice of barcode colour and size.
Substandard barcoding can add unnecessary costs to the trading process. Therefore correct barcode
positioning and barcoded legibility are imperative in the completion of all purchasing contracts
between ALDI and its suppliers.
Introducing barcodes for new purposes
ALDI aims to achieve greater traceability in its goods transactions, increased efficiency and
transparency of its supply chain – from suppliers through to customers.
In future, barcodes will also be utilised to manage retail processes such as ordering, warehouse
logistics and store deliveries. Numeric codes for all encoding will be provided by ALDI.
For example, in addition to sales barcodes (also know as sales GTIN) which are read at the point of sale,
order barcodes (also known as order GTINs) will be applied to units such as display cases or pallets for
traceability through the entire supply chain.
Chapter 9 of this document provides details on the encoding of sales and order information.

Further reference i
For information on technical details outside the scope of these guidelines, the following documents on
information technology, automatic identification and data capture techniques may be helpful:
· ISO/IEC 15420 (EAN/UPC bar code symbology specification)
· ISO/IEC 15416 (Bar code print quality test specification – Linear symbols)
· ISO/IEC 16022 (Data Matrix bar code symbology specification)
· ISO/IEC 18004 (QR Code 2005 bar code symbology specification)
· ISO/IEC 15415 (Bar code print quality test specification – Two-dimensional symbols).

1. Barcode basics 1
1.1 A barcode explained
A barcode is a precise pattern of parallel dark bars and light spaces of varying widths in which a product-specific sequence of numbers is encoded. It can be
described as an ‘optical Morse code’ which is read by a laser scanner (see page 4). Barcodes are commonly found on consumer product packaging to
uniquely identify each product. A complete barcode consists of several defined components (see page 3).
Types of barcodes
There are many different types of barcodes used worldwide. The ALDI SOUTH Group uses EAN-8, EAN-13 and UPC-A (USA only) barcodes, hence these are the
only types of barcodes discussed in this document. EAN stands for European Article Number, UPC for Universal Product Code. These linear barcode types are
specified for worldwide retail point-of-sale because they are designed for high volume scanning environments.
The numbers encoded in these barcodes follow the standard set by GS1, the international body for barcoding (www.gs1.org). Encoded numbers can be
8, 12 or 13 digits long. The numbers also appear in numeric form below the bar pattern.
GS1 allocates two different types of barcode numbers. Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN) guarantee worldwide exclusivity and are allocated for a fee.
Restricted Circulation Numbers (RCN) are free of charge for internal company use and do not guarantee exclusivity.
New standard
EAN-8 barcodes with encoded RCN used to be the standard for ALDI. With the introduction of SAP software by ALDI in 2018, EAN-13 barcodes with encoded
GTIN have become the new standard.

Three barcode types

EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A,

encoding an 8-digit RCN encoding a 13-digit GTIN encoding a 12-digit GTIN

1. Barcode basics 1
1.2 Barcode types used by ALDI
The 8-digit EAN-8 barcode is derived from the longer 13-digit EAN-13 barcode and was introduced for use on small packs. The EAN-13 barcode is a superset
of the original 12-digit UPC system developed in the United States, adding an extra digit to increase the number of barcodes available.
ALDI US use all three types of barcode. All other countries in the ALDI SOUTH Group use only EAN barcodes, with EAN-13 being the standard. EAN-8 barcodes
can be used for small packs where space is limited. Proprietary branded products sold in ALDI stores are likely to use the manufacturer’s EAN-13 barcodes
(e.g. ‘Haribo’ jelly babies or ‘Mars’ chocolate bars).
All three barcode symbols share the same basic elements: a light background area, a pattern of dark bars and a number. Guard bars (shown in blue and
white) indicate the start, centre and end of the bar pattern. The last bars and spaces in front of the end guard bars (shown in red and white) represent
a check digit which ensures that the data has been encoded correctly via a mathematical algorithm.
The diagrams below show some of the elements that EAN-8, EAN-13 and UPC-A barcode symbols have in common. Further details on barcode components
can be found throughout this chapter.

Common elements

EAN-8 (8 digits) EAN-13 (13 digits) UPC-A (12 digits)

Background area Encoded product information Guard bars Check digits (binary and numeric)

1. Barcode basics 1
1.3 General barcode components
A barcode* consists of the following components: binary code, numeric code (also referred to as human readable interpretation/code/characters),
quiet zone (also referred to as light margin, clear area), quiet zone indicators and guard bars (also referred to as start/stop characters) which together form
a complete scannable entity. The diagram below explains the components of a barcode, using an EAN-8 barcode as example.
*Instead of the terms ‘barcode symbology’ or ‘barcode symbol’ the more colloquial term ‘barcode’ has been used throughout these guidelines.

Barcode: The overall term for the specific combination

of features required which together form a complete
scannable entity.

Quiet zone: The clear spaces to the left and right of the
black bars which enhance the barcode legibility.

Quiet zone indicators: A less than (<) or greater than (>)

character printed outside the numeric code in the quiet
zone. Not applicable to all barcodes and not required
for ALDI barcodes.
Quiet zone Numeric code
indicators = GTIN or RCN Numeric code: The human readable number at t he
bottom of the barcode representing the data encoded
Centre in the binary code. The numeric code is not read by
guard bars
the scanning device.
Left Left Right Right
quiet zone guard bars Binary code guard bars quiet zone
Binary code: A number encoded in binary form in the
pattern of dark and light bars. This is the component
read by the scanning device.

Guard bars: Bar patterns at the start, centre and end

of the barcode. These serve as reference points for
the scanning device.

1. Barcode basics 1
1.4 The scanning process
A barcode is read optically by a scanner using laser technology. As the scanner’s beam of red light passes over the barcode, the dark bars absorb the
red light whilst the white spaces reflect it.
Photo diodes turn the reflected light into an electrical signal which is a representation of the bar and space pattern in the barcode. This is then
converted into digital pulses, translating the barcode into a sequence of numbers that are passed on to a computer (e.g. a cash register).

Electrical signal Digital code


Scanner’s laser beam Reflection

1. Barcode basics 1
1.5 Barcode module
The basic building block of a barcode is a module, also referred to as X-dimension, Z-module or narrow bar. It can be described as the narrowest nominal
width unit of measure in a barcode.
The nominal width of the module is 0.33mm (= X) for EAN-8, EAN-13 and UPC-A barcodes at 100% size*. When a barcode is reduced or enlarged the width of
the module changes in proportion. All bars and space widths are multiples of the module width.There are only four different widths to bars and spaces:
single module width and two, three and four module widths. The width of the quiet zones is also calculated as multiples of the module width.
The standard widths for the quiet zones at 100% size are as follows*.
Recommended: EAN-8: 7X EAN-13: left 11X and right 7X UPC-A: 9X
Minimum: EAN-8: 6.2X EAN-13: left 10X and right 6.2X UPC-A: 8X.
Please note that ALDI requires the quiet zone widths to be increased (see page 21).

Indicates one module, the narrowest width unit in a barcode

Fig. 6

*Reference: ISO/IEC 15420:2009(E) 5

1. Barcode basics 1
1.6 Barcode sizes
Barcode sizes are referenced to a nominal size barcode of defined dimensions which forms the basis for other sizes. This basic size is known as SC2 and
represents a barcode at 100% magnification.
An SC2 size barcode may be reduced or enlarged by applying a magnification factor in the range 0.8 to 2.0 to all dimensions (0.75 to 2.0 under exceptional
circumstances)*. By applying this range of magnification factors a range of barcode sizes historically known as SC0 to SC9 is created. The smallest size SC0
is an 80% reduction of SC2, the largest size SC9 is a 200% enlargement of SC2.
SC2 is the preferred barcode size for ALDI packaging on most substrates (see page 10). SC0 and SC1 sizes are only used where space is very limited or for visual
reasons. In such instances consideration must be given to the choice of packaging substrate and print quality so as not to compromise the first-time read rate.
Large barcodes (SC6 to SC9) are best read from a distance, for example by using a pistol grip scanner. In general ALDI will not read GTIN barcodes from
a distance.

Dimensions in mm

EAN-8 EAN-13 and UPC-A

Magnification Module width‡
Size factor ◊ in mm Width Height Width Height
SC0 0.80 0.264 21.38 16.98 29.83 20.74
SC1 0.90 0.297 24.06 19.11 33.56 23.34
SC2 1.00 0.330 26.73 21.23 37.29 25.93
SC3 1.10 0.363 29.40 23.35 41.02 28.52
SC4 1.20 0.396 32.08 25.48 44.75 31.12
SC5 1.35 0.446 36.09 28.66 50.34 35.01
SC6 1.50 0.495 40.10 31.85 55.94 38.90
SC7 1.65 0.545 44.10 35.03 61.53 42.78
SC8 1.85 0.61 1 49.45 39.28 68.99 47.97
SC9 2.00 0.660 53.46 42.46 74.58 51.86

Preferred size Sizes not suitable for ALDI packaging ◊ Magnification factor = Scale factor in relation to the standard SC2 size
‡ Module width = Width of the narrowest bar or space in a barcode

*Reference: ISO/IEC 15420:2009(E) 6

1. Barcode basics 1
1.7 Barcode size range – EAN-8
Please note: Size tolerances are not stated here since they fall outside the scope of these guidelines.
A list of documents for further reference can be found on page iii.

SC0 = 80% SC1 = 90% SC2 = 100% SC3 = 110% SC4 = 120% SC5 = 135%
21.38 x 16.98mm 24.06 x 19.11mm 26.73 x 21.23mm 29.40 x 23.35mm 32.08 x 25.48mm 36.09 x 28.66mm

SC6 = 150% SC7 = 165% SC8 = 185% SC9 = 200%

40.10 x 31.85mm 44.10 x 35.03mm 49.45 x 39.28mm 53.46 x 42.46mm

1. Barcode basics 1
1.8 Barcode size range – EAN-13
Please note: Size tolerances are not stated here since they fall outside the scope of these guidelines.
A list of documents for further reference can be found on page iii.

SC0 = 80% SC1 = 90% SC2 = 100% SC3 = 110%

29.83 x 20.74mm 33.56 x 23.34mm 37.29 x 25.93mm 41.02 x 28.52mm

SC4 = 120% SC5 = 135% SC6 = 150%

44.75 x 31.12mm 50.34 x 35.01mm 55.94 x 38.90mm

Sizes SC7, SC8 and SC9 not shown due to space restrictions

1. Barcode basics 1
1.9 Barcode size range – UPC-A
Please note: Size tolerances are not stated here since they fall outside the scope of these guidelines.
A list of documents for further reference can be found on page iii.

SC0 = 80% SC1 = 90% SC2 = 100% SC3 = 110%

29.83 x 20.74mm 33.56 x 23.34mm 37.29 x 25.93mm 41.02 x 28.52mm

SC4 = 120% SC5 = 135% SC6 = 150%

44.75 x 31.12mm 50.34 x 35.01mm 55.94 x 38.90mm

Sizes SC7, SC8 and SC9 not shown due to space restrictions

1. Barcode basics 1
1.10 ALDI recommended barcode sizes
The table below shows the recommended barcode sizes in relation to the type of packaging, substrate and printing process.
If there is insufficient space to apply an SC2 barcode, the following options may be considered:
A. Review the positioning of the barcode or adjust the design of the pack,
B. Use the smaller SC1 or SC0 barcode sizes.
As a last resort, if none of these options can be implemented, a GTIN encoded EAN-8 barcode can be requested.

Type of packaging Substrate Printing process Recommended barcode size

Folding cartons Cardboard Offset SC2

Gravure SC2/SC3
Labels Paper or foil Offset SC2
Letterpress SC2
Gravure SC3
Hang tags Paper Offset SC2
Blister packs Cardboard and plastic Offset SC2
Cans Metal Offset SC2
Dry offset SC3
Screen SC3
Flexible bags Plastic Offset SC3
Foil Gravure SC3
Shrink wrap sleeves Plastic Gravure SC3
Tubes Metal or plastic Dry offset SC3
Pots and tubs Paper or plastic Flexo SC3/SC4
Dry offset SC3
Screen SC3
Bottles Glass Screen SC4/SC5
Outer packaging Cardboard Offset SC2
Corrugated board Flexo SC8/SC9
Foil Flexo SC5

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.1 Achieving a 100% first-time read rate
The correct application of barcodes is important to ALDI as it ensures maximum efficiency at the
checkout. The cashier’s transaction time is optimised if barcodes achieve a 100% first-time read
rate when a product is passed over the laser scanner at the checkout without the cashier having to
twist or turn the product. Various factors influence the first-time read rate which must always be
considered when positioning barcodes on ALDI product packaging.

Factors that can influence the first-time read rate:

· Size of barcodes
· Length of bars
· Width of quiet zones
· Position of barcodes on the pack
· Shape of the surface area where the barcode is positioned
· Number of barcodes per pack (a minimum of two for ALDI packs)
· Contrast between bars and barcode background
· Choice of colours for bars and barcode background
· Packaging substrate
· Print process
· Print quality.

This chapter gives details on how information is encoded in ALDI barcodes and highlights how
barcodes need to be modified to fulfil ALDI requirements. It is important to note that whilst all the
above factors must be considered, barcodes must also always be integrated as harmoniously as
possible into the packaging design.


2. ALDI-specific barcodes
Numeric code
2.2 EAN-8 barcodes with encoded GTIN

This type of barcode will only be used on small packs where there is insufficient space to fit an EAN-13 barcode.
guard bars
Advantages: Easy to read and requires less space on packaging than an EAN-13 barcode.
Right Disadvantage:
Right Limited information encoded due to low number of digits.
Binary code guard bars quiet zone

Encoded GTIN

GS1 prefix: This usually identifies the GS1 Member

Organisation which the company has joined. It does
not identify the country of origin for a given product.
The prefix range is 100-199 or 300-976.

Product identifier: A unique number allocated to each

product by ALDI National Buying Departments.

Check digit: The final digit is calculated from the preceding

igit: 8th digit: 1st-3rd digit: 4th-7th digit: 8th digit: digits by means of a m
 athematical algorithm to ensure
ntifier Check digit GS1 prefix Product identifier Check digit that the barcode data has been correctly composed.

2. ALDI-specific barcodes Barcode
2.3 EAN-8 barcodes with encoded RCN
Until the introduction of SAP software by ALDI in 2018, this used to be the standard type of barcode.
It has been replaced by EAN-13 barcodes zone
with Numeric
encoded GTIN as the new standard. code the transition phase, EAN-8 barcodes
indicators = GTIN or RCN
with encoded RCN remain in circulation. ALDI point-of-sale technology is capable of processing both EAN-8 and EAN-13 barcode
types simultaneously.
guard bars
Advantages: Easy to read and requires less space on packaging than an EAN-13 barcode.
Left Left Right Right
Disadvantage: Limited information encoded
quiet due
zone guard to low number
bars of digits. guard
Binary code bars quiet zone

Encoded RCN

System identifier: ALDI EAN-8 barcode numbers encoding

an RCN start with the prefix 2.

Country identifier: Shows the country of sale within the

ALDI SOUTH Group. In this example, number 3 identifies
the barcode as an ALDI Süd promotional item. For ALDI
International this number would be 0, for ALDI Süd core
range 2, for Hofer S/E 4 or 8, for ALDI GB/Ireland 5 or 1,
for ALDI Australia 6 etc. (see page 34).

Product identifier: A unique number allocated to each

1st digit: 2nd digit: 3rd-7th digit: 8th digit: product by ALDI National 1st-3rd
4th-7th digit: 8th digit:
System identifier Country identifier Product identifier Check digit GS1 prefix Product identifier Check digit
Check digit: The final digit is calculated from the preceding
digits by means of a m
 athematical algorithm to ensure
that the barcode data has been correctly composed.

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.4 EAN-13 barcodes with encoded GTIN
With the introduction of SAP software by ALDI in 2018, this type of barcode has become the new standard for ALDI.
Proprietary branded products sold in ALDI stores are also likely to use this type of barcode. EAN-13 barcodes for catch-weight products will
continue to be encoded with RCN (see following pages).
Advantages: Allows more data to be encoded than an EAN-8 barcode. Allows product differentiation by supplier, variant or other features.
1st digit: 2nd digit: 3rd-7th digit: 8th digit: 1st-3rd digit: 4th-7th digit: 8th digit:
Disadvantage: More difficult
System to read
identifier due
Country to its longer
identifier Productformat
identifierand requires
Check digit more space on the pack. GS1 prefix Product identifier Check digit

Encoded GTIN

GS1 prefix: This usually identifies the GS1 Member

Organisation which the company has joined. The prefix
does not identify the country of origin for a given product.

Company prefix: Assigned to ALDI. It comprises of 5 digits

and can vary according to country of sale (see page 34).

Product identifier: A unique number allocated to each

product by ALDI National Buying Departments.

1st-2nd digit: 3rd-7th digit: 8th-12th digit: 13th digit: Check digit: The final
1st-2nd digit:digit is calculated
3rd-6th digit: from
7ththe preceding
digit: 8th-12th digit: 13th digit:
GS1 prefix Company prefix Product identifier Check digit System identifier
digits by means of a m Product identifier
 athematical algorithmCheck ensureItem price or weight Check digit
to digit
that the barcode data has been correctly composed.

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.5 EAN-13 barcodes with encoded RCN
This type of barcode is used by ALDI for items sold by weight such as fruit, vegetables and some meat.
Only ALDI US uses UPC-A type barcodes with encoded RCN for this purpose.
An EAN-13 barcode is capable of encoding the product price or weight (see examples following page).

8th digit: Advantages: Allows more data to be

1st-3rd encoded
digit: than
4th-7th an EAN-8
digit: 8thbarcode.
Check digit Disadvantage: More difficult toGS1
read due toProduct
prefix its longer format
identifier anddigit
Check requires more space on the pack.

Encoded RCN

System identifier: ALDI RCN numbers for EAN-13 barcodes

start with the prefix 21, 27 or 28 (see page 34).

Product identifier: A unique number allocated to each

product by ALDI National Buying Departments.

Check digit: The 7th digit is calculated from the 5 following

digits by a mathematical algorithm. The algorithm for the
13th digit ensures that the complete barcode data has been
correctly composed.
h digit: 13th digit: 1st-2nd digit: 3rd-6th digit: 7th digit: 8th-12th digit: 13th digit:
dentifier Check digit System identifier Product identifier Check digit Item price or weight Check digit Note: Only price or weight embedded barcodes use the
7th digit as a check digit.

Item price or weight: Encodes price or weight.

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.6 Price- or weight-encoded EAN-13 barcodes with RCN
This type of barcode is applied to individually weighed and packed items at the factory, such as fruit, vegetables and meat.
Example 1 shows a price-encoded barcode for bananas, example 2 shows a weight-encoded barcode for meat. The prefix 21 or 27 denote a
price-encoded barcode, the prefix 28 denotes a weight-encoded barcode. Digits 8-12 encode the item’s price or weight.
ALDI supplies the first six barcode digits to the supplier (e.g. 271717 in example 1) and, in the case of a price-encoded barcodes, also the
price per weight (e.g. 1.29 per kilo). The supplier’s software then generates a complete barcode for each item, including the individual
price or indvidual weight.
Price- or weight-encoded barcodes are generated by a particular algorithm and have two check digits.

Example 1: Price-encoded barcode for bananas

General digit allocation for EAN-13 with RCN Digit allocation for 0.818 kg bananas costing 1.29/kg Generated barcode

Digits 1-2: System identifier Digits 1-2: System identifier 27

Digits 3-6: Product identifier Digits 3-6: Product identifier 1717
Digit 7: Check digit Digit 7: Check digit 0
Digits 8-12: Price or weight code Digits 8-12: Price of item 1.06
Digit 13: Check digit Digit 13: Check digit 2
Complete numeric code: 2717170001062

Example 2: Weight-encoded barcode for meat

General digit allocation – as above Digit allocation for 1.145 kg half leg of lamb Generated barcode

Digits 1-2: System identifier 28

Digits 3-6: Product identifier 0272
Digit 7: Check digit 7
Digits 8-12: Weight of item 1.145
Digit 13: Check digit 5 Bananas EAN-13

Complete numeric code: 2802727011455

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.7 UPC-A barcodes with encoded GTIN
ALDI US predominantly use 12-digit UPC-A barcodes but the scanning system is also able to read, for example,
EAN-8 and EAN-13 barcodes. 12-digit barcodes are commonly used throughout the USA and Canada.
Advantages: Allows more data to be encoded than an EAN-8 barcode.
Disadvantages: More difficult to1st-2nd digit: to its
read due 3rd-7th
8th-12th digit: 13th
and requires digit: space than an EAN-8 barcode.
more 1st-2nd digit: 3rd-6th digit: 7th digit: 8th-12th digit: 13th digit:
GS1 prefix Company prefix Product identifier Check digit System identifier Product identifier Check digit Item price or weight Check digit
Only used in the USA and Canada.

Encoded GTIN

GS1 prefix: UPC-A barcode numbers for ALDI US

has the prefix 04.

Company prefix: Identity code assigned to ALDI US.

Product identifier: A unique number allocated to each

product by the the ALDI US Buying Department.

Check digit: The final digit is calculated from the preceding

1st-2nd digit: 3rd-6th digit: 7th-11th digit: 12th digit: digits by means of a m
 athematical algorithm to ensure
GS1 prefix Company prefix Product identifier Check digit that the barcode data has been correctly composed.

1st digit: 2nd-6th digit: 7th digit: 8th-11th digit: 12th digit:
2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.8 UPC-A barcodes with encoded RCN
This type of barcode is used by ALDI US for catch-weight items such as fruit, vegetables and some meat.
It is capable of encoding the product price (see example following page).
Advantages: Allows more data to be encoded than an EAN-8 barcode.
Disadvantage: More difficult to read due to its longer format and requires more space on the pack.

1st-2nd digit: 3rd-6th digit: 7th-11th digit: 12th digit:

GS1 prefix Company prefix Product identifier Check digit

Encoded RCN

System identifier: ALDI US price-embedded UPC-A barcodes

have the prefix 2.

Product identifier: A unique number allocated to each

product by ALDI National Buying Departments.

Check digit: The 7th digit is calculated from the 4 following

digits by a mathematical algorithm. The algorithm for the
12th digit ensures that the complete barcode data has been
correctly composed.
1st digit: 2nd-6th digit: 7th digit: 8th-11th digit: 12th digit: Note: Only price embedded barcodes use the 7th digit
System identifier Product identifier Check digit Item price Check digit as a check digit.

Item price: Encodes the price in the format ‘00.00’ in USD.

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.9 Price-encoded UPC-A barcodes with RCN
This type of barcode is used by ALDI US for items that are individually priced and packed at the factory.
It can be used for fruit, vegetables and meat. The example shows a price-encoded barcode for for meat.
Digits 2-6 encode the item’s price in the format ‘NN.NN’.
ALDI provides the first six barcode digits to the supplier (e.g. 240318) and the price per weight (e.g. 4.99 per lb).
The supplier’s software then generates a complete barcode for each item, including the individual price.
Price-encoded barcodes are generated by a particular algorithm and have two check digits.

Example: Price-encoded barcode for meat

General digit allocation for UPC-A with RCN Digit allocation for 0.44lb meat costing 4.99/lb Generated barcode

Digit 1: System identifier Digit 1: System identifier 2

Digits 2-6: Product identifier Digits 2-6: Product identifier 40318
Digit 7: Check digit Digit 7: Check digit 0
Digits 8-11: Price or weight code Digits 8-11: Price of item 2.20
Digit 12: Check digit Digit 12: Check digit 8
Complete numeric code: 240318002208

EAN-13 Half leg of lamb UPC-A Beef Flank

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.10 Modified elements
Barcodes on ALDI packaging are modified in several ways to achieve an optimal first-time read rate:
➊ Width of quiet zones extended and equalised
➋ Quiet zone indicator(s) removed
➌ Length of bars equalised and where possible/appropriate extended
➍ Position of numeric code altered and only one numeric code applied per pack.
These modifications are explained in detail on the following pages and apply to UPC-A barcodes as well.

EAN-8 barcode

➊ ➊

➋ ➋

EAN-13 barcode

➊ ➊


Standard barcodes as generated by barcode software Barcodes amended to ALDI specifications

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.11 Quiet zones
The quiet zones to the left and right of the bars increase legibility during the scanning process. No text or other marks should be printed in this area.
The width of the quiet zones varies depending on the type of barcode (see page 5).
ALDI require wider quiet zones than those generated as standard by barcoding software. The quiet zone indicators ‘<’ and ‘>’ are removed.
For barcodes at SC2 size, the quiet zones for ALDI barcodes must be a minimum of 4 mm wide. This measurement is scaled up or down proportionately
for all other SC  sizes. Please note that 12-digit and 13-digit barcodes are commonly generated with a smaller quiet zone on the right than on the left.
The quiet zones need to be the same size on both sides.
ALDI barcodes do not require a quiet zone above or below the bars.

