Since the fall of the Atlantis, Satan and his minions have been working tire sly to end all
goodness on this planet, but God and the Brotherhood of Light have put together their own
plan to defeat the dark side.
Throughout history many prophets has come forth to speak of the coming faith to humanity,
this truth was main known but fell silent by the ignorance of the masses, but change is on the
horizon. By the time of the renascence, humanity has become to rise from their slumbers.
Slowly superstition and mysticism start to be replaced by science and logic. It is here 400 years
ago, in England when this story begins…
The dawn of the golden age; a secret marriage was arrange, between Queen Elizabeth Tudor
the first (1533-1603) and Sr. Robert Dudley, due to ambitions and autocracy, the Queen
decided to maintain her status as a Virgen Queen, from this relation came Francis Bacon (1561-
1626) who was raised by an adoptive family. At the age of 15, his parents were arguing and he
overheard the truth, that he was the future heir of the Queen of England. All his life the Queen
kept England in front of him for power, the Queen kept questioning “To be or not to be?” at last
it was not to be. In 1603, Queen Elizabeth appointed King James VI (1566-1625) of Scotland to
be his successor. Francis pursuit scholarly and political interest, he had the King James Bible
translated, he persuaded King James I to charter Virginia, for two federal colonies and
plantations, to be made in Virginia and other parts and Territories of America, dated April 10,
1606. He was King James Lord Chancellor and sat the grounds for science and technology to
liberate humanity. Secretly, Francis was a master in alchemical science; it was here when he
begins to remember his past lives as the Prophet Samuel (1064 -1012 BC) , Plato (427 - 347 BC),
Saint Joseph, Merlin (5th century*), Roger Bacon, and Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), when
he was as a Prophet Samuel he helped liberated the children of Abraham from the bondage of
corrupt priest and philistines, when the world has entering the dark ages he returned again as
Merlin to help King Arthur to stablish Britain into a strong hold against ignorance and
superstition, a place where Christ achievement can flower in devotion to the One Source one
can prosper and the quest for the Holy Grail, it was later on the 19 th Century when his efforts
blossom when the United Kingdom became a place where Industry and individual initiatives
could thrive as never before in 1200 years.
*The 5th century is the time period from 401 to 500 in accordance with the Julian
calendar in Anno Domini / Common Era. The 5th century is noted for being a time of
repeated disaster and instability both internally and externally for the Western Roman
Empire, which finally collapsed, and “made believed it” came to an end in 476 AD.
Roger Bacon (1214-1294 AD) As a medieval philosopher he predicted the invention of a hot air
balloon, a flying machine, a magnified glass, mechanical propel ships and carriages. In his Opus
Majus, he wrote of a voyage of three ships in a discovery of a new world “The sea between the
end of Spain on the west and the beginning of India on the east is navigable in a very few days if
the wind is favorable”. His last book Compendium Studii Theologiae, Fratis Rogeri Bacon, The
work, as the Preface explains, is divided into two parts, the first of which is to deal with the causes of
error, the second with the establishment of truth and the refutation of error. He believed “True
knowledge stems not from the authority of others, nor from a blind allegiance to antiquated
dogmas, but instead is a highly personal experience, a light that is communicated only to the
innermost privacy of the individual through the impartial channels of all knowledge and of all
thought”, also; “For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of
mathematics. If in other sciences we should arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without
error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics”, because of the
radical nature of his beliefs, the church imprison him for the remaining of his final years.
In his next life as Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) he was inspired by this words, along with
the prophesies made by Isaiah 11:12 “Recover the remnant of his people… and shall assemble
the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the
Earth.” he knew a new world will be found.
When Francis Bacon became conscious of these incarnations, he saw those hidden treasures he
placed away until his rebirth, at the age of twelve, Francis can see of the time when mankind
will go through a period of great restoration, in 1620 he place this vision for humanity, in his
book “The Great Instauration” in which he formulized how to change the whole wide-world
through the restauration of true knowledge after centuries of obscurity and neglect, it was here
when he first advice of a scientific method that ultimately will lounge a new renascence. Many
of his ideas were kept in secret societies in order to be hidden from the eyes of church officials.
With help from his brother Anthony and some friends who were students at Grayson law
school, they created a secret society named as the knights of the Helmet, they chosen its name
for the Goddess Athena, who represents wearing a helmet of invisibility and caring a golden
spear of knowledge. The Goddess Athena brings about Wisdom and intellect in the moral side
of the human life, her helmet of invisibility represents her silent war against ignorance and
The Knights of the Helmets consider themselves invisible worriers against ignorance and sloth,
and secretly work to expand the English language by creating new literatures not redden in
Latin but instead in words all English men can understand such as found in the King James bible,
in 1611 the King James addition to the bible was commissioned, in order to united the Anglican
and empyrean church leaders, after a long series of edits by non-descript translators, the final
draft was handle to King James, which then passed it on to Francis Bacon, so he can revised the
bible into a marvelous piece of literature work which still being used today.
Many of these words were written anonymously under pen names such as William
Shakespeare, Francis chose this name because Goddess Athena was well known for caring a
golden spear of knowledge, which she will use to strike the serpent of ignorance, when the
Goddess will shake her spear, all tremble. So as a symbolic gesture Francis will shake his pen as
the spear of knowledge to slander the dragons of foolishness.
Written with his Shackesperean pen, he wrote about Francis Bacon true heir of the throne of
England, the secret married of Queen Elizabeth and the two sons; for upon his birth, Francis
was giving to Sr. Nicholas and Lady Anne, Queen Elizabeth rejected her son because she feared
her subjects will choose a male heir over herself to rule the kingdom. Some historical
documents contained the secret marriage and two children founded in a portrait painted by
Isaac de Larrey, however, any talk of this during the time of Queen Elizabeth would result in
imprisonment or death.
After a happy childhood, he was enrolled in Cambridge University; mysteriously the Queen
provided the funds for his education, at the age of 15 he discover the true identity of his Royal
blood, so, Queen Elizabeth settle him in France, in a comfortable distant from her throne. While
in France he studied cipher codes to learn new ways to protect confidential information in
England, and also work with the Masonic secret societies. Three years later, upon his return to
England, he brought back the same ideas and created a secret society “The knights of the
Helmets” was part of a movement found in the Rosicrucian teachings, which stated back to the
times of Atlantis, the Rosicrucian were a group that believed knowledge and wisdom was
eternal and should be freely available to those who seek it, both group were part of this
movement. Rosicrucian: The Society of the Golden and Rosy Cross which was found in 1571 to
protect Queen Elizabeth after she was ex-communicated by the pope, in secretly; the thought
to bring Universal Enlightenment through the use of alchemical process. The Golden cross
symbolizes the transmutation of the base elements into spiritual light, the Red Cross symbolizes
the herald color of the metal gold, and these colors were often associated with Saint George
and Archangel Michael, and the rose symbolizes the heart of the cross, where one can find love,
intelligence and enlightenment within the human soul. Members of the Rosicrucian will make
silent oath under the principle of sub-rose or beneath the rose, they believed it was best to be
discreet and conceal some things while revealing others, in order to create a treasure trail for
those who seek truth. Just as Athena could shake her spear at the sneak of ignorance, Saint
George will shake the spear at the dragon’s eyes; members of these societies understood that if
an individual could be a powerful source of change, so can they in larger numbers slay the
dragons of the world. It was here were Francis Bacon got inspire to write his famous “The Great
Instauration”, which will restore paradise on Earth through knowledge and virtue. It also was
the Free Masons secret society whose members pass down the secrets of building the
Cathedrals and Castles of Europe. After the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603, King James
succeeded to the throne, during his reign Francis was promoted to Viscount St. Albans and Lord
Chancellor, which was the highest position of power in London obtained in that era other than
the King himself. He was given the task to reform Free Masonry; he thought the change
operative freemasonry of the medieval Stone gild into the speculative freemasonry that is a
fraternal order of philosophers that will create the world as God made it and not as men or the
church made it. A place were religious and political strive can be place aside under its three
masonic principles: “Brotherly Love”, Relieve for the poor”, “Seekers of Truth”, he then reach
after the Nine Degrees of the Knights of Templar into Thirty-Three Degrees, which became the
basic of modern days for masonry, many of this initiations were based on Christian ethics, with
the focus on the realization of one’s own inner Christ Consciousness. Francis chose 33
initiations of Free Masonry from a simple of Elizabethan Cipher A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5… which
equal to the numeric value of a signature Bacon (B=2, A=1, C=3, O=14, N=13; 2+1+3+14+13=33)
Continuing his mission that he first begun as Christopher Columbus, the new world as the new
Atlantis; a place where freedom and peace will reign under masonic order, without despotic
rulers trying to control their fellow men, a place where the heritage of the house of Salomon
could once again prosper under a golden age culture of science and logic. By 1620 his literature
fame and political success has begun to spread which created much jealousy among the
Parliament, eventually; they accused him of corruption which later was proven unjust. After
falling from public grace, he continue his work secretly reforming the Rosicrucian mystery
schools and masonic fraternities, his motto of “One lives best by the hidden life” described him
perfectly as his efforts continue secretly to freeing humanity. Francis once said “The great end
of life is not knowledge but action” true to his words in 1626 he fake his own philosopher’s
death, he then travels to Transylvania which is now Rumania, here during the reign of Ferenc
Rákóczi I, he continue his studies in alchemy under the guidance of Master R who work with the
“great Divine Director”. After making two million right decisions, spending hundreds of
thousands of years of incarnations, he was granted Ascension. The highest form of alchemy is
not the transmutation of the based elements into gold but instead the transmutation of the
soul into oneness with the Creator, on May 1st 1684 he finally master this secrets and ascended
into the 14th dimension, transmuting his mortal body into an immortal Angel conquering death
itself, after the Ascension process occurs, normally a soul would choose to move on to serve in
higher dimensions, however; Francis chose to joined the “Great White Brotherhood of Light”
were souls are vowed to stick with the Earth until the day all humanity could ascend, these so
called Ascended Masters rarely interact with humanity, but Francis chose a different path, he
wanted to returned back in a human body to teach others how to overcome the Laws of the
Physical Universe and to help us usher in the coming golden age of humanity. He was granted
his request and he materialized a new body, The Comte de Saint Germain, The Count of Saint
Germain; he chose this name from the Latin word “Sanctus Germanus” meaning Holy Brother.
The Count was known in Europe as he will amaze nobility and Royalty alike, many knew how he
can turn rocks into diamonds, and remove any flaws, he could write with both hands at the
same time, he could read a book by placing his hand over it, he spoke every language, travel by
thought and work for peace, he was an accomplish pianist, singer and violinist, he was also
known by his great work in alchemy, La Tres Sainte Trinosophie, he taught Franz Mesmer ideas
of personal magnetism and hypnosis and he initiated Cagliostro into the masonic order. With
his elixir of Life he never age at all, according to Germain; “It is the activity of our nerves, the
flame of our desire, the acid of our fears which daily consume our organism” “He who succeeds
in raising himself above his emotions, in suppressing in himself anger and the fear of illness, is
capable of overcoming the attrition of the years and attaining an age at least double that at
which men now die of old age”.
He served as a Chancellor to Kings and Princesses, he fought against deceit ministers and he
handed the torch of wisdom to masons and Rosicrucian alike. Prince Karl Von Hesse described
him as “one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived, the friend of humanity, whose heart
was concerned only with the happiness of others”. He worked closely with Royals to create the
United States of Europe, but this plan came to an end when Napoleon saw power for his own
demise, despite this failure he was instrumental on the creation of the United States of
America, which he knew will usher in the golden age which will last forever.
After Saint Germain ascended, he remained in Transylvania but details of this period of his life
remained a mystery. Historians said that he was possibly adopted into the Royal house of
Hungary, as a third son of Francis Rákóczi II, using a different name and identity as a convenient
disguise, by the year 1700 Transylvania was conquered territory of the Austro-Hungarian
Empire, and Francis Rákóczi II became aware of how Austrian Emperor Leopold I have place his
subjects under the bondage of high taxes and oppressed government, he let his successor
revolted to liberate his people, but it is unclear what roll if any, Saint Germain played in this
Rumors on the elixir of life which is related to Saint Germain throughout all this years, makes a
connection that in 1710 Saint Germain appeared in Venice where he met a musician Jean-
Phillippe Rameau and the ambassador of Vienna Countess du Jolie, at that time the Count
appeared to be 40 years old and gave the countess a memorable gift of this magical elixir to
maintain her youth for very long time. 50 years later Countess du Jolie met him once again
while visiting Madame de Pompadour’s house, who was the mistress of King Louis XV, in a
conversation with the Countess she asked of his father which she has met, the Count replied No
Madame, I myself was living in Venice at the end of the last and the beginning of this century, I
had the honor to pay your court then and you were kind enough to admire a little Barcarolle of
my composing. The Countess could not believe it but if that is true, you must be at least 100
years old; the Count smiled “That, Madame, is not impossible”, Madame Pompadour adds “if
the Countess story is not a tale, I would like some of that elixir myself. The Count replied with a
smile “It is not impossible, but I confess it is likely that this lady, for whom I have the greatest
respect, it is talking nonsense”. Undaunted, Madame Pompadour tried many times to get that
elixir, but Germain will not share his secret with her, however, he gift her with a cosmetic to
enhance her beauty. If Saint Germain really had an elixir of Life could that mean that he really
masters the secrets of the Philosopher’s Stone? Which the medieval alchemist believed it is
possible to transform lead into gold. The Counts love affairs with precious stones and gold was
well known among friends and Royals, at one point Germain show to Madame Pompadour a
treasure box containing, topaz, emeralds, diamonds worth unbelievable amount of money in
today’s money. In 1727 Europe no one could find out where was the source of well because he
had no Bank Accounts, no inheritance to back up all his wealth, always paid with gold coins and
had more than enough for all his travels. He shared his knowledge with the Knights and
Brothers of Asia, the Brothers of Light who studied the medic science of alchemy, of which the
three parts of the AZOTH constituted the Philosopher Stone. This secret money making
techniques were shared with certain German Bankers (Rothschild) and Monarchies in the hope
that the wealth generated will benefit all humanity, but instead they squander it to themselves.
So, in 1729 he then supported the power brokers and created the Word Trust, from his
inception he stipulated that the world Trust will be released by the year 2000, but this is not an
easy task to do as you will soon see. Saint Germain realized humanity will never be ready for
the knowledge and technology of the Aquarian age, until mankind can put aside their
destructive scientist and religions and connect to the heart that is “To enter ones heart and
harness their own unlimited potential”.
