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Types of Commissioning

Chapter 2
Types of Commissioning

he first step in consider Retrocommissioning
ing or planning a com ■ Recommissioning
missioning program for ■ Continuous Commissioning “A leader takes people
your facility is to under where they want to go. A
stand the different types of commis
sioning available, and which types COMMISSIONING FOR NEW great leader takes people
where they don’t necessarily

of commissioning are best suited to CONSTRUCTION / MAJOR want to go but ought to be.”
your facility’s unique requirements.
Rosalynn Carter
In general, a commissioning pro
gram is best applied during the fol
lowing: Commissioning is a systematic
process of ensuring that all building
■ During new construction or a systems perform interactively ac
major renovation of an existing cording to the design intent and the
building. Owner’s operational needs. The
process evaluates building equip
■ When an existing building is ment, subsystems, operation and
experiencing problems with maintenance (O&M) procedures,
operational performance, and performance of all building
energy efficiency, and/or components to ensure that they
occupant comfort and safety. function effi
ciently, and as
■ As a maintenance approach to designed, as a
ensure that equipment and system. This is
systems are operating at peak achieved by be
performance, energy efficiency ginning in the
is optimized, and occupant planning or
comfort and safety are high. early design
phase of a con
The types of commissioning that fit struction project
into these applications that will be with the docu
discussed in this and subsequent mentation of de
chapters are: sign intent, and
■ Commissioning for New through con
Construction/Renovation struction, ac
ceptance, and
Types of Commissioning

In this Chapter
◆ Commissioning for New Construction / Major Renovation
◆ Retrocommissioning
◆ Recommissioning
◆ Continuous Commissioning
◆ Best Practices

the warranty period with the actual the containment goals for fume
verification of each building hoods and bio-safety cabinets and of
system’s performance. primary and secondary barriers so
that their compliance with the re-
10 The commissioning process encom- quirements can be verified during
passes and coordinates the tradition the commissioning process.
ally separate functions of system
documentation, equipment startup, Often too, local fire marshals alone
control system calibration, testing are responsible for the inspection,
and balancing, performance testing, testing, and approval of all fire pre
and training. It defines a mainte vention and protection devices and
nance baseline against which future systems. In that case, commission
condition assessments and trending ing is coordinated with the fire
can be compared. marshal’s work, his efforts are ob
served by the CxA, and a copy of
Commissioning may include the the official fire marshal report is in
building envelope, the building cluded as part of the Final Commis
HVAC systems, controls, electrical, sioning Report.
conveyance, plumbing fixtures, life
safety, security, or any combinations The commissioning process does not
of these systems and others. take away from or reduce the re
sponsibility of the system designers
The specific person or organization or installing contractors to provide a
that conducts and oversees the com finished and fully functioning build
missioning process is the Commis ing. Commissioning does not take
sioning Authority (or Agent), the place of or reduce in any way
commonly referred to as the “CxA.” the contractor’s responsibilities for
conducting an active project quality
Often, the assistance of subject mat control program.
ter experts is required. Commission
ing of laboratories requires special The Commissioning
attention and involvement of the
Owner’s environmental health and
safety (EH&S) staff as part of the Commissioning is systematic. It in
commissioning team. For example, cludes testing all items in all modes
they will help the CxA understand of operation. Equipment is first in
Types of Commissioning

spected while it is turned off to throughout the life of the project will
make sure that it is installed fully produce the best results. Each of
and correctly. Equipment is then en these will be discussed in greater
ergized, started, and tested under detail later:
controlled conditions. After this ini
tial testing and inspection, integrated Pre-design
systems are tested through all
■ Determine project objectives
cycles and scenarios, including
and develop Owner’s Criteria.
power failure and emergency alarm
■ Develop commissioning require
modes, to ensure they operate as
required and intended.
■ Hire or assign Commissioning
Authority (CxA).
In the course of commissioning, key
parameters and baseline information
of the systems are documented, or Design 11
ganized, and preserved in the Com ■ Design team develops project
missioning Report and O&M design; CxA reviews design
manual, as applicable. intent, basis of design docu
ments, and drawings and
Commissioning typically follows the provides feedback to design
phases of the new construction or team.
renovation project. Although it is not ■ CxA develops commissioning
necessary to perform commission plan.
ing tasks during each phase of con ■ Design team develops project
struction, implementing the process specifications; CxA develops

What Type of Commissioning Should I Choose?

