DLL in Science 10 Third Quarter
DLL in Science 10 Third Quarter
DLL in Science 10 Third Quarter
Department of Education
Region 02 (Cagayan Valley)
Schools Division of Isabela
Alicia South District
TEACHING DATE 10:00-11:00 A.M
AND TIME 11:00-12:00 A.M QUARTER
February 13-17, 2023 THIRD
12:40:-1:40 P.M
1:40-2:40 PM
A. Content Standard
Organisms as having feedback mechanisms, which are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems 2. how these feedback
mechanisms help the organism maintain homeostasis to reproduce and survive
B. Performance write an essay on the importance of taking good care of the reproductive system
C. Learning Competency
Explain the role of hormones involved in the female and male reproductive systems S10LT - IIIb -34
4. Additional Materials Model/Picture of the human Model/Picture of the Model/Picture of Male and Strips of papers, laptop
from Learning endocrine system, laptop, endocrine system, laptop, Female Reproductive system
Resource (LR) portal projector. projector
B. Other Learning
Do you have any idea what What are the different Jumbled letters: Arrange the Jumbled letters: Arrange the
other organ system help hormones released by the word/s correctly. word/s correctly.
control and regulates body following glands: a. csorumt a. csorumt
A. Reviewing previous processes aside from nervous a. Thyroid b. giavna b. giavna
lesson or presenting system? b. Adrenal c. yrova c. yrova
new lesson c. Pancreas d. tsetse d. tsetse
(REVIEW t What glands are
responsible in controlling
the reproductive system?
Endocrine Gland and Show pictures of persons What are the secondary sex Show a picture of a child and
Functions with goiter, gigantism and characteristics observed during an adolescent
Suggested Link: dwarfism condition. puberty stage of male and
B. Establishing a
https://www.youtube.com/w female?
purpose of the lesson Compare the physical
atch?v=nNLsXKkLSTs Ask the students what can
(MOTIVATION) appearance/features in both
they say about the pictures?
(Show the pictures one at a male and female
C. Presenting Explain and Discuss Hormones Answer Activity on page 5: Answer assessment on page
examples/ instances Endocrine System: Glands What keep it balance 7-8
of the new lesson and their on page 1-2 -Answer What I know on
(PRE-ACTIVITY) page 2-3
D. Discussing new Essential Question: Essential Question: Essential Question: What are the Essential Question: What are
concepts and What are the major glands in What will be the effect if a parts and functions of the Male the roles of hormones in
practicing new skills the endocrine system and particular hormone in the and Female Reproductive Male and Female
1 their functions? body is not properly Systems? Reproductive systems?
Activity 5. What went Activity 1
wrong? 1. Teacher will allow
Video Analysis: students to read page 250 of
(Refer to pp.244-246 LM) Let the student list down the the LM for 10 minutes 2.
different reproductive parts Each group will assign one
shown in the video. representative to compete for
the quiz bowl.
3. All the questions that will
Suggested link: be provided by the teacher
must be related to the topic
Learn about the Male and which is the role of
female Reproductive hormones in the male and
Systems female reproductive system.
E. Discussing new 4. Other members must
Activity 4. Who’s in
concepts and (refer to prepare a 20 second song
practicing new skills https://www.youtube.com/watc or yell to be performed
2 h?v=J8n2hmhiQL8 ) before the contest. The song
(Refer to pp. 242-243 LM)
(DEEPENING) or yell must also be related to
the topic.
After the video presentation,
provide each group pictures of Optional activity Activity 2.
the Male and Female
Reproductive System. Video analysis:
Teen Facts- Growing Pains
(refer to
Ask the students to label the atch?v=aTY52flChKs )
Grade 10 Quarter 3 Page 8
(The Teacher may choose
either of the two activities)
Answer the guide questions Answer the guide questions Let the students give functions of What is the role hormone
F. Developing mastery in the activity in the activity the different parts of the male reproductive system?
(POST-ACTIVITY) and female reproductive system.
G. Finding practical *The teacher will introduce What will you do if you are How important is the male and How does hormone influence
applications of the term homeostasis and ask: diagnosed with the following female reproductive system? the male and female
concepts and skills hormonal imbalances? reproductive system?
in daily living
“How does the A. Hyperglycemia B.
endocrine system Osteoporosis C.
