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Create value through Create value through Create value through Create value through Create value through Create value through Create value through Create value through Create value through Create value through forms Create value through the nature Create value through
unique cost strategies creative ways of making money superior processes talent and assets better networks products product systems services the mode of delivery of customer engagement of your customer relationships brand strategy

Asset Standardization Add On Add on Financial Services Crowdsourcing Competency Center Affiliation Added Functionality Complements Added Value Context-Specific Augmented Reality Automated Services Brand Architecture
Reduce operating costs Offer a core product for slim or Capture revenue not only from Outsource repetitive or Cluster resources, practices and Support others in selling products, Add new capabilities to an existing Up-sell or cross-sell related or Include an additional service or Offer timely access to offerings Humanize your offerings with Combine self-service with highly Develop sub-brands to extend
and increase modularity by no margins; then realize profit on the direct sale but from after-sale challenging work to a large group expertise into centers to increase benefiting from their transactions. offering. peripheral products or services to function as part of the base price. that are appropriate for a specific intentional, on-brand immersive automated and personalized offerings as variants of your brand
standardizing your assets. additional offerings. financial products. of semi-organised individuals. efficiency and effectiveness. a customer. situation. experiences. processes. for new target groups.

Cost Leadership (No Frills) Advertising-Based Auction Flexible Manufacturing Corporate University Alliances Adjacent Jobs to be Done Ecosystem Play Automatic Adjustment Cross Selling Community & Belonging Co-creation Brand Development
Keep variable costs low and sell Provide a free product or service Allow a market and its users to set Use a production system that can Provide job-specific or company- Share risks and revenue to jointly Strengthen the overall offering by Develop platform API spaces that Create services that differeniate Offer additional products or Facilitate emotional connections Co-create products/services/ Develop your brand to engage the
high volumes at low prices. and rely on hidden advertising the price for goods and services. rapidly react to changes and still specific training for managers. improve individual competitive developing in adjacent areas of the target a unique set of players in an for varying levels of product usage services when customers are likely in order to make people feel that support/content with customers. emotions and attract new
revenue. operate efficiently. advantage. corecustomer JTBD. ecosystem. and support. to want to buy them. they are part of a movement. customers.

Costs per Unit Broker Bundled Pricing Intellectual Property Decentralized Management Competition Bespoke Extensions or Plug-Ins Concierge Digitization Customer Autonomy Communities Brand Leverage
Decrease costs per unit so as to Provide a platform where buyers Sell grouped products at a price Use a proprietary process to Devolve decision-making Join forces with a competitor to A Value Proposition that is Allow additions from internal or Provide premium service by Convert products or services into Grant customers the power to Leverage communities for critical Allow others to use your brand
improve the scalability of your cost and sellers can meet, thus less than the sum of individual commercialize ideas in ways that governance closer to the people or achieve common goals. completely tailored to each third-party resources that add taking on value-adding tasks for digital versions allowing for rapid shape their own experience. processes over the customer to lend them credibility while
structure. facilitating their interactions. products, increasing total revenue. others can’t copy. business. customer‘s requirements. functionality. customers. distribution. lifecycle. extending your reach.

Decrease Service Level Cash Up Front Disaggregated Pricing Lean Production Incentive Systems Complementary Partnering Conservation Integrated Offering Customization Diversification Customer Sourcing Long-Term Co-Branding
Decrease service levels through Receive payment upfront and earn Allow customers to buy exactly Reduce waste and costs in your Offer rewards to provide Leverage assets by sharing them Design your product so that end Combine otherwise discrete Allow the customer to tailor the Add/expand into new or different Gather key customer insights in a Drive value by focusing on long- Cooperate with complementary
automation or customer self-help interest prior to product delivery. (and only) what they want. manufacturing process and other motivation for a particular course with companies that serve similar users can reduce their use of components into a complete service to their preferences. channels. way that benefits both parties and term customer relationships and brands to increase value.
communities. operations. of action. markets. energy or materials. experience. strengthens loyalty. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Economies of Scale Flat Rate Dynamic Pricing Localization Innovation Teams Consolidation Demand-Driven Long Tail Guarantee E-Commerce Direct Marketing Automation Personal Assistance Component Branding
Create cost advantages as the Single fixed fee charged for Vary prices for an offering based Adapt an offering, process or Combine talent and other key Acquire multiple companies in the Allow a customer to automatically Sell small quantities of a large Remove customer risk of losses or Deliver traditional products and Use data, algorithms and know- Offer personal assistance to the Invest in additional branding of an
output expands. product or service regardless of on demand. experience to target a specific assets in new ways that unlock same market or complementary use more or less of a resource in range of digital products. downtime from product failure or services through online channels. how to give your target market customer at key moments in the iconic component to leverage
usage. culture or region. hidden value. markets. real time. purchase error. exactly what they want. relationship. overall brand value.