My building is… Consider…
… going to be undergoing a major renovation in the Commissioning - Ideal for new construction or
next year. major renovation, and best implemented through
all phases of the construction project.
… old and experiencing a lot of equipment failures. Retrocommissioning - Ideal for older facilities that
have never been through a commissioning process.

… relatively new and was commissioned during its Recommissioning - Ideal to tune up buildings that
construction, but our energy costs have been climb have already been commissioned, bring them back
ing recently. to their original design intent and operating/energy
… large and complex. We have a metering system Continuous Commissioning - Ideal for facilities
and a preventive maintenance program, but will still with building automation systems (BAS), advanced
struggle with high energy costs and tenant com metering systems, and advanced O&M organiza
plaints. tions.
Types of Commissioning

Commissioning’s Objectives
Commissioning is intended to achieve the follow-
ing specific objectives:
◆ ... that applicable equipment and systems are
installed according to the manufacturer’s rec-
ommendations and to industry accepted mini-
mum standards
◆ ... that applicable equipment and systems re-
12 ceive adequate operational checkout by install-
ing contractors
◆ ... and documentation of proper performance of equipment and systems
under various conditions
◆ ... of the proper interactions between systems and subsystems
◆ ... that systems and O&M documentation left on site is complete
◆ ... that the building’s O&M staff has been adequately trained.

commissioning specifications. ■ CxA works with installing

contractors to verify start-up
Installation/Construction and perform verification to
ready systems and equipment
■ CxA gathers and reviews design
for FPT.
and project documentation.
■ CxA holds periodic commission
ing meetings to integrate the Acceptance
process and schedule into the ■ CxA directs and oversees
overall construction project. installing contractors’ perfor
■ CxA develops verification mance of FPT, observed by
checklists and functional Owner’s selected maintenance
performance test (FPT) forms. staff; deficiencies are reported.
■ CxA monitors construction ■ CxA validates building Testing
progress. and Balancing (TAB) report
■ CxA works with the Owner to data.
ensure selected maintenance ■ CxA directs and oversees
staff members are given the installing contractors’ perfor
training opportunity of observing mance of equipment condition
the installation and testing of acceptance testing, observed by
specific systems for which they Owner’s selected maintenance
will inherit maintenance respon staff; deficiencies are corrected
sibilities. and condition baseline data is
Types of Commissioning

included in the final Commis three-phase pump motor of a chiller

sioning Report and O&M system).
■ CxA works with installing For most equipment, the installing
contractors to reschedule FPT contractors execute the checklists
as needed when deficiencies on their own. The CxA requires that
are present; corrections to the procedures and results be docu
deficiencies are verified by mented in writing and usually wit
CxA. nesses only the verification testing
■ CxA reviews and verifies of the larger or more critical pieces
O&M manuals for complete of equipment. Other components
ness and applicability. are validated randomly by the CxA.
■ CxA oversees, Contractor
conducts, and Owner coordi Functional Performance Tests
nates prescribed training for the 13
Functional performance tests are a
O&M staff. series of tests of the function and
operation (and sometimes, condi
Post-acceptance/Warranty tion) of equipment and systems us
■ CxA prepares the Final Com ing manual (direct observation) or
missioning Report. monitoring methods. Functional per
■ CxA conducts site visits to formance testing is the dynamic
interview O&M staff on system testing of systems (rather than just
performance. components) under full operation
■ Deferred and/or seasonal (e.g., the chiller pump is tested in
testing is performed. teractively with the chiller functions
to see if the pump ramps up and
Types of Testing Used down to maintain the differential
pressure set point).
Verification Checks
Verifications checks are equipment Systems are tested under various
inspections that ensure proper in modes, such as during low cooling
stallation and configuration. This or heating loads, high loads, compo
testing employs checklists to verify nent failures, unoccupied condition,
that the equipment or system is varying outside air temperatures,
ready for initial start-up (e.g., flex fire alarm, and power failure. The
ible conduit is connected, belt ten systems are run through all the con
sion is correct, oil levels are trol system’s sequences of opera
adequate, labels are affixed, gauges tion, and components are verified to
are in place, and sensors are cali respond as the prescribed se
brated). Some verification checklist quences state. The CxA develops
items entail the simple testing of the the functional test procedures in a
function of a component, a piece of sequential written form, coordinates,
equipment, or system (such as mea oversees, and documents the actual
suring the voltage imbalance on a testing, which is usually performed
by the installing contractor or ven
Types of Commissioning