After the establishment of the World Trust, Saint Germain travel to the court of the Shah, Persia
where he remained from 1737 to 1742, Saint Germain studied the secrets of nature, of which;
he learned the precipitation of enlarging diamonds and gem stones which is manifested
through psychic powers. Meanwhile Madame Pompadour wrote in her memoirs as Saint
Germain wore a ring of great value, how his jewelry box was so ornamented with precious
stones, she also witness how he took a flaw out of a diamond which it belonged to King Louis
XV, increasing its value from 6,000 Livres to 10,000 Livres. The King was never to be able to get
over his astonishment and often confide if Saint Germain can increase the value of a stone “He
must be a millionaire “and no one can discover his source of wealth as he never kept any
records or hold any traceable bank account, he will always stayed in fine hotels and always
have as much cash available as needed. In 1743 he traveled to London and was confronted
about this; he responded “I hold the whole of nature in my hands, and as God created the
world, I can draw what I want out of nothing”. For two years he remained in a House in St.
Martin Street, during this time he conducted many alchemical experiments in his laboratory,
probably manufacturing artificial diamonds, he was known to frequently visit the Kit-Kat Club,
where he will mingle with members of highest nobility. He stounded the members with two
inventions he was working on; the steam train and a steam boat, both were predicted by Roger
Bacon. 20 years later James Watt prototype his idea by building a steam engine, and later in
1829, George Stephenson built the first rail trail operated by a steam train. After his stayed in
London, he visited his friend Frederick the great in his castle of Sans Souci where Voltaire was
also an honor guest, later on, Voltaire wrote a letter to Frederick staying: “The Comte de Saint
Germain is a man who was never born, who will never die, and who knows everything”
In 1749, Saint Germain while visiting Versailles, King Louis XV introduced him to a spear of
friends who were captivated by his travels and his wisdom on the alchemic art. In a gesture of
good faith, Saint Germain gave away the invention of an inexpensive dye which helps to
increase employment and the wealth of the nation, while lowering the manufacture cost of
clothing, so commoners can dress as well as the nobility class. In 1755; King Louis XV recruited
him to travel to South East Asia as a spy. He journey on the same ship as General Robert Clive,
possible as a chief doctor but he became aware of the schemes to subjugate India at the Battle
of Plassey and the recapture of Calcutta, thanks to his efforts he save the life of many French
troops who were protecting the Indian people at that time.
When he returned to Europe in 1758, King Louis XV grated him a Royal favor for his work in
India, a place in the Chateau de Chambord in Loire, to continue his studies in alchemy, the King
sometimes participated in, in a letter written in 1773, Graf Karl CobenzI of Brussels commented
of these alchemical experiments “…Of which the most important were the transmutation of
iron into a metal as beautiful as gold”.
In 1762, he travel to Russia in a secret plot which put Catherine the Great on the throne, then in
1774 he returned back to France to deliver a message to the now crown Louis XVI and Marie
Antonietta, he delivered the warning of an approaching conspiracy that will soon occur within
the next 15 years, which will create a blood thirsty Republic and an execution. Sadly, this
warning was not hear and among the final entries of her diary, Marie Antonietta recorded her
regrets of the Comte’s advice. Between 1774 and 1784 the Comte traveled to Germany and
Austria petitioning the monarchies to work together to avert the French Revolution and to
create the United States of Europe. Though the monarchies enjoyed being entertained by Saint
Germain marvelous alchemical experiments e invention, nor the Royals, or the ministers desire
to relinquish their powers to a unified Europe. While his plans in Europe were falling apart, he
then turned his eyes to the now prosperous new world, because he felt America will play a key
role in rising people’s consciousness into the golden age.
On July 4th, 1776 the most influential leaders of the Independent Colonies were locked in the
Independent Hall, debating whether they should risk a traitor’s death by signing the Declaration
of Independence. Even though the doors were locked, Saint Germain appeared at the balcony
and delivered the fiery speech calling forth the Founding Fathers to “Sing that document” he
continued “The words of the Declaration will live in the world long after our bodies are dust, to
the mechanic they will speak hope, to the slave and the mind FREEDOM, but to the coward
Kings these words will sound like an alarming warning that they cannot stop but hear, SIGN
THAT PARCHMENT, SIGN. The next moment is about your neck SIGN! By all hopes in life and
death, as men, as husbands, fathers, and brothers; or will be a curse forever, SIGN! Not only for
yourself but for all ages, for that Parchment will be the text book of Freedom, the Bible of the
Rights of men forever, I would beg you to SIGN THAT PARCHMENT for the sake of those millions
whose very breath is now hashed, and intense expectations as they look after you to pronounce
those words YOU ARE FREE. Unafraid of the repercussions by King George III, these brave men
sign their names, so inspired by this speech John Hancock sign his name in large bold letters so
that the King would be able to read it without spectacles.
During the revolutionary war, Saint Germain was actually instrumental in persuading King Louis
XVI to appoint the French General Comte de Rochambeau over 6,000 troops to serve in George
Washington Continental Army. Historians now agree that his assistant played a critical role on
the victory of American forces. The signing of the Declaration of Independence eventually led
way to the liberation of the American Colonies into a more perfect union, a place where the
virtues of righteousness and freedom could reign under the banner of the United States of
The trouble was now brewing in Europe, not only the plans for the United States of Europe
were crumbling apart, so too was his masonic secret society, which by now it’s been infiltrated
By the satanic faction of the Bavarian Lodge of freemasonry, who under the helm of a Jewish
Rothschild agent; Adam Weishavpt begun to re-write masonic initiations based on luciferin
teachings of the Tamla, in which enlightenment would be obtain through the worship of Lucifer
as the ultimate light bare. They now named themselves the illuminati, and thought to divide the
goyim, with the non-jews through political, social, economic or religious means.
The Rothschild plan to use the illuminati and free masonry to destroy the masses y for them to
take over the world and to steal all the people’s gold, so it can be returned to Salomon’s temple
in Jerusalem. This is why the Rothschild finance the creation of Israel and why they are consider
his Petri ant saint. This was in direct opposition to Saint Germain version of Freemasonry in
which he envision Universal enlightenment of one’s own inner Divine Potential, teaching the
initiates, and more initiates until it turns into in a vast spiral of spiritual radiation to all mankind.
Unfortunately, this bad teaching and sacrifices started spreading fast within the masonic
To counteract the illuminati movement, Saint Germain recruited a closed group of friends,
including Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel and Cagliostro to create a secret society called
Philalethes the fair ladies, which taught that mankind has infinite possibilities and that they
must thrive to release themselves from the physical matter in order to communicate with
higher intelligences, but the Fair Lady Society never caught on. At the 1782 Wilhemsbad
Convention, the lodges voted to unite freemasonry with the illuminati, creating a modern day
of freemasonry, three years later, at the Great Paris Convention of 1785, he and Cagliostro in
San Martin tried in vain to bring reconciliation among the Rosicrucian, illuminist and masons
alike. Had Saint Germain been successful in redirecting freemasonry into a philosopher’s
organization again, he would be able to aver the evil chain of events that will occur in preceding
generations. After the Convention of 1785, Saint Germain fall into disgrace, this time the Jesuits
false accuse him of immorality, conspiracy in the anarchy, infiltration and infidelity. As a result
he had a very diminish role in a society he had founded nearly 200 years prior.
Soon after 1785, masonic lodges begun to systematically erased all traces of Saint Germain
from their orders, but one exception, the letter G which symbolizes the word “Germain’ can still
be found between the masonic square and compass. Despite freemasonries attempts to erase
all traces of Saint Germain from their order, his vision presses on; Mankind will be set free from
the shackles of slavery and death.
After the masonic schism, Saint Germain worked with his close friend, Prince Charles of Hesse-
Kassel where they conduct experiments in alchemy, growing worries in Europe about Saint
Germain, he decided to fake his own death. So, on February 27, 1784, after his funeral Prince
Charles became uncommunicated and even changes the subject when others were questioning.
Those who were close friends with the Prince were convinced that the Count was still alive.
He resurfaces once again, in order to block the intents of the illuminati from Tambling the
French Monarchy. In the 18th century, the Rothschild Family managed to become fabulously
wealthy, by loaning money to the monarchy, but now; they decided to open up new markets,
they wanted to capture the other 97% of the population who were not royalty, to create a new
class of consumers that can then be enslave with debt. So, they recruited Adam Weishavpt to
provided Maximilien Robespierre and their plan for the French revolution.
Early one Sunday morning in 1788, Saint Germain visited the Comtesse d’Adhémar, who is one
of the Marie Antonietta ladies, he requested an audience with the Queen to discuss ways to
avert the French Revolution, when she arrived; the Count told her “Madame, for 20 years I was
on intimate terms with the late King, who deigned to listen to me with kindness, he made use
of my poor abilities on several occasions, and I do not think he regretted giving me his
The Count then informed her of the Duke de Chartres, Louis Phillippe Joseph d’Orléans who
wants to over through the Monarchy. Instruct her to inform the King of this conspiracy and
requested that the King would not consult it with his Chief advisor “Comte de Maurepas”. But
the King ignored his warning, and immediately consulted with the advisor and in the middle of
the conversation Saint Germain appeared to confront the Comte de Maurepas with his plans to
commit treachery and said to him “In opposing yourself to my seeing the monarch, you are
losing the monarchy, for I have but a limited time to give to France. This time over, I shall not be
seen here again, until after three successive generations have gone down to the grave”.
The Second warning from Saint Germain came on July 14, 1789 after the Queen said farewell to
the Duchesse du Polignacs, she opens the letter and read “My words have fallen on your ears in
vain, and you have reached the period of which I informed you. All the Polignacs and their
friends are doomed to death. The Comte d’Artois will perish”.
On October 5, 1789; Comtesse d’Adhémar receives Comte Saint Germain farewell letter in
which he wrote “All is lost, Countess! This sun is the last which will set on the monarchy.
Tomorrow it will exist no more. My advice has been scorned. Now it is too late…” He then asked
the Comtesse to meet him earlier the next morning at which she was informed that the time
when he can help France was now past, he continues “I can do nothing now. My hands are tied
by one stronger than myself, the hour of repose is past, and the decrees of Providence must be
fulfilled” he then foretold of the death of the Queen, the complete ruin of the house of
Bourbon and the rise of Napoleon.
One hundred year after his Ascension, Saint Germain has brought much enlightenment to the
Royal Courts of Europe; thanks to his efforts is the creation of the United States of America,
because of this service to humanity, the Great White Brotherhood of Light granted him the
Office of Cohen of the Seventh Ray. According to a Cosmic Philosophy; the 7th Rays are seven
metaphysical Principles that govern those individuals in 2,158 Year Astrological cycles,
astrological age Pisces, is dominated by religion and superstition, soon this will be replaced with
the Age of Aquarius, which will bring about knowledge and wisdom. As Director of the Cohen of
the Seventh Ray, Saint Germain is responsible for transmuting the old energies of the past in
order to bring about the Christ Consciousness of the coming Golden Age of Aquarius. This is
why Saint Germain is referred sometimes as the Cosmic Master of the Age of Aquarius. After he
became a Cosmic Master, Saint Germain was not permitted any more to work with any more
individuals with the exception of Napoleon, but when Napoleon misused these powers for his
own demise, Saint Germain withdrew his support. At the end of the 18 th century his efforts to
unify Europe now lying in ruins, while the Rothschild continues to enslave the masses, the
costly wars, the satanic colt the illuminati was now ratting out all the masonic lodges. There was
so little else he could do but wait for a better time in which humanity will be more receptive to
the ideas of a Golden Age. So he took a break from the European Politics and settle in Tibet.
In 1790 Saint Germain confided his future plans with his Austrian friend Franz Graff saying
“Tomorrow night I am off. I am much needed in Constantinople, then in England, there to
prepare two new inventions which you will have in the next century, trains and steamboats.
Toward the end of this century I shall disappear out of Europe, and betake myself to the
Himalayas. I will rest, I must rest. Exactly in 85 years will people again set eyes on me, Farewell”
While in Tibet, Saint Germain studied under the Trans Himalayan Brotherhood, teachers known
to possess wonderful powers, little known is about this period, but he could travel into the
inner Earth tunnels to the inner city Shambhala, to study with other Ascended Masters.
True to his promise, Saint Germain returned to Europe with a new goal in mind, in 1875 Saint
Germain convinced the Royal Families and Nations under Colonial rule to merge their assets
into one account known as the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt
Facility, they agreed to do this because they wanted to wait for the right time to release this
funds to benefit all the worlds people. Only Kings and Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and
some cases Ministers of Finance are granted access to these accounts. The collateral Accounts
contain a minimum of 20 million metric tons of gold, thousands of tons in platinum and silver,
and thousands of boxes of precious gems, Sovereign Certificates which are collateralized by
other mineral wealth, including oil, copper, uranium and nickel, plus there are works of art.
Sovereign monarch treasures including Salomon’s gold. Saint Germain place the collateral
accounts within the newly created foundation “Foundation Divine” which also contains The
World Trust created back in 1729, after two hundred and fifty years of compound interest has a
net worth of $1 Quattuordecillion, or a 1 with 45 ceros, enough money to pay an orb cube of
the size of the orbit of Saturn, so astronomical that most people wouldn’t even believe it. These
figures may seem to be a far fetch considering the world GDP is $ 55 trillion dollars annually.
However; Governments maintain two sets of accounting books, one which is display to the
public, which contains official data issued by the Government and another secret version, which
is used between sovereign entities. It is this secretive ledger which contains both the Collateral
Accounts and Saint Germain World Trust. Some of this wealth is stored in different dimensions,
but most of it it’s stored under International treaties, custodian ship roles within the mayor
Banking houses. In the case of the collateral accounts, they are held within the institution and
administrative BIS, Bank of International Settlements. This wealth is intended to be used to buy
all of the Illuminati controls, Controlled Governments, Oil Corporations, media conglomerate,
banking cartels, pharmaceutical cartels and it will cero out all debts. It’s estimated that will cost
of a 100 Quintillion dollars just to correct the world’s currency and the economic problems.
