Testmagzine admin,+1505+TEM 1028
Testmagzine admin,+1505+TEM 1028
Testmagzine admin,+1505+TEM 1028
The valley, a road, a river and a body of water is the Hydraulic analysis, the calculation of flood flow
basic structure which is needed in bridge. The patterns, flood levels and flow velocities and
Structure of bridge is depending upon the function of Scour assessment and scour protection
components and nature of the area where the structure measures
is to be constructed. In hydrology, discharge identifies In all the cases, efforts should be made to use any
volume rate of water flow which is transported available stream flow data for either the bridge site
through a given cross-sectional area. The catchment itself, elsewhere on the river or on a nearby similar
of a river above a certain distance is determined by the catchment. Hydraulic analysis is the calculation of
surface area of land which releases toward the river flow patterns, flood levels and flow velocities for the
from above the exact point. The main components of a bridge and nearby river reach. This information is the
bridge hydraulic design project involve the following data used directly in the analysis of the bridge and the
steps: impacts of the bridge on local flooding in the water
Background investigations course. Hydrology analysis is depend on the data
Data collection described above and it is used for the control of flood
Site visit flow in the model.
Hydrology analysis, the calculation of flood
discharges 1.1 OBJECTIVE
The main objective is to study the basic design surveys have been conducted to provide a complete
parameters of the project site along with engineering description of hr features of the area. Specific
studies. The proposed tasks broadly involves mapping topographic surveys of streams were carried out for
of the terrain features, site investigations such as bridges which are being reconstructed, in accordance
topographical, traffic, geotechnical, hydrological etc. with the requirements of the bridge and hydrology
Selection of the best possible alternatives has been team. A total of at least three cross sections were
decide which has been taken up for detail working so taken either side of the centre line of the bridge
as to provide a sound and appropriate engineering location and a longitudinal section of the stream was
solution for the implementation of the project taken covering 250m to 500m upstream and
parameters. downstream based on the site conditions. The
The objectives of the hydrological and hydraulic resulting soil stresses -except at the ground surface
studies are set as follows: are in addition to those presently existing in the earth
To clarify the current conditions of river mass from its self weight and geological history. Also
channel and surrounding areas, which are the successful performance of foundation structure
subject to proposed road network depends as much as adopting standards of good load
To estimate the flood discharges of the rivers in distribution successfully to the ground. Investigation
various return periods through statistical of the underground conditions at site is prerequisite to
approach at crossing along proposed road the economical design of the substructure elements. It
alignment. is also necessary to obtain sufficient information for
About watershed parameters. feasibility and economic studies for a proposed
For preventing the overtopping of flood water. project associated with the partially- and entirely
Flood plain management. submerged rectangular bridge deck.
For maintaining an un obstructed passage of
flood water.
An improving of the transport facility. 1. Empirical methods: Based on studies conducted,
Construction of this bridge will provides direct some empirical formulae for specific regions have
connectivity to SH-85. Hassan is the main commercial been evolved. The empirical formulae for flood
center for surrounding villages. Construction of discharge suggested are in the form.
bridge creates shorten links for surrounding villages to Q = CAn
reach Hassan which directly have positive impact on Where, Q= maximum flood discharge in m3/s
commercial growth of thaluk and further this will give A= catchment area in Km2
faster movements of goods.The proposed bridge will C= An empirical constant. Depending upon
result in overall improvement between villages and nature and location of catchment
will improve the tourism, Agro-commercial activity n= A constant
and Socio-economic improvement of the surrounding 2. A-V method:
area. It has been used to estimate the discharge from the
river across sections. The formula is given below.
In this study In the design of bridge structures, Where, Q = Discharge in m3/s or cumecs
determination of waterways and span arrangements A = area in m2
are important. Hydrological parameters such as runoff V = Velocity of flow in m/sec which can be
data with details of drainage points have been calculated by manning's formula
collected and compiled. The Hydrology and drainage V= 1/n R(2/3) S(1/2)
Where, R =Hydraulic mean depth,
S = The energy slope which may be taken as W = Linear waterway in meter (for wide
equal to bed slope of the stream. river W is almost equal to P)
n = manning's coefficient (Rugosity
The rational method for flood discharge takes into 1. Methodology of Hydrological Analysis:
account the intensity, distribution and duration of In order to set appropriate methodology of
rainfall. hydrological analysis to determine the probable flood
Q50= 0.278CIA discharge and other design parameters at arbitrary
Where, Q = Maximum flood discharge in m3/sec crossings where structures are to be designed,
A = Catchment area in km2 following factors were examined:
C = Runoff coefficient (i) Basin parameters: size of catchments, channel
I = 100 year intensity (mm/hr) lasting t c, hour length, riverbed gradient(traveling time of discharge)
duration Relatively small catchments (> 200 km2), short river
tc = The time of concentration length (> 50 km) and 1/80 to 1/100 of average
For estimating I, the time of concentration t c has to be riverbed gradient
determined using following formula. (ii) Existing structures for flood control no major
tc = (0.87L3/H)0.385 control structures, which can retard and store flood
Where, tc = the concentration time in hours discharge and no inter-basin connection or floodways
L = length of the longest stream from source (iii) Availability of rainfall and discharge record Fairly
to the bridge point in kms. reliable daily rainfall records (sufficient duration and
H = The fall in level from the farthest point to coverage of area) but no flood discharge measurement
the bridge point(m). record in the subject river basin (no measured
4. Scour depth calculation: hydrograph)
The main thing is that the calculation of the scour (iv) Requirement for design parameters of structure
depth is by the 2 times of Lacey’s depth and the (bridge, culvert, revetment and embankment, etc.)
formula is given below Flood peak discharge can be converted to the flood
R = 0.473(Q/f)1/3, when L/W > 1, water level based on the channel geometry by means
R = 1.34(q2/f)1/3, when L/W <1, of appropriate runoff model.
Where, Q = Discharge (v) Future flood control/drainage improvement plan:
R= Regime Depth No major flood control/drainage improvement plan to
Q/L and F= Lacey’s Silt Factor be taken account to estimate flood discharges is not
L= Length identified except minor channel improvement
managed by LGUs. As the result of examination,
5. Computation of waterway for a new structure flood runoff analysis by rational formula and uniform
(bridge): flow theory will be applied to estimate probable peak
When a new structure is to be constructed then the discharges and associated water levels at arbitrary
designer should give the waterway which is required. locations in the Study Area.
The waterway is to be calculated by Lacey’s regime 2. DATA COLLECTION
waterway method and the equation is given below. 2.1 Rainfall data
P =W= 4.8 Q1/2 The average annual rainfall of Hassan district lies
Where,Q = design flood discharge in m3/sec cumec, between 920 to 1100 mm. Most of the rainfall in the
P = Wetted perimeter in meter. district is confined to the period from May to October,
July is the rainiest month.
9) Road formation level - HFL 4) Hydrology analysis and hydraulic design provides
+ vertical clearance + Free board an idea about constructing bridge across river with
- proper orientation, shape and type (type of abutment,
(99 + 1.200 + 3) =103.200m type of pier,).
10) Spread Length - 210 5) Scour depth is estimated in this paper. Estimating
m of scour is important in deciding their foundation
11) Required linear waterway - 251.90 level.
12) Provided linear waterway - 205 VII. REFERENCES
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