Analyzing Historical Document
Analyzing Historical Document
Analyzing Historical Document
Activity: Analyzing the Balintawak: The Cry for a Nationwide Revolution by Milagros C.
Guerrero, et. al.
Course/Year: ABLES 2A
Score: __________________________
Date: 11/1/22
1. Read carefully the Balintawak: The Cry for a Nationwide Revolution by Milagros C.
Guerrero, et. al.
Ramon N. Villegas
Pedro A. Gagelonia
Milagros C. Guerrero · What are their gender, age, Teodoro Agoncillo
religion, nationality, ethnicity,
• Female profession, social status, • a prominent 20thcentury
political belief, and other Filipino historian
• leading historian in the affiliation?
Philippines • were among the first
Filipino historians renowned
• was Professor of History and for promoting a distinctly
served as Chair of the Department nationalist point of view of
of History in the University of the Filipino history
Philippines Diliman
• earned his living as a
• A PhD graduate of the linguistic assistant at the
University of Michigan Institute of National
Language and as an
• Outstanding Achiever by the instructor at the Far Eastern
National Research Council of the University and the Manuel
Philippines L. Quezon University
Ramon N. Villegas
• Teodore Agoncillo did not · What are the points of view of • In 1911, a monument was
specify the location of the the authors? built to honor the location of
shredding of the cedula of the Katipuneros combat,
Bonifacio and the Katipuneros, which they prevailed in. The
only that it occurred. On his battle happened in sitio
scouting operation around Banlat, which is far from
Balintawak, Guardia Civil Manuel Balintawak, according to a
Sityar, however, just recorded the map from 1896.
blood pact of every Filipino he
encountered; he made no mention • Pedro A. Gagelonia, a
of the tearing of cedulas. historian, has disputed the
claim that the "Cry of Pugad
• Unidentified authors defined the Lawin" is inaccurate and
"cry" as the first military cannot be accepted because
confrontation with the foe. The there are no supporting
"Himno de Balintawak," written documents or eyewitness
by Emilio Aguinaldo, was used to testimony. Additionally, Dr.
restart the conflict after the Biyak Pio Valenzuela's evidence,
na Bato pact's failed attempt at the lone eyewitness, is
peace. insufficient.
• President Diosdado
Macapagal ordered that the
Cry be commemorated on
August 23 and that Pugad
Lawin be acknowledged as
its site in accordance with
Valenzuela's assertions that
had an impact on the
National Historical Institute.
The most important dispute in · How would you perceive the One eminent historian who
Philippine history is The Cry. It authors’ narration and has presented a variety of
was challenging to pinpoint the argument? interpretations of the Cry is
actual time and location of the Cry Pio Valenzuela. Valenzuela
because so many authors claimed asserted a different position
conflicting accounts. However, it regarding the location of the
was discovered that Pugad Lawin Cry. As time goes by,
is not included on any of the Valenzuela's claims evolve.
government maps published in In his previous statement, he
1956, 1987, or 1990. The mentioned that the first
government claims that other instance of the Cry occurred
Barangays have taken the place of in Pugad Lawin. NHI was
Balintawak, however only Bahay influenced by Valenzuela,
Toro has remained unaltered. and President Macapagal
Additionally, while doing issued the Pugad Lawin Cry.
research, writer and linguist Because Valenzuela gave a
Sofronio Calderon was unable to variety of viewpoints that
locate a place by the name of give the allegation the
Pugad Lawin. Numerous appearance of being fake,
arguments were put forward, but we might conclude that it
the citation's author came to the lacks sufficient credibility to
conclusion that it would be more serve as a foundation for
appropriate to stick with the determining the location of
original "Cry of Balintawak" in the Cry. The document's
support of the two letters from author made arguments
Andres Bonifacio. The letter based on information
confirms the meeting's time and obtained by several
location. Andres Bonifacio had historians.
previously received a letter in
Balintawak indicating that the
meeting should take place on
August 24.
The Cry originated in Balintawak · What is the author’s central The government, under
on August 26, 1896, and this was claim or argument? President Diosdado
the government's official Macapagal's administration,
viewpoint from 1908 to 1963. declared the change of the
Cry to August 23, 1896, in
Pugad Lawin in 1963.
When the Cry of Balintawak · What do they hope to They want to prove that the
began on August 26, 1896, they accomplish? "Cry" refers to both the
hoped to achieve that. The Cry formal declaration of the
marks a watershed in Filipino revolution and the tearing up
history as the occasion when of the cedulas, both of
people eventually rebelled against which occurred at Pugad
Spanish colonial rule over the Lawin, as stated by
Philippines. The individuals pulled historians like Agoncillo
out their cedulas and tore them up and Medina. They added
collectively as they cried. It that it occurred before to the
signaled the beginning of the Balintawak revolt. It has
official declaration of been shown with sufficient
independence from Spanish rule. evidence that the Pugad
Lawin was the site of the
First Cry.
The topics do the