Welcome Remarks PDF
Welcome Remarks PDF
Welcome Remarks PDF
to our special guest of honor, Mr. Mark Darren F. Cacanindin, to our beloved
principals, Mr. Bert B. Geneta from the high school department and Mrs. Ruth A.
Santos from the elementary department, to our teachers who never gave up on us,
members of the faculty and staff, to our loving parents, my fellow completers, and
acknowledge the support that has helped us along the way. To all the family and
friends with us today, and to those who could not be here in person and are watching
Two and more than half year ago, a pandemic strike the world that caused a
ruckus. COVID-19 virus affected millions and millions of people and that includes us,
students. It is truly challenging coping with the new setup of our educational system it
impacted us to the point that we needed to use online classes. Not having a face to
face classes and physical communication became our “New Normal” and yes, it was
difficult. Like what most of the Gen Z usually say “ The Struggle is Real.”
Today is a moment to reflect on how we spent our time here as the world has
changed around us. As we enter a new chapter, it is the earnings through learnings
that will guide us to our continuous growth. We will be forever grateful to have been
part of this Alma Mater. I am more than sure that we will face much harder challenges
but with the help of our parents and the foundation that AKSS gave, our next journey
will be subtle.
As we reflect on our time at AKSS, on all that we have done here, on the
learning and the leading in which we have engaged ourselves and as we take in deeply
and nostalgically the invigorating air of our success, my hope is that everyone will
carry the torch of AKSS with you, wherever you go. Let us continue to be a force for
good in the world. This is our platform, and this is the charge that comes with our