Teachers' Activity Students' Activity A. Preparatory Activity
Teachers' Activity Students' Activity A. Preparatory Activity
Teachers' Activity Students' Activity A. Preparatory Activity
I. Objectives
At the end of the session, 75% of the students should be able to:
a. Differentiate mutually exclusive events to non-mutually exclusive
b. Appreciate the importance of mutually exclusive events in real life
c. Distinguish whether the statement is mutually exclusive or non-mutually
exclusive events.
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activity
T: Good Morning class! S: Good Morning Ma’am!
T: Now, stay on your respective chairs S: (A student will lead the prayer)
and remain standing for a prayer. May I
request someone to please lead the
T: Before we start our lesson, let use first S: Complement of an Event, Ma’am!
have a recap what we have discussed
yesterday. What was our topic
B. Developmental Activities
T: Now, who wants to try letter b. S: (Students will raise their hands.)
T: Very good! Thank you, student A. Now, for S: (Students will raise their hands)
T: Yes, Student D. S: ( )
T: So what did you observe in your activity? S: We solve for the probability of two
events, Ma’am.
T: Yes. Very good observation. There are S: The probabilities in problems a and b
two events in each problem. What did you were added to find the probability of the
notice on problem a and b? two events.
T: Very good! How about problems c and S: The probabilities of the two events were
d? added and it was subtracted by the
intersection of the probability of two
T: Very good!
C. Concluding Activities
V. Assignment/ Agreement
Study in advance the counting techniques and probability of
compound events.