EAN-8 barcode

2.31 mm 22.11 mm 2.31 mm 4 mm minimum 4 mm minimum

EAN-13 barcode

3.63 mm 31.35 mm 2.31 mm 4 mm minimum 4 mm minimum

Standard size quiet zones, at SC2 size Quiet zones increased, at SC2 size

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.12 Position of the numeric code
Barcodes are generated with the numeric code typeset in a standard barcode font and positioned below the bars with the numerals fitted in between the
outer and centre guard bars. This type style and positioning are not mandatory.
ALDI requires the standard numeric code below the barcode to be removed. The numeric code is encrypted in the bars and is not read by the scanner.
It is only added as a precaution in case scanning fails and the number has to be entered into the system manually by the cashier.
The numeric code appears only once on the pack and is placed in close proximity to one of the barcodes on the sides or back of pack. It is positioned
vertically to the right or left, or horizontally above or below. It is generally not placed on the front of pack. The typeface is changed to blend in with the
general pack copy, usually to Myriad Pro Regular or Condensed, 7.2pt size. The length of the bars is equalised at the top and bottom.
Position of on-sale date and product code
If the product is a promotional item, the on-sale date and the product code are stated on the pack. They appear only once on the pack and are positioned
near the barcode and opposite the numeric code, see below right. If the promotional item is sold with a warranty the on-sale date and the product code are
integrated in the customer support panel (not shown here).

Standard ALDI core range ALDI promotional items without warranty

Product code


On-sale date

Barcode with standard numeric code ALDI barcode with modified numeric code; Product code and on-sale date are applied only once on
as generated by barcode software only one numeric code is applied per pack the pack and positioned opposite the numeric code

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.13 Extended and truncated barcodes
After removing the numeric code from below the bars and equalising the height of the bars, the barcode can be extended or truncated. This involves
lengthening or shortening the black bars and quiet zones.
Extended barcodes
The first-time read rate can be positively affected by extending the bars since the laser scanner then has a larger target area to scan. Extended barcodes,
often in the shape of a band, have proved to be very effective, particularly on cans, bottles, jars and bags. The use of an extended SC2 size barcode
is preferable to a larger SC size as it can generally be integrated into the pack design more harmoniously.
ALDI barcodes are extended wherever possible, using the available space on the pack. There is no maximum length for an extended barcode.
Truncated barcodes
A truncated barcode is a barcode which has had its height capped, mainly due to space constrictions and occasionally for visual reasons. Whilst truncated
barcodes are in principle readable, the first-time read rate can be negatively affected as the laser scanner has a smaller target area for scanning.
The minimum height of a truncated barcode is 16mm.

16 mm

Barcode at standard height Barcode extended if space allows it; Barcode truncated due to lack of space or
there is no maximum height for visual reasons; minimum height 16mm

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.14 Barcode colours
Barcodes are generated digitally with white backgrounds and black bars. This colour combination offers the highest
contrast for scanning and may be the only possible colour choice on some types of packaging due to cost, design or
technical restrictions. Since barcodes are difficult to integrate visually into the pack design due to their rigid linear pattern,
alternative barcode colours should be used wherever possible to allow the barcode to blend in.
The choice of these colours is not only influenced by design considerations but more importantly by technical parameters.
It is important to bear in mind that the laser scanner’s perception of colour differs from that of the human eye since the
scanner operates in the wavelength range of red light. It means that the colour red or colours close to red are interpreted
by the scanner as a white or light area. This effect can be observed with a simple pair of decoder glasses with red lenses.
An important factor to consider is the print quality of the bars. Printing the bars in CMYK colours means that several colours
have to be perfectly registered with each other. Even slight misregistration could lead to increased bar width and result in
a ‘failed’ verdict in the verification test. For this reason the bars must only be printed from one printing colour.
Bar colours
Only dark colours are used for bars. To ensure barcode legibility they must be printed in Black, Cyan or as 100% of a dark
Pantone® colour. No other colours and no tints of these colours are permitted. A range of acceptable bar colours is shown
on page 25-26.
Background colours
Generally, light colours or white are used for barcode backgrounds. A background in CMYK colours must not contain any
Cyan or Black tints. Magenta, Yellow and any combination of these two colours such as red, pink, orange or cream work
well as background colours, either as a solid colour (100%) or a tint. Light Pantone® background colours can be used as a
solid colour (100%) or as a tint. A range of acceptable background colours is shown on page 27-28.
Common problems
Problems occur if bars are printed using more than one ink or if light background colours are printed as tints of CMYK
colours which contain a component of Cyan or Black.
Even though a background as this may look very pale to the human eye, the scanner will detect the Cyan or Black
component and interpret it as a dark area. This would result in insufficient contrast with the dark bars and hence
compromised barcode legibility.
Gold, silver and other metallic colours should never be used for either background or bars due to their high reflectivity. The
following pages show acceptable bar and background colours and some examples of problematic colour combinations.

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.15 Acceptable bar colours
Pantone® colours*
Pantone® colours for bars must be used as a solid colour (100%). Tints are not permitted. The colours shown here must be verified every
time they are used and before printing of a pack commences. Additional colours such as dark brown may be acceptable but have not yet
been tested. Do not convert these colours to CMYK colours. Permitted CMYK colours are listed on the next page.

Blue Reflex
275 C 276 C 2765 C 2746 C 2756 C 2766 C 072 C 2747 C 2757 C 2767 C 2738 C 2748 C 2758 C 2768 C Blue

280 C 281 C 282 C 286 C 287 C 288 C 289 C 293 C 294 C 295 C 296 C 2935 C 2945 C 2955 C 2965 C

300 C 301 C 302 C 303 C 3005 C 3015 C 3025C 3035 C Blue 307 C 308 C 309C 313 C 314 C 315 C

316 C 3135 C 3145 C 3155 C 3165 C 320 C 321 C 322 C 323 C 327 C 328 C 329 C 330 C 3272 C 3282 C

3292 C 3302 C 3275 C 3285 C 3295 C 3288 C 3298 C 3308 C Green C 334 C 335 C 336 C 341 C 342 C 343 C

3405 C 3415 C 3425 C 3435 C 350 C 354 C 355 C 356 C 357 C Black C 419 C 426 C 433 C 440 C 447 C

*The list of colours given here may not be comprehensive since the Pantone® colour palette is constantly extended. The Pantone® colour swatches shown here are not accurate
representations of Pantone® colours since every printing or viewing device will render them slightly different from Pantone’s® original colour swatches.

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.15 Acceptable bar colours CONTINUED

Black 2 C Black 3 C Black 4 C Black 6 C 539 C 540 C 5395 C 546 C 547 C 548 C 5463 C 5467 C 5535 C 560 C 561 C

562 C 5605 C 567 C 568 C 569 C 627 C 633 C 634 C 640 C 641 C 648 C 655 C 661 C 662 C 7460 C

7483 C 7484 C 7547 C

CMYK process colours

If a product pack is printed in 4-colour process (CMYK) without the use of additional Pantone colours, only Cyan or Black are permitted as
colours for the bars. The bars must be printed out of one solid colour (100%). Tints of Cyan or Black are not permitted.

Cyan Black

Magenta (100%) Yellow (100%)

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.16 Acceptable background colours
Pantone® colours*
These colours may be used as a solid colour (100%) or as tints. Do not convert these colours to CMYK colours. Permitted CMYK colours are listed on the next page.

Process Yellow C Yellow 100 C 101 C 102 C 106 C 107 C 108 C 109 C 113 C 114 C 115 C 116 C 120 C
Yellow C 012C

121 C 122 C 123 C 1205 C 1215 C 1225 C 1235 C 127 C 128 C 129 C 130 C 134 C 135 C 136 C 137 C

1345 C 1355 C 1365 C 1375 C 141 C 142 C 143 C 144 C 148 C 149 C 150 C 151 C 1485 C 1495 C 1505 C

021 C 155 C 156 C 157 C 158 C 1555 C 1565 C 1575 C 1585 C 1595 C 162 C 163 C 164 C 165 C 1625 C

1635 C 1645 C 1655 C Warm 1665 C 169 C 170 C 171 C 172 C 176 C 177 C 178 C 1765 C 1775 C 1785 C
Red C

1767 C 1777 C 1787 C 1788 C Red 182 C 183 C 184 C 185 C 186 C 189 C 190 C 191 C 192 C 1895 C

1905 C 1915 C 1925 C 196 C 197 C 198 C 199 C 203 C 204 C 205 C 206 C 210 C 211 C 212 C 213 C

*The list of colours given here may not be comprehensive since the Pantone® colour palette is constantly extended. The Pantone® colour swatches shown here are not accurate
representations of Pantone® colours since every printing or viewing device will render them slightly different from Pantone’s® original colour swatches.
Process Rhodamine
217 C 218 C 219 C 223 C 224 C 225 C 230 C 231 C 232 C 236 C 237 C 2365 C 243 C
Magenta C Red C
1635 C 1645 C 1655 C Warm 1665 C 169 C 170 C 171 C 172 C 176 C 177 C 178 C 1765 C 1775 C 1785 C
Red C

2. ALDI-specific barcodes
1767 C 1777 C 1787 C 1788 C Red 182 C 183 C 184 C 185 C 186 C 189 C 190 C 191 C 192 C 1895 C

2.16 Acceptable background colours CONTINUED

1905 C 1915 C 1925 C 196 C 197 C 198 C 199 C 203 C 204 C 205 C 206 C 210 C 211 C 212 C 213 C

Process Rhodamine
217 C 218 C 219 C 223 C 224 C 225 C Magenta C Red C 230 C 231 C 232 C 236 C 237 C 2365 C 243 C

250 C 251 C 393 C 3935 C 3945 C 461 C 474 C 475 C 485 C 486 C 487 C 488 C 489 C 517 C 587 C

600 C 601 C 602 C 603 C 607 C 663 C 670 C 671 C 677 C 698 C 699 C 705 C 706 C 707 C 708 C

712 C 713 C 7401 C 7402 C 7403 C 7404 C 7409 C 7415 C 7416 C 7417 C 7422 C 7436 C 7499 C 7506 C 7507 C
Cyan Black

CMYK process colours

Magenta, Yellow and any combination of these two colours such as red, pink, orange and cream work well as background colours,
either as a solid colour (100%) or as tints.

Magenta (100%) Yellow (100%)

Magenta (10%) Any colour or tint within the above colour space is permitted. Yellow (10%)

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.17 Suitable colour combinations

Black on white Cyan on white Dark blue on white Dark green on white Dark brown on white Black on yellow

Dark blue on yellow Dark green on yellow Dark brown on yellow Black on orange Dark blue on orange Dark green on orange

Black on red Dark blue on red Dark green on red Dark brown on red Black on pink Dark blue on pink

Dark brown on pink Black on cream Cyan on cream Dark blue on cream Dark green on cream Dark brown on cream

2. ALDI-specific barcodes 2
2.18 Unacceptable colour combinations

Yellow on white Orange on white Red on white Light brown on white Gold on white Blue on green

Black on green Red on green Black on blue Red on blue Green on blue Red on cream

Orange on brown Black on brown Black on gold Green on gold Black on silver Green on silver

Black on Cyan White on black

3. Quality assurance 3
3.1 Introduction
Quality assurance covers the following areas:
· Checking that the correct barcode number has been assigned
· Checking the quality (legibility) of the printed barcode
· Checking the correct position of the barcode on the pack.
Suppliers and their design agencies are responsible for ensuring that all guidelines for best practice
of barcode application have been followed and that a digital proof is supplied to the National
Buying Departments to check the legibility of all barcodes on the pack before printing commences.
The legibility of every barcode is checked by National Buying Departments with the aid of a barcode
verifier. If a product is sourced from several different suppliers, each batch must be checked. The
required samples are requested from the supplier by the National Buying Department. The test
results are recorded on a form.
ALDI ‘goods in’ departments are equipped with a barcode laser scanner and will check all delivered
products for the correct application and legibility of every barcode on a pack. In general, each
barcode on a pack and each variant of assorted cartons should be checked.
All suppliers and National Buying Departments are informed of defective barcodes.

3. Quality assurance 3
3.2 Barcode verification
Barcode verification is the technical process by which a barcode is measured to determine its conformance with the specification for that symbol. The
benefits of verification are reassurance and confidence that the barcode will perform as intended at all stages of the product’s passage through the supply
chain, leading to untroubled supplier-customer relationships.
Barcode legibility is mainly determined by print quality. Even minor deterioration in the print quality can render a barcode unreadable by the cashier’s
scanner. Although some problems may be visible to the naked eye the majority of problems will only be picked up using a barcode verifier.
A barcode verifier works in a way similar to a laser scanner but instead of simply decoding a barcode, a verifier performs a series of tests to grade the
barcode. This involves ensuring that the amount of light reflected by the bars and spaces respectively provides maximum contrast to enable the barcode to
be correctly read by a scanning device. There are portable and PC-based verifiers, both generally comprising of a reading head, a data analyser and
a display sceen. A barcode verifier must be calibrated regularly to maintain the consistency of its measurements.
Barcode verifiers should be compliant with the international standards ISO/IEC 15416 and ISO/IEC 15420.
Interpreting the results
The verifier will report on what it has found, either in some form of display or in a printed report. The first thing to look at is the overall grade, which is a
general statement of the quality level. If it is close to, or below, the minimum acceptable, it is necessary to look at individual parameters to see why the grade
is depressed and what affects the parameters in order to determine the cause of the grade being low.
Barcode grades
Barcode grades are stated as 4/A, 3/B, 2/C, 1/D and 0/F. Ideally the barcode
4/A 3/B 2/C 1/D 0/F Passed Failed
quality should be grade 4/A. Minimum acceptance grade for ALDI is 3/B.

3.3 Check digits

EAN-8, EAN-13 and UPC-A barcodes for fixed-weight products
For these barcodes the check digit is the final digit. It is calculated from the preceding digits by means of a mathematical algorithm and ensures that the data
has been composed correctly. The barcode will not scan if the check digit reading does not agree with the calculated check digit. 
EAN-13 and UPC-A barcodes for catch-weight products
These types of barcode have two check digits: the 7th and the last digit. The algorithm for the last digit ensures that the data from the previous digits has
been composed correctly. The 7th digit is calculated from the following 5 digits (UPC-A: 4 digits), using a separate mathematical algorithm. If either of the
two check digits has not been calculated correctly, software used by ALDI will not read the barcode.

4. ALDI barcode number ranges 4
4.1 Allocation of barcode numbers
The numbers encoded in ALDI barcodes follow the standard set by GS1, the international
body for barcoding standards (www.gs1.org).
Management of the GS1 barcode number system is carried out locally by GS1 Member
Organisations. These use their assigned number ranges to allocate numbers to their
member companies, e. g. ALDI, to enable them to create GS1-compliant barcodes.
ALDI use two types of barcode numbers. Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN) guarantee
worldwide exclusivity and are allocated for a fee. Restricted Circulation Numbers (RCN) are
free-of-charge for company-internal use and do not guarantee exclusivity.
New standard
EAN-8 barcodes with encoded RCN used to be the standard for ALDI. With the introduction
of SAP software by ALDI in 2018, EAN-13 barcodes with encoded GTIN have become the
new standard.
For catch-weight products EAN-13 and UPC-A barcodes with encoded RCN will continue
to be in use.

4. ALDI barcode number ranges 4
4.2 Barcode number ranges and company prefixes – ALDI SOUTH Group
Please note the difference between information relating to ALDI legacy administration software and new SAP software, introduced in 2018.
Legacy EAN-13 and UPC-A with encoded RCN continue to be used for catch-weight products. Barcode numbers are stated without the last check digit.
Number ranges and prefixes are the same for sales and order GTINs (see chapter 9). However, the full numeric code is generally different per product.

EAN-13 with encoded GTIN Barcode type and company prefix

GTIN ALDI organisation Purchasing organisation Company prefix Range start Range end Fixed weight products Catch-weight products sold by price
International IB/AO 4088500 408850000000 408850099999 EAN-13 with GTIN UPC-A with encoded RCN
4099100 2
Hofer S/E AT 4099200 409920000000 409920099999
UPC-A with encoded GTIN UPC-A with encoded RCN
Hofer S/E CH 4099200 409920000000 409920099999 RCN
041498 2
Hofer S/E IT 4099200 409920000000 409920099999
Hofer S/E HU 4099200 409920000000 409920099999
Hofer S/E SI 4099200 409920000000 409920099999
Germany DE 4061458 406145800000 406145899999
GB/Ireland GB/IE 4088600 408860000000 408860099999
US US 4099100 409910000000 409910099999
Australia AU 4088700 408870000000 408870049999
China CN 4088700 408870050000 408870099999

EAN-8 with encoded RCN EAN-13 with encoded RCN

Standard range/ Amount of Price-embedded for Weight-embedded for
RCN Country Specials
seasonal numbers catch-weight products catch-weight products
Germany 2200000 - 2299999 2300000 - 2399999 200,000 270000000000 et seq. technically not possible

Austria / 270000000000 et seq.1 280000000000 et seq.

2400000 - 2499999
Slovenia/Hungary/ 200,000 210000000000 et seq.1 280000000000 et seq.
2800000 - 2899999
Switzerland/Italy 270000000000 et seq.1 280000000000 et seq.
2500000 - 2599999
GB/Ireland 200,000 210000000000 et seq. 280000000000 et seq.1
2100000 - 2199999
Australia 2600000 - 2699999 100,000 210000000000 et seq. 280000000000 et seq.
International Buying 2000000 - 2049999 50,000 – –
Co-operating countries 2050000 - 2099999 50,000 – –
Germany2 2910000 - 2979999 70,000 – –

1) Not in use.
2) Decentralised bread and cake items may only be allocated from the number range starting with 291 since the range 2900000–2909999 is already allocated to the standard range of ALDI Nord.

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.1 Introduction
Observing ALDI principles of barcode modification and positioning ensures that the pack can be
passed over the checkout scanner at any angle with at least one barcode being detected.
Two or more barcodes (sales GTIN) should be placed on every ALDI pack except wine bottles which,
for visual reasons, have only one sales GTIN on the back label. The general rule of thumb is: If a pack
is held with one hand, at least one sales GTIN must remain completely uncovered.
Throughout this chapter, best-practice positioning examples of sales GTIN on different pack types are
shown in the form of line illustrations. Please note that the illustrations present ideal solutions in
a generic way. Real-life packaging examples demonstrate the application of guidelines contained
in this document, considering limitations of space, design and production.
Please note
The packaging examples in this chapter incorporate EAN-8 and UPC-12 barcodes and have not yet
been replaced with the new standard ALDI sales GTIN-encoded EAN-13 barcodes. However, the
same guidelines for positioning, size, length, colour etc. apply. Please refer to chapters 1-4 for details.

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.2 Folding cartons
On 6-sided folding cartons, a sales GTIN should be placed on each side panel. The sales GTINs should be positioned at the maximum possible distance from
one another at the corners of the pack (examples A, B, C). If the top panel cannot have a sales GTIN due to a window or other design elements, the required
fourth sales GTIN can be placed on the upper part of the back area (example B).
On 4-sided sleeves, two continuous sales GTINs can run from the base panel onto the side panels (example D). On sleeves with very narrow side panels
(example E), a sales GTIN runs continuously across the back and extends to overlap partly onto the front. An additional sales GTIN is placed on the base panel
if it is wide enough.







Upright standing 6-sided Upright standing 6-sided 6-sided folding carton 4-sided sleeve 5-sided sleeve with narrow
folding carton with two folding carton with front with two identical with two open sides base panel and open top
identical front faces and back face front faces

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.2.1 ‘Alpenküche’ Cereal
A 6-sided folding carton with two identical front faces must have a sales GTIN on each side panel,
placed at the maximum possible distance from one another.

Sales GTIN missing

on the top panel.


Bircher Müsli Bircher Müsli

Schweizer Art
Schweizer Art


Die Geschichte Die Geschichte

Bircher Müsli
Bircher Müsli Bircher Müsli
Bircher Müsli
Bircher Müsli Bircher Müsli Bircher Müsli
This is dummy text, it is intended. This is This is dummy text, it is intended. This is
dummy text, it This is dummy text, it dummy text, it This is dummy text, it
intended to be read but have no meaning. Schweizer Art intended to be read but have no meaning. Schweizer Art
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Zutaten: This is dummy text, it is intended. text, it is intended. This is dummy text, it Zutaten: This is dummy text, it is intended.
text, it is intended. This is dummy text, it This is dummy text, it This is dummy text,
This is dummy text, it intended to be read This is dummy text, it This is dummy text, This is dummy text, it intended to be read

Schweizer Art but have no meaning. This is dummy text,

it is intended to be read but have no Schweizer Art it intended to be read but have no
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Schweizer Art it intended to be read but have no
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Schweizer Art
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intended to be read but This is dummy text, it is intended to be intended to be read but
read but have no meaning. This is dummy have no meaning. read but have no meaning. This is dummy
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text, it is intended. This is dummy text, it


text, it is intended. This is dummy text, it
This is dummy text, it intended to be read This is dummy text, it is intended. This is This is dummy text, it intended to be read
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have no meaning.
This is dummy text, it is intended to be This is dummy text, it is intended to be
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text, it is intended. This is dummy text, it text, it is intended. This is dummy text, it
This is dummy text, it intended to be read Durchschnittliche Nährwerte This is dummy text, it intended to be read Durchschnittliche Nährwerte

but have no meaning. This is dummy text, Pro 100 g 1 Portion (50 g)** but have no meaning. This is dummy text, Pro 100 g 1 Portion (50 g)**
it is intended to be read but have Brennwert 1460 kJ / 346 kcal 925 kJ / 219 kcal
it is intended to be read but have Brennwert 1460 kJ / 346 kcal 925 kJ / 219 kcal
Eiweiß 11,0 g 8,9 g
no meaning. Eiweiß 11,0 g 8,9 g no meaning.
Kohlenhydrate 59,0 g 34,0 g
Kohlenhydrate 59,0 g 34,0 g
davon Zucker 25,0 g 17,0 g
davon Zucker 25,0 g 17,0 g
Fett 7,3 g 5,3 g
Fett 7,3 g 5,3 g
gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,3 g 1,7 g
gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,3 g 1,7 g
Ballaststoffe 9,4 g 4,7 g
Ballaststoffe 9,4 g 4,7 g
Natrium 0,03 g 0,07 g
Natrium 0,03 g 0,07 g
**1 Portion = 50 g Müsli mit 100 ml fettarmer Milch
**1 Portion = 50 g Müsli mit 100 ml fettarmer Milch
1 Portion (50 g Müsli mit 100 ml fettarmer Milch) enthält
1 Portion (50 g Müsli mit 100 ml fettarmer Milch) enthält
00000000 00000000 gesättigte
gesättigte Brennwert Zucker Fett Fettsäuren Natrium
Brennwert Zucker Fett Fettsäuren Natrium
219 kcal 17,0 g 5,3 g 1,7 g 0,07 g 219 kcal 17,0 g 5,3 g 1,7 g 0,07 g

11% 19% 8% 9% 3% 11% 19% 8% 9% 3%

% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*
% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)* *Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Werte basieren
*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Werte basieren auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).
auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).

0 g) Müsli mit 0 g) Müsli mit Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Bodenlasche 0 g) Müsli mit
n (5 0 g) Müsli mit Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Bodenlasche 0 g) Müsli mit n (5 n (5
tio rmer Milch) ent 10 n (5 n (5 tio rmer Milch) ent 10 tio rmer Milch) ent 10
tio rmer Milch) ent 10 tio rmer Milch) ent 10 a h a h

fet r

fet r

0 m lt

0 mlt
a h h

1 Po

1 Po
a a
fet r

0 m lt

fet r
fet r
1 Po

0 m lt

0 mlt

1 Po

1 Po






Brennwert Brennwert Brennwert
Brennwert Brennwert
219 kcal 219 kcal 219 kcal 219 kcal 219 kcal
500g  11%*
GDA 500g  500g  11%*
GDA Hergestellt in Deutschland 500g  11%*
500g  500g  11%*
GDA Hergestellt in Deutschland 500g  11%*

DE-VAU-GE Gesundkostwerk GmbH DE-VAU-GE Gesundkostwerk GmbH

Postfach 1660, D-21306 Lüneburg Postfach 1660, D-21306 Lüneburg

Mindestens haltbar bis: Mindestens haltbar bis:

Flat carton Sales GTINs placed too

close to each other.

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.2.2 ‘Cucina’ Bread Sticks
Option 1 shows the fourth sales GTIN on the top panel, option 2 shows the barcode in the upper area of the back panel.
Both options are correct – the choice of position is dependent on the design and is at the Buying Director’s discretion.

