Batch6 Final PDF
Batch6 Final PDF
Batch6 Final PDF
(For Women)
Shaikpet, Hyderabad-500104
This is to certify that the major project report entitled, “SPEED CONTROL OF SINGLE
is being submitted by
Ms. N. Thanmai (19251A0244)
Ms. B. Ravali (19251A0215)
Ms. V. Shanthi (19251A0259)
Ms. S. Pooja (19251A0248)
Ms. P. Shruthi (19251A0246)
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of BACHELOR OF
(Autonomous) is a record of bonafide work carried out under our guidance and supervision
in the academic year 2022-2023.The results embedded in this thesis have not been
submitted to any other university or Institution for the award of any degree or diploma.
External Examiner
It gives immense pleasure to express our deep sense of gratitude to our guide,
Mr. P. Sai Niranjan Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, for his valuable
suggestions, constant encouragement, cooperation and keen interest evinced throughoutthe
course of our major project.
Our sincere thanks to Dr. N. Malla Reddy, Professor and HOD, Department of EEE,
for extending his support.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Dr. K. Ramesh Reddy, Principal of
GNITS, for providing the working facilities in college. We would like to express our thanks
to all the faculty members, staff and all other people who have rendered their valuable help
in making this major project successful.
3.8.1 Introduction 26-27
4.3 Working 32
5.1 Advantages 35
5.2 Disadvantages 35
5.3 Applications 35
The purpose of this project is to control the speed and direction of rotation of AC
Motor using Microcontroller and Bluetooth with android phone. This uses pulse width
modulation technique for speed controlling of AC motor.
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system,
middleware and key applications. Android boasts a healthy array of connectivity options,
including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and wireless data over a cellular connection (for example, GPRS,
EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) and 3G. An android provides access to a
wide range of useful libraries and tools that can be used to build rich applications.
Speed control is done using Zero crossing detection method along with traic
controlling. User can increase/decrease the speed of the AC motor through gentle smart
android mobile phone. The controlling device of the whole system is a Microcontroller. The
Microcontroller gets input from android mobile and acts accordingly on the AC motor speed.
The Microcontroller is programmed using Embedded C language.
This project uses regulated 5v, 500mA power supply. A three terminal voltage
regulator, 7805 is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify
the ac output of 230/12 V step down transformer.
3.5 14
Circuit diagram of Regulated power supply
3.6 16
Bridge-Full wave rectifier
3.7 17
Voltage regulator
3.8 18
Parts of LED
3.9 19
Electrical symbol & polarities of LED
3.10 19
Bluetooth module
3.11 21
TRIAC circuit diagram
3.12 21
3.13 23
AC motor (Top View & Front View)
3.14 24
Equivalent circuit diagram of split phase induction motor
3.15 25
Phasor diagram of split phase induction motor
3.16 25
Torque – speed characteristic of split phase motor
3.17 27
Circuit diagram of Zero Crossing Detector
3.18 27
Output waveform of ZCD
3.19 28
DB107 IC Bridge Rectifier
3.20 28
BC547 Transistor
4.1 33
Schematic Diagram of AC Induction motor speed controlling using
smart phone
5.1 36
Project final structure
1.1 Introduction
The project aims in designing a system which makes 230V AC motor speed control
through Android smart phone. The speed control of motor is done wirelessly through Android
smart phone using the Bluetooth feature present in it. Here in the project the Android smart
phone is used as a remote control for motor speed control.
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system,
middleware and key applications. Android boasts a healthy array of connectivity options,
including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and wireless data over a cellular connection (for example, GPRS,
EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution), and 3G). Android provides access to a wide
range of useful libraries and tools that can be used to build rich applications. In addition,
Android includes a full set of tools that have been built from the ground up alongside the
platform providing developers with high productivity and deep insight into their applications.
Bluetooth is an open standard specification for a radio frequency (RF)-based, short-
range connectivity technology that promises to change the face of computing and wireless
communication. It is designed to be an inexpensive, wireless networking system for all classes
of portable devices, such as laptops, PDAs (personal digital assistants), and mobile phones. It
also enables wireless connections for desktop computers, making connections between
monitors, printers, keyboards, and the CPU cable-free.
