Detailed Lesson Plan in Music V
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music V
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music V
I. Objectives: Tt the end of 40 minutes discussion the students should be able to do the following with
75% level of proficiency;
a. Identify the meaning of timbre;
b. Classify the groups of instruments used in orchestra; and
c. Differentiate the musical instruments according to their function.
3. Checking of the Attendance I’m glad to say that all of us are present to
Are there any absentees in the class? Day.
4. Checking of Assignments
Class, last time I’ve gave you an (The pupils will pass their assignments)
assignment and now please pass it on front
B. Motivation
(Playing sound)
Very Good! Violin
(Playing sound) Saxophone
(Playing sound) Trumpet
(Playing sound) Xylophone
Very Good!
What do you think is our lesson for this day It is all about sound of the instruments.
based on the activity we did?
C. Lesson Proper
Class, our lesson for this day is all about
Are you familiar with this topic class? No, ma’am!
Who loves here playing instrument? Student’s raising their hands
Very good!
Timbre refers to the quality of sound of voices
and instruments
The orchestra is a group of musicians who play
different kinds of instruments that are grouped
into different sections.
Look at the picture
Very Good!
E. Generalization
Again, what is our topic today? Timbre refers to the quality of sound of
Very Good! voices and instruments.
What is the meaning of the timbre?
Excellent! The orchestra is a group of musicians who
What is orchestra again? play different kinds of instruments that are
grouped into different sections
String Section
What are the 3 classifications of instruments? Winds
F. Evaluation
Instruction: Give the answer needs in each
statement. Choose the correct answer on the space
provided before each number. Answers:
1. Glockenspiel
_______ 1. A xylophone without legs. 2. Double bass
________2. The largest among string 3. Timpani
instruments. 4. Tuba
________3. Known as kettle drums. 5. Cymbals
________4. The lowest sound among the brass 6. Stones
family. 7. Voice
________5. Has an untuned sound. 8. Brasses
________6. One of the first percussions used by 9. Listening
early man. 10. French horn
________7. The oldest instrument.
________8. Lip-vibrated instrument.
________9. Best thing to enjoy an orchestra.
________10. A coiled tube instr1. A xylophone
without legs.
________2. The largest among string
________3. Known as kettle drums.
________4. The lowest sound among the brass
________5. Has an untuned sound.
________6. One of the first percussions used by
early man.
________7. The oldest instrument.
8. Lip-vibrated instrument.
________9. Best thing to enjoy an orchestra.
________10. A coiled tube instruments.
IV. Assign
List five of your favorite orchestral instrument and paste it in on a long bond paper.