Ucun Bahasa Inggris Paket A
Ucun Bahasa Inggris Paket A
Ucun Bahasa Inggris Paket A
ones who lived twenty days away, knew about D. Mamad was the next king for his
him. honesty
The king heard about Mamad and ordered his
subjects to bring him to the palace. He looked 31. “… which he saw with his own eyes.”
at the wise man and asked: This expression means … .
" Mamad, is it true, that you have never lied?" A. the king looked at Mamad
" It's true." B. the king saw the truth of Mamad
"And you will never lie in your life?" C. the king met the queen at the palace
" I'm sure in that." D. the king found the crowd on the way to
"Okay, tell the truth, but be careful! The lie is the palace
cunning and it gets on your tongue easily."
Several days passed and the king called The following text for questions 32 to 34
Mamad once again. There was a big crowd:
the king was about to go hunting. The king Making coloured and scented candles
held his horse by the mane, his left foot was is really quick and simple. What‟s more,
already on the stirrup. He ordered Mamad: you‟ll save so much money. If making candle
"Go to my summer palace and tell the queen I is easy, why do you ever bought one from a
will be with her for lunch. Tell her to prepare a shop?
big feast. You will have lunch with me then."
Mamad bowed down and went to the queen. What you need in making candle
Then the king laughed and said: "We won't go are wax, moulds, wick, dye discs, essential
hunting and now Mamad will lie to the queen.
oils, and a double boiler. All these materials
Tomorrow we will laugh on his behalf."
Mamad went to the palace and said: "Maybe are available from craft shops. Or if you do not
you should prepare a big feast for lunch want to buy them, you can improvise with an
tomorrow, and maybe you shouldn't. Maybe old saucepan, pyrex jug, or even a sturdy can,
the king will come by noon, and maybe he in a pot of water. After providing the
won't." "Tell me, will he come, or won't he?" - materials, follow
asked the queen. "I don't know weather he put this procedure or instruction in making
his right foot on the stirrup, or he put his left
foot on the ground after I left." candles!
Everybody waited for the king. He came the
…, melt the wax. All wax has a flash point, so
next day and said to the queen: "The wise
Mamad, who never lies, lied to you to prevent it bursting into flames, you must
yesterday." But the queen told him about the melt it in a double boiler, with water in the
words of Mamad. And the king realized, that bottom pan.
the wise man never lies, and says only that, Then, prepare the mould with the
which he saw with his own eyes. wick. Thread the wick through the mould and
Home ❱ Folktales ❱ African folktales make sure that you leave a good few
centimetres sticking out of the hole in the
28. What is being told in the text above? After that, add the scent. If you want a
A. An honest man scented candle, add a few drops of essential
B. Mamad and the king oil to the melted wax. You can use any
C. A wise king for a queen essential oil you like, as long as it doesn‟t
D. A wise queen in a kingdom contain water.
Next step, pour the wax into the mould. Try
29. What is the main idea of the last
paragraph? and tip the wax into the mould quickly, all in
A. Everybody waited for the king one go, to minimise spillage and air bubbles.
B. The queen told the king the truth Then, release the bubbles and top it
C. The king realized Mamad never lied up. Releasing the air bubbles will eventually
D. The king found himself true for make the candle sink, so you will need to top it
Mamad up with more melted wax.
30. One of these statements below is true Finally, remove it from the mould after four
based on or five hours.
the text: Your candle is now ready for display.
A. There was a feast for Mamad Remember, you must always leave it for a day
B. The king had failed in his attempt before lighting it.
C. The queen was worried about the king
32. The purpose of the text is to …
A. to make us know about the candle Fox made her acting debut in the 2001 film
B. to inform that making candle is easy Holiday in the Sun, as spoiled heiress Brianna
Wallace and rival of Alex Stewart, which was
C. to guide us step by step to
released direct-to-DVD on November 20,
make scented 2001. In the next several years she guest-
candles starred on What I Like About You and Two
D. to give information the end process of and a Half Men, as well as being an
making the candles unaccredited extra in Bad Boys II (2003).
33. What should we do if we want to make
the candle become a scented one? In 2004, she made her film debut in
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen co-
A. Add a few drops of essential oil to the starring opposite Lindsay Lohan, playing the
melted wax supporting role of Carla Santini, a rival of
B. Melt the wax in a double boiler Lola (Lohan). Fox was also cast in a regular
C. Prepare the mould with the wick role on the ABC sitcom Hope & Faith, in
D. Release the bubbles and top it up which she portrayed Sydney Shanowski,
replacing Nicole Paggi. Fox appeared in
seasons 2 to 3, until the show was cancelled
34. “…, melt the wax. All wax has a flash
by ABC in May 2006.
point, so to prevent it bursting into flames,
…” In 2009, Fox had her first lead role since the
What is the suitable word to complete the Transformers series; she portrayed the title
sentence? character in Jennifer's Body, written by
A. Then Academy Award–winning screenwriter
B. Secondly Diablo Cody.
C. After that
On October 29, 2017, it was announced that
D. First of all Fox would appear in the upcoming pre-
production film, "Shadow Girl", beside Olivia
The text below is for questions 35 to 38
Thirlby and Alan Ritchson.
