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Advances in Emerging Memory Technologies: From Data

Storage to Artificial Intelligence
Gabriel Molas * and Etienne Nowak

CEA, LETI, Université Grenoble Alpes, 38000 Grenoble, France; etienne.nowak@cea.fr

* Correspondence: gabriel.molas@cea.fr

Abstract: This paper presents an overview of emerging memory technologies. It begins with the
presentation of stand-alone and embedded memory technology evolution, since the appearance of
Flash memory in the 1980s. Then, the progress of emerging memory technologies (based on fila-
mentary, phase change, magnetic, and ferroelectric mechanisms) is presented with a review of the
major demonstrations in the literature. The potential of these technologies for storage applications
addressing various markets and products is discussed. Finally, we discuss how the rise of artificial
intelligence and bio-inspired circuits offers an opportunity for emerging memory technology and
shifts the application from pure data storage to storage and computing tasks, and also enlarges the
range of required specifications at the device level due to the exponential number of new systems
and architectures.

Keywords: memory; nonvolatile memory; reliability; data storage; artificial intelligence; computing;
von Neumann; emerging memory; neuromorphic circuit

Citation: Molas, G.; Nowak, E.

1. Introduction
Advances in Emerging Memory
Technologies: From Data Storage to In the digital era, we are living through societal changes, carried by major technolog-
Artificial Intelligence. Appl. Sci. 2021, ical revolutions. The amount of generated data is exponentially growing; in 2025, about
11, 11254. https://doi.org/10.3390/ 175 million terabytes will be generated, which would represent 10 times the volume pro-
app112311254 duced in 2015 [1]. This trend comes with a large increase in connected objects and smart
components and with the development of required data centers to cover the needs of so-
Academic Editor: Filippo Giannazzo cial networks, streaming, and video on demand. Indeed, it is forecasted that in 2025 data
centers will consume about 5% of the globe’s produced energy [2], which will cause fur-
Received: 17 August 2021
ther issues. Moreover, we are living a change of paradigm where computing system en-
Accepted: 7 October 2021
ergy consumption is limited more by data transfer than computation itself, leading to the
Published: 27 November 2021
rise of memory-centric and in-memory computing systems. In this context, pressure is
exerted on the memory component to fulfill the new specifications of these emerging com-
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
puting system architectures.
tral with regard to jurisdictional
claims in published maps and institu-
Figure 1 presents a brief summary of the main milestones of nonvolatile memory
tional affiliations. history.
The history of semiconductor memory began in 1984 when Dr. Masuoka invented
the NAND flash memory [3], leading to success in 1989, when Toshiba’s first NAND flash
reached the market [4]. NAND technology was scaled for decades, retaining the same
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li- concept, stack, and architecture, with the memory density increasing exponentially over
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. time [5]. In 2001, various Flash players announced and launched MLC (multilevel cell)
This article is an open access article NAND, enabling a capacity increase [6].
distributed under the terms and con- In 2007, Toshiba presented the first NAND integrated into 3D architecture [7], while
ditions of the Creative Commons At- Samsung announced in 2012 the first generation of 3D NAND.
tribution (CC BY) license (https://cre- After 2010, embedded memories began to reach the 28-nm node [8], where traditional
ativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). memory cell concepts became limited in terms of area shrinkage capability and increasing

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254. https://doi.org/10.3390/app112311254 www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 2 of 26

complexity. Then, pressure was exerted on emerging memory concepts in order to pursue
scaling to more aggressive technology nodes, opening the path to new class of embedded

Figure 1. Main milestones in the history of nonvolatile memories.

In 2015, Intel and Micron developed the 3D XPoint Technology based on a phase
change memory (PCM). This new class of memory enabled filling the latency gap between
DRAM and Flash, often referred to as storage class memory. This made possible new sys-
tem memory architectures with improved performances, bringing innovation to the non-
volatile memory (NVM) arena. The first announcement was made in 2015, and the tech-
nology has been available on the open market under the brand name Optane (Intel) since
2017 [9].
We are now in the more than Moore era, and we work toward new systems (includ-
ing in-memory computing and non von Neumann architectures) that emulate the human
brain to achieve high energy efficiency, parallelism, and ability in cognitive tasks, such as
object recognition, association, adaptation, and learning [10]. This offers a strong oppor-
tunity for new memory technologies.
This article presents the evolution of memory technologies since the invention of
Flash memory, and describes how the exponential increase in new systems (essentially
coming from in-memory computing architectures, artificial intelligence, and neuromor-
phic circuits) offers opportunities to back-end emerging memory technologies. Section
two presents the memory technologies’ market and trends for both stand-alone and em-
bedded sectors. Section three presents an overview of emerging memories with key de-
monstrators presented in the literature. Finally, Section four analyzes how emerging
memories can be used in new computing systems, for both von Neumann and non von
Neumann architectures.

2. Market and Trends of Memory Technologies

2.1. Technology Trends of Nonvolatile Memories
2.1.1. Nonvolatile Memory Market
The impressive growth of the NVM market was made possible by the advent of flash
memories, NOR first and NAND later, and has been fueled by the development of battery-
supplied wearable electronics [11]. Thus, successive memory revolutions were supported
by a novel application that allowed the market to exponentially increase. Mobile phones,
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 3 of 26

PDAs, MP3 players, and digital cameras were the drivers in the 1990s [11]. With the emer-
gence of smartphones, tablets, USB drives, and SSD (solid state drives), a new driving
force led to a NAND market increase in the digital era of the 2000s [12]. More recently,
artificial intelligence and other new applications offer a strong opportunity for emerging
memories using new switching mechanisms. The next 10 years are expected to provide
many growth opportunities for the semiconductor industry, with a continuous increase
in technical and business challenges. In 2026, the NAND Flash market is predicted to rep-
resent the current GDP of medium-sized countries. Competitive pressures within many
segments of the semiconductor industry will increase significantly in the future, but sem-
iconductor companies that have innovative businesses as well as product strategies are
expected to achieve financial success [13].
The memory market can be divided into two categories, high capacity standalone
memories and embedded memories where the memory device is integrated into a core
CMOS process flow. These two technologies are presented and described in the following

2.1.2. Evolution of Standalone Nonvolatile Memory Technologies

Today, the Flash memory market is driven by high capacity standalone memories for
mass storage applications. High memory capacity is required by applications such as dig-
ital still and video cameras, mp3 players, solid state drives (flash), mobile phones, and all
manner of flash card products. For standalone applications, where density is doubling
every 12 months [14], cell area is the key factor. Indeed, standalone memories need ag-
gressive cell dimensions to achieve high memory densities with low cost per bit, required
in the applications mentioned above.
For over 40 years, the evolution of nonvolatile memories was mostly based on the
floating gate MOS transistor [1]. Scaling of the NAND technology was pursued below the
20-nm node [15]. Then, critical limits led to the appearance of 3D memory [16] that entered
the market in ~2015 and changed the conservative memory world. In 2020, vertical NAND
stacked up to 96 layers, used QLC (quad level cells, four bits per cells) and reached a den-
sity of about 10 Gb/mm², with typical memory capacities of one terabyte [17]. In 21 years,
multilevel cell flash memory density has increased 10,000 times.
Flash NAND has been adopted in solid state drives (SSD) over the past 10 years and
now shares the data storage market with hard disk drives (HDD) thanks to its constant
decreasing bit cost. Three-dimensional NAND continues to improve and is expected to
continue as a leading technology for data storage [1]. In the case of 3D NAND, scaling is
mainly achieved by stacking, making it possible to retain the same cell dimensions in some
successive nodes to maintain cell characteristics. Despite many challenges, Flash contin-
ues with constant technology, performance, architecture, and design improvements. In
particular, in order to pursue scaling, stacking of two arrays (to relax the aspect ratio),
integrating the CMOS under the memory array (to increase density), and adopting a more
aggressive multilevel (with optimized programming algorithms) [18] with 96 stacked lev-
els. A state-of-the-art multistacked memory hole process was presented by Toshiba in
2018 [19].

