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Botanical Description
Botanical Name – Cicer arietinum
Synonym – Chickpea, Bengalgram, Chana
Origin – South West Asia – Afganisthan / Persia.

Chickpea is the largest produced food legume in South Asia and the third largest globally,
after common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and field pea (Pisum sativum L.). Bengal gram is
widely appreciated as health food. It is a protein-rich supplement to cereal-based diets, especially to the poor in
developing countries.

Nutritive value
Protein - 18-22% Calcium - 280 mg/100 gm
Carbohydrate - 61-62% Iron - 12.3 mg/100 gm
Fat - 4.5 % Phosphorus - 301 mg/100 gm
Calorific value - 396 Kcal/100 gm

Crop Status
Globally, India ranked first in area and production, followed by Pakistan, Iran and Australia
with respect to area and Australia, Myanmar with respect to production. The highest
productivity of 3759 kg/ha is observed in China followed by Israel, Republic of Moldovaand
Bosnia & Herzegovina. India’s productivity was 995 kg/ha (FAO Stat., 2014).

During Twelfth Plan (2012-15) the area and production of gram has been 87.62 lakh hectares
and 82.15 lakh tonnes. More than 90% gram production comes from 7 states of MP,
Rajasthan, MS, Karnataka, AP, UP. & CG. MP ranked Ist in area (34.69%) and production
(40.60%). Maharashtra rank at IInd in area (16.57%) & IIIrd in production (13.07%). Whereas,
Rajasthan stands IInd position in production (14.09%) The highest yield was recorded in A.P.
(1522 kg/ha) followed by Punjab (1216 kg/ha) and Gujarat (1193 kg/ha). The lowest yield
was recorded in Tamilnadu (648 kg/ha) (DES, 2015-16).

Chickpea is classified in two categories i.e. desi and kabuli.

Desi: Grains of desi chickpea are small in size, light yellow to dark brown in colour and have
a thick seed coat. Chromosome no. is 2n=14,16
Kabuli: Grains of kabuli chickpea are bigger in size, whitish-cream colour, thin seed coat
and contain high levels of carbohydrates and proteins. Chromosome no. is 2n= 16.

State-wise recommended Varieties

States Recommended Varieties
Desi Kabuli
Andhra Pradesh Phule G-95311, ICCV-32, Kranti, MNK 1, ICVV-2
Bihar KPG-59 (Uday), Pusa-372, KWR-108, Pant Pusa 1053, Pusa 1003, HK-2,
G-186 HK-3
Gujarat GKG-809, GKG-207, GCP-105, GKP-107, PKV-2, PKV-4, Raj Vijay
Gujarat Chana-4 Kabuli Chana 202 & 203
Haryana HK-4, RSG-888 (Anubhav), RSG-931, Haryana Kabuli-1, G-1053
RSG-963, DCP-92-3, Karnal Chana 1
Karnataka BDN-103, JG-63, MNK-1, ICCV-37 Phule G -0517
Madhya Raj Vijay-201, JG-14, JG-226, JG-63, JG- Raj Vijay 202 & 201, JGK-2,
Pradesh 130, JG-322, JG-218, JG-13, JG-11 JGK-3, JGK-1, KAK-2
Maharashtra AKJ-9303-13, JAKI-9218, BDNG-797 PKVK-4, Virat, Phule G-0517,
(Akash), Digvijay, WCG-10, JG-16 Ujjwal
Punjab GNG-1958, GLK-28127, PBG-5, Pusa-547, L-551,L550
GNG-469, Uday, Pusa-362, Rajas
Rajasthan RSG-974, RSG-902 (Aruna), RSG-896 L-550, KAK-2
(Arpana), RSG-807 (Abha), GNG-1488,
GNG 421, Pratap Chana 1
Uttar Pradesh GNG-1969, CSJ-515, WCG-3 (Vallabh Pusa 1003, KAK-2, K-4,
color Chana), GNG-1581, BDG-72 Haryana Kabuli Chana 2
Uttarakhand RSG-963 (Adhar), CSG-8962, Phule G Pant Kabuli-1
9925-9 (Rajas)
Jharkhand KWR-108, KPG-59, Pant G114 HK-05-169
Chhattisgarh Pusa 391, Pusa-372, JSC-55, JSC-56, RG JGK-1, Phule G-0517
2918 (Vaibhav)
West Bengal Anuradha, Gujrata Chana-4, Uday Pusa-1003
Tamil Nadu MNK-1, Phule G-95311, JG-11 Co.-4
Source: Seednet GOI, Min. of Agri. & FW, & ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur

Potential Yield (FLD Result)

It is observed that in general average potential yield gap between FLD and farmer’s local
check yield is about 25%. The potential yield level could be obtained by adoption of
improved package of practices.
State Varieties Yield (kg/ha.) % increase over
Improved Farmers Improved Farmers (local variety)
Local Check Local Check
Rajasthan RSG-973 Local 1481 1305 13.48
RSG -963 - 1975 1798 9.84
RSG-888 - 1697 1531 10.84
CSJD-884 1752 1446 21.16
GNG -469 - 1744 1500 16.26
GNG -1581 - 1398 1253 11.57
RSG-896 - 1725 1300 32.69
PC-1 - 1673 1475 13.42
NRV - 1956 1668 17.26

Jammu & GNG -469 Local 639 527 21.25

Kashmir GNG -1581 - 1330 905 46.96
SCS-3 - 665 571 16.46
Gaurav 675 575 17.39
PVG-1 575 425 35.29
Uttar DCP92-3 Local 1691 1321 28.00
Pradesh Shubhra - 1628 1300 25.23
KPG-59 - 1701 1403 21.24
Pant G-186 2118 1757 20.54
KGD- 1168 - 750 650 15.38
BGD- 72 2840 1781 59.46
BG -362 1570 1107 41.82
Avrodhi 1873 1569 19.37
Bihar BG-372 Local 1324 972 36.21
Pant G-186 - 1377 989 39.23
Pusa-256 - 1477 1149 28.54
- 1192 26.59
KPG-59 1509
Madhya JG&63 Local 1760 1312 34.14
Pradesh JG-14 - 1556 1140 36.49
JG-11 - 1651 1208 36.67
JGK-3 1579 985 60.30
JG-130 - 1831 1289 42.04
JG-16 - 1783 1408 26.63
JAKI-9218 1800 1425 26.31
Maharashtra Digvijay Local 1448 1231 17.62
JAKI-9218 Vijay 1421 1178 20.62
PKV-4 1755 1475 18.98
Chattisgarh Vaibhav JG-11 1139 924 23.26
Haryana HC-1 Local 1677 1426 17.60
HC-5 1784 1511 18.06
West Pusa-1003 Local 1357 1237 9.70
Bengal Pusa-2024 - 1450 1100 31.81
DCP- 92-2 - 1582 1357 16.58
Anuradha 1591 1355 17.41
Andhra JAKI-9218 JG-11 2083 2028 2.71
Pradesh JG-11 JG-11 1625 1344 20.90
Vihar Local 1550 1191 30.14
Source: ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur, Average of 2007-08 to 2013-14

Climate Requirement
It’s a winter season crop. But Frost at the time of flowering results in the failure of the
flowers to develop seeds. It is best suited to areas having moderate rainfall of 60-90 cm per

Soil Type & Field Preparation

It can be grown in coarse-textured sandy to fine-textured deep black soils (vertisols).
However, the best suited soils are well drained, deep loams or silty clay loams with a pH
ranging from 6.0 to 8.0. The field should have loose tilth and good drainage. The stubble and
debris from the previous crop should be removed as these can harbor the pathogens that cause
root diseases, such as collar rot.
Field preparation for sowing chickpea is based on the soil type and cropping system. In case
of a heavy soil, a rough seedbed is prepared to avoid packing of the cloddy surface due to
winter rains and to facilitate soil aeration and easy seedling emergence.

Sowing Time
North India – Rainfed: Second fortnight of October, Irrigated: first fortnight of November.
Central & South India - First fortnight of October to first fortnight of November; Late
sowing (December-January) should be avoided as the late-sown crop may experience
moisture stress and high temperatures at the critical stage of pod-filling, leading to reduced
yield and seed quality.