Knabberspaß zu Antipasti, Pasta, Salat,

Knabberspaß zu Antipasti, Pasta, Salat,

Suppen, Dips oder Drinks

Suppen, Dips oder Drinks

Original italienischer

Original italienischer
Original italienischer Original italienischer
Knabberspaß zu Antipasti, Pasta, Salat, Knabberspaß zu Antipasti, Pasta, Salat,
Suppen, Dips oder Drinks Suppen, Dips oder Drinks

Original italienischer Original italienischer Original italienischer

Knabberspaß zu Antipasti, Pasta, Salat, Knabberspaß zu Antipasti, Pasta, Salat, mit Sesamkörnern Knabberspaß zu Antipasti, Pasta, Salat, mit Sesamkörnern
Suppen, Dips oder Drinks Suppen, Dips oder Drinks Suppen, Dips oder Drinks

Qualitätsgarantie: Qualitätsgarantie:
Hochwertige Weizenqualitäten ergeben diese Hochwertige Weizenqualitäten ergeben diese
mit Sesamkörnern mit Sesamkörnern mit Sesamkörnern

mit Sesamkörnern

mit Sesamkörnern
Qualitätsgrissini. Große Sorgfalt bei der Qualitätsgrissini. Große Sorgfalt bei der
Herstellung und ständige strenge Kontrolle Herstellung und ständige strenge Kontrolle
sichern diesen Standard. sichern diesen Standard.

mit Sesamkörnern

mit Sesamkörnern
Zutaten: Hartweizengrieß, Sesamkörner Zutaten: Hartweizengrieß, Sesamkörner
Trocken lagern Trocken lagern

Durchschnittliche Nährwerte Durchschnittliche Nährwerte

% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*

% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*

Brennwert Brennwert
422 kcal 422 kcal
Pro 100 g 1 Portion (125 g) Pro 100 g 1 Portion (125 g)
21% 21%

1 Portion (125 g) Grissini enthält:

1 Portion (125 g) Grissini enthält:

Brennwert 1429 kJ 1788 kJ Zucker Brennwert 1429 kJ 1788 kJ Zucker
337 kcal 422 kcal 5g 337 kcal 422 kcal 5g
Eiweiß 12,5 g 15,6 g 6% Eiweiß 12,5 g 15,6 g 6%
Fett Fett
Kohlenhydrate 65 g 81,3 g 3,8 g Kohlenhydrate 65 g 81,3 g 3,8 g
davon Zucker 4g 5g 5% davon Zucker 4g 5g 5%
Fett 3g 3,8 g ges. Fettsäuren Fett 3g 3,8 g ges. Fettsäuren
davon 0,8 g davon 0,8 g
gesättigte Fettsäuren 0,6 g 0,8 g 4% gesättigte Fettsäuren 0,6 g 0,8 g 4%
Natrium Natrium
Ballaststoffe 7,7 g 9,6 g 0,025 g Ballaststoffe 7,7 g 9,6 g 0,025 g
Natrium 0,02 g 0,025 g <1% Natrium 0,02 g 0,025 g <1%
Knabberspaß zu Antipasti, Pasta, Salat,

Knabberspaß zu Antipasti, Pasta, Salat,

*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Werte basieren *Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Werte basieren
auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA) auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA)


Suppen, Dips oder Drinks

Suppen, Dips oder Drinks

Original italienischer

Original italienischer
Mindestens haltbar bis: Mindestens haltbar bis:

(125 g) Grissini e (125 g) Grissini e (125 g) Grissini e

ion n ion n ion n




1 Po

1 Po
1 Po

Brennwert Brennwert


422 kcal 422 kcal Hergestellt in Italien für: 422 kcal Hergestellt in Italien für:
21%* 21%* BLM Prod.- u. Vertriebsges. mbH & Co. KG 21%* BLM Prod.- u. Vertriebsges. mbH & Co. KG
Neue Straße 21, D-21244 Buchholz Neue Straße 21, D-21244 Buchholz

150 g  150 g  150 g  150 g  150 g 

Flat carton 22113456 22113456

Option 1 Option 2

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.2.3 ‘Ocean Royale’ Prawn Cutlets
A sales GTIN has been applied to each side panel, at the maximum possible distance from one another.

Flat carton

Barcode position

Barcode position
Flat carton
Chocolate flavour mousse with a creamy chocolate flavour centre, with a cocoa flavoured dusting Contains wheat, milk, egg, gluten. Chocolate flavour mousse with a creamy chocolate flavour centre, with a cocoa flavoured dusting Contains wheat, milk, egg, gluten.
INGREDIENTS: Water, Glucose Syrup, Sugar, Vegetable Fats, Skimmed Milk Powder, Fat Reduced Cocoa Powder, Warning: May contain nut traces. INGREDIENTS: Water, Glucose Syrup, Sugar, Vegetable Fats, Skimmed Milk Powder, Fat Reduced Cocoa Powder, Warning: May contain nut traces.
Chocolate (4%) (Cocoa Mass, Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Emulsifier: Soya Lecithin), Cocoa Flavoured Dusting (2%) If you are not entirely satisfied with this product Chocolate (4%) (Cocoa Mass, Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Emulsifier: Soya Lecithin), Cocoa Flavoured Dusting (2%) If you are not entirely satisfied with this product
(Cocoa Powder, Dextrose, Wheat Starch, Sugar, Vegetable Fat), Ethanol, Egg Yolk, Thickeners: Carrageenan, please return it to the store where it was (Cocoa Powder, Dextrose, Wheat Starch, Sugar, Vegetable Fat), Ethanol, Egg Yolk, Thickeners: Carrageenan, please return it to the store where it was
Xanthan Gum; Pork Gelatine, Emulsifier: Mono- And Diglycerides Of Fatty Acids; Salt. purchased and we will be pleased to replace it. Xanthan Gum; Pork Gelatine, Emulsifier: Mono- And Diglycerides Of Fatty Acids; Salt. purchased and we will be pleased to replace it.
Chocolate flavour centre: 41%. This does not affect your statutory rights. Chocolate flavour centre: 41%. This does not affect your statutory rights.
Serving suggestion Serving suggestion
with a cocoa flavoured dusting with a cocoa flavoured dusting
chocolate flavour centre, chocolate flavour centre,
Chocolate flavour mousse with a creamy Chocolate flavour mousse with a creamy
Serving suggestion
with a cocoa flavoured dusting
chocolate flavour centre,
Chocolate flavour mousse with a creamy
Amounts per pot / Approx % guideline daily amount Amounts per pot / Approx % guideline daily amount
Serving suggestion Serving suggestion
2% 50% 17% 22% 14% 2% 50% 17% 22% 14%
0.1g 10.0g 11.7g 19.9g 277 0.1g 10.0g 11.7g 19.9g 277
Keep refrigerated. Use by: salt sats fat sugar cals Keep refrigerated. Use by: salt sats fat sugar cals
with a cocoa flavoured dusting with a cocoa flavoured dusting
chocolate flavour centre, chocolate flavour centre,
Amounts per pot / Approx % guideline daily amount
Chocolate flavour mousse with a creamy Chocolate flavour mousse with a creamy Serving suggestion 2% 50% 17% 22% 14%
Keep refrigerated. Use by:
with a cocoa flavoured dusting
chocolate flavour centre,
TRUFFE AU COEUR TRUFFE AU COEUR Chocolate flavour mousse with a creamy
Chocolate flavour mousse with a creamy Chocolate flavour mousse with a creamy
chocolate flavour centre, chocolate flavour centre,
with a cocoa flavoured dusting with a cocoa flavoured dusting
Serving suggestion Serving suggestion
Nutrition Information Guideline Daily Amounts for a Typical Adult Disposal Nutrition Information Guideline Daily Amounts for a Typical Adult Disposal
TYPICAL VALUES Per Pot (100 g) Guideline Per Pot Approx % Guideline TYPICAL VALUES Per Pot (100 g) Guideline Per Pot Approx % Guideline
daily amount (100 g) daily amount daily amount (100 g) daily amount

Energy 1161 kJ / 277 kcal Energy 1161 kJ / 277 kcal
Protein 4.5 g Calories 2000 cals 277 cals 14 % Protein 4.5 g Calories 2000 cals 277 cals 14 %
Carbohydrate 38.3 g Sugar 90 g 19.9 g 22 % Carbohydrate 38.3 g Sugar 90 g 19.9 g 22 %
of which sugars 19.9 g Fat 70 g 11.7 g 17 % of which sugars 19.9 g Fat 70 g 11.7 g 17 %
Saturated fat 20 g 10.0 g 50 % widely not currently not currently Saturated fat 20 g 10.0 g 50 % widely not currently not currently
of which saturates 10.0 g Salt 6g 0.1 g 2% recycled recycled recycled of which saturates 10.0 g Salt 6g 0.1 g 2% recycled recycled recycled
Fibre 4.1 g Fibre 4.1 g
Sodium Trace SPECIALLY PRODUCED IN ITALY FOR: Use by: see top of pack. Keep refrigerated. Sodium Trace SPECIALLY PRODUCED IN ITALY FOR: Use by: see top of pack. Keep refrigerated.
CE 2 x 100g  CE 2 x 100g 
Visit us at www.aldi.com Visit us at www.aldi.com
the side panels.
the pack. They need to extend onto
The sales GTINs only cover the base of
on the left and right sides as shown below, or as a single centred sales GTIN if the design allows it.
4-sided folding cartons have a sales GTIN extending from the base panel onto the side panel, either
5.2.4 ‘Camelot’ Chocolate Mousse
5 5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN
5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.2.5 ‘Almare’ Smoked Salmon
The sales GTIN runs continuously across the back and extends to overlap partly onto the front panel.
An additional sales GTIN is placed on the narrow base panel.

Premium Premium

Skandinavischer Skandinavischer

Premium Premium
Skandinavischer Skandinavischer
Räucherlachs Räucherlachs
Trockengesalzen nach althergebrachter Art,
Räucherlachs Räucherlachs

Trockengesalzen nach althergebrachter Art,

in hauchdünnen Scheiben. Garantiert fangfrischer in hauchdünnen Scheiben. Garantiert fangfrischer
Lachs (Salmo Salar) in Premium Qualität. Lachs (Salmo Salar) in Premium Qualität.

Trockengesalzen nach althergebrachter Art, in hauchdünnen Scheiben. Trockengesalzen nach althergebrachter Art, in hauchdünnen Scheiben.
Garantiert fangfrischer Lachs (Salmo Salar) in Premium Qualität. Garantiert fangfrischer Lachs (Salmo Salar) in Premium Qualität.

Wir garantieren für diesen in kristallklaren atlantischen Gewässern Serviervorschlag: Wir garantieren für diesen in kristallklaren atlantischen Gewässern Serviervorschlag:
aufgewachsenen Lachs höchste Qualität! Als Vorspeise: Dieser Räucherlachs schmeckt hervorragend auf aufgewachsenen Lachs höchste Qualität! Als Vorspeise: Dieser Räucherlachs schmeckt hervorragend auf
Das delikate Aroma entsteht durch fangfrische Verarbeitung, gebuttertem Toast oder frischem Baguette. gebuttertem Toast oder frischem Baguette.

Das delikate Aroma entsteht durch fangfrische Verarbeitung,

fachmännisches Salzen sowie langsames und schonendes Räuchern Als Hauptgericht: Lachs in feine Streifen schneiden und in einer fachmännisches Salzen sowie langsames und schonendes Räuchern Als Hauptgericht: Lachs in feine Streifen schneiden und in einer
mit Buchenholz. Damit sich der feine Geschmack dieser Delikatesse Pasta Sauce mit Sahne, Weißwein, Dill und etwas schwarzem
window voll entfalten kann, empfehlen wir den Lachs ca. 30 Minuten vor
dem Servieren aus der Verpackung zu nehmen.
Pfeffer anrichten.
Zutaten: Lachs (Salmo Salar) aus Aquakultur in Norwegen,
mit Buchenholz. Damit sich der feine Geschmack dieser Delikatesse
voll entfalten kann, empfehlen wir den Lachs ca. 30 Minuten vor
dem Servieren aus der Verpackung zu nehmen.
Pasta Sauce mit Sahne, Weißwein, Dill und etwas schwarzem
Pfeffer anrichten.
Zutaten: Lachs (Salmo Salar) aus Aquakultur in Norwegen,
Dieses Produkt unterliegt einer strengen Qualitätskontrolle. Salz, Rauch. Dieses Produkt unterliegt einer strengen Qualitätskontrolle. Salz, Rauch.
Bei unter +7 ºC zu verbrauchen bis: Bei unter +7 ºC zu verbrauchen bis:
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte siehe Folienaufdruck auf der Vorderseite Durchschnittliche Nährwerte siehe Folienaufdruck auf der Vorderseite
*GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für
die Tageszufuhr, basierend auf einer Ernährung

*GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für

die Tageszufuhr, basierend auf einer Ernährung
Pro **Pro Portion % GDA* Pro **Pro Portion % GDA*
von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).

100 g (50 g) (50 g)

von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).

100 g (50 g) (50 g)
Brennwert 695 kJ 347 kJ 4% Brennwert 695 kJ 347 kJ 4%
166 kcal 83 kcal 4% 166 kcal 83 kcal 4%
Bei max. +7 ºC Eiweiss 20,4 g 10,2 g 20 % Bei max. +7 ºC Eiweiss 20,4 g 10,2 g 20 %
zu verbrauchen bis: Kohlenhydrate 0g 0g 0 % zu verbrauchen bis: Kohlenhydrate 0g 0g 0%
siehe Folienaufdruck davon Zucker 0g 0g 0 % siehe Folienaufdruck davon Zucker 0g 0g 0%
Fett 9,4 g 4,7 g 7% Fett 9,4 g 4,7 g 7%
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,5 g 0,8 g 4% davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,5 g 0,8 g 4%
<0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 %
Natrium 1,50 g 0,75 g 31 % Natrium 1,50 g 0,75 g 31 %
Inhalt: PL Inhalt:
50 g**
Die Analysenwerte unterliegen den bei Naturprodukten
200 g 22121818
WE 50 g**
200 g
83 kcal 83 kcal Die Analysenwerte unterliegen den bei Naturprodukten
üblichen biologischen Schwankungen. Laschinger Seafood GmbH, Birkenthal 8, D-94253 Bischofsmais üblichen biologischen Schwankungen. Laschinger Seafood GmbH, Birkenthal 8, D-94253 Bischofsmais
4% 4%
200 g Unter Schutzatmosphäre verpackt
200 g Unter Schutzatmosphäre verpackt

Flat carton

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.3 Flexible bags
The most important factor to consider when placing sales GTINs on flexible bags is the naturally occurring crinkling of the material and the curvature of the
pack. A sales GTIN placed on a crinkled or strongly curved area cannot be read by the scanner. Therefore sales GTIN must be placed well away from the
sealing areas on the top and bottom of the pack. They should be positioned on what is assessed to be the flattest area of the pack.
The ideal sales GTIN position is centred and positioned at a 90 degree angle to the central sealing area on the back. It can be moved slightly up or down to
accommodate other design elements. The sales GTIN extends across the back and partly onto the front (examples A, B, C, D). Large bags have two sales GTIN,
one on the upper half and one on the lower half of the pack (example C).
If the bag has a gusset, such as a coffee bag, an additional sales GTIN can be placed on the flattest part of the gusset and the sales GTIN on the front can be
omitted (example E).







Small flat bag Medium flat bag Large flat bag Upright standing bag Upright standing bag with gusset

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.3.1 ‘Season’s Choice’ Frozen Broccoli
Please note that in this example the numeric code has not been placed outside the
sales GTIN area as preferred by ALDI. This is not wrong but should be avoided.

Front Back

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.3.2 ‘Clancy’s’ Potato Chips


Front Back

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.3.3 ‘Le Gusto’ Soup

Z ubereitung Z ubereitung
Προετοιμασία Προετοιμασία
Vorderseite oben P riprava P riprava
Frühlingssuppe E lkész ités Frühlingssuppe E lkész ités

Frühlingssuppe – klare Gemüsesuppe mit Nudeln. Zutaten: 50 % Nudeln 1. Beutelinhalt in 1 Liter kochendes Wasser geben, unter Frühlingssuppe – klare Gemüsesuppe mit Nudeln. Zutaten: 50 % Nudeln 1. Beutelinhalt in 1 Liter kochendes Wasser geben, unter
(Hartweizengrieß, Hühnervollei), 23 % Gemüse (Karotten, Zwiebeln, Lauch, Rühren aufkochen. 2. Unter gelegentlichem Umrühren (Hartweizengrieß, Hühnervollei), 23 % Gemüse (Karotten, Zwiebeln, Lauch, Rühren aufkochen. 2. Unter gelegentlichem Umrühren
Sellerie, Erbsen, Bohnen), jodiertes Speisesalz, Geschmacksverstärker 10 Minuten bei schwacher Hitze kochen lassen. Sellerie, Erbsen, Bohnen), jodiertes Speisesalz, Geschmacksverstärker 10 Minuten bei schwacher Hitze kochen lassen.
(Mononatriumglutamat, E 635), Stärke, pflanzliches Fett, hydrolysiertes 1. 1. Τοποθετείστε το περιεχόμενο της σακούλας σε 1 λίτρο (Mononatriumglutamat, E 635), Stärke, pflanzliches Fett, hydrolysiertes 1. 1. Τοποθετείστε το περιεχόμενο της σακούλας σε 1 λίτρο
Pflanzeneiweiß (enthält Soja), Zucker, Salz, Hefeextrakt, Kräuter, Aroma, νερό που βράζει και ανακατέψτε. 2. Σιγοβράστε σε Pflanzeneiweiß (enthält Soja), Zucker, Salz, Hefeextrakt, Kräuter, Aroma, νερό που βράζει και ανακατέψτε. 2. Σιγοβράστε σε
Karamell, Gewürze, Maltodextrin, Sellerieextrakt. Kann Spuren von Milch und χαμηλή φωτιά για 10 λεπτά, ανακατεύοντας περιοδικά. Karamell, Gewürze, Maltodextrin, Sellerieextrakt. Kann Spuren von Milch und χαμηλή φωτιά για 10 λεπτά, ανακατεύοντας περιοδικά.
Senf enthalten. 1. A tasak tartalmát adja 1 liter forrásban levı vizhez, Senf enthalten. 1. A tasak tartalmát adja 1 liter forrásban levı vizhez,
k l a re G e m ü s e s u p p e Ανοιξιάτικη – διαυγής σούπα λαχανικών με ζυμαρικά noodles. Συστατικά :
50% ζυμαρικά noodles (ψιλό αλεύρι σίτου, κρόκος αυγού σε σκόνη), 23%
és keverés közben forralja újra. 2. Idınként megkeverve
fızze 10 percig kis lángon.
Ανοιξιάτικη – διαυγής σούπα λαχανικών με ζυμαρικά noodles. Συστατικά :
50% ζυμαρικά noodles (ψιλό αλεύρι σίτου, κρόκος αυγού σε σκόνη), 23%
és keverés közben forralja újra. 2. Idınként megkeverve
fızze 10 percig kis lángon.
mit Nudeln λαχανικά (καρότο, κρεμμύδι, πράσο, σέλινο, αρακάς, φασόλια), μαγειρικό αλάτι
πλούσιο σε ιώδιο, ενισχυτικό γεύσης : (γλουταμινικό μονονάτριο, Ε635), άμυλο,
1. Vsebino vrečke vmešajte v 1 liter vrede vode,
počakajte, da voda ponovno zavre. 2. In nato kuhajte
λαχανικά (καρότο, κρεμμύδι, πράσο, σέλινο, αρακάς, φασόλια), μαγειρικό αλάτι
πλούσιο σε ιώδιο, ενισχυτικό γεύσης : (γλουταμινικό μονονάτριο, Ε635), άμυλο,
1. Vsebino vrečke vmešajte v 1 liter vrede vode,
počakajte, da voda ponovno zavre. 2. In nato kuhajte
φυτικά λιπαρά, υδρολυμένη φυτική πρωτεϊνη (περιέχει σόγια), ζάχαρη, αλάτι, 2. še 10 minut na majhnem ognju in občasno pomešajte. φυτικά λιπαρά, υδρολυμένη φυτική πρωτεϊνη (περιέχει σόγια), ζάχαρη, αλάτι, 2. še 10 minut na majhnem ognju in občasno pomešajte.
εκχύλισμα μαγιάς, βότανα, αρωματικές ύλες, καραμέλα, μπαχαρικά, εκχύλισμα μαγιάς, βότανα, αρωματικές ύλες, καραμέλα, μπαχαρικά,
μαλτοδεξτρίνη, εκχύλισμα σέλινο. Μπορεί να περιέχει ίχνη απο γάλα και μαλτοδεξτρίνη, εκχύλισμα σέλινο. Μπορεί να περιέχει ίχνη απο γάλα και
μουστάρδα. μουστάρδα.
Tavaszi leves – zöldség-eröleves tésztával. Összetevők: 50% tészta (durumdara, Tavaszi leves – zöldség-eröleves tésztával. Összetevők: 50% tészta (durumdara,
egész tyúktojás), 23% zöldség (sárgarépa, vöröshagyma, zöldhagyma, zeller, egész tyúktojás), 23% zöldség (sárgarépa, vöröshagyma, zöldhagyma, zeller, Durchschnittliche Nährwerte /
borsó, bab), jódozott konyhasó, ízfokozók (mono-nátrium-glutamát, E 635), borsó, bab), jódozott konyhasó, ízfokozók (mono-nátrium-glutamát, E 635), Μέση διαθρεπτική επισήμανση / Átlagos tápérték / Povprečna hranilna vrednost
keményítı, növényi zsír, hidrolizált növényi fehérje (szóját tartalmaz), cukor, só, keményítı, növényi zsír, hidrolizált növényi fehérje (szóját tartalmaz), cukor, só, Pro 100 g / Ανά 100 g / **Pro Portion / Ανά %
élesztıkivonat, zöldfőszerek, aroma, karamell, főszerek, maltodextrin, zellerkivonat. élesztıkivonat, zöldfőszerek, aroma, karamell, főszerek, maltodextrin, zellerkivonat. 100 g termékben / μερίδα / Egy adagban / GDA*
Nyomokban tejet és mustárt tartalmazhat. Nyomokban tejet és mustárt tartalmazhat. Na 100 g Na porcijo (250 ml) (250 ml)
Brennwert / Ενεργειακή αξία /

0000 0000
Pomladanska juha – čista zelenjavna juha z rezanci. Sestavine: 50 % Pomladanska juha – čista zelenjavna juha z rezanci. Sestavine: 50 % Energia tartalom / Energijska vrednost 1188 kJ / 280 kcal 149 kJ / 35 kcal 2%
rezancev (pšenični durum zdrob, kokošje jajce), 23 % zelenjave (korenje, čebula, rezancev (pšenični durum zdrob, kokošje jajce), 23 % zelenjave (korenje, čebula, Eiweiss / Πρωτεΐνες / Fehérje / Beljakovine 10,2 g 0,5 g 2%
por, zelena, grah, fižol), jodirana jedilna sol, ojačevalca arome (mononatrijev por, zelena, grah, fižol), jodirana jedilna sol, ojačevalca arome (mononatrijev Kohlenhydrate / Υδατάνθρακες /
glutamat, E 635), škrob, rastlinska maščoba, hidrolizirane rastlinske beljakovine glutamat, E 635), škrob, rastlinska maščoba, hidrolizirane rastlinske beljakovine Szénhidrát / Ogljikovi hidrati 52,8 g 7,2 g 3%
(vsebuje sojo), sladkor, sol, ekstrakt kvasa, zelišča, aroma, karamel, začimbe, (vsebuje sojo), sladkor, sol, ekstrakt kvasa, zelišča, aroma, karamel, začimbe, davon Zucker / εκ των οποίων σάκχαρα /
maltodekstrin, ekstrakt zelene. Lahko vsebuje sledove mleka in gorčice. maltodekstrin, ekstrakt zelene. Lahko vsebuje sledove mleka in gorčice. ebből cukor / od teh sladkorji 13,6 g 2,4 g 3%
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte / Fett / Λιπαρές ύλες / Zsír / Maščoba 3,6 g 0,5 g <1 %
Μέση διαθρεπτική επισήμανση / Átlagos tápérték / Povprečna hranilna vrednost davon gesättigte Fettsäuren / εκ των οποίων
Nettogewicht / Καθαρό βάρος / Nettó tömeg / Neto količina: Pro 100 g / Ανά 100 g / **Pro Portion / Ανά % Nettogewicht / Καθαρό βάρος / Nettó tömeg / Neto količina: κορεσμένα λιπαρά οξέα / ebből telített
100 g termékben / μερίδα / Egy adagban / GDA* zsírsavak / od te nasičene maščobne kisline 0,8 g 0,1 g <1 %

 80 g = 1 L Suppe / σούπα / leves / juhe Brennwert / Ενεργειακή αξία /

Energia tartalom / Energijska vrednost
Na 100 g

1188 kJ / 280 kcal

Na porcijo (250 ml) (250 ml)

