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Botanical Name - Vigna mungo

Origin - India
Synonym - Urd, Biri, Mash

Black gram is one of the important pulse crops grown
throughout India. It is consumed in the form of ‘dal’ (whole
or split, husked and un-husked) or perched. It is used as nutritive fooder specially for
milch animals. It is also green manuring crop. High values of lysine make urdbean an
excellent complement to rice in terms of balanced human nutrition.

Nutritive value
Protein - 24% Calcium - 154 mg/100 g
Fat - 1.4% Phosphorus - 385 mg/100 g
Minerals - 3.2% Iron - 9.1 mg/100 g
Fiber - 0.9% Calorific value - 347 Kcal/100 g
Carbohydrate - 59.6% Moisture - 10.9%

Crop Status
During the twelfth Plan (2012-2015) the total production was 18.29 lakh tonnes on an area
of 31.29 lakh hectares. As regards the total contribution from states, Madhya Pradesh
stand first in respect of area (19.40%) followed by U.P. (17.88%) and Andhra Pradesh
(11.69%), whereas in production U.P. stands first (16.98%) followed by Andhra Pradesh
(16.75%) and Madhya Pradesh (15.07%). The highest yield was recorded by the state of
Bihar (898 kg/ha) followed by Sikkim (895 kg/ha) and Jharkhand (890 kg/ha) the National
yield average was (585 kg/ha). The lowest yield was recorded in the state of C.G. (309
kg/ha) followed by Odisha (326 kg/ha) and J&K (385 kg/ha) (DES, 2015-16).

State-wise recommended varieties

State Varieties
Kharif Rabi Spring/Summer
Andhra Pant Urd-31, IPU 2-43, LBG TU 94-2, LBG 623, TU 94-2, LBG 623, LBG
Pradesh 685, LBG 625 LBG 709, LBG 611 709, LBG 611
Assam PU-30, WBU -108, IPU 94-1 - -
Bihar & Pant Urd 31, WBU 108, IPU - Pant Urd 31, WBU-109, KU
Jharkhand 94-1 (Uttara), Birsa Urd 1, 91-2 (AZAD Urd 1)
Gujarat Ku 96-3, TPU-4, AKU-4 - -
(Melghat), GU-1, KUG-479,
UH 01, Mash-414
Haryana KU-300 (Shekhar 2), IPU 94- - -
1 (Uttara)
H.P. Pant Urd 31, Pant Urd 40 - -
Karnataka IPU 02-43, WBU-108, KU- IPU 2-43, WBU-108, -
301, LBG 402 KU-301
M.P. & C.G. Pant Urd-30, JU-3, KU 96-3, Pant Urd 31 Pant Urd 31
TPU-4, JU-2, Khargone-3
Maharashtra KU 96-3, TPU 4, AKU-4 - -
(Melghat), AKU-15
Odisha IPU 02-43, WBU-108, KU B-3-8-8, OBG-17, B 3-8-8, OBG 17, Mash 338
301 Mash 338
Punjab WBU 108, IPU 94-1 (Uttara), - KU 300 (Shekhar 2), KUG
Mash 338, Mash 414 479
Rajasthan Pant Urd-31, WBU 108, IPU - KU 300 (Shekhar 2), KUG
94-1 (Uttara) 479
U.P. & Pant Urd-40, WBU-108, IPU - KU 300, WBU 109, KU 91
Uttarakhand 94-1 (Uttara) (Azad Urd 2) KUG-479,
Narendra Urd 1
Tamil Nadu IPU 02-43, Vamban-4, Vamban-3, TU 94-2 Vamban 3, TU 94-2,
Vamban-7 Vamban 5, Vamban 2
West Bengal Pant Urd 31, WBU 108, IPU Pant Urd-31, WBU- Pant Urd 31, WBU 109, KU
94-1 (Uttara) 190, KU-92-1 (Azad 91-2 (AZAD Urd 1)
Source: Seednet GOI, Min. of Agri. & FW, & ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur

Potential Yield (FLD Result)

It is observed that in general average potential yield gap between FLD and farmer’s local check
yield is about 22%. The potential yield level could be obtained by adoption of improved
package of practices.

