MDU PH.D Syllabus
MDU PH.D Syllabus
MDU PH.D Syllabus
The Program Specific Learning Outcomes of Ph.D Programme in Law are as follows:
Learning Objectives:
The programs’ academic goals are focused on candidates acquiring the following competencies and skills:
• To be able to analyze and formulate research questions, taking into account emerging research lines
from the field in which they focus their research activity.
• To conceptualize and implement with proper research designs and methodologies to allow them to
contribute to expand the frontiers of knowledge in their respective areas of research.
• To effectively and clearly communicate through participation in international conferences, research
centers visits, interaction with various research groups and publishing of scientific results.
• To be able to occupy challenging academic positions and to lead R & D+I projects.
Learning Outcomes:
PSO1. Attracting students to new legal doctoral programs.
PSO2. A PhD scholar can contribute a lot for the growth of Indian economy and society.
PSO3. The research scholars can help to eliminate deficiencies caused by public policies through their
research work findings.
PSO4. A good doctoral research can contribute in resolving many socio-economic problems. Further, it can
also lead to the enactment of new legislations and amendment of the existing ones.
PSO5. The scholars will be able to clearly communicate through participation in international conferences;
research centers visits, interaction with various research groups and publishing of scientific results.
PSO6. The scholars will be able to occupy challenging academic positions and to lead R & D+I projects.
Ph.D. course work
Duration :One Semester (Six months)
Total Credit requirement: 14 credits
Program Structure:
Course Code Nomenclature of Theory marks Internal Maximum Hours Credits
Course (end semester Assessment marks /Week
examination) marks
20LAWPH11C1 Research 80 20 100 4 4
(Compulsory for Methodology
all Ph.D. Course
20MPCC1 Research and 40 10 50 2 2
(Compulsory for Publication Ethics
all Ph.D. Course
20LAWPH11C2 Current Problems 80 20 100 4 4
and issues in Law
20LAWPH11C3 Constitutional Law 80 20 100 4 4
of India
Total 350 14
Note: The compulsory course on ‘Research and Publication Ethics’ shall be offered by Ch. Ranbir Singh Institute of
Social and Economic Change for all UTDs/Centres/Institutes passed vide Resolution No. 27 of the 271 st meeting of EC
held on 29.7.2020.
Ph.D. Course Work syllabus
Name of the Program Ph.D. Course work in Program Code LAWPH
Name of the Course Research Methodology Course Code 20LAW11C1
Hours/Week 4 Credits 4
Max. Marks. 80 Time 3 Hours
Note: The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit and one compulsory question
consisting of short answer from all units. The candidate has to attempt one question each from each unit along
the compulsory question (5 x 16 = 80 marks)
Course Objectives:
1. To enrich the student with adequate knowledge to understand range of research methods and
complexities and challenges of legal research.
2. To introduce to students approaches, methods and techniques of research in law
3. To develop the ability in scholars for identification and formulation of research problem, preparation of
research design and collection of data.
4. To encourage the students to develop a critical approach towards a legal approach.
5. To develop a appropriate tool and methodology for their research.
Course Outcomes:
1. Obtained necessary skills about identification of research problem and applications of various methods
of research
2. Ability to verify old facts and discover and analyze new facts in doing research
3. Basic knowledge of steps of research like hypothesis, research design, sampling, data collection, report
writing and other methods of research.
4. Ability to understand, appreciate and write a good quality research paper.
5. Write and present the findings of their research in a systematic manner
Unit - I
Meaning, Scope, objectives and significance of Legal Research, Identification and formulation of Research
Problem, Meaning & Feature of Research Design, Hypothesis.
Unit - II
Types of Research, Doctrinal, Non-doctrinal, Merits & Demerits of Doctrinal and Non-Doctrinal, Methods and
Techniques of Data Collection. Qualitative methods observation, interview & case study method, quantitative
methods, questionnaire of schedule.