The main objectives of the project are:
2. Usage of Android touch screen smart phone in performing the speed control operation
of single phase AC motor.
3. Using Triac and Zero crossing detection technique in speed control of single phase
AC motor.
The project “AC induction motor speed controlling using smart phone” using
PIC16F73 microcontroller is an exclusive project which is used to control the AC motor speed
based on zero crossing detector and TRIAC and display the motor speed on LCD display.
Embedded systems are controlled by one or more main processing cores that are
typically either microcontrollers or digital signal processors (DSP). The key characteristic,
however, is being dedicated to handle a particular task, which may require very powerful
processors. For example, air traffic control systems may usefully be viewed as embedded,
even though they involve mainframe computers and dedicated regional and national networks
between airports and radar sites (Each radar probably includes one or more embedded systems
of its own).
Physically embedded systems range from portable devices such as digital watches
and MP3 players, to large stationary installations like traffic lights, factory controllers, or the
systems controlling nuclear power plants. Complexity varies from low, with a single
microcontroller chip, to very high with multiple units, peripherals and networks mounted
inside a large chassis or enclosure.
In general, "embedded system" is not a strictly definable term, as most systems have
some element of extensibility or programmability. For example, handheld computers share
some elements with embedded systems such as the operating systems and microprocessors
which power them, but they allow different applications to be loaded and peripherals to be
connected. Moreover, even systems which do not expose programmability as a primary
feature generally need to support software updates. On a continuum from "general purpose"
to "embedded", large application systems will have subcomponents at most points even if the
system as a whole is "designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions", and is thus
appropriate to call "embedded".
Fig 2.1: A modern example of embedded system
Labelled parts in Fig 2.1 include microprocessor (4), RAM (6), and flash memory.
Embedded systems programming is not like normal PC programming. In many ways,
programming for an embedded system is like programming PC 15 years ago. The hardware
for the system is usually chosen to make the device as cheap as possible. Spending an extra
dollar on a unit in order to make things easier to program can cost millions. Hiring a
programmer for an extra month is cheap in comparison. This means the programmer must
make do with slow processors and low memory, while at the same time battling a need for
efficiency not seen in most PC applications.
To save costs, embedded systems frequently have the cheapest processors that can
do the job. This means programs need to be written as efficiently as possible. When dealing
with large data sets, issues like memory cache misses which never matter in PC programming
can hurt. This will not happen too often- efficient algorithms need to be used reasonably to
start, and optimized only when necessary. Normal profilers will not work well, due to the
same reason debuggers do not work well.
Memory is also an issue. For the same cost savings reasons, embedded systems
usually have the least memory they can get away with. That means their algorithms must be
memory efficient (unlike in PC programs, you will frequently sacrifice processor time for
memory, rather than the reverse). It also means that leak memory cannot be afforded.
Embedded applications generally use deterministic memory techniques and avoid the default
"new" and "malloc" functions, so that leaks can be found and eliminated more easily. Other
resources programmers expect may not even exist. For example, most embedded processors
do not have hardware FPUs (Floating-Point Processing Unit). These resources either need to
be emulated in software, or avoided altogether.
Embedded systems frequently control hardware, and must be able to respond to them
in real time. Failure to do so could cause inaccuracy in measurements, or even damage
hardware such as motors. This is made even more difficult by the lack of resources available.
Almost all embedded systems need to be able to prioritize some tasks over others, and to be
able to put off/ skip low priority tasks such as UI in favor of high priority tasks like hardware
2.2.1 Debugging:
• Interactive resident debugging, using the simple shell provided by the embedded
operating system (e.g., Forth and Basic).
• External debugging, using logging or serial port output to trace operation using either
a monitor in flash or using a debug server like the Remedy Debugger which even
works for heterogeneous multicore systems.
• An in-circuit debugger (ICD), a hardware device that connects to the microprocessor
via a JTAG or Nexus interface. This allows the operation of the microprocessor to be
controlled externally, but is typically restricted to specific debugging capabilities in
the processor.
• A complete emulator provides a simulation of all aspects of the hardware, allowing all
of it to be controlled and modified and allowing debugging on a normal PC.
• Unless restricted to external debugging, the programmer can typically load and run
software through the tools, view the code running in the processor, and start or stop
its operation. The view of the code may be as assembly code or source-code.
