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Maternity MOH 333 PDF

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Maternity Services

Health Facility Register (MoH 333)

Service Delivery Point:

SDP Number:

Facility Name:




Start date: End date:

Edition April 2019

Column ID Column Label Column Description
A Date of Admission Write the date when the patient is admitted in the format „dd/mm/yyyy‟
Admission Number Enter the unique identification number given to the mother on admission to maternity in the format „yyyy-mm-nnnn‟. Initialise every month e.g 2019-07-0001 for the first client in July 2019. Only
pregnant with viable pregnancies i.e (>24 weeks gestation) admitted for delivery are enrolled in this register.
C Full Names Enter the client‟s full names in this cell. (first name, middle name, surname)
D Data of birth/Age Enter the data when the patient was born in the format „dd/mm/yyyy‟. Enter the client‟s age in completed years as at last birthday
E Subcounty/County Enter the name of the subcounty if client resides within the county where facility is located. Else, enter name of County if the client resides in a different county from where the facility is located
F Village/Estate/Land mark Enter the name of the village/estate where the client resides.
G Marital status (Codes 1-5) Enter one of the options in the cell (1-Married, 2-Widowed, 3-Single, 4-Divorced, 5-Separated
Parity Format X+Y: First part (X): Enter the number of previous deliveries that occurred at a gestation beyond 24 weeks (6 months) regardless of outcome. Second part(Y): enter the number of terminations or
miscarriages that have occurred at a gestation less than 24 weeks prior to this pregnancy.
I Gravidae Enter the number of pregnancies that the woman has had including the current pregnancy. For example in her third pregnancy, a woman is said to be gravida three (3).
J No. of ANC Visits Record the number of antenatal visits the client made to the clinic, prior to admission, as indicated on the Mother Child Health Handbook (1,2,3,4….)
K Date of Last Menstrual Period (LMP) Record the date of the last menstrual period in the format dd/mm/yyyy
L Expected Date of Delivery (EDD) Record the Estimated Date of Delivery in the format dd/mm/yyyy
M Diagnosis Write the final diagnosis made by the clinician. If the patient suffers from more than 1 condition, record all diagnosis in this column.
N Duration of labour Record the time count from onset of labour to actual delivery
O Date of Delivery Record the date the mother delivers in the format dd/mm/yyyy
P Time of Delivery Indicate the time the baby(ies) was delivered
Q Gestation at Birth (Weeks) Record the duration of pregnancy expressed in weeks at birth
Delivery / Mother

R Mode of delivery Record the birth form,Record using key: 1=Normal delivery; 2= Caeserean Section; 3= Breech; 4= Assisted vaginal delivery
S No. of Babies delivered Record number of babies delivered in multiple pregnancy (e.g 2 in the case of twins) Name of mother should appear once in one row, details of babies in separate rows
T Placenta Complete Write “Y” for Yes if placenta is complete and “N” for No if not complete,BBA if baby is born before arrival and placenta expelled and not available to be examined
U Uterotonic given Record uterotoxin given 1=oxytocin 2=Carbetocin 3= None
V Vaginal Examination Record using the codes as follows: 1= Normal 2=Episiotomy 3=Vaginal tear 4=FGM 5=Vaginal warts
W Blood loss (in mls) Indicate the amount of blood loss during delivery in millilitres (mls)
X Mother‟s Status after Delivery Write the condition of the mother after delivery
Y Date Maternal death notified Record the date the Maternal Death was notified in the format dd/mm/yyyy
Z Delivery complications (Codes) (1 - 6) Record using the Codes as follows: 1=A.P.H. (Ante Partum Haemorrhage); 2=P.P.H. (Post Partum Haemorrhage); 3= Eclampsia; 4=Ruptured Uterus;5=Obstructed labour; 6=Sepsis
AA APGAR Score Low APGAR SCORE is 6 and below at 5 min. See APGAR score table at the bottom of these instructions:
AB Birth outcome Enter “LB” for Live Birth, “FSB” for Fresh Still Birth and “MSB” for Macerated Still Birth
AC Birth Weight (in grams) Enter the weight of the baby in grams
AD Sex Enter the sex of the baby “M” for Male or “F” for Female