Method of sowing & Seed Rate

Adopt line sowing by double box seed drill or local plough. Also BBF and Ridge & Furrow
method in low lying or shallow lands at 8-10 cm depth as the shallow crop is much prone to
Seed size (100-seed weight) Seed rate (kg/ha) Spacing
Small (less than 20 g) 60 kg Timely Sown: 30 cm X 10 cm
Medium (20 – 30 g) 90 kg Late Sown-: 25 cm X 10 cm
Large (30 – 40 g) 120 kg Irrigated areas-:45 cm X 10 cm
Extra-large (more than 40 g) 150 kg

Seed Treatment
Disease Control: Strictly follow FIR seed treatment with (fungicide, insecticide and rhizobium)
Seed treated with 2 gm Thirum + 1 gm Carbendazim or Carboxin( vitavex) 2 g/ kg to control wilt
& root rot; Insect-Pest: Thiamethoxam 70 WP @ 3 g/kg seed; Culture & Micronutrient:
Rhizobium 5 g + PSB 5 g/kg of seed & after that apply Molybdenum 1 g/kg/ of seed.
*If the seed is to be treated with pesticides, always apply fungicides first, followed by
insecticides, and finally Rhizobium culture/Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) or follow
instructions on the packets.
Cropping system
Gram in rotation with cereal crops helps in controlling soil-borne diseases. The most common
cropping system based on chickpea are as below:
a) Rotation: (i) Kharif fallow – Gram (in barani areas), (ii) Paddy – Gram, (iii) Maize– Gram,
(iv) Bajra – Gram, and (v) Jowar – Gram

b) Inter cropping: (i) Chickpea + Mustard (2:1 to 4:1), (ii) Chickpea + Linseed (2:2), (iii)
Chickpea + Wheat/Barley (2:2), (iv) Chickpea + Safflower (2:2), (v) Chickpea + Coriander

Water Management
Chickpea is mostly sown as a rainfed crop. However, where irrigation facilities are available,
give a pre-sowing irrigation. One irrigation at branching and one at pod formation stage.
Excess of irrigation enhances vegetative growth and depresses yield.

Fertilizer and Manure

Fertilizer requirements depend on the nutrient status of the field, and thus, vary from field to
field. Therefore, the doses of fertilizers should be determined based on the results of soil test.
It is better if all the fertilizers are drilled in furrows at a depth of 2 cm and at the side of 5 cm
from seed.The generally recommended doses for chickpea include15- 20 kg nitrogen (N) and
50–60 kg phosphorus (P) per ha. If soils are low in potassium (K) an application of 17 to 20
kg/ ha K2O is recommended. Total quantities of N, P and K should be given as a basal dose.
Foliar spray of 2% urea at flowering has been found beneficial in rainfed crops.

Secondary and Micro Nutrients

1. Sulphur& In medium black and sandy loam soils apply 20 kg S ha-1 (equivalent to 154 kg
gypsum/ phospho-gypsum/ or 22 kg bentonite sulphur) as basal to each crop. If S
deficiency is diagnosed in red sandy loam soils, apply 40 kg S ha-1 (equivalent to 300 kg
gypsum/phospho-gypsum/or 44 kg bentonite sulphur) per hectare. This quantity is
sufficient for one crop cycle.
2. Zinc& Quantity of Zinc requirement is determined according to the soil type & it’s
availability or status in the field. Therefore, the doses of zinc should be applied based on
the soil type, as basal application, as follows:
 Black soils & 2.0 kg Zn ha-1 (10 kg zinc sulphate hepta hydrate/ 6 kg zinc sulphate
mono hydrate).
 Sandy loam soils & 2.5 kg Zn ha-1 12.5 kg zinc sulphate hepta hydrate (ZnSO4.7 H2O)
/ 7.5 kg zinc sulphate mono hydrate (ZnSO4. H2O).
 Laterite , medium and alluvial soils &2.5 kg Zn ha-1 (12.5 kg zinc sulphate hepta
hydrate/ 7.5 kg zinc sulphate mono hydrate) along with 200 kg of farm yard manure.
 Low organic carbon content and hilly sandy loam soil & 2.5 kg Zn ha-1 (12.5 kg
zinc sulphate hepta hydrate/ 7.5 kg zinc sulphate mono hydrate) in every alternate year.