• Consider a web camera that is connected to the computer with internet can be used to
spread communication like sending pictures, images, videos etc.., to another computer
with internet connection throughout anywhere in the world.
• Consider a web camera that is connected at the door lock. Whenever a person comes
near the door, it captures the image of a person and sends to the desktop of your
computer which is connected to internet. This gives an alerting message with image
on to the desktop of your computer, and then you can open the door lock just by
clicking the mouse.
Fig 2.2: Network communication embedded systems
3.1 Introduction with block diagram
In this chapter the block diagram of the project and design aspect of independent
modules are considered.
Fig 3.1: Block diagram of AC induction motor speed controlling using smart phone
• Micro controller
• Regulater Power Supply
• Bluetooth module
• Triac
• AC motor
• LED indicators
• Zero crossing detector
3.2 Micro controller
3.2.1 Introduction:
The PIC16F73 CMOS FLASH-based 8-bit microcontroller is upward compatible
with the PIC16C73B/74B/76/77, PIC16F873/874/876/877devices. It features 200 ns
instruction execution, self-programming, an in-circuit debugging (ICD), 2 Comparators, 8
channels of 8-bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter, 2 capture/compare/ pulse width
modulation (PWM) functions, a synchronous serial port that can be configured as either 3-
wire serial peripheral interface (SPI) or 2-wire inter integrated circuit (I2C) bus, a USART,
and a Parallel Slave Port.
• All instructions are single cycle except for program branches which are two-cycle
• Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes for data and instructions
• 28 I/O pins
• Programmable code protection
Peripheral Features:
• Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit prescaler
• Timer1: 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler, can be incremented during SLEEP via
• external crystal/clock
• Timer2: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register, prescaler and postscaler
• Synchronous Serial Port (SSP) with SPI (Master mode) and I2C (Slave)
• Parallel Slave Port (PSP), 8-bits wide with external RD, WR and CS controls (40/44-
pin Only)
• 2 analog comparators
CMOS Technology:
It is usually used for storing important data that must not be lost if power supply
suddenly stops. For instance, one such data is an assigned temperature in temperature
regulators. If during a loss of power supply this data was lost, we would have to make the
adjustment once again upon return of supply. Thus, the device loses self-reliance.
RAM: Data memory used by a program during its execution.
Ports are physical connections between the microcontroller and the outside world.
PIC16F73 has 28 I/O. There are 5 input/output ports on PIC microcontroller namely port A,
port B, port C, port D and port E. Each port has different function. Most of them can be used
as I/O port.
Crystal oscillator:
The crystal oscillator speed that can be connected to the PIC microcontroller range
from DC to 20Mhz. Using the common command set (CCS) C compiler, normally 20 MHz
oscillator will be used and the price is very cheap. The 20 MHz crystal oscillator should be
connected with about 22pF capacitor.
By utilizing all of this pin so many application can be done such as:
1. LCD – connect to Port B pin.
2. LED – connect to any pin declared as output.
3. Relay and Motor - connect to any pin declared as output.
4. External EEPROM – connect to I2C interface pin – RC3 and RC4 (SCL and SDA)
5. LDR, Potentiometer and sensor – connect to analogue input pin such as RA0.
6. GSM modem dial up modem – connect to RC6 and RC7 – the serial communication
interface using RS232 protocol
Block Diagram:
The basic circuit diagram of a regulated power supply giving DC output voltage,
with led connected to the load:
• 230V AC Mains
• Transformer
• Capacitor
• Resistor
varying current in the first or primary winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the
transformer's core, and thus a varying magnetic field through the secondary winding. This
varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force (EMF) or voltage in the
secondary winding. This effect is called mutual induction.
• Step Up transformer: In case of step up transformer, primary windings are every less
compared to secondary winding. Because of having more turns secondary winding
accepts more energy, and it releases more voltage at the output side.
