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SPILT fas==__ [BA BANARAS HINDU eran irisnan oy ames Office of the Controller of Examinations, Gal OmptTaS ren fe sen Diary No Se Pri, cpreit faq (9) BANARAS HIND! fayaterenert ) UNIVERSITY 7 Controller of Examinations Ref. No, Cé/2019-2020/ Dated: August 21, 2020 JOTIFICATION Subject: Procedure related with the conduct of end semester examinations of the academic ‘session 2019-20 students of terminal semester/ year in online Open Book Examinations (OBE) mode- reg In terms of notification no. RAcIMig /ACOB,08.20/20-21 dated 21,08.2020 from the Deputy Registrar (Academic), the Executive Council [ECR No. 198 dated 20.08.2020}, on the recommendation of the ‘Academic Council [ACR-1 dated 08.08.2020], approved conduct of end semester examinations for the students of terminal semester of the academic session 2019-20 in online Open Book Examination (OBE) mode alongwith other associates issues, in relaxation of the provisions contained in relevant Ordinances. Accordingly, following is notified for the information of ll concerned: 4. End semester examinations for the students of terminal semester of the academic session 2019+ 20 would be a timed online Open Book Examination (OBE), In this examination, students can take the examination remotely (from their home! any other place) with no restriction on consulting books and other resource materials for writing answers. 2. The online OBE system does not require the availability of online platform for the entire duration of the examination. A PC/Laptop/Mobile Phone with internet connectivity is required (i) initially at the commencement of examination for downloading the question paper from the portal and (i) finally for uploading the handwritten answers sheets on the portal 43. Timetable of examination 1) The schedule! time-table (indicating date and time of examination of diferent papers) of the end-semester examinations for the students of terminal semester of the academic session 2019-20 of diferent UG and PG programmes shall be prepared by the Dean of the Faculty (for UG courses)/ Head of the Department (for PG courses) concerned and announced by the Controller of Examinations. b) The schedulefime-table of end semester examinations would be posted on the peral (www. bhuonline in) by 25" 31st August 2020. ©) The students should check the schedule of examinations and in case any inconsistency noticed, the same may be immediately communicated to the office of the Controller of Examinations. 4, On the day of examination 2) The students are required to login to the examination portal at least 30 minules Prat to the start of their examination After the commencement of the examination they can download the question paper from the portal (qwy.bhuontine.in) and before the scheduled closer upload the handwritten answer sheets using the tools available on the students’ portal: c Zs Mw A gene CoE £. (for UG courses)/ Department os < P ; rt ent (for by The Examination Commitee of the concerned Facu! see) would be available in the respective Control Rooms during examination. They i oe Ghone number emai ide would Be ntied on the Portal, Irony tae & student faces any Sincaty herahe may get in touch wih respective Examination Commitee, S 5, Total duration of Examination a The tla duration of the examination wil be 4 hours (Four hours), wich includes the time for . seeaseaine the question paper from the Portal, wating the answers by hand and uploading a the handwritten answer sheets on the portal { b) For the students who are entitled to got the faclty of a ‘Scribe’ as per guidelines dated — 9,08 2018 on conducting written examination for Persons with Benchmark: Disabilities, “| rotiied by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities po?! (Divyangian), the total duration of examination shall be 6 hours (six hours) to complete the fxamination process. Such students as are entitled to get the facility of a ‘Scribe’ must obtain prior permission from the Dean of the Faculty for UG programmes)/ Head of the Department (for PG programmes) as per simplified procedure given in sub-section 11 of this notification. ©) After the scheduled time of commencement of examination, the time left for the end of the ‘examination will be displayed on the students’ porta. 6, Pattorn of Question Paper: ‘Tho Question Paper shall contain 08 questions out of which students will be required to ny 04 questions. The question paper will be of 70 marks with each question 7. Downloading the Question Paper 1) The Question Paper shall be available for download from the student portal only. ) The Question Paper download button will be visible only against the paper scheduled on that date. The Question Paper download button will get activated at the commencement of a particular session of examination as per the time-table notified by the Controller of Examinations. ©) Students are required to click on the download button to download the question paper on the Desktop/Laptop/Phone. They can also take the printout, f required, either at hisiher home or at Common Service Centre (CSC) during the duration of examination. d) After the closing time of the examination, the download facilty of concemed question paper would automatically get disabled. 