In addition, seasonal functional per warranties are still active and to es

formance tests may also be per tablish the condition baseline for the
formed, during which the installing ensuing maintenance program.
contractor and/or CxA performs the
functional performance test during Testing and Balancing (TAB)
different seasonal weather condi System testing and balancing may or
tions. may not be included as part of the
Functional performance test commissioning (that is, the TAB
ing determines the Functional performance testing also technicians may or may not work
operating parameters of may include procedures for condi for the CxA). However, validation
equipment and systems, while tion acceptance testing. Condition
condition acceptance testing
of the TAB results by random spot
acceptance testing uses condition checking actual output against the
determines the physical hid monitoring techniques, usually asso
den condition. documented TAB data normally will
ciated with reliability centered main be included in the commissioning
14 tenance, to identify latent process regardless of the TAB
manufacturing, transportation, and contractor’s relationship within the
installation defects that affect the commissioning team.
condition of the equipment at the
time of acceptance.
The most common techniques will ■ Commissioning leads to im
use vibration analysis to inspect for proved system performance by
mechanical alignment and balance, ensuring that equipment and
softfoot, and internal and bearing de systems are properly designed,
fects; infrared thermography to de installed, maintained, and
termine the presence of high optimized to work together.
resistance and other problematic
electrical connections; ultrasound to ■ Commissioning can reduce
determine the presence of fluid change orders and improve
(e.g., compressed air, steam, gas) contractor performance and
leaks; lube oil analysis to determine awareness. Testing and monitor
the quality, condition, and appropri ing make contractors more
ateness of lubricating oils and their aware of the quality of their
additives; and/or motor testing and work.
electrical testing, where the condi
tion of the insulation is of major im ■ Commissioning can improve the
portance. overall construction process and
project turnover. The process
Not all commissioning programs in provides for better project
clude condition acceptance testing. communication and enhanced
However, there is no better time to conflict resolution. Commission
determine the physical hidden con ing also provides for follow-up
dition of the equipment (while func site visits to address any prob
tional performance testing looks at lems that may occur after
operating parameters) than as a project turnover.
condition for acceptance while the
Types of Commissioning

Double Checking the TAB Report

In a newly constructed health sciences laboratory and classroom facility at a major university, the CxA per-
formed a random validation check of the testing and balancing contractor’s TAB report. Starting with a random
check of 10% of the air registers, the CxA found an inordinate number of differences between the actual and
TAB-recorded readings. The CxA increased the sample to 25% and found an even greater difference. Further
investigation found that the TAB contractor failed to accurately test and balance the air and water system at all
and fraudulently recorded made up numbers on the official TAB report.

The contractor paid heavily as a result. The TAB was re-performed correctly by a reputable contractor. The
project acceptance was delayed for several weeks as a result of the required re-work. However, because of the
CxA’s testing and verification, the Owner ended up with a fully and properly functioning and balanced HVAC
system that would probably not have been realized until well after the facility became occupied, occupant 15
complaints drove a costly investigation, and payment had already been made for the original, fraudulent TAB