2.1.3. Trends in Embedded Nonvolatile Memory Technologies

Although the majority of the market is represented by high-density standalone mem-
ories, the embedded nonvolatile memory market is finding increasing use in a wide array
of integrated circuits with applications ranging from a few bits (analog trimming) to meg-
abytes for data/code storage. In systems with embedded nonvolatile memories, the
memory array occupies only a certain fraction of the total die area due to the relatively
small number of embedded bit cells. For this reason, the cell size shrink is not essential
and larger cell sizes can be adopted with respect to standalone memories [20]. However,
high programming voltages can lead to the need of high voltage transistors in the periph-
ery what can impact the circuit size.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 4 of 26

Three sectors can be distinguished for embedded memories, which are key enablers
of today’s wide variety of microcontroller products [21]:
- Automotive microcontrollers: these represent the most important market. The main
applications include powertrain, body and convenience, safety, connectivity, secu-
rity, etc.
- Smartcard microcontrollers: these represent a wide range of applications, including
ticketing, authentication, government ID, payment, security, etc. This market has re-
cently increased with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and connected objects.
- Consumer and industrial: these also represent a wide range of applications, and in-
clude any type of machine or equipment that can use memory.
Smaller than the standalone memories market, the embedded market still represents
tens of billion dollars every year with huge volume growth. Embedded specifications de-
pend on the market and applications [22]. The most stringent market is the automotive,
with aggressive specifications especially for grade 0 (−40 °C to +150 °C ambient operating
temperature range).
In terms of technology, each competitor develops and uses its own memory cell con-
cept. They all rely on charge trapping mechanisms (in a poly-Si floating gate or in a nitride
charge trapping layer) and differ in cell architecture, from 1 T (one transistor) and 1.5 T
(self-aligned control gate, select gate, and split gate, which is discussed further on) to 2 T
options (separated select gate and memory gate). Production is currently at the 40 nm
node, while 28 nm technologies are increasing in volume production. The current main
embedded NVM charge storage-based cell concepts in production are described in [20].

2.2. General Context and Evolution of Nonvolatile Memories

2.2.1. The Era of Big Data
We are living during the big data revolution. Big data mainly affects large companies,
in particular the GAFAMI (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and IBM), but
also changes our everyday life. Big data relies on the three Vs: volume, variety, and veloc-
- First, there is a tremendous volume of generated data. More than two trillion giga-
bytes (109 bytes) are created each day. Moreover, the evolution of data generation
follows an exponential growth, and extrapolations forecast 175 ZB of data in 2025 [1],
four times more than what we use today. People are forecasted to carry more than
four mobile devices and 75% of the worldwide population will be connected to the
network [23].
This data deluge is accompanied by a constant improvement in memory technolo-
gies, with bit density and memory capacity increasing by a factor of 1.4 every year [19]. In
2020, a 1-mm² die can integrate 10 Gb of memory capacity [19].
Another important point to mention is that this data increase will be supported by
all memory types: even if SSD has the highest increase, HDD and even the tape market
will also grow [24]. The IDC (International Data Corporation, global provider of intelli-
gence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications,
and consumer technology markets) forecasts that over 22 ZB of storage capacity must ship
across all media types from 2018 to 2025 to keep up with storage demands.
- Apart from the high volume of data, there is also a large variety of data in various
forms. It differs from application to application. Data come from photos, videos, au-
dio recordings, email messages, documents, books, presentations, tweets, etc., and
are generally unstructured.
- Finally, new data are coming quickly. The data flow is the velocity vector. Every day
900 million photos are uploaded to Facebook, 500 million tweets are posted on Twit-
ter, 0.4 million hours of video are uploaded to YouTube, and 3.5 billion searches are
performed in Google [25]. On a large scale and considering all the contributions, data
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 5 of 26

traffic was expected to grow by a factor of 1455 from 2018 to 2020, following an ex-
ponential evolution, as reported by IBS [26]. In particular, video is expected to main-
tain a growth rate of 70–80% every year for the next decade [26].
According to CISCO, data traffic is forecast to increase 2.5 times over the period 2016
to 2021 [27]. The majority of the increase in data traffic is due to the increase in video
content delivery, projected to account for 82% of traffic by 2021 [27]. The devices that will
thus be the major contributors are smartphones and TVs with respective data traffic per-
centages of 33% and 30% [28].
We are also in the era of IoT, with the exponential growth of connected objects in our
everyday life. We have smartphones, smart watches, smart clothes, etc. The number of
network-connected devices is increasing, from an estimated 18 billion in 2020 to 46 billion
in 2030, which represents an almost 300% increase in that period, with an average com-
pound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.8% [28]. The majority of this growth is related to
automation network connected devices and, in particular, to IoT, which will represent
about half of connected device stocks in 2030 [28].

2.2.2. Exponential Increase in Required Energy

This data deluge leads to greater energy consumption. It is forecasted that in 2025,
data centers’ consumption will represent 5% of the globe’s energy production [29]. The
International Energy Agency [30], “which aims to promote energy efficiency as the key to
ensuring safe, reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy systems, provides technical
analysis and policy guidance to its members and other governments concerning energy
using equipment and systems”. In particular, in the frame of the Technology Collabora-
tion Program (TCP), it delivers detailed reports on device usage and energy consumption
in the Electronic Devices and Networks Annex (EDNA).
EDNA studies analyze energy consumption due to devices becoming connected to
the network, and identify three main areas: upstream energy use of the communications,
data networks, and data centers; network standby energy use of the edge equipment; and
network active energy use of the edge and LAN equipment. Then, each device (TV, smart
phone, tablet, etc.) has two energy consumption contributions, one coming from the de-
vice itself and one from the upstream network and data centers. Energy use will increase
significantly from 75 TWh in 2010 to 220 TWh in 2030 for LAN devices. The largest in-
crease in device energy use is due to machine-to-machine devices. The TV category exhib-
its the second largest increase in network-connected energy use at the device level, essen-
tially due to video on demand. Smartphones, one of the largest contributors, use more
upstream energy in comparison with their device energy [28].