Initiation of BF < 1 Hour (Y/N) Indicate 'Y' for Yes if Breastfeeding was initiated in less than one hour and 'N' if not
AE Kangaroo Mother Care (Y/N) Indicate 'Y" for Yes if baby initiated on Kangaroo Mother Care and "N" if not
AF Tetracycline at birth (Y/N) Indicate 'Y' for Yes if Tetracycline was given at birth and 'N' if not
AG Chlorhexidine applied on cord stump (Y/N) Indicate 'Y' for Yes if Chlorhexidine was given at birth and 'N' if not
AH Birth with deformities (Y/N) Indicate 'Y' for Yes if the baby had birth deformities and 'N' if not
AI Given Vitamin K Indicate 'Y' for Yes if the baby was given vitamin K and 'N' if not
AJ VDRL/ RPR Results (P/N) Indicate RPR/VDRL test result, P for Positive or N if Negative.
(P/N/KP/U Record HIV status from the last ANC visit. This can be copied from the Mother-Baby booklet. Enter P for Positive, N for Negative KP for known positive at 1st ANC visit and U for Unknown.
Kit Name: Write the name of the first HIV rapid test kit which you have used.
Lot No: Write lot number of the test kit. If the lot number changes in the middle of the page, skip one row and write the new lot number on the next row
AL HIV Status HIV Test 1 & HIV Test 2 (N/P/I/NA) Expiry Date: Write expiry date of the test kit.
Test Result: Write either of the following initials;
N: Negative (non-reactive)
AM HIV Results (Maternity) Record HIV status: Enter „P‟ for Positive, „N‟ for Negative „U‟ for Unknown and „KP‟ for known positive. Note 1: Only results for tests done in the maternity should be recorded here.

AN Issued From ANC (Y/N/NA) Enter Y if the mother was on HAART during ANC, N if she wasn‟t and NA if the mother was negative or had unknown status.
AO Issued at Maternity (Y/N/NA) Only for women tested at Maternity: indicate Y if started on HAART, N if not and NA if negative or had already been started from ANC.
ARV Prophylaxis
Only for babies of mothers tested at Maternity.
Indicate Y if provided with Infant ARV prophylaxis, N if not provided and NA if negative or had already been issued from ANC.
AP Baby (Y/N/NA)
Note: For mothers issued with Infant ARV prophylaxis at ANC but never carried to the maternity, issue the prophylaxis but record NA.

Cotrimoxazole (CTX) To mother in

AQ (Y/N/NA) Write Y if Cotrimoxazole has been given or N if not given and NA if HIV negative.
AR Tested for HIV Enter “Y” for Yes or “N” for NO if the partner to the client has tested for HIV in the maternity, NA if partner was not available for testing
Partner Involvement
AS Partner HIV status Record the partner‟s results as follows: „P‟ for Positive, „N‟ for Negative „U‟ for Unknown or “KP” for known positives
AT Counselled on infant feeding (Y/N) Indicate Y if counselling occurred and N if not counselled
AU Delivery Conducted by (Write Name) Indicate the name of the person who conducted the delivery
AV Birth Notification Number Indicate the serial number from the birth notification sheet
AW Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Indicate the date when the mother is discharged
AX Status of Baby (Dead/Alive) Enter D for dead or A for alive.
AY Referrals: From (Codes 1-4) Record as per provided codes: 1=From Community Unit, 2=Another Health Facility, 3=Not Applicable
AZ Referrals: To (Codes 1-4) Record as per provided codes: 1= To Community Unit, 2=Another Health Facility, 3=Not Applicable
BA Reasons for refferal Record reason for referral
BB Comments Any other remarks that may be beneficial to the mother, child or facility e.g

A score is given for each sign at one minute and five minutes after the birth. If
there are problems with the baby an additional score is given at 10 minutes.
A score at 5 min of 7-10 is considered normal, while 4-6 is low and requires
APGAR continued resuscitative measures. A baby with apgars of 3 and below
SCORING(AA) requires immediate resuscitation.

