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AL ANSAR MAKMUR (2020310419)
RISKA AMELYA AMRI (2020310421)
AWALIA RAHMA (2020310413)




TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023



A. Bacground of problem

Banana Roll is a type of dessert where this type of food is sweet food. This
type of food is often used as a side business by most Indonesian people, because
the manufacturing process is relatively easy and the ingredients used are easy to
find or obtain.

Banana Roll is also a snack that has a wide selection of toppings or various
flavors. Besides having a variety of toppings, the ingredients of this Banana Roll
product are very easy to find or find because they use the main ingredients of
banana and spring roll skin.

Therefore we have the idea to open a business, namely "Banana Roll". This
business can be said to be a business that is quite profitable. Raw materials that
are easily accessible, such as bananas, spring roll skins, and others, also have very
affordable prices

With affordable prices, and get a fairly large portion, and added a variety of
topping variants. Of course there is no doubt anymore to buy this Banana Roll

B. Visi

Making banana roll snacks that have a delicious and attractive taste that is in
demand by many people, using hygienic and quality ingredients.

C. Mission
 Providing the best quality taste, which is complemented by various additional
toppings that add to the interesting taste
 Make banana rolls the best food and are in demand by many people

D. Benefit
1. Increase revenue and gain profits
2. Provide the best quality
3. Become a motivation to develop talent in entrepreneurship
4. Train skills to make a food product
5. Increase creativity in managing food

E. Objective
1. The purpose of our choosing this product, namely:
2. Utilizing raw materials that are easy to obtain.
3. Growing an independent spirit
4. Get a promising income.
5. Spreading the spirit of creative innovation in processing food ingredients



A. Analisis SWOT

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning analysis method that is used to monitor

and evaluate the company's environment, both external and internal for a
particular business goal. To find out the profit and loss of the business being run,
a SWOT analysis is carried out.

As follows:

1. Strength (Kekuatan)
Strength, namely the advantages or strengths of a company owned,
which can provide advantages compared to competitors. The strengths we
have are:
 Selling products to all circles.
 Provide a variety of toppings on the product.
 Attractive presentation
 Affordable product prices
 Can be produced in large quantities
 The resulting product has a delicious taste

2. Weakness (Kelemahan)
Weaknesses, which mean characteristics related to company
weaknesses, can be compared to competitors, can also be weaknesses that
are currently considered internally. The following are the weaknesses of
our business
 Products that are not sold on that day cannot be sold the next day
 Perishable products.
 The product is easy to imitate.

Realizing that there are weaknesses in the business that we run, we try
to find solutions to these problems, namely by:

 The production process of the product is carried out periodically.

 Adding the stuffing characteristic of our product is by adding
cheese inside along with bananas

3. Opportunities (Peluang)

Opportunities are opportunities that can be utilized by organizations or
projects to develop in the future. The opportunities we have are:
 The products we make use banana-based ingredients which are
popular with many people.
 The interest from the community that is quite large for processed
bananas creates a great opportunity for us.

4. Threats (Ancaman)
Threats are the existence of any threats that may be faced by the
company in its journey, which can hinder the development of the
company. Threats from our products:
 Consumers are easily bored
 Number of competitors
 Prices of raw materials are subject to change

How we deal with threats:

 We present food products with various toppings that can be chosen

according to taste
 Reducing the dose of materials whose prices are rising.

B. Marketing Mix
1. Product (Produk)

Product is anything that is produced to meet someone's needs, it can be in the

form of services, goods, or virtual products. Products must meet consumer
expectations. Reliable products can satisfy consumers and enable repurchasing.
Therefore it is very important to maintain the quality of the products offered to
consumers. The product we sell is "Banana roll" which is a daily snack.

2. Price (Harga)
The price referred to here is how much money or the amount of payment that
must be paid by consumers to get the product offered. It is very important to
consider the price because consumers will buy your product if the product is
"worth it" in terms of sacrifice (money and time) and what benefits consumers get
from the product. Here we sell our products at a price of 7,000.00 / 5 in one
3. Promotion (Promosi)

Even though you already have a product, the price will not be maximized if
the product is not well known to people. This is where promotion plays a role as a
marketing mix to achieve marketing targets. Each part of the promotion has
advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important for us to know which
promotion channels are suitable for our target market. We carry out promotions
by offering our products to campus students and the community.
4. Tempat (Place)
Determining which is the right place to sell products is critical to increasing
purchases. Because this place is a potential place to sell their products. The
products we market focus on Campus Students and the community, so the places
we focus on are in the community and campus environment.

