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Solution: Submerged Than The Heavier Ones Would Have Larger Buoyant Forces

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ANSWERS - AP Physics Multiple Choice Practice – Fluids

Solution Answer
1. FBD has Ft pointing down Fb pointing up and weight (mg) down. Fnet = 0 Fb – Ft – mg = 0 D
The buoyant force is given by the weight of the displaced water. Since the waters displaced
volume is equal to the corks displaced volume and the water weight for the same volume
would be 4 times heavier (based on the given cork weight = 25% water weight) compared to
the cork, the buoyant force is equal to 4 x the cork weight = 4mg. Using the force equation
created initially. Ft = Fb – mg = 4mg – mg = 3mg

2. Definition of Pascal’s principle A

3. A 1 m3 volume cube under water displaces 1m3 of water. This weight of water = pVg = D
1000(1)(10) = 10000 N which is equivalent to the buoyant force. The apparent weight in
water is mappg = 18300(10) = 183000 N. This apparent weight is lessened by the buoyant
force pulling up with 10000 N of force. So outside of the water, this upwards force would
not exist and the actual weight would be 193000 N which equal 19300 kg of mass.

4. Using fluid continuity. A1v1 = A2v2 πR2v1 = π(2R)2v2 v1 = 4 v2 E

5. This is based on two principles. 1 – Bernoulli’s principle says that when speed increases B
pressure drops. Second, continuity says more area means less speed based on A 1v1 = A2v2
So the smallest area would have the largest speed and therefore most pressure drop.

6. Since A and B have the same mass and density, they have the same volume. C has the same E
volume as A and B since it’s the same shape as B. So all three objects have the same
volume. When submerged, they will all displace the same amount of water and therefore all
have the same buoyant force acting on them. Note: if the objects were floating instead of
submerged than the heavier ones would have larger buoyant forces.

7. Pascals principle of equal pressure transfer in a fluid allows for hydraulic lifts to function. A

8. Pascals principle says P1 = P2 F1/A1 = F2/A2 F2 = F1A2 / A1 = 500(40)/(2) C

9. Buoyant force is equal to weight of displaced fluid. Since the density is constant and the volume B
displaced is always the same, the buoyant force stays constant

10. The wood is floating and is only partially submerged. It does not displace a weight of water B
related to its entire volume. The iron however is totally submerged and does displace a
weight of water equal to its entire volume. Since the iron displaces more water, it has a
larger buoyant force acting on it.

11. For floating objects, the weight of the displaced fluid equals the weight of the object. For a more B
dense fluid, less of that fluid needs to be displaced to create a fluid weight equal to the
weight of the object. Since the salt water is more dense, it will not need as much displaced.

12. Definition of specific gravity. s.g = ρx / ρH20 A

13. Same as question #5, but moving to more area  less speed  more pressure B

14. Flow continuity. A1v1 = A2v2 π(0.02)2(1) = π(0.01)2v2 D

15. Buoyant force is based on how much weight of water is displaced. Since all three are completely C
submerged they all displace the same amount of water so have equal buoyant forces.
16. For floating objects, the buoyant force equals the weight of the objects. Since each object has the D
same weight, they must have the same buoyant force to counteract that weight and make
them float. IF the equal mass objects sunk, then the one with the smaller density would have
a larger volume and displace more water so have a larger buoyant force. But that is not the
case here.

17. P=F/A 1x105 = F / (22*5) E

18. P=F/A = ma / A = kg (m/s2) / m2 = kg / (m•s2) D

19. Three forces act on the block, Ft down, mg down and Fb up. Fnet = 0 Fb – Ft – mg = 0 D
Fb – 3 – 5 = 0 Fb = 8 N – weight of displaced water = ρh20 Vdisp g
8 = (1000) V (10)  V = 0.0008 m3

20. For floating objects mg = Fb ρobjVobj g = ρh20 Vdisp g E

ρobj (V)g = 1000 (0.6V) g ρobj = 600

In oil the same is true ρobjVobj g = ρoil Vdisp g (600)Vg = (800) x%V g x% = 0.75

21. Same as question 4 A

22. Based on continuity, less area means more speed and based on Bernoulli, more speed means less B

23. The weight of the mass is 4N. The scale reading apparent weight is 3N so there must be a 1N B
buoyant force acting to produce this result.

24. Since the pressure in a fluid is only dependent on the depth, they all have the same fluid pressure E
at the base. Since all of the bases have the same area and the same liquid pressure there, the
force of the liquid given by P=F/A would be the same for all containers. Note: IF instead
this question asked for the pressure of the container on the floor below it, the container with
more total mass in it would create a greater pressure, but that is not the case here.

25. As the fluid flows into the smaller area constriction, its speed increases and therefore the pressure A
drops. Since the pressure in the constriction is less than that outside at the water surface,
fluid is forced up into the lower tube.