2.2.3. Limitations of Computing Systems

The memory hierarchy of computing systems is organized in tiers, with CPU at the
top for computing, followed by SRAM, DRAM, storage memory, and HDD/Tape at the
bottom of the architecture. Each memory block of the system has greater capacity than the
preceding but slower latency. Thus, there is a cost vs. performance tradeoff in memory
subsystem, performance increasing as it moves closer to the processors. Then capacity
increases by roughly one order in each subsequent level [31]. It is becoming more accepted
by the community that the standard memory architecture (organized in a
cache/memory/storage hierarchy) is no longer able to address the bottlenecks in current
computing systems [32,33].
First, there is a latency gap between DRAM and NAND [32], leading to high energy
consumption and long latency to move data within the system [34]. DRAM latency will
be sustained and throughput will improve. On the other hand, NAND will maintain or
improve performance with cost leadership. Thus, there is space for a new memory to enter
the hierarchy, fill this gap between DRAM and NAND, and improve computing system
performance [33]. This new class of memory is known as storage class memory (SCM). As
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 6 of 26

it may be too difficult for one memory to fill the gap, two types of storage class memories
can be distinguished: memory mapped and storage mapped [11]. Memory mapped SCM
should combine read/write and endurance performances close to DRAM, with improved
retention time (without being a true nonvolatile memory) and lower cost. Storage mapped
SCM should be nonvolatile, cost much less than DRAM, and have improved perfor-
mances (speed and endurance) with respect to Flash memories. In particular, the
3DXpoint using PCRAM fits well between NAND and DRAM in the computing memory
hierarchy [31].
Moreover, memory performance and speed growth have not kept pace with that of
processors (memory latency remains almost constant), leading to a performance gap
known as the “memory wall” [35,36]. This performance gap between processor and
memory is widening with technology scaling [37]. In von Neumann systems, separation
of computing and memory becomes critical for performance and efficiency when data
movement becomes prominent, as is the case in current system. Memory access energy
costs 1–3 orders of magnitude higher than computing [38], and consumes approximately
1000 times the energy of a complex addition [36]. Currently, data movement between the
main memory and conventional computation units is a major contributor to the total sys-
tem energy consumption in consumer devices. For instance, it was reported that data
movement accounts for 62.7% of the total energy consumed by Google consumer work-
loads [39]. This is why new non von Neumann architectures were proposed and devel-
oped to exploit locality and near-memory computing in order to reduce the cost and en-
ergy of data movement.

2.2.4. Development of New Computing Systems

The previous paragraphs highlighted the (1) current data exponential increase, (2)
energy increase, and (3) performance limitations of current computing systems. For these
reasons, new computing systems are currently being developed and used. In particular,
near memory or in-memory computing are proposed to solve the memory wall and the
high energy and time cost of data transfer in data centers. However, there is a tradeoff
among the existing systems between flexibility and efficiency [1], and choosing the appro-
priate configuration for each purpose is key.
We can make the following classifications of computing systems depending on the
application, in terms of increasing energy efficiency [38]:
- CPU: they are fully programmable and versatile (can execute any function). There is
a clear separation between logic and memory.
- GPU: there is a shared memory architecture with thousands of cores; they operate
with high parallel workload.
- Near-memory processing: this system aims to supply high performance and high-
density memories as close as possible to the processing units. They are dedicated to
data-intensive computing (AI, graph processing, and optimization processing). They
combine local and shared memory. They are used for cloud and edge devices.
- In-memory processing: in this system, computing and memory are collocated, which
eliminates the von Neumann bottleneck. Major changes in both memory and com-
puting units must be achieved in order to couple data processing and storage. In-
memory processing is used for vector processing (AI with limited model size) and is
mostly used for edge devices.
- Neuromorphic dynamical systems: they are brain inspired and merge logic and
memory. They are used for AI or autonomous systems.
Among all these systems, there are many artificial neural networks and especially
deep learning networks that have matched or surpassed human level capabilities. These
“neuromorphic circuits” are the subject of interest for the scientific community.
Deep neural networks (DNNs), or large-scale layered networks of artificial neurons,
have profoundly transformed the field of machine learning and represent the state-of-the-
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art in a variety of video, image, audio, and text processing tasks. They are already de-
ployed in many real-world applications such as Google’s image and voice search, Apple’s
Siri, Facebook’s DeepText and DeepFace, Microsoft’s Skype Translator, and many others
[40]. They should also enter a wider range of applications in the future, including auton-
omous vehicles, education, and healthcare. The rise of neuromorphic circuits offers
unique opportunities for emerging memories. Among them, two terminal back-end mem-
ories integrated in crossbar arrays could significantly improve the efficiency of deep neu-
ral networks as will be discussed in the next section.
In conclusion, these new systems, offering significant computing energy, are also
very demanding in terms of high reliability memories and require new memory technol-
ogies with excellent capacity, bandwidth, and performance. Research perspectives on
emerging memories for new non von Neumann systems are discussed in the next sections.

3. Overview of Emerging Memory Technologies

3.1. Emerging Memory Technologies
3.1.1. Filamentary Memory
Filamentary memories (Figure 2), also known as resistive random access memories
(RRAM) are based on the reversible formation and disruption of a conductive filament in
an insulator sandwiched between two metal electrodes when an electric field is applied.
This electrical behavior was first reported in the 1960s [41,42] and was largely studied
until the early 1980s for memory device applications. In the 2000s, new classes of RRAM
appeared and the interest in this technology returned [43].

Figure 2. TEM cross sections of an HfO2 based OxRAM integrated in the BEOL of a 28 nm FDSOI technology, from [44]
(top) and an OxRAM/OTS device integrated in the BEOL of a 130 nm CMOS process, from [45] (bottom). The OTS (Ovonic
Threshold Switch) backend selector is composed of a C/GeSeSbN/C stack.