149 kJ / 35 kcal 2%
 80 g = 1 L Suppe / σούπα / leves / juhe
Ballaststoffe / Εδώδιμες ίνες /
Élelmi rost / Prehranske vlaknine
Natrium / Νάτριο / Nátrium / Natrij
4,8 g
4,44 g
1,1 g
0,77 g
32 %
Trocken und nicht über Zimmertemperatur lagern. / ιατηρείται σε δροσερό και ξηρό Eiweiss / Πρωτεΐνες / Fehérje / Beljakovine 10,2 g 0,5 g 2% Trocken und nicht über Zimmertemperatur lagern. / ιατηρείται σε δροσερό και ξηρό **Entsprechend der Empfehlung zubereitet / Παρασκευασμένο σύμφωνα με τη συνταγή /
μέρος. / Száraz, hővıs helyen tárolandó. / Hraniti na suhem pri sobni temperaturi. Kohlenhydrate / Υδατάνθρακες / μέρος. / Száraz, hővıs helyen tárolandó. / Hraniti na suhem pri sobni temperaturi. Az elkészítési javaslatnak megfelelően elkészítve / Po navodilih pripravljen izdelek
Hergestellt in Deutschland / Παρασκευάζεται στη Γερμανία / Származási hely: Szénhidrát / Ogljikovi hidrati 52,8 g 7,2 g 3% Hergestellt in Deutschland / Παρασκευάζεται στη Γερμανία / Származási hely:
davon Zucker / εκ των οποίων σάκχαρα / *GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tageszufuhr, basierend auf einer Ernährung von
Németország. / Proizvedeno v Nemčiji Forgalmazó / ∆ιανομέας: Dr. Lange & Co. ebből cukor / od teh sladkorji 13,6 g 2,4 g 3% Németország. / Proizvedeno v Nemčiji Forgalmazó / ∆ιανομέας: Dr. Lange & Co. täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). / ΕΗΠ (Ενδεικτική Ημερήσια Πρόσληψη) = Βασισμένη σε μία ημερήσια
GmbH, Kappeler Strasse 149, D-40599 Düsseldorf Fett / Λιπαρές ύλες / Zsír / Maščoba 3,6 g 0,5 g <1 % GmbH, Kappeler Strasse 149, D-40599 Düsseldorf πρόσληψη 2000 Kcal (Πηγή: CIAA). / INBÉ (Irányadó napi beviteli érték) napi 2000 kcal-ás
Mindestens haltbar bis Ende / Ανάλωση κατα προτίμηση πριν απο το τέλος / davon gesättigte Fettsäuren / εκ των οποίων Mindestens haltbar bis Ende / Ανάλωση κατα προτίμηση πριν απο το τέλος / tápanyagszükséglet esetén (Forrás: CIAA). / GDA (orientacijske dnevne vrednosti) = dnevna
κορεσμένα λιπαρά οξέα / ebből telített orientacijska vrednost za odrasle na osnovi 2000 kcal na dan (vir: CIAA).
Minıségét megırzi a jelzett hónap vegéig (hónap / év) / Uporabno najmanj do konca: zsírsavak / od te nasičene maščobne kisline 0,8 g 0,1 g <1 %
Minıségét megırzi a jelzett hónap vegéig (hónap / év) / Uporabno najmanj do konca:
Ballaststoffe / Εδώδιμες ίνες /
Élelmi rost / Prehranske vlaknine 4,8 g 1,1 g 4%
Natrium / Νάτριο / Nátrium / Natrij 4,44 g 0,77 g 32 %
250 ml**
**Entsprechend der Empfehlung zubereitet / Παρασκευασμένο σύμφωνα με τη συνταγή /
35 kcal Az elkészítési javaslatnak megfelelően elkészítve / Po navodilih pripravljen izdelek

2% *GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tageszufuhr, basierend auf einer Ernährung von
GDA* täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). / ΕΗΠ (Ενδεικτική Ημερήσια Πρόσληψη) = Βασισμένη σε μία ημερήσια
πρόσληψη 2000 Kcal (Πηγή: CIAA). / INBÉ (Irányadó napi beviteli érték) napi 2000 kcal-ás
Tálalási javaslat tápanyagszükséglet esetén (Forrás: CIAA). / GDA (orientacijske dnevne vrednosti) = dnevna
Πρόταση σερβιρίσματος orientacijska vrednost za odrasle na osnovi 2000 kcal na dan (vir: CIAA).
Predlog za serviranje

Front Back The sales GTIN is placed too closely to the base
sealing area. The numeric code is missing and the
quiet zones have not been extended sufficiently.

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.3.4 ‘Carloni’ Pasta
Large bags have two sales GTINs, one on the upper half and one on the lower half of the
back of the pack. Ideally, they should extend partly onto the front of the pack.

The sales GTINs are too short and do not

run at a 90 degree angle to the central
vertical sealing area.

Penne rigate Penne rigate

Penne Rigate Durchschnittliche Nährwerte /

Penne Rigate Durchschnittliche Nährwerte /
AT aus reinem Hartweizengrieß. Povprečna hranilna vrednost Hergestellt
AT aus reinem Hartweizengrieß. Povprečna hranilna vrednost
Teigwaren aus Hartweizengrieß. Teigwaren aus Hartweizengrieß.
Zutaten: Hartweizengrieß Pro **Pro Portion / % Zutaten: Hartweizengrieß Pro **Pro Portion / %
Kochanleitung: Hartweizengriessteigwaren in reichlich 100 g / Na porcijo GDA* Kochanleitung: Hartweizengriessteigwaren in reichlich 100 g / Na porcijo GDA*
siedendem Salzwasser kochen lassen, einige Male umrühren und Na 100 g (200 g) (200 g) siedendem Salzwasser kochen lassen, einige Male umrühren und Na 100 g (200 g) (200 g)
anschließend in einem Sieb kurz mit kaltem Wasser abschrecken. Brennwert / 1535 kJ 1331 kJ 16 % anschließend in einem Sieb kurz mit kaltem Wasser abschrecken. Brennwert / 1535 kJ 1331 kJ 16 %
Trocken und vor Licht geschützt lagern. Energijska vrednost 362 kcal 313 kcal 16 % Trocken und vor Licht geschützt lagern. Energijska vrednost 362 kcal 313 kcal 16 %
SLO iz pšeničnega durum zdroba. Eiweiss / Beljakovine 12,0 g 10,4 g 21 % Testenine
SLO iz pšeničnega durum zdroba. Eiweiss / Beljakovine 12,0 g 10,4 g 21 %
Sestavine: pšenični durum zdrob. Kohlenhydrate / Sestavine: pšenični durum zdrob. Kohlenhydrate /
Priprava:Testenine iz pšeničnega durum zdroba stresemo Ogljikovi hidrati 75,1 g 65,1 g 24 % Priprava:Testenine iz pšeničnega durum zdroba stresemo Ogljikovi hidrati 75,1 g 65,1 g 24 %
v vrelo osoljeno vodo, jih nekajkrat na rahlo pomešamo, davon Zucker / v vrelo osoljeno vodo, jih nekajkrat na rahlo pomešamo, davon Zucker /
odcedimo in v cedilu splaknemo s hladno vodo. od teh sladkorji 3,5 g 3,1 g 3% odcedimo in v cedilu splaknemo s hladno vodo. od teh sladkorji 3,5 g 3,1 g 3%
Hraniti v suhem in temnem prostoru. Fett / Maščoba 1,5 g 1,3 g 2% Hraniti v suhem in temnem prostoru. Fett / Maščoba 1,5 g 1,3 g 2%
Füllgewicht / Neto količina: davon gesättigte Fettsäuren / Füllgewicht / Neto količina: davon gesättigte Fettsäuren /
od te nasičene maščobne kisline 0,3 g 0,3 g 2% od te nasičene maščobne kisline 0,3 g 0,3 g 2%
 1000 g Ballaststoffe /
Prehranske vlaknine 3,1 g 2,6 g 10 %
 1000 g Ballaststoffe /
Prehranske vlaknine 3,1 g 2,6 g 10 %
Natrium / Natrij 0,12 g 0,11 g 5% Natrium / Natrij 0,12 g 0,11 g 5%

*GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tageszufuhr, *GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tageszufuhr,
basierend auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). / basierend auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). /
GDA (orientacijske dnevne vrednosti) = dnevna orientacijska GDA (orientacijske dnevne vrednosti) = dnevna orientacijska
vrednost za odrasle na osnovi 2000 kcal na dan (vir: CIAA). vrednost za odrasle na osnovi 2000 kcal na dan (vir: CIAA).
8 min 8 min
Mindestens haltbar bis / Uporabno najmanj do: Mindestens haltbar bis / Uporabno najmanj do:

Penne rigate
Produziert in Italien für / Proizvedeno v Italiji za: Produziert in Italien für / Proizvedeno v Italiji za:
Glaseritalia, Glaseritalia,
A – 5204 Strasswalchen A – 5204 Strasswalchen

200 g**
313 kcal
16 %

Front Back

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.3.5 ‘Osterzauber’ Chocolate Easter Eggs

(Kakao: 30% mindestens).
Zutaten: Zucker, Vollmilchpulver,
Kakaobutter, Kakaomasse, Butterreinfett,
Emulgator: E322 (Soja), E476;
Aroma: Vanillin.
Kann Spuren von Nüssen und
Erdnüssen enthalten.
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte Window/
Pro 100 g 1 Portion (25 g)
Brennwert 2229 kJ / 534 kcal 557 kJ / 134 kcal transparent foil
Eiweiß 7,6 g 1,9 g
Kohlenhydrate 55,4 g 13,9 g
davon Zucker 53,2 g 13,3 g
Fett 31,3 g 7,8 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 22,4 g 5,6 g
Ballaststoffe 2,8 g 0,7 g
Natrium 0,10 g 0,03 g

1 Portion (25 g) Schokolade enthält

Brennwert Zucker Fett Fettsäuren Natrium
134 kcal 13,3 g 7,8 g 5,6 g 0,03 g
7% 15% 11% 28% 1%
% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*
*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Werte basieren
auf einer Ernährung von täglich 1800 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).

KATHLEEN Schokoladenfabrik GmbH (25 g
) Schokolad
D-02791 Oderwitz/Sachsen on

1 Por

Mindestens haltbar bis Ende: Siehe Clip. Brennwert
134 kcal
) Schokolad
(25 g e
Füllgewicht: 7%*
1 Por



134 kcal

Front Flat foil

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.3.6 ‘Specially Selected’ Brazilian Coffee

COFFEE We search the globe for
the beans that go into our
Specially Selected™ coffee.
This Specially Selected Brazilian Coffee thrives in the
This Specially Selected Brazilian Coffee thrives in the This single origin coffee
comes from selected Sul de Minas region, in the south of Brazil’s oldest coffee
Sul de Minas region, in the south of Brazil’s oldest coffee plantations in one of the cultivation area Minas Gerais. The coffees from this area
world’s finest coffee
are said to be the best gourmet coffees of Brazil and
cultivation area Minas Gerais. The coffees from this area growing areas, giving it a
rich, distinctive flavour are characterised by a fine mildness and a
are said to be the best gourmet coffees of Brazil and and aroma.
Sit back and savour…
slightly sweet taste.
are characterised by a fine mildness and a
slightly sweet taste. To help you find a coffee ROAST AND ROAST AND
you’ll love, we’ve given each

Specially Selected blend a GROUND COFFEE GROUND COFFEE

number from one to five,
with one being the mildest After opening, close the pack of coffee
ROAST AND coffee and five the
strongest. You’ll find these
tightly with the adhesive tab and store in
a cool, dry place. This will ensure that the

on the front of every pack WARWICKSHIRE CV9 2SH. coffee retains its aromatic flavour.
so it’s always easy to


Good food starts with the
After opening, close the pack of coffee MILD
PO BOX 726, NAAS, CO. KILDARE. Start with a clean coffee maker. best quality ingredients.
Visit us at www.aldi.com
tightly with the adhesive tab and store in MILD-MEDIUM
Use one heaped tablespoon of coffee Combined with our coffee
for each 125 ml of water. Add hot water expert’s knowledge, passion
a cool, dry place. This will ensure that the MEDIUM Best before: and brew according to taste by adding and imagination,
coffee retains its aromatic flavour. MEDIUM-STRONG
more or less coffee. Serve immediately. we introduce to you...
Do not boil or re-heat brewed coffee. Specially Selected™.
If you are not entirely satisfied with
Quality food made easy.

Start with a clean coffee maker. this product please return it to the store
™. Quality food made easy.
Use one heaped tablespoon of coffee where it was purchased and we will be
pleased to replace it.
for each 125 ml of water. Add hot water This does not affect your statutory rights.
and brew according to taste by adding Best before: See side of pack
more or less coffee. Serve immediately.
Do not boil or re-heat brewed coffee. 250g 
If you are not entirely satisfied with

this product please return it to the store
where it was purchased and we will be MILD- FOR ALL
pleased to replace it. MEDIUM COFFEE
This does not affect your statutory rights.
Best before: See side of pack



Front Side Flat foil

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.3.7 ‘Priano’ Salami
If the product has a rounded shape the sales
GTIN must be positioned with the bars
running in the direction of the curvature.
Due to cost restrictions a product may only
carry a single full colour label. In the example
on this page the second label on the back
consist of only the sales GTIN printed in
black and white.


Front Back
5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.4 Tins and cans
On round containers such as tins, cans, jars, pots and bottles sales GTINs must be positioned with the bars running in in the direction of the container’s
curvature (examples A, B and D). If there is not enough space to extend one sales GTIN all the way around the back, three separate sales GTINs are placed
at equal distance from one another (example B). Both options are equally acceptable. An extended sales GTIN such as in example A must have a length of at
least 50% of the container’s circumference.
In example C it is not possible to place a sales GTIN on the side panel at the recommended size and with the bars running in the direction of the container’s
curvature. Therefore it has been placed against the curvature on the flattest part of the side panel and on the base.
Cans in multi-packs must have at least one sales GTIN each, positioned on the side (example D).





Large tin Small tin Oval tin Multi-pack of cans
5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.4.1 ‘Northern Catch’ Oysters
The sales GTINs are positioned with the bars in the direction of the container’s curvature.

Front Complete label

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.4.2 ‘Primana’ Tomato Soup
The sales GTINs are positioned with the bars in the direction of the container’s curvature. Since there is not enough space to extend one sales GTIN
all the way around the back, three separate sales GTINs have been applied at equal distance from one another.

Durchschnittliche Nährwerte
Pro 100 ml 1/2 Dose (200 ml) Zutaten: Wasser, 15 % Tomaten-
Brennwert 158 kJ / 38 kcal 316 kJ / 76 kcal mark, 6,5 % Tomatenstücke,

Feine Eiweiß
1,0 g
4,4 g
2,0 g
8,8 g Feine Feine 5 % Sahne, Zucker, jodiertes
Speisesalz, modifizierte Stärke,

Tomaten- Tomaten- Tomaten-

davon Zucker 3,2 g 6,4 g Weizenmehl, Geschmacks-
Fett 1,8 g 3,6 g verstärker Mononatriumglutamat,
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,0 g 2,0 g pflanzliches Öl, Verdickungs-
mittel Guarkernmehl, Johannis-

Rahmsuppe Rahmsuppe Rahmsuppe

Ballaststoffe 0,6 g 1,2 g
Natrium 0,40 g 0,80 g brotkernmehl und Xanthan,
Säureregulator E 500, Milch-
zucker, Antioxidationsmittel
1/2 Dose (200 ml) enthält
Ascorbinsäure, Aroma (mit Soja
Brennwert Zucker Fett
Fettsäuren Natrium und Sellerie).
76 kcal 6,4 g 3,6 g 2,0 g 0,80 g Ohne Konservierungsstoffe,
lt. Gesetz.
4% 7% 5% 10% 33% Mindestens haltbar bis Ende:
% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA*) siehe Deckel / Boden.
*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Werte basieren DE


EV 2


auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). EG





Jokisch Schnellgerichte GmbH, Jokisch Schnellgerichte GmbH

D-23560 Lübeck
Geniner Straße 88-100
Wir empfehlen die Zubereitung in der Mikrowelle:
Den Doseninhalt in mikrowellengeeignetes Geschirr
füllen, mit mikrowellen-
Geniner Straße 88-100
D-23560 Lübeck 400 ml 
geeignetem Geschirr abdecken und je
nach Geräteleistung ca. 4 Minuten
(bei 600 Watt) erhitzen. Zwischen-
durch und zum Schluss umrühren.
(2 00 ml) Suppe e Zubereitung im (2 00 ml) Suppe e (2 00 ml) Suppe e
ose n Kochtopf: ose n ose n




Den Doseninhalt in




Brennwert Brennwert


einem Topf bei mittlerer Hitze

76 kcal erwärmen, dabei ab und 76 kcal 76 kcal
zu umrühren! Nicht kochen.
4%* 4%* 4%*

Front Complete label

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.4.3 ‘Happy Harvest’ Sweet Corn
In the correct example extended sales GTINs are positioned with the bars in the direction of the container’s curvature.

AT Gemüsemais vakuumverpackt
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte /
Zutaten: Mais, Wasser, Zucker, Salz. Durch Wärmebehandlung haltbar gemacht.

*GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tageszufuhr, basierend auf
Átlagos tápérték / Povprečna hranilna vrednost

beviteli érték) napi 2000 kcal-ás tápanyagszükséglet esetén (Forrás: CIAA). /

einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). / INBÉ (Irányadó napi

GDA (orientacijske dnevne vrednosti) = dnevna orientacijska vrednost

Ohne chemische Konservierungsmittel. Sterilisiert, kühl und trocken lagern! **100 g (= Pro Portion / % GDA*
Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Dosendeckel Egy adagban / Na porcijo) (100 g)

za odrasle na osnovi 2000 kcal na dan (vir: CIAA).

HU Csemegekukorica vákuumcsomagolt Brennwert / Energia tartalom /

Happy Harvest 1p2 3 nyelvu 2008

Összetevők: Csemegekukorica, víz, cukor, só. Hőkezeléssel tartósítva, Energijska vrednost 461 kJ / 110 kcal 6%
tartósítószert nem tartalmaz. Száraz, hűvös helyen tárolandó! Minőségét Eiweiss / Fehérje / Beljakovine 2,9 g 6%
megőrzi (nap/hó/év): a doboz tetején jelzett időpontig Kohlenhydrate / Szénhidrát /
SLO Koruza v zrnju - sterilizirana in vakuumsko pakirana Ogljikovi hidrati 13,6 g 5%
davon Zucker / ebből cukor /
Sestavine: Koruza, voda, sladkor, jedilna sol. Hranite na hladnem in suhem od teh sladkorji 3,6 g 4%
mestu. Uporabno najmanj do: datum odtisnjen na pokrovu Fett / Zsír / Maščoba 1,4 g 2%
Hergestellt in Ungarn für / Proizvedeno na Madžarskem za / Származási hely: davon gesättigte Fettsäuren /
Magyarország. Forgalmazza: Clama GmbH & Co. KG, Steineshoffweg 2, ebből telített zsírsavak / od te
nasičene maščobne kisline 1,1 g 6%
D-45479 Mülheim

2400 2790
Abtropfgewicht / Ballaststoffe / Élelmi rost /
Nettogewicht / Prehranske vlaknine 2,9 g 12 %
Nettó tömeg /
Neto količina:  340 g Neto plod: 285 g
Töltőtömeg /
Natrium / Nátrium / Natrij 0,15 g 6%

100 g** 100 g**

110 kcal 110 kcal
6% 6%

Complete label

AT Gemüsemais vakuumverpackt
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte /
Zutaten: Mais, Wasser, Zucker, Salz. Durch Wärmebehandlung haltbar gemacht.

*GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tageszufuhr, basierend auf
Átlagos tápérték / Povprečna hranilna vrednost

beviteli érték) napi 2000 kcal-ás tápanyagszükséglet esetén (Forrás: CIAA). /

einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). / INBÉ (Irányadó napi

GDA (orientacijske dnevne vrednosti) = dnevna orientacijska vrednost

Ohne chemische Konservierungsmittel. Sterilisiert, kühl und trocken lagern! **100 g (= Pro Portion / % GDA*
Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Dosendeckel Egy adagban / Na porcijo) (100 g)

za odrasle na osnovi 2000 kcal na dan (vir: CIAA).

HU Csemegekukorica vákuumcsomagolt Brennwert / Energia tartalom /

Happy Harvest 1p2 3 nyelvu 2008

Összetevők: Csemegekukorica, víz, cukor, só. Hőkezeléssel tartósítva, Energijska vrednost 461 kJ / 110 kcal 6%
tartósítószert nem tartalmaz. Száraz, hűvös helyen tárolandó! Minőségét Eiweiss / Fehérje / Beljakovine 2,9 g 6%
megőrzi (nap/hó/év): a doboz tetején jelzett időpontig Kohlenhydrate / Szénhidrát /
SLO Koruza v zrnju - sterilizirana in vakuumsko pakirana Ogljikovi hidrati 13,6 g 5%
davon Zucker / ebből cukor /
Sestavine: Koruza, voda, sladkor, jedilna sol. Hranite na hladnem in suhem od teh sladkorji 3,6 g 4%
mestu. Uporabno najmanj do: datum odtisnjen na pokrovu Fett / Zsír / Maščoba 1,4 g 2%
Hergestellt in Ungarn für / Proizvedeno na Madžarskem za / Származási hely: davon gesättigte Fettsäuren /
Magyarország. Forgalmazza: Clama GmbH & Co. KG, Steineshoffweg 2, ebből telített zsírsavak / od te
nasičene maščobne kisline 1,1 g 6%
D-45479 Mülheim
2400 2790

Abtropfgewicht / Ballaststoffe / Élelmi rost /

Nettogewicht / Prehranske vlaknine 2,9 g 12 %
Nettó tömeg /
Neto količina:  340 g Neto plod: 285 g
Töltőtömeg /
Natrium / Nátrium / Natrij 0,15 g 6%

100 g** 100 g**

110 kcal 110 kcal
6% 6%

The sales GTINs are not positioned with the bars running in the
direction of the container’s curvature and they are too small.

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.4.4 ‘Fine Feline’ Cat Food
In the correct example the sales GTINs are positioned with the bars in the direction of the container’s curvature.



Complete label

The barcode is too short and the quiet zones are too small.
The sales GTIN is not positioned with the bars in the
direction of the container’s curvature and is too short.

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.4.5 ‘Feines aus Spanien’ Mussels
The side of this tin is too small for a sales GTIN at the recommended size with the bars running in the direction of the container’s curvature.
Therefore it has been placed against the curvature on the flattest part of the side panel.

Muscheln Durchschnittliche Nährwerte

aus Galicien
Pro 100 g 1 Dose (110 g)
Zutaten: Muscheln 62 %1, (Mytilius galloprovincialis,

Brennwert 909 kJ / 220 kcal 1000 kJ / 242 kcal aus Aquakultur in Spanien), Sonnenblumenöl, Essig,
Eiweiß 12,3 g 13,5 g Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Deckel Gewürze, Salz.
Kohlenhydrate 2,5 g 2,8 g Nettogewicht: 1Gewichtsverlust durch Erhitzen
davon Zucker 0,3 g 0,3 g
0 g) Muscheln e
110 g  Clama GmbH & Co. KG,

(11 Fett 17,4 g 19,1 g

davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 2,0 g 2,2 g Steineshoffweg 2, D-45479 Mülheim / Ruhr

1 Do


Brennwert Ballaststoffe 0,7 g 0,8 g

242 kcal Natrium 0,69 g 0,76 g

12%* 1 Dose (110 g) Muscheln enthält

Brennwert Zucker Fett Fettsäuren Natrium
242 kcal 0,3 g 19,1 g 2,2 g 0,76 g
12% <1% 27% 11%
% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*
32% Side
*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten
Werte basieren auf einer Ernährung von
täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).

Top Base

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.4.6 ‘Sainte Etienne’ Lager
The sales GTINs are positioned with the bars in the direction of the container’s curvature.


Contains Gluten from Barley.
NE Suitable for Vegetarians. NE
Enjoy Responsibly






For more information visit






For information in the Republic of Ireland, visit
UK Health Departments recommend men do not
regularly exceed 3-4 units daily
and women 2-3 units daily.
Avoid alcohol if pregnant or trying to conceive.

Best Before: See Base Of Can

M Store In A Cool, Dry Place. Best Served Chilled.
Alc 4.8% Vol
CAN 500ml ℮
please return it to the store where it was purchased
and we will be pleased to replace it.

