Botanical Description
Botanical Name – Cicer arietinum
Synonym – Chickpea, Bengalgram, Chana
Origin – South West Asia – Afganisthan / Persia.
Chickpea is the largest produced food legume in South Asia and the third largest globally,
after common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and field pea (Pisum sativum L.). Bengal gram is
widely appreciated as health food. It is a protein-rich supplement to cereal-based diets, especially to the poor in
developing countries.
Nutritive value
Protein - 18-22% Calcium - 280 mg/100 gm
Carbohydrate - 61-62% Iron - 12.3 mg/100 gm
Fat - 4.5 % Phosphorus - 301 mg/100 gm
Calorific value - 396 Kcal/100 gm
Crop Status
Globally, India ranked first in area and production, followed by Pakistan, Iran and Australia
with respect to area and Australia, Myanmar with respect to production. The highest
productivity of 3759 kg/ha is observed in China followed by Israel, Republic of Moldovaand
Bosnia & Herzegovina. India’s productivity was 995 kg/ha (FAO Stat., 2014).
During Twelfth Plan (2012-15) the area and production of gram has been 87.62 lakh hectares
and 82.15 lakh tonnes. More than 90% gram production comes from 7 states of MP,
Rajasthan, MS, Karnataka, AP, UP. & CG. MP ranked Ist in area (34.69%) and production
(40.60%). Maharashtra rank at IInd in area (16.57%) & IIIrd in production (13.07%). Whereas,
Rajasthan stands IInd position in production (14.09%) The highest yield was recorded in A.P.
(1522 kg/ha) followed by Punjab (1216 kg/ha) and Gujarat (1193 kg/ha). The lowest yield
was recorded in Tamilnadu (648 kg/ha) (DES, 2015-16).
Climate Requirement
It’s a winter season crop. But Frost at the time of flowering results in the failure of the
flowers to develop seeds. It is best suited to areas having moderate rainfall of 60-90 cm per
Sowing Time
North India – Rainfed: Second fortnight of October, Irrigated: first fortnight of November.
Central & South India - First fortnight of October to first fortnight of November; Late
sowing (December-January) should be avoided as the late-sown crop may experience
moisture stress and high temperatures at the critical stage of pod-filling, leading to reduced
yield and seed quality.
Seed Treatment
Disease Control: Strictly follow FIR seed treatment with (fungicide, insecticide and rhizobium)
Seed treated with 2 gm Thirum + 1 gm Carbendazim or Carboxin( vitavex) 2 g/ kg to control wilt
& root rot; Insect-Pest: Thiamethoxam 70 WP @ 3 g/kg seed; Culture & Micronutrient:
Rhizobium 5 g + PSB 5 g/kg of seed & after that apply Molybdenum 1 g/kg/ of seed.
*If the seed is to be treated with pesticides, always apply fungicides first, followed by
insecticides, and finally Rhizobium culture/Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) or follow
instructions on the packets.
Cropping system
Gram in rotation with cereal crops helps in controlling soil-borne diseases. The most common
cropping system based on chickpea are as below:
a) Rotation: (i) Kharif fallow – Gram (in barani areas), (ii) Paddy – Gram, (iii) Maize– Gram,
(iv) Bajra – Gram, and (v) Jowar – Gram
b) Inter cropping: (i) Chickpea + Mustard (2:1 to 4:1), (ii) Chickpea + Linseed (2:2), (iii)
Chickpea + Wheat/Barley (2:2), (iv) Chickpea + Safflower (2:2), (v) Chickpea + Coriander
Water Management
Chickpea is mostly sown as a rainfed crop. However, where irrigation facilities are available,
give a pre-sowing irrigation. One irrigation at branching and one at pod formation stage.
Excess of irrigation enhances vegetative growth and depresses yield.
3. Boron
Black and loamy soils - Apply 1.0 kg of B ha-1 (10 kg borax/ 7 kg di-sodium tetra
borate penta hydrate) while in sandy loam soils of hill regions where organic carbon
content is low apply 1.5 kg of B ha-1 (15 kg borax/ 10 kg di-sodium tetra borate penta
hydrate) before sowing.
Calcareous alluvial soils- Chickpea grown in calcareous alluvial soils, apply 1.6 kg of
B ha-1 16 kg borax/ 11 kg di-sodium tetra borate penta hydrate (Na2(BO4)4.5 H2O) as
basal to each crop.
4. Iron-In medium black and mixed red and black soils, apply 10 kg Fe ha-1 50 kg ferrous
sulphate (FeSO4.5H2O) as basal or two foliar application of 1-2% FeSO4.
5. Molybdenum - Application of 0.5 kg sodium molybdate ha-1 as basal or two foliar sprays
of 0.1% sodium molybdate (Na2MoO4 ) or seed treatment is recommended.
Weed Control
Chickpea is a poor competitor with weeds at all stages of growth. Pre-emergence herbicides
Pendimethalin @ 0.75 to 1 kg a.i./ha was found effective in controlling early flush of weeds
(use within 48 hrs. after sowing). Mechanical and/or manual weeding can be done where
wide row spacing is used. One hand weeding or inter-culture with hand hoe or wheel hoe at
25-30 days after sowing.
1. Collor Rot
Symptoms: The collar region of plant is constricted and begins to rot.
White mycelial strands with minute mustard seed-sized sclerotial
bodies are seen over the affected tissue. The affected seedlings turn
yellow and wilt. It may be seen in seedling & vegetative growth stage.
Control Measures
i ) Application of calcium fertilizer; ii) Seed treatment with fungicide
carboxin @ 3 g /kg of seed; iii) Crop rotations with cereals such as
wheat, sorghum and millets, and remove undecomposed debris from
the field before sowing.
1. Cutworm
Nature of Damage Serious pest in low lying areas where fields are
cloddy. The larvae remains hidden under these clods during the day
time & cause damage during night. It may be seen in Seedling,
vegetative growth stage & reproductive stage.The caterpillar cut the
plants at ground level. Larvae feed on leaves, stems and roots.
Control Measures
i) Summer deep ploughing; ii) Crop rotation; iii) Intercropping with
wheat or linseed or mustard; iv) Grow marigold on bunds; v) Apply
phorate 10 G @ 10 kg/ ha before sowing; vi) Spray insecticides like quinalphos 25 EC @ 2
ml /liter or Profenophos 50 EC @ 2 ml /liter.
Yield: By adopting good management practices, an average yield of 15-20 Q/ha can easily be