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Sikalastic®-625 N
High performance polyurethane liquid applied waterproofing membrane

Sikalastic®-625 N is a 1-part polyurethane, reinforced,
cold-applied liquid membrane. It provides a flexible, ▪ 1-Part ready to use
seamless waterproofing solution using Sika's unique i- ▪ Low maintenance
Cure technology. ▪ Seamless
Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions. ▪ Easy and quick application by brush, roller or spray
▪ Suitable for trafficable areas
USES ▪ Vapour permeable
▪ Good UV resistance and colour stability
Designed for the following waterproofing applications: ▪ Retains flexibility at low temperatures
▪ Roof and podium waterproofing for new construc- ▪ Cold applied - requires no heat or flame
tion and refurbishment projects ▪ Moisture triggered technology develops early rain
▪ Unreinforced waterproofing system for profiled met- resistance
al roofs ▪ Good elastic properties
▪ Reinforced waterproofing of flat and pitched roof ▪ Low temperature application > +2 °C
structures, communal walkways, podium decks and
roof terraces exposed to pedestrian traffic APPROVALS / CERTIFICATES
▪ Waterproofing structures with numerous details
such as penetrations, drains, roof lights and complex ▪ CE Marking and Decalaration of Performance to
geometry European Technical Assessment ETA-20/0073, based
▪ Waterproofing existing substrates of concrete, bitu- on ETAG 005 Part 1 and Part 6
minous felt and coatings, brick, stone, asbestos ce- ▪ Fire Testing according to ENV 1187: Test Report No.
ment, metal, wood, unglazed ceramic tiles 19823F, 19823K, 19823B, 19750A, 19750D, 19750G
▪ For exterior use only ▪ Fire Testing EN 13501-1, Sikalastic®-625 N, Warring-
Sikalastic®-625 N may only be used by experienced ton fire, Report No.WF 418126
professionals. ▪ British Board of Agrement (BBA) Certificate no.

Composition Elastomeric aliphatic polyurethane
Packaging 15 L container
Refer to current price list for packaging variations.
Colour Note: Applied colours selected from colour charts will be approximate.
Note: For colour matching: Apply colour sample and confirm selected col-
our under real lighting conditions.
Light Grey (~RAL 7035), White (~RAL 9016), Slate Grey (~RAL 7015)
Shelf life 12 months from date of production

Product Data Sheet

Sikalastic®-625 N
September 2021, Version 01.01

Storage conditions The product must be stored in original, unopened and undamaged pack-
aging in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C. Always
refer to packaging.
Density ~1,26 kg/l (EN ISO 2811-1)

Solid content by mass ~77 % (+23 °C / 50 % r.h.) (EN ISO 3251)

Solid content by volume ~71 % (+23 °C / 50 % r.h.) (EN ISO 3251)

Tensile strength Reinforced ~13 N/mm2 (ISO 527-1/3)
Unreinforced ~6 N/mm2

Tensile strain at break Reinforced ~30 % (EN ISO 527–1/3)

Unreinforced ~450 %

Tear strength ~26 N/mm (ISO 527-1/3)

External fire performance Broof (t1); Broof (t4) (ENV-1187)

Reaction to fire Euroclass E (EN13501-1)

Chemical resistance Resistant to many chemicals. Contact Sika Technical Services for additional
Temperature resistance -20 °C to +80 °C
Solar reflectance index Initial: 110
Service temperature -20 °C min. / +80 °C max.

System structure Note: For detailed reinforcement information refer to the Sika Method
Statement: Sikalastic®-625 N
Note: These figures are theoretical and do not include for any additional
material required due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in
level and wastage etc.
Reinforced roof waterproofing ETA-20/0073 (ETAG 005)
The build-up in the table corresponds to a reinforced waterproofing kit for
flat and pitched roofs, communal walkways, podium decks and roof ter-
Layer Product Consumption
1. Primer Depending on the sub- Refer to the primer
strate Product Data Sheet
2. Base Coat Sikalastic®-625 N ~1,0 l/m2
3. Reinforcement Sika® Reemat Preemi- -
4. Top Coat Sikalastic®-625 N ~1,0 l/m2
Locally reinforced roof waterproofing ETA-20/0073 (ETAG 005)
Important: If required, use reinforcement in localised areas for all joints,
areas subject to differential movement, guttering / drainage channels and
repairs to membrane.
The build-up in the table corresponds to an unreinforced waterproofing kit
used on profiled metal roofs.

Product Data Sheet

Sikalastic®-625 N
September 2021, Version 01.01

Layer Product Consumption
1. Primer Depending on the sub- Refer to PDS of the
strate primer
2. Base Coat Sikalastic®-625 N ~0,5 l/m2
3. Localised reinforce- Sika® Reemat Preemi- -
ment um
4. Top Coat Sikalastic®-625 N ~0,5 l/m2

Dry film thickness ETA-20/0073 waterproofing kit for ~1,5 mm

all flat roof types
ETA-20/0073 waterproofing kit for ~0,7 mm
all metal roof types

System performance ETA-20/0073 waterproofing kit for W3 / M and S / P3-P4 / S1-S4 / TL4 –
all flat roof types TH4
ETA-20/0073 waterproofing kit for W2 / M and S / P3 / S1-S4 / TL3 -
all metal roof types TH3