• Step down transformer: In case of step down transformer, Primary winding induces
more flux than the secondary winding, and secondary winding is having less number
of turns because of that it accepts less number of flux, and releases less amount of
The Bridge rectifier converts an ac voltage to dc voltage using both half cycles of the
input ac voltage. The Bridge rectifier circuit is shown in the figure. The circuit has four diodes
connected to form a bridge. The ac input voltage is applied to the diagonally opposite ends of
the bridge. The load resistance is connected between the other two ends of the bridge. For the
positive half cycle of the input ac voltage, diodes D1 and D3 conduct, whereas diodes D2 and
D4 remain in the OFF state. The conducting diodes will be in series with the load resistance
RL and hence the load current flows through RL. For the negative half cycle of the input ac
voltage, diodes D2 and D4 conduct whereas, D1 and D3 remain OFF. The conducting diodes
D2 and D4 will be in series with the load resistance RL and hence the current flows through
RL in the same direction as in the previous half cycle. Thus a bi-directional wave is converted
into a unidirectional wave.
Input Output
The process of converting a pulsating direct current to a pure direct current, without
pulses using filters is called as filtration.
The Capacitor or Condenser is a passive device, and one which stores energy in the
form of an electrostatic field which produces a potential (static voltage) across its plates. In
its basic form, a capacitor consists of two parallel conductive plates that are not connected but
are electrically separated either by air or by an insulating material called the Dielectric. When
a voltage is applied to these plates, a current flows charging up the plates with electrons giving
one plate a positive charge and the other plate an equal and opposite negative charge. This
flow of electrons to the plates is known as the Charging Current and continues to flow until
the voltage across the plates (and hence the capacitor) is equal to the applied voltage Vcc. At
this point the capacitor is said to be fully charged.
Working of LED:
The structure of the LED light is completely different than that of the light bulb.
Amazingly, the LED has a simple and strong structure. The light-emitting semiconductor
material is what determines the LED's colour. The LED is based on the semiconductor diode.
When a diode is forward biased (switched on), electrons are able to recombine with holes
within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. This effect is called
electroluminescence and the colour of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photon) is
determined by the energy gap of the semiconductor. An LED is usually small in area (less
than 1 mm2), and integrated optical components are used to shape its radiation pattern and
assist in reflection. LEDs present many advantages over incandescent light sources including
lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved robustness, smaller size, faster
switching, and greater durability and reliability. However, they are relatively expensive and
require more precise current and heat management than traditional light sources. Current LED
products for general lighting are more expensive to buy than fluorescent lamp sources of
comparable output. They also enjoy use in applications as diverse as replacements for
traditional light sources in automotive lighting (particularly indicators) and in traffic signals.
The compact size of LEDs has allowed new text and video displays and sensors to be
developed, while their high switching rates are useful in advanced communications
Fig 3.9: Electrical symbol & polarities of LED
HC‐05 module is an easy to use Bluetooth Serial Port Protocol (SPP) module,
designed for transparent wireless serial connection setup. The HC-05 Bluetooth Module can
be used in a Master or Slave configuration. The slave modules cannot initiate a connection to
another Bluetooth device, but can accept connections. Master module can initiate a connection
to other devices. The user can use it simply for a serial port replacement to establish
connection between microcontroller unit (MCU) and global positioning system (GPS),
personal computer (PC) to the embedded project.
• ENABLE: When enable is pulled LOW, the module is disabled which means the
module will not turn on and it fails to communicate. When enable is left open or
connected to 3.3V, the module is enabled i.e. the module remains on and
communication also takes place.
• TXD & RXD: These two pins acts as an UART interface for communication.
• STATE: It acts as a status indicator. When the module is not connected to / paired
with any other Bluetooth device, signal goes Low. At this low state, the led flashes
continuously which denotes that the module is not paired with other device. When this
module is connected to/ paired with any other Bluetooth device, the signal goes High.
At this high state, the led blinks with a constant delay say for example 2s delay which
indicates that the module is paired.
• BUTTON SWITCH: This is used to switch the module into AT command mode. To
enable AT command mode, press the button switch for a second. With the help of AT
commands, the user can change the parameters of this module but only when the
module is not paired with any other BT device. If the module is connected to any other
Bluetooth device, it starts to communicate with that device and fails to work in AT
command mode.