In order for these funds to reach the common men, it must travel down thru a series of 30,000
different trusts. Beginning with World Trust, Level One and remains under the trustee Master
Saint Germain, under his orders the world court will activate the funding process. Level Two –
Contains 180 Royal Trusts which are under the control of various trustees around the world,
examples include the French Trust, The Russian Trust and the Vatican Trust. Level Three –
Illuminati Family Trust, which are under the control of the wealthiest illuminati families like
Warburg Trust, Rothschild Trust, and Rockefeller Trust. Level Four – Contain the 250+ corporate
Trusts under the control of the trustees of the world most powerful corporations such as
General Electric, AT&T, Lockheed Martin, etc. Level Five – Prosperity Program Fund which is
placed aside to be used for the benefit of all humanity, these are known as Prosperity Program
Trusts and Bank Roll Programs and they are managed by the IMF (International Monetary
Funds) under the guidance of Saint Germain. All together there are 72 various Bank Roll
programs, including Omega, Bergagine and Freedom. The largest Trust Fund is Freedom and
this must be funded first, when this happens, Saint Germaine’s wealth will finally reached the
hands of all humanity. But if a problem occurs in this chain; the funding window will close.
As the funds travel to each level, they must be signed by 4 to 5 trustees per Trust, if the
trustees decide to block the money, then the funding process comes to an end. Which each
Trust Level, the trustees must use the designated banks and sign properly the released of the
funds. But here is the problem, members of the Bush and the Clinton families have been
blocking the released of these funds, because they have claimed to be the trustees.
After World war II, from 1945-1995 the assets in the collateral accounts were managed by the
Trilateral Commission, representing the United States of America, United Kingdom and France.
This Commission selected the dollar as an International Reserve Currency and gave the CIA legal
responsibility to protect the collateral assets. Nations did not want a permanent CIA presence
on their soil, but it will be allow sub-contracting the protection. Under the same terms and
conditions as the treaty:
Jekyll Island Treaty (1910)
The London Treaty (1920)
The Second Plan of the Experts (1929)
The Hague Agreement (1930)
Far East Combined Depositories Agreement (1932)
The Bretton Woods Agreement (1944)
The BIS/ Allies Agreement (1948)
The green Hilton Agreement (1963)
The Schweitzer Convention (1968)
Election of Sole Arbiter Agreements (1995)
The Washington Panel (1998)
The Treaty for Respecting the Rights (2003)
The extensions of these Agreements were expanding trough international treaties, some
of which are still classified as Top Secret. With the CIA now in charge of protecting these
assets, it didn’t take long before problems arrived. Sadly, certain rogue elements within
the CIA and the Bush family have manage to steal over $200 trillion from the collateral
accounts, stored in places as the Philippines and Russia. In 1981 Ronald Reagan
commissioned Leo Wanta to steal $ 27.5 Trillion from the collateral account in Russia,
which it was then used to crash the ruble, collapsing the Soviet Union. This money
belonged to the Russian people and it should be returned back to them.
In the 1980 when V.K. Durhan was flapping trough and old Bible she found an 1875
Peruvian Gold Certificate with a face value of $1000 plus accrued interest, today this
bond is worth $6.5 Trillion collateralize by gold within the collateral accounts. When
George Bush Senior learned of this gold certificate, he tried unsuccessfully to get his
hands on it. Instead of hiding this wealth within the United States like Fort Knox,
They chose to hide this money in all places. A CIA control depository in Montevideo,
Uruguay, but remember after World War II, Uruguay was consider a safe haven for
escaping Nazis.
The Bush family known for their Nazi ties, have purchased large ranches in Uruguay and
Paraguay, they may think they can get away with crashing the world economy and
hiding out with the stolen loot. The world must hold this people accountable for their
This stolen money is now being used for every new world order project imaginable,
starting from NASA, militarized space weapons, electronic mind control and financial
warfare. If you ever wonder where they got the money to build these black anti-gravity
vehicles, look no further as all treaties are classified Top Secret.
In 1963, President Kennedy tried to stop this illegal activity and bring this wealth to the
people of this world through the Green Hilton Agreement. This would allow the United
States as holders of the International Reserve Currency to print a new gold back
currency, using assets from the collateral account to boost economic development
Throughout the World. On June 4, 1963 President Kennedy signed Executive Order
#11110 which will strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its ability to loan money to the
United States with interest and it required a bullion backed currency issued by the US
Treasury instead of the Federal Reserve Bank. Soon after $2 and $5 bills backed by silver
were issued which read “United States Note” instead Federal Reserve Note. Certain
powers within the elite could not let this happen. So then; Kennedy had to go.
The Green Hilton Agreement and Executive Order 11110 were both signed into law,
shortly after Kennedy’s death it was unrecognized by the United States (INC) and later
by other nations of the world.
In 1995, the Trilateral Commission was strip of its power and place under the control of
the United Nations; the collateral accounts now remain under the supervision of Saint
Germain and Dr. Tsai Cheng Lee, a Nationalist China under the office of International
Treasury Control, UN Charter Control No. 10-60847.
Despite this action; the US Corporate Government, The World Bank, BIS (the bank of
international settlements) and IMF (international monetary fund) continue their illegal
activities without giving a care for the need or wealth of the people of the world.
In the world of financials, there is a term called “Arbitrage”= the practice of taking
advantage of a price difference between two or more markets. In other words, allows
one to profit large amounts in a short period of time from rolling money over and over
again. This has allowed the Robber Barons and illuminati elites to generate enormous
amounts of wealth, by raping the world of its assets, through either insider trading or by
manufacturing money using fractural reserve banking. When a bank is licensed to create
money through fractural reserved banking, they’ve been giving the right to create
money out of thin air. This occurs when a bank lends a proportion of their assets at a
rate of 1:10, in other words; a bank must have 1 dollar deposited on its balance sheet in
order to loan 9, but those 9 were manufacture out thin air. After the debt is paid in full,
the banks simply delete this money from their ledgers, causing it to vanish from thin air.
This loans are then spend throughout the economy and eventually reaching the hands
of the average American, to be spend in their day to day lives. However, while these
loans are increasing the size of the money supply, the interest portions of these loans
are decreasing it at a faster rate; this is because banks do not issue enough money into
the money supply to cover the interest payment of these loans. Therefore, more and
more debt has to be issued to continue financing the ever growing interest debt bubble.
Eventually everyone but the parasitic bankers will run out of money, allowing them to
foreclose on the entire world.
While the masses were enslaved under fractional reserve banking, the elites were
profiting enormously. By using the power of leverage a bank can bring in a 63% annual
profit margin, assuming a conservative lending ratio of 1:10 and an interest rate of 7%,
in this example a bank has 10 million dollars deposits and $90 million loans, at an
interest rate of 7% this $90 million loan portfolio will rake $6.3 Million in profits
annually, it doesn’t sound so bad considering the original investment was only $10
million. However, this crude example does not account for the carry trade or fancy
derivatives which could easily enhance the bankers profit in assets of 300% annually.
Wealthy investors are able to tap in these profits by investing in bank trades, which are
conducted on a monthly base; at the end of each month, money is then; roll again. That
is the scheme of the bank roll programs. The Prosperity Funds which originated by
confiscated accounts taken from the Federal Reserve were also place into these roll
programs, but more of this later…
Today, there are at least 72 bank roll programs including Bergavine, Savage, SBC
Chorcoe, ITI, Morgan, Hong Kong, Omega and Freedom. They are maintained and
audited by Price Waterhouse Coopers, IMF, and The Dept. of the Treasury established in
1789, they are deposited by the control of IMF in off shores banks. The reason why you
never hear of these secretive trading programs is because investors are required to have
a minimum of $1000, 000,000 (One hundred million dollars) or more just to make a
trade. Any inquiries about these programs are deflected and the attention is instead
focus on the warnings issued by Government agencies about fake programs. When
combine with numerous prosecutions of fraudulent high yield investment transactions
that occurred each year, the public is led to believe that these programs do not exist.
Around the turn of the century, some of the wealthy Robber Baron children, place aside
a small amount of their families’ money into these programs to be use for the benefit of
all the people in the world. These wealthy investors’ visionaries are known as the White
Knights, in the early 1990; they invited a few multilevel marketers to open up an
accumulated account at the IMF allowing them to make a bank trade with the bank roll
programs with less money, but this was a big mistake and soon the word of this
program begun to spread allowing any investor to invest in these roll programs with as
little as $100, these small amounts were handle by trustees who collected the money
and kept records and combined these small investments into larger amounts such as
one million dollars that was require into a roll, these accumulated accounts were
eventually closed to new investors in the 1990. However, the original investors are still
waiting to be paid, because payment can only be made with gold backed currency.
Otherwise the Federal Reserve bankers will just steal the money under the current Fiat
credit system.
The bankers angry that the bank roll programs were found out by the people fought
long and hard to stop the programs from funding, even though thousands of people
have invested money and a great deal of wealth have been generated. Literally, if ever
anything got paid back was corruption, greed and murder became wild spread among
the bankers, government and even some trustees who stole the money for themselves.
Program managers were lied to, bribe and even taken into court under false pretense
such as trustees Clyde Hood and Mike Kadoski.
Some investors were offered their money back but most refused to accept payment
because they don’t trust the government.
To understand how the world got into this mess, we must now travel back in time to the
very founding of the American Republic, prior to the revolutionary war; the American
colonies have grown quite prosperous, with full ployment in a short period of time.
When King George III asked Benjamin Franklin the secret of the success; Franklin
responded “It is because, in the Colonies, we issue our own paper money. We call it the
Colonial Script, and we issue only enough to move all goods freely from the producers to
the consumers. And as we create our money, we control the purchasing power of
money, and have no interest to pay”. But the King was jealous of the success of the
Colonies and the paper base fiat money system, which was not backed by precious
metals. Life in England was an entire different story, high taxation, prisons were filled
with debtors and the streets were filled with unemployed beggars and little hope to
scape. The taxes paid to the King barely covered the payments he owed in interest of his
debt to Mayer Amschel Rothschild. With the wealthier in England overtaxed, King
George turned to the Colonies and requires all taxes to be paid in gold coins rather than
Colonial Script. Since the Colonies had very little gold, unemployment and crisis for war
soon surfaced. Benjamin Franklin later said that this was the true cause of the war not
the tax on tea or the stamp act as taught on the history books over and over again.
Violent opposition soon broke out forcing King George to send British soldiers to
enforced the new taxes, when these troops refused to fired arms on British citizens, the
King agreed to let Mayor Rothschild purchase German merchant troops as mercenary
fighters dressed up in British uniforms to collect his debt for him. When it became clear
that troops will not successfully defeat the Continental Army, King George finally
relinquished and said “We may have lost the Colony, but we will get her back”.
To bring the Colonies to their knees, Mayor Rothschild proposed an ennoble idea, he
will loan money to the Continental Army through British Rothschild agents in France, in
order to control them; from that point on, England started to “Divide and Control”
America trough hiding force. To implement this policy, he recruited a network of British
spy’s who were loyal to the Crown to infiltrate and guide the new Republic’s
Government into the hands of British Bankers.
In 1788, before the United States even existed; British war loans were now coming due,
because of the Federal Government had no significant financial resources to pay these
loans they declare bankruptcy and place the debt on the States Instead of the people, to
make the payment against the people, in 1790 Congress passed an Act making provision
for the payment of the debt of the United States. This Act abolished the States of the
Republic and created Federal Districts in their place, a portion of these debts were
placed in each district. Soon after all the States and citizens were reorganized as
corporations, and as a corporation you are not subject to the Bill of Rights, this may
explain why you feel like you have no rights under the Constitution, is because you
don’t; You are not subject to it. Even though the Colonies had removed the British
troops from their lands, they were now at the mercy of British bankers.
After defaulting on the war debts, one of the first actions of President Washington in
power was to declare a financial emergency, desperate for funds; the United States
allowed the creation of a Private Central Bank, controlled by the Bank of England and
the Rothschild family, by placing the assets in securities and the United States as
collateral. Despite the protest of the Democrats and Republicans led by Thomas
Jefferson, Washington recruited the aid of Alexander Hamilton who was the Secretary
Treasury and the Rothschild agent to draft a proposal which in 1791 became the Bank of
the United States, just like the Bank of England which it was also privately owned. The
Bank of the United States was named in such a way to conceal its true ownership. This
Bank was giving a twenty year charter and capitalized with $10,000,000. 80% was
owned by foreign bankers using fractional reserved banking, the Bank was authorized to
loan twice as much money as it has on reserved, or twenty million dollars. This made a
profitable enterprise for the bankers, as they got to collect interest on extra ten million
dollars that was simple manufacture out of thin air. By 1796 the national debt of the
United States Government has grown to $ 6.2 million, forcing the government to sell
most of its own shares in the Bank of the United States. By 1802 the government owned
no stocks on his own Bank. With the outbreak of the Napoleonic wars in Europe; in 1803
the relationship between the United States and Great Britain has begun to deteriorate.
Britain had imposed a blockade on all neutral Countries including the United States.
During this time Britain was taking American sailors as hostages from their ships to serve
on the British navy, in response of increasing infiltrations of trouble makers and hostile
British spy’s within the United States, Congress passed an amendment which prevented
anyone who had titles of nobility or connections to the crown of England from holding
Public Office, such as Esquire-Attorney, Doctor and Clergyman. These titles were
authorized under the crown of England for English citizens and thud; these are foreign
agents of the crown. The titles of nobility Amendment also known as the 13 th
Amendment was approved by Congress and the House of Representative in 1810, it was
ratified by all the necessary States into Law on March 12, 1819. It reads as follow “If any
citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain, any title of nobility or
honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present,
pension, office or emolument of any kind or whatever, from any emperor, king, prince
or foreign power, such person shall ceased to be a citizen of the United States, and shall
be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.
“Titles of nobility Amendment 1810”.
After the passage of the titles of nobility Amendment, Congress when one step further
by severity British control over the Financial System when they refused to renew the
first United States Bank Charter which expired on February 20, 1811. Nathan Mayer
Rothschild was quoted saying “Either the application for renewal of the charter in
granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war. When it
became apparent that the United States would not go along with the Bank schemes,
Rothschild responded “Teach those impudent Americans a lesson, bring them back to
Colonial status” In retaliation for refusing to do business on their terms, European
investors withdrew $7 million out of US Economy resulting in economic recession and
The eventual outbreak of the war of 1812, the causes of this war was triggered by
England’s loss of control over the United States monetary system, and even more
worries, the titles of nobility amendments prevented British agents for meddling on the
affairs of the new Republic’s Government. So, England ordered their soldiers to burn
Washington DC. With the White House and the Library of Congress now in flames,
evidence of the original Title of Nobility Amendment was destroyed, the British crown
knew that Americans people will no longer tolerate British rules again, so; they returned
the Republic back to the American people with one exception, the 13 th Amendment was
to be removed from the Constitution. This Amendment begun disappearing from texts
in 1832 and by 1876 was removed from all official State publications, thanks to extreme
bribery from the Rothschild Banking syndicate. Proof that the 13 th Amendment was
ratified was found in 1983 by archived researchers David Dodge and Tom Downe in a
rural library. After the war of 1812, English bankers such as the Rothschild’s saw to
recapture the American economy, they knew if they can control the money supply, they
will not care who created the laws. Then, so all the new war debt which it needed
financing they got their wish. When President James Madison granted a charter to the
Second National Bank in 1816, this bank was filled with political corruption, as it was
about purchasing politicians by funding their election campaigns. The newly elected
President Andrew Jackson responded to their mischief with these words “You are a den
of vipers and thieves. I intent to rout you out, and by the eternal God I will rout you
out”. After a fell assassination attempt, he told his close friend and a future President
Martin Van Buren; “the bank is trying to kill me but I will kill it.”