Two classes of filamentary memories can be distinguished: in oxide RAM (OxRAM,

the filament comes from the formation of oxygen vacancies in the resistive layer, while in
CBRAM (conductive bridging RAM), it results from the dissolution of an active electrode
generally made of Cu or Ag.
RRAM technology has many advantages. It is a low-cost two-terminal device and the
number of integration steps is lower than in standard Flash. It also has a low voltage op-
eration: typical RRAM operating voltages are 1–3 V, which is much lower than ~20 V of
Flash NAND memories. In addition, RRAM is a fast memory, with a typical programming
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time of 100 ns. Less than 10 ns programming times were also reported in the literature
Resistive RAM underwent a strong improvement in its performance and maturity.
Demonstrations of macros are now reported down to the 22 nm node. Bitcell area of less
than 0.05µm² [47] was achieved by Intel, and 20 nm cell size functionality was demon-
strated by Panasonic with high performances [48]. The endurance of macros of more than
one megabyte now reach 10–100 kcycles, while the intrinsic endurance was demonstrated
to be more than 1010 cycles for single cells [49], showing the technology’s reliability can be
further improved. In particular, Panasonic demonstrated a limited resistance distribution
shift up to 100 k with 10-ppm bitcell resolution [50], and Leti showed no fail after 105 cycles
on 16 kb arrays on a 28 nm node [44].
High-temperature operation is affected by oxygen vacancies (or metal) temperature
assisted diffusion, limiting RRAM retention. In particular, device stability becomes critical
when low programming currents are used [51]. Renesas demonstrated that it was possible
to reach a −6δ margin with a one bit ECC) after 40 min at 200 °C (equivalent to 10 years
at 85 °C), which corresponds to a 0.1% chip failure of two-megabyte cells [52].
Finally, good scalability was shown: scaled memory devices include: 10 nm crossbar
OxRAM [53] and 5 nm liner CBRAM [54]; further density improvements could be ob-
tained with vertical RRAM architecture [43].
As filamentary switching can be observed in most integrated layers, many elements
were investigated until some consensus finally appeared on transition metal oxides
(Ta2O5, HfO2, Al2O3, etc). Depending on the integrated materials, various device perfor-
mances are possible, enabling targeting of various applications.
Today the main application of RRAM is in embedded products. For classical embed-
ded technologies, chip cost reduction will be very difficult beyond 2× nm nodes, due to
their limited scalability and increasing complexity for integration in sub−28 nm CMOS
nodes [20]. For that reason, RRAM is a strong candidate for future nodes due to its simple
bitcell structure and low process complexity. RRAM is highly studied for IoT for its good
density and low power consumption. Panasonic proposed the first commercially available
implementation of RRAM. They offered a microcontroller for portable healthcare, security
equipment, or sensor processing applications. Renesas also investigated RRAM for low-
power microcontroller units (MCUs) for IoT applications [52]. Intel [47,55] and TSMC [56]
both demonstrated RRAM based macros in 22 nm in a 1T1R configuration for embedded
applications, with comparable features (85 °C 10-year retention, 10 kcycles endurance).
Intel studies mobile and RF applications and TSMC targets eFlash, IoT, and smartcards.
Adesto offers RRAM based EEPROM, as a compatible serial memory for discrete and em-
bedded memory applications. They target IoT and other energy-conscious applications.
The startup Crossbar is also very active and provides RRAM for IoT system-on-chips but
also persistent memory solutions.
In the case of embedded applications, the memory is integrated in the BEOL above
the logic. In particular, the memory cell is integrated above the select transistor in the 1T1R
configuration. The bitcell area is limited by the transistor more than by the memory itself
[57]. Thus, it is important to have low operating voltages. Ideally, the RRAM would use
logic transistors where the voltage was ~1 V. Due to the short RRAM programming time
(~100 ns), the transistor could operate in overdrive mode [57]. This leads a targeted RRAM
programming voltage of ~1.5 V to be compatible with logic CMOS to reach the best bitcell
density. For more advanced nodes (1× nm nodes), the memory could be integrated in a
1S1R configuration with a backend selector [58,59] to reduce the bitcell size and target
higher capacities than the 1T1R architecture allows [60].
The main issue for RRAM is the variability and related resistance distribution spread
for high and low resistive states. Indeed, the conductive filament is composed with a finite
number of atoms, and the memory operation is governed by stochastic phenomena
[61,62]. Thus, from cycle to cycle, the conductive filament can have various shapes and is
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 9 of 26

constituted by an uncontrolled number of atoms leading to resistance variability. This re-

sistance dispersion reduces the read window margin and limits the maximum memory
capacity that can be achieved. In order to improve RRAM variability, various solutions
have been investigated. The first is to improve the memory stack [63,64]. In particular,
“subquantum” CBRAM where filaments comprise a semiconductor or semimetal instead
of a metal were proposed [65] in order to achieve thicker filaments, less affected by single
events. The second approach is to adjust programming schemes and algorithms in order
to reach sharper resistance distributions [66,67].
Once RRAM variability is improved, larger capacities can be envisaged and new
fields can be targeted. In particular, storage class memories (SCM) can be envisaged where
the RRAM would be placed between the DRAM and storage memory in the hierarchy due
to its high speed and good endurance. A few years ago, Micron presented a 16 Gb RRAM
in a 27 nm node targeting SCM applications with excellent reliability, achieving 105 cycles
with <7 × 10−5 of bit error rate due to optimized programming schemes [68]. No further
work has reported from Micron but SONY also provides cross-point RRAM for storage
class memory applications with an excellent widow margin of two decades at 3δ [69].
Western Digital introduced RRAM in its roadmap [70] and announced “RRAM SCM will
close the gap in terms of per-GB cost with BiCS NAND and will thus widen the gap with
DRAM, which will make it more economically feasible”. RRAM also has the potential to
enable analog neuromorphic computing features. This could allow low power neuromor-
phic IP in embedded nonvolatile memory system-on-chip without adding additional pro-
cess complexity [20]. More details are provided in the next section.
In summary, RRAM is a proven technology with very low cost, ease of integration in
the backend, suitable for embedded (smart card and IoT) and neuromorphic applications.
Solving the variability issue would enable opening the application field to other domains
such as storage class memories.

3.1.2. Phase Change Memory

Phase change memory (Figure 3) is based on the reversible transition between amor-
phous (insulating) and crystalline (conductive) states of a chalcogenide alloy. The phase
transition is obtained by current-induced Joule heating. The most typical materials are
Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) or GeTe. Chalcogenide has been researched for a long time, and used as
a recording material for optical disks, and chalcogenide memory is in the market although
its density is small.

Figure 3. 3D schematics and SEM cross section of a GeSbTe (GST) phase change memory integrated
with GeSeSbN OTS selector from [71].

Phase change memories offer low voltage operation (<3 V), fast behavior (~100 ns
switching), and nonvolatility. Very high endurance (1012 cycles at the single cell level) has
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 10 of 26

been demonstrated. It is a two terminal device and can be integrated into the BEOL. Phase
change memories do not require any initialization step (unlike RRAM, for example) and
work in unipolar mode. Moreover, phase change memories can have an analog behavior,
which is suitable for some neuromorphic applications. The device characteristics can be
tuned through material engineering (doping, etc.). Thus, they have the capability to ad-
dress the high temperature retention required in embedded applications and the high
speed required, for example, in storage class memory applications depending on the
elected stack [72,73].
In terms of limitations, phase change memory technology suffers from resistance
drift that can affect its high temperature retention [74,75]. Optimized programming
schemes (better than detection threshold adjustment over time) were proposed to improve
immunity to drift for multilevel operations [76]. Moreover, they generally need elevated
(hundreds of µA) currents to operate (linked to the melting temperature of the material
and to the current density needed to achieve such a temperature), which can be a limita-
tion for consumption and crossbar integration. This is balanced, nevertheless, by the fact
that the programming current decreases as the cell size is called: a 20 nm confined cell can
be reset at <100 µA [77,78]. However, at high density, thermal disturbance among neigh-
boring cells can become critical and may require additional layers. In terms of speed,
quenching time can limit the programming speed. In terms of process and integration,
PCRAM may also require complex alloys (ternary or quaternary materials) with an accu-
rate control of the layer composition. They can also need specific device structures such
as wall architecture to improve programming efficiency with more technological steps
and lithography levels than other emerging memories.
PCRAM has a high maturity and products already use this technology. The most
well-known is the 3D Crosspoint technology developed by Intel and Micron that inte-
grates the PCRAM with a backend selector in crosspoint arrays. The technology is used
as a storage class memory to fill the latency gap between DRAM and NAND in the
memory hierarchy. Two types were initially envisaged with two different locations in the
system [1]: “Storage mapped” is part of the memory hierarchy with typical 128 Gb
memory capacities. The memory is faster than NAND, has higher endurance, and is 10X
more dense than conventional memories. “Memory mapped” is a shadow of DRAM; data
in DRAM are copied to the 3D XPoint in order to expand the size of the main memory.
Intel has proposed Optane. Intel Optane DC Persistent and SSD/Caches memories can
achieve 100s ns and 1s µs, respectively, allowing significant improvement of computer
architecture [79]. Micron also offered the X100 NVMe™ SSD cache memory based on 3D
XPoint™ Technology. STMicroelectronics also provides PCRAM technology for automo-
tive embedded applications for 28 nm node and beyond [80,81]. The memory uses a chal-
cogenide ternary material and is integrated in the BEOL of 28 nm FDSOI technology, with
a cell size of 0.036 µm². A bit error rate of <10−8 was achieved after multiple bakes at 150
°C and 10 k cycling of code storage memory was shown.
So far, phase change memory technology has followed the Gartner Hype Cycle, with
R&D in the 1960s, followed by the first product generation (Samsung for mobile phones),
negative press in the 2000s (reporting drift issue during retention), and a second product
generation (3D-Xpoint) now in the market.
In summary, PCRAM is a mature technology showing high reliability, fast speed,
and high endurance, which makes it a strong candidate for both automotive grade em-
bedded applications and storage class memories.