Economies of Scope Forced Scarcity Freemium Lock In IT Integration Coopetition Ease of Use Modular Systems Lease or Loan Flagship Store Experience Automation Relationship Model Employer of Choice
Create cost advantages as the Limit the availability (by quantity, Draw customers in with a free Lock in customers via technological Integrate technology resources Cooperation between competing Make your product simple, intuitive Provide a set of individual Let customers pay over time to Create a retail outlet to showcase Remove repetitive tasks from users Dedicate a representative to work Create strong employer branding
scope of operations expands. time frame or access) to drive up product, while making certain mechanisms or product and applications. companies resulting in mutually and comfortable to use. components that gain utility when lower their upfront costs. quintessential brand and product to simplify their lives and make room specifically with high-value clients. to attract the best talent.
demand and prices. features available to paid users. interdependencies. benefical market growth. combined. aspects. for more pleasurable experiences.

Fixed to Variable Costs Bait & Hook Licensing Logistic Systems Knowledge Management Crowdfunding Engaging Functionality Product Bundling Loyalty Programs Go Direct Experience Enabling Self Service Increased Loyalty
Turn fixed into variable costs by Sell the basic product cheaply Develop intellectual property that Manage the flow of resources Share relevant info internally to Finance a product or project by Provide an unexpected feature Sell several products as one Provide benefits and/or discounts Skip traditional retail channels and Offer a previously improbable Give customers the resources Strengthen the emotional bond of
leasing or other schemes. and earn money through ongoing can be licensed to other parties for between the point of origin and reduce redundancy and improve harnessing small investors via the that elevates the customer combined offering. to h-value customers. connect directly with customers. set of experiences that appeal to to do their own support and identification with customers to
purchase of consumables. a fee. the point of use. performance. Ichainnternet. interaction. customer emotions. troubleshooting. motivate re-purchase.

Fractional Ownership Membership Metered Use On-Demand Production Leverage Customer Data Franchising Environmental Sensitivity Productize Services Managed Service Indirect Distribution Experience Simplification Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Ingredient Branding
Share an asset that is occasionally Charge for access to offerings that Allow customers to pay only for Produce items after an order has Collect and analyze customer data License business principles, Create offerings that reduce Package your service like a Managing complex processes for Use others as resellers who take Reduce complexity and focus on Provide a single person that Create a brand that brings value
used across a group of owners. non-members don’t have. what they use. been received to reduce inventory to increase revenue. processes and brand to paying resource needs or are even product. customers on a proactive basis. responsibility for delivering delivering specific experiences a customer can contact with to an ecosystem of products and
costs. partners. beneficial to the environment. offerings to the final user. exceptionally well. requests or inquiries. other brands.

Location On-Demand Pay per Use Predictive Analysis Make More of It Horizontal Intergration Feature Aggregation Product Line On-Demand Low Cost Center Gamification Switching Costs Private Label
Relocation of operations to lower Charge a premium for the Capture revenue from usage or Model past data and predict future Sell excess assets and capability Increase the production of goods Combine a number of existing Create a product system that Provided services that deliver Sell a high volume and wide Leverage gamification to enhance Increase or decrease the costs asso- Strengthen the retail company‘s
cost environments. convenience of on-demand from consumables down the line. success by designing and pricing capacity to other companies. and services at the same part of features from disparate sources allows customers to upgrade/ value to a customer upon request. range of products in a low cost insights gained from customer ciated with a customer switching to brand with a derived label.
services. accordingly. the supply chain. into a single offering. downgrade in terms of needs. enviornment. interfaces. an alternative product or service.