6) If in eny case, a student faces any difficulty in downloading the Question Paper, he/she may contact the respective Examination Committee on its designated e-mail or phone number to get the Question Paper. The Examination Committee shall send the question paper directly to the student's e-mail address, phone or WhatsApp. However, this option may be exercised only in case of an emergency. 8. Norms for answering the questions: ‘) The answers should be written by students in their own hand writing unless a scribe has been permitted as per rules. Typed answers shall not be accepted. ) Answers should be hand-written on a plain white A4 size paper (only one side is to be used) using black or blue pen. 12 fees (FD) panavsc umn a «) Each question oan be answered in maximum 360 words in A oy sheet (single face) @) Answers to each question should stat from a fresh page ‘All pages are required to Be pimbered and examination roll number should also be writen 98 each pages ©) Students will write their Course Name, Semestet ‘Examination Roll Number, Paper Code, Paper tile, Date and Time of Examination on the fist sheet used for answers. 9, Uploading answer sheets on the portal 2) Too! for uploading the answer sheets 15 available on the students’ portal ) To make the process of oniine evaluation SaSt ‘and to ensure marking is done question-wise, Upload too! requires that answer shects for each question are uploaded separately Therefore, students are required to upload answer-sheets of each question answered by them only against the concemed Question number gen in the upload tool. @) Students have to upload the handwritten ansett sheets within the total duration of the examination. Those who are unable to upload the answer sheets on the portal within total Guration of the examination would be treated as ‘ABSENT’ in the paper/examination. 4g) Iffor any reason, a student finds it difficult to upload the answer sheets on the students portal using the upload tool, he/she can send the rrvanned images of the answer sheets in POP format through e-mail to the concerned Examination ‘Committee at their designated emal only. However, this option may be exercised ‘only in case of an emergency. Only such Submissions in this mode shall be accepted 25 2°% received by the concerned Examination Committee within the total duration of the examinatit Such students whose submissions re received after the total duration of concerned ramination, would be treated 25 ‘ABSENT" in the concerned paper/examination. e) After uploading the answer sheets on the portal, the students must eross-check that uploaded images/ scanned files are legible Tin case the files! images are not legible. lean legible images be retaken and uploaded after deleting the previously uploaded image. Te procedure for uploading answers can be seen in the OBE Manual available on the Portal ) Once the answer sheets af finally submitted by clicking ‘Leave and Finish’ button on the OBE module, no change in the uploaded answer sheet/s will Be possible. g) After the closing time of the examination, the upload facility for uploading answer sheets of ‘concerned question paper would automatically get disabled. 40. Use of unfair means: In the instant online OBE, following shall be treated as use of unfair means by a student: 5 Handwriting is not of the student © mage! PDF file of answer-sheets uploaded by more than one student is same Answers of more than one student is verbatim same In either of the above cases, the punishment of cancellation of examination of concerned course! paper shall be imposed on the student(s) concerned. For repeated offence, punishment of cancellation of entire ‘examination shall be imposed. vall such cases, in which use of unfair means by students is suspected by the Evaluator, ‘would be referred to the Unfair means Committee for examination and making recommendation thereon. 44, Provision of “Scribe’: 13 ape nse ‘ as a ta tt SE yy ss AY annexure tpiated conducting writen exa = fess guidelines 19 on conducting written examination... eon with. ame cal the Department of Empowerment sa 28 Pecans wan Benchmark Dieabites (Dieyengien) ehet be applicable, Neeors stuctents i fh students be writing the examination remotely, suc! e Seagio vs vated for be Se ite’ would be required to arrange for their oan scnbes as per noums prescribed in the aforesaid guidelines. ‘ to permit scribes for entitled students shall rost tan tre Dean of the. Faculty concemed (for UG courses)! Head of the Department Srcomes (oe PG courses). The stunts requiring seribe shail fil up the application form {Annexure 2) and email it to the concemed