In 1832, Andrew Jackson rewrote a new law to the bank’s charter on the grounds that
the bank was unconstitutional; he successfully paid the National debt for the first time
in the Nation’s history with a surplus of $5,000. After the bank charter had expired, the
books were opened up and Congress was shocked to learn that every single stock holder
was a British citizen. On January 30, 1835, President Andrew Jackson attended a
Congressional funeral in the capital building; Richard Lawrence aimed a pistol at Jackson
but the precaution cup exploded and the bullet went out discharged, so in a rage
Jackson stroked his cane on the attacker were he fires another bullet which also fell to
charged. Jackson later claimed the Rothschild were responsible for this incident.
In 1857, the illuminary met in London to decide America’s fate, they knew if they can
cause an inside and expensive war, then the United States will be forced to charter a
central bank, because Canada and Mexico were too weak to fight a war and England,
France and Russia were too far away, they decided to foment a civil war between the
North and the South. The North was become a British Colony and next to Canada under
the control of Lionel Rothschild, and the South with its valuable cotton industry was
given to Napoleon III of France, to be control by James Rothschild.
By the 1860’s, slavery was gradually becoming obsolete, thanks to increased education
and changed in the attitudes, but the illuminary kept rising tensions in order to “divide
and control” America thru civil war. Albert Pike; the head of the masonic and Illuminaty
order, recruited the help of the knights of the golden circle, which was formed in 1854
by George Beckley. Their members included who is who of (honorable) people, including
the President of the Confederate State Jefferson Davis, John Wilkes Booth, and the
famous bank robber Jesse James, whose operation helped fund the civil war. Later, in
1857; the knights of the golden circle formed the Ku Klux Klan.
In 1861, Lincoln approached Rothschild’s control bank in New York to raise money for
the civil war, after they offered him ridiculous amount in interest rate, from 24% to 36%,
Lincoln ordered the US Treasury to print the money debt free. In 1972, the US treasury
Department computed that this move saved the Government nearly $4 Billion of
interest; these debt free notes backed by precious metals were known as greenbacks,
due to the green color ink printed on the back. During the course of war and later during
the reconstruction era over $449 Million were issued, bringing both value and stability
to the wormed torn Republic and to help restore Constitutional control over money
supply, in response to the greenbacks, Lincoln once said “We gave the people of this
Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had, their own paper money to pay their
own debts.”
The civil war brought many challenges for Lincoln, and some of these mistakes are still
hunting us until today; in particular, the early foundation of a shadow government and
the true meaning of the 14th Amendment “citizen”. The concept of a shadow
government within the United States first begun on March 27, 1861 when the Southern
States walked out of Congress, because there were not enough members present in
Congress to conduct a legislative session, under the rules of Parliamentary Law; the only
lawful authority they had was to vote on a time to reconvene for a new session, but
instead of agreeing of a new time to reassemble, they chose to abandon Congress all
together. This created a Constitutional crisis which placed Congress in “Sine Die”, which
literally means “without a day”. In Sine Die Congress was no longer a lawful body,
therefor; they can no longer declare war under a Constitutional authority, in addition;
the Constitution for the United States has ceased to exist when parties of the Southern
States has exit from the union, and the Norther States have declared their owned State
legislature in sine die. The response to the Constitutional crisis; on April 15, 1861,
Lincoln signed an executive order known as Executive Proclamation 1 which declared a
“National Emergency” and placed the Federal Territories under “Martial Law” to be rule
by executives’ powers. Because of the Federal Government within the District of
Columbia didn’t have any jurisdiction on the States Territories, on April 24, 1863; the
commission General Orders #100 also known as the Lieber code, to extend the law of
the District of Columbia beyond the boundaries of Washington DC into the several
States, placing all American under military occupation of the United States Government
(INC). After the conclusion of the civil war, Lincoln intended to end the Lieber code and
returned to Constitutional Law, but his plans were cut short when he was assassinated.
As a result, martial law under a shadow government continues to these days. Not only
that the Lieber code enabled Lincoln to side step the Constitutional crisis, but also
allowed him to navigate around Rothschild control interests.
In 1865, the war was going badly for Lincoln when he delivered a message to Congress
saying “I have two great enemies, the Southern army in front of me, and the financial
institutions in my rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe.”
In 1862, the Rothschild’s plan for the invasion of the United States was on schedule,
when England had stationed 8,000 troops in Canada and France stationed 30,000 troops
in Mexico. To deal with the Rothschild problem, Lincoln had contacted his friend Tsar
Alexander II of Russia, for military assistant because he too was to overthrown the
Rothschild banking control out of his Country, and because Lincoln had shown good will
by emancipating the slaves. To ensure military victory for the union forces, Tsar
Alexander II parked his navy fleet on the New York and San Francisco Harbor to block
any invasion attempt by the English or French, because of their help and because of the
Tsar blocked the creation of the Zionist one world government at the Congress of
Vienna in 1815, the Rothschild had seal their fate. Then 60 years later the Tsar dynasty
had met their own down fall at the hand of Rothschild agents during Bolshevik
By opposing the Rothschild and by printing the greenbacks, English bankers had signed
President Lincoln death warrant, so they hired John Wilkes Booth to assassinate Lincoln,
sadly; a local was found nearby in a hay barn and was innocently charged for the crime,
after escaping from being captured, John W Booth lived the remaining of his life in
comfortable surroundings in England.
In 1868, the 14th Amendment was ratified, end of slavery by giving all the citizenship.
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction
there of, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside” US Code
Annotated Amendment 14. However, what the public was not told that under the Lieber
code, 14th Amendment can only be found under the jurisdiction of the United States
(Inc) that is all government employees, those who lives in territories occupied by federal
government such as Washington DC, Puerto Rico, Guan and the former slaves, the rest
of the population was not subject to the 14th Amendment, and us could still claim
jurisdiction under the original Constitution. In addition to that, after the conclusion of
the civil war, the federal government was now occupying the Southern States, placing
these “capture citizens” under the jurisdiction of the Lieber code. The Southern States
had to agree to ratify this Amendment in order for them to be granted their freedom
from federal rule.
But instead of ending slavery, the 14th Amendment had all Southerners captive as slaves
in the Plantation known as the United States of America, just like how all citizens were
turned into Corporation in 1790 to subject them to the revolutionary war debts, 14 th
Amendment citizens were created to be franchisees, subject to the Corporation known
as the UNITED STATES, INC; and like all Corporate brands, you do not have any
Constitutional Bill of Right protections. Proof of such can be found in the all caps version
of your name, which signifies a corporate entity. After the civil war, the United States
defaulted of its war debt, during the bankruptcy proceedings, lawyers and international
bankers found a loop hole within Article 1 Section 8, Clause 17 of the USC which allow
the creation of a duplicate entity known as the Corporation of the UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA to replace the now bankrupted and defaulted Republic of the United States of
America. Art. 1, S8, C17: “To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over
such District (not exceeding then miles square) as may, by cession of particular states,
and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United
states, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the
legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines,
arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings.”
This occurred with the passage of the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, which
incorporated the area of District of Columbia into a Private Foreign Corporation
chartered in the City of London known as the UNITED STATES, INC. This Corporation
designated Congress as the Board of directors to continue the business as the new
government under martial law, thanks to the Lieber code, federal jurisdiction under the
Organic Act was expanded to include now all captured citizens, all American in all the
States. America had lost her Sovereignty under the Yugo of the crown of England and
the international bankers. During the same time, the Corporation of the UNITED STATES
adopted his own Constitution, which was identical to the original National Constitution,
to fool the people; one word was changed from its original form The Constitution for the
united states of America to its present day all capital letters which signifies a Corporate
of Nobility Amendment was removed from this Constitution.
With the illuminaty in full control over the United States, they now saw to rule the
world, after the death of Adam Weishavpt in the 1830, Giuseppe Mazzini was selected
the head of the illuminaty, in 1871; the demoniac power was passed then again to
General Albert Pike as a new director. Pike became fascinated with the idea of a one
world government, and eventually constructed the iluminaty’s blue print of world
domination. His plan calls for the financing of three world wars in the 20 th century, the
first war would bring about an Atheist Communist State from the ashes of Tsar’s Russia.
The Second war would bring about a Jewish Holocaust under a fascist government to
foment support of the Zionist State of Israel; the third war will manipulate the
differences of Christians and Muslims for their own annulation, and finally; the political
Zionism will come out as victors of all. These three world wars will require enormous
funding, since most of the royalty in Europe was deeply in debt thanks to the numerous
wars and conflicts created by the Rothschild banking dynasty, the only place left that
could possible pay for such ambitious plans was in the now prosperous American
Republic. After the civil war, the United States went through a great industrial
expansion, the new industries of oil, steel, textile, and railroad; all needed generous
financing, which the Rothschild family was more than eager to provide, to access these
markets, the Rothschild sent their agent Jacob Schiff, to infiltrated the New York banking
seeing which was controlled by JPMorgan. By the turn of the century, the Rothschild
fully linked himself into the tide fraternity of Wall Street banks, such as Goldman-Sacks
and Lehman Brothers; they now saw their most priceless possession; full control over
the America monetary system, with help from Jacob Schiff and JP Morgan, the
Rothschild formed a scheme which would seduce Congress into relinquishing control
over the money supply, this occurred on the Panic of 1907, when a liquidity crisis costed
many banks and business to fail all across the United States, the meltdown begun when
JP Morgan published rumors that Knickerbocker Trust Company of New York was
insolvent, with the bank run on hand, they were forced to call on their loans, creating a
chain reaction, which then threatens to implode the entire banking system. The failures
continue until JP Morgan and Company provided a generous loan to the insolvent banks,
but JP Morgan was not trying to save the American Banking system, but rather, he used
the crisis to destroy his completion by choosing which banks he will bail out. But the
biggest casualty of the economic fail out was the Corporation of the United States which
had no means to pay back their loans which were due in 1912, in anticipation of this
bankruptcy, representatives from the wealthiest families met in November of 1910, at a
secret meeting at the Jekyll Island, Brunswick, Georgia; to discussed the foreclosure of
the Corporation of the United States, and to bring storm solutions which will prevent
future liquidity crisis, such as occurred on the panic of 1907. Those in attendance
included Senator Nelson Aldrich, Paul Warburg, representatives from JP Morgan and
Company and Jacob Schiff, representing the Rothschild family. They proposed to 20 year
extension of the National debt if the United States would agree to charter a privately
own central bank, which will serve as a bank of last resort, by lending money to other
insolvent banks in order to prevent future bank runs. A week later, they emerged with
their plans to create what is now known as The Federal Reserve System. Because of the
current Presidential staff will never agree to sign away the American monetary system
to the cabal or international bankers, they waited until they got their man, the
progressive Woodrow Wilson in power, in return of the general campaign contributions,
Woodrow Wilson promised that he will sign the federal reserve act if he was elected
into office. Many powerful forces were opposed to the creation of the privately
controlled central bank, but to neutralized this threat, JP Morgan invited the mayor
opponents of the Federal Reserve act on board of the newly built Titanic luxury steam
liner, built by the White Star Line; owned by JP Morgan, and he ordered the captain to
steered his ship into an iceberg, and under gun point prevented the men from escaping
onto the lifeboats, killing many of his enemies in one large group. When the word got
back to Woodrow Wilson, he commented “There exists this power in the world so
subtle, so organized, so watchful, that we dare not speak above a whisper when we
speak in condemnation of it”. At the beginning of 1913, United States had defaulted on
its debt, after being denied a new line of credit, the now President Woodrow Wilson
faces Constitutional crisis with no other sources of funding he went along with the
bankers scheme engineered at the Jekyll Island Resort, to avoid any opposition, Senator
Nelson Aldrich, quickly pushed the federal reserve act through both houses of Congress.
On December 23, 1913; when most of Congress was away on Christmas vacation, a
quorum call was issued; a few selected congressional traitors voted by voice to avoid
public records and passed the Federal Reserve act which President Wilson signed into
law. Wilson later admitted with remorse referring to the fed “I have unwittingly ruined
my Country.” This act gave away the keys of the US Treasury to a foreign Corporation,
chartered under the crown of England known as the Federal Reserve Bank. “The Federal
Reserve was created by Congress in 1913, and it was entrusted with the power granted
originally to the Congress by the US Constitution to coin money and regulate the value
there of.” The Federal Reserve advertised itself as “Non-profit Corporation” and
operates as if it is another branch of the government, however, its Board members are
unelected and their meetings are conducted behind closed doors, away from public
scrutiny. The Board of directors of the Federal Reserve System is chosen by the
President from a list prepared by the bankers themselves. Words of President Bush Jr.
“It is important that whomever a pick, it is viewed as an independent person from
politics.” All these secrecy becomes very suspicious, considering how the Federal
Reserve monitors and controls trillions of dollars within the worlds banking system.
After the Federal Government lost its ability to issue its own money, National debt soon
soared astronomical heights, because now the government had to pay interest on all its
currency printed to circulation, but this interest on a National debt can never be repaid,
as the federal reserve required all debts to be repaid with gold, which the government
did not have, and even worst, the interest portion of the national debt was not issued
into the money supply, in other words; more and more debt would have to be issued to
continuing servicing the growing interest payments on all loans. In order to cover this
interest payment Congress was forced to pass the income tax legislation, which became
law in 1913, with the ratification of the 16th Amendment, also known as the income tax
Amendment. Initially, it was 1% Voluntary tax on all of incomes over $3,000 and a
Progressive Surtax on all incomes over $20,000, but this was soon increased with the
outbreak of World War I and World War II. Income tax allowed the Federal Reserve
System to confiscate the earning of the common men, but the industrials and financiers
were exempted from paying any income tax because they could afford to hide their
assets in Tax Free Foundations, which they claimed they are devoted to philanthropy.