3. Boron
 Black and loamy soils - Apply 1.0 kg of B ha-1 (10 kg borax/ 7 kg di-sodium tetra
borate penta hydrate) while in sandy loam soils of hill regions where organic carbon
content is low apply 1.5 kg of B ha-1 (15 kg borax/ 10 kg di-sodium tetra borate penta
hydrate) before sowing.
 Calcareous alluvial soils- Chickpea grown in calcareous alluvial soils, apply 1.6 kg of
B ha-1 16 kg borax/ 11 kg di-sodium tetra borate penta hydrate (Na2(BO4)4.5 H2O) as
basal to each crop.

4. Iron-In medium black and mixed red and black soils, apply 10 kg Fe ha-1 50 kg ferrous
sulphate (FeSO4.5H2O) as basal or two foliar application of 1-2% FeSO4.

5. Molybdenum - Application of 0.5 kg sodium molybdate ha-1 as basal or two foliar sprays
of 0.1% sodium molybdate (Na2MoO4 ) or seed treatment is recommended.

Weed Control
Chickpea is a poor competitor with weeds at all stages of growth. Pre-emergence herbicides
Pendimethalin @ 0.75 to 1 kg a.i./ha was found effective in controlling early flush of weeds
(use within 48 hrs. after sowing). Mechanical and/or manual weeding can be done where
wide row spacing is used. One hand weeding or inter-culture with hand hoe or wheel hoe at
25-30 days after sowing.

Plant Protection Measures

The important disease of Chickpea are Collar rot, Sclerotinia stem rot, Botrytis Grey Mold,
wilt, Dry root rot. Symptoms of these disease and their suitable control measures are given

1. Collor Rot
Symptoms: The collar region of plant is constricted and begins to rot.
White mycelial strands with minute mustard seed-sized sclerotial
bodies are seen over the affected tissue. The affected seedlings turn
yellow and wilt. It may be seen in seedling & vegetative growth stage.
Control Measures
i ) Application of calcium fertilizer; ii) Seed treatment with fungicide
carboxin @ 3 g /kg of seed; iii) Crop rotations with cereals such as
wheat, sorghum and millets, and remove undecomposed debris from
the field before sowing.

2. Dry root rot

Symptoms: The whole plant dries up and turns straw-colored. Roots
become black and brittle and have only a few lateral roots or none at
all. It may be seen in flowering & podding stage.
Control Measures
i) Seed treatment with Tricoderma viride @ 4g /kg seed or Thiram
(2g )+ Carbandizm(1g) @ 3 g per kg of seed or Carbendazim @
g/kg of seed; ii) Follow crop rotation; iii) Timely sowing to avoid
post-flowering drought and heat stresses, which aggravate the
3. Wilt
Symptoms: The main cause of this disease is a fungus (Fusarium
oxysporum). Plant become yellowish and finally dry out. Roots turn
black and ultimately decompose. It may be seen in seedling stage &
advance stage of plant growth.
Control Measures
i) Seed treatment with Tricoderma viride @ 4g /kg seed or Thiram (2g
+ Carbandizm (1g) @ 3 g per kg of seed or Carbendazim @ 2 g/kg
of seed; ii) Sowing should be during third week of October; iii) Deep
Planting (8-10 cm) in light soil; iv) In case of heavy incidence avoid
cultivation for 03 to 04 years; v) Grow resistant varieties: Desi- JG
315, JG 322, JG 16, JG 11, JG 12, JSC 37, JSC 55, JAKI 9218; Kabuli- JGK 1, JGK 2, JGK 3
(Gulabi)- JGG 1.

4. Sclerotinia stem rot

Symptoms: It’s initial stage is visible on the stem near the ground.
Brown colour spots may be seen on affected stem which later girdle it
White cottony growth of the fungus with hard, black colored sclerotia
may be seen on these spots on the stem.
Control Measures
i) Use of disease free seed; ii) Grow resistant varieties like G-543,
Gaurav, Pusa-261; iii) Deep summer ploughing & avoid flood
irrigation iv) Spraying chlorothalonil @ 2 g/ liter of water ; v) After
harvest, the diseased plants should not be allowed to stand in the field
but should be destroyed by burning.

5. Botrytis Grey Mold

Symptoms: Brown necrotic spots appear on twigs, petioles,
leaves and flowers. The affected stem finally breaks and the
plant dies. In humid weather, the fungus grows rapidly.
Control Measures
i) Use disease free seed; ii) Seed treatment; iii) Grow resistant varieties
like Pusa-1003, K-551, BG 276, GL 92162, IPCK 2004-29; iv)
Adopt late sowing (first fortnight of November) and wider row
spacing; v) Spray the crop with carbendazim (Bavistin) @ 1.5 g/liter
or mancozeb @ 3g/liter of water .