3.1.3. Magnetic Memory

MRAM (magnetic RAM) is a memory that uses the magnetism of electron spin to
provide non-volatility (Figure 4). MRAM stores information in magnetic material inte-
grated with silicon circuitry.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 11 of 26

Figure 4. TEM cross-sections of perpendicular STT-MRAM integrated in a four kilobyte array in the
BEOL of a 130 nm CMOS process, from [82].

Toggle MRAM uses a one transistor, one MTJ (magnetic tunnel junction) cell to pro-
vide a simple high-density memory. During a read, the pass transistor is activated and
data are read by comparing the resistance of the cell to a reference device. During writes,
the magnetic field from Write Line 1 and Write Line 2 writes the cell at the intersection of
the two lines but does not disturb other cells on either line. Another MRAM technology
uses a spin torque transfer property, which is the manipulation of the spin of electrons
with a polarizing current, to establish the desired magnetic state of the free layer to pro-
gram, or write, the bits in the memory array. Spin transfer torque MRAM (STT-MRAM)
provides a significant reduction in switching energy compared to toggle MRAM and is
highly scalable, enabling higher density memory products.
The advantage of MRAM is fast switching speed compared to other nonvolatile
memories, with ~1–10 ns read and write erase times and very good endurance (up to 1015
One major concern with MRAM is the scalability that is difficult due to the complex-
ity of etching many layers with good conformity. Moreover, MRAM etching generally
uses ion beam etching, which is not suitable for extensive scaling. The other generally
reported issue is MRAM data retention. However, recent material and stack development
allowed significantly improved retention performances [83], which can be attributed to
the adoption of a dual MgO interface instead of the standard single layer.
MRAM also suffers from small ON/OFF current ratio compared to the other emerg-
ing memories: STT-MRAM has a small window and TMR reduces with temperature
[83,84]. Multilevel is difficult to achieve and MRAM requires a good sense amplifier. One
decade ago, magnetic memories were envisaged for SRAM replacement (last level cache)
due to their high speed and endurance. However, the retention and reliability of MRAM
has been highly improved, opening the range of applications to eDRAM (Samsung [85]),
embedded (Samsung [85], GlobalFoundries [86], Intel [87]), Industrial (Everspin [88]), and
even automotive (TSMC) applications.
Intel recently presented significant improvements in MRAM technology [89,90] for
embedded applications. STT-MRAM is also proposed by GF for Embedded, MCU, and
IoT applications [86]. Avalanche is shipping perpendicular MRAM for SRAM (manufac-
tured at partner foundries) but also announced the production in 2020 of a 22 nm MRAM
for Flash replacement for nonvolatile embedded applications [84]. The limitation of spin
memories was retention, but recent achievements by TSMC have shown that this technol-
ogy can be envisaged for automotive applications in the near future [82].
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 12 of 26

Several products already exist in the market, such as the spin transfer torque MRAM
for DDR3 and the DDR4 (DRAM) product of Everspin using STT-MRAM, serial periph-
eral interface (SPI) and parallel interface MRAM (using toggle MRAM technology) from
Everspin, and the SPSRAM (a persistent SRAM using STT-MRAM technology with serial
peripheral interface) and SPNOR (perpendicular STT-MRAM for embedded Flash and
embedded SRAM used in system-on-chips) memories from Avalanche technology.
In summary, MRAM offers excellent endurance suitable for DRAM and SRAM ap-
plications, but has also shown recent increased stability for embedded applications. Stack
complexity is generally invoked as a device limitation. The next challenge will be to in-
crease its scalability and capacity.

3.1.4. Ferroelectric Memory

Ferroelectric memories (FeRAM) are based on the polarization of ferroelectric mate-
rials (Figure 5). In an FeRAM, thin ferroelectric films are sandwiched between two metal-
lic electrodes and used as capacitors. When an electric field is applied across the stack, the
states are aligned with the electric field leading to a low-energy state. Analogically, the
high-energy state is obtained when the polarization alignment is antiparallel to the electric
field. Moving from the high-energy state to the low-energy state or vice versa produces
energy as a charge and is normally called a switch charge (Qs). Therefore, two Q(V) curves
are obtained as a function of the polarization of the electric field applied. An access tran-
sistor is used to sense the state of the ferroelectric film, while the typical polarization de-
pends on the electric field.

Figure 5. SEM and TEM cross sections of ferroelectric TiN/10 nm Si(1%)-implanted HfO2/TiN ca-
pacitors integrated between M4 and M5 of a 130 nm CMOS, from [91].