State Varieties Yield (kg/ha) % Increased over
Improved Farmers Local Improved Farmers Local
Check Local Check
Uttar Pradesh Ajad U-2 Local 760 610 24.59
Shekhar-1 753 641 17.47
Andhra LVG-20 Local 1010 725 39.31
Gujart GU-1 Local 671 526 27.56
Karnataka DU-1 Local 653 578 12.97
VBN-4 811 762 6.43
LBG-685 764 683 11.85
Maharashtra TPU-4 Local 627 560 11.96

Punjab Mas-114 Mas-338 811 659 23.06

Rajasthan Pant U-31 Local 794 643 23.48
KU- 96-3 1071 898 19.26
IPU-94-1 862 760 13.42
Tamil Nadu VBN-4 Local 732 422 73.45
VBN-5 935 735 27.21
Andhra LVG-752 Local 1343 1204 11.54
Pradesh PU-31 - 1146 1034 10.83
Tamil Nadu VBN-4 Co-5 935 780 19.87
VBN-5 VBN-2 844 702 20.22
VBN-3 Co-5 847 679 24.74
574 17.77
LBG-685 676
Karnataka LBG-685 Local 723 628 15.12

Source: ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur, Average of 2007-08 to 2002-13

Climate requirement
Being a crop of tropical region, it requires hot and humid climate for best growth. It is
basically a warm weather crop. In North parts of the country where the temperatures
during winter are quite low, it is cultivated generally during rainy and summer season In
the eastern states, it is also grown during winter In Central and Southern states, where
there is not much variation in the climate, it is cultivated during winter and rainy seasons

Soil & Land Preparation

Black gram can be grown on variety of soils ranging from sandy soils to heavy cotton soils
.The most ideal soil is a well drained loam with pH of 6.5 to 7.8. Black gram cannot be
grown on alkaline and saline soils. Land is prepared like any other kharif season pulse
crop. However during summer it requires a thorough preparation to give a pulverized free
from stubbles and weeds completely.

Sowing Time & Method

Kharif : In kharif season sowing is done with the onset of monsoon in later part of June
or early part of July.
Rabi : Second fortnight of October (upland) second fortnight of November (Rice fallow)
Summer : The sowing could be done from the third week of February to first week of
April. Sowing should be done in furrows opened at a distance of 20-25 cm. seed
drill could be used for this purpose.

Seed rate & Spacing

i) Kharif: During kharif season 12-15 kg seed/ha.. The crop should be sown at a distance
of 30-45 cm. with 10 cm. plant spacing.
ii) Rabi: About 18-20 kg seed/ha for upland and 40 kg/ha for Rice fallows with a crop
geometry of 30 cm x 15 cm. Higher seed rate in rice fallow is used due to delayed in
iii) Summer: About 20-25 kg seed is required per ha. Plant to plant spacing should be
kept at 5-8 cm depending upon sowing time and varietal behaviour.

Seed Treatment
Treat the seed with Thirum (2g) + Carbendazim (1g) or Carbendazim @2.5 g/kg seed to
control the soil & seed germinated disease. For sucking pest control seet treatment with
Imidacloprid 70 WS @ 7g/ kg seed . It is also desirable to treat the seed with Rhizobium
& PSB culture (5-7 gm/kg seed).

Cropping System
The important crop rotation with urd are as given below
i) Maize-Potato-Urd bean; ii) Maize-Toria-Urdbean; iii) Rice-Wheat-Urdbean; iv)
Urdbean-Mustard-Mungbean/Urdbean; v) Potato-wheat- Urdbean

Kharif – Urdbea + Pigeonpea (1:1)
Spring – Urdbean+ Sugarcane (2:1); Urdbean + Sunflower (2:6)

For sole crop 15-20 kg/ha Nitrogen, 40-50 kg/ha Phosphorus, 30-40 kg/ha Potash, 20
kg/ha Sulphur is should be applied at the time of last ploughing. However phosphatic and
potassic fertilizer should be applied as per soil test value. Fertilizer should be applied by
drilling either at the time of sowing or just before sowing in such a way that they are
placed about 5-7 cm below the seed. Use of gypsum @ 100 kg/ha would ensures
availability of calcium and sulphur at economical rates.

Secondary and Micro Nutrients

1. Sulphur - In medium black soils and sandy loam soils apply 20 kg S ha-1 (equivalent
to 154 kg gypsum/ phospho-gypsum/ or 22 kg bentonite sulphur) as basal to each crop.
If S deficiency is diagnosed red sandy loam soils, apply 40 kg S ha-1 (equivalent to 300
kg gypsum/phospho-gypsum/or 44 kg bentonite sulphur) per hectare. This quantity is
sufficient for one crop cycle.
2. Zinc- Quantity of Zinc requirement determined according to the soil type & it’s
availability or status in the soil. Therefore, the doses of zinc should be applied based on
the soil type as follows:
 Red sandy and loamy soils -2.5 kg Zn ha-1 (12.5 kg zinc sulphate hepta hydrate/ 7.5 kg
zinc sulphate mono hydrate) per hectare.

 Black soils &1.5 to 2.0 kg Zn ha-1 (7.5 to 10 kg zinc sulphate hepta hydrate/ 4.5 to 6.0
kg zinc sulphate mono hydrate) per hectare.