1. Cutworm
Nature of Damage Serious pest in low lying areas where fields are
cloddy. The larvae remains hidden under these clods during the day
time & cause damage during night. It may be seen in Seedling,
vegetative growth stage & reproductive stage.The caterpillar cut the
plants at ground level. Larvae feed on leaves, stems and roots.
Control Measures
i) Summer deep ploughing; ii) Crop rotation; iii) Intercropping with
wheat or linseed or mustard; iv) Grow marigold on bunds; v) Apply
phorate 10 G @ 10 kg/ ha before sowing; vi) Spray insecticides like quinalphos 25 EC @ 2
ml /liter or Profenophos 50 EC @ 2 ml /liter.

2. Gram Pod Borer

It damages almost all the pods in and causes nearly 20-30% annual
yield losses in India. The eggs (1 mm diameter) are laid singly on the
leaflets, flowers, immature pods and stem. Larvae can be green,
brown, yellow, or pink, but are usually striped, irrespective of their
Nature of Damage
i) Larvae feed on leaves during the vegetative phase and on flowers
and pods during the reproductive phase; ii) Large larvae cut round
holes in the pod wall and devour the
seed inside.
Control Measures
i) Early sowing, grow short duration varieties; ii) Intercropping with coriander, linseed,
marigold, mustard, sunflower or wheat; iii) Use moderate resistant cultivars like ICCV10,
Vijay, ICCV 7 and ICCL 86103, PBG-3; iv) Install bird perches @ 40-50 /ha; v) Spray
neem seed extract (5%);vi) Apply HaNPV @ 250 LE/ha or Spray indoxacarb @1 ml/lit or
Emamectin benzoate 5 SG @ 0.2 g /lit of water at 10-15 days interval if needed.

Harvesting and threshing

Crop become ready for harvest when leaves begin to fall, stem and pod turn brown or straw in
colour and seeds are hard and rattle (most important) with 15% moisture inside them. Over
ripening may lead to fall of pods as well as shattering and seed cracking if seed moisture falls
below 10% due to delay in harvesting. The crop is allowed to dry for 2-4 days on threshing
floor (depending on situation) and threshed by manually or bullock/power drawn thresher
followed by winnowing. The clean seed should be sun dried for 3-4 days to bring their
moisture content at 9-10%. Now they should be safely stored in appropriate bins and
fumigated to protect them from bruchids.

Yield: By adopting good management practices, an average yield of 15-20 Q/ha can easily be

Recommendation to achieved higher production

i) Deep summer ploughing once in 3 years to eliminate dormant pupae.
ii) Application of fertilizer based on soil test value.
iii) Seed treatment with Trichoderma (6 g/kg) and Carboxin (Vitavax) (1g/kg).
iv) Grow wilt resistant/ tolerant varieties of the region: JG 315, JG 12, JG 11, JAKI 9218,
JGK 1, JGK 2, JGK 3, KAK2 etc.
v) Install bird perches @ 50/ha at flowering stage and remove the perches at grain ripening
vi) Nipping should be done when crop is at 15-20 cm height.
vii) Two irrigations first at branching and second at pod initiation stage.
viii) Weed control should be done at right time.
ix) Seed treatment with Ammonium Molybdate @ 1g/kg of seed in the areas of chickpea-
soybean cropping system.
x) Spray of crude NSKE 5 % or Azadirachtin 0.03 % (300 ppm), Neem oil based WSP
2500-5000 ml/ ha at pre-flowering stage at 15 days interval.
 For technical information of crop production please contact to district KVK/SAUs/RARS.
 To avail benefit from Centrally and State Run-Schemes on crop development (ploughing,
fertilizers, micronutrient, pesticide, irrigation equipment), agricultural implements, storage
infrastructure etc., please contact your DDA/SADO office.

For more information also visit

- M- kisan portal - http://mkisan.gov.in
- Farmers portal - http://farmer.gov.in
- Kisan Call Centre (KCC)-Toll Free No.- 1800-180-1551


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