Berlingo II 2003 - Spec PDF
Berlingo II 2003 - Spec PDF
Berlingo II 2003 - Spec PDF
Features Cloth trim seats
Citroën imported and distributed by Ateco Automotive, Private Mail Bag 53, St Peters, NSW 2044
Visit: All Enquiries: 1800 600 005
Ateco Automotive Pty Ltd trading as Citroën Australia reserves the right to discontinue or change the models, features, specifications, options, designs and prices of the products
referred to in this brochure without incurring any liability whatsoever to any purchaser or prospective purchaser of any such products. Some of the items herein are optional at extra
cost. Consult your Citroën Dealer for the latest information on models, specifications, features, prices, options and availability. ABN 34 000 486 706. Print date: October 2003