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FGplus Capture Plant

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CO2 Capture


CO2 Capture Plants

With capture plants from Union Engineering, solution to a point where the chemical The electrical system for the CO2 generaing
carbon dioxide can be captured from any gas reaction that took place in the absorber is plant consists of a combined MCC and control
stream based on the combustion of fossil reversed. panel. From the control panel, which com-
fuels, including but not limited to coal, heavy Having started as a gas with a low concentra- prises the latest PLC technology, the plant is
fuel oilfired steam boilers, and natural gas- tion of carbon dioxide (depending on the type operated and monitored, ensuring easy and
fired combustion engines. of fuel used the CO2 will be in the range of continuous trouble-free operation.
3% to 30%), the gas being released from the
Moreover, the technology can be used to cap- stripper is a highly concentrated stream con- The plant is started by an automatic start
ture carbon dioxide from non-power genera- taining roughly 99% pure carbon dioxide. This sequence and the operation is fully automatic.
tion sources, like lime kilns. stream can either be used directly in gaseous The entire process is easily surveyed on the
form or be further purified and liquefied to operator panel, showing the status of all
The capture plants from Union Engineering meet the strictest requirements for food and drives, readings of all transmitters and alarm
are based on the most well-proven absorption beverage grade carbon dioxide in accordance warnings, which will also be indicated by
technology currently available on the market, with specifications from regulators like the audible alarm.
namely high concentrated monoethanolamine International Society of Beverage Technologists
(MEA). MEA is a primary amine that reacts (ISBT). All instruments installed on the skids are wired
readily with carbon dioxide. Since the reaction to junction boxes or remote I/O boxes and
is purely chemical absorption, it works well Purification column is the final purification tested in our workshop prior to shipment, thus
with gas streams having low partial CO2 pres- step, consisting of a distillation column which reducing installation and commissioning time
sure, as is the case for flue gases. enables separation/blow-off of non-condens- on site.
able gasses, thereby reducing O2 content in
Once the carbon dioxide is captured in the the final product to max. 5 ppm (v/v) and The plants are designed for high efficiency,
MEA solution it is transferred to a stripping obtaining corresponding CO2 purity of higher availability and reliability through components
system. Here it is again released from the MEA than 99.99% (v/v). selected for long life and 24/7 operation.
solution by increasing the temperature of the


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