Samples of such include the Rockefeller Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and the
Carnegie Endowment. The main purpose of the income tax is not to raise revenue but to
redistribute wealth and to control society. Technically, the 16 th Amendment was not
ratified by the necessary States and violates the Constitutional law as “No Direct Taxes”
“No capitation, or other direct, tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or
enumeration herein before directed to be taken” – Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4. Despite
this, Congress went ahead and taxed the people anyway. The government was able to
do this because under the Corporate Charter, Congress was operating as the Board of
Directors and therefore, they had the authority to enter this Amendment as ratified. But
remember, this Amendment doesn’t have anything to do with the original United States
Constitution which was replaced back in 1871 with the Corporate Constitution.
Peter Gibbons, Tax Attorney commented “It’s actually very simple, Congress tried to
enact an income tax in 1894 and the Supreme Court said it is unconstitutional, they tried
again in 1913 and the Supreme Court said the 16th Amendment conferred no new power
of taxation, so if they didn’t have it then and they didn’t get it, they don’t have it. THERE
In 1933, The United Stated once again; declared Bankruptcy. To make all citizens subject
to re-payment of the national debt, the bankers chartered a Delaware Corporation
known as the Bureau of Internal Revenue, incorporated in 1933, but this Corporation
was illegally masqueraded as part of the government placed them under constant threat
and lawsuits, to scape these litigations they moved their jurisdiction outside of the
United States to Puerto Rico, this occurred in 1953 when they changed their name to
“Internal Revenue Service” or IRS, incorporated as a Puerto Rican Trust within the
Division of the Department of the Treasury of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
Further proof can be found within the United states code Trust fund # 62 Puerto Rico
special fund (Internal Revenue) Section 31 USC 1321 (a)(62) this was done to divert all
income tax payments to the International monetary Fund owned by the very Central
Banks of Europe and North America, which in turn are owned by the Crown of England.
On October 28th, 1977, the United States as a “Corporation” and “State” declared
insolvency. State banks and most other banks were put under the control of the
“Governor” of the “Fund” (IMF) 26 IRC 165 (g) (1) U.C.C. 1-201(23, C.R.S.39-22-103.5
There is a substantial, conclusive body of evidence that proof that our income taxes
represent the most tenacious form of tyranny, it is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated
by government against the working men and women of America.
We the people Foundation “I can eliminate all income taxes tomorrow, and have more
than enough money to fund the government by using some other guy’s bright idea, we
tax the federal reserve .0006% doubles our money until we decide to put them out of
business permanently, because we certainly should not have central banks.
The evidence that the income tax is paid to the United Kingdom is found deep within
the IRS Individual Master File which contains every transaction and financial record
gathered by IRS officials throughout your lifetime. One of these codes determent what
kind of taxes you are paying. ADP and IDRS information 300-399 blocking series, IRS
6209 Manual, after looking up this code 6209 Manual within the IRS you find that they
have incorrectly classified all Americans as Domicile Corporations in either Guam, the
Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico. TC 150. Furthermore, all who filled out a tax form 1040
are subject to a tax for being in commerce with the United Kingdom under a treaty with
the United States. “IMF 300-309, Barred Assessment, CP 55 generated valid for MFT-30,
code word for the IRS 1040 form”
“Business Master File 390-399, U.S-U.K. Tax Treaty Claims” Subject to a tax from the
United Kingdom.” WTPF –Charlie Beall “There is no law, THERE IS NO LAW that requires
the average American worker in the private sector to pay a direct on a portion tax on
their labor in compensation for services, again THERE IS NO LAW.
As you follow the money trail, you will find that the money collected on taxes filled on
the 1040 form is sent to the crown of England as a tribute payment. The crown of
England is a Sovereign Corporation located within the 677 Acres of “the City” found
within the heart of Greater London, this tiny strip of land contains the world’s most
powerful banking houses suck as the Bank of England and Lloyds of London owned by
the house of Rothschild, it is these bankers and their counterpart; the Temple Bar
Attorneys that constitute the power base know simple as the “CROWN”, even though
Queen of England is a member of this Club, she is not its Corporate head, that job was
given to the Pontiff of Rome, the Pope was given control over the monarchy with the
signing of the Treaty of 1213, between King John and pope Innocent III which forever
pledge England as a vessel state of the holy roman empire. In 1297 that Treaty was used
to set precedence to incorporate the city as an independent city state controlled by the
Vatican (CORPORATION OF LONDON) which would govern England without directly
relying on the monarchy, just like how the Corporation of the United States are subject
to the crown of England, so too are the subjects of the British empire, and enslave with
debt by the financial division of the Vatican headquarter within the city of London.
Today, these small glib of bankers have full authority over the affairs of parliament, and
this is been the case since 1694, when pope Innocent XI hired William of Orange to
dispose this to the King and charter the Bank of England. Located within the crown of
England it is the original federal reserve charter which according to the farmers legal
team, the IRS 1040 form allocates 67% to the Crown of England, another 23% goes to
the 300 shareholders of the federal reserve, and the last 10% is to be paid to the
employees of the IRS to keep them quite about this sweet deal. Since 1913, none of the
income tax collected by the IRS has gone to the Federal Government; the Federal
Government is funded totally through black budget sources such as drug trafficking and
off budget accounting on a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) this report is
based on techniques that were used by the mafia to hide their assets, in 1946 the
government adopted the same methods when a private organization known as
Government Finance Officers Association, created a policy which changed the
government into a for profit structure used by Corporate America, soon after
governments begun using a financial statement which allowed them to create multiple
profit centers and investment accounts, and to do it in a such a way that the public will
never figure it out. Over time the government begun to make so much money that they
overtook the mafia is the biggest scheme in town. In 1977, Governmental Accounting
Standards Board was promoted for lucrative benefits of Standardized Financial
statement, soon all local, county and state governments jump on board and begun
producing their own Comprehensive Annual financial Report, or an annual financial
report, or on the federal level a consolidated financial statement; GAO, U.S.
Government financial report.
As of 2005, there were 148,000 individual government financial statements in the
United States, when combined local, State and Federal level investment there were over
$110 Trillion, so much money that one must ask why the government has any debt at
To answer this is complex because the government’ debts are finance indirectly through
their own investments funds; this was done to subject the people for the re-payment of
the debt while at the same time the government can steal all the wealth of the people.
The CAFR allow the government to hide the assets through the use of two sets of
accounting books, one is the budget report which is presented to the public as the
actual budget, the only income that must be reported in government budget reports are
taxes, fines and fees; but this is only a small image within the entire financial picture.
The other set of accounting books are known as the financial statements of the CAFR,
AFR; on the federal level the CFS (Consolidated Financial Statement) these show a more
complete financial condition of the government, which includes all the general income
generated from government liquid investments funds, Bond financing accounts, and
Corporate Stock Portfolios. Some examples of these investments centers are:
. Self-Insurance
. Enterprise Operations
. Self-Debt Funding Accounts
. Specialty Funding Accounts
. Advance Forward Liability Accounts
. Federally Funded Program Accounts
. Pension Funds
. Real Estate venture projects
. Property Seized by the State
When you look in these funds, you will find that government it’s been actually stacking
large sur pluses of money from the general public, these funds have been kept away
from the tax payer while taxes are raised and citizens are told to expect fewer services.
None of these revenue centers report their income in their general budget allowing the
government to hide how much money they are truly making in each accounting cycle
and surely creates a void of comprehension, keeping the public in the dark of what is
truly going on. If the Private sector business was to adopt these same accounting
practices, they will qualify as a criminal enterprise under the RICO statutes for
RICO – The Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act fights organized crime by
prosecuting individuals participating in racketeering.
But the government gets away with this by passing laws designed to elude all
consequences of their theft, which is another part of the problem. Today over 70% to
80% of all elected officials are associated with the massive attorney network which had
taken over the three branches of the government. These attorneys make laws which
give them power to sue anyone who dares to attempt to access these funds.
As long as people continue to putting these attorneys into office, they will continue
stealing these massive profits for themselves.
When analyzing the total income generated in a composited level of local, State and
Federal government Financial Statements, the Non-Disclosed Revenues now account to
66% of all the government’s income, while the other 33% still derivate from tax revenue.
If the government’s administrated duties modify slightly to the creation of Tax
Retirement Funds, then the profits generated can easily run all governments without
any further need to taxation, and still have enough money left over to pay a dividend
check to every American. We could help the local economy instead of Wall Street and
off shore banks. We can create thriving local economies and even greater sums of
money for all people.
According to the research on CAFR, Walter Burien, the editor of website in
1998, the federal government collected $1.8 trillion in federal tax revenue, all local and
State governments over $1.6 Trillion, with a total of $3.5 Trillion, the Non-Disclosed
CAFR Revenue brought $5.1 Trillion, with a Grand Total of $8.5 Trillion in Local, State
and Federal Gross Income 1998. According to the World Bank; the United States
economy generated $8.7 Trillion for that same year. But this statistic is misleading,
because the income generated by the government is excluded from the GDP to hide the
fact that the government makes more revenue than the general population. If this date
was revised and show all private and public sector income, then the total GDP in 1998
would it been $17.2 Trillion with the government being 49% of all economic activities.
By the year 2009, United States government activity as a percentage of the economy
was 70%, $32.6 Trillion in Government Activity while the Private Sector only $14 Trillion.
Even more alarming, these Non-Disclosed government investment funds have become
so massive they now control 60% to 70% of all American Corporations. Whenever you
hear about these so called institutional investors mention in the news media, they are
actually referring to governmental Pension Funds (Employee Owned Stock Funds) and
Domestic and International Specialty Funds; which in the year of 2000, Government
Stock ownership in Microsoft was 82%, 61% in Walt Disney, 58% of AOL Time Warner,
and 72% in ExxonMobil, but of course, the government own news media, they will never
dare to report these numbers to the American people. With such a large sum of money
at their disposal, the stock and bond markets are regularly manipulated making or
breaking any Corporation who does not follow the new world order agenda, no wonder
we feel like the stock market is rigged because it is. This also explain why the
“government-Owned” Wikipedia and news media they will not report anything critical
at the government, and also why the government has no intention of reforming the
profitable health care industry, but even more (frightening) they are using the Proxy
Vote (A vote that is cast by a shareholder on behalf of another entity) Governments can
force Corporate America to do its own betting, this explains why we have so much off
shoring back in the 1960’s, most of the businesses owned within the CAFR were
primarily restricted to American owned Corporations, but in 1978; the government side
step this rule by creating international investment pools which begun taking over
companies overseas, in order to make huge profits with cheaper labor and in turn
putting Americans out of work. Sadly, corporate leaders are powerless to do anything
about this or their companies would be destroyed, or even worst things could happen to
them, such as the government firing the entire board of directors and replacing them
with their own cronies.
Off-shoring is allowing these same companies to hide their income from the IRS by
setting up Domicile Corporations throughout the world like in the Caiman Islands, today:
the largest American Corporation such as found within the fourth and fifth hundreds
average Income tax rate is .02 to 1.5% after deductions and jet the average American
force to be a slave to their masters has an average of 27% of their personal income tax
returns. In addition to off-shore American jobs, the federal and local government has
been implicated in using its derivatives to manipulate financial markets throughout the
Derivative: A financial contract whose value is derived from the performance of
underlying market factor.
According to an OCC’s Quarterly Report on Bank trading and derivatives Activities,
March 2008, US Treasury audited at its bank derivatives revolving, the government
currently holds over $180,344 Trillion of derivatives, most of which is held within the
five biggest American banks as Citibank, JPMorgan/ Chase, Wachovia, HSBC Bank, Wells
Fargo (Source: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) These credits swap derivatives,
is used to manipulate all kinds of prices, including the short and long term bi-annuals
prices of crude of oil, precious metals and stock certificates, creating easy money for the
government, but consequently we create the global bubble market and expect the
official demise which seems to be what they want, draining all the people’s assets and
cover it in a hiding way that people will never believe while enhancing the profits of
their own investment funds. To correct this problem, a full audit of the government
financial statements must be disclose to the public, but as long as attorneys continue to
monopolize the functions of the government, it is doubtful this will ever happen.
While the theft of the people’s money continue to then poor’s the masses, the lucrative
printing presses of the federal reserve bank manage to enslave them even more and the
new world order is one step closer to reality. Through the magic of the fractional
reserve banking, the federal reserve system can create or destroy money, but because
the interest portion of the bank loaning activity isn’t issued into the money supply, more
and more loans are necessary to continue financing debt and to continuing injecting
money into the economy, creating the debt bubble that can only grow larger and larger,
during this time physical assets are exchanged as collaterals for tangible fiat money until
the day the debt bubble burst allowing the bankers to foreclose on the entire world.
The founding fathers were very well aware of this danger which is why they outlaw the
use of privately issued fiat money, as according to Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1, United
States Constitution “No State shall coin Money, emit Bills of Credit, make anything but
Gold and Silver Coin a tender in Payment of debt.” Debt can only be paid with Gold and
Silver. In 1971, Nixon illegally striped all federal notes from the gold standard and ever
since, American has been using unlawful money. Without the backing of precious
metals, these notes should not even been considered money as money has an Intrinsic
Value (The value of an asset as justified by the fact). Federal reserve notes are
technically certificates of debt, as they can only be issued into the money supply
through the loaning activity of the fractional reserve banking. The button line here is
that central banking is an evil cancer; these people are selling us credit they don’t have,
so they can take profits they don’t deserve out of our pockets. The United States is
constitutionally chartered to print money on the good faith and credit of all of us, and
not pay interest, why are we being such a fools? Well, in the past; if you call on them
you get assassinated. Lincoln and Kennedy were both about to print money and not
borrow from the banks; these two dots are side by side.
When you take a closer look at the dollar bill, you see the words “This note is legal
tender for all debts, public and private”, but one needs to ask themselves to whom this
debt is own to. The bankers were able to get around the Constitution restrictions of the
fiat money by using a clause within Section 16 of the federal reserve act which stipulates
that federal reserve notes can only be used by federal reserve banks, isn’t it amazing
that the bankers consider all people who use privately issued credit to be federal
reserve banks? And with the federal reserve check book, stock markets can be
manipulated creating even bigger sums of money for the bankers, and even worst they
had the finance to finance world war I and world war II, which served the diversion to
keep the public unaware of what was really going on.
After the federal reserve took over the monetary system, the bankers could print as
much fiat money as they wanted, to buy out any one and anything will oppose to the
one world order agenda, soon all the main media conglomerates begun to fall under
their control, according to a report given to Congress (U.S. Congressional Record
February 9, 1917, page 2947) by congressman Oscar Callaway.