■ A reduction in TAB related to indoor air quality (IAQ). This

construction/major renovation decreases mold-related prob
costs can occur because lems and “sick building” syn
systems and equipment are drome. Improved IAQ also
more likely to be properly impacts the Owner’s liability
balanced during start-up and relative to occupant health and
verification checks. comfort and increases worker
■ Studies show that commis
sioned buildings typically save ■ Commissioning has been shown
10 to 20 percent of utility costs by the insurance industry to
compared to similar non reduce liability and losses
commissioned buildings by related to fire and wind damage,
working to ensure that system ice and water damage, power
components operate together failures, professional liability,
most efficiently. and health and safety. Reduced
risk and liability can also
■ Commissioning saves energy increase the asset value of the
and environmental emissions. It building.
is a required factor for points
toward Leadership in Energy ■ It is much easier and less
and Environmental Design expensive to maintain a building
(LEED) certification. that operates correctly than to
maintain one that does not.
■ Commissioning ensures that a Designs that have been re
building is pressurized and has viewed for maintainability and
correct fresh air changes for sustainability, and equipment
Types of Commissioning

that has been installed and flow and air quality, and lighting
tested properly and optimized levels to ensure that occupants
for maximum efficiency, will are comfortable, safe, and
experience fewer problems and productive in their work spaces.
require less unscheduled O&M
time. Disadvantages
■ Equipment condition-accepted ■ The first costs of commissioning
during commissioning verifies are construed by Owners as
the equipment condition prior to being high only to ensure that
expiration of its warranties and the contractor’s work is of a
provides a condition baseline for quality that he’s already con
the ensuing maintenance tracted to perform. There is little
program. quantifiable data on the potential
16 cost savings (both energy and
■ Commissioning can extend operational) that the commis
equipment life and reduce sioning process will generate for
warranty claims, leading to the specific, as-yet operational
fewer warranty claims, service building. Nor is there any way to
calls, reduced energy use, and benchmark in advance, energy
reduced potential for cata and operational performance in
strophic equipment failure. the case of new construction (in
which the “existing” conditions
■ Commissioning provides more do not yet exist).
useful O&M condition baseline
and performance data that is ■ There is no guarantee of
specific to the systems and savings. The commissioning
equipment installed. It details the process is designed to optimize
way the equipment should be all building system and equip
operated, outlines preventive ment operations to meet the
maintenance procedures and design intent; most of the
schedules, and provides infor savings occur through avoided
mation on warranties, vendor costs.
points of contact, and spare
parts. ■ If a quality assurance program
is already utilized by the A/E,
■ The maintenance staff is trained construction manager, and
on site by observing the work as installing contractors, commis
it progresses as well as by sioning may be perceived to be
formal instruction customized to redundant and/or confronta
the specific equipment and tional.
systems installed.

■ Commissioning addresses
common occupant concerns Retrocommissioning is a system
such as thermal comfort, air atic process for improving and opti
Types of Commissioning

mizing building performance. Retro bring the building, its systems, and
commissioning applies to exiting equipment back to its original design
buildings that have never gone intent, this is not a requirement. The
through any type of commissioning original design intent documentation
or quality assurance process. Its fo may be lost or no longer relevant.
cus is usually on energy-using equip
ment such as mechanical equipment, The Retrocommissioning
lighting, and related controls.
Like commissioning, retrocommis Retrocommissioning is not tied to a
sioning is concerned with how specific new construction or reno
equipment, systems, and subsystems vation project, and therefore does
function together, but it does not not necessarily follow the same pro
generally take a whole-building ap cess as commissioning.
proach to efficiency. The process 17
can identify and solve problems that Retrocommissioning typically fol
occurred at construction, but also lows a four-part process:
addresses problems that have devel
oped to this stage in the building’s 1. Planning
life. And while the goal of - Identify project objectives.
retrocommissioning may be used to - Decide which building

Type of Why? Who? When? How?

Commissioning Ensure that the building Independent CxA Once, during new con Verification and func
and its systems and hired by the Owner or struction or renovation tional performance
equipment operate as the project Construc testing
designed tion Manager

Retrocommissioning Identify and correct Facility O&M staff or in Once, in response to Diagnostic monitoring
problems and optimize dependent CxA specific problems or to and functional perfor
performance establish a commission mance testing
ing program

Recommissioning Ensure that the building Facility O&M staff or in Periodically as the Functional perfor
and its systems and dependent CxA building ages, or ongo mance testing
equipment continue to ing as part of the facility
operate as designed, or O&M program
meet current operating

Continuous Identify and correct Facility O&M staff or in Ongoing as part of the Data monitoring and
Commissioning problems and optimize dependent CxA facility O&M program trending
Types of Commissioning

systems should be analyzed controls, and trending or electronic

for improvements. data logging of pressure tempera
- Define tasks and assign tures, power, flows, and lighting lev
responsibilities. els and use.