Score of 0 Score of 1 Score of 2 Acroynm

blue at
Skin color blue all over extremities normal Appearance
Heart rate absent <100 <100 pulse
grimance/fee gh/pulls
no response ble cry when away when
Reflex irritability to stimulation stimulated stimulated Grimance
Muscle tone none some flexion movement Activity
weak or
Respiration absent irregular strong Respiration
Ministry of Health Maternity Register MOH 333 Page 1


Date of Last Menstrual Period

Marital Status 1=Married 2=Widowed 3=Single

Estimated Date of Delivery

mark Maternal
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Subcounty/ County No.of Uterotonic Mother's deaths

4=Divorced 5=Separated
Gestation Mode of babies Placenta given Vaginal Blood status after Notified

Delivery Complications
Phone number at Birth Delivery delivered Complete Examination loss Delivery (Y/N)
Admission number

No. of ANC visits

1= Normal

Parity (X+Y)
1) SVD 2=Episiotomy

2) CS 1=Yes 1=oxytocin 3=Vaginal tear
Date of Duration Date of Time of 3) Breech 2=No 2=Carbetocin 4=FGM Date Death
Admission Full Name (First, Middle, Last) Age (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy) Diagnosis of labour( Delivery Delivery (wks) 4) AVD Number 3=BBA 3= None 5=Vaginal warts (mls) (Alive/Dead) notified
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) (z)

20-24 years
AGE (d) Numbe r Maternal complications (y): Alive Dead No. of babies discharged alive (aw): Pre Term Babies (q): Above 25 years
10-14 years
15-19years No. with APH (y): Early Neonatal deaths (aw):(0-7days Underweight Babies (ab):
20-24 years No of mothe rs give n Ute rotonics
No. with PPH (y): Live Birth (aa): (u)
Above 25 years Late Neonatal deaths (aw):(8-28days Ox ytocin
Totals No. with Eclampsia (y): Birth with Deformities (ag): Carbatosin

No. with rutpured Uterus (y): Fresh Still Births (aa):

No of mothe rs give n Ute rotonics
No. with obstructed labour (y): Macerated Still Births (aa):
(u) No. Started HAART_L&D (an):
No. with sepsis (y):
Infant ARV prophylaxis_L&D(ap):

Version: Jan2011
Ministry of Health: Maternity Register MOH333 Page 2

Baby Discharge Referrals

HIV Status From To

Chlorhexidine applied on cord

Counselled on infant feeding

1= Community Unit, 2=Another Health Facility

1= Community Unit, 2=Another Health Facility

ART Prophylaxis

CTX To Mother
HIV Test 1 HIV Test 2
Partner Involvement

Delivery Conducted by
Kit Name: Kit Name:

Birth Notification

3=Not Applicable

3=Not Applicable
Lot No. Lot No.
Initiated Mother
on BF in TEO Birth with HIV Results To Baby in

Birth Birth < 1hr given at deformity(Y Given RPR Expiry Expiry Issued Issued at Tested for HIV Test Status of Reasons
Outcome Weight Sex (Y/N) birth? /N) Vitamin K Results AT ANC / / / / Maternity From ANC Maternity HIV Results Date Baby for referral

APGAR (LB/FSB/ Care Birth Notification A= Alive
Score MSB) (grams) (M/F) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (P/N/ND) (P/N/KP/U) (N/P/I/NA) (N/P/I/NA) (P/N/U/NA) (Y/N/NA) (Y/N/NA) (Y/N/NA) (Y/N/N/A) (Y/N/NA) (P/N/KP/U) (Y/N) (Enter Name) Number (dd/mm/yyyy) D= Dead Comments
(aa) (ab) (ac) (ad) (ae) (af) (ag) (ah) (ai) (aj) (ak) (al) (am) (an) (ao) (ap) (aq) (ar) (as) (at) (au) (av) (aw) (ax) (ay) (az) (ba) (bb)

Mode of delivery ( r ) Number Initial test at L&D (ak): No. of babies applied chlorhexidine for cord care (af) Maternal deaths 10-14Years (w)
No. Normal deliveries ( r ) Positive Results L&D (al): No. of babies given tetracycline at birth (ae)
No. Caesarean Sections ( r ) No. of Infants intiatied on breastfeeding within 1 hour after Maternal deaths 15-19Years (w)
No. HIV positive deliveries (aa)(ak)
No. Breech Delivery ( r ) birth (ad) Maternal deaths 20 years plus (w)
No. Assisted vaginal delivery ( r )
No. of neonates given Vit "K" (ah) Maternal deaths audited
Adolescents (10-19 yrs) New HIV+ maternity (al)(e)
Adolescents (10-19 yrs) Started HAART maternity (an)(e)

Version: Jan2011

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