Ambient air temperature +2 °C min. / +40 °C max.
Relative air humidity 20 % min. / 85 % max.
Substrate temperature +2 °C min. / +60 °C max.
Dew point Beware of condensation.
The substrate and uncured applied product must be at least +3 °C above
dew point to reduce the risk of condensation or blooming on the surface
of the applied product. Metal surfaces will be more prone to temperature
fluctuations occurring and wind chill effects.
Substrate moisture content ≤ 4% parts by weight
The following test methods can be used to determine the substrate mois-
ture content:
▪ Sika®-Tramex meter
▪ No rising moisture must be present according to ASTM (Polyethylene-
Substrate pre-treatment Important: Other substrates must be tested for their compatibility. To en-
sure compatibility, carry out preliminary trials.
Important: Adhesion and compatibility suitability must be verified practic-
ally on site before commencing contract.
Note: For consumption rates and waiting time / overcoating, refer to the
individual Product Data Sheet of the appropriate primer.
Substrate Primer
Cementitious, concrete, brick, stone, Sikafloor®-151/-161 broadcasted
ceramic tiles (unglazed) with quartz sand
Sika® Concrete Primer
Sika® Bonding Primer
Metals: Sikalastic® Metal Primer
Ferrous or galvanised, lead, copper,
aluminium, brass, stainless steel
Bituminous felt & coating Sikalastic® Metal Primer
Wood Wood based roof decks require a
complete layer of Sikalastic® Carrier.
For small exposed sections, use
Sika® Concrete Primer or Sika Bond-
ing Primer.
Paint coatings Subject to adhesion and compatibil-
ity tests
Existing Sikalastic®-625 N system Sika® Reactivation Primer

Product Data Sheet

Sikalastic®-625 N
September 2021, Version 01.01

Pot Life Note: The material in opened containers must be applied before a surface
skin occurs.
Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient
conditions particularly temperature and relative humidity.
~1–2 hours
Applied product ready for use Important: The impact of heavy rain or rain showers can physically mark or damage the membrane in its li-
quid state.
Note: Application at higher than recommended film thicknesses may result in a prolonged “soft” feel to the
coating. This will eventually cure and harden.
Note: Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient conditions particularly temperature
and relative humidity.
Ambient condi- Rain resistant Touch dry Full cure
+2°C / 50 % r.h. ~12 hours ~20 hours >24 hours
+10°C / 50 % r.h. ~9 hours ~15 hours ~24 hours
+20°C / 50 % r.h. ~6 hours ~10 hours ~18 hours
+30°C / 50 % r.h. ~4 hours ~6 hours ~14 hours


All technical data stated in this Data Sheet are based EQUIPMENT
on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary
due to circumstances beyond our control. Select the most appropriate equipment required for
the project:
FURTHER INFORMATION Substrate preparation equipment
▪ Abrasive blast cleaning / planing / scarifying or grind-
▪ Sika® Method Statement: Sikalastic®-625 N ing equipment.
▪ Manual or mechanical wire brushes
▪ High pressure power washer
IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS For other types of preparation equipment, contact
Installation work must only be carried out by Sika Sika Technical Services
trained and approved contractors, experienced in this Mixing Equipment
type of application. ▪ Electric single paddle mixer (300–400 rpm) with spir-
▪ Do not use for indoor applications. al paddle
For other types of preparation equipment, contact
▪ Do not apply on substrates with rising moisture or
Sika Technical Services
are not stable.
▪ Do not dilute with any solvent. Application Equipment
▪ Do not apply near to running air intakes of air condi- ▪ Brush
tioning units. Switch off units and seal intakes before ▪ Roller
applying. ▪ Airless spray
▪ All areas requiring an anticorrosive protection sys- For more detailed information refer to the Sika Meth-
tem must be applied directly to a prepared bright od Statement: Sikalastic®-625 N
ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY ▪ The supporting structure must be of sufficient struc-
tural strength to apply all new and existing layers of
User must read the most recent corresponding Safety the roof build-up. Complete roof system must be de-
Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS signed and secured against wind uplift loadings.
provides information and advice on the safe handling, ▪ Refer to the Sika Method Statement: Sikalastic®-625
storage and disposal of chemical products and con- N
tains physical, ecological, toxicological and other ▪ Suitable substrates: Cementitious, concrete, bitumin-
safety-related data. ous felt and coatings, brick, stone, asbestos cement,
metal, wood, unglazed ceramic tiles
All contamination such as dust, loose and friable ma-
terial that could affect final finish or reduce adhesion,
must be completely removed from all surfaces before
application of the product or subsequent products,
preferably by industrial vacuuming equipment.

Product Data Sheet

Sikalastic®-625 N
September 2021, Version 01.01

▪ Sikalastic®-625 N is supplied ready for use.
The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
▪ Before application, mix for at least 2 minutes or until
tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
the liquid and all the coloured pigment have
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
achieved a uniform colour.
rent knowledge and experience of the products when
APPLICATION properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
Strictly follow installation procedures as defined in tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
method statements, application manuals and working strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
instructions which must always be adjusted to the ac- ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
tual site conditions. particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
Reference must be made to the Sika Method State- legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
ment: Sikalastic®-625 N from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
CLEANING OF EQUIPMENT user of the product must test the product’s suitability
Clean all tools and application equipment with Thinner for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
C or xylene immediately after use. Hardened material serves the right to change the properties of its
can only be removed mechanically or with a propriet- products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
ary paint stripper. be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
LOCAL RESTRICTIONS Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
Note that as a result of specific local regulations the will be supplied on request.
declared data and recommended uses for this product
may vary from country to country. Consult the local
Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.

Bahrain / Qatar / Kuwait UAE / Oman / SIC P.O. Box 112356, Jeddah
Tel: +973 177 38188 Tel: +971 4 439 8200 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
sika.gulf@bh.sika.com info@ae.sika.com Tel. +966 12 692 70 79
gcc.sika.com gcc.sika.com email: info@sa.sika.com
web: gcc.sika.com


Product Data Sheet

Sikalastic®-625 N
September 2021, Version 01.01


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