In 1950, JP Morgan met with 12 high ranking news managers to determine the most
influential newspapers in America and to figure out how many of them they will take to
generally control the policy of the daily press within the United States. After agreeing
that will require the control of 25 newspapers, JP Morgan, the Rothschild family and
John D. Rockefeller begun buying up these papers and replacing them with new editors
who will spread up their ideas in the post-world war. To help fund this new policy; Jacob
Schiff recruited JP Morgan’s personal attorney Elihu Root and President’s Wilson’s
closest adviser Edward House to create a front group which in 1921, will become the
Council of Foreign Relation, soon they have over a thousand members representing the
heads of virtually every industrial empire in America, soon; other groups similar to the
CFR were founded in another nations, such as the Bilderberg group and the Trilateral
commission. Now their inner circle can aspire to purchase any assets which is not own
by them but the federal reserve power of printing, loaning or joggling money, they were
able to profit from the artificially create boom in both cycles by the fed manipulation of
the interest rate which resulted in either inflation or deflation of the money supply. This
is why the stock market crashed in 1929. In the roaring 1920’ the fed loaned easy money
to the public creating a boom period but in 1929 these loan were called in, artificially
reducing the money supply and forcing people into bankruptcy, however; member of
the elite were able to get out of the stock market before the crash thanks to an inside
tip from Paul Warburg; who served as chairman of the CFR and advisor to the federal
reserve. By 1930, the followed great depression has begun to spread worldwide,
resulting in the bankruptcy of numerous countries including the United States.
In 1933, the 20 year extension of the National debt which was extended by Woodrow
Wilson in exchanged for signing the federal reserve act was now coming due, with little
hope this debt can ever be repaid, the United States now faces another loony
bankruptcy, concerned that the dollar would be devaluated, Americans begun
redeeming their federal reserve notes for gold and silver.
One of the first things the newly elected President Franklin Roosevelt did while on the
office, was to stop the gold redemption by declaring the corporation of the United
States Bankrupt, this occurred on March 9, 1933 with the passage of the emergency
banking act; which close all US banks for four days in order to re-organized the insolvent
monetary system. Roosevelt words “The bank holiday while resolving in many cases in
great inconvenience, is reporting us the opportunity to supply the currency necessary to
meet the situation, let me make it clear that the banks will take care of all needs.”
On April 5, 1933 President Roosevelt signed into law the Presidential Executive Order
6102, the Gold Confiscation Act which allowed the federal government to confiscate all
the people’s gold and then removed the gold standards, replacing all currency with
“legal tender federal reserve notes” which could still be redeemed with silver, but in
1968 silver was also removed from circulation, and later in 1971 the gold window set up
with the Bretton Woods agreement would also be closed. Under the Bretton Woods
agreement, the IMF mandated that the price of would be set at a value of $42.22 per
Ounce of Gold, during this time; only foreigners could redeem the US dollar for gold, but
by August 1971; inflation have sent the market price of gold well above the set level,
resulting in massive redemptions of gold by foreign creditors whose changed their
devalued dollar for the more valuable gold stored within the US IMF trust fund. After
President Nixon signed Executive Order 11615 and illegally removed the convertibility of
gold and silver from the dollar, federal reserve notes descend its value 81%.
After President Roosevelt confiscated the people’s gold he changed the previsions of the
Trading with the Enemy Act; (enacted in 1917 to restrict trades with countries hostile to
the United States), which redefines all US citizens as enemies of the State. Thus the
Corporate government declared war on its own people. This gave FDR the power to
indefinitely maintain a bank audit preventing any more redemptions of FRN for gold and
silver, and even worst; every President since the Roosevelt administration has continued
to use the Trading with the Enemy Act to maintain States on National emergency.
Therefore, new conflicts are encouraged to maintain control over the people. This gave
President Truman a precedent to sign the National Security Act of 1947 which created a
national security state with the establishment of the CIA and the NSA. FDR “We want a
government of laws and not of man”. In 1935 President Roosevelt signed the federal
register act which gave the President Dictatorial powers to create any laws without
consulting Congress, by simple publishing them in the federal registry. By 1938, the
Supreme Court has ratified Roosevelt emergency banking proclamations which changed
the Constitutional Republic into a Legislative Democracy; Public Law was replaced by
“Public Policy”, and Merchant law with Admiralty law suspending the Constitution.
Legislative language was used which said “Only the President can declare an end to the
emergency.” But once in Office they are aware of the dictatorial power but no President
since FDR has returned our Country to Constitutional Law.
When the Industrial era begun and broke the connection between team ship and trust
and started treating people as commodities, then we lost sight of our government and
allowed the Corporations to buy the government. United States of America no longer
represents “We the People.” The US Constitution allow to three types of law which are:
Common Law such as “We the People”, Contract Law governing “Contracts and
agreements” and Admiralty Law which governs navies forces on the high seas using
military tribunals instead of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Only in times of war the
President expands Admiralty law in the interior of the United States, this occurred on
December 16, 1950; at the beginning of the Korean war, when President Truman
declared the National emergency which continues to this day. Proclamation 2914
“proclaims the existence of a National Emergency.” At that point gold fringe flags of the
Commander-In-Chief begun to creep up within the courts and public places and even
churches. Because of the 1933 bankruptcy, the government could no longer received
any more loans from the bankers to continue its operations, so they created an
ingenious plan, they will borrow against the labor of all 14th Amendment citizens, they
did this by creating a Foreign Situs Trust “An offshore account which allows non-resident
alien individuals to obtain tax benefits under foreign law”; using your incorporated
name birth certificate as collateral for new loans. Your birth certificate is not owned by
you, the original is kept by the government which proceeds to issue a copy of Certificate
of LIVE BIRTH only, since the government owns your birth certificate, you are considered
an employee of the Corporation of the United States. 5 USC 552A (a) (13) “The term
‘Federal Personnel’ means officers and employees of the government of the United
States, members of the uniformed services…,individuals entitled to receive immediate
or deferred retirement benefits under any retirement program of the government.”
After the State receives your birth certificate, it is then registered within the US
department of transportation, who then has the US Treasury issue a bond using your
future labor as collateral which guarantees the federal reserve system re-payment of
the National debt. It is this bonds which allow the government to continue borrowing
unlimited under its full faith and credit scheme. The government then subjected each
person to a proportion of the National debt. Title Code 26 USC 16 3 (h)(3)(B)(ii)
“$1,000,000 limitation: The aggregate amount treated as acquisition indebtedness for
any period shall not exceed $1,000,000 ($500,000 in the case of a married individual
filling a separate return).” Today runs about $1,000,000 per American, this money was
then deposited into each person pre-paid birth certificate bond which the bankers using
their magic wand creates $9,000,000 (Fractional Reserve Banking) out of thin air, this
process repeats itself to infinity, bringing in a minimum of $10,000,000 to hundreds of
millions of dollars; depending on how much money the government thinks you’ll make
over your lifetime. But there is one small snag in all this, in other for the government to
write checks from a pre-paid account, they have to received permission from you, this
occurs when you voluntarily sign a Social Security (SS5 form). Again FDR said “This
SOCIAL SECURITY MEASURE gives at least some protection to thirteen millions of our
citizens who will reap direct benefits through unemployment compensation or all age
pensions, and through increase services for the protection of children and the
prevention of ill health.”
To persuade people to sign this form, the government would sell it to you as benefits for
retirement but failed to inform you what you are giving up or rather, what you have
become. By receiving Social Security retirement benefits you are now considered federal
personnel of the government of the United States which make you ineligible to
challenge the bankruptcy of the US, and you are no longer considerate a State citizen
but a 14th Amendment citizen, subjecting you to the re-payment of the National debt.
14th Amendment Section 4 “The validity of the ‘public debt’ of the United States,
authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for
services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion shall not be question.”
Accessing and using these funds in beyond of the scope of this information, however if
you would like to locate your pre-paid account number and look for the number of your
birth certificate, or within the IRS individual master file, or the red color serial number
located in the back of your social security card, this will look different from your SS
number as it contains one letter and 8 numbers, the letter designates which one of the
twelve federal reserve banks that had recorded your bond within the commercial book
entry system, and the 8 digit number is your account number which is traded as a stock
certificate in either Switzerland or Puerto Rico. After the bankruptcy of the corporation
of the US in 1933, the assets were placed under the control of the Secretary of the
Treasury as its appointed receiver (Reorganization Plan No. 26, 5 U.S.C.A. 903: Public
Law 94-564; Legislative History, page 5967) Then in 1944, the corporations assets went
under the control of the newly created International Monetary Fund (IMF), the IMF
along with the world bank and GAG (General Agreement Governments, on tariffs and
trade) were all created in 1944 during the Bretton Woods Agreement. Their policies
allow the bankers to capture within the United States all its gold, National Parks, Non-
profit Corporations, all properties of 14th Amendment citizens and even the Birth
Certificate Bonds. These assets are now managed by the Governor of the IMF who just
so happens to be the Secretary of the Treasury, and a paid employee of the IMF. Today
the IMF holds 51% ownership over the corporate government, Interpol and even the
Office of Personnel Management, which is responsible for sending paychecks to all of
federal employees. Not only that the IMF gained control over the land and the people of
the United States, they managed to steal all its monetary gold under a system of
institutionalized inflation created by the Bretton Woods Agreement, which dictated that
US tax dollars will finance the constructions of factories and foreign lands to compete
with American jobs, when this money is being sent overseas; the United states Gold
Reserve shrunk from 80% of the World’s Gold in 1946 to 22% by 1971. This Gold
ultimately made its way into the bankers’ personal coffers in main land Europe.
By the 1960’s, State Governors were becoming concerned of the IMF take-over of the
American Economy, and with the legality of privately issued federal reserve notes, which
have been declare as a lawful money within their own National and state Constitutions.
So in 1962, at the National Governor’s Conference in Lexington, Kentucky; State
governors met with IMF leaders to discuss solutions to help mitigate the constitutional
crisis at hand, they agreed the best approach was to reincorporate all States under the
same jurisdiction on the IMF, and to go away with the institutional law and replace it
with the Uniform Commercial Code and the code of federal regulations, which can only
be enforced in administrative tribunals and Admiralty law courts.
This gave them even more control over the people, because instead of the masses
governing themselves within the “Limits of the Law” like the Constitution dictates, they
are now governing the people under a strict “Set of Codes” which can be used for
By 1972, all States had incorporated this guidelines and ever since the people lost all
constitutional protections. With the help of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS),
the IMF and the World Bank; the international bankers had exported the American’s
liquid to the entire world. In 1945, The United Nations Organization was stablished in
the heart of the British colony financial district of “New York City.” Not only had the
crown of England recapture her colony but now has the control over the world financial
system. The corruption of the banks and the federal government has become so
pervasive that they truly believed themselves to be above the law.
In 1963, the CIA (the limo driver William Greer shot Kennedy) had murdered John F
Kennedy, for attempting to print gold and silver back certificates, and for setting up a
gold back international reserve currency.
Ronald Reagan stated “Government is not the solution to our problems, government IS
THE PROBLEM.” President Regan was well aware of what was going on when he was
quoted saying at the Grace Commission report in 1982; “None of the federal income tax
paid by the American people is even deposited into the United States Treasury, but
instead is deposited into the federal reserve bank for its use and benefit.”
Peter Gibbons, tax attorney stated “When President Reagan was elected one of the first
things he did was appoint a blue ribbon handle of business people headed by Peter
Grace, and is commonly referred to as the Grace Commission, their job was to research
all the various areas of the federal government and make a report, what he quotes from
the Grace Commission is “100% of what is collected is absorbed sole on interest by the
National debt, all individual income tax revenue are gone before one nickel is expend on
the services tax payers expect from government.” President Regan stated “I believe
that in both spirit and substance; our tax system has come to be Un-American, debts
and taxes may be inevitable but unjust taxes are not.” In 1981, Reagan made attempts
to place the United States under a gold banking system, but before he could he was
assassinated by John Hinckley, whose family incidentally worked closely together in the
oil business with George Bush senior, after his death; Reagan was replaced with a clone
which continue to serve throughout the presidency without the public’s knowledge.
(According to Dr. Peter D. Beter, former head of the Export-Import Bank of the United
States, human cloning first began in 1978).
Over the passing years, the federal reserve system continue to bury the people with
debt, the United States was transformed from a Constitutional Republic to debtors
Nation, and then; to its current form of legislative democracy controlled by a fascist
government, and they did so; by transferring all the assets and future assets of the
people into the hands of the international bankers.
When the Legal Team finally settled on a figure, each individual will receive an average
of $20 Million Dollars per Claim, multiply by 336,000 Claims that are filled against the US
Government; the total payout will come out to a staggering $6.6 Trillion Dollars.
The US Supreme Court placed a gag order on the case, extracted all information from
the federal registry, and placed all records in the Supreme Court files. Up to that point,
Senator Sam Nunn has kept the Baskerville case records within his office. A settlement
was agreed to out of court, and the decision was sealed by Janet Reno. Because the case
was sealed, claimants are not allow to share court documents to media allies without
violating the settlement, but they can still tell others about the lawsuit, this is probably
why you haven’t heard about This. In 1991, General Roy Schwasinger went before a city
committee to present evidences of the banks and government criminal activities, he
informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment
of the new world order, which would bring about a fascist one world government ruled
by the international bankers. So in 1992, a task force was put together consisting of over
three hundred retired and 35 active US Military Officers such as Admiral Jeremy M.
Boorda; Chief of Naval Operations, William E. Colby; Director CIA and General David J.
McCloud; US Air Force, who strongly supported Constitutional Law. This task force was
responsible for investigating government officials, congressional officers, judges and the
federal reserve. They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion
committed by both; senators and judges. “And every single member in congress is
impeachable for having abdicated their Article 1 responsibilities under the Constitution
and serving as flipped soldiers for the president and his mandates vice president.
The criminal activity was so ramped that only 2 (Sam Nunn & Joe Biden) out of 535
members in congress were deem honest. But more importantly, they carry out the first
ever audit of the federal reserve. The federal reserve was used to giving out orders to
politicians and had no intentions on being audited. However, after they were informed
their offices will be rated under military gun point if necessary, they comply with the
investigation. After reviewing their files, the military officers found
$ 800,000,000,000,000 (800 Trillion Dollars) sitting in accounts that should it been
applied to the National debt. In contrary to federal government propaganda, they also
discovered that most Nations in fact owed money to the United States instead of the
other way around. These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into
European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay the
Farm Class action lawsuit; later this money will become the basis for the Prosperity
Programs. Despite these debt blows, President George W. Bush and the illuminati
continue on with their plan of global enslavement. Bush words “When we are
successful, and we will be; we have a real chance of this new world order, an order in
which the incredible united nations can use its peace keeping role to fulfill the promise
and vision of the un founders.” In August 1992, the military officers confronted
President Bush and demanded that he sign an agreement, that he will return the United
States to Constitutional Law; an order him to never use the term “new world order”
again. Bush pretended to cooperate but secretly planned to bring the new world order
anyway by signing an executive order on December 25, 1992, that would indefinitely
closed all banks, giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law. Under the chaos of
martial law; Bush intended to install a new constitution, which would have kept
everyone currently in office, in their same positions for 25 years. It would have removed
to rights to elect new officials. The military intervened and stopped Bush from signing
that executive order. In 1993, members of the Supreme Court, certain members of
congress, and representatives from the Clinton government knew they were hiring high
ranking military officers who were demanding the returned to Constitutional Law,
reforms of the banking system and financial redress. They agreed to create the Farm’s
claim process which will allow the Legal Team to set up meeting all over the Country, on
a grass root’s level, to tell others to file claims and to educate them about the lawsuit.