Ferroelectrics are theoretically an ideal solution for low write power nonvolatile
memories. However, the complexity of ferroelectric perovskites has hindered the scaling
of such devices to competitive feature sizes. The discovery of ferroelectricity in hafnium
oxide solved this issue, and led to renewed interest by the scientific community in this
concept for various applications, due to its CMOS compatibility [92–94].
Three types of ferroelectric-based memories are:
- Ferroelectric FET (FeFET): the ferroelectric material is embedded in the gate stack of
a transistor. The nonvolatile polarization of the material acts as a remnant control
gate and leads to a threshold voltage shift of the characteristics. This concept offers
ultra-low power but is a three terminal device and can thus hardly be envisaged for
high-density applications. Moreover, the effect vanishes for thin layers, making the
concept hardly scalable. Finally, the degradation of the interface layer between the
ferroelectric and the semiconductor channel limits endurance, in particular, due to
trapped charge that affects the conduction of the FET below the ferroelectric [92]. For
all of these reasons FeFET are targeting Flash or EEPROM rather than DRAM replace-
ment. In particular, it is now seen as an alternative to Flash for ultra-low power ap-
plications [91], due to its 10 fJ/bit consumption and five-nanosecond programming
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 13 of 26

speed. FeFET based eNVM solutions were integrated into leading edge technologies:
GlobalFoundries FeFET technology was embedded into the 28 nm gate first HKMG
low power CMOS platform, showing 6δ distribution, reasonable endurance, and sta-
ble data retention [95]. GF also demonstrated a 22 nm node on FDSOI CMOS tech-
nology [96].
- Capacitor based ferroelectric RAM (FeRAM): in this case, the cell resembles a DRAM
with the capacitor dielectric replaced by the ferroelectric. Recent reports verified an-
tiferroelectric properties for pure ZrO2 dielectrics used in DRAM stacks. By employ-
ing electrodes with different work function values, a built-in bias is introduced
within the anti-ferroelectric stack, thus creating two stable nonvolatile states [97]. It
demonstrated 1010 endurance and 10 ns speed combined with 100 °C retention, mak-
ing this concept very promising for a dense (6 F²) and new class of nonvolatile
DRAM. In FeRAM, reading is destructive as it is performed by switching the ferroe-
lectric into a specific direction and measuring the contrast between a switching and
a nonswitching event. Thus, programming is required after each reading operation.
In terms of FeRAM reliability challenges, trapped charges at the ferroelectric-elec-
trode interface have to be controlled to improve retention (requiring careful interface
engineering), while dielectric breakdown induced by high coercive film has to be
prevented to insure high endurance [92].
- Ferroelectric tunneling junctions (FTJ): in this case, the memory is a two terminal de-
vice. In the FTJ, a very thin ferroelectric film is used that allows tunneling and the
tunneling current is modulated by the polarization of the ferroelectric. A critical issue
for this concept (which is more prospective than the previous ones) is the low read
In summary, FeRAM is a simple and low cost memory offering very low consump-
tion (~10 fJ/bit), suitable for low power applications (IoT, etc). Its high endurance and non-
volatility also make it a promising technology for the future, including neuromorphic cir-

3.1.5. Emerging Memory Benchmark

A tentative benchmark is proposed in Figure 6.
In this table, two parts are reported for some technologies. Indeed, adjusting the ma-
terials and stacks, it is possible to tune the memory characteristics and target distinct ap-
plications. In particular, we consider standalone, embedded, cache, and DRAM replace-
ment applications.
The features are questionable and can be debated; the table only gives general trends
for various emerging technologies, while characteristics can vary depending on the mate-
rials and technological maturity. Nevertheless, this table can be used as a starting point to
evaluate how these new technologies can solve current challenges.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 14 of 26

SCM/ embedded Cache alone embedded alone embedded
Capacity >1Gb 10-100Mb >1Mb Gb 10-100Mb ~Gb 1-10Mb Poor Small
Scalability Medium Medium Poor Good Good Medium Good Medium Poor

MLC No No No Possible Possible Possible in Possible in Possible in Possible in

theory theory theory theory
3D No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Architecture Xbar Xbar 3 terminals Xbar 1T1R Xbar 1T1R 1T1R 3 terminals

Retention >1 yr Automotive 85-100°C 85-100°C Automotive 10ys 85°C 10ys >85°C 85-100°C SMT
110°C 150°C 10ys compliant
Latency 10ns 10ns <ns 100ns 100ns 100ns 100ns <20ns 5ns

Power pJ/bit pJ/bit fJ/bit 10pj/bit 10pj/bit 1-10pj/bit 1-10pj/bit 10fj/bit 10fj/bit
>200µA ~100µA
Endurance 1010 >106 >1010 107 106 107 106 >1011 104-105
Variability NA NA NA Issue (drift) Issue (drift) Issue Issue Variability Variability
(variability, (variability, @small size @small size
noise) noise)
(storage, (storage,
memory) memory)
Maturity, Products: Product: No product Products: Product No product Products: Products Good
example of Everspin, Avalanche, Intel/ sampling: ST Panasonic, (PZT): Texas
products Avalanche TSMC Micron, Microelectr Dialog, Instruments,
(persistent (offers STT- Intel onics TSMC Fujitsu,
SRAM) MRAM) Cypress

Figure 6. Tentative benchmark of various emerging memory technologies for various applications.

Finally, Figure 7 focuses on macros for embedded applications. Most macros are in-
tegrated in 28 nm or 22 nm nodes. Cell size, limited by the selected transistor, is always in
the range of 0.04–0.05 µm². The best endurance has been demonstrated for MRAM with
106 cycles (10–100 kc for Resistive RAM, 100 kc for Phase Change RAM). Various applica-
tions are targeted, from smartcard and IoT to automotive grade MCU.

Figure 7. Table summarizing the emerging memory macros for embedded applications.

4. New Systems with New Memories

4.1. Evolution of von Neumann Computing Systems
Emerging memory technologies can be used in several places in this hierarchy, each
having its own advantages with respect to the current implementation:
- It can be used in the storage memory area, either as a replacement of current flash
technology, or, at least in the short term as an intermediate step between the main
memory and the flash or disks: storage class memories (SCM); in this case, the
memory will be interfaced via an I/O-like interface, such as SATA, Ethernet, PCIe, or
another interface that could emerge, and the transfer of data with the main memory
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 15 of 26

could be managed by the OS (operating system) of the chip as it is today for storage
memory. The storage memory market being essentially cost-driven, it is likely that
RRAM will only replace the now well-established flash technology when it is cost-
competitive; as flash density continues to increase due to monolithic 3D integration,
this will take time. In the meantime, the emerging memory could be used as an inter-
mediate step between flash and the main memory, as for instance an ultra-fast SSD
used to store data with frequent access. The large difference in latency is likely to
make acceptable a higher cost. Currently, the gap in latency between the main
memory, which is in the order of 30–50 ns and the one of flash-based storage, which
is about 100 µs (much more in writing) is vast, and having a technology enabling
microsecond scale latencies would undoubtedly be an improvement for data centric
applications. For these reasons, 1 µs latency and 106 cycle high density RRAM and
PCRAM (possibly in vertical architectures) could be two strong candidates for this
- It can be used in the main memory area, either as a DRAM companion chip, located
on the same memory bus, or as a replacement of the DRAM. Inserting the emerging
memory on the main memory bus, alongside DRAM components, will present sig-
nificant system benefits. It will improve data integrity management; data can be
quickly secured locally, on a word-by-word basis, instead of using current cumber-
some journaling or check-pointing schemes to protect data from events such as a loss
of power supply. This can significantly reduce data traffic in a data center, as it is
estimated that data integrity management can represent up to 80% of the file system
usage in PetaFlop data centers. As the emerging memory should become more dense
and less expensive than DRAM, it will enable much greater capacity than main mem-
ories; this is especially important for big data applications, where storing large mul-
tidimensional tables in the main memory enables a tremendous performance ad-
vantage, because these tables often need to be accessed in a different order than the
way it has been stored in the storage memory, which can only be accessed sequen-
tially. It will also simplify atomic operations in transactional databases, as RRAM are
byte addressable and nonvolatile. They propose a much more efficient solution than
current NVDIMMs composed of a mix of DRAM and flashes powered by a bulky
supercapacitor during the data transfer from DRAM to Flash when the main power
supply is lost. For these reasons, according to the specifications, fast (~100 ns) and
high endurance (~109 cycles) RRAM and PCRAM could succeed.
- It can also be used as a last-level cache replacement or complement; it is unlikely that
memory technology could become fast enough to be used as a first-level cache. In
this case, the cache capacity could be made much higher, diminishing the external
bandwidth requirements. Here, the most stringent requirements would be speed (<30
ns) and endurance (>1016). We cannot rely on wear-leveling in this case as the cache
capacity would not be sufficient in regard to its bandwidth, each bit being written
frequently. A high endurance of 1016 cycles is likely to reserve this application for
STT-MRAM. FeRAM could be placed between an SCM memory (memory type) and
the DRAM due to its high endurance. Finally, the only technology that exhibits per-
formances close to SRAM is the SOT-MRAM. As far as cost and power consumption
are concerned, the reference there is embedded DRAM (eDRAM); the RRAM has to
be cheaper and less consuming than eDRAM to be competitive.
A summary of the possible implementation of emerging memories in the memory
hierarchy is presented in Figure 8. In this figure, storage class memory refers to a class of
memory that stands between DRAM and disk storage in the data storage hierarchy. In
other work, this class of memory has been defined as persistent memory [98]. The differ-
ence at the system level between persistent storage, nonpersistent DRAM extension, and
persistent memory at the architecture level is not discussed in this paper.
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 16 of 26