Unit - III
Sampling Methods, Need, Meaning & Type of Sample, Sources of Data, Primary and Secondary, Classification
and Tabulation of Data Processing, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Unit - IV
Significance of statistics in Socio-legal Research, Use of Computer and e-resources in the Research field work
and report writing. Research paper and Project report
1. S.K. Verma and M. Afzal Wani, (Eds.),2 edition 2001 (2015 Reprint), Legal Research and
Methodology, ILI Publication
2. Kothari C.K., (2009), Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, Wilsey Eastern Limited,
3. Grade J Williams and Hatt K Paul,(1985) reprint, Methods in Social Research, Mc Gaw-Hill Book
Company,London- Singapore
4. Galtung Johan, (1974), Theory and Methods of Social Research, George Allan and Unwin Ltd., New
5. E Sources: West Law; JSTOR, Heinonline, EPW, Parliament of India.
Ph.D. Course Work syllabus
Name of the Program Ph.D. Course work in Program Code LAWPH
Name of the Course Research and Publication Course Code 20MPCC1
Hours/Week 2 Credits 2
Max. Marks. 40 Time 3 Hours
Note: The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit and one compulsory question
consisting of short answer from all units. The candidate has to attempt one question each from each unit along
the compulsory question (05 x 08 = 40 marks)
Course Objectives:
1. To study the philosophy of ethics
2. To study the scientific conduct of research
3. To study the publication ethics
4. To know about various journal citation databases
5. To know the importance of quality publications
Course Outcomes:
1. Ethics in conduct of scientific research
2. Know the scientific misconducts
3. How to avoid plagiarism and what are the penalties of plagiarism
4. Know the quality of research publications
5. Write research and review articles.
Unit - I
1. Introduction to philosophy: definition, nature and scope, concept, branches
2. Ethics: definition, moral philosophy, nature of moral judgments and reactions
1. Ethics with respect to science and research
2. Intellectual honesty and research integrity
3. Scientific misconducts: Falsification, Fabrication, and Plagiarism (FFP)
4. Redundant publications: duplicate and overlapping publications, salami slicing
5. Selective reporting and misrepresentation of data
Unit - II
1. Publication ethics: definition, introduction and importance
2. Best practices/ standards setting initiatives and guidelines: COPE, WAME, etc.
3. Conflicts of interest
4. Publication misconduct: definition, concept, problems that lead to unethical behavior and vice versa,
5. Violation of publications ethics, authorship and contributorship
6. Identification of publication misconduct, complaints and appeals
7. Predatory publishers and journals
Unit - III
(A) Databases
1. Indexing databases
2. Citation databases: Web of Science, Scopus, etc.
(B) Research Metrics
1. Impact Factor of journal as per Journal Citation Report, SNIP, SIR, IPP, Cite Score
2. Metrics: h-index, g index, i10 index, altmetrics
Unit - IV
1. Open access publications and initiatives
2. SHERPA/RoMEO online resource to check publisher copyright and self-archiving policies
3. Software tool to identify predatory publications developed by SPPU
4. Journal finder/journal suggestion tools viz. JANE, Elsevier Journal Finder, Springer Journal Suggested,
(A) Group Discussions
1. Subject specific ethical issues, FFP, authorship
2. Conflicts of interest
3. Complaints and appeals: examples and fraud from India and abroad
(B) Software tools (2 hrs.): Use of plagiarism software like Tumitin, Urkund and other source
software tools
1. Bird, A. (2006). Philosophy of Science, Routledge
2. P.Chaddah (2018) Ethics in Competitive Research: Do not get scooped; do not get plagiarized.
3. Indian National Science Academy (INSA), Ethics in Science Education, Research and Governance
4. Beall, J (2022), Predatory publishers are corrupting open access. Nature, 489(7415),179.
5. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering and Institute of Medicine (2009). On
being a Scientist: A guide to Responsible Conduct in Research, Third Edition, national Academic press.
Ph.D. Course Work syllabus
Name of the Program Ph.D. Course work in Law Program Code LAWPH
Name of the Course Current Problems and Course Code 20LAW11C2
issues in Law
Hours/Week 4 Credits 4
Max. Marks. 80 Time 3 Hours
Note: The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit and one compulsory question
consisting of short answer from all units. The candidate has to attempt one question each from each unit along
the compulsory question (5 x 16 = 80 marks)
Course Objectives:
• The students will learn about right to maintenance, essential conditions of marriage etc. under Hindu &
Muslim Law.