3.6.1. Introduction
Once triggered, the device continues to conduct until the current through it drops
below a certain threshold value, the holding current, such as at the end of a half-cycle of
alternating current (AC) power. This makes the TRIAC a very convenient switch for AC
circuits, allowing the control of very large power flows with milli ampere-scale control
currents. In addition, applying a trigger pulse at a controllable point in an AC cycle allows
one to control the percentage of current that flows through the TRIAC to the load (phase
• Low holding current for low current loads and lowest electromagnetic interference
(EMI) at commutation.
• Sensitive gate.
BT136 Applications:
BT136 Advantages:
• The gate threshold voltage of the BT136 is very less so can be driven by digital
• Since TRIACs are bi-directional switching devices, they are commonly used for
switching AC applications.
• In switch control (dim, speed control) of an AC load which consumes less than 6A
with a digital device like microcontroller or microprocessor, BT136 is used.
3.7 AC Motor
Fig 3.13: AC motor (Top View & Front View)
𝑁𝑠 = 120𝑓/𝑃
5. Permanent split capacitor motor or single value capacitor motor.
A resistor is connected in series with the auxiliary winding. The current in the two
windings is not equal as a result, the rotating field is not uniform. Hence, the starting torque
is small, of the order of 1.5 to 2 times the stated running torque. At the starting of the motor
both the windings are connected in parallel.
As soon as the motor reaches the speed of about 70 to 80 % of the synchronous speed
the starting winding is disconnected automatically from the supply mains. If the motors are
rated about 100 Watt or more, a centrifugal switch is used to disconnect the starting winding
and for the smaller rating motors relay is used for the disconnecting of the winding.
A relay is connected in series with the main winding. In the starting, the heavy
current flows in the circuit, and the contact of the relay gets closed. Thus, the starting winding
is in the circuit, and as the motor attains the predetermined speed, the current in the relay starts
decreasing. Therefore, the relay opens and disconnects the auxiliary winding from the supply,
making the motor runs on the main winding only.
The phasor diagram of the Split Phase Induction Motor is shown below:
The current in the main winding (IM) lags behind the supply voltage V almost by
the 90-degree angle. The current in the auxiliary winding IA is approximately in phase with
the line voltage. Thus, there exists a time difference between the currents of the two windings.
The time phase difference ϕ is not 90 degrees, but of the order of 30 degrees. This phase
difference is enough to produce a rotating magnetic field.
The Torque Speed Characteristic of the Split Phase motor is shown below:
The direction of the Resistance Start motor can be reversed by reversing the line
connection of either the main winding or the starting winding. The reversal of the motor is
possible at the standstill condition only.
• Protection: impedance
The Zero crossing detector (ZCD) is a device for detecting the point where the
voltage crosses zero in either direction. As shown in the above circuit diagram the first section
is a bridge rectifier, which provides full wave rectified output. This is applied to the base of
the transistor through a base resistor, R2. The capacitor charges to maximum of the bridge
rectified output through the diode, D5. This charge is available to the transistor as VCC. The
capacitance value is kept large in order to minimize ripple and get perfect dc. The transistor
remains OFF until the Cut-in voltage VBE is reached. During the OFF period of the transistor
the output will be high and approximately equal to VCC. Once the transistor is ON and IB
increases according to the input wave, the transistor moves slowly towards saturation where
the output reduces to the saturation voltage of the transistor which is nearly equal to zero.
Initially VBE = Cut-in voltage of diode, the capacitor will charge through the diode
Vm where Vm is the maximum amplitude of the rectified wave. Now the diode is reverse
biased and hence does not provide a discharging path for the capacitor, which in turn has two
1. Variation in VCC.
2. It will provide base current to the transistor in the region where both diode and
transistor are OFF.
Thus an output square wave is produced whenever the input voltage crosses zero
thereby acting as a zero crossing detector.
Features of DB107:
• Weight:1.0gram.
BC547 is a NPN transistor hence the collector and emitter will be left open (Reverse
biased) when the base pin is held at ground and will be closed (Forward biased) when a signal
is provided to base pin.
BC547 transistor has a gain value of 110 to 800, this value determines the
amplification capacity of the transistor. The maximum amount of current that could
flow through the Collector pin is 100mA, hence we cannot connect loads that consume
more than 100mA using this transistor. To bias a transistor, we have to supply current
to base pin, this current (IB) should be limited to 5mA.
4.1 Algorithm
Yes No
Yes No
Set alpha = 6000 If
Yes No
Set alpha = 7000 If
Yes No
Set alpha = 8000 If
Delay of alpha Ms
Give output - high to triac
connected pin
4.2 Code
alpha = 7000;
if(ch == '2')
alpha = 8000;
if(ch == '1')
alpha = 9000;
if(ch == '0')
alpha = 10000;
4.3 Working
• On giving 230 V single phase AC supply, LED indicators of the boards glow,
indicating the circuit is in working condition.
• Mobile phone should be paired with Bluetooth module using “Bluetooth terminal
HC05” application.
• On receiving the ‘Character’ ranging from 0-4 through mobile phone, Bluetooth
sends signal to microcontroller. Input from Bluetooth is stored in microcontroller.
• ZCD on receiving supply detects the “zero” of AC waveform and ZCD sends pulse
to microcontroller.
• TRIAC triggers using pulse width modulation technique and sends voltage
respective to the character entered to induction motor.
Fig 4.1: Schematic diagram of AC induction motor speed controlling using smart
The above schematic diagram of AC induction motor speed controlling using
smart phone explains the interfacing section of each component with micro controller and
motor speed control. Bluetooth module is connected to C6, C7 pins. Crystal oscillator
connected to 9th and 10th pins of micro controller, regulated power supply is connected to
microcontroller with the help of capacitor to maintain constant 5V DC supply to the
microcontroller. LED’s are connected to micro controller through resistors to indicate the
proper working condition of the device. A5 output pin is connected to traic circuit through
220 ohm resistor, which triggers the traic using pulse width modulation technique based on
the character entered from mobile phone paired by bluetooth module.
5.1 Advantages
1. Efficient and low cost design.
2. Easily operable.
5.2 Disadvantages
1. Interfacing Triac to Micro Controller is highly sensitive.
5.3 Applications
1. Industrial machinery
2. Households items like Television (TV), refrigerator, air conditioner (AC)
3. Agriculture Motors
4. Water pumps
The speed of the AC motor is measured using tachometer. Speed control is done
using Zero crossing detection method along with traic controlling. User can increase/decrease
the speed of the AC motor through smart android mobile phone. The controlling device of the
whole system, microcontroller, which is programmed using Embedded C language, gets input
from android mobile and acts accordingly on the AC motor speed.
TABLE 1: Speed of the motor (in rpm) when measured with tachometer
We can add LCD display and IR sensor to this project to display the speed of AC
induction motor on LCD display. The main drawback of the system is the Bluetooth wireless
communication supports only for limited distance. This can be eliminated using GSM
technology which can increase the distance of operation. The project can also be extended by
using Dual tone multi frequency (DTMF) technology we can increase or decrease the motor
speed control.
All the hardware components for implementing speed control of single-phase
induction motor using android mobile phone are chosen and integrated. Usage of
microcontroller, traic control and zero crossing detection technique provides an opportunity
for sensitive operation of the motor at varying speeds. With the help of growing technology,
highly advanced IC’s are included and the project has been successfully implemented. The
project has been successfully designed and tested.
[1] A Review on Speed Control Techniques of Single Phase Induction Motor Atul M. Gajare1,
Nitin R. Bhasme2
[2] Microcontroller based speed control of three phase induction motor using v/f method
Mrs.Deepali S.Shirke, Prof. Mrs.Haripriya, H.Kulkarni Electrical Dept. PES’s Modern
College of Engg. Pune
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journal of innovative research & studies by Devendrakumar Shukla &Sudhanshu Tripathi.
[4] “Speed control of single phase induction motor using AC chopper by asymmetrical PWM
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Tushar Karade, Suraj Lekurwale.
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by Chaitanya N. Jibhakate, Asst. Prof. Vijaya Huchhe.
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M68HC11E-9 microcontroller” from journal of applied sciences by Senan M. Bashi, I. Aris
and S. H. Harmad.
[8] “Speed control and Monitoring of AC motor by wireless communication using DTMF
decoder technique” form international journal of engineering and science by Asst. Prof. Burali
Y. N and Patil R. T.
[9] Koji Namihana, Masayoshi Sato: “New control method of three-phase induction motor”,
RENGA No.159,pp.23-28 (1999)