Figure 8. Possible implementation of emerging memories in the memory hierarchy based on the
benchmark presented in Figure 6.

4.2. Emerging Memories for Non von Neumann Systems

In the context of the development of new architectures, emerging memories could
enable revolutionary novel functions and computing paradigms due to their specificities
(Figure 9). Thus, apart from von Neumann architecture evolutions, emerging memories
offer new types of applications that can be classified as follows: novel functions, in/near
memory computing, and neuromorphic architectures.

Figure 9. Performance vs. energy efficiency in computing systems.

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 17 of 26

4.2.1. Novel Functions

A large number of work takes advantage of multiple undesirable nanoscale OxRAM
phenomena, such as RESET current stochastics fluctuation, random telegraph noise
(RTN), and RESET state resistance variability to realize security and computing circuits
[99] such as random number generators (RNG) [100] or physical unclonable functions
(PUF). However, some RRAM features do not following fully random laws: some corre-
lation exists among subsequent RRAM levels, for instance [101], and the filament retains
some memory effect of its morphology in the previous cycles [54]. Moreover, the reliabil-
ity of RRAM PUF may degrade with retention loss, read instability, and thermal variation,
while PUF uniqueness is maintained as long as the randomness in the RRAM resistance
distribution is preserved [102]. Thus, implied physics have to be clearly understood to
insure sufficient reliability of the circuit. More generally, as device physicists, our
knowledge on the physics of new technologies helps us to understand how it can serve
the emergence of new systems and architectures, which requires improving our
knowledge on system aspects to be able to communicate with architects.

4.2.2. In/Near Memory Computing

In-memory computing uses nonvolatility and the ability to couple computing with
data, such as through Ohm’s law to perform multiplication. Artificial neural networks
take advantage of this by reducing the amount of data movement compared to von Neu-
mann architectures. The expected performances strongly depend on the application and
targeted system. However, general guidelines can be drawn. First, co-integration and per-
sistence of the memory are prerequisite, while endurance and capacity are the key ex-
pected features. In order to move computing tasks in the emerging memory, endurance
has to remain as close as possible to SRAM performances: the higher the endurance, the
more important the amount of computing that can be done in the emerging device. Then,
increasing the memory capacity will enable improving system complexity and perfor-
mance. Again, the gain in memory capacity has to be significant with respect to what can
be achieved with SRAM. As endurance and capacity increase, the system efficiency and
performance will be improved.
Today, RRAM and PCRAM endurance is insufficient to perform computing in a de-
vice, and only specific computing tasks can be achieved with a limited number of cycles.
On the contrary, MRAM appears to be a promising technology due to its excellent endur-
ance. The challenge of this technology will be to improve its capacity, using more scalable
spin-based concepts [103], in order to envisage the development of more complex and
better performing systems.
Ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) can also be listed as a computing ar-
chitecture. TCAM performs parallel searches by comparing input searched data with data
stored in the memory and returning the data address when a match occurs. TCAMs pro-
vide a lookup response in a single clock cycle making them faster and more energy-effi-
cient than random access memory-based search systems. Emerging memories and in par-
ticular RRAMs are a promising solution to implement TCAMs and can offer more area-
and energy-efficiency with respect to static random access memory (SRAM)-based
TCAMs [104].

4.2.3. Neuromorphic Architectures

As stated before, time and energy spent to move data between memory and proces-
sor (across the so-called von Neumann bottleneck) has become the main issue of compu-
tational systems, especially for datacentric applications such as realtime image recogni-
tion and natural language processing. One way to improve computing system efficiency
and capabilities is to study the human brain. It is characterized by its complex parallel
architecture connecting myriad low-power computing elements (neurons) and adaptive
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 18 of 26

memory elements (synapses), which outperforms modern von Neumann processors on

many tasks involving unstructured data classification and pattern recognition [105].
Various works report neuromorphic digital chips to improve the energy efficiency of
the multiply accumulate operation, which is the basic task required in deep neural net-
works. Among the large number of demonstrations and approaches of proposed neuro-
morphic architectures, a distinction can be made between digital neural network acceler-
ators, analog deep learning accelerators, and spiking brain inspired neural networks. In
2016, a TrueNorth brain chip was proposed and presented by IBM [106] as an energy ef-
ficient bio-inspired circuit to implement AI. This is an asynchronous parallel-distributed
modular scalable architecture, and for this reason, it is considered to be non von Neumann
architecture. At a prospective level, the MAC operation can be directly performed in the
memory exploiting Kirchhoff’s law [107]. In this context, advanced memory devices of-
fering high capacity, nonvolatility, and also ML and analog behavior are perfectly suited
for these new architectures. More details are presented in the following for the various
neuromorphic architecture categories.
- Digital neural network
Research into custom digital accelerators primarily focuses on redesigning a GPU-
like processor, explicitly designed for deep learning, using full ASIC designs or FPGAs.
In the approach followed by Stanford, emerging memories can be used to improve
the efficiency of microcontrollers for various applications representing machine learning
(including convolutional neural network). In particular, in [108] improved accuracy of
neural network inference was shown with a RRAM and SRAM chip, with faster (lower
latency) and lower energy features during transition to shutdown than Flash can offer.
RRAM, used for inference, stores neural network model weights (five levels). During ac-
tive mode, instructions are read in the RRAM and executed in the microcontroller core.
After the data are processed, the results are written back to the RRAM. Instructions are
read in the RRAM and executed in the µcontroller core. Thus, nonvolatile memories, and
in particular, emerging backend memories become an essential on-chip device due to their
fast and low energy operation, suitable for a wide range of application domains, from
edge nodes for the Internet of Things (IoT) to large computing clusters.
In a digital neural network accelerator, key requirements for emerging memories
would be low latency (compared to Flash), nonvolatility, limited endurance (for offline
learning), and high capacity. Thus, OxRAM and PCM can be good candidates for these
- Analog deep learning accelerator
The core of any analog-based accelerator is a memory array that can store the values
of the weight matrix in an analog fashion [105]. Analog computing is made possible with
an emerging memory that exhibits an analog behavior, which is the case with PCRAM in
particular, and with RRAM to a certain extent (changing the programming current or us-
ing various RESET states). This can be utilized, for example, in constructing analog circuits
that solve linear systems of equations in constant rather than polynomial time. These sys-
tems can operate in a read mode, which reduces the endurance requirements of the
memory. A typical example is the achievement of the multiply accumulate (MAC) opera-
tion within large memory arrays [107,109,110] as demonstrated by IBM. Multiplication
between a set of input voltages and programmed conductances in an array is the domi-
nant operation performed in modern neural networks. In IBM circuits, emerging memory
is coupled to another device to perform inference and training tasks; a PCM is used for
inference while training, which requires extensive endurance, and is insured by a capaci-
tor [111] or by SRAM [112].
These innovative architectures impose constraints and requirements on the memory
technologies such as very high capacity, multilevel capabilities with high accuracy on de-
vice conductance and low variability, high endurance, and low power consumption. In
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 19 of 26