Traditional Recipe SPECIALLY PRODUCED FOR: Traditional Recipe

Lager Lager
Visit us at www.aldi.com
Disposal Information
CAN - METAL widely recycled

Alc 4.8% Vol Alc 4.8% Vol

Complete label with two identical fronts

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.5 Jars and pots
Square-shaped jars must have a sales GTIN on the front and back (example A). On round jars and pots, sales GTINs must be positioned with the bars running
in the same direction as the container’s curvature (examples B and C). An extended sales GTIN on a large, round pot can run all the way around the pot
except the front area (example C). Such a sales GTIN must have a length of least 50% of the container’s circumference.
Small pots in multi-packs must each have a sales GTIN on the side and, if possible, one sales GTIN should be placed on the top foil (example D). Small pots sold
individually must have at least two sales GTINs. Large flat-fronted pots have a sales GTIN on two sides and on the base (example E). Oval-shaped pots have
a sales GTIN on the top, base and side (example F).







Square jar Round jar Round pot Small flat-fronted pots, Flat-fronted pot Oval-shaped pot
multi pack

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.5.1 ‘Gourmet’ Fruit Jams
On round jars sales GTINs must be positioned with the bars in the direction of the container’s curvature.

- Konfitüre Extra -

APRIKOSE-ORANGE Durchschnittliche Nährwerte

% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*

*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten

Werte basieren auf einer Ernährung von täglich

35 kcal

1 Portion (20 g) Fruchtaufstrich enthält

mit Bourbon Vanilleextrakt Pro 100 g 1 Portion (20 g)

2000 kcal (Quelle: FoodDrinkEurope).

ZUTATEN: Brennwert 735 kJ 147 kJ Zucker
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte 173 kcal 35 kcal 8,1 g
Pro 100 g 1 Portion (20 g) % GDA*
Aprikosen (70 %), Zucker, Orangensaftkonzentrat (5 %**), 9%
Eiweiß 0,7 g 0,1 g
Brennwert 1030 kJ 206 kJ 2 % Limettensaftkonzentrat, Geliermittel Pektin, Säureregulator Fett
Calciumcitrate, Bourbon Vanilleextrakt. Kohlenhydrate 41,0 g 8,2 g <0,05 g
242 kcal 48 kcal 2 %

davon Zucker 40,4 g 8,1 g

Eiweiß 0,4 g <0,1 g <1 % **entsprechender Fruchtgehalt Fett 0,1 g <0,05 g ges. Fettsäuren
Kohlenhydrate 59,2 g 11,8 g 4 % Nach dem Öffnen kühl aufbewahren. <0,01 g
- Konfitüre Extra - davon Zucker 56,4 g 11,3 g 13 % davon

250 g 
gesättigte Fettsäuren <0,05 g <0,01 g <1%
Fett 0,2 g <0,1 g <1 % Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Deckelrand. Natrium
Hergestellt aus 50 g Früchten davon Mat.-Nr. 00000 Ballaststoffe 1,0 g 0,2 g 0,03 g

- Konfitüre Extra - je 100 g. Gesamtzuckergehalt

61 g je 100 g.
Zutaten: Erdbeeren, Zucker,
gesättigte Fettsäuren 0,2 g
1,0 g
<0,04 g
<0,1 g <1 %
0,2 g <1 %
<0,01 g <1 %
W.L. Ahrens GmbH & Co. KG, D-33054 Paderborn APRIKOSE-ORANGE
mit Bourbon Vanilleextrakt
Natrium 0,015 g 0,003 g <1%

Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure, % des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)* Fruchtaufstrich mit 75 % Frucht
Geliermittel: Pektin 22112521 *Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten
(20 g) nfitüre e Nach dem Öffnen kühl Werte basieren auf einer Ernährung von täglich
ion Mindestens haltbar Für alle unsere Gourmet-Produkte verwenden wir nur erstklassige Qualitäten
aufbewahren. bis: siehe Deckel 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).

und die besten Zutaten. Feine Rezepturen

1 Po



48 kcal
Allée des Cerisiers 1
B-5150 Floreffe (Belgien) 450g  (20
g) Fruchtaufstric garantieren kulinarische Köstlichkeiten.
Gourmet - die feine Art zu genießen!

h en
1 Portio

2%* 35 kcal

GDA 2%*

Front Back Complete label

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.5.2 ‘Sweet Harvest’ Peach Compote
On round containers sales GTINs must be positioned with the bars in the direction of the container’s curvature.

Vitamin A 2% • Vitamin C 2%
Calcium 0% • Iron 2%


Complete label

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.5.3 ‘Brooklea’ Fruit Yogurt
Small round pots sold individually or in multi-packs must each carry a side label with multiple sales GTINs. Three sales GTINs are positioned
at equal distance from one another. An additional sales GTIN should be placed on the top foil if space and design permit this.

Strawberry Mango

4 Fromage Frais
Strawberry 2 Strawberry Mango
1 Mango • 1 Peach

Use by: Use by:

4 Fromage Frais
2 Strawberry
1 Mango • 1 Peach
Keep refrigerated Keep refrigerated

Use by: Use by:

Virtually Fat Free

Keep refrigerated Keep refrigerated

Approx % guideline daily amount
336 cals / 8% 336 cals / 8% Only 0.2g of fat per 100g

Approx % guideline daily amount

13.5g sugar / 9% 13.5g sugar / 9%
Amount per serving

Amount per serving

0.2g fat / 3% 0.2g fat / 3% Only 55% Cals per 100g
Virtually Fat Free
0.5g sats / 3% 0.5g sats / 3%

1.3g salt / 1.3g 1.3g salt / 1.3g

336 cals / 8%
500g  4 x 125g Pots Only 0.2g of fat per 100g

Approx % guideline daily amount

Use by: Use by:
13.5g sugar / 9%

Amount per serving

0.2g fat / 3% Only 55% Cals per 100g
0.5g sats / 3%

Peach Keep refrigerated 1.3g salt / 1.3g

Keep refrigerated Strawberry 500g  4 x 125g Pots
Use by: Use by:

Top label
Nutrition Information
Peach Keep refrigerated Keep refrigerated Strawberry
has been lovingly made Strawberry (11%), Sugar, Flavouring. Energy 842 kJ / 202 kcal 842 kJ / 202 kcal
using only the finest ingredients Protein 19.9 g 19.9 g
from carefully selected ALLERGEN AND DIETARY Carbohydrate Nil Nil
manufacturers. INFORMATION of which sugars Nil Nil
Contains milk. Fat 13.6 g 13.6 g
of which saturates 0.6 g 13.6 g
SPECIALLY PACKED FOR: Fibre 0.6 g 0.6 g
ALDI STORES, PO BOX 26, ATHERSTONE, Sodium 0.01 g 0.01 g
WARWICKSHIRE CV9 2SH. Salt equivalent 0.1 g 0.1 g Nutrition Information
ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LTD. If you are not entirely satisfied Every BROOKLEA
Guideline Daily Amountsproductfor a Typical Adult ADDED INGREDIENTS TYPICAL VALUES Per 100 g Per xxxxx
PO BOX 726, NAAS, CO. KILDARE. with this product please has beenGuidelinelovingly ... Approx % GuidelineStrawberry (11%), Sugar, Flavouring.
Permade Energy 842 kJ / 202 kcal 842 kJ / 202 kcal
Visit us at www.aldi.com
return it to the store where it
was purchased and we will be
using only
the finest
daily amount (approxingredients
46 cals
daily amount
of which sugars
19.9 g
19.9 g
Fromage Frais Fromage Frais
pleased to replace it. Sugar manufacturers.
90 g 2.3 g 2.5 % INFORMATION
BY 706
This does not affect your
statutory rights.
70 g
1.9 g
2.7 % Contains milk.
3.0 %
of which saturates
13.6 g
0.6 g
0.6 g
13.6 g
13.6 g
0.6 g
Strawberry Strawberry
Salt STORES, PO6 gBOX 26, 0.2
g 3.3 %
00000000 Sodium
Salt equivalent
0.01 g
0.1 g
0.01 g
0.1 g
ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LTD. If you are not entirely satisfied Guideline Daily Amounts for a Typical Adult
PO BOX 726, NAAS, CO. KILDARE. with this product please Guideline Per ... Approx % Guideline
Visit us at www.aldi.com return it to the store where it
was purchased and we will be
daily amount (approx XXg)
Calories 2000 cals 46 cals
daily amount
2.3 % Fromage Frais Fromage Frais
pleased to replace it. Sugar 90 g 2.3 g 2.5 %
BY 706
This does not affect your
statutory rights.
Sat. Fat
70 g
20 g
1.9 g
0.6 g
2.7 %
3.0 %
Strawberry Strawberry
Salt 6g 0.2 g 3.3 %

Side label

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.5.4 ‘Brooklea’ Plain Yogurt
On round containers sales GTINs must be positioned with the bars in the direction of the container’s curvature.

Front Flat pot

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.5.5 ‘Grandessa’ Chocolate Mousse
On round containers sales GTINs must be positioned with the bars in the direction of the container’s curvature. The top label has
no sales GTIN for aesthetic reasons. Therefore a second sales GTIN has been placed on a single black and white base label.

Mousse au Chocolat

*GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tageszufuhr, dnevne vrednosti) =
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte

basierend auf einer

Mit edlem Weinbrand verfeinert

na dan (vir: CIAA).

Pro **Pro Portion / % Čokoladni mousse
100 g / Na porcijo GDA* Čokoladna smetana z žganjem brandy
Na 100 g (125 g) (125 g)

Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). / GDA (orientacijske

dnevna orientacijska vrednost za odrasle na osnovi 2000 kcal
26 % Ohne Zusatz von Konservierungsstoffen /
Brennwert / 1697 kJ 2124 kJ Izdelek ne vsebuje konzervansov
409 kcal 512 kcal 26 %
Energijska vrednost
4,2 g 5,3 g 11 % Zutaten: Schlagsahne (42 %), Schokoladenkuvertüre (25 %) (Kakao-
Eiweiss / Beljakovine
hidrati 22,0 g 27,5 g 10 % masse, Zucker, Kakaobutter, Emulgator Sojalecithin), Eigelb, Zucker, Butter-
Kohlenhydrate / Ogljikovi 29 %
davon Zucker / od teh sladkorji 21,1 g 26,4 g fett, Weinbrand (2,5 %). Enthält 0,8 % Alkohol. Sestavine: sladka
33,0 g 41,3 g 59 % maslo, emulgator: sojin lecitin), jajčni rumenjak, sladkor, zgoščeno maslo,
Fett / Maščoba
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren /
brandy (2,5 %). Vsebnost alkohola: 0,8 %. Živilo ni primerno za otroke.
122 %
od te nasičene maščobne kisline 19,5 g 24,4 g
1,9 g 8%
Ballaststoffe / Prehranska vlaknina 1,5 g Unter +7 °C mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Becherrand /
Natrium / Natrij 0,04 g 0,05 g 2% Pod + 7 °C uporabno najmanj do: glejte rob lončka
Hersteller / Proizvajalec: E. Merl, D-50306 Brühl
EG 125 g 

Side label
smetana (42 %), čokoladni obliv (25 %) (kakavova masa, sladkor, kakavovo

Mousse au

Base label

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.5.6 ‘Lyttos’ Stuffed Peppers

Griechische Griechische Antipasti

Antipasti Rote Kirschpaprika gefüllt mit Käsezubereitung mit Feta
ZUTATEN: 35 % Sonnenblumenöl, 34 % Feta-Käsezubereitung
(Feta-Käse aus Schafsmilch unter Zusatz von Ziegenmilch, griechischer
Frischkäse aus Kuhmilch, HOCHLAND Frischkäse Doppelrahmstufe,
Knoblauch, Kräuter, Gewürze – mind. 45 % Fett i. Tr.), 29 % Kirsch-
Paprika, grüne Peperonistreifen, Zucker, Salz, Wacholderbeeren,
Lorbeerblatt, Knoblauch gehackt, Kräuter, Säuerungsmittel:
Citronensäure, Konservierungsstoffe: Natriumbenzoat, Kaliumsorbat.
gefüllt mit Durchschnittliche Nährwerte
griechischem Pro 100 g 1 Portion (30 g)**
Brennwert 1727 kJ / 419 kcal 199 kJ / 48 kcal
Hirtenkäse Eiweiß 3,8 g 1,7 g
Kohlenhydrate 5,3 g 2,5 g
davon Zucker 5,2 g 2,4 g
Fett 42,1 g 3,3 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 7,3 g 1,6 g
Ballaststoffe 1,8 g 0,8 g
Natrium 0,29 g 0,14 g
**abgetropfte Kirschpaprika
1 Portion (30 g, abgetropft) Kirschpaprika enthält
Brennwert Zucker Fett Fettsäuren Natrium
48 kcal 2,4 g 3,3 g 1,6 g 0,14 g
2% 3% 5% 9% 7% 23149434
% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*
*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Mindestens haltbar bis:
(30 g, abgetro
Werte basieren auf einer Ernährung von täglich siehe Schalenseite
tion 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).
Nettogewicht: Por schpaprika enthä pft
ir l

230g  Nettogewicht: Abtropfgewicht:


48 kcal 230g  150g
150 g Serviervorschlag
Hergestellt und abgepackt für:
WERMIO, Paul-Strähle-Straße 30, D-73614 Schorndorf

Top Base

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.5.7 ‘Wonnemeyer’ Fruit Compote
Grüne Grütze
mit 52% Früchten

ohne Zusatz von
Konservierungssto en

Grüne Grütze Grüne Grütze

mit 52% Früchten
Zutaten: 27% Pfirsiche,
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte

Pro 100 g 1 Portion (150 g) % GDA*
396 kJ
93 kcal
594 kJ 7 %
140 kcal 7 %

mit 52% Früchten 15% Stachelbeeren, 5% Ananas,

0,4 g
22,7 g
0,6 g 1 %
34,1 g 13 %
5% Kiwis, Wasser, Fruchtsaft, Zucker, davon Zucker 17,5 g 26,3 g 29 %
modifizierte Stärke, Zitronensaft, Fett 0,1 g 0,2 g <1 %
färbender Pflanzenextrakt (Brennessel, gesättigte Fettsäuren 0,01 g 0,02 g <1 %
Spinat, Curcuma), Salz, Vanillezucker, Ballaststoffe 1,2 g 1,8 g 7 %
Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure. Natrium 0,02 g 0,03 g 1 %
In unserer Produktionsstätte % des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*
werden auch folgende *Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten
Lebensmittel verarbeitet: Werte basieren auf einer Ernährung von täglich
2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA)

Inhalt: 1000g 


Inhalt: Lisner Feinkost GmbH,
1000g  150
g) Grüne Grüt D-46240 Bottrop

ze e
1 Portio

Brennwert Bei unter +7ºC mindestens haltbar bis:

Bei unter +7ºC
mindestens haltbar bis: 140 kcal siehe Becherrand
siehe Becherrand ohne Zusatz von 7%*
Zum Einfrieren nicht Konservierungsstoffen GDA

Top Konservierungssto en
ohne Zusatz von


mit 52% Früchten

Grüne Grütze

Barcode position Side and base label

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.5.8 ‘Milfina’ Cream Cheese
In the correct example the sales GTIN is positioned on the flattest part of the top label. Sales GTINs on tightly curved areas or
running across folds angled at 90 degrees cannot be read by the scanner.

This positioning does not allow

the scanner to read the complete
barcode due to the shape of the lid.
présentation / Suggerimento di presentazione

présentation / Suggerimento di presentazione

Serviervorschlag / Suggestion de

Serviervorschlag / Suggestion de
Erzeuger / Fabricant / Erzeuger / Fabricant /
Produttore: Landfrisch, Produttore: Landfrisch,
A-4600 Wels A-4600 Wels

30 g** 30 g**
93 kcal 93 kcal
5% 5%

Top label

AT CH Frischkäse 65% Fett i. Tr. mit erhöhtem Gehalt an Molkenproteinen und orientalischem Wasabi, aus past.
CH Frischkäse 65% Fett i. Tr. mit erhöhtem Gehalt an Molkenproteinen und orientalischem Wasabi, aus past.

Milch. Zutaten: Frischkäse 65% Fett i. Tr., Speisesalz unjodiert, orientalischer Wasabi: Gewürze, Würze, pflanzliches Fett, AT

natürliches Zitronenöl). / Fromage frais 65 % de matières grasses sur la matière sèche, à haute teneur en lactoprotéines, Milch. Zutaten: Frischkäse 65% Fett i. Tr., Speisesalz unjodiert, orientalischer Wasabi: Gewürze, Würze, pflanzliches Fett, natürliches
avec wasabi orientale, à base de lait pasteurisé. Ingrédients : fromage frais (65 % de matières grasses sur la matière sèche, sel Zitronenöl). / Fromage frais 65 % de matières grasses sur la matière sèche, à haute teneur en lactoprotéines, avec wasabi
orientale, à base de lait pasteurisé. Ingrédients : fromage frais (65 % de matières grasses sur la matière sèche, sel non iodé,

non iodé, wasabi orientale (épices, condiments, graisses végétales, huile de citron naturelle). / Formaggio fresco 65% grasso s.s.
con elevato tenore di proteine di siero di latte e wasabi orientale, da latte pastorizzato. Ingredienti: formaggio fresco 65% wasabi orientale (épices, condiments, graisses végétales, huile de citron naturelle). / Formaggio fresco 65% grasso s.s. con elevato
grasso s.s., sale da cucina non iodato, wasabi orientale: (spezie, condimenti, grasso vegetale, olio essenziale di limone naturale). tenore di proteine di siero di latte e wasabi orientale, da latte pastorizzato. Ingredienti: formaggio fresco 65% grasso s.s., sale da
Die Tresorverpackung schützt Ihren Rollitos vor dem Austrocknen. Leichter Molkenaustritt ist bei diesem Produkt natürlich. / cucina non iodato, wasabi orientale: (spezie, condimenti, grasso vegetale, olio essenziale di limone naturale).
L’emballage fraîcheur empêchera vos bûches de sécher. Un léger écoulement de petit-lait est parfaitement normal. / La confezione Die Tresorverpackung schützt Ihren Rollitos vor dem Austrocknen. Leichter Molkenaustritt ist bei diesem Produkt natürlich. / L’emballage
protettiva non fa seccare i Rollitos. In questo prodotto una leggera fuoriuscita di siero del latte è naturale. fraîcheur empêchera vos bûches de sécher. Un léger écoulement de petit-lait est parfaitement normal. / La confezione protettiva non fa
seccare i Rollitos. In questo prodotto una leggera fuoriuscita di siero del latte è naturale.
 150 g
Gekühlt (+3 bis +9°C) mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Deckel / Conservation au réfrigérateur (entre +3 et +9°C)
jusqu’au: voir couvercle / Conservare in frigorifero (+3 - +9°C) e consumare preferibilmente entro: vedere coperchio. Gekühlt (+3 bis +9°C) mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Deckel / Conservation au réfrigérateur (entre +3 et +9°C) AT M-O-72

 150 g
AT M-O-72 jusqu’au: voir couvercle / Conservare in frigorifero (+3 - +9°C) e consumare preferibilmente entro: vedere coperchio.
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte pro 100 g / Valeurs nutritives moyennes pour 100 g / Valori nutritivi medi EG Durchschnittliche Nährwerte pro 100 g / Valeurs nutritives moyennes pour 100 g / Valori nutritivi medi per 100 g: Brennwert / Valeur énergétique / Valore
per 100 g: Brennwert / Valeur énergétique / Valore energetico: 1286 kJ / 311 kcal, Eiweiss / Protéines / energetico: 1286 kJ / 311 kcal, Eiweiss / Protéines / Proteine: 10,6 g, Kohlenhydrate / Glucides / Carboidrati: 2,8 g, davon Zucker / dont sucres / di cui zuccheri:
Proteine: 10,6 g, Kohlenhydrate / Glucides / Carboidrati: 2,8 g, davon Zucker / dont sucres / di cui zuccheri: 2,8 g, Fett / Lipides / Grassi: 28,6 g, davon 2,8 g, Fett / Lipides / Grassi: 28,6 g, davon gesättigte Fettsäuren / dont acides gras saturés / di cui acidi grassi saturi: 19,5 g, Ballaststoffe / Fibres alimen-
gesättigte Fettsäuren / dont acides gras saturés / di cui acidi grassi saturi: 19,5 g, Ballaststoffe / Fibres alimentaires / Fibre alimentari: 0 g, Natrium / taires / Fibre alimentari: 0 g, Natrium / Sodium / Sodio: 0,61 g. *GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tageszufuhr, basierend auf einer
Sodium / Sodio: 0,61 g. *GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tages-zufuhr, basierend auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). / GDA = RNJ : Repères nutritionnels journaliers, basé sur une alimentation journalière de 2000 kcal (source :
CIAA). / GDA = RNJ : Repères nutritionnels journaliers, basé sur une alimentation journalière de 2000 kcal (source : CIAA). / GDA = Valore indicativo della CIAA). / GDA = Valore indicativo della quantità giornaliera, basato su una alimentazione di 2000 kcal al giorno (fonte: CIAA).
quantità giornaliera, basato su una alimentazione di 2000 kcal al giorno (fonte: CIAA). **Pro Portion / Par portion / Per porzione = 30 g **Pro Portion / Par portion / Per porzione = 30 g

Base label
5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.6 Trays and labels
Trays have top and bottom labels with a sales GTIN on each label. The sales GTINs should be placed at the furthest distance away from each other.



Small square tray Medium rectangular tray

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.6.1 ‘Earl’s’ Dog Food

Typical Analysis
Moisture 81.0% Fibre 1.0%
Protein 10.5% Vitamin D3 100IU/kg

with Oils and fats 4.5% Vitamin E 15mg/kg

Ash 1.0%

Feeding Guide For Adult Dogs
4 - 8 kg 2-4

CH 22679
& Heart
8 - 12 kg 6-8
with Rabbit & Heart

INGREDIENTS: Meat and Animal Derivatives
(Rabbit 4% Minimum, Heart 4% Minimum), Store in a cool, dry place.
For best before date and batch number
a complete pet food for dogs Derivatives of Vegetable Origin (Chicory
0.04%), Minerals, Oils and Fats, Various Sugars. see side of pack.
This dog food is a complete pet food for dogs. SPECIALLY PACKED FOR:
An individual dog’s requirements may differ from ALDI STORES, PO BOX 26, ATHERSTONE,
this guide. Adjust the amount given to keep your
dog in a lean, active condition. Lactating bitches

may require up to four times as much food ALDI STORES (IRELAND) LTD.
as their normal intake. PO BOX 726, NAAS, CO. KILDARE.
Serve at room temperature. Visit us at www.aldi.com
Fresh drinking water should always be provided.
Not suitable for human consumption.
Vitamin statement valid until best before date
on side of pack.

Top label Base label

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.6.2 ‘Westacre Farms’ Cheese


Percentage of recommended dietary intake.

intakes may be higher or lower depending
* Percentage Daily Intakes are based on an
Servings per package: 12

Ingredients: Pasteurised Milk, Salt,

Keep Refrigerated. Store Below 4°C.

average adult diet of 8700kJ. Your daily
Serving size: approx. 21g (1 Slice)

Starter Culture, Enzyme (Rennet).

A ust r al i a n Energy
Ave. Quantity % Daily Intake* Ave. Quantity
per Serving per Serving per 100g
355 kJ (85 Cal) 4 % 1690 kJ (404 Cal)
Protein 5.4 g 11 % 25.6 g


on your energy needs.

Fat, total 7.0 g 10 % 33.3 g
- saturated 4.6 g 19 % 21.7 g
Carbohydrate 0.3 g 0.1 % 1.2 g
- sugars LESS THAN 1 g 1% LESS THAN 1 g
Sodium 143 mg 6% 680 mg
Calcium 158 mg (20% RDI) #
753 mg

natural cheddar cheese Source of Calcium
1 2 3 4 5 6 No Artificial Colours or Flavours
aged for a fuller flavour 1=Extra Mild 3=Bold 6=Intense
No Preservatives

Source of Protein
and distinctive taste
registered trademark of
12 SLICES ALDI Stores.

% Daily Intake (%DI) per 21g serve

Top label Base label

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.6.3 ‘Fit & Active’ Fresh Meat



Top label Base label

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.7 Drink cartons
On Elopak, Tetra Pak or SIG Combibloc cartons certain production limitations need to be taken into account when positioning sales GTINs.
Generally, sales GTINs cannot be placed on the base and bars should run in the direction of print in order to achieve optimum legibility.
The manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed for every type of pack.




Drink carton Small drink carton Squared drink carton

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.7.1 ‘Westcliff’ Fruit Juice
The bars must run in the direction of print.

Unsweetened Unsweetened
Good Source Good Source
Servings per package: 5
Serving size: 200mL

Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans

Serve chilled. Shake well before serving.
Once opened, store refrigerated below 4°C
and consume within 5 - 7 days.
Made in Australia from imported and local
WESTCLIFF® is a registered trademark of
ALDI Stores
Specially made for ALDI Stores to our stringent
quality specifications. If you are not entirely
satisfied with this product, please return it to
your nearest ALDI store for a full refund
or replacement.