A claim of harm could be on any loan issued by any financial institution for all interest
paid, foreclosure, attorneys and court fees, IRS taxes or liens, Real Estate and property
taxes, mental and emotional stress cost by the loss of property, stress related illnesses
such as suicide and divorce, even warrants, incarcerations and probation can also be
claimed. But the Clinton government undermined their efforts by requiring the farm
claim to use an specific form designed by the government. This form imposed an
administrated fee of $300 for each claim which was later used in 1994, as a basis to
arrest leaders of the legal team, including Roy Schwasinger. The government was so
afraid of what they will say during their trial in Michigan that extra steps were taken to
conceal the true nature of the case. County court house employees weren’t allow to
work between Monday and Thursday during the course of the trial. And outside the
court house, FBI agents surround the perimeter preventing the media and visitor from
learning what was going on as well. Harassment and retaliation by the government
increased, many were sent to prison or murder while incarcerated. Despite being
protected by its military personnel, the Army General; who acquired the Original 1933
Title of bankruptcy of the United States, went to prison, killed and replaced with a clone.
This clone was then used as a decoy to prevent any further claims from being filed.
During the first Clinton administration, the military delayed many of Clinton’s federal
appointments until they were sure these individuals will help restored Constitutional
law. One such individual who promised to bring about the necessary changes was
Attorney General Janet Reno, and she said “If Bill and Hillary Clinton come and tell me to
do something; I’ll say well, I’m not going to do it.” An agreement with the Supreme
Court ruling on June 3, 1993; Janet Reno ordered the Delta Force and Navy Seals to
Switzerland, England and Israel to recapture trillions of dollars of gold stolen by the
federal reserve system from the strategic gold reserves. These Nations cooperated with
the raid because they were promised their debt owed to the United States would be
cancelled, and because the people who stole money from the United States, also stole
money from their Nations as well. This bullion is to be used for the new currency backed
by precious metals. It may seem safe now at a complex in Colorado Springs, CO. (North
American Aerospace Defense Command) and four other locations. Janet Reno’s action
so enraged the powers that be, that resulted on her death, she was then replaced with a
clone, and it was this creature that was responsible for covering up the various Clinton’s
scandals. To keep this Secretary of the Treasury; Robert Rubin on line, he too, was also
clone. For their remained of their term in office both Reno and Rubin, received their
salaries from the IMF as foreign agents, and not from the US Treasury. Despite these
actions, the legal team continued on with their fight while managing to avoid bloodshed
and a major revolution.
After 1993, The Farmer’s Claim process name was changed to “Bank Claims.” Between
1993 and 1996, the US Supreme Court required US citizens to file “Bank Claims” to
collect damages paid by the US treasury Department. This process closed in 1996,
during this time, the US Supreme Court assigned one or more justices to monitor the
progress of the rulings. They enlisted help of experts in economics, monetary systems,
banking, constitutional government in law, and many other related areas. These justices
built coalitions of support and assistants with thousands of people worldwide known as
“White Knights.” The term White Knights was borrowed from the world of big business,
it refers to a vulnerable company that it’s rescued by a corporation, or a wealthy person
from a hostile takeover. To implement the required changes, the five justices spent
years negotiating how the reformations would occur; eventually they settled on certain
agreements also known as “Accords” with the US government, the federal reserve bank
owners, the International Monetary Fund, the world bank and with numerous other
Countries, including the United kingdom and Countries of the Euro zone. Because these
banking reformations will impact the entire world; the IMF, world bank and other
Countries had to be involved. The reformations require that the federal reserve be
absorbed by the US Treasury Department, and the banks fraudulent activities must be
stopped and payment must be made for past harm.
In 1998, the military Generals who originally participated in the Farmer Claim process,
realized that the US Supreme Court Justices had no intentions on implementing the
Accords, so they decided the only way to implement the reformations was through a
law passed by Congress. In 1999, the 75 page document known as NESARA; National
Economic Security And Reformation Act, was submitted to Congress were sat with little
action for almost a year, late one evening; March 9, 2000, a Written Quorum Call was
hand delivered by Delta Force and Navy Seals to 15 members of the US senate and the
US house, who were sponsors and co-sponsors of Nesara. They were immediately
escorted by Delta Force and Navy Seals to their respected voting chambers, where they
passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. These 15 members of
congress were the only people lawfully allow to hold office in accordance with the
original 13th Amendment. Remember, British soldiers destroyed copies of the Titles of
Nobility Amendment in the war of 1812, because it prevented anyone who had ties with
the crown of England from holding public office.
Nesara is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this Country but our
Planet, and its entire history. The Act goes away with the federal reserve bank, the IRS,
the shadow government, and much, much more.
Nesara will implement the following changes:
1. Zeros out all credit cards, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and
government activities. This is the federal reserve worst nightmare, a Jubilee or
forgiveness of debt.
2. Abolishes the income tax.
3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transfer into US Treasury National
Sales Tax Area.
4. Creates a 14% or 17% flat rate non-essential “New items only” sales tax revenue for
the government, in other words; food and medicine supplies would not be taxed,
nor all used items such as old homes.
5. Increases benefits to Senior Citizens.
6. Returns Constitutional law to all courts and legal matters.
7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility Amendment.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans under the control of foreign power will lose its
citizenship, and be deported to other Country. Millions of people will discover their
College Degrees are now worthless papers.
8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after
Nesara’s announcement. The intern government will cancel all National emergencies
and returned all back to Constitutional Law.
9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury currency, “Rainbow Currency, backed by gold, silver,
and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated
by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
11. Forbids the sale of American Birth Certificate Records as chattel property bonds by
the US Department of Transportation.
12. Initiates new U.S.Treasury bank system in alignment with Constitutional Law.
13. Eliminates the federal reserve system, during the transition period; the federal
reserve would be allow to operate side by side of the U.S.Treasury for one year in
order to remove all federal reserve notes from the money supply.
14. Restores financial Privacy.
15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
17. Establishes Peace throughout the World.
18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
19. Enables the release of 6,000 patens of suppressed technology that is been hold out
from the public under the guides of national security, including free energy devices,
anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines.
President Bill Clinton “I want the American people to know today that I am still
committed to working with people of good faith, good will from both parties to do
what’s best for our Country.”
Because President Clinton clone had no interest in signing Nesara into law, on
October 10, 2000; under orders from the US military Generals, Naval Seals and Delta
force stormed the White House, and under gun point forced Bill Clinton to signed
Nesara into law, during this time; secret service and White House security personnel
were order to stand down disarmed and allow to witness this event under gag order.
From its very inception, Bush senior, the corporate government, mayor bank houses
and the Carlyle group have opposed Nesara. To maintain secrecy; the case details
and the docket number was sealed and revised within the Official Congressional
Registry to reflect a commemorative coin, and then again; it was revised even more
recently. This is why there is no public Congressional record and why the search for
this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformation are made public.
You probably never heard of this law due to an extremely strict gag order placed
upon politicians, media personnel and bank officers. Even Alex Jones and Ron Paul
will not tell you about it, the law is still valid and members of the Congress will not
tell us any of this, because they have been ordered by US Supreme Court Justices to
deny the existence of Nesara or face charges of treason punishable by death.
Some members of the Congress have actually been charged with obstruction.
Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone gave this speech:
“We are here to the Nation’s Capital to tell the story that we got economic
commotion agriculture, we got a lot of broken dreams, a lot of broken lives, a lot of
broken families and we are not going to take it any longer.”
And it was about to break the gag order, but before he could; his small passenger
plane crashed killing his wife, daughter and himself.
If fear isn’t enough to keep Congress in line, money is. The CIA routinely bribes
Senators with stolen loot from bank roll programs. Every Senator has been bribed
with a minimum of $200 Million Dollars deposited into a Bank of America account in
Canada. You will never hear the media networks report about Nesara, to maintain
silence mayor news networks such as CNN are paid $2 Billion dollars annually. Some
of this loot is funded by the Mormon Church in Utah through Senator Orrin Hatch’s
Office and Bank of America.
Not only is Congress bribed, but the entire joint chief staff and the upper tier of
government including the President himself receives these payments as well.
Only the Provost Marshal has a lawful authority to arrest these individuals, but
sadly; he won’t do his job either. It seems the US military is full pencil pushing
politicians who care more about advancement than doing their job. Not surprisingly,
much disinformation about Nesara can be found on the internet, this includes
NESARA scam from which is rumored to be a CIA agent. is
maintained by the Bush family. Sherry Shriner and various others, they all contribute
to the confusion, even the information in Wikipedia is an error.
The next step is to announce Nesara to the world but it is not an easy task to do,
many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of Nesara. The
Nesara law requires that at least once a year, an effort has to be made to announce
the laws to the public, three current Supreme Court judges are in charge of Nesara’s
announcement; these judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage
Nesara’s announcement. In 2001, after much negotiation; the Supreme Court
justices order the current Congress to pass resolutions approving Nesara. This took
place on September 9, 2001; eighteen months after Nesara became law. On
September 10, 2001; George Bush Senior moved into the White House to steer his
son on how to block the announcement. The next day on September 11, 2001, at 10
am SDLT; Alan Greenspan was schedule to announce the New US Treasury Bank
System, debt forgiveness for all US citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as a first part
of the public announcement of Nesara. Just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush
senior ordered the demolition of the Word Trade Center to stop the International
banking computers on floors 1 and 2, and the north tower from initiating the New
US Treasury bank system. Explosives in the World Trade center were planned by the
CIA and MOSSAD operatives and then ignited remotely in building 7, which it was,
demolish later that day in order to cover up their crime. Remote pilot technology
was used on the flight event that delivered a pay load of explosives in the Pentagon,
at the exact location of the White Knights and their new naval command center,
who were recording any activities supporting Nesara’s implementations nationwide.
Whit the announcement of Nesara stopped in its tracks; George bush senior
decapitated any hopes on returning the government back to the people.
While CIA agent Osama Bin Laden, it’s made into the buggy man; the country dashed
off to fight a war on terror. The events of 911 eventually lead the way to the
slaughter of the Iraqi people, to keep the public unaware of the carnage; the official
death count of US soldiers and Iraqi civilians is purposely under reported. Deceased
US soldiers are dompted into the Persian Gulf and replaced with clones. As of 2009,
The total death count of Iraqi civilians now surpasses a staggering 1.6 million people.
The same statistics apply to the death total on the day of 911, according to the
government 2,752 people died that day, when in actuality 30,700 have died. No one
questions since same small numbers have been giving out be the government,
because New York City is a large place. People who have lost loved ones do not
make contact with other survivors, so they have no idea of how many people have
truly died. From Documents from the Department of Defense USA, Office of the
Chairman, the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Washington DC 20318-9999 – Not for public
release DOD ID: 179BR82. “War on Terror” Casualties Report:
911 – World Trade Tower disaster
Total deaths resulting from 9/11 56,600
Actual number of people killed that day 30,700
Operation Iraqi freedom actual statistics – March 2003 to January 2007
US Soldiers killed in Iraq 50,500
US Soldiers war injuries 22,800
US Civilians killed 5,000
US Soldiers bodies dumped into Persian Gulf 7,000
Iraqis Soldiers killed 81,000
Iraqis Civilians killed 1,650,000
Iraqis injured 555,000
Operation enduring freedom
Afghanistan war actual statistics – October 2001 to December 2007
US Soldiers killed 12,000
US Soldiers war injuries N/A
Afghans Soldiers killed 35,000
Afghans Civilians killed 30,500
Afghans injuries 67,400
First Gulf War –January 16, 1991 to April 6, 1991
US Soldiers killed in Iraq 24,000
US Veterans who died since 1991 22,000
Iraq Soldiers killed 56,000
Iraq Civilians killed 43,000
Iraq Civilians killed Jan, 1991 – Mar, 2003 405,000
Clones used to replace killed US Soldiers
Not reported in all three wars 72,000
The Bush family was originally offered $300 Trillion Dollars to cooperate with
Nesara, but instead; they chose to maintain their control over us so in the end, the
Bush family will end up with nothing. The attacks on 911 had managed to stop the
announcement of Nesara dead in its tracks. Many more attempts had been made
over the years but the Bush family have been manage to stop them, these people
won’t be able to get away with their crimes forever. Little by little; their wealth it’s
being dismantled right before their eyes.
Before Nesara is announced to the public, it was stipulated that the original farmer’s
claim must be paid out with a bullion back currency, issue by the US Treasury. In
other words they cannot be paid in federal reserve notes. The $ 6.6 Trillion Dollar
farmer’s claim payout is to be distributed in the form of ATB Debit cards. Remember,
this money will come from the bank roll in prosperity programs. The only catch is; to
distribute these funds it must be released by the trustees, whose members come
from the Clinton, the Bush and Rockefeller families. They are doing everything they
possible can to stop these payouts. One way is to transport the banking documents,
which contains instructions on how to access these funds in a never ending loop
twenty four seven between warehouses in Charlotte, North Carolina and
Washington DC. They drivers of these FedEx trucks are heavily bribed and many of
them are afraid of being arrested by the Department of Homeland Security if they
were actually to be delivered their payload as require by law. At one point after the
packages are returned to Washington DC, President George W. Bush place them
under military guard. Federal judge ordered him to release the funds but Bush
replied: “You will never receive these packages, they belong to me.” The judge
answered: “I can do no more; he is the president of the UNITED STATES.”
The only option left is to arrest the president but the police commissioner provost
marshal and the military refused to help. This cycle has been going for years; the
only alternative left is to kill the federal reserve system by force. The problem is,
George Bush and now Obama; have threaten to use the US dollar as a weapon of
mass destruction against the Nations of the world, to comply with the new world
order agenda. Bush once commented “The people will now suffer greatly, the world
cannot tolerate this, and the dollar must be removed as international reserve
currency and replaced with a new independent asset base monetary unit back by
precious metals”.