Outsourcing Pay What You Want Performance-Based Process Automation Organizational Design Merger & Acquisition (M&A) Focus Product/Service Platforms Personalization Outsourced Sales Mastery Transactional Umbrella Brand
Strategically outsource non-core Invite customers to set the price Waive standard fees or costs if Apply tools/systems to manage Make form follow function and Combine two or more entities to Design a product or service for a Develop systems that connect The tailoring of a service to a Sell bulk/commoditized goods via Help customers to obtain a useful Make the relationship with Leverage a single brand name for
activities to decrease costs and they want to pay. certain goals are achieved, but routine activities in order to free align your structure with core gain access to capabilities and particular audience. other products or services to customer based on their personal an independent sales forces. skill or deep knowledge of some customers transactional in nature. the sale of several products.
improve business focus. charge extra if they are not. up employees’ time. qualities and processes. assets. create a holistic offering. information. activity or subject.

Physical > Digital Assets Premium Revenue Sharing Process Efficiency Outsourcing Open Business Market-Agnostic Specialization Product Smartification Realtime/Scheduled Non-Traditional Channels Personalization
Move customer experiences from Price at a higher margin than Share revenue across customer Create more while using less Assign responsibility for Collaborate with with partners in Provide one value-adding step Develop smart add-on technology Fullfill a customer request Employ relevant but creative Alter a standard offering to allow
brick and mortar branches to competitors, usually for a superior bases and market interfaces. in terms of materials, energy developing or maintaining a the ecosystem to create additional across many different markets. to products and services that immediately or according to avenues to reach and service the projection of the customer’s
online omni-channels. offering. consumption or time. system to an outside vendor. value. enhances customer value. schedule. customers. identity.

Pool Purchasing Power Subscription Process Standardisation Reverse innovation Open Innovation Mass Customization Self-Service On-Demand Reward Engagement
Collaborate with other businesses Enjoy recurring revenue by Use common procedures to reduce Market a product produced for In-license or out-license processes Allow the customer to change the Provide tools to customers so that Deliver goods in real-time Reward customer engagement
to save money on supplies and charging customers upfront complexity, costs and errors. emerging markets as a low cost or patents to leverage, extend and offering to their own preferences they can serve themselves. whenever and whereever they are that promotes your brand.
other goods. monthly payments. option in developed markets. build on expertise. and needs. desired.

Shared Incentives Vertical Intergration Secondary Markets Opposites Attract Superior Service Pop-Up Presence Status & Recognition
Put shared incentives in place to Control key value chain steps, Connect waste streams or by- Create an offering that is diametri- Provide services that offer a better Create a noteworthy but Appreciate, recognize & reward
reduce costs. including all resources and products with those who want cally to competitors, the novelty of experience than your competitors. temporary space to showcase and/ customer‘s individual value.
capabilities that create value. them. which attracts new customers. or sell offerings.

Virtual Office Supply Chain Integration Safety Supplementary Service Premium Experience Use Data
Reduce office/operating costs by Integrate information and/or Increase the customer’s level of Offer ancillary serivces that fit with Sell premium offerings in a Use customer data to improve
working remotely. processes across different parts of confidence and security. your offering. high-end customer experience customer engagement and
the value chain. environment. experience.

Simplification Total Experience Management

Omit superfluous details, features Provide a thoughtful, holistic
and interactions to reduce experience across an offering’s
complexity. lifecycle.

Superior Product Try Before You Buy

Develop an offering of exceptional Let customers test and experience
design, quality and/or experience. offering before investing in it.

User Support Systems

Provide a communal resource for
product and service support, use
and extension.

Proudly made available OpenSource. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
Designed by: Digital Leadership AG – digitalleadership.com. Building on the 10 types of innovation from Doblin, the 55 Business Models from the University of St. Gallen and the Business Model Gallery. digitalleadership.com/UNITE

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