 Laterite, medium and alluvial soils -2.5 kg Zn ha-1 (12.5 kg zinc sulphate hepta
hydrate/ 7.5 kg zinc sulphate mono hydrate) as basal along with 200 kg of farm yard

 High organic carbon containing Tarai soils -3.0 kg Zn ha-1 (15 kg zinc sulphate hepta
hydrate/ 9 kg zinc sulphate mono hydrate) as basal once in three year.

 Low organic carbon content and hilly sandy loam soil - 2.5 kg Zn ha-1 (12.5 kg zinc
sulphate hepta hydrate/ 7.5 kg zinc sulphate mono hydrate) as basal in every alternate

3. Manganese-In manganese deficient sandy loam soils, Seed soaking with 2%

manganese sulphate OR foliar spray of 1% manganese sulphate is recommended.

4. Molybdenum - In molybdenum deficient soils, application of 0.5 kg sodium molybdate

ha-1 as basal OR two foliar sprays of 0.1% sodium molybdate or seed treatment is

Water management
In kharif season irrigation not required, if rainfall is normal & if moisture deficit at pod
formation stage irrigation should apply. In summer 3-4 irrigation required according to
crop requirement. Generally, the crop should get irrigation at an interval of 10-15 days.
From flowering to pod development stage, there is need of sufficient moisture in the field.

Weed control
One or two hand weedings should be done up to 40 days of sowing depending upon the
weed intensity. Weeds can be controlled by the use of chemicals too. Use Pendimethalin
0.75-1.00 kg a.i. per ha in 400-600 liters of water as pre-emergence application.

Plant Protection Measures

There are several important disease of Urdbean, Yellow mosaic virus, Powdery mildew,
leaf blight etc. are important one.

Yellow Mosaic Virus
This disease is caused by the mung bean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV)
belonging to Gemini group of viruses, which is transmitted by the
whitefly (Bemisia tabaci). The tender leaves show yellow mosaic spots,
which increase with time leading to complete yellowing. Yellowing
leads to less flowering and pod development. Early infection often leads
to death of plants.

Control Measures
i) Diseased plants should be rogued out to prevent further spread of the disease; ii) In
order to prevent whitefly (Bemisia spp.) infestation spray with triazophos 40 EC @ 2.0
ml/lit. or malathion 50 EC @ 2.0 ml/lit. or oxydemeton methyl 25 EC @ 2.0 ml/lit. at 10-
15 days intervals if required; iii) Grow tolerant/resistant varieties like IPU 94-1 (Uttara),
shekhar 3(KU 309), Ujala(OBJ 17), VBN(Bg) 7, Pratap urd 1 etc.

Powdery Mildew
The disease appears on all the part of plants above soil surface. Disease
initiates as faint dark spots, which develop into small white powdery
spots, coalesceing to form white powdery coating on leaves, stems and
pods. At the advance stages, the color of the powdery mass turns dirty
white. The disease induces forced maturity of the infected plant causing
heavy yield losses and its intensity increases in stress condition.

Control Measures
i) Adopt clean cultivation by destroying diseased plant refuge; ii) Delayed sowing of
mungbean and urdbean with wider spacings considerably reduce the disease severity; iii)
Opt for resistant varieties as per recommendation of local agricultural authorities Urdbean:
COBG10, LBG 648, 17, Prabha, IPU 02-43, AKU 15 and UG 301); iv) Spray with NSKE
@ 50 g/liter of water or neem oil 3000 ppm @ 20 ml/lit. twice at 10 days interval from
initial disease appearance. Spray with eucalyptus leaf extract 10% at initiation of the
disease and 10 days later also if necessary; v) Spray with water soluble sulphur 80 WP @
4 kg/liter or Carbendazin 50 WP @ 1 g/lit.

Leaf Blight
Symptoms: In pre-emergence stage, the fungus causes seed rot and
mortality of germinating seedlings. In post emergence stage, seedling
blight disease appears due to soil or seed-borne infection. The fungus
attacks the stem at ground level, forming localized dark brown patches
which coalesce and encircle the stem. Black dot like sclerotia are formed
on the surface and below the epidermis on the outer tissue of the stem and
root. The pathogen is most favoured at a temperature of 30°C and 15%

Control Measures
i) Basal application of zinc sulphate @ 25kg/ha or neem cake @ 150 kg/ha or soil
application P. fluorescens or T. viride @ 2.5 kg/ha + 50 kg of well decomposed FYM at
the time of sowing helps in prevention of the disease; ii) The diseased plants should be
uprooted and destroyed so that the sclerotia do not form or survive; iii) Spray with
Carbendazim 50 WP @ 1 g/liter of water at an interval of 15 days with the appearance
of the symptoms.