On December 15, 2006, a meeting was arrange to discuss ways to cartel these
criminal activities, their range included representatives from the Global family, who
are enlighten individuals working together under Saint Germain, they include
members from the IMF, world bank, Rothschild family and key persons from over 48
Nations. They agreed to implement three goals by June 15, 2007. That is; to end all
war, to actively improve the environment, and to actively provide abundance for
their people. Those Nations which not keep these agreements will eventually be cut
off from the international banking community in order to force them into
compliance. On September 19, 2007, a new gold back banking system was approved
by Congress. On October 19, 2007 at midnight, the US Treasury of the republic when
online with the new gold banking system, but this gold banking system is not being
deployed, because the banks are trying to deposed of their worthless derivatives
before they get reset to zero; when the new gold back currency evaluation goes into
To improve the stability of the banking system, in 1988; the bank of international
settlements implemented Basil I, which required banks to hold 6% net capital. On
December 1, 2007; this went a step further when Basil II was implemented, requiring
all loans to be backed by the appropriate collateral and raised net capital
requirements to 8%. The new rules prevent the bankers from collateralizing their
derivatives with stolen money from the collateral accounts in prosperity funds.
Furthermore, all assets most be valued according to the daily market price, also
known as the Mark to Market Rule. Any bank which refuses to comply with Basil II
will be cut off from international markets, which is why American banks demanded $
700 Billion Dollars from the Troubled Asset Relief Program. If they didn’t get this
bailout, the banks would shut their doors and siding marshal law.
On June 15, 2009; Basil III was initiated which goes a step further than Basil II, by
requiring the banks to disclose any previously undisclosed junk asset or derivatives
parked off the balance sheet. Jack Blond has investigated financial fraud for the
federal government for over 30 years, he has found that the banks use off balance
sheet financial operations to hide money in places like the Caiman Islands. He stated
“If a bank for example, has done bad lending, they put it in a portfolio of an off shore
entity, no one will be able to figure out what that off shore entity is really worth, and
is that kind of transaction that absolutely disabled the world financial system. I think
every bank at this point should be force to come out absolutely clean on how much
money it has in these off shores shells of different kinds, and how many deals are
hidden in the balance sheet and on the books.
Under Basil III, every bank transaction must be disclosed on the balance sheet, but if
this was to happened these banks will become insolvent overnight and would not be
able to pass their Fail Stress Test. The federal reserve system is fighting to the nail to
prevent this disclosure if there is $596,000,000,000,000 Trillion Dollars or so on
derivatives were actually placed on their balance sheet, using the mark to market
rule; they would be shown to be bankrupted. Some banks are now working to bring
about the Nesara mission in the hopes that some of the prosperity funds will trickle
into their bank saving them from closing their doors. But most of the larger banks
that are fighting the coming changes will soon to be out of business. They are not
informing their employees of the new regulations, and thus; will not be ready to
operate under a gold banking charter. Slowly, the illegal practices of the
international financiers are coming to an end. One by one, the mayor banking
houses are imploding right before our eyes. Their train wreck is occurring because
these banks are no longer allowed to use assets from the collateral accounts of the
Global Debt Facility to back up their loans.
This is why we are seeing the derivatives implode; the banks have been illegally
using the collateral accounts as collateral for their gold back derivatives, bullion
certificates and bonds, sold through an off shore domicile corporations.
With the new Basil II rules in place, these paper assets have now become worthless
garbage, resulting in the massive banking write-downs you see today.
According to the Office of International Treasury Control, this over the counter
derivatives market is worth about $3.3 Quadrillion Dollars, with JP Morgan leading
the pack with hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives.
During the Clinton years, the banking 1:10 fractional reserve ratio was increased to
1:100; this easy money allowed anyone to get a home loan resulting in a housing
sector boom. Since many of these loans were made to risky low income households,
the banks differed their risk by selling their loan portfolios to investors in a process
known as “Securitization” this occurs when mortgages are repackaged with other
mortgages in a giant pool liquidity which is sold to investors in a global market.
These credit derivatives can then be repackages and ledgers again at another ratio of
1:100, which is then repeated over and over until there is literally
$100,000,000,000,000,000, quadrillion’s of dollars of derivatives floating around in
the world’s banking system. When housing prices were going up, these derivatives
were making fortunes for the banks and the governments off shore accounts,
allowing them to buy out assets all over the world with virtually free money.
When investors realized these derivatives contained toxic loans, they stopped their
buying bench causing the credit market to seize up, which is why housing prices are
in free fall. Because no one wants to buy these toxic derivatives, the banks and
government are now on a panic to find other people’s money to plug up the holes
on their cracking dam. Some funds have been raised by selling military secrets to
China or through CIA drug running operations; this is nowhere near enough money
to prop up the collapsing derivatives market. So now, the government is resolving to
steal the money which is not credible way to run a country.
To put a stop to this criminal activity, in December 2009; Interpol was giving legal
jurisdiction within the US to hunt down and arrest corrupt bankers.
April 4, 2008; marked the expiration of the 70 year bankruptcy agreement of the
United States beginning in 1938, technically the bankruptcy began in 1933, but the
Supreme Court did not enforced it until the United States became a Legislative
democracy in 1938.
The Nations of the world weary of the shamockery of the federal reserve system,
knew they had a limited time to foreclose on the United States before the corporate
government could extend another 70 year extension of the bankruptcy. Without this
protection, the government was now at the mercy of its creditors who were
demanding reforms of the banking system such as higher net capital requirements,
found under Basil II. If United States failed to meet their demands, they will be cut
off from international markets, so to raise the funds needed on August 2008, the US
government began shortening the derivatives market, causing stock and
commodities prices to fall worldwide. But this $20 Trillion Dollars of wealth was not
destroyed instead it was transferred into the government off shores pensions fund
accounts, of which; $5 Trillion Dollars were moved back into the United States to
sure up the collapsing dollar. Soon this money will run out leaving the option or
either crashing the financial markets once again, destroying what little is left of the
American economy, or by printing more money leading to hipper inflation.
But the global family does not want to see a devalue dollar, as 90% of all US dollars
in circulation today are held by foreigners and they have no desire to see their assets
evaporate. So they have agreed to back all dollars printed before September 2008
with gold stored in the Philippines at a rate of 1/28 gram of gold per dollar. This will
serve the curb the inflationary activities of the federal reserve and the assets of the
hard working American. But on the other hand, all derivatives will be revalued
at .3%, which is a fair market value forcing those who owns this toxic trash into
bankruptcy, and finally out of business.
On September 30, 2009, the physical year of the United States came to a close,
because of the precarious financial situation of the United States and its derivatives
holdings, the Chinese government reversed its policy of accepting fiat money for
repayment of the national debt. So instead, they will only accept gold and silver as a
lawful payment as specified in Article 1, Sec. X (1) of the US Constitution “No State
shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and
reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a
tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law
impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.”
To meet this new demand, the owners of the federal reserve system are scrambling
in purchasing enough gold and silver but no one wants to sell them any.
While the federal reserve system is falling apart, Barry Surito continues to block the
Nesara deliveries, even though; he never invested any money in these programs, he
demands a portion of these funds for himself in pattern that mimics the Bush years,
the Obama administration continues to make numerous attempts to steal the funds,
but before he was even sworn in office, in December 2008, Obama tried
unsuccessfully to steal $ 400 Billion Dollars from the prosperity funds and demanded
another $ 1 Trillion ransom for his deed. A week before his inauguration, Saint
Germain and the global family has confronted Obama about his actions. At that time
Obama agreed to go along with the Nesara mission, but soon after reversed his
promise, and has now solidify his alliance with the Bush-Clinton cabal.
In March 2009, Obama tried once again to steal over $200 Trillion dollars of
International funds from BIS, this money was originally stolen by the Nazis from
holocaust victims and from the past 60 years have been earning interest in secret
bank accounts. When Obama was informed that the theft of the international funds
it was an impeachable offence he replied “You can’t touch me, I’m above it. We
knew where it was, so we took it.” As the largest hoarder of the national debt the
Chinese government is now in control of the United States economy, its grain supply
and Obama’s communist administration, which is why Chinese President Hu Jintao
does not want to see Nesara’s announced, otherwise it will negate this cushy
arrangement. In May 2009, Obama saw help from the Chinese government to hack
in some of the trust accounts overseas, had Obama been successful China would
receive $4 Trillion dollars payoff for their cooperation. Thankfully, the White Knights
located the money and is now in a safe place.
So who is really benefiting from the Chicago Olympics?, An anticipation on the
proposed Chicago Olympic site, Obama had committed to buy several hundred
millions dollars of property in the surrounding area with borrowed money from the
US Treasury, he then promised to pay a huge bribed to the International committee
using stolen money from the prosperity funds. When he arrived empty handed after
failing to access the accounts, they immediately thru Chicago out the running and
now Obama is stocked with a bunch of worthless loan land and a huge debt with the
US Treasury. And another incident, Obama demanded 58% of the program money to
be paid to him, in his personal bank account with the rest of the money to be taxed
at a 65%, the Queen of England, the President of France, Nicholas Sarkozy, and
Angela Merkel; Chancellor of Germany, agreed to this terms and why not, after all its
not their money they are giving away. The queen of England has also participated on
this sabotage, she has placed secret over right codes on this banking computers
which allowed her leadership and Obama, to move this money around and around
until hell freezes over, waiting for the time until they can figure out how to access
these funds. To go with the cooperation of Bush senior and Obama, the global family
offered to pay .5% for all their fraudulent derivatives and warehouses stolen loot in
exchange for the new gold back US Treasury currency. This offer was turn down and
a new offer was made at 2.5% with Obama getting 2.5% of that, even these
percentages may appear to be small; they are based on quadrillions of dollars, so we
are talking of enormous amounts of money. This offer was also refuses and now
they are demanding 100% exchange along with an agreement to escape exposure
and prosecution Immunity, this offer was flatly turned down.
To pay for the United States Health care bill, Obama attempted to raised $44.5
Trillion Dollars through the sale of a Health Care Revenue Anticipation Bond in
Switzerland for 35 year term collateralized by freedom bank roll program, of this;
$42 Trillion dollars was to go to Obama’s Swiss bank account (personally) and the
other $2.5 Trillion dollars will pay for the OBAMACARE, the government takeover of
health care. The only problem was Obama had the signatures forged, so few senior
democratic senators and congressman who were then demanding his impeachment,
when Swiss authorities realized that signatures were forged; they proceeded to
turned over the evidence to the international court of justice. Obama tried to block
this action with an executive order but no one seems to be paying that much
attention. The reason Obama wanted $42 Trillion dollars is because he’s been
borrowing money heavily from the banks, in order to bribe anyone who dares to
oppose him. These loans are collateralized using forged signatures of prosperity
program recipients and their corresponding bank trades. This loan money is then
used to bribe world court judges to look the other day, but because of the White
Knights are blocking this transactions, Obama is going deeper and deeper into debt.
The banks are starting to realized that a trap is been set for them. Sadly, is too late.
There is no way they can recover from these mega loan losses.
They may think they can simply destroy evidence of these transactions and hope the
problem goes away, but luckily truth is going to be found by the State auditors.
When Obama is confronted with these criminal actions, his typical response is “As
long as I am President, which will be for another 12 or 18 years or whatever I decide,
because I am the ruler, you will never get this money and eventually I will get all of it
one way or another.” When Obama refers to the American people, he was quoted
saying “They do not need or deserve this money.” For these reasons, the White
Knights have ordered Obama to submit his resignation papers if he wishes to avoid
treason but Obama simply laugh it off and reply “You can’t charge me, besides; the
house and senate will never go along with it because they are just as guilty as I am.”
He then continues to insist the funds are his to do as he pleases, as he is the ruler of
this Country. The longer Obama remains in office, the closer America teeters on
economic collapse. Housing values have dropped; farmers are having a hard time
getting a loan. While the United States economy implodes, the government
continues to borrow Trillions of dollars to fund their projects and bail out fail
business models. The government debt generated from these bail outs are flooding
the bond market, making it even harder for the private sector to survive. These
actions are also hipper inflationary which will actually ultimately lead to a collapsing
dollar and higher prices for Americans. The banks now fresh with slush money from
their bail outs and bonuses, could care less if the economy comes crashing down.
In preparation for the economy collapse and the new world order, Obama had
increased preparedness for marshal law which under rex 84, would send millions of
patriotic Americans to concentration camps. The White Knights are prepared to take
strong actions to protect the American people.
Whether the Nesara transition is peaceful or not, God has mandated the common
man will not suffer any longer, the dark side’s plan for mass vaccinations, marshal
law or nuclear war will end up in failure, and those who cooperate with such
schemes will be sending to the ash book of history. The people of the world now are
becoming aware of these grievances; Queen Elizabeth and the crown of England
have both gone too far with their crown power. Third world nations such as Malesia
would no longer allow the international monetary fund to break their assets.
African and South American Nations who once were devastated by the IMF are now
teaming up to create their own coalitions. Attempts by the international banking
communities to crush the Islamic Nation have yielded little results as they continue
to abide by the gold standard as dictated in the corah. China is proposing the
creation of a new international reserve currency backed by precious metals, which
would operate outside the manipulations of the bank of international settlements,
and the Committee of 300. (Is an offshoot of the British East India Company’s council
of 300 founded by British aristocracy in 1727, they are deriving globalism,
depopulation and a one world government.)
In addition to the financial reforms, the Vatican says it will cooperate with the plan
to end poverty and turn the dessert to green by allowing the development of
forbidden technology such as free energy. The White Hats and the US Space
Command which operates bases like area 51 are now ready to released anti-gravity
and teleportation technologies which will make all automobiles and airplanes
obsolete. Industries which are expected to vanish completely included petroleum,
war, nuclear power, pharmaceuticals and automobiles will receive substantial
financial help after Nesara in order to transform themselves for the coming changes.
For example, the petroleum industry can be turn into a geo-engineering industry,
the armament industry can move into space exploration. The longer these bankers
and the federal government refused to go along with Nesara, the more banking
implosions we will see. The world has announced “Enough is enough” if you do not
behave yourself, you will shut off from the international community. Nearly 300
years have passed since the creation of Saint Germain World Trust; the time has
now come to herald in a new age of Peace and Prosperity. We do not want an
economic collapse, marshal law or new world order. We want Nesara now.
That’s why we are here, Special Thanks to Saint Germain who directs the path over
Mother Earth, Gaia Sophia. That’s why you are here!