Social Issues
Social Issues
Social Issues
Open defecationand communicable waterborne
disease are highly concerning in India. Water
relates to 21 percent of diseases in India. Around
99 million people have no access to safe water and
500 children in India each day cannot survive
through their fifth year on the earth due to
diarrheal disease.
Indian society has long been heavily dominated by
the caste system and became corrupt because of the
nation's obsession with it. Originally, the caste
system was intended to create distinct groups within
our community in order to create social stratification
and a separation of occupations. However, over
time, this division took the form of a pyramidal
structure, with the highest caste being linked to
receiving the most respect. The rigid adherence to
traditions, customs, and certain beliefs like
superstitions or reincarnation and the deeds of
previous lives was what made this patriarchal system
toxic. All of this led to the treatment of Dalits and
other members of the untouchable caste with cruelty
and oppression.
Human rights in India is an issue complicated by the
country's large size and population as well as its diverse
culture, despite its status as the world's
largest sovereign, secular, democratic republic.
The Constitution of India provides for fundamental rights,
which include freedom of religion. Clauses also provide
for freedom of speech, as well as separation of executive
and judiciary and freedom of movement within the
country and abroad. The country also has an independent
judiciary as well as bodies to look into issues of human
rights.The 2016 report of Human Rights Watch accepts
the above-mentioned facilities but goes to state that India
has "serious human rights concerns. Civil society groups
face harassment and government critics face intimidation
and lawsuits. Free speech has come under attack both
from the state and by interest groups. Muslim and
Christian minorities accuse authorities of not doing
enough to protect their rights. The government is yet to
repeal laws that grant public officials and security forces
impunity from prosecution for abuses.
The effect of overpopulation is serious enough
on the environment, and on top of that,
overpopulation also affects the economy of a
country. India is the second most overpopulated
country after China, and the reputation is
deadly. The impact of overpopulation is huge on
the Indian economy. The pressure it puts on the
economy is getting worse over the years. With
time, if the population is not controlled, then
India will soon fall in its overall ranking. The
economy is every country’s strength, and India,
for one, should never succumb to challenges
like overpopulation.
Sabitri. Poor
India’s infrastructure
is simply not good enough to facilitate the
expansion of the manufacturing sector, or meet the
needs of a rapidly increasing middle class. The
business community has continuously cited poor
infrastructure as the biggest constraint towards
improving economic growth and corporate
performance. The current global glut in saving,
low interest rates, and expected high returns to
infrastructure investments—thanks to India’s
rising middle class and young population—
provide an unprecedented opportunity to scale up
infrastructure investments. The country’s
infrastructure investment, demographic dividend,
and rapid economic and job growth, all go
together, hand in hand.
There is a strong consensus amongst
macroeconomists that scaling up infrastructure
spending is the right response during an economic
downturn. Most developed countries have already
announced large fiscal stimulus packages that
have a major infrastructure component. US
President-elect Joe Biden has identified increased
infrastructure spending as a key priority, with an
emphasis on stimulating growth and combating
climate change.
At present, unemployment
is a huge problem not only
in India but also of the
whole world.
Unemployment in India
increases every year
because there are
thousands of millions of
people who do not have
any employment. One of
the major reasons for this is the increasing
population, because as the population is increasing,
the resources are decreasing due to which the
number of unemployed people is also increasing due
to the demand for jobs due to the increasing
Causes of Unemployment
Population Growth: The biggest reason for
unemployment is population growth, according to
the 2011 census, 11% of the people in the country
were unemployed. It can be concluded from this
fact that as the population is increasing, the
employment opportunities with the people are also