Dean/Head for permission. @ Te simply the existing process, the power 42. OBE Manual and Mock Test oe practical exposure of writing examination in OBE mode, ‘Mock Test’ would be provided on tbe poral in between 25°— Stst August 2020, ‘OBE Manual’ is also available on the portal Canciciates are advised to first go through ‘OBE Manual’ given on the portal before attempting the Mock Test. ‘£3. Examination of back papers The students of terminal semester of the academic session 2019-20, having backlog of even semesters (2, 4 8, 8, as the case may be) of previous academic session(s), would be required to clear the examination for the course in which he/ she has failed/ remained absent, In online OBE system he/she would be appearing for the examination of terminal semester of academic session 2018-20, as a regular and also passed out students of terminal semester. All ex-students who failed and fail to appear in their terminal semester examinations during the previous academic sessions} may also appear in the ensuing online OBE to clear their backlog of even semester course(s) of previous academic sessions, 14, Supplementary examination For the students who fail or fail to appear in the ensuing terminal semester examinations for cogent reasons, supplementary examinations will be conducted tentatively in the month of November 2020, after the declaration of results of terminal semester examinations. The supplementary examinations for the students of terminal semester of the academic session 2019-20 will be held in online OBE mode only. 15. Provision of additional chance In case a student of terminal semester of the academic session 2019-20 is unable to appear in the main/supplementary examinations conducted by the University in online OBE system, for whatsoever the reason(s) may be, he/she shall be given opportunity to appear in special examinations for such course(s)/ paper(s), which may be conducted by the University in conventional pen and paper mode, as and when feasible, so that, the student is not put to any inconvenience/ disadvantage. This provision would be applicable only for the femic session 2019-20 as a one-time measure, 16. All students should also ensure that their examination forms for the respective courses have been correctly filled-up. - Wa TOIT er Ranavnc cminee — 17. The office of the Controller of Examinations, BHU shall also provide question papers at the ¢- nail of the Faculty / Department / College as the case may be on each day of examination for cach session prior to the commencement of the examination. In case i any of the stucient faces Sry dtculty in downloading the question papers from the portal, he/she may also request the Faculty / Department / College for the same. Faculty / Department / College shall send the question paper directly to the e-mail address, phone or WhatsApp of the student 48. The University is in process of entering into an agreement with CSC e-Governance Services india Limited, 2 Special Purpose Vehicle setup by the Ministry of Electronics & Information doorstep. The organization has more than two . Government of India to enable delivery of all citizen centric service at their lakh functional CSCs located at almost all Gram: panchayats at vilage level throughout India. Under the agreement, the students wil get following services at the a) ») °) ‘CSCs without paying any charge for availing them: “The students wal be allowed to use the ICT infrastructure resources avaitable with the CSC for downloading and taking print out of the question papers, scanning and uploading the answer sheets on the portal. “The students can avail all these facilities free of cost available at CSCs. Good quality and speed of bandwidth to enable papers, answer sheet and other documents as desired. CSC centers will actively help the corrmis to download and upload the question paper and answer sheets of Examination taken by Banaras Hindu University. CSC centers will ensure good quality resolution scanners and printers (min 2) of A4 size at each centre CSC Academy will ensure that the CSC centers would be open from 7 AM to 6.30 PM for student facilitation students can access the detais of the CSC available at their nearest locations from the oircial website of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology(MeitY) regarding the CSC shall be uploaded on the official website of the nearest CSC, the students can link given below: students are advised to be in touch with Faculty/Depariment/ college for issues Joint Registrar (Exam) Dated: August 21, 2020 Rye This is to certify that, 1 have examined — Mr/Ms/Mro tame of tho ‘otnifidate with dinatiity), « person with (nature end ‘percentage of disability as mentioned in the certificate of disability), $/0/D/o @.resitient of ‘enic.-to state thst: “he7she has physical tation. which ‘hampers his/her memecveemiemainies iat (Willage/District/State) htt ge Hein upd

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