(APPLICATION) maintain homoeostasis?” Hypothyroidism
H. Making Call students to sum up the Call students to sum up the Call students to sum up the Call students to sum up the
generalizations and discussion discussion discussion discussion
abstractions about
the lesson
Multiple Choice: Identify the hormones Identification: Identify the Essay: Explain the role of
1. Organs that release associated with the following following: hormone in Female and Male
hormones into the blood are disorders: 1. The primary organ in female Reproductive Systems.
part of the 1. Obesity reproductive system?
a. Digestive system b. 2. Goiter 2. The organ that produces
Endocrine system c. 3. Diabetes sperm cell.
Circulatory system d. 4. Irregular menstrual cycle 3. It serves as passage way of
Nervous system 5. Tachycardia (faster than eggs from the ovary to the
2. Hormones that help normal heart rate at rest) uterus.
regulate blood calcium levels 4. Sac that holds the testis.
are produced in the 5. It is the site of egg
a. Adrenal gland b. Thymus implantation.
gland c. Pancreas
d. Parathyroid gland
I. Evaluating learning
3. This gland is located in
front of the heart which
releases thymosin hormone.
a. Adrenal b. Thymus c.
Pancreas d. Pituitary
4. The principal male sex
hormone is
a. FSH
b. Testosterone c. Estrogen
d. Insulin
5. Which gland produced the
adrenaline hormone?
a. Testes
b. Parathyroid c. Adrenal
d. Thyroid
J. Additional activities Read in advance the Male and What are the different hormones Study for the summative test.
for application or Female Reproductive system. in the male and female
remediation Pp.247-249 reproductive system?
H. Finding practical What will happen if the Why some women experienced
applications of female reproductive system irregular menstruation?
concepts and skills lack/does not have either of
in daily living the FSH or LH? Why some women don’t have
(APPLICATION) menstruation?
I. Making Call students to sum up the Call students to sum up the Call students to sum up the Call students to sum up the
generalizations and discussion discussion discussion discussion
abstractions about
the lesson
J. Evaluating learning Identify the following: Choose the correct answer in
(ASSESSMENT) 1. Which controls the the text box.
Follicle Stage Estrogen
production of progesterone? 2. Stage Ovulation stage
This hormone stimulates the
ovaries to release estrogen. Progesterone stage
Corpus Luteum Stage
3. Estrogen stimulates the Menstrual Stage
release of what hormone?
1. What stage in the
4. High levels of progesterone
menstrual cycle is
inhibit the further release of LH.
characterized by the actual
5. High levels of this hormone flow of blood and tissues?
prevent further production of 2. A stage of menstrual cycle
FSH considered as fertile period in
3. What stage of the
menstrual cycle were egg
cells obtain the structure of a
corpus luteum?
4. Menstrual Cycle stage
characterized by the
maturation of egg cell in the
K. Additional activities What are the factors affecting Prepare your necessary gadgets Study for the summative test
for application or homeostasis? for your performance task.
Performance Task:
Describe the feedback Describe how nervous
Describe the events Video
mechanisms involved in system works together
involved in menstrual making topic:
II. CONTENT regulating processes in with endocrine system to
cycle. Contraceptive
the female reproductive maintain homeostasis.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp.181-182 p. 183 p. 184
2. Learner’s pp.251-254 pp.251-254 p. 255 p. 256
Manual pages
3. Textbook pages Exploring Life Though Science
4. Additional Materials Enlarged diagram of Fig. 13 Enlarged diagram of Fig. 13 Enlarged diagram of Fig. 13 in Enlarged diagram of Fig. 13
from Learning in the LM in the LM the LM in the LM
Resource (LR) portal
5. Other Learning
B. Reviewing previous What happens if fertilization Simple recall regarding the
lesson or presenting does not occur? meaning of the word
new lesson HOMEOSTASIS.
Funny Menstruation In Basketball game,
Animation TEAMWORK is the key to win
C. Establishing a
the game. How can we keep our
purpose of the lesson
(refer to body systems work as a team?
t ch?v=ZvPVyas68jE)
Essential Question: Essential Question: Essential Question: Essential Question:
D. Presenting What are the important What are the important
events during the menstrual events during the menstrual How will you make a video
examples/ instances
cycle? cycle? How do nervous system works presentation educating about
of the new lesson
together with endocrine system contraceptives?
to maintain homeostasis?
E. Discussing new Video analysis Activity 6. Mark my Reading Activity (Refer Making of Video
concepts and Suggested link: Calendar to p. 255 of LM)
practicing new skills The mechanism of action of (Refer to instructions on p.