2. Investigation In addition, both diagnostic monitor

- Determine how the selected ing and functional performance tests
systems are supposed to are performed to determine tem
operate, or how they could peratures, critical flows, pressures,
operate more efficiently. speeds, and currents of the system
- Perform tests to measure components under typical operating
and monitor how the conditions. Typical diagnostic moni
targeted systems currently toring methods employed include en
operate. ergy management control system
18 - Prepare a prioritized list of (EMCS) trend logging and stand
the operating deficiencies alone portable data logging. The
found and recommended retrocommissioning process involves
corrective actions. development of a diagnostic moni
toring plan and functional perfor
3. Implementation mance test plan, both including test
- Correct operating deficien forms.
cies (highest priority to
lowest). Advantages
- Perform tests to verify
proper and/or improved The advantages of retrocom
operation. misioning are nearly the same as
those of commissioning:
4. Hand-off
- Prepare a report of im ■ Improved system performance
provements made.
- Provide training and docu ■ Energy savings and optimal
mentation on how to sustain energy efficiency (commission
proper and/or improved ing is a required factor for points
operation. toward LEED-EB certification).

Types of Testing Used ■ Improved indoor air quality and

reduced liability.
The investigation
phase of retro
commissioning in
volves review of
current O&M
practices and ser
vice contracts,
spot testing of
equipment and
Types of Commissioning

■ Increased occupant comfort, process is designed to optimize

safety, and productivity. building system and equipment
operations to meet the design
■ Reduced O&M costs and intent or current building
fewer service calls. requirements. There is no
guarantee of savings, however
■ Extended equipment life and they are still a likely by-product
reduced warranty claims. that occurs through avoided
■ Increased system reliability. Based on three years of data,
■ There is a significant up-front a demonstrable 10-percent
reduction in energy use quali
■ Increased O&M training and workload when performing
fies for 1 LEED-EB point; a
improved documentation. retrocommissioning for the first
20-percent reduction qualifies
time. Documentation, including for 2 points; and a 30-percent
In addition, a retrocommissioning diagnostic test forms and reduction qualified for 3 19
program can result in increased in functional performance test points (maximum)
terest in facilities improvement and forms, that does not exist on site
asset management at all levels. must be compiled and/or
Commissioning can also comple developed.
ment an ongoing facilities manage
ment process improvement
Recommissioning refers to com
Disadvantages missioning of an existing building
that has already gone through the
Retrocommissioning and commis commissioning process. Why the
sioning also share many of the same need to commission again, particu
disadvantages: larly if the building was commis
sioned during its construction or a
■ The first costs of retrocom recent major renovation? Recom
missioning may be considered missioning provides additional op
by the Owner to be high and portunities to improve facility
unaffordable since it usually efficiency and addresses issues that
must compete with other may have arisen since the original
priorities from the facility’s commissioning, such as:
operating budget. To counter
this perception, retrocommis ■ Changes in the purpose or
sioning should be “sold” to occupancy of the facility that
Management as a profit center have occurred since the building
by demonstrating estimated was first commissioned.
energy, maintenance, and
productivity savings that will ■ Changed building configurations
result. and occupancy patterns since
the building was first commis
■ Savings may not be the primary sioned (e.g., is an original
focus. The retrocommissioning laboratory now being used for
Types of Commissioning

storage or conference room ten are the source of the biggest op

space?). erational problems and are thus
likely to produce the biggest cost
■ New higher efficiency systems savings. Results of testing are docu
and equipment that have mented, and recommendations for
become available since the improving performance are imple
building was first commissioned. mented.

■ Persistent high energy costs The Recommissioning

despite efforts made to monitor
and control energy consumption
and demand. During recommissioning, the tests
that were performed during the
■ Equipment and systems that do original commissioning are per
20 not operate optimally, or too formed again, with the goal of en
often fail, despite a strong suring that the building is operating
facility operations and mainte as designed or according to newer
nance program. operating requirements. The devel
opment of new project documenta
■ Technologies are now available tion and testing procedures and
When was the last major that improve energy and opera
equipment change-out? Is
forms is not required. However,
tional efficiency, but there is these documents can be updated if
existing equipment relatively
new, or at the end of its use
little or no money programmed the building and its systems and
ful life? Is a major renova in the capital improvement equipment have changed dramati
tion on the horizon? These budget. cally since the original commission
questions will help you de ing.
cide whether or not your fa ■ Federal statute, Executive
cility can benefit from Order, or other requirement Recommissioning can be undertaken
existing building commis mandates that efforts be taken as an independent process in re
sioning. to achieve better energy and sponse to a specific requirement or
water savings and healthier concern (such as those listed
indoor environments. above), or periodically scheduled as
part of the building’s operations and
■ National recognition for energy maintenance program. In general,
and emissions reduction is being the more substantial changes that a
sought through the LEED-EB facility goes through, the more often
Green Buildings program. it should be recommissioned if a
continuous commissioning program
Like commissioning, recommission is not in place. If there are no
ing involves functional performance known substantial changes to the fa
testing of most or all major building cility and its operation, it is recom
systems including HVAC, building mended in general that the facility
automation, lighting, life safety, and be recommissioned every 3-5 years.
conveyance. Mechanical systems
operation and controls are most An independent CxA can be hired to
closely scrutinized because they of perform recommissioning, or the fa
Types of Commissioning

cility O&M staff can use the exist

ing test forms to perform recommis Advantages
sioning in house.
In addition to the advantages listed
Types of Testing Used under commissioning and retro
commissioning, recommissioning
Recommissioning starts with: also provides the following:

■ Site observation; ■ Periodic recommissioning can

■ Interviews with occupants; contribute to the persistence of
■ Analyses of energy metering commissioning savings and
data (if available); benefits, and will ensure that the
■ Review of current O&M building and its equipment and
practices and service contracts; systems remain in compliance
■ Spot testing of equipment and with original design intent. 21
controls; and
■ Trending or electronic data ■ Recommissioning affords
logging of pressure, tempera facility managers the opportu
tures, power, flows, and lighting nity to update building, system,
levels and use to determine and O&M documentation and
current conditions (this replaces to modify the design intent, if
verification checks). necessary, to reflect changes in
building requirements.
Recommissioning then uses the
same functional performance test ■ Functional performance test
forms that were developed during forms have already been
the initial commissioning process to developed and are ready for
test systems dynamically under full use.
operation. Systems are tested under
various modes, such as during low ■ Recommissioning can increase
cooling or heating loads, high loads, O&M knowledge and skills in
component failures, unoccupied diagnosing operating problems
conditions, varying outside air tem and determining and implement
peratures, fire alarm, and power ing corrective strategies.
failure. The systems are run
through all the control system’s se ■ Recommissioning can identify
quences of operation. Components problems not readily apparent
are checked for their responsive due to long-term storage of
ness to the prescribed sequences equipment, such as breakdown
and validated. of dielectrics, degraded fluids,
failed batteries, leaking seals,
Unlike commissioning, the bulk of and flattened bearings.
the functional performance testing
performed during recommissioning Disadvantages
may be carried out by the building
O&M staff. ■ Recommissioning may be an
Types of Commissioning

occasional event and may take Continuous commissioning requires

place many years after the initial benchmarking of energy use using
commissioning, depending on the available installed building automa
level of Management support tion systems and metering equip
and the availability of funds. ment. Data are continuously
gathered and compared against the
■ Recommissioning is often benchmark to measure building effi
implemented only in response to ciency and ensure that equipment
breakdowns in equipment or and systems operate at optimal lev
systems, and not as a proactive els throughout their useful lives.
tool to ensure building perfor
mance optimization. While continuous commissioning is
closely related to (and often inte
■ Recommissioning should not be grated into) a facility operation and
22 used as a substitute for major maintenance program, it goes be
equipment change-out or yond O&M to ensure that the build
systems redesign that may, in ing and systems operate optimally to
fact, be required. meet current requirements, evaluat
ing both building functionality and
■ There is a risk of facility equipment and system functions.
Management adhering to an
outdated design intent rather Continuous commissioning can be
than updating the design intent provided by a qualified third party
for a building’s current require CxA, or by well-trained members of
ments. the O&M staff.

CONTINUOUS The Continuous Commis

sioning Process
Continuous commissioning is accom
Continuous commissioning, like plished in two phases: project devel
retrocommissioning, is a systematic opment, and implementation and
approach to identifying and correct performance verification. During
ing building system problems and op project development, the CxA or
timizing system performance in O&M team screens potential project
existing buildings. Any similarities targets, performs a project audit, and
between the programs end there, develops the project scope.
however. Continuous commissioning
is distinct because its primary focus During the second phase, the CxA
is on ensuring the persistence of or O&M team:
building systems optimization. It is
an ongoing process for existing ■ Develops the commissioning
buildings employed to resolve oper plan and forms the project team
ating problems, improve building ■ Develops performance
comfort and safety, optimize energy baselines
use, and identify retrofits. ■ Conducts system measurements
Types of Commissioning

Retrocommissioning, Recommissioning, Continuous

Commissioning… I’m Confused!
All three terms apply to commissioning of existing facilities, and all three aim to improve operating
performance, energy efficiency, and occupant comfort and safety. Here’s how they’re different:

◆ A one-time event
◆ The building has not been previously commissioned
◆ May or may not adhere to building’s original design intent
◆ Utilizes diagnostic monitoring and functional performance tests
◆ A one-time, periodic, or occasional event
◆ The building has been previously commissioned
◆ Adheres to building’s original design intent
◆ Utilizes previously developed functional performance tests
Continuous Commissioning
◆ Continuous monitoring with assessments performed at least quarterly
◆ The building may or may not have been previously commissioned
◆ Does not adhere to building’s original design intent – is concerned instead with trending relative
to a baseline and optimizing performance to meet current requirements
◆ Utilizes building automation system and/or metered energy trend data and/or condition accep-
tance tests

■ Develops and implements operation and operating and energy

proposed commissioning trends periodically to identify any
measures and problems and to develop improved
■ Measures, verifies, and docu operation and control schedules.
ments improvements and Energy data is reviewed at least
operational and energy savings. quarterly to identify the need for an
other commissioning tune-up. If
An important distinction in this form building energy consumption has in
of commissioning is that the process creased, or if the performance effi
is continuous: steps are taken to ciency of building equipment and
maintain the improvements to occu systems has decreased, the CxA or
pant comfort and safety, operational O&M staff performs an evaluation,
efficiency, and energy efficiency develops measures to restore the
that have been achieved. The CxA building energy and operational per
or O&M staff review the system formance, and implements the mea
Types of Commissioning

sures. Ongoing follow-up (at least commissioning. The process

quarterly) is essential to guarantee stresses gathering and analyzing
the persistence of savings and high considerable data on occupancy
levels of energy and operational effi patterns and building operation.
ciency over time. Instead of making sure the
systems work as designed,
Types of Testing Used continuous commissioning
ensures that systems run as
Apart from site observation and in efficiently as possible and
terviews with occupants, the bulk of produce optimal occupant
continuous commissioning testing is comfort for current conditions.
a combination of analysis of metered This results in significant savings
and recorded energy data and of if the system, as designed, has
condition monitoring. Condition poor efficiency or a negative
24 monitoring is one aspect of reliability impact on occupant comfort.
centered maintenance (RCM) and is
common to advanced preventive ■ Continuous commissioning is
maintenance programs. It differs proactive and can identify
from functional performance testing operational problems associated
(common to the other types of com with long-term storage of
missioning) in that it concentrates on equipment that are not readily
the current and predictive condition apparent, such as the break
of the equipment, rather than on the down of dielectrics, degraded
output parameters and perfor fluids, failed batteries, leaking
mance relative to its design and in seals, and flattened bearings.
■ Whether the continuous com-
Advantages missioning program is led by a
third party CxA or implemented
■ Persistence of benefits of the by the facility O&M staff, staff
commissioning process is the skills will inevitably increase as
most obvious advantage to a result. The O&M staff gains
continuous commissioning. The knowledge and skills in diagnos
process focuses on finding ing operating problems and
sustainable engineering solutions determining and implementing
based on engineering principles corrective strategies.
to address problems with
building operation, energy ■ The energy and cost savings
efficiency, and/or occupant resulting from continuous
comfort and safety. An added commissioning measures can be
benefit is a usual decrease in used for major systems and
O&M workload and costs. equipment upgrades. Continuous
commissioning has first costs
■ Superior operational, energy, associated with the training of
and comfort performance is the the O&M staff and the one-time
ultimate goal of continuous cost of installing a building
Types of Commissioning

automation/energy management intensive facilities, because a

control system or system sophisticated energy manage-

metering capability. Once these ment or metering system can

costs are covered, future also be used for load control

savings from operational and other energy management

measures can be applied to the applications.

installation of energy conserva

tion measures and other ■ Continuous commissioning is

authorized capital improve- most effective, and most cost

ments. In addition, the continu- effective, when implemented in

ous commissioning process a facility that already has in

identifies efficiency measures, place a preventive maintenance

reducing the need for additional program and a highly skilled and

audits and engineering analysis trained O&M staff. Lacking

when programming for major this, costs will rise to bring in a

retrofits. qualified CxA to perform the

continuous commissioning
Disadvantages activities and/or to train the
existing O&M staff on continu
■ Continuous commissioning does ous commissioning approaches
not consider design intent – and tests. High O&M staff
how were the installed equip- turnover is also a barrier.
ment and systems intended to However, the cost of training

operate? Facility uses and O&M personnel can also be a

occupancy change over time, wise investment, particularly in

and it is possible that the design larger, more complex, and more

intent is obsolete. It might be energy-intensive buildings.

beneficial to revise the design

intent and use it as a guiding

document for O&M; in continu

ous commissioning, there is no

such guide to building opera References
1. Continuous Commissioning Guidebook: Maximizing Building
■ The installation of a building Energy Efficiency and Comfort, Liu, Mingsheng, Ph.D., P.E., et.
automation system (BAS), al., October 2002.
energy management control 2. It’s Time to Shake Out the Mothballs in Your Mission-Critical Fa-
system (EMCS), or other cility, Soroka, Joe, Comminique (online newsletter of AFCOM),
metering system is required for March 2004.
the monitoring and verification 3. A Practical Guide for Commissioning Existing Buildings, Haasl,
that is essential for tracking the Tudi and Terry Sharp, April 1999.
persistence of engineering
4. Retrocommissioning Handbook for Facility Managers, Portland
measures. This can be cost
Energy Conservation, Inc., March 2001.
prohibitive to smaller facilities.
It can also be a good invest 5. Whole Building Design Guide, General Services Administration,
ment for larger, more energy- available at www.wbdg.org.
Types of Commissioning

BEST PRACTICES will help you decide whether or

not your facility can benefit
■ Carefully consider the short- from existing building commis-
and long-term plans for your sioning.
facility. When was the last
major equipment change-out? Is ■ Continuous commissioning adds
existing equipment relatively to your O&M costs, but can be
new, or at the end of its useful a good investment in large,
life? Is a major renovation on complex, and energy-intensive
the horizon? These questions buildings.


1. What type(s) of commissioning would you consider suitable for your facility?

2. For new construction or major renovation projects, at what phase of the project should the commissioning
process ideally start?

3. Under what circumstances would you consider including subject matter experts on the commissioning

4. Does commissioning replace or reduce the contractor’s Quality Control responsibilities?

5. What are the primary objectives of commissioning?

6. Explain the differences between verification testing, functional performance testing, and condition accep-
tance testing.

7. Explain the major differences between new building commissioning, retrocommissioning, recommission-
ing, and continuous commissioning.

8. What is the relationship between any of the forms of commissioning and energy savings?

9. How would you describe the value of commissioning to the Owner? Building occupants and users? The
operations and maintenance staff?

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