26. The buoyant force would be the difference between the two scale readings … (.09kg)(10 m/s 2) = E
0.9 N of buoyant force. This equals the weight of displaced water. F b = ρh20 Vdisp g
0.9 = 1000 (V) (10) … gives the volume of the displaced water = 0.00009 which is the same
as the volume of the object since its fully submerged.

Now using ρ = m/V for the object we have …

0.45  45 *10000 5000
0.00009 100 9
27. Use flow continuity. A1v1 = A2v2 C
since the area is the same at both locations the speed would also have to be the same.

28. Apply Bernoulli’s equation. P1 + ρgy1 + ½ ρv12 = P2 + ρgy2 + ½ ρv22 D

(9.5)(100000) + 0 + ½ (1000)(10) 2 = P2 + (1000)(10)(15) + ½ (1000)(10)2

P2 = 800000 N/m2
29. Both object are more dense than water and will sink in the pool. Since both have the same C
volume, they will displace the same amount of water and will have the same buoyant forces.

30. Again both samples sink. Also, both samples have the same mass but different densities. For the B
same mass, a smaller density must have a larger volume, and the larger volume displaces
more water making a larger buoyant force. So the smaller density with the larger volume has
a larger buoyant force.

31. V of this ball is 4/3 π r3 = 4/3 π (0.4)3 = 0.2681 m3. For the ball to just sink, it is on the verge of B
floating, meaning the weight of the ball equals the buoyant force of the fully submerged ball.
mg = ρfl Vdisp g m (10) = 1400 (0.2681) (10) m = 375 kg

32. This object will float, so mobjg = Fb ρobjVobj g = ρocean Vdisp g A

(0.95x103)(V)(10) = (1.1x103)(x% V) (10)
Gives x% = 0.86 but that is the amount submerged, so the visible about would be 1 – 0.86

33. Statement associated with Bernoulli’s principle E

34. s.g = ρobj / ρh20 0.82 = ρobj / 1000 ρobj = 820 … then ρ = m/V 820 = m / 1.3 D

35. The apparent weight is the air weight – the upwards buoyant force. The buoyant force is given D
by Fb = ρfl Vdisp g = 1.25x103 (0.375) (10) = 4687.5 N.
The apparent weight is then (600)(10) – 4687.5 = 1312.5 N

36. Using fluid continuity. A1v1 = A2v2 π(7R)2v1 = π(R)2V v1 = V / 49 A

37. The fluid flow is occurring in a situation similar to the diagram for question #27. B
Apply Bernoulli’s equation. P1 + ρgy1 + ½ ρv12 = P2 + ρgy2 + ½ ρv22
P + 0 + ½ ρv2 = P2 + ρgy + ½ ρ (2v)2
P2 = P + ½ ρv2 – ½ 4ρv2 – ρgy = P – 3/2 ρv2 – ρgy

38. s.g is density / density and has no units E

39. Definition of Archimedes principle D

40. Pabs = Pg + Po = 2.026x105 + 1.01x105 = 3.03x105 Pa D

41. Definition of buoyant force C

42. Using fluid continuity with W as river width. A1v1 = A2v2 4(W)(12) = (8)(W)v2 v2 = 6 m/s C

43. The relevant formula here is P = Po + ρgh B

Answer (a) is wrong, because at y1 on both arms, the pressure is just the atmospheric pressure.
The pressure in the right arm at y3 is still just atmospheric, but on the left, it is atmospheric plus
ρg(y1– y3). That rules out (a). The pressure at the bottom of the tube is everywhere the same
(Pascal’s principle), which rules out (c), and at the same time, tells us (b) is right. At y2, we can
say P = Pbottom – ρHggy2 on both sides, so the pressure is equal. Answer (d) is wrong because at
y3, the right arm is supporting only the atmosphere, while the left arm is supporting the
atmosphere plus ρH20 gh. Finally, (e) is silly because both arms at height y1 are at atmospheric

44. Apply Bernoulli’s equation. P1 + ρgy1 + ½ ρv12 = P2 + ρgy2 + ½ ρv22 A

P1 = P2 + ρg(y2–y1)
45. P = F / A = 30 / π r2 … use 3 for π since its an estimate … 30 / (3*(.01) 2) = 100000 Pa E

46. From a force standpoint, for the object to be completely submerged there would be three forces D
acting. Fb up, mg down and Fpush down. Fb = Fpush + mg Fpush = Fb – mg
Fpush = ph20 Vdisp g – mg
= (1000)(2.5x10–2)(10) – (5)(10) = 200 N

47. Using fluid continuity. A1v1 = A2v2 π(D/2)2v1 = π(d/2)2v2 solve for v2 E

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