V. SINDHUJA (21281A0434)
CH. PRADEEP (22285A0402)
MA. RIZWAN PASHA (22285A0411)
G. ASHWITHA (21281A0428)
P. SATHWIKA (21281A0431)
(Sponsored by Kamala Education Society, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Telangana,
Accredited by NBA (CSE, ECE & EEE) and accredited by NAAC with A++ Grade)
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to JNTU-Hyderabad, Accredited by NAAC with A++,
TCS and ISO 9001 :2015 Certified, Accredited by NBA (EEE, ECE, CSE)
This is to certify that this is a bonafide record of the project work entitled
AND LOCATION TRACKING” is a work carried out by V. SINDHUJA
(21281A0434), CH. PRADEEP (22285A0402), MA. RIZWAN PASHA
(22285A0411), G. ASHWITHA (212810428), P. SATHWIKA (21281A0431)
In the partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Technology in
We take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to all
people who extend their support with timely suggestions and indispensable help which made
this project feasible.
We extend our sincere thanks to Mrs. E. SWAPNA, Asst. prof for their expert advice,
timely feedback, and continuous encouragement, which were crucial in guiding this project to
we would also like to thank our project coordinator Dr. M. SHYAM SUNDAR,
Associate professor for his continuous encouragement and timely advice throughout the
project development.
Our special thanks to Dr. B. RAMESH, Professor and Head of the Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering for providing the necessary resources and
infrastructure to work on this project.
Finally, we express our thanks to all the teaching and non-teaching staff of the
department for their suggestions and timely support.
V. SINDHUJA (21281A0434)
CH. PRADEEP (22285A0402)
MA. RIZWAN PASHA (22285A0411)
G. ASHWITHA (21281A0428)
P. SATHWIKA (21281A0431)
1.1 Overview of the project 01
1.2 Existing System 01
1.3 Proposed System 02
2.1 Introduction to embedded systems 04
2.2 Characteristics of Embedded Systems 04
2.3 Components of Embedded Systems 05
2.4 Types of Embedded Systems 05
3.1 Node MCU 06
3.2 DHT11 Sensor 11
3.3 Mq2 Gas Sensor 12
3.4 LDR Module 14
3.5 16 * 2 Alphanumeric Lcd 16
3.6 WIFI Module 20
3.7 Buzzer 23
3.8 Exhaust Fan 24
5.1 Arduino Software 28
Chapter 6: RESULTS 36
Chapter 8: APPLICATIONS 40
Due to the convergence of technology in the recent era, digital information may now
reach a destination placed over a long distance with reasonable simplicity and reliability.
However, due to carrier speed and capacity limits, the same cannot be said for physical
items. For example, shipping cargo between New York and Los Angeles takes a long time
and effort. Typically, these containers convey things that could be damaged in a variety of
ways during transportation, including excessive temperatures, humidity, sunlight exposure,
or, more historically, unexpected jolts or shocks to fragile items of the ship.This paper
proposes a monitoring and tracking system to keep customers informed about their
purchases by providing information on the state of the environment in which they are being
transported, independent of the mode of transportation until the item is delivered. The
proposed system is intelligent, cost-effective, and secure.
In many traditional systems, temperature and humidity monitoring are done with
standalone devices that provide periodic readings, but they do not offer real-time tracking or
alerts when conditions exceed safe levels. Additionally, while some systems have GPS
tracking, they are often not integrated with real-time data from environmental sensors,
limiting the ability to respond promptly to any anomalies.Gas leak detection is another area
where existing systems are often inadequate. In most cases, containers may be equipped with
basic alarms for detecting gas leaks, but these are not connected to centralized cloud systems
for real-time alerts, and there’s often no automated mechanism to mitigate the risks, such as
ventilation systems or immediate rerouting.
Lighting conditions inside containers are rarely monitored in current systems, even
though improper lighting can lead to cargo damage, especially for sensitive materials. Light
intensity monitoring is generally overlooked, and containers may not have automatic
adjustments for light exposure, leading to potential harm to products.Furthermore, location
tracking in existing systems typically relies solely on GPS, without incorporating geofencing
or providing historical tracking. There are limited capabilities for monitoring deviations from
the planned route or providing alerts when the container is off-course.
information accessible to concerned authorities. If any monitored parameter exceeds preset
thresholds, the system automatically triggers alerts to notify the relevant parties.
If the system detects high temperatures beyond the defined limit, such as exceeding
40°C, it automatically sends an alert and activates cooling systems, such as ventilation fans,
to regulate the temperature inside the container. If the temperature continues to rise, the
system will prompt personnel to take additional corrective measures. Similarly, if humidity
levels exceed safe limits, the system will trigger dehumidifiers to reduce moisture levels. If
gas levels surpass the safety threshold, the system will immediately send a warning and
activate safety measures, such as ventilation fans, to clear the hazardous gases from the
container. In critical cases of high gas concentration, emergency protocols like rerouting the
container may be initiated.
When the LDR detects inadequate or excessive light intensity, the system will alert
the authorities to take corrective actions, such as adjusting the lighting or using shielding to
protect sensitive cargo from UV exposure. These automated responses help mitigate potential
risks and ensure that the environment within the container remains stable.
The GPS Module continuously tracks the container’s location and sends real-time
updates to the cloud server. If the container deviates from its designated path, an alert is
immediately triggered. The system stores the location history, allowing stakeholders to track
the container’s movements throughout the shipment. In case of any deviations, the GPS
system can issue emergency alerts to ensure timely action is taken.
Embedded systems possess distinct characteristics that set them apart from general-
purpose computing systems:
Dedicated Functionality: Designed for specific tasks, embedded systems are optimized for
efficiency and performance in executing a particular function.
Real-time Operation: Many embedded systems require real-time responses, meaning they
must process inputs and produce outputs within a defined time frame.
Reliability and Stability: Embedded systems are expected to function reliably without
failure for long periods, often in challenging environments.
Small Size and Low Cost: To fit into the devices they control, embedded systems are usually
small in size and cost-effective in design.
Power Efficiency: Since many embedded systems are used in portable devices, minimizing
power consumption is crucial to extend battery life.
An embedded system typically consists of the following key components:
Microcontroller/Microprocessor: The core processing unit of an embedded system,
responsible for executing instructions. Microcontrollers integrate the CPU, memory, and
peripherals into a single chip, making them suitable for embedded applications.
Memory: Embedded systems use both volatile memory (RAM) for temporary data storage
and non-volatile memory (ROM, EEPROM, or Flash) for storing the program code.
Input/Output (I/O) Interfaces: I/O interfaces enable communication between the embedded
system and external devices or sensors. Examples include communication protocols like
UART, SPI, and I2C.
Sensors and Actuators: Sensors collect data from the environment, while actuators act on
the physical world based on the processed data.
Software/Firmware: The program or code that runs on the microcontroller or processor to
control the system's operation. It includes the embedded software, which is developed in
languages like C, C++, or assembly.
Communication Interfaces: Embedded systems often use communication interfaces like
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or Ethernet to connect with other devices or networks, especially in IoT
UARTs: 1
SPIs: 1
I2Cs: 1
Flash Memory: 4 MB
USB-TTL based on CP2102 is included onboard, Enabling Plug n Play PCB Antenna
Node MCU is an open-source platform based on ESP8266 which can connect
objects and let data transfer using the Wi-Fi protocol. In addition, by providing some of the
most important features of micro controllers such as GPIO, PWM, ADC, and etc, it can solve
many of the project'sneeds alone. The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is a self-contained SOC with
integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any micro controller access to your Wi-Fi
network. The Node MCU ESP8266 development board comes with the ESP-12E module
containing the ESP8266 chip having Tensilica Xtensa 32-bit LX106 RISC microprocessor.
This microprocessor supports RTOS and operates at 80MHz to 160 MHz adjustable clock
frequency. Node MCU has 128 KB RAM and 4MB of Flash memory to store data and
programs. Its high processing power with in-built Wi-Fi / IOT and Deep Sleep Operating
features make it ideal for IoT projects.
Node MCU can be powered using a Micro USB jack and VIN pin (External Supply
Pin). It supportsUART, SPI, and I2C interface.
The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is a self-contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol
stack that can give any micro controller access to your Wi-Fi network. The ESP8266 is
capable of either hosting an application or offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from
another application processor. Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT
command set firmware, meaning, you can simply hook this up to your Arduino device and
get about as much Wi-Fi abilityas a Wi-Fi Shield offers (and that's just out of the box)! The
ESP8266 module is an extremely cost-effective board with a huge, and ever growing,
This module has a powerful enough on-board processing and storage capability that
allows it to be integrated with the sensors and other application specific devices through its
GPIOs with minimal development up-front and minimal loading during runtime. Its high
degree of on-chip integration allows for minimal external circuitry, including the front-end
module, is designed to occupyminimal PCB area. The ESP8266 supports APSD for VoIP
applications and IOT co-existence interfaces, it contains a self-calibrated RF allowing it to
work under all operating conditions, and requires no external RF parts.
Arduino Node MCU: ESP8266 description
communication interface specification used for short-distance communication,
primarily in embedded systems.
circuit or board that can be used to perform digital input or output functions. By design
it has no predefined purpose and can be used by the hardware.
This sensor is used in various applications such as measuring humidity and
temperature values in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Weather stations also
use these sensors to predict weather conditions. The humidity sensor is used as a preventive
measure in homes where people are affected by humidity. Offices, cars, museums,
greenhouses and industries use this sensor for measuring humidity values and as a safety
Note that the MQ2 gas sensor detects multiple gases, but cannot identify them! That
is normal; most gas sensors operate in this manner. Therefore, it is best suited for measuring
changes in a known gas density rather than detecting which one is changing.
MQ2 Gas Sensor Module Hardware Overview
The MQ2 gas sensor is simple to use and has two different outputs. It not only
provides a binary indication of the presence of combustible gasses, but also an analog
The sensor’s analog output voltage (at the A0 pin) varies in proportion to the
concentration of smoke/gas. The higher the concentration, the higher the output voltage; the
lower the concentration, the lower the output voltage.
Operating voltage 5v
VCC supplies power to the module. Connect it to the 5V output of your Arduino.
D0 indicates the presence of combustible gasses. D0 becomes LOW when the gas
concentration exceeds the threshold value (as set by the potentiometer), and HIGH otherwise.
Infrared (IR) sensors are devices that detect and measure infrared radiation emitted or
reflected by objects. Infrared radiation, part of the electromagnetic spectrum, is invisible to
the human eye but can be felt as heat. IR sensors are widely used in various industries due to
their ability to sense motion, measure temperature, and detect objects without direct contact.
These sensors are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and compact, making them essential in
modern applications such as robotics, security, healthcare, and consumer electronics.
IR sensors operate by detecting infrared light or heat. Depending on their type, they
either emit IR radiation and detect reflections or solely measure the naturally emitted IR
radiation from objects. Active IR sensors emit IR light using an LED or laser diode and detect
the reflected signal to determine the distance or presence of an object. In contrast, passive IR
(PIR) sensors only detect the IR radiation naturally emitted by warm objects, such as humans
or animals, making them ideal for motion detection.
The sensor typically consists of an IR emitter, such as an LED or laser, and a detector,
such as a photodiode or thermopile. A processing unit converts the detected radiation into an
electrical signal, which is analysed to extract useful information like temperature or proximity.
Types of IR Sensors
1. Proximity Sensors: Measure the distance between the sensor and an object based on
reflected IR signals.
2. Thermal IR Sensors: Measure the heat emitted by objects without direct contact.
Applications of IR Sensors
Security Systems
Motion detectors use PIR sensors to sense intruders by detecting changes in IR radiation.
IR cameras provide night vision capabilities for surveillance.
Consumer Electronics
Remote Controls: Emit IR signals to control devices like TVs, air conditioners, and
sound systems.
Smartphones: Incorporate IR blasters for device control and sensors for facial
Fig 3.5.1 Block diagram of 16x2 LCD Display
Busy Flag
Busy Flag is a status indicator flag for LCD. When a command or data is sent to the
LCD for processing, this flag is set (i.e. BF =1) and as soon as the instruction is executed
successfully this flag is cleared (BF = 0). This is helpful in producing and exact amount of
delay for the LCD Processing.
To read Busy Flag, the condition RS = 0 and R/W = 1 must be met and The MSB of
the LCD data bus (D7) act as busy flag. When BF = 1 means LCD is busy and will not accept
next command or data and BF = 0 means LCD is ready for the next command or data to
Table 3.5 Pin description of LCD Display
Circuit Description
Above is the quite simple schematic. The LCD panel's Enable and Register Select is
connected to the Control Port. The Control Port is an open collector / open drain output.
While most Parallel Ports have internal pull-up resistors, there are a few which don't.
Therefore, by incorporating the two 10K external pull up resistors, the circuit is more
portable for a wider range of computers, some of which may have no internal pull up
No effort is made to configure the data bus for reverse direction. Instead, the R/W line
of the LCD panel is hardwired into write mode, eliminating any possibility of bus conflicts on
the data lines. However, this configuration prevents reading the LCD's internal Busy Flag,
which indicates whether the last instruction has been processed. To address this limitation,
known delays are introduced into the program.
The 10k potentiometer controls the contrast of the LCD panel. A bench power supply
set to 5V or an onboard +5V regulator can be used. It is recommended to include a few
decoupling capacitors, especially if the circuit experiences issues with proper functionality.
The 2-line x 16-character LCD modules are available from various manufacturers and are
generally compatible with the HD44780.
The ESP8266 is an affordable Wi-Fi module that can be easily integrated into IoT
devices. Several projects utilizing this module are featured, including the creation of Smart
Home Electronics such as a Smart Mailbox and interfacing with Arduino. This tutorial
provides guidance on setting up the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module for use with Arduino. The
ESP8266 is available in various models, each offering different functionalities.
The first thing to notice about the ESP8266 is its unusually spaced header pins. The
module has 8 pins with different functions, arranged in a 4×2 pattern, making it impossible to
directly plug the module into a breadboard. To prototype projects on a breadboard, male-
female jumper wires are needed to connect the pins on the ESP8266 to the breadboard rows.
For a more compact prototyping setup, breadboard breakouts for the ESP8266, like the one
shown here, can be purchased. For this project, I opted to use jumper wires.
Note that the maximum voltage input for the ESP8266 is 3.3V. Any input voltage
greater than 3.3V will damage the module! To program settings on the ESP8266, it must be
connected to a serial terminal on a computer to send special commands. Required settings
include the SSID and password for the Wi-Fi network the module will be connected to.
connecting the ESP8266 to a computer and configuring its settings require a USB to serial
adapter with 3.3V logic, along with a serial terminal program. The Arduino and the Arduino
IDE’s serial monitor can be used for this purpose by connecting the ESP8266 module to the
Arduino and uploading a custom sketch to the Arduino.
Second, the receive (RX) line of the ESP8266 module is connected to the output of a
resistor voltage-divider circuit to shift the serial communication logic level. This adjustment
changes the logic high of of 5 volts from the Arduino to a logic high of 3.3 volts for the
ESP8266 module. Since the ESP8266 operates at 3.3V logic, directly connecting it receive
line to the Arduino’s transmit line can cause damage. No level shifting is required for the
ESP8266’s transmit line, as its 3.3V logic high is sufficient to register as a logic high on the
Finally, there are two pull-up resistors on the ESP8266’s CH_PD and RESET pins.
These are specified by the module’s creators to ensure that the device functions properly
while it is being used. To reset the ESP8266 or disable it, these pins must be pulled down.
However, to prevent unintended resets or disablement, these pins are pulled high using 10kΩ
pull-up resistors.
There are many ways to communicate between the user and a product. One of the
best ways is audio communication using a buzzer IC. So, during the design process,
understanding some technologies with configurations is very helpful. So, this article
discusses an overview of an audio signalling device like a beeper or a buzzer and its working
with applications.
An audio signalling device like a beeper or buzzer may be electromechanical or
piezoelectric or mechanical type. The main function of this is to convert the signal from audio
to sound. Generally, it is powered through DC voltage and used in timers, alarm devices,
printers, alarms, computers, etc. Based on the various designs, it can generate different
sounds like alarm, music, bell & siren.
Operating Temperature ranges from – 20° C to +60°C
Operating voltage ranges from 3V to 24V DC
The sound pressure level is 85dBA or 10cm
The supply current is below 15mA
Exhaust fans are mechanical ventilation devices designed to expel stale air, excess
heat, moisture, and Odors from a space, replacing it with fresh air. They are essential for
maintaining a healthy and comfortable environment, preventing issues like mold growth,
poor air quality, and overheating. Available in various sizes and designs, exhaust fans serve
residential, commercial, and industrial purposes.
In homes, exhaust fans are widely used in kitchens to remove smoke and cooking
Odors, as well as in bathrooms to eliminate moisture and prevent mold. Ceiling-mounted or
wall-mounted models are common, providing efficient ventilation in confined spaces.
Window exhaust fans are versatile, functioning as both exhaust and intake fans to ensure
adequate airflow in living spaces.
Industrially, exhaust fans play a critical role in maintaining air quality in factories,
workshops, and warehouses by removing dust, fumes, and heat. They are also integral to
electronics, cooling heat-generating components like CPUs and microcontrollers, ensuring
stable operation in devices and systems. For agricultural applications, exhaust fans regulate
temperature and humidity in greenhouses and livestock enclosures, fostering optimal
conditions for growth and productivity.
The advantages of exhaust fans are numerous. They improve air quality by
expelling pollutants and allergens, regulate temperature to enhance comfort, and prevent
moisture buildup that can lead to structural damage or health risks. Additionally, exhaust fans
are energy-efficient, reducing the reliance on costly cooling systems like air conditioners.
Their quiet operation and customizable designs make them a valuable addition to any space.
Choosing the right exhaust fan depends on factors such as the size of the space,
airflow requirements, and installation type. By selecting a fan tailored to specific needs, users
can ensure efficient ventilation, making exhaust fans a vital component of modern living and
working environments.
The system begins with a power supply that ensures uninterrupted power for all the
connected components. This is crucial for real-time monitoring and tracking, as any failure in
power supply could compromise the data collection and communication processes. The
NodeMCU microcontroller, known for its built-in Wi-Fi capability, acts as the central unit,
gathering data from various sensors and processing it for decision-making and IoT
To monitor the environment inside the container, the system incorporates several
sensors. The gas sensor detects the presence of harmful gases, ensuring the safety of goods
and personnel by identifying potential hazards like chemical leaks or fire risks. The light
sensor plays a security role, detecting unauthorized access by sensing light intrusion, which
could indicate tampering or opening of the container. The DHT11 sensor measures
temperature and humidity levels, providing essential data to monitor and maintain the optimal
environmental conditions required for the safe transportation of goods such as perishable
items or sensitive equipment.
The output devices in the system include an LCD display, a buzzer, and exhaust fans.
The LCD display provides real-time readings of temperature, humidity, and gas levels,
offering on-site visibility of the container's condition. In case of critical situations, such as the
detection of harmful gases or unauthorized access, the buzzer is activated to alert nearby
personnel. Additionally, the system uses exhaust fans to regulate air quality and maintain a
stable internal temperature whenever the environmental conditions exceed safe thresholds.
A significant feature of the system is the GPS module, which provides real-time
location tracking of the shipping container. This module communicates with the NodeMCU
to send geolocation data to the cloud. This ensures that stakeholders can monitor the
container's position and movement throughout the transit process, enabling better logistics
management and reducing the risk of theft or loss.
The integration of IoT capabilities allows the system to transmit data to a cloud server using
the NodeMCU's built-in Wi-Fi module. The collected data, including environmental
parameters and location information, is uploaded to the cloud and can be accessed remotely
through a web interface or mobile application. This remote accessibility provides
stakeholders with real-time insights into the container's conditions and location, enhancing
transparency and decision-making.
Moreover, the system is designed to trigger alerts and notifications in case of any anomalies.
For instance, if the gas levels exceed safe limits, if the temperature or humidity goes beyond
acceptable ranges, or if the container deviates from its predefined route, the system promptly
notifies the concerned authorities. These alerts enable quick corrective actions, preventing
potential damage to the goods and ensuring safe and secure transportation.
Why Arduino?
Thanks to its simple and accessible user experience, Arduino has been used in thousands
of different projects and applications. The Arduino software is easy-to-use for beginners, yet
flexible enough for advanced users. It runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Teachers and
students use it to build low-cost scientific instruments, to prove chemistry and physics
principles, or to get started with programming and robotics. Designers and architects build
interactive prototypes, musicians and artists use it for installations and to experiment with
new musical instruments. Makers, of course, use it to build many of the projects exhibited at
the Maker Faire, for example. Arduino is a key tool to learn new things. Anyone - children,
hobbyists, artists, programmers - can start tinkering just following the step-by-step
instructions of a kit, or sharing ideas online with other members of the Arduino community.
There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms available for physical
computing. Parallax Basic Stamp, Net media's BX-24, Phidgets, MIT's Handy board, and
many others offer similar functionality. All of these tools take the messy details of
microcontroller programming and wrap it up in an easy-to-use package. Arduino also
simplifies the process of working with microcontrollers, but it offers some advantage for
teachers, students, and interested amateurs over other systems:
● Cross-platform - The Arduino Software (IDE) runs on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and
Linux operating systems. Most microcontroller systems are limited to Windows.
● Simple, clear programming environment - The Arduino Software (IDE) is easy-to-use for
beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users to take advantage of as well. For
teachers, it's conveniently based on the Processing programming environment, so students
learning to program in that environment will be familiar with how the Arduino IDE works.
● Open source and extensible hardware - The plans of the Arduino boards are published
under a Creative Commons license, so experienced circuit designers can make their own
● Of the module, extending it and improving it. Even relatively inexperienced users can
build the breadboard version of the module in order to understand how it works and save
Once the download is complete, proceed with the installation and make sure to allow
the driver installation process when prompted by the operating system.
This section provides simple steps to set up the Arduino IDE on a computer and prepare the
board to receive programs through a USB cable.
Step 1 − Ensure that the Arduino board is ready (choose the preferred model) along
with a USB cable. For models like Arduino UNO, Arduino Duemilanove, Nano, Arduino
Mega 2560, or Diecimila, a standard USB cable (A plug to B plug) is required, similar to the
one used for connecting a USB printer, as shown in the image below.
Connect the Arduino board to the computer using the USB cable. The green power
LED (labeled PWR) should light up.
Step 4 − Launch Arduino IDE.
After downloading the Arduino IDE software, unzip the folder. Inside the folder, the
application icon with an infinity label (application.exe) can be found. Double-click the icon
to start the IDE.
One example, named Blink, is selected here. It toggles the LED on and off with a time delay.
Any other example from the list can also be chosen.
Step 8 − Upload the program to the board.
Before explaining how to upload a program to the board, it is important to demonstrate the
function of each symbol in the Arduino IDE toolbar.
Simply click the "Upload" button in the environment. Wait a few seconds, and the RX
and TX LEDs on the board will begin flashing. If the upload is successful, the message
"Done uploading" will appear in the status bar.
Note: For an Arduino Mini, NG, or other similar boards, the reset button on the board
must be pressed physically immediately before clicking the upload button in the Arduino
Connecting a Battery
For stand-alone operation, the board is powered by a battery instead of through the
USB connection to the computer. The external power can range from 6 to 24 V (for example,
a car battery could be used), with a standard 9 V battery being a convenient option. While it is
possible to attach the leads of a battery snap directly to the Vin and Gnd connections on the
board, it is preferable to solder the battery snap leads to a DC power plug and connect it to
the power jack on the board. A suitable plug is part number 28760 from
Connect the Arduino to the computer using the USB cable. The battery is not needed
at this time. The green PWR LED will light up. If a program was already burned into the
Arduino, it will run. Open the Arduino development environment. In Arduino terminology,
programs are referred to as "sketches," but they will be referred to as programs here. In the
editing window that comes up, enter the following program, paying attention to where semi-
colons appear at the end of command lines.
void setup ()
Serial. Begin (9600);
Serial. println("Hello World");
void loop () {}
The shipping container with environmental surveillance and location tracking system
consists of various components as shown in the figure.
The above figure shows how shipping container with environmental surveillance and
location tracking system works when power supply of 5 volts is given.
Input is given to the Arduino through a connecting cable, then the Arduino turns on
indicating a glowing light, along with the Arduino the liquid crystal display turns on and
displays a template which shows the current humidity, temperature, gas and light sensor
The system sends the SMS notification to the customer about the changes in the
environmental conditions.
Along with the environmental monitoring the system also tracks the location of the
container and sends the SMS to the customer.
1. Data security risks and vulnerability to cyberattacks.
2. Connectivity issues in remote locations or during long sea voyages.
3. Battery life limitations for IoT sensors during extended shipments.
6. Disaster Management and Relief Operations
Future scope
4. Energy-efficient IoT Devices: Future IoT sensors may be powered by solar energy or
energy-harvesting technology, increasing battery life and reliability for long journeys.
5. Sustainability and Green Logistics: IoT-enabled containers will reduce the carbon
footprint by optimizing routes, cutting fuel consumption, and minimizing waste in the
supply chain.
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