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A2 UNIT 6 Test Standard PDF Restaurants Fast Food PDF

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A2 UNIT 6 Test Standard

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Student’s name: CARRERA RICRA Vocabulary
4  Complete the sentences with these word s. There
Date: __________
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are two extra options .

coffee •  fish •  ice cream •  rice •  salad

Grammar salt •  water

1  Are the underlined words Countable (C) or 1  Can I have a glass of cold water  please? I’m really
Uncoun table (U)?
1  Take an apple with you for your lunch and 2  You should eat some salad with your meat. Green
a biscuit, too. C/U
things are good for you.

Эл. почта
2  We haven’t got any juice left in the fridge
3  Have some rice with the chicken.
and we need some more milk. C/U
3  Do you like bananas? Or would you prefer Careful – it’s very hot. 
an ice cream? C/U 4  My mum drinks three cups of coffee every morning!
4  We’re having fish, not meat, for dinner She has a lot of milk and sugar with them.
tonight. C/U 5  We should buy some ice cream at the shops today.
5  Would you like a milkshake? Or a
We can have it with the strawberries.

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can of lemonade? C/U
/ 5 

5  Choose the correct alternatives to complete the

2  Choose the correct alternatives to complete the dialogue.
Max:  I want a pizza. And I’m going to have a salad. 
1  We don’t have much/many homework tonight. Sophie:  Oh, dear. I like pizza and (1) chicken/cake.
2  How many/much glasses of water do you drink What
every day? shall I choose?
3  Elliot went shopping this afternoon, but he didn’t buy Max:  Well, you can have a slice of my pizza.
some/any computer games. Sophie: Okay. What are you having on top?
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4  Would you like a/some bread with your meal?
5  My sister has got a lot of/a lot books. She really
Max: (2) Cheese/Melon and (3) grape/tomato. 
Sophie:  Yum! What about a drink? I’d like a glass of
likes reading. (4) banana/lemonade.  
/ 5  Max:  And I want a(n) (5) egg/apple juice. 

/ 5 
3  Complete the sentences with should  or
shouldn’t .

1  My mum says you shouldn’t . play a lot of computer

games because it’s not good for your eyes. 
2  I think everyone should read this book. It’s fantastic! 
3  Don’t forget, we’ve got tickets for the match later. You
should do your homework now.
4  People should eat some fruit and vegetables every
day. They’re good for you.
5  You look tired. You shouldn’t .  go to bed so late.

/ 5 

Total  / 15

1 of 6

6  Complete the sentences with the correct answ er, Use of English
 A, B or C.
1  Can you get a ……………………… of juice, please? We 7  Complete the email with one word in each gap.
haven’t got any at home. 
 A   slice
Hi Becca!
B   packet
C  carton Can you come to a party? It’s my birthday and Karen’s , too!
2  My mum says I can have one ……………………… of fizzy I hope you can come. We invited a lot of people – I’m not sure
drink – but only one!
how (1) many ! It’s at Karen’s house. At the moment we’re
 A can  
making a (2) lot of  different kinds of food. I’m making some  
B   packet
C  slice salads and Karen’s mum is cooking some chicken and (3) a a
3  Everyone took home a ……………………… of cake after … really big birthday cake! And we’ve got biscuits and crisps, so
my party. you don’t have to bring (4) many food, but you could bring
 A   cup some (5) …  can, bottle of cola or maybe some cartons of
B   carton
orange (6) juice. The party starts at 6.30 on Saturday and
C slice 
you shouldn’t come too late.
4  There is a ……………………… of biscuits in the cupboard.
Can you get it for me? I think you (7) ought wear that new dress you bought last
 A pac ket   weekend. It’s great! I must go now – we haven’t got
B   carton (8) much time to get things ready.
C  bottle See you Saturday!
5  I made my mum a ……………………… of tea when she
came home from work. Emily
 A   carton
B cup
/ 8 
C  bottle

/ 5 

Total  / 15

2 of 6


8  Read the adverts for d ifferent restaurants. Which restaurant is suitable for the different people? Match the
sentences (1 –6) wit h the restaurants (A –C).

A Green Eating
Green Eating is a new vegetarian sandwich and salad bar/restaurant in the shopping centre. Our chef is famous and often
prepares food on TV. He makes amazing food (without meat, of course). He always uses delicious fresh fruit and vegetables
from our own farm for our very interesting and unusual dishes! The food here at Green Eating is not expensive, and you can
eat in the restaurant or take the food away. And it’s good for you. Come in and try!

B Really FAST!
Come to Really FAST! for food that’s fast and really delicious! Our food is prepared quickly and so is perfect for special days,
like birthdays or other parties! Here at Really FAST! you can find everything you love – fast food, burgers, chips, cakes,
chocolate, ice cream, fizzy drinks ... everything for that special treat! There are no long waits in our restaurant and we offer
good value for money. Pay just £9.50 per person and eat and drink everything you want. See you soon!

C Ciao!
Come and try our new Italian restaurant by the lake in the park. We serve all your favourites – pizza, pasta, chicken, fish and
salads. We make everything here in the restaurant from excellent ingredients – including our own very special ice cream with
ten different flavours to choose from. We can make food for parties (maximum 20 people) and for a small extra cost we can
make your birthday cake, too. Come to Ciao! and ask for our special party menu. But hurry – we are always busy!

1  David doesn’t like fresh salads Really FAST!   5  Alison is inviting lots of people and
or fruit. ………………………  she likes fast food which is cheap. Really FAST!
2  Sheila doesn’t eat fast food or anything 6  Dan wants to have a party in a nice
made from dairy products. Green Eating   location with outdoor space. Ciao!  
/ 6 
3  Peter wants to have a healthy snack. Green Eating  
4  Hayley wants a special cake for her
birthday party. Ciao!  

9  Read the adverts again. Choos e the correct alternativ es to compl ete the sentences.
1  When you go to ‘Green Eating’, you must/don’t 5  ‘Ciao!’ buys/makes  special Italian ice cream to sell in
have to eat your food at the restaurant. the restaurant.
2   At ‘Green Eating’ you can/can’t order a burger. 6  The party menu at ‘Ciao!’ doesn’t /can’t  include a
3  The taste of the food at ‘Really FAST!’ is birthday cake.
wonderful /terrible. 
/ 6 
4   At ‘Really FAST!’ you don’t have to pay any /much 
extra for drinks.
Total  / 12

3 of 6

10  Listen to four people talking about eating out. 11  Listen again and complete the sentences with
Match the speakers (A –D) with the sentences one word i n each gap.
(1 –5). Use one sp eaker more t han onc e.
Speaker A
1  Who enjoys fast food that is not 1 His mum usually cooks
expensive? healthy food like meat with
Speaker     a vegetables or fish with
2  Who thinks restaurants are very salad.
Speaker c  Speaker B
3  Who isn’t only interested in the food? 2 This speaker has a meal
Speaker c before going to the …new
4  Who often goes to a restaurant before restaurant 
something else? Speaker C
Speaker d  3 He and his family
5  Who is learning to cook? sometimes travel for an
Speaker b  around to find a good
/ 5  restaurant.
Speaker D
4 She meets her friends on
like after work.
5 She often eats at a burger
bar or fish and chip
/ 5 

Total  / 10

4 of 6

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