Energy Energy
5% 5%
446kJ 446kJ

1Litre % Daily Intake (%DI) per 200mL serve
1Litre % Daily Intake (%DI) per 200mL serve

Front Flat carton

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.7.2 ‘Nature’s Nectar’ Fruit Punch
The bars must run in the direction of print.


NET 6.75 FL OZ (200mL)

Front Flat carton

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.7.3 ‘New Lifestyle’ Drink
The bars must run in the direction of print.

die schlanke Linie von Hofer

NAM A G , 2500 Baden,
Vosslauer Straße 109, AU STRIA


Barcode position Flat carton

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8 Bottles
On round containers and on the shrink-wrap for round container multi-packs, sales GTINs must be positioned with the bars running in the direction
of the container’s curvature (examples A, B, C). Bottles with a long neck may have an additional neck label with a sales GTIN (example C).
Cartons for multi-packs of glass bottles have one sales GTIN on the back, the bars running parallel with the bottom edge (example D). Flat bottles have
a sales GTIN on the front and back label (example E). As an exception to the rule, wine bottles only have a sales GTIN on the back label (example F).





XXXXXXXX xxxxxxx

Soft drink bottle Shrink-wrapped multi-pack Bottle with additional Carton multi-pack Flat bottle Wine bottle
of six soft drink bottles neck label of three glass bottles

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8.1 ‘Top Star’ Cola Light
In the correct example the sales GTINs are positioned with the bars running in the direction of the container’s curvature.

Durchschnittliche Nährwerte / TOPSTAR Cola light Durchschnittliche Nährwerte / TOPSTAR Cola light
Μέση διαθρεπτική επισήμανση / Átlagos tápérték / Povprečna hranilna vrednost Koffeinhaltige Limonade mit Süßungsmitteln. Kalorienarm. Zuckerfrei. Zutaten: Koffeinhaltige Limonade mit Süßungsmitteln. Kalorienarm. Zuckerfrei. Zutaten:
Μέση διαθρεπτική επισήμανση / Átlagos tápérték / Povprečna hranilna vrednost
Pro 100 ml / **Pro Portion / % GDA* Wasser, Kohlensäure, Farbstoff: E 150d, Säuerungsmittel: Phosphorsäure,Süßstoffe: Wasser, Kohlensäure, Farbstoff: E 150d, Säuerungsmittel: Phosphorsäure,Süßstoffe:
Ανά 100 ml / Ανά μερίδα / Egy (250 ml) Natriumcyclamat, Acesulfam-K, Aspartam (enthält eine Phenylalaninquelle), Säure- Pro 100 ml / **Pro Portion / % GDA* Natriumcyclamat, Acesulfam-K, Aspartam (enthält eine Phenylalaninquelle), Säure-
100 ml termékben / adagban / Na regulator Trinatriumcitrat, natürliches Aroma, Koffein. Kühl und dunkel lagern. Ανά 100 ml / Ανά μερίδα / Egy (250 ml) regulator Trinatriumcitrat, natürliches Aroma, Koffein. Kühl und dunkel lagern.
Na 100 ml porcijo (250 ml) 100 ml termékben / adagban / Na
TOPSTAR Cola light Na 100 ml porcijo (250 ml) TOPSTAR Cola light
Brennwert / Ενεργειακή αξία / 1 kJ 3 kJ <1 % Αεριούχο αναψυκτικό με καφεΐνη και γλυκαντικές ουσίες. Χαμηλό σε θερμίδες. Χωρίς Αεριούχο αναψυκτικό με καφεΐνη και γλυκαντικές ουσίες. Χαμηλό σε θερμίδες. Χωρίς
Energia tartalom / Energijska vrednost <1 kcal <1 kcal <1 % ζάχαρη. Συστατικά: Νερό, ανθρακικό οξύ, χρωστική ουσία: εναμμώνιο θειώδες Brennwert / Ενεργειακή αξία / 1 kJ 3 kJ <1 % ζάχαρη. Συστατικά: Νερό, ανθρακικό οξύ, χρωστική ουσία: εναμμώνιο θειώδες
καραμελόχρωμα, μέσο οξίνισης: φωσφορικό οξύ, γλυκαντικές ουσίες: κυκλαμικό Energia tartalom / Energijska vrednost <1 kcal <1 kcal <1 % καραμελόχρωμα, μέσο οξίνισης: φωσφορικό οξύ, γλυκαντικές ουσίες: κυκλαμικό
Eiweiss / Πρωτεΐνες / Fehérje / Beljakovine <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % νάτριο, Ακετοσουλφαμικό Κάλι, ασπαρτάμη (περιέχει πηγή φαινυλαλανίνης), ρυθμιστής Eiweiss / Πρωτεΐνες / Fehérje / Beljakovine <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % νάτριο, Ακετοσουλφαμικό Κάλι, ασπαρτάμη (περιέχει πηγή φαινυλαλανίνης), ρυθμιστής
Kohlenhydrate / Υδατάνθρακες / οξύτητας: κιτρικό νάτριο, φυσικό άρωμα, καφεΐνη (92 mg/l). ∆ιατηρείται σε δροσερό οξύτητας: κιτρικό νάτριο, φυσικό άρωμα, καφεΐνη (92 mg/l). ∆ιατηρείται σε δροσερό
Szénhidrát / Ogljikovi hidrati <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % Kohlenhydrate / Υδατάνθρακες /
και σκοτεινό μέρος. Szénhidrát / Ogljikovi hidrati <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % και σκοτεινό μέρος.
davon Zucker / εκ των οποίων σάκχαρα / TOPSTAR Cola light
ebből cukor / od teh sladkorji <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % davon Zucker / εκ των οποίων σάκχαρα / TOPSTAR Cola light
Koffeintartalmú üdítőital édesítöszerekkel. Energiaszegény. Cukormentes. Összetevők: ebből cukor / od teh sladkorji <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % Koffeintartalmú üdítőital édesítöszerekkel. Energiaszegény. Cukormentes. Összetevők:
Fett / Λιπαρές ύλες / Zsír / Maščoba <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % víz, szénsav, szinezékek: karamell ammónuimszulfitos, étkezési sav: foszforsav, víz, szénsav, szinezékek: karamell ammónuimszulfitos, étkezési sav: foszforsav,
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren / édesítőszerek: nátriumciklamát, aceszulfam K és aszpartam (fenilalanin forrást
Fett / Λιπαρές ύλες / Zsír / Maščoba <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 %
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren / édesítőszerek: nátriumciklamát, aceszulfam K és aszpartam (fenilalanin forrást
εκ των οποίων κορεσμένα λιπαρά οξέα / tartalmaz), savanyúságot szabályozó anyag: trinátriumcitrát, természetes aroma, tartalmaz), savanyúságot szabályozó anyag: trinátriumcitrát, természetes aroma,
ebből telített zsírsavak / koffein. Hűvös, sötét helyen tárolandó. εκ των οποίων κορεσμένα λιπαρά οξέα /
ebből telített zsírsavak / koffein. Hűvös, sötét helyen tárolandó.
od te nasičene maščobne kisline <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % TOPSTAR Cola light od te nasičene maščobne kisline <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % TOPSTAR Cola light
Ballaststoffe / Εδώδιμες ίνες / Brez sladkorja. Osvežilna brezalkoholna pijača s kofeinom in sladili, brez dodanega Brez sladkorja. Osvežilna brezalkoholna pijača s kofeinom in sladili, brez dodanega
Élelmi rost / Prehranske vlaknine <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % sladkorja z nizko energijsko vrednostjo. Sestavine: voda, ogljikov dioksid, barvilo: E Ballaststoffe / Εδώδιμες ίνες /
Élelmi rost / Prehranske vlaknine <0,1 g <0,1 g <1 % sladkorja z nizko energijsko vrednostjo. Sestavine: voda, ogljikov dioksid, barvilo: E
Natrium / Νάτριο / Nátrium / Natrij <0,02 g <0,02 g <1 % 150d, kislina fosforna kislina, sladila: natrijev ciklamat, acesulfam K in aspartam 150d, kislina fosforna kislina, sladila: natrijev ciklamat, acesulfam K in aspartam
(vsebuje vir fenilalanina), sredstvo za uravnavanje kislosti: trinatrijev citrat, naravna Natrium / Νάτριο / Nátrium / Natrij <0,02 g <0,02 g <1 % (vsebuje vir fenilalanina), sredstvo za uravnavanje kislosti: trinatrijev citrat, naravna
aroma, kofein. Hraniti v hladnem in temnem prostoru. aroma, kofein. Hraniti v hladnem in temnem prostoru.
*GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tageszufuhr, basierend auf einer Ernährung
von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). / ΕΗΠ (Ενδεικτική Ημερήσια Πρόσληψη) = Βασισμένη Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Flaschenhals/ Ανάλωση κατά προτίμηση πριν από: *GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die Tageszufuhr, basierend auf einer Ernährung Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Flaschenhals/ Ανάλωση κατά προτίμηση πριν από:
σε μία ημερήσια πρόσληψη 2000 Kcal (Πηγή: CIAA). / INBÉ (Irányadó napi beviteli érték) βλέπε το λαιμό του μπουκαλιού/Minőségét megőrzi: lásd a palack von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). / ΕΗΠ (Ενδεικτική Ημερήσια Πρόσληψη) = Βασισμένη βλέπε το λαιμό του μπουκαλιού/Minőségét megőrzi: lásd a palack
napi 2000 kcal-ás tápanyagszükséglet esetén (Forrás: CIAA). / GDA (orientacijske dnevne nyakán/Uporabno najmanj do: glej datum na vratu steklenice σε μία ημερήσια πρόσληψη 2000 Kcal (Πηγή: CIAA). / INBÉ (Irányadó napi beviteli érték) nyakán/Uporabno najmanj do: glej datum na vratu steklenice
vrednosti) = dnevna orientacijska vrednost za odrasle na osnovi 2000 kcal na dan (vir: CIAA). napi 2000 kcal-ás tápanyagszükséglet esetén (Forrás: CIAA). / GDA (orientacijske dnevne
vrednosti) = dnevna orientacijska vrednost za odrasle na osnovi 2000 kcal na dan (vir: CIAA).
Ein Markenprodukt von / Παράγεται από την / Védjegyes termék, Gyártó / Izdelek
Ein Markenprodukt von / Παράγεται από την / Védjegyes termék, Gyártó / Izdelek
blagovne znamke: S. Spitz Ges.m.b.H., Gmundner Str. 27, 4800 Attnang-Puchheim, 2402 0206 blagovne znamke: S. Spitz Ges.m.b.H., Gmundner Str. 27, 4800 Attnang-Puchheim,
Austria/Αυστρία www.spitz.at
Austria/Αυστρία www.spitz.at 2402 0206
250 ml** 250 ml** 250 ml** 250 ml**
<1 kcal <1 kcal <1 kcal <1 kcal
<1 % <1 % <1 % <1 %

Complete label
The sales GTINs are not positioned with
the bars running in the direction of the
container’s curvature. The quiet zones
are wider than required.

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8.2 ‘Bellasan’ Sunflower Oil
The sales GTINs are positioned with the bars running in the direction of the container’s curvature.

Reines Sonnenblumenöl Durchschnittliche Nährwerte

1 Liter dieses Produktes enthält 92 Esslöffel / Portionen

Bellasan ist ein reines Sonnenblumenöl, reich an Vitamin E und Omega-6-Fettsäuren. Pro 100 ml 1 Esslöffel (10 ml) Brennwert

% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*

Der hohe Anteil an mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren (ca. 60% Omega-6-Fettsäuren) Brennwert 3700 kJ / 900 kcal 370 kJ / 90 kcal 90 kcal
ist für Ihre Ernährung besonders wertvoll, weil mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren vom Eiweiß 0g 0g 5%
menschlichen Organismus nicht selbst gebildet werden können, aber für Ihren Stoff- Kohlenhydrate 0g 0g Zucker

1 Esslöffel (10 ml) Öl enthält

wechsel lebenswichtig sind. Bellasan reines Sonnenblumenöl ist geschmacksneutral, davon Zucker 0g 0g 0g
deshalb ideal für die Zubereitung von Salaten und warmen Speisen. Salate entfalten Fett 100,0 g 10,0 g 0%
ihre natürliche pflanzliche Frische und Ihr Braten bleibt saftig und zart. davon Fett
Gebrauchsempfehlung: Zum Anrichten von Salaten, zum Kochen, Braten und Backen. gesättigte Fettsäuren 12,0 g 1,2 g 10,0 g
einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 26,0 g 2,6 g 14%
Lagerung: Flasche dunkel bei Raumtemperatur lagern.
Reines Nach Gebrauch verschließen. mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren 62,0 g
davon Omega-6-Fettsäuren 62,0 g
6,2 g
6,2 g
ges. Fettsäuren
1,2 g

Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe oberer Flaschenhals Ballaststoffe 0g 0g 6%
Walter Rau Lebensmittelwerke GmbH & Co. KG, Natrium 0g 0g Natrium
Münsterstraße 9-11, D-49176 Hilter 0g
Vitamin E 46 mg (460 %**) 4,6 mg (46 %**)
**RDA=empfohlene Tagesdosis

1 Liter 
*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Werte basieren
auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). 22112323

l (10 ml) Öl en
Ideal für die Zubereitung von Salaten und öffe

warmen Speisen. Reich an Vitamin E 1 Es Brennwert

und Omega-6-Fettsäuren 90 kcal

Complete label

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8.3 ‘Milfina’ Lactiv Yogurt Drink
The sales GTINs are positioned in the area that is the least curved with the bars running in the direction of the container’s curvature.

AT CH Pfirsich – Cerealien
Joghurtgetränk mit Pfirsich und Cerealien, aus
pasteurisierter Milch mit 2,7% Fett. Achten Sie
auf eine abwechslungsreiche und ausgewogene
Ernährung und einen gesunden Lebensstil.
Bei regelmäßigem Verzehr unterstützt Lactiv die
Verdauung positiv.
Zutaten: Joghurt (82%), Zucker, 1,9%
Pfirsichwürfel, Wasser, Glucose-Fructose-Sirup,
10012002 1% Pfirsichsaft aus Pfirsichsaftkonzentrat, 0,4%
Weizenkleie, 0,2% Roggenkleie, modifizierte
Stärke, Stabilisator Guarkernmehl, Säuerungs-
mittel Zitronensäure, Aroma, Farbstoff Beta-
Carotin, probiotische Kulturen Lactobacillus
acidophilus LA-5® und Bifidobacterium BB-12®.
Gekühlt bei 3 - 9 °C lagern. Mindestens haltbar
bis: siehe Kappe
Pêche – Céréales
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte / Boisson au yogourt avec des pêches et des
Valeurs nutritives moyennes / Valori nutritivi medi céréales, de lait pasteurisé avec 2,7% graisse.
Pro 100 g / **Pro Portion / % Prenez soin à une alimentation variée et
Pour 100 g / Par portion / GDA* équilibrée et à un style de vie sain.
Per 100 g Per porzione (250 g) En cas de consommation régulière Lactiv soutient
(250 g) positivement la digestion.
Brennwert / Ingrédients : Yogourt (82%), sucre, 1,9% cubes
Valeur énergétique / 298 kJ 745 kJ 9% de pêches, eau, sirop de glucose et de fructose,
Valore energetico 75 kcal 188 kcal 9%
Joghurtdrink Joghurtdrink
1% jus de pêches à partir de concentré, 0,4% son
Eiweiss / Protéines / de froment, 0,2% son de seigle, amidon modifié,
Proteine 2,9 g 7,3 g 15 % stabilisant farine de graines de guar, acidifiant
Boisson au yogourt Kohlenhydrate /
Glucides / Carboidrati 14,4 g 36,0 g 13 %
Boisson au yogourt acide citrique, arôme, colorant béta-caroténe,
cultures probiotiques Lactobacillus acidophilus
Bevando allo yogurt davon Zucker / dont
sucres / di cui zuccheri 14,0 g 35,0 g 39 %
Bevando allo yogurt LA-5® et Bifidobacterium BB-12®.
Conserver sous réfrigération à 3 - 9°C.
Fett / Lipides / Grassi <0,1 g 0,1 g <1 % À consommer de préférence avant le :
davon gesättigte voir couvercle
Fettsäuren /
dont acides gras saturés / Pesca – Cereali
di cui acidi grassi saturi <0,1 g 0,1 g <1 % Bevanda allo yogurt con pesca e cereali, di latte
Ballaststoffe / pastorizzato con 2,7% di grasso. Seguite
Fibres alimentaires / un'alimentazione variata ed equilibrata e uno
Fibre alimentari 0,1 g 0,3 g 1% stile di vita sano.
Natrium / Un consumo regolare di Lactiv sostiene
Sodium / Sodio 0,03 g 0,08 g 3% positivamente la digestione.
Ingredienti: Yogurt (82%), zucchero, cubetti di
*GDA (Guideline Daily Amount) = Richtwert für die pesca 1,9%, acqua, sciroppo di glucosio e di
Tageszufuhr, basierend auf einer Ernährung von täglich fruttosio, succo di pesche ricavato da concentrato
2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA). / GDA = RNJ : Repères nutritionnels 1%, crusca di frumento 0,4%, crusca di segale
journaliers, basé sur une alimentation journalière de 0,2%, amido modificato, stabilizzante farina di
2000 kcal (source : CIAA). / GDA = Valore indicativo della semi di guar, acido citrico, aroma, coloranti
quantità giornaliera, basato su una alimentazione beta-carotene, culture probiotiche Lactobacillus
di 2000 kcal al giorno (fonte: CIAA). acidophilus LA-5® e Bifidobacterium BB-12®.
Conservare sotto refrigerazione a 3 - 9 °C. Da
Hergestellt von / Fabriqué par / Prodotto da: consumare preferibilmente entro il: vedi
Berglandmilch, A-4066 Pasching, Schärdinger Str. 1, Austria coperchio

500 g

250 g** 250 g** 250 g**


188 kcal 188 kcal 188 kcal
9% 9% 9%

Pêche/Céréales Pêche/Céréales
Pesca/Cereali Pesca/Cereali

Front Complete sleeve

Barcode position

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8.4 ‘Benner’ Green Tea
On the shrink-wrap for round container multi-packs, sales GTINs must be
positioned with the bars running in the direction of the containers’ curvature.





Front Complete foil

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8.5 ‘Perfect Additions’ Salad Dressing
Bottles with a long neck may have an additional neck label with the bars running in the direction of the container’s curvature.

caesar salad

Best Before:

Water, Canola Oil [Natural Antioxidant
(306)], Sugar, Vinegar, Parmesan Cheese (5%)
(Milk, Salt, Starter Culture, Non-Animal Rennet), Whole
Egg, Milk Powder, Salt, Flavour, Thickeners (1442, 415,412),
Acidity Regulator (330,270), Garlic, Herbs and Spices.

Water, Canola Oil [Contains before (306)],
Antioxidant use. Water, Canola Oil [Contains Antioxidant (306)],
Servings per package: 25 Sugar, Vinegar, Parmesan OnceCheese
opened,(5%)store[Milk, Salt, Sugar, Vinegar, Parmesan Cheese (5%) [Milk, Salt,
Serving Size: 20mL Starter Culture, Enzyme (Non Animal Rennet)],
refrigerated below 4ºC. WholeStarter
Egg, Culture, Enzyme (Non Animal Rennet)], Whole Egg,
Ave Quantity Powder, Salt, Flavour
Ave Quantity [Contains Milk, Egg],
Powder, Salt, Flavour [Contains Milk, Egg], Acidity Regulator
per(260), Dried Garlic, Thickeners (1442, 415, 412), Spice, (260),Yeast
Garlic, Thickeners (1442, 415, 412), Spice, Yeast Extract.
caesar Energy
per 100mL
276 kJ (66 Cal) 1380 kJ (330 Cal)
NUTRITION Shake well before use.

Protein 0.7 g
Servings per package: 25 3.4 g Once per
Servings opened,
25 Once opened, store
™ Fat, total Serving™5.5
size:g20mL 27.3 g refrigerated
Serving size: 20mLbelow 4ºC refrigerated below 4ºC
- saturated 0.7 g 3.6 g and consume within 3 %months. and consume within 3 months.
dressing Carbohydrate
- sugars
3.7 g Ave. Quantity 18.5% Daily
2.7 g per Serving 13.7per
g Intake* Ave. Quantity
g Serving per 100mL
Made in
Ave. Quantity
per Serving
Daily Intake* Ave. Quantity
per Serving per 100mL Made in Australia.

A traditional rich and tangy caesar Sodium Energy134 mg 268 kJ (64 Cal)670 mg 3 %
Protein 0.7 g 1%
1340 kJ (321ADDITIONS™
Cal) Energy is a 268 kJ (64 Cal)
3.4 g of ALDI Stores.
Protein 0.7 g
1340 kJ (321 Cal)
3.4 g

dressing with real parmesan
you can taste! Perfect over salad MINCHINBURY NSW
Fat, total
- saturated
5.1 gROAD 7 %
1.3 g
2770. www.aldi.com.au
4.1 g 1%
20.5 g
25.3 g
6.3 g
Fat, total

- saturated 1.3 g
4.1 g
5.1 g

20.5 g
25.3 g
6.3 g

crisp cos lettuce.
dressing - sugars 3.5 g 4% 17.4 g - sugars 3.5 g 4% 17.4 g

Sodium 240 mg 10 % 1200 mg Sodium 240 mg 10 % 1200 mg

*Percentage Daily Intakes are based on an average adult dietmade
of for ALDI Daily Intakes are based on an average adult diet of
A traditional rich and tangy A traditional rich and tangy
8700kJ. Your daily intakes may be higher or lowerStores toonour stringent
depending 8700kJ. Your daily intakes may be higher or lower depending on
quality specifications.
dressing with real parmesan dressing with real parmesanyour energy needs. your energy needs.
If you are not entirely
you can taste! Perfect over you can taste! Perfect over ALDI STORES, 1 SARGENTSsatisfied
ROAD, with this product, ALDI STORES, 1 SARGENTS ROAD,
crisp lettuce. crisp lettuce. please return it to your
MINCHINBURY NSW 2770 www.aldi.com.au MINCHINBURY NSW 2770 www.aldi.com.au
PERFECT ADDITIONS™ is a trademark of ALDIALDI store
Stores. for a full
PERFECT ADDITIONS™ is a trademark of ALDI Stores.
serving suggestion
se ving
serving suggestion 500mL
se ving suggestion
serving 500mL refund or replacement.

Specially made for ALDI Stores to Specially made for ALDI Stores to
our stringent quality specifications. our stringent quality specifications.
Energy Fat Sat Fat SugarEnergy Sodium Fat Sat Fat Sugar Sodium If you are not entirely satisfied with If you are not entirely satisfied with
3% 7% 5% 4% 3% 10% 7% 5% 4% 10% this product, please return it to this product, please return it to
268kJ 5.1g 1.3g 3.5g 268kJ 240mg 5.1g 1.3g 3.5g 240mg
your nearest ALDI store for a full your nearest ALDI store for a full
refund or replacement. refund or replacement.
%Daily Intake (%DI) per 20mL serve %Daily Intake (%DI) per 20mL serve

Front Back

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8.6 ‘Asia’ Dressing and ‘Bon Appetit’ Sauce
Bottles with a long neck may have an additional neck label with the bars running in the direction of the container’s curvature.

iche Nährwer
Pro 100 g
XX kJ / XX kcal
Brennwert XX g
Eiweiß XX g
Kohlenhydrate XX g
davon Zucker XX g

Salat Dressing Fett
davon gesättigte
Fettsäuren XX

XX g
Ballaststoffe XX g

Mindestens haltbar bis: Zutaten: Wasser, pflanzliches Öl,

Joghurt (17% Fett), Zucker, Sauce Provençal ZUTATEN: Nam rerum eos eturitibusda
Weißweinessig, Lactose, Maltodextrin, quam, sit, odi te nonsedi cidiossequas
Kühl und trocken lagern. Durchschnittliche Nährwerte
maionsecaes et quia debit officit, seque
Nach dem Öffnen im Aromen, Salz, Verdickungsmittel: Guar- Pro 100 ml 1 Portion (30 ml)
Kühlschrank aufbewahren kernmehl; Zitronensaft, Citronensäure, Brennwert 1960 kJ / 468 kcal 588 kJ / 140 kcal porrovit magnat accat quidem aut pariate

Salat Dressing
und innerhalb 7 Tagen Zitronengras, Farbstoff: Beta Carotin.
6,5 g
2,0 g
2,0 g
0,6 g
sa id ernate earibus et vendit, sitatiat es
verbrauchen. davon Zucker 1,2 g 0,4 g modiorum alitaquae nonsequam hit,
*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Fett 22,0 g 6,6 g
HMF-Food simus, ius volum alia nullaut quia que

Sauce Provençal
Werte basieren auf einer Ernährung davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 11,0 g 3,3 g
D-44229 Dortmund von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA) Ballaststoffe 0,3 g 0,1 g volupidem ut que.
Natrium 1,40 g 0,40 g

mit Joghurt und Zitronengras

300ml  1 Portion (30 ml) Sauce enthält
HMF-Food, Kirchhörder Straße 29,
22113456 Brennwert Zucker Fett
Fettsäuren Natrium Eine traditionelle Sauce nach französischer Art, D-44229 Dortmund.
140 kcal 0,4 g 6,6 g 3,3 g 0,40 g mit Tomaten und frischen Kräutern.