Insect-Pest Management
Nature of Damage: Nymphs and adults are seen in large
numbers on young plants,leaflets, stem and pods. Young
leaves of seedlings become twisted. Excretion of honey dew
attracts sooty mold. The adults are black and shiny, upto 2
mm long and some are winged. Nymphs are covered with
waxy coating that makes them grey and dull.

Control Measures
i) Spray with 5% crude neem extract or 2% neem oil 3000
ppm; ii) Spray with Dimethoate 30 EC (1.7 ml/ lit.) or Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.2
ml/liter of water ; iii) Conserve coccinellid beetles, their grubs and Chrysoperla.

Tobaco Caterpillar
Nature of damage: Newly hatched tobacco caterpillar
(Spodoptera litura) feed gregariously on the leaf surface for
about 2-3 days and leave behind the whitish membranous
leaf only. The larvae makes irregular holes on the leaf
surface and in severe infestation, they skeletonize the
foliage. They are voracious feeders of the foliage and remain
hidden in cracks and crevices or plant debris in the soil
during day time. The maximum damage is caused to the
young plants, which are often totally destroyed

Control Measures
i) Collection and destruction of egg masses and newly hatched larvae along with
skeletonised leaves can reduce infestation; ii) Spray of microbial pesticides like SlNPV
[500 LE/ha or or Bacillus thurengenesis formulations in synchrony with early larval
instars is effective against the pest; iii) Spray Malathion 50 EC @ 2.0 ml/lit. or foliar
application of Novaluron 10 EC @ 0.75 ml/lit., chitin synthesis inhibitor against eggs of S.
litura; iv) Spray extract of custard apple as feeding deterrent against the pest.

Spotted Pod Borer

Nature of Damage: The larva webs the leaves, inflorescence
and feed inside the flowers, flower buds and pods. Eggs are
laid on or in the flowers (inserted between the petals). Young
larvae feed inside the flowers before moving to developing
pods when mid-sized. A larva may consume 4-6 flowers
before larval development is completed. Third to fifth instar
larvae are capable of boring into the pods and feeding the
developing grains. Seeds in damaged pods are totally or
partially eaten out by larvae.

Control Measures
i) Spray Bacillus thuringiensis 5 WG @ 1.0 g/liter of water; ii) foliar spray of
Profenophos 50 EC @ 2.0 ml/liter of water; iii) Spray of spinosad 45 SC @ 0.2 ml/liter
of water is most effective in controlling this pest; iv) Physical shaking of the infested
plants over the vessels of oil and water or oily cloth help reduce the population.
Pod Bug
Nature of Damage: Pod bug (Claivgralla gibbosa) adults
and nymphs damage leaves, flower buds, stem and pods by
sucking cell sap. Major damage is done to the green pods
before the maturity of the crop. The attacked pods show pale
yellow patches. The grains in the pods become shrivelled
and small in size resulting in considerable yield losses.

Control Measure
i) Physical shaking of the infested plants over the vessels of oil and water or oily cloth
help reduce the population; ii) Spray Monocrotophos 36 SL @ 1.0 ml/liter water
during flowering and at pod formation stage.

Harvesting , Threshing & Storage

Urd should be harvested when 70-80 % pods matured & most of the pods turn black. Over
maturity may result in shattering. Harvested crop should be dried on threshing floor for
few days and then threshed. Threshing can be done either manually or by trampling under
the feet of bullocks. The clean seeds should be sun dried for 3-4 days to bring their
moisture content at 8-10% to safely store in appropriate bins.

A well managed crop of Urd may produce 12-15 quintals grains/ha.

Recommendation to achieved higher production

i) Deep summer ploughing once in 3 years.
ii) Seed treatment should be done before sowing.
iii) Application of fertilizer should be based on soil test value.
iv) In kharif season sowing should be done by ridge & furrow method.
v) Yellow mosaic resistant/ tolerant varieties IPU 94-1 (Uttara), shekhar 3(KU 309),
Ujala(OBJ 17), VBN(Bg) 7, Pratap urd 1 etc choose as per suitability of region.
vi) Weed control should be done at right time.
vii) Adopt integrated approach for plant protection.

 For technical information of crop production please contact to district KVK/ nearest
 To avail benefit from Centrally and State Government running schemes for crop
production (ploughing, fertilizers, micronutrient, pesticide, irrigation equipment),
agricultural implements, storage infrastructure etc., please contact to your DDA/SADO

For more information also visit

- M- kisan portal - http://mkisan.gov.in
- Farmers portal - http://farmer.gov.in
- Kisan Call Centre (KCC)-Toll Free No.- 1800-180-1551


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