• The students will be made aware about law relating to geographical indications & copy rights.
• The students will be apprised about Panchayati Raj, 9th Schedule Controversy, emerging trends in
Environmental jurisprudence etc.
• Ambit of study revolves around laws relating to women empowerment, right to information, cyber
crimes etc.
Course Outcomes:
• Scholars will demonstrate knowledge of substantive law in the related areas or legal problems.
• The scholars can determine the legal issues which are relevant by factual circumstances
• The scholars can learn to resolve the legal issues and problems through the knowledge of substantive
& procedural laws.
• Develop potential legal solutions
Unit - I
a) Law relating to Maintenance under Hindu and Muslim Laws
b) Essential Conditions of Marriage
c) Law Relating to Geographical Indications
d) Law Relating to Copy Rights
e) Compensatory Jurisprudence and the Indian Constitution
Unit - II
a) 9th Schedule Controversy
b) Law relating to Maintenance and Management of Land Records
c) Panchayati Raj System
d) Access to Justice
e) Recent Trends in the Civil Procedure
Unit - III
a) Law relating to Scientific Investigation in Criminal matters.
b) Constitutionality of Death Penalty as Punishment.
c) Roadmap to Coppen Haggen
d) Emerging Trends in Environmental Jurisprudence
e) Reforms in Legal Education
Unit - IV
a) Laws relating to Women Empowerment
b) Law relating to Right to Information
c) Law relating to Disadvantage Sections
d) State Jurisdiction in International Disputes
e) Emerging Trends in Cyber Crimes
1. Duggal Pavan, Cyber Security Law, Sabshar Law Publication
2. Harshali Chowdhary, Punjab & Haryana Land Laws, Central Law Publications
3. Singh Avtar and Kaur Harpreet, (2020), Introduction to Jurisprudence, 5th Edition
4. Parajape N.V., Studies in Jurisprudence & Legal Theory, Central Law Agency
5. Wadehra, B.L., Law relating to Intellectual Property, Universal Law Publication
Ph.D. Course Work syllabus
Name of the Program Ph.D. Course work in Program Code LAWPH
Name of the Course Constitutional Law of Course Code 20LAW11C3
Hours/Week 4 Credits 4
Max. Marks. 80 Time 3 Hours
Note: The examiner has to set a total of nine questions (two from each unit and one compulsory question
consisting of short answer from all units. The candidate has to attempt one question each from each unit along
the compulsory question (5 x 16 = 80 marks)
Course Objectives:
• Justice-Social, economic & political
• Liberty- thought, expression, faith, belief and worship.
• Equality – of citizens & opportunity
• Fraternity – among all
• All these ideals are given in preamble. Apart from the above, the scholars will be made aware of
fundamental rights, fundamental duties, Directive Principles of State Policy.
• Scholars are guided through problems & perspectives in the relations between centre & the states
Course Outcomes:
• The scholars will demonstrate understanding various concepts of rule of law.
• The scholars can analyze the salient features of Indian Constitution.
• The scholars can get clarity about different concepts like fundamental rights, fundamental duties &
directive principles of state policy
• The scholars can make a comparative analysis of the Indian Constitution with the Constitution of other
Unit - I
a) Fundamental Rights
b) Directive Principles
Unit - II
a) Fundamental Duties
b) Union and State Legislature
Unit - III
a) Union and State Executive
b) Union and State Judiciary
Unit - IV
a) Amendment
b) Emergency
1. Pandey J.N. (2020), Constitutional Law of India, Central Law Agency, ISBN – 8194568641
2. Jain M.P. (2018), Indian Constitutional Law, Lexis-Nexis, 8th Ed
3. Jain Ashok K. (2021), Constitutional Law of India, Ascent Publication, 4th Edition
4. Basu Durga Das (2017), Commentary on the Constitution of India, Lexis Nexis, Vol-8
5. Kanth, M. Laxmi (2019), Indian Polity, McGraw Hill, 6th Edition