When she was 13 years old, Fox began 37. What is the main idea of the third
modeling after winning several awards at the paragraph?
1999 American Modeling and Talent A. Megan Fox was released direct-to-
Convention in Hilton Head, South Carolina. DVD .
At age 17, she tested out of school via B. Megan fox guest-starred on Two and a
correspondence in order to move to Los Half Men.
Angeles, California
C. Megan fox guest-starred on What I
Like About You.
Text following text is for question 42 to 45
D. Megan Fox made her first acting on
film Holiday in the Sun. Lizard is the animals that
belong to reptile that has scales and
38. “….in which she portrayed Sydney Shanowski, four legs. Based on the size of the
replacing Nicole Paggi”. body, these animals are classified into
What does the underlined refer to? two groups that are small- bodied
A. Megan‟s father. lizards like home lizards, sand
B. Stepfather. lizards, geckos, and big-bodied lizard
C. Stepbrother. such as Biawak, and Komodo. Large-
bodied lizard‟s length can reach
D. Stepsister
more than 3 m. Lizard‟ body is
Text following text is for question 39 to 41 generally filled by scales but some
On last Wednesday, I’ve got unforgettable are smooth and shiny like type of
experience. The day before, I played game on- Infraordo Scincomorpha. This
line until 00.00 am. Because of that I woke up animal belongs to cold-bodied
late. animals. They need sun to regulate
It was about 7.30 am and the class would their body temperature.
be started at 8.00 am. I ran to bathroom to trunk of the tree Lizard
has various
are the
take a bath. I used to have breakfast before explorer live.
of lizards
live explore
on the land
leaving home, but on that day It was environment
to hunt their
prey.of them lives
impossible. Although
inside soil
this (tonsorial)
species are
I always rode motorcycle to go. But what an predator, some
but actually
snake hangs
aroundfoodon is
amazing thing happened, I forgot where I put varied. They
or in the
can eat fruits; seeds, insects,
the key. So, I went to campus by public amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Even
transportation. Of course, it took longer time. komodo can eat prey which is larger than its
I arrived at 8.15 am, I hurried to get to class body. Most lizards reproduce by spawning
but I saw my lecturer was standing in front of such as home lizard and Komodo dragon but
the class to teach. I entered to my class and some reproduces by yeaning.
you know what, he was angry to me and didn’t They are not dangerous for
let me to join his material. humans. It is generally useful for
It was my bad experience and I hoped I would humans as pest control, pet, medicine
not do that again. and much more. However, there are
also several types of them that are
harmful to humans such as Komodo
39. What should you learn from the text? and Biawak. There are even lizards
We should …. that have very strong poison such as
A. keep our motorcycle key at the right Giant Mad Lizard and Beads Lizard
place which can be found in Mexico.
B. have our breakfast every morning
C. obey our lecturers‟ regulation 42. Who is interested in reading the text?
D. manage our time correctly A. Gastronomist
B. Biologist
40. Why didn‟t the lecturer let the writer C. Scientist
getting to D. Chemist
the class? Because …..
A. the lecturer has finished his material 43. What does the lizard need to regulate its
B. the writer came late to the class that body
day temperature?
C. the lecturer was really upset to the A. Water
writer B. Wind
D. the writer entered the class without C. Air
permission D. Sun
41. The writer woke up late last 44. According to the text above, paragraph 2
Wednesday because he …. tells you about ....
A. played his hobby until midnight A. many types
B. had to join the crucial material B. diverse preys
C. came on time to his class C. various habitats
D. faced an amazing thing D. different species
45. “They need sun to regulate their body
temperature. “ What is the suitable word to complete the
The underlined word has the closest sentence?
meaning to .... A. After that
A. shine B. Finally
B. adjust C. Firstly
C. circulate D. Then
D. reproduce
Text following text is for questions 46 to 48 The text below is for questions 49 and 50
How To make Fried Banana You have my heart
Ingredients: And we'll never be worlds apart
1. 750 grams banana Maybe in magazines
2. 200 grams whole wheat flour But you'll still be my star
3. 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder Baby, 'cause in the dark
4. 2 tablespoon palm sugar You can't see shiny cars
5. 1 teaspoon salt And that's when you need me there
6. 450 ml water With you I'll always share
7. 125 grams rice flour Because
1 B 26 D
2 D 27 C
3 C 28 A
4 A 29 C
5 C 30 B
6 B 31 B
7 A 32 C
8 C 33 A
9 A 34 D
10 B 35 A
11 A 36 B
12 D 37 D
13 C 38 B
14 A 39 D
15 D 40 B
16 B 41 A
17 D 42 B
18 D 43 D
19 B 44 C
20 B 45 B
21 A 46 C
22 D 47 D
23 A 48 B
24 D 49 D
25 B 50 C