7% <1% 9% 17% 17%
% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*
)S alat Dress
XX g
*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Werte basieren
auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).


1 Port


(30 ml) Sauce

XX kcal tion ent

1 Po
Mindestens haltbar bis:

GDA 140 kcal


Complete label
Complete label

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8.7 ‘Comte de Vauviere’ Sparkling Wine
The sales GTIN on the back has been extended to run all the way along the back.



Barcode position Complete sleeve

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8.8 ‘Burman’s’ BBQ Sauce

Front Back

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8.9 ‘Asia’ Sesame Oil
The sales GTINs have been positioned at
the maximum possible distance away from
each other. The sales GTIN on the back has
been integrated creatively into the design.

Sesam 00000000

Öl kaltgepresst
kaltgepresst Kühl und lichtgeschützt aufbewahren. Bei
Kühllagerung kann eine Eintrübung bzw.
Ideal für alle Flockenbildung auftreten. Dies ist ein
asiatischen normaler Vorgang für kaltgepresste Öle
Speisen und stellt keine Qualitätsminderung dar.
Unter Qualitätskontrolle unabhängiger
46234 V1

Durchschnittliche Nährwerte
Pro 100 ml 1 Esslöffel (XX ml) % GDA*
Brennwert XX kJ XX kJ X %
XX kcal XX kcal X %
Eiweiß XX g XX g X %
Kohlenhydrate XX g XX g X %
davon Zucker XX g XX g X %
Fett XX g XX g X %
ges. Fettsäuren XX g XX g X %
einfach ungesättigte
Fettsäuren XX g XX g X %
mehrfach ungesättigte
Fettsäuren XX g XX g X %
el (10 ml) Öl en
löff Ballaststoffe XX g XX g X %

Natrium XX g XX g X %
1 Es


Brennwert Cholesterin XX mg XX mg
XX kcal
% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*
X%* *Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten
Serviervorschlag GDA Werte basieren auf einer Ernährung von täglich
2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).


46235 V1
Mindestens haltbar bis:

Oleum Produktions und

Handels GmbH
Schleusenrampe 8
D-27570 Bremerhaven

Front Back

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.8.10 ‘Landshut’ Red Wine
Wine bottles only have a sales GTIN on the back label. The bars are running in the direction of the bottle’s curvature.



mild full-bodied

dry G E Rsemi-dry
MANY semi-sweet sweet
This exquisite, well-balanced red wine has a fruity
NOTES bouquet with flavors of plum and raspberry.
Perfect accompaniment to desserts, spicy dishes
FOOD or simply enjoy on its own.
TEMP Best when served lightly chilled.



PRODUCT OF GERMANY · L A.P. NR. 2 907021 000 00 mild full-bodied
dry semi-dry semi-sweet sweet
This exquisite, well-balanced red wine has a fruity
bouquet with flavors of plum and raspberry.
Perfect accompaniment to desserts, spicy dishes
or simply enjoy on its own.

ME15¢ IA5¢
TEMP STYLE chilled.
Best when served lightly

mild full-bodied
ORIGIN Product of
GERMANY dry semi-dry semi-sweet sweet
QUALITÄTSWEIN This exquisite, well-balanced red wine has a fruity
NOTES bouquet with flavors of plum and raspberry.
000 00 Perfect accompaniment to desserts, spicy dishes
CONTAINS SULFITES · ALC 9.5% BY VOL · NET CONT. 750 ML or simply enjoy on its own.

Sweet Red
Best when served lightly chilled.

Rheinhessen ORIGIN Product of


ME15¢ IA5¢
PRODUCT OF GERMANY · L A.P. NR. 2 907021 000 00

ME15¢ IA5¢

Front Back 84
5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.9 Tubes
The sales GTINs on the front and back should be positioned at the maximum possible distance away from each other and with the bars running
in the direction of the container’s curvature (examples A and B). On tubes with a flat labelling area the sales GTIN can be placed with the bars
running vertically (example C).





5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.9.1 ‘Lacura’ Hand Cream
The sales GTINs have been positioned at the maximum possible distance away from each other. The sales GTIN on the lower part of the front will be
obscured by the display carton.

Sales GTIN cannot be

detected due to the
wrong colour choice
(insufficient contrast).

Front Front

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.9.2 ‘Cucina’ Tomato Puree
The bars are running in the direction of the container’s curvature. The sales GTIN
on the lower part of the front will be obscured by the display carton.

Tomato Best Before End:

Double Concentrate
Double Concentrated Tomato Puree
Ingredients: Tomatoes.
Store in a cool, dry place. Once opened,
refridgerate and use within 4 weeks.
Suitable for Vegetarians. Gluten Free

Nutrition Information
TYPICAL VALUES Per 100g Per 20g serving
Energy 388kJ/80kcal 68kJ/16kcal
Protein 5.0g 1.0g
Carbohydrate 14.2g 2.8g
of which sugars 14.1g 2.8g
Fat 0.3g 0.1g
of which saturates Trace Trace
Fibre 2.8g 0.6g
Sodium Trace Trace
Salt equivalent Trace Trace
Guideline Daily Amounts for a Typical Adult
Guideline Per 20g % guideline
daily amount serving daily amount
Calories 2000 cals 16 cals 1%
Sugar 90g 2.8g 3%
Fat 70g 0.1g Less than 1%
Saturated fat 20g Trace Less than 1%
Salt 6g Trace Less than 1%

If you are not entirely satisfied with this product

please return it to the store where it was purchased
and we will be pleased to replace it. This does not
affect your statutory rights.
Visit us at www.aldi.com

25117691 200 g 

Complete tube

Front Back

“Cucina” Tomato Puree / Stage 3 / Design 3.3

Client: LDH / MacEwen
Project: 2001 / 2000 / Packaging for “Cucina” Tomato Puree / Aldi UK
Date: 12. 3. 10
5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.9.3 ‘Colway’ Tomato Ketchup
On tubes with a flat labelling area the sales GTIN may be placed with the bars running vertically or horizontally.

Front Back

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.10 Catch-weight items
In the past it was often only possible to use sales GTINs at SC4 size for items priced by weight.
However, improvements in weigh-price-labelling equipment (e. g. manufactured by Bizerba) now
allow for quality label printing with sales GTINs of all sizes.
Since products priced by weight frequently do not have a flat area, long continuous sales GTINs can
compensate for unevenness. However, not all label dispensers are able to deliver adhesive labels
of this size and many products priced by weight are simply too small to take such large labels.
The aim should be to use the largest possible label with the longest possible extended sales GTIN
relative to product size.

5. Positioning examples of sales GTIN 5
5.10.1 ‘One World’ Fairtrade Fruit

Bananen nenanaB

Das unabhängige FAIRTRADE-Siegel gibt tbig legeiS-EDARTRIAF egignähbanu saD

Ihnen die Sicherheit, dass dieses Produkt tkudorP seseid ssad ,tiehrehciS eid nenhI
die internationalen Standards für neriaF rüf sdradnatS nelanoitanretni eid
Fairen Handel erfüllt. .tllüfre lednaH
Mit dem Kauf dieses Produkts leisten Sie eiS netsiel stkudorP seseid fuaK med tiM
einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der red gnuressebreV ruz gartieB nenie
Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen negnugnidebstiebrA dnu -snebeL
der Plantagenarbeiter in Ecuador und dnu neilisarB ni retiebranegatnalP red
zur Förderung des Umweltschutzes. .seztuhcstlewmU sed gnuredröF ruz
www.transfair.org gro.riafsnart.www

Orangen Bananen nenanaB

0,90 kg
Das unabhängige FAIRTRADE-Siegel gibt tbig legeiS-EDARTRIAF egignähbanu saD

Ihnen die Sicherheit, dass dieses Produkt EINWAAGE tkudorP seseid ssad ,tiehrehciS eid nenhI
1,59 kg die internationalen Standards für
Fairen Handel erfüllt.
0,90 kg neriaF rüf sdradnatS nelanoitanretni eid
.tllüfre lednaH
BETRAG Mit dem Kauf dieses Produkts leisten Sie €
eiS netsiel stkudorP seseid fuaK med tiM
1,43 € einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der
Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen
der Plantagenarbeiter in Ecuador und
kg red gnuressebreV ruz gartieB nenie
negnugnidebstiebrA dnu -snebeL
dnu neilisarB ni retiebranegatnalP red
Das unabhängige FAIRTRADE-Siegel gibt Ihnen die Sicherheit, zur Förderung des Umweltschutzes. 1,43 € .seztuhcstlewmU sed gnuredröF ruz
dass dieses Produkt die internationalen Standards www.transfair.org gro.riafsnart.www
für Fairen Handel erfüllt. Mit dem Kauf dieses Produkts leisten
Sie einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lebens- und
Arbeitsbedingungen der Plantagenarbeiter in Brasilien Abgepackt von:
und zur Förderung des Umweltschutzes. Andretta Fruchtimport GmbH
www.transfair.org D-67105 Schifferstadt

Abgepackt von:
Andretta Fruchtimport GmbH, D-67105 Schifferstadt

Bananen nenanaB

Das unabhängige FAIRTRADE-Siegel gibt tbig legeiS-EDARTRIAF egignähbanu saD

Ihnen die Sicherheit, dass dieses Produkt tkudorP seseid ssad ,tiehrehciS eid nenhI

Front die internationalen Standards für

Fairen Handel erfüllt.
Mit dem Kauf dieses Produkts leisten Sie
rüf sdradnatS nelanoitanretni eid
.tllüfre lednaH neriaF
eiS netsiel stkudorP seseid fuaK med tiM
einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der red gnuressebreV ruz gartieB nenie
Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen negnugnidebstiebrA dnu -snebeL
der Plantagenarbeiter in Ecuador und dnu rodaucE ni retiebranegatnalP red
zur Förderung des Umweltschutzes. .seztuhcstlewmU sed gnuredröF ruz
www.transfair.org gro.riafsnart.www


6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.1 Introduction
Sales GTINs can be integrated creatively into the design of the pack provided that the basic sales GTIN
requirements as outlined in the beginning of this document are met.
Creative integration of a sales GTIN may be achieved by merging the sales GTIN with another design
element such as an illustration or a drawing, having the outer edge of the sales GTIN follow the cutter
shape or the shape of a design element, having the angle of the sales GTIN match the angle of an
adjacent design element or by filling the shape of a design element with the sales GTIN.
Discretion and design sensitivity must be applied in the process of creative sales GTIN integration so
as not to defeat the object and to create a design in which the sales GTINs draw unwanted attention.
All design layouts require the approval of the National Buying Department prior to printing.
There is no prescribed way for creative integration of sales GTINs but the following pages show
examples to give an indication of how to approach a design layout with this objective in mind.
Please note
The packaging examples in this chapter incorporate EAN-8 and have not yet been replaced with the
new standard ALDI sales GTIN-encoded EAN-13 sales GTINs. However, the same guidelines for
positioning, size, length, colour etc. apply. Please refer to chapters 1-4 for details.

6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.2 ‘Lyttos’ Filled Minced Meat Rolls
The sales GTIN on the front has been integrated into the line drawing of a greek column.

Front Back

6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.3 ‘Be Light’ Mini Sausages
The sales GTIN has been integrated into the design by having the outer shape mirror the shape of the logo.


Nach Art einer Kabanos
im Heißrauch gegart 30 %

** als ein vergleichbares


anos (15 g) enthä


40 kcal

Top foil

6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.4 ‘Citrovin’ Citric Acid
The lower part of the sales GTIN follows the leaf shape of the cutter guide.

Front Back

6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.5 ‘Asia’ Sesame Oil
The sales GTIN on the back label has been integrated into the rising sun symbol.

Sesam 00000000

Öl kaltgepresst
kaltgepresst Kühl und lichtgeschützt aufbewahren. Bei
Kühllagerung kann eine Eintrübung bzw.
Ideal für alle Flockenbildung auftreten. Dies ist ein
asiatischen normaler Vorgang für kaltgepresste Öle
Speisen und stellt keine Qualitätsminderung dar.
Unter Qualitätskontrolle unabhängiger
46234 V1

Durchschnittliche Nährwerte
Pro 100 ml 1 Esslöffel (XX ml) % GDA*
Brennwert XX kJ XX kJ X %
XX kcal XX kcal X %
Eiweiß XX g XX g X %
Kohlenhydrate XX g XX g X %
davon Zucker XX g XX g X %
Fett XX g XX g X %
ges. Fettsäuren XX g XX g X %
einfach ungesättigte
Fettsäuren XX g XX g X %
mehrfach ungesättigte
Fettsäuren XX g XX g X %
el (10 ml) Öl en
löff Ballaststoffe XX g XX g X %

Natrium XX g XX g X %
1 Es


Brennwert Cholesterin XX mg XX mg
XX kcal
% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*
X%* *Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten
Serviervorschlag GDA Werte basieren auf einer Ernährung von täglich
2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).


46235 V1
Mindestens haltbar bis:

Oleum Produktions und

Handels GmbH
Schleusenrampe 8
D-27570 Bremerhaven

Front Back

6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.6 ‘Zekol’ Glass Cleaner
The sales GTIN on the front label has been integrated into the cutter shape and follows the angle of other design elements.

Front Back

6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.7 ‘Ombia’ Sun Spray
The sales GTIN on the front label has been integrated into the curved shape of other design elements.

Front Back

6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.8 ‘Tandil’ Liquid Detergent
The sales GTIN on the front label has been integrated into the cutter shape.

Front Back

6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.9 ‘Milfina’ Yoghurt Snack
The sales GTIN on the front label has been integrated into the shape of another design element.

Erdbeer Fruchtjoghurt mild

1,8 % Fett im Milchanteil.
Zutaten: Joghurt mild, 6 % Erdbeeren,

Zucker, Glukose-Fruktose-Sirup,
färbendes Karottenkonzentrat, Rote
Betesaftkonzentrat, natürliche Aromen.

Bei unter +7 ºC mindestens haltbar bis:
siehe Aufdruck.

E R DB E 24065468 Durchschnittliche Nährwerte

% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*

238 kcal
Pro 100 g 1 Portion (200 g)

1 Portion (200 g) Joghurt enthält

NI 033 Brennwert 502 kJ 1005 kJ Zucker
EG 119 kcal 238 kcal 34,9 g
Eiweiß 5,6 g 11,2 g 39%

200 g 
Der praktisch leckere Kohlenhydrate
davon Zucker
18,1 g
17,5 g
36,1 g
34,9 g
5,4 g

Joghurt-Snack ion
(200 g) Joghurt e Fett
2,7 g 5,4 g ges. Fettsäuren
3,4 g
1 Po


Brennwert Heideblume Molkerei gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,7 g 3,4 g 17%

für Zwischdurch 238 kcal
Elsdorf-Rotenburg AG, Ballaststoffe 0,1 g 0,2 g

200 g 12%*
GDA D-27404 Elsdorf
Natrium 0,03 g 0,07 g
0,07 g

*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten Werte basieren

auf einer Ernährung von täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: CIAA).

Front Back

6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.10 ‘Caribic Kids’ Bubble Bath
The sales GTIN on the front label has been integrated into the illustration, resembling a ski slope.



Front Back

6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.11 ‘Prince’ Hair and Body Wash
The sales GTIN on the front has been integrated into one of the design elements.


6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.12 ‘Friscodent’ Toothpaste
The sales GTIN on the front has been integrated into the toothbrush illustration.



6. Creative integration examples of sales GTIN 6
6.13 ‘Kokett’ Serviettes
The sales GTIN has been integrated into the design by giving it the appearance of a ribbon that runs around the pack.

Front Back

7. QR Codes 7
7.1 Introduction

Whether in print advertising, on billboards or on product packaging, QR Codes have become increasingly popular in recent years. One of their most
common uses is to guide consumers to a website or a web application that provides additional information on a product or service. This content is usually
accessed by using a smartphone equipped with QR Code reader software.
QR Codes are not a replacement for EAN or UPC sales GTINs on ALDI packaging. They have a different function and are therefore used in addition to the
standard EAN or UPC sales GTINs that are described elsewhere in this guideline.

What can QR Codes be used for?

QR Codes were first developed to facilitate component tracking in the automotive industry. Today, they are most commonly used as shortcuts that provide
direct access to all kinds of online content, such as additional information on a product or service that could not be provided elsewhere (e.g. on product
packaging). As such, QR Codes are useful tools for general marketing purposes, linking to detailed product descriptions, videos, manuals, applications,
games, coupons, electronic tickets or sweepstakes via smartphone.
Some examples for QR Code application are:
• linking to detailed product descriptions or specifications (e.g. for multifunctional clothing or sophisticated IT products)

• linking to online information about the origin of a product or ingredient (e.g. fish, meat, dairy, wood)

• linking the product manual or package to a video instruction (e.g. for products that require assembly, DIY products or sports equipment)

• providing an online tool to calculate energy consumption of LED bulbs versus standard light bulbs

• helping customers to understand what a product has to offer without opening the packaging (e.g. a video demonstrating the different functions of a toy)

• in-depth demonstration of product benefits (e.g. a virtual tour of a travel destination)

• step-by-step instructions for online services (e.g. photo printing)

• linking to a loyalty programme.

Online content sign-off

The ALDI Director of International Buying (DIB) or the National Buying Director (NBD) will decide on a case-by-case basis whether it is appropriate and cost
effective to provide further information relating to a product via a QR Code link. If online content is to be provided via QR Code link, the NBD will request this
in the item confirmation from International Buying. Similar to the approval process for packaging, the online content will be provided by the supplier and
subsequently approved by the DIB and NBD. The DIB will approve the actual content and design, whereas the NBD will approve the copy, text and translation.
All content must be strictly in accordance with ALDI’s corporate identity. ALDI will have full control of the content published on the website linked to the
QR Code. ALDI may decline using the content if the information can not be adapted to their national requirements (e.g. language) by the supplier for cost
reasons or is not culturally appropriate for the specific market.
The following pages give further information about the technology, functionality, potential and application of QR Codes.

7. QR Codes 7
7.2 General information on QR Codes

What is a QR Code?
A QR Code (QR = Quick Response) is a two-dimensional matrix code in a square format consisting of dark and light modules which represent encoded data.
Surrounding the modules is a quiet zone, which is a four-module-wide buffer area containing no data, to ensure that surrounding text or markings are not
mistaken for data by the QR Code reader. The QR Code was designed with special position-detection patterns located in three corners of each symbol to
determine the codes angle of orientation, position and size.
In contrast to conventional sales GTINs, which are mechanically scanned using laser technology, QR Codes are digitally scanned by an image sensor such as
the camera lens in a smartphone.
QR Code symbols are clearly defined and published as ISO Standard 18004. It is an open format and the use of QR Code symbols is free.

15 mm recommended Structure
minimum size Position detection pattern
The QR Code symbol contains encoded data, data mode, error correction, version information
and various function patterns. Additional patterns to improve alignment detection are added
Quiet zone to larger QR Code sizes.
(four modules wide)
Position detection pattern
Module Position detection patterns are located in three outer corners of each symbol. By detecting the
Alignment pattern missing pattern in the fourth corner the reader software interprets the symbol alignment. This
Data allows the QR Code to be scanned from any direction.
Quiet zone
QR Code example with small Symbol structure with This is a buffer area containing no data to ensure that surrounding text or markings are not
amounts of encoded data function patterns mistaken for QR Code data. It should be at least four modules wide. QR Codes with very
large amounts of data which have very small modules may require a wider quiet zone.
Smallest unit of a QR Code symbol.
Alignment pattern
Allows for distortion compensation when the QR Code is read, e.g. on bottles.
Dark and light modules encode the data contained in the QR Code. The module size becomes
smaller as the amount of encoded data increases.
QR Code example with large Recommended minimum size
amounts of encoded data For application on ALDI material the QR Code should have a minimum size of 15 x 15 mm plus
a quiet zone of at least four modules. This recommendation is for QR Codes that contain small
amounts of data. QR Codes with large amounts of data may have to be enlarged considerably
depending on various factors which could compromise the legibility (see page 107–109).
Sizes below the recommended minimum should only be used in exceptional circumstances
Sources: www.wikipedia.com, www.denso-adc.com where there is a lack of space on the pack. All QR Codes must be tested for legibility before use.

7. QR Codes 7
7.2 General information on QR Codes CONTINUED

Advantages and disadvantages of QR Codes

The QR Code combines fast scanning, high-capacity data storage and small size. Compared with conventional barcodes, QR Codes can hold a much
larger amount of data in a smaller space. Depending on the error-correction level chosen, a QR Code can be decoded even if up to 30 % of the data is
dirty or damaged. A QR Code can be read even if its image is on a curved or otherwise distorted surface.
The use of QR Codes in mobile marketing allows direct communication between advertisers and smartphone users. Businesses can save advertising and
printing costs by distributing a QR Code which links to their website. Customers can have immediate access to information and store it for future reference.
Although QR Codes are becoming more popular there is a large group in society that does not know what QR Codes represent or does not have the necessary
equipment to make use of them. A data connection is needed to access the encoded information. If a location has poor mobile reception the process may
not work.
How does a QR Code link to additional information?
A QR Code applied to product packaging can be read by the camera in a smartphone or PDA (personal digital assistant). QR Code reader software then
decodes the embedded information, which subsequently directs the smartphone to take automatic action. For example, a QR Code might instruct a phone
to open its browser and display a specific website.
What type of data can a QR Code encode?
QR Codes primarily encode four data types: numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary and Kanji. The amount of data that can be stored in the QR Code symbol
depends on the data type, the version and error correction level.
The ability for QR Codes to contain over 4,000 alphanumeric characters, and their ease of use, makes them well suited for new marketing opportunities.

Numeric 7,089

Maximum Alphanumeric 4,296

data capacity Binary 2,953
Japanese, Chinese or

Main features Large capacity, small size, high-speed scanning

Main applications All categories

Standards ISO, AIM, JIS

7. QR Codes 7
7.2 General information on QR Codes CONTINUED

QR Code versions
QR Codes can be generated in 40 different versions, from 21 x 21 modules (version 1) to 177 x 177 modules (version 40). Each higher symbol version has four
additional modules per side (16 additional modules per symbol), and can contain a proportionally larger amount of data. The maximum amount of data that
can be contained by a given symbol is determined by its version, type of characters and error-correction level.
QR Code size
The modules in the QR Code must be large enough to be recognized and decoded. If the size of the modules falls below the resolution limit of the camera
then the QR Code cannot be read by the device. If the QR Code is small but contains a lot of data, i. e. consists of a lot of small modules, its legibility could
be compromised.
Generating QR Codes
As the inventor of the QR Code and owner of the QR Code trademark, DENSO Wave Incorporated has allowed the patents for the code to be freely available
to the public. Consequently, many websites now feature online QR Code generators or downloadable code-generating software.
Such code generators and software may not be certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). As a result, the code symbols they
create may not adhere to the relevant ISO Standard 18004 and may not be readable by all devices.
It is important to note that non-ISO-compliant code generators do not determine the minimum printable size of a given QR Code symbol. If a symbol is
printed at a size that is below the ISO-specified minimum – which takes into account the amount of data contained in that symbol, the symbol version and
the resolution of the printing device – legibility will be dramatically reduced.
Using QR Code-generating software that is not ISO compliant can be especially problematic if the QR Code is to be read by smartphones, whose age and
technology may greatly vary. Also, the QR Code-reading software used by smartphones is not necessarily based on ISO specifications.

It is recommended to use only ISO-compliant QR Code-generating software which specifies the minimum printable size for a given symbol
in order to ensure maximum symbol legibility.

Sources: www.wikipedia.com, qrstuff.com, www.denso-adc.com

7. QR Codes 7
7.3 QR Code colours

Ideally the QR Code should be set up in black and white in order to ensure maximum legibility. However, it is possible to print QR Codes in any colour on any
background provided there is enough contrast between the light and dark modules. Insufficient contrast between the modules and the background will
compromise the code’s legibility.
Regardless of size and colour, every printed QR Code should be tested thoroughly for legibility. For the test it is recommended to use at least three
different smartphones and versions of QR Code reader software under conditions that resemble the environment in which it will be used.

7. QR Codes 7
7.4 Legibility and functionality of QR Codes

There are several factors that can influence the legibility and functionality of a QR Code symbol:

• Minimum printable size of any given QR Code symbol (ISO Standard 18004)
• Contrast between the dark and light modules
• Quiet zone around the QR Code

• Print quality of the QR Code

• Age and technology of the reading device (e.g. the resolution and the autofocus function of the camera in a smartphone)

• Quality of the QR Code reader software

• Mobile reception of the reading device.