C. Product Plans to be Made

 Banana roll

Banana roll is a snack made from bananas rolled in wonton skin with extra
cheese inside and sprinkled with the topping of your choice. This banana roll is
processed by frying and then sprinkled with toppings.

 Business fields

Culinary (fast food: Banana Roll)

 business owner


 Al Ansar Makmur : Field marketing and Administration

 Riska Amelya Amri : Field of Production and Marketing
 Munahya Syarifani : Field of Production and Marketing
 Awalia Rahma : Field of Production and Marketing



A. Target coutemers and Marketing Area

A consumer is any user of goods or services available in society, whether for

the benefit of himself, his family, other people or other living things and not for
trading. The target consumers of our cooking products are:

1. University Student
2. Communities in the campus environment area

B. Production Method

Banana roll production process

Banana roll made from banana rolled with Lumpiah skin and then topped.

1. Material

Materialization is the initial stage that is carried out. From preparing

various kinds of raw materials so that you will be able to prepare food.

2. Establishment

Forming is defined as the initial processing business of food ingredients

into a processed form according to the desired creativity.

3. Frying pan

Frying is the stage where preparations that have been formed are then
cooked through the frying process.

4. Plating

Platting is a final stage process where this process is a finishing process of

processing food in the form of decorating or adding toppings to the food that
has been made.

C. Tools, Ingredients and Toppings

Tools Ingredients Toppings

Knife Bananas Chocolate
Cutting board Spring roll skin Tiramisu
Frying pan Wheat flour Cheese

Container Cheese / chocolate
Scoop filter Wather
Stove Oil
Food tongs
Food box

D. How to make and Serve Banana Roll

Ways of making :

1. Prepare spring roll skin

2. Cut bananas and cheese/chocolate in elongated shapes
3. Banana and cheese/chocolate rolls with spring roll skin
4. Paste with flour mixed with water
5. Fry over medium heat until browned
6. Remove and serve the bananas in the packaging and then add the topping
7. Banana roll is ready to eat.

Serving of food :

1. The product must be presented in sufficient packaging so that the product

does not spill or seep.
2. Product packaging must be thick enough.
3. Product packaging must be tightly closed.
4. If there are ingredients that spoil quickly, such as containing coconut milk
and are acidic, it is better to pack them in separate packages so they don't mix
with other ingredients.
5. Products can be served with toppings according to consum


A. Banana roll capital calculation

 Tools
Name of things Price
Gas 20.000
Food Box 10.000/25box
Total : 30.000

 Ingredients
Name of things Price
Bananas 20.000/1 sisir
Spring roll skin 30.000/100Lembar
Wheat flour 10.000
Cheese 12.000
Oil 22.000/1L
Total : 94.000

 Topings
Name of things Price
Chocolate 20.000
Tiramisu 20.000
Cheese 12.000
Total : 52.000
Total Capital : 176.000

B. Selling price calculation

 Total biaya produksi :176.000
Total produk Yang dihasilkan :25box/4
Total biaya =7,04(7.040)

 Keuntungan yang dicari = 30%

Harga produksi x 30% =7.040x30%
keuntungan =2.112

 Harga jual produk =total biaya+keuntungan

=7.040+2.112 =9.152(10.000)

C. Calculation of Profit and Loss

 Harga jual x jumlah produk
=10.000 x 25
=250.000(labah kotor)

 Jumlah hasil penjualan – modal

=250.000 – 176.000
= 74.000(labah bersih)

Jadi keunrungan yang didapatkan dari penjualan banana roll adalah 74.000



A. Conclution

Opening a culinary business is a promising business, moreover the products

presented have their own advantages and uniqueness that can attract consumers.
This banana roll presents a variety of flavors. With all our efforts, we will carry
out this business painstakingly so as to increase turnover so that we can spread
business branches.

B. Suggestion

We realize that this Observation proposal is far from perfect, therefore,

constructive criticism and suggestions from all parties are highly expected for the
evaluation of this business plan.


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