this context, several techniques have been proposed in the literature to solve the imper-
fections of current technologies: in [113], a mixed hardware–software neural-network im-
plementation combines long-term storage in PCM (for weight data), near-linear updates
of volatile capacitors, and weight-data transfer with ‘polarity inversion’ to cancel out in-
herent device-to-device variations. In [114,115], RRAM are used in low precision binarized
neural networks (BNN), to cope with device non-idealities. In this type of neural network,
both synaptic weights and neuron activations are implemented by binary values (+1 or
−1) after a network training process.
Panasonic developed neuromorphic computing based on analog RRAM, resistive an-
alog neuromorphic device (RAND), as a low power solution for edge application [116].
The authored demonstrated MNIST recognition and sensor application in which several
networks could be configured at the same time.
Finally, multiple bits-per-cell was demonstrated in OxRAM in 1T4R configuration
due to gradual SET/RESET [117]. The authors claim that this makes the structure suitable
for multiple deep learning applications and showed high degrees of inference accuracy
within 0.01% of ideal values. However, statistical cell-to-cell variability limits the maxi-
mum number of levels because of the overlap between adjacent resistance distributions
[118], and OxRAM resistance relaxation after programming leads to overlap of the
memory states, which can alter the circuit reliability [119].
- Spiking brain inspired neural network
In spiking neural networks, the approach is to mimic human brain behavior and to
represent data with spikes. Spiking neural networks (SNN) with spike-timing dependent
plasticity (STDP) are then capable of replicating bio-realistic online/unsupervised learning
[120,121], which is not the case for deep learning architectures relying on supervised back-
propagation. In SNN processes, the simultaneous spiking activity at two neurons can lead
to a potentiation of the synapse connecting them, meaning that two neurons which are
active in response to the same event, should be linked by a relatively strong synaptic con-
In this field, various demonstrations were proposed in the literature, aiming at im-
plementing STDP in hardware synapses adopting various classes of emerging memories
(including RRAM, CBRAM, STT-MRAM, and PCM). In [122], and [123] OxRAM synapses
based on HfO2 and SiOx resistive memory technologies were combined with analog neu-
rons in spiking neural networks for MNIST digit classification. The OxRAM, coding the
synaptic weights of the network, was thus used for inference in the DNN, which required
high reading operations but only a very limited number of cycles.
As for an analog neural network, no emerging technology can afford the high num-
ber of cycles that can offer continuous learning of the system. Thus, today, learning is
performed offline, and synaptic weights are then coded in the nonvolatile memories for
In conclusion, the emergence of high capacity memories, with good endurance, ide-
ally with analogic behavior (or at least multilevel) can significantly improve the efficiency
of data transfer and allow the emergence of new computing and non von Neumann sys-

5. Conclusions
The general context of nonvolatile memories is characterized by several key points.
First, the era of big data in which we live implies a constant and tremendous increase in
data volume generation associated with the increase in the number of connected objects.
The introduction into the market of 3D-NAND allowed pursuing a density increase. At
the system level, the memory hierarchy suffers from two limitations, memory wall (be-
tween SRAM and DRAM) and latency gap (between DRAM and Flash), offering oppor-
tunities for new technologies. Data deluge also changed the paradigm of computing sys-
tem; limited today by data transfer more than computing. This leads to the necessity for
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11254 20 of 26

more efficient and specialized architectures, such as in-memory computing and neuro-
morphic circuits.
At the component level, there is currently a renewed interest in emerging memory
technologies (RRAM, PCRAM, MRAM, FeRAM, etc), based on “old” concepts due to the
combination they offer in terms of fast speed, high endurance, and nonvolatility. Today,
no universal memory has been discovered so far, and we move towards the co-existence
of various concepts, more and more specialized to a specific application.
Currently, 3D-NAND is dominant in the world of standalone memories and there is
no clear need for a new concept to replace it. However, there is an opportunity for emerg-
ing memories to enter the memory hierarchy in new (von Neumann and non von Neu-
mann) computing systems to improve efficiency and performances. Innovation will thus
consist in new architectures made possible by the advent of new memory technologies
showing more and more maturity. This will require strong collaboration and mutual un-
derstanding between device engineers and system architects. On the other hand, it is more
difficult and expensive to maintain current embedded charge based technologies for new-
technology nodes. Various emerging technologies are thus called upon to enter the em-
bedded memory market. The wide range of existing applications in this domain should
result in the appearance of various technologies depending on the applications. To fill
these requirements, there is a place for a dedicated research to improve emerging memory
performances, based on evolving concepts, new materials, and also optimized program-
ming schemes, which should be adapted to the physics of emerging devices.

Author Contributions: Writing—original draft preparation: G.M.; Writing—review and editing:

E.N. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work has been partially supported by the European Commission, French State and
Auvergne-Rhône Alpes region through the ECSEL project ANDANTE and the French Nano2022
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge L. Grenouillet, J. Minguet Lopez, L.
Reganaz, P. Trotti, J. F. Nodin, G. Navarro, E. Vianello, M. Bernard, C. Sabbione, T. Magis, R.
Crochemore, N. Castellani, S. Martin, V. Meli, B. Giraud, J. P. Noel, A. Valentian, F. Rummens, F.
Martin, M. Harrand, C. Carabasse, A. Persico, M. C. Cyrille, E. Esmanhotto, C. Jahan, T. Hirtzlin, E.
Jalaguier, C. Charpin, P. Tran, C. Cagli, G. Pillonet, S. Oukassi, T. Bauvent, J. Coignus, O. Billoint,
and F. Andrieu from CEA-Leti for significant help and fruitful discussions.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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