As International language, English is taught around the world. Inner circle
countries such as The Great Britain, USA, and Australia learn English as the
primary language or the first language. Outer circle countries such as India,
Malaysia, and others learn English as a second language. Indonesia, however, as
an expanding country considers English as a foreign language.
The different use of English makes English teaching and learning different
among countries in the world. People in England might find it easy to learn
English because it is their own language, while in Indonesia, people find it very
difficult to learn English. Many of the difficulties faced by Indonesian students
deal with the social and cultural factors that they have in Indonesia, but Inner
circle society does not, or things that exist in Inner circle countries, but do not in
Language cannot be separated from culture, so if we teach a language, we
also need to correlate it with culture. Since English now belongs to the world as
lingua franca, used by different nationalities, number of students who learn
English increases around the world.
The increase of students who learn English in countries with various
ethnics make multicultural education in 21st century. Language and religious
Literature Review
Culture is the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a
particular group of people at a particular time (Cambridge Dictionary). Martin
and Nakayama (2010) consider culture as the core concept in intercultural
communication. While Kluckhohn and Kelly in Valdes (1996) define culture as
all those historically created designs for living, explicit or implicit, rational,
irrational, and non-rational, which exist at any given time as potential guides for
the behaviour of men.
Learning cross-cultural understanding is very important since
communication, language, and culture cannot be separated (Tomalin and
Stempleski, 1993). If we do not understand culture, we will not be able to
understand text fully (Sadtono, 1999). Shaules and Abe (1997:24) suggest that
‘learning to speak another language is also learning how to change our way of
looking at the world, and our way of thinking and interacting.’
In foreign language situations, the hundreds of thousands of learners of
English tend to have an instrumental motivation to learn the foreign language
(Broughton et.al, 1980). Language and religious diversity is also increasing
among the nation’s student population (Dilg, 2003). Teaching English as a
Foreign Language (TEFL) refers to teaching English to students whose first
language is not English. TEFL usually occurs in the student's own country, either
within the state school system, or in private institutions. TEFL teachers may be
native or non-native speakers of English (Rohmah, 2013).
Goals of CCU
The role of CCU in TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) has a
significant influence. There are at least four goals of CCU for Indonesian learners,
For those who are going to become teachers of English
For those who are going overseas to live or study for a lengthy period of
For those who are going overseas to live or study for a brief period
For those who will never go overseas but they will mainly read English
materials or work in a company where they have to deal with foreigners.
Since English now is international language, it is very important to teach
students around the globe, whose first language is not English, cross-cultural
understanding. This is because culture is considered as the core of language. It
means that when we learn a language, we need also to learn the culture of the
speakers of that language.
Furthermore, the writer presents some problems that we need to
consider in CCU classroom in TEFL. Many learners are still confused while
studying CCU. As non-native English speakers, it is hard to identify the cultural
aspects that the learners might find while they are learning English. The best
alternative to that problem is to compare some cultural words in English into
things that they might be more famous to them. Then, in what aspects of
language the learners should be involved in? To answer this question, we need
to analyse their needs that can be divided into: to be English teachers, to live in
countries where English is spoken in, to travel, and the need to study in which
English textbook is used.