Role of Education in India
Role of Education in India
Role of Education in India
and overcome societal stigmas such as poverty, fear, status to achieve success.
Education is the hope of development and success for most third-world countries
and the world’s dominion countries. Mandatory education builds the scope of better
growth and development.
Education has the potential to revolutionize the course of a nation – with skilled and
educated youths. A nation comprises a higher rate to achieve its targeted economic
growth and sit among the league known as the developed nation. A well-educated
nation discards any obstacles that hinder its growth and strives hard to attain
sustainable development.
Education in India refers to the process of learning, training, and teaching human
capital in schools and universities. The Indian government reflects specific
economic policies that emphasize the importance of education in India.
In this circumstance, India cannot risk leaving any child illiterate, as it would push
him towards a life of Unemployment and misery.
Removes Poverty
In India, nearly 70.6 Million people still live in abject poverty, and the way to discard
the vicious cycle of poverty is through Education. Higher rates of literacy result in
high access to employability, which in turn provides better living conditions.
Eradicates Casteism
The caste system is the world’s longest surviving social hierarchy in India. Caste-
based discrimination cripples the path of sustainable development in India. A society
that discriminates based on caste, creed, race, religion, or color remains entangled in
the web of hatred, poverty, and inadequate resources.
Education is an integral tool that helps a nation to achieve economic growth and
stability. India homes twenty million youths that graduate annually from various
disciplines and set out to aid in the economic development of the nation.
Educating youth and adults reveals the hidden potential, which could lead India to
the path of development.
Countries with a high rate of illiteracy are bound with poor hygienic conditions and
health. India has walked past the decades where it lost millions of lives to diseases
that resulted from the absence of healthcare facilities and poor sanitation.
To improvise the health and hygiene sector of the country, schemes such as ‘Swachh
Bharat Mission,’ Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram’ etc., draws people to come
safely under the fold. A literate person gains knowledge about health and hygiene
issues and the schemes of the government and benefits from them.
The 200 words short Article on Importance of Education in our Life is helpful for
students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. The article is written to guide the children with
their school works-assignments and comprehension exercises.
The most crucial objective of any developing country is to make its teens and youth
well-educated and skilled to contribute to economic growth constructively. Education
is the most potent weapon that fights against all prevailing social evils and is
imperative for any nation to achieve the success of the development.