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A Case Study On Solar Thermal Chimney Power Plant in Bhopal - February - 2021 - 1735691349 - 93104811

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Article · February 2021

DOI: 10.36106/paripex/9310481


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4 authors, including:

Pankaj Kumar Singh

Sunrise CSP India Pvt. Ltd.


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PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH | Volume - 10 | Issue - 02 |February - 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex



POWER PLANT IN BHOPAL Thermal Energy and Sun

Ashok Kumar
Research Scholar, RKDF College of Technology. *Corresponding Author
Poonam Assistant Professor, RKDF College of Technology.
Vijaykant Pandey Assistant Professor, RKDF College of Technology.
Pankaj Kumar
Research Analyst, Sunrise CSP India Pvt. Ltd.
The demands and application of electronics goods increase the electricity generation load from non-conventional

sources such as wind, solar, and hydro. This clean and green energy laid down the track for future energy demands and
reduce carbon emission from the environment. To harness the non-conventional energy, we need to focus on the
metrological behaviour to understand solar power generation's smoothness index. To estimate that we need to track
down the two crucial parameters, one motion of the sun and another wind flow and its magnitude and direction.
Metrological data will help us design the plant for the desired location “Bhopal” and no working days. Therefore, this
research paper focused on solar power improvement using metrological data.
INTRODUCTION diameter collector and a 195 high chimney. Various
Present-day electricity production from fossil fuels like properties and affects their studies, namely:
natural gas, oil or coal is harmful to the environment and bares Ÿ Different roof coverings where tested for durability and
the inadequacy that it relies on non-renewable energy structural suitability on plant performance.
sources. Numerous developing countries cannot meet the Ÿ Effects of ground temperature and humidity and on plant
expense of these conventional energy sources, and in performance.
particular of these sites, nuclear power is well-thought-out an Ÿ Mass flow control algorithms from where tested.
unacceptable risk. It has revealed that a lack of energy maybe Ÿ Running cost and maintenance requirements were
a couple to poverty and poverty to people explosions. An evaluated.
environmentally friendly and cost-effective electricity-
producing structure is thus evident and will become more Various plant sizes were studied using a thermodynamic
prominent in the future. model and the dimensions cost and performance of this plant
entertains numerous tables. He also researched the system's
A potential resolution to the ever-increasing problem is solar economic viability and found that it approached conventional
energy. It is abundant in nature—the non-conventional source power generating system. He discusses the results of his
of energy that only needs to be tie together to be of use to studies into the effects of water bags used to improve the
humankind. Solar power plants in the creation are equipped ground storage capability these studies reveal that are water
to transform solar radiation into electrical energy via a layer 0.2 metres thick will even about the daily fluctuation in
numeral cycle or natural phenomena. However, few can store power generation, at approximately half that of the day peak
enough energy during the day to keep a stream during the of a similar plant with no water storage.
night and when the solar radiation is insignificant. The vital
capacity of this storage is usually too high to be practically R. Mehdipour et al. [2] presented a simple analysis of the
viable. Solar Chimney, neglecting the variation of temperature and
pressure of air with variation in height, and losses in the
chimney. Expressions for the overall efficiency where

Relevant governing differential equations that describe

Chimney performance is derived by R. Mehdipour et al. [3].
Later, they presented the results of their study of the viability
of medium to large scale power generation and power
generation in rural areas. More recently, they discussed
various effects of geometrical and operating parameters on
the solar chimney's overall performance.

P. Das and C.V.P [4] studied the validity of the various driving
potential model for prevailing ambient conditions (especially
conditions that are elevation-dependent) around the Solar
Figure 1: Diagram of Solar Chimney Power Plant chimney. They show that power output increases with
humidity and that condensation may occur in the chimney.
K. Lovchinov et al. [1] conducted detailed theoretical L. Zuo et al. [5] applied an ideal air standard cycle analysis to
Research and extensive wind tunnel experiments thought by the Solar Chimney to find its limiting efficiency and
the design, and commissioning of 50 kilowatt experimental performance. This cycle was then refined to include a simple
plants. This plant was set up in Manzanares and had a 240 m collector model and system process.
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PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH | Volume - 10 | Issue - 02 |February - 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex
Weather Data

Location: Bhopal (23.2599° N, 77.4126° E)

The critical factor is solar radiation. The radiation is basically

of two types of direct radiation and another is diffuse
radiation. The sum of both is global radiation. The heat coming
from the sun is varies at different places, but here it is
considered as 1000W/m2.[6] The daily variation of sun
declination over the year would be estimated using formula 1.

Where, δ is declination angle and n is a particular day of the


Figure 3: The chimney component of the SCPP

Due to conduction and radiation, the air is heated and the

potential energy of air is converted into kinetic energy which
moves upward in direction. In the middle of the wind turbine
is installed. The wind blades convert wind (kinetic energy)
into rotational energy which is further converted into
electricity with a generator's help as the detail is shown in
figure 4.

Graph 1: Variation Of Sun's Declination Angle

The equation of time correction for sun is given b equation:-

Therefore, now we are able to LAT

The direct sun radiation helps to hat the air and generates
motion into the air, causing wind. This phenomenon is due to
“thermosyphon effect”. In our research, the wind has given
direction towards its pivot point, as shown in figure 2 and 3.

Figure 4: Installation of Wind Turbine and Generator at the

Chimney Base

The ongoing help us in producing green and clean power
from solar energy with no carbon emission. Its objective is to
investigate the optimization of a large-scale solar chimney
power plant, through the pursuit of obtaining the thermal and
optical dimension of plant, enhancing its performance, and
exploring its dynamic and static control over the power plant's
power output.

[1] K. Lovchinov, H. Nitchev, M. Petrov, R. Stoykov, and N. Tyutyundzhiev,
“Simulation and modelling of small solar thermal plant,” Meas. J. Int. Meas.
Confed., vol. 162, p. 107944, 2020.
[2] R. Mehdipour, S. Golzardi, and Z. Baniamerian, “Experimental justification of
poor thermal and flow performance of solar chimney by an innovative indoor
experimental setup,” Renew. Energy, vol. 157, pp. 1089–1101, 2020.
[3] R. Mehdipour, E. Mohammadi, A. M. Babaie Parsa, and H. Nahalekah,
Figure 2: The collector component of SCPP which consists of “Thermal and exergy assessment of solar chimney performance in various
a transparent cover roof and ground absorber energy absorptions; using indoor experimental setup,” Heat Mass Transf. und

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PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH | Volume - 10 | Issue - 02 |February - 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex
Stoffuebertragung, 2020.
[4] P. Das and C. V.P, “Performance evaluation of solar vortex engine and
optimization of number of air entry slots and turbine location,” Energy
Sources, Part A Recover. Util. Environ. Eff., vol. 00, no. 00, pp. 1–17, 2020.
[5] L. Zuo et al.,“Numerical analysis of wind supercharging solar chimney power
plant combined with seawater desalination and gas waste heat,” Energy
Convers. Manag., vol. 223, no. August, 2020.
[6] P. K. Singh, A. Kumar, P. Mishra, and V. K. Sethi, “Study on Future of Solar
Thermal Storage System Using Concentrated Solar Power,” 2019 Int. Conf.
Power Electron. Control Autom. ICPECA 2019 - Proc., vol. 2019-November, no.
November 2019, 2019.

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