7. QR Codes 7
7.5 QR Code positioning examples

Example 1 (ALDI SÜD, Germany)

The product info button design is not applied if a QR Code is used mainly for quality assurance purposes (e.g. fish sustainability or the origin of meat).
In such instances the QR Code can be integrated in a different design lockup that allows for further information in text form.
The lockup can be placed on any side of the pack. The additional text is positioned close to the QR Code and communicates information encoded
in the symbol. This ensures that information is available to consumers who do not have the option to scan the QR Code.
A specific logo, flash or claim on the front of pack can be used to guide the consumer to the detailed information on another side of the pack.

0,06 g
Natrium 3% 0,05 g
% des Richtwertes für die Tageszufuhr (GDA)*
*Guideline Daily Amount (GDA). Die deklarierten

dieser Verpackung eingeben.

täglich 2000 kcal (Quelle: FoodDrinkEurope).

Ballaststoffe 0% 0g
Werte basieren auf einer Ernährung von

Tracking-Code vom Codierfeld

2,4 g 12 %
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,9 g herkunft.aldi-sued.de den
Fett 17,5 g 25 % 14,0 g
davon Zucker 0% 0g scannen oder im Internet unter
Kohlenhydrate 0% 0g mit einem Smartphone
25,0 g 50 %
Eiweiß 20,0 g Fischherkunft den QR-Code

Lachs (Salmo salar) aus kontrollierter Scientific product name and

1073 kJ ⁄ 258 kcal 13 %
Brennwert 858 kJ ⁄ 206 kcal Für mehr Informationen zur
Filet (125 g) (125 g)
Pro 100 g 1 durchschnittliches % GDA*
Durchschnittliche Nährwerte
Aquakultur in Norwegen, GGN 4050373820640.
Lachs (Salmo salar) aus kontrollierter Aquakultur in Norwegen, GGN 4050373820640. fish sustainability information
Für mehr Informationen zur
Fischherkunft den QR-Code Usage instruction
Lachs (Salmo salar) aus kontrollierter
Aquakultur in Norwegen, GGN 4050373820640.
mit einem Smartphone Für mehr Informationen zur

scannen oder im Internet unter Translation: Fischherkunft den QR-Code
mit einem Smartphone
herkunft.aldi-sued.de den For further information on scannen oder im Internet unter
herkunft.aldi-sued.de den
Tracking-Code vom Codierfeld the origin of the fish please Tracking-Code vom Codierfeld
2 naturbelassene Filets in Portionen dieser Verpackung eingeben. scan the QR Code with
dieser Verpackung eingeben.

your smartphone or visit

Ohne Haut, praktisch grätenfrei,

einzeln entnehmbar, küchenfertig, herkunft.aldi-sued.de and
tiefgefroren. type in the tracking code
from this pack.

The logo guides the consumer to

liches Filet (125 Siehe Seite the information on the side of pack

g) e

1 durch


258 kcal Translation:

13 %*
GDA Bei -18 ºC mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Seitenlasche
Origin of fish – See side of pack

Frische Lachsfilets sind ein Genuss für jeden Liebhaber der guten Küche. Der Lachs besitzt festes, sehr schmackhaftes rosafarbenes
Fleisch, praktisch ohne Gräten. Er schmeckt in Butter gebraten hervorragend, ist aber auch gegrillt ein Hochgenuß.
Front of pack with one side panel

7. QR Codes 7
7.5 QR Code positioning examples CONTINUED

Example 2 (ALDI SÜD, Germany)

Bottom label

Top label on printed foil

7. QR Codes 7
7.5 QR Code positioning examples CONTINUED

Example 3 (HOFER S/E, Austria)

Crevetten Garnelen mit Schwanzsegment,

geschält und gekocht

Gamberetti con coda segmentata, sgusciati e cotti

Gamberetti con coda segmentata, sgusciati e cotti


Crevettes, avec queue, décortiquées et cuites /

Crevettes, avec queue, décortiquées et cuites /

Crevettes, avec queue, décortiquées et cuites /
avec sauce cocktail / con salsa cocktail

avec sauce cocktail / con salsa cocktail

Garnelen mit Schwanzsegment,

Garnelen mit Schwanzsegment,

Gamberetti con coda segmentata, sgusciati e cotti
mit Cocktail Dip Sauce

mit Cocktail Dip Sauce

geschält und gekocht

geschält und gekocht

mit Cocktail Dip Sauce
avec sauce cocktail / con salsa cocktail

Serviervorschlag / Suggestion de présentation / Suggerimento di presentazione

Aus zertifizierter
d’aquaculture certifié
d’aquacolture certificato


75 g**
Gesamtgewicht: / 458 kJ
poids total : / 110 kcal
peso totale: 5 %*

150 g 100 g:
611 kJ / 146 kcal

Tracking Code: siehe vorne / voir devant / vedi fronte

Hergestellt in den Niederlanden durch / Fabriqué au Pays Bas par / Prodotto nei
Paesi Bassi da: Heiploeg International B.V. Panserweg 14, NL-9974 SL Zoutkamp

Front of pack and three side panels

8. PLU numbers for sales items
8.1 Introduction Positioning
The PLU number is generally placed on the bottom right side of the back of
Bulky items may not fit on the conveyor belt at the checkout which makes pack. A six sided box should have at least three PLU numbers, one placed

scanning the barcode impossible. For such sales items the International on the back and two on the side panels. There is no PLU number on the
or National Buying Department issues a PLU number ("PLU" in short) in front or top of pack.
conjunction with the barcode number, or only a PLU if a barcode is not
necessary, to enable the cashier to record the sale manually. The PLU
8.3 Legacy PLU number specifications

consists of up to five digits.
The number is black, set in Myriad Bold, and centred inside the oval.
Two types of PLU
The oval colour is yellow (Y:100). On light backgrounds the oval outline is
There are currently two types of PLU: legacy PLU and variant PLU. Visually
black, on dark backgrounds it is white.
the only difference between the two types is the oval colour: yellow or
white (see following page). The logistical differences between legacy and
Size 1 Size 2
variant PLUs are explained in chapter 9.

8.2 General specifications

PLU numbers come in two sizes:
· size 1 is 15mm tall, applied to items where all dimensions
15 mm

123 25 mm

of the pack are smaller than 50cm

· size 2 is 25mm tall, applied to items where at least one dimension 1234 or

of the pack is greater than 50cm.
An item is defined as bulky when:
· it weighs more than 10kg*
· it is longer or wider than 100cm*. 12345
In the United States items are defined as bulky when: or
· the width is greater than 173/₄" (43cm) and/or

· the length is greater than 113" (287cm)*.

* The Director International Buying or National Buying Director may assign
a PLU number for a lighter or smaller sales item at their discretion.

8. PLU numbers for sales items
123 8
8.4 Variant PLU number specifications

Variant PLU numbers follow the same general specifications listed
on the previous page.
The only difference is that the oval colour is white. The oval outline

and the number are black. The font is Myriad Bold.
The logistical differences between legacy and variant PLUs are
explained in chapter 9.

Size 1 Size 2

15 mm

123 25 mm

1234 or



1234 114
9. Encoding sales and order information 9
9.1 Introduction 9.2 Application of order GTINs
New logistic encodings such as order barcodes are being introduced to 1. The order unit is different to the sales unit
support the effective management of ALDI business operations. These Where an order unit consists of multiple sales units which can either be
encodings will be introduced in stages over the next few years and will identical (e.g. a display case of 12 x milk 1L) or different (e.g. a display
have a bearing on sales units (product packaging) as well as order units case of 6 x strawberry joghurt and 6 x pineapple joghurt) the following
(display cases and transport packaging). differentiation applies:
Together with the transition to 13-digit GTIN-encoded barcodes (commonly a. Phyiscal order unit
known as “sales GTINs”) for all sales units, order barcodes (commonly known (multiple sales units physically wrapped/combined,
as “order GTINs”) will form part of a strategic vision for the future of e.g. examples mentioned above)
the company. The order GTIN is mainly used for inventory management. It is printed
Sales units on the display case but never on the front. The preferred position
A sales unit is defined as the particular variety of a product that is purchased is on the back of the case.
by the customer, for example “fruit yoghurt, strawberry flavour” or “coffee b. Logical order unit
machine, red”. Every sales unit must have at least two printed sales GTIN. (logical grouping of physically separate handling units)
Order units 
An order unit could be a pallet layer consisting of multiple display
Every order unit is individually defined by ALDI and assigned a specific cases (e.g. 10 x case of yoghurt) or an entire pallet of multiple transport
order GTIN. Typical order units are straight cases and mixed cases having units (e.g. one pallet of 10 x coffee machines, red and 10 x coffee
a predefined set-up. machines, white). In these instances the order GTIN is used only in the
documentation (e.g. order sheet) and for logistics labelling (e.g. pallet
Moreover pre-defined pallet and layer configurations may be represented
label). Only the sales GTIN is applied to each individual sales unit.
as order units. In exceptional cases even single sales units may require an
additional order unit identifier. The type of order unit determines whether 2. The order unit is equivalent to the sales unit
and how the order GTIN is applied. As a general rule, as long as an order GTIN differs from the sales GTIN
it must be applied to the order unit. This is correct even if the sales unit
Detailed information on order GTINs and on how to code identifiers on
and the order unit are identical (e.g. coffee machine). In this case both
layers and pallets can be found in the “ALDI Logistics Guidelines”.
GTINs must be applied to the sales unit (= order unit).
Variant PLUs
In exceptional cases, for instance non-ALDI brand products, there will
Variant PLUs have been introduced in addition to legacy PLUs (see page
only be a sales GTIN assigned which is also used as order GTIN.
113–114). Where a product that requires a PLU is available in at least one
additional style, colour etc., every variation is also assigned an individual
variant PLU. For the first style, the legacy PLU is identical to the variant PLU
(see page 120).

9. Encoding sales and order information 9
9.3 Application rules
The general rules and specifications in these guidelines governing barcodes apply.
• Order and sales GTINs are communicated to suppliers in the contract document.
• Number ranges and prefixes are the same for order and sales GTINs. However,
the full numeric code is generally different per product.
• For order and sales GTINs the same types of barcode symbol (EAN-8, EAN-13 or UPC-A)
are used for printing (see chapter 1). 123

• Recommendations for sales GTINs sizes also apply to order GTINs (see chapter 1).

For order GTINs the larger barcode sizes are preferred. 123
• Legacy PLU numbers follow the rules described in chapter 8 with regards to size,
colour and font. Variant PLU numbers differ in that the oval colour is white 12345 .
• Sales GTINs are never printed on display cases.
• Order GTINs must not be printed on the front of display cases.
• All layouts require the approval of the National Buying Department prior to printing.

9. Encoding sales and order information 9
9.4 Identifiers and their use
Article ID Used in stores to identify products.
Variant ID Used for stocktaking for specials buys, as this has to be conducted on variant level.
Description x quantity Needed for different store processes eg. stocktaking or identifying products.
Order GTIN For ordering, it only has to be assigned to the order unit of measure.
Furthermore, it has to be on the packaging for the receiving process in the warehouse.
Sales GTIN Used for sales and returns processes.
Variant PLU Supports variant specific identification of products in case items will not be scanned.
Legacy PLU Supports identification in stores not capable of variant handling.
Legacy ID Supports identification in stores running legacy applications.
On sale date In store warranty process.

Identifier Article ID Variant ID Description Order GTIN Sales GTIN Variant PLU Legacy PLU Legacy ID On sale date
x quantity scanable code scanable code (only if it exits MM/YYYY
(barcode + (barcode + and is different e.g. 08/2019
human readable human readable to legacy PLU
number)* number)

Core range, seasonals**

Eaches (sales units) X*, *** X X X

Cases X X X* X X X
Layer X*
Pallet X*
Eaches (sales units) X X* X X X x X
Cases X**** X X* X X X
Layer X*
Pallet X*

* Always and only printed on the Order Unit of Measure (OuM). Please see following pages for exceptions.
** Seasonals will be handled as core range unless explicitly being ordered as a special buy.
*** As core range is only ordered in eaches in exceptional cases (e.g. coffee machine) this is only mentioned to be exhaustive.
**** For specials the article ID and the legacy ID have to be printed on the display case and the transport carton.

9. Encoding sales and order information

9.5 Identifiers to be coded on an EACH (sales unit)


Identifier Article ID Variant ID Description Order GTIN Sales GTIN Variant PLU Legacy PLU Legacy ID On sale date
x quantity scanable code scanable code (only if it exits MM/YYYY
(barcode + (barcode + and is different e.g. 08/2019
human readable human readable to legacy PLU
number)* number)

Core range, seasonals**

Eaches (sales units) XXXXXX MM/YYYY
X*, *** X X X

Eaches (sales units) X X* X X X X X

* Always and only printed on the Order Unit of Measure (OuM). Please see exception example washing machine below.
** Seasonal will be handled as core range unless explicitely being ordered as a special buy.
*** As core range is only ordered in eaches in exceptional cases (e.g. coffee machine) this is only mentioned to be exhaustive.

Core range, seasonals Specials

Washing machine


Cereal box

Tinned fruit

Article ID
Order GTIN
Sales GTIN
Back of pack Back of case Back of pack
On sale date
The order GTIN is placed on the display case The product is merchandised without Exception: The order GTIN is placed directly on the Legacy PLU
(not shown here) display case. The order GTIN is placed packaging as the order unit is identical to the sales unit
on the brown transport case (= 1 unit) and there is no separate transport case.


9. Encoding sales and order information

9.6 Identifiers to be coded on a CASE

Identifier Article ID Variant ID Description Order GTIN Sales GTIN Variant PLU Legacy PLU Legacy ID On sale date
x quantity scanable code scanable code (only if it exits MM/YYYY
(barcode + (barcode + and is different e.g. 08/2019
human readable human readable to legacy PLU
number) number)

Core range, seasonals*

Cases X X X X X X X
Cases X X X X X X

* Seasonals will be handled as core range unless explicitely being ordered as a special buy.

Core range, seasonals XXXXXXXXXXXXX Specials

Water Cola Sprite

356 356 354 354

12345678 12345678 23345787
12 x Water 6 x Cola, 6 x Sprite 24x Greek yoghurt

Article ID O rder GTIN Legacy PLU Variant PLU Legacy ID

Quantity and Always and only printed on the Order Article ID
description Unit of Measure (OuM). Please see For old equipment there will be no issue as the For specials, article ID and legacy ID have to be printed
previous page for an exception. legacy PLU will be identical to the first variant PLU. on the display case and the transport case (brown case).
Variant PLU
Sales GTIN
are never printed on display cases.
Where eaches and multi packs are
sold, e.g. cigarettes, there will be Please note
two sales GTINs (EA and CA). Variant-specific sales GTINs are required for each can/yoghurt.

9. Encoding sales and order information 9
9.7 PLU interim phase
For every product which is available in more than one variation, additional variant PLUs have to be assigned.
Where the legacy PLU equals the variant PLU only the yellow highlighted legacy PLU needs to be printed on the product.


Core range, seasonals Specials

Example: A mixed pallet of Cola and Sprite requires Example: A washing machine with­out
an individual variant PLU per flavour. variant only has a legacy PLU.
The legacy PLU is identical to the first variant PLU Example: Suitcases sold in different colours require
(here cola), therefore only the legacy PLU is printed. an individual variant PLU per colour.
The legacy PLU is identical to the first variant PLU,
therefore only the legacy PLU is printed.

Cola Sprite
58500 58500 58500
58501 58502



Legacy PLU
Variant PLU


9. Encoding sales and order information 9
9.8 GTIN for branded single items (unit of measure = 1)
GTIN for branded items will be provided by the supplier and has to be requested directly from them.
For branded single items the supplier will only be able to provide one GTIN. The provided GTIN will be the order
and the sales GTIN at the same time, therefore the same GTIN has to be assigned to the display and to the single.
For all other use cases in regards to branded products, order GTIN and sales GTIN will be different and the same
rules will apply as for own branded products outlined in this guide.

Branded washing machine




Exception: For branded single items the GTIN provided

by the supplier functions as both order and sales GTIN.
Order and sales GTIN
Legacy PLU

10. Appendix 10
10.1 Quick check guide for barcode compliance
Using the quick check guide can help to eliminate the most common mistakes when checking barcodes for
compliance with ALDI’s requirements. Please note that it is not intended to replace the rules of barcode
application laid out in other parts of this document.

Quick check guide – step by step

· Is the sales GTIN represented as a barcode on at least two sides of the sales packaging?
· Are the barcodes positioned at the greatest possible distance from each other?
· Are the barcodes out of the customer’s view as much as possible when the pack is positioned in the outer case?
· Are all the barcodes set up in standard size SC2 (or larger, if appropriate)?
· Are the bars at least 16mm tall?
· Have the numeric codes been removed from underneath all barcodes?
· Has one numeric code been positioned next to one of the barcodes and has the typeface been changed?
· Are the barcodes positioned in the flattest, least curved and least crinkled part of the pack?
· If the pack is curved, are the bars positioned to run in the direction of the curvature?
· Are the barcodes positioned away from any sealing areas, perforations and creases?
· Are the quiet zones to the left and right of the bars at least 4mm wide for a SC2 size barcode?
· Do the quiet zones align with the top and bottom of the bars?
· Are the bars and the background to the bars set up in the correct colours?
· Have you considered how to visually integrate the barcodes into the pack design?

Practical tips on barcode positioning

· If a pack is picked up with one hand, at least one barcode should remain uncovered.
If all barcodes can be covered with one hand, the positioning should be adjusted if possible.
· If a barcode appears on the consumer-facing side of the pack it should ideally be positioned
in an area that is covered by the outer case, i.e. most likely the bottom of the front face.
 n small packs that have only one barcode because of space restrictions or for aesthetic reasons
an additional base label with a second barcode has to be applied.

10. Appendix 10
10.2 Glossary
Barcode The overall term for the specific combination of features Module Also known to as X-dimension, Z-module or narrow bar.
required which together form a complete scannable entity. The narrowest bar or space in a barcode. All other bars or
spaces are multiples of this dimension. Bars and spaces
Binary code A number encoded in binary form. Represented in the barcode
are one, two, three, or four modules wide.
by the pattern of dark and light bars. This is the component
read by the scanning device. Module width Nominal width of the narrowest bar or space in a barcode.
Barcode extension The increase in height of a barcode taller than the Numeric code Also referred to as human readable interpretation/code/
specification’s height recommendation. characters. The numbers at the bottom of the barcode which
represent the data encoded in the bars and spaces. The laser
Barcode truncation The reduction in height of a barcode shorter than the
scanner does not read the numeric code.
specification’s height recommendation.
Numeric Representation using only the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0.
Barcode verification The testing of the likely scanning performance of a barcode
and how closely it conforms to specifications. Price code Those barcode digits which encode the weight and price
Barcode verifier A scanning device that performs a series of tests to grade
for the amount sold.
the barcode. Product identifier A unique number allocated to each product by ALDI’s
Check digit A digit which is calculated from preceding digits by means
National Buying Departments.
of a mathematical algorithm to ensure that the barcode data QR Code Quick Response Code: A 2-dimensional matrix code in a
has been correctly composed. square format consisting of dark and light modules which
Contrast The difference between the reflection of light by bars and
represent encoded data.
spaces within a barcode. Quiet zone Also known as light margin or clear area. The clear space to
the left and right of the barcode pattern which enhances
Country identifier Digit within an ALDI EAN-8 barcode with encoded RCN that
barcode legibility.
indicates the country of sale within the ALDI Süd group.
Quiet zone indicators Less than (<) and greater than (>) characters printed
Digit Any of the Arabic numerals 0 to 9.
outside the numeric code in the quiet zone. Not required
EAN European Article Number. Barcode of the EAN/UPC barcode for ALDI barcodes.
type that encodes a GTIN or RCN.
RCN Restricted Circulation Number. Free-of charge barcode
EAN-8 An eight-digit barcode. number allocated by GS1. Used by companies internally,
EAN-13 A thirteen-digit barcode. it does not guarantee worldwide exclusivity. Varies in length
according to the type of barcode used, i.e. an EAN-8 barcode
First-time read rate Percentage of correctly read barcodes when passing encodes an eight-digit RCN.
a product over the cashier’s laser scanner at the checkout
without the cashier having to twist or turn the product. SC Standardised barcode sizes ranging from SC0 to SC9.
The most commonly used barcode size on ALDI product
GS1 The international body which sets barcoding standards. packaging is SC2.
GTIN Global Trade Item Number. Chargeable barcode number Scanner An electronic device to read barcodes and convert them
allocated by GS1 which guarantees worldwide exclusivity. into electrical signals understandable by a computer
Varies in length according to the type of barcode used, (e.g. a cash register).
i.e. an EAN-8 barcode encodes an eight-digit GTIN.
Substrate Material onto which the packaging design is printed.
Guard bars Indicate the start, centre and end of the barcode’s bar pattern
and serve as reference points for the scanning device. UPC-A Universal Product Code, version A. Barcode of the EAN/UPC
barcode type that encodes GTIN-12 and RCN-12. Commonly
Magnification factor Scale factor in relation to the standard SC2 barcode size. used throughout the USA and Canada.

10. Appendix 10
10.3 Contact details
If you have any questions regarding the application of these guidelines,
please contact the Buying Department at ALDI International.

Alternatively, please contact us directly:

Tjarks and Tjarks Design Limited
NWS House, Purley Point
1 High Street
Surrey CR8 2AF
T: 0044 (0)20 8645 5900
F: 0044 (0)20 8645 5939
E: styleguides@tjarksandtjarks.com
W: www.tjarksandtjarks.com

10. Appendix 10
10.4 Download link
1. Please enter the following URL in your browser window:
2. Depending on your browser (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer etc.)
a dialogue box will come up:

Account Login

Username: aldibarcode
Password: ald147ge


3. Enter the user name and password as above.

4. After successful login the downloadable file will be visible.


Please note that the download destination is determined
by your preference settings.

10. Appendix 10
10.5 History of changes
Version 2 (Nov 2012) Version 11 (July 2018)
Page 18: Information about on-sale-date and item code added. In this version, barcodes with encoded GTIN have been introduced. EAN-8 barcodes have
been replaced with EAN-13 barcodes as the new standard. Diagrams and descriptions in
Version 3 (Mar 2013)
chapters 1-4 have been amended accordingly.
Page 89: Additional page with further information for textiles integrated.
Page 119: Download link added. The current chapter 5, consisting of allocation examples for GTIN-encoded barcodes,
has been inserted.
Version 4 (Jun 2013)
Chapter 2, page 17-19: Detailed information on UPC-A barcodes has been added.
Page 107-115: Chapter added on QR Codes.
Chapter 4 , page 34: Further information has been added.
Version 5 (Dec 2014)
Chapter 8: Due to new guidelines relating to product info buttons, some examples
Chapter 7: Information updated to include product info buttons.
have been removed and others updated. A reference to the document “ALDI Guideline for
Page 121: Tjarks and Tjarks address and contact details changed.
Product Information” has been added.
Version 6 (Sep 2015)
Version 12 (July 2019)
Chapter 7, page 113-115: A new 360° view button was added. All related information and
The new document title reflects the addition of information on order encoding and ALDI
application examples were updated.
internal logistics which can be found in chapter 9. Of particular importance is the
Version 7 (Dec 2015) distinction between sales and order GTINs and legacy and variant PLUs.
Chapter 7, page 113: Buttons for GB/IRE, AUS, USA were added. Information on PLU numbers (previously in chapter 4) has been amended and can now
be found in chapter 8.
Version 8 (Apr 2016)
Chapter 3, page 14: A second example was added. Chapter 5 (GTIN allocation rules) has been deleted. This information is now available from
Chapter 3, page 28: The information on check digits was amended. ALDI as a separate document.
Chapter 3, page 29-30: These pages on ‘Store 2014’ check digit calculation were added. Pages 105-109, 122 and 130 (application examples) have been deleted.
Chapter 4, page 32: International number ranges updated.
Version 9 (Aug 2016)
Page i, 14, 28, 29: The spelling of “Store 2014” has been amended.
Chapter 2, page 13: The difference between the 7th and 13th check digits is explained.
Chapter 2, page 14: The second paragraph and the example of the weight encoded barcode
have been changed.
Chapter 2, page 17: The measurements of the EAN-8 barcode have been corrected.
Chapter 3, page 28: The paragraph regarding the EAN-13 barcode has been amended.
Chapter 3, page 29: The second paragraph has been amended to distinguish between the
7th and 13th check digit.
Chapter 3, page 30: Information relating to the Four-Digit Price Field (which is only relevant
to UPC-A barcodes) has been removed.
Version 10 (Oct 2016)
The download link on page 124 has been amended.


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