1 hCG LH and FSH (refer to pp. 252- 253 of 256 of LM)
www.youtube.com/wat ch? *Additional Instructions:
v=6WYAc6sSBQM * Each group will be
What will happen if the Why some women How can we maintain
G. Developing mastery female reproductive system experienced irregular homeostasis?
(POST-ACTIVITY) lack/does not have either of menstruation?
the FSH or LH?
A. Content
The information stored in DNA as being used to make proteins. How changes in a DNA
molecule may cause changes in its product.
B. Performance Illustrate and label the parts of male and female reproductive system and indicates their functions.
C. Learning Explain how protein is made using information from DNA S10LT-IIId-37
Compare the structures Demonstrate the process of
Demonstrate the process
of the DNA and RNA DNA replication. Demonstrate the process of
II. CONTENT of translation.
molecules. transcription.
1. References
2. Teacher’s pp. 195-198 pp.203-206
pp.193-194 pp.199-202
Guide pages
3. Learner’s pp. 266-268 pp. 269-271 pp. 273-274 pp. 275-279
Manual pages
What are the different types What is DNA? How is DNA replicated? How is DNA transcribed?
D. Reviewing t
previous lesson
or presenting
new lesson
“How is DNA different from Play a DNA song: Introduce the car factory Proteins control the activities
Establishing a
E. RNA?” Suggested link: analogy to students (refer to of the cell, as well as the life
purpose of the page 272 of LM) of the entire organism.
“What nitrogen bases are https://
found in DNA and RNA?” www.youtube.com/wat ch?
v=ckZEds5taX4 )
“Let us watch this video.” Before cell division, the Ask the students, “Did you find How does DNA make a
cell’s DNA has to undergo this car making analogy helpful? unique protein that will
Why RNA is Just as cool as series of duplication. perform a special function?
DNA How does the information in Would you like to find out
https://youtube.com/watch? Do you know how this DNA DNA, from the nucleus how the message of the
v=0Elo-zX1k8M duplicates or copies itself? transferred to the ribosome? mRNA is translated to
F. proteins?
examples/ *Introduce the Zipper
instances of the Analogy.
new lesson
(PRE-ACTIVITY) (refer to
le_helix/dnahelix.html )
*requirement: install a
Adobe Flash Player v. 10
G. Discussing new Essential Question: Essential Question: Essential Questions: Essential Questions: How
concepts and What is the difference How does the DNA does the process
practicing new skills between the DNA and replication take place? translation or protein
RNA? How the DNA makes RNA? synthesis take place?
Activity 1 “Getting to know Activity 2 “ DNA make Activity 3 “What’s the Activity 4 “Relay the
H. Discussing new the DNA and RNA DNA” message?” message?”
concepts and Structure”
(refer to pp. 269-271 of LM) (refer to p. 273-275 of LM) (refer to p. 276 -277 of LM)
practicing new skills
2 Ask the students to label the
(refer to pp. 266-268 of LM)
(DEEPENING) pictures.
Explain the answers in the Explain the answers in the Explain the answers in the Explain the answers in the
guide questions guide questions guide questions guide questions
*The teacher will introduce What will you do if you are How important is the male and How does hormone influence
the term homeostasis and ask: diagnosed with the following female reproductive system? the male and female
J. Finding practical hormonal imbalances? reproductive system?
applications of
“How does the A. Hyperglycemia B.
concepts and skills
endocrine system Osteoporosis C.
in daily living
maintain homoeostasis?” Hypothyroidism
What is the importance of How does the structure of How the structure of DNA A construction worker
DNA/RNA? DNA molecules help does enables the molecule to brings hollow blocks to
K. Making contribute to the great variety be easily transcribed. Why build a wall. What part of
generalizations and of life that exists on earth? is this important for genetic translation resembles the
abstractions about information? construction worker’s job?
the lesson What is being represented
Why is RNA important to by the hallow blocks?
the cell?
Check the table in procedure Allow the students to arrange Let the students arrange the Let the students to arrange the
no. 2 of the activity showing the steps during replication steps during transcription steps during translation
comparison between DNA process? process? process?
and RNA. (Refer to p. 268 of
L. Evaluating learning
(refer to p. 271 of LM) (refer to p. 274 of LM) (refer to p. 278 of LM)
Have an advance reading on Have an advance reading The teacher will provide a link Answer Activity 5, “Trace
M. Additional activities DNA Replication. Students about transcription and to supplement the concepts on the Code”
for application or may read from other Biology translation. transcription process.
remediation books or internet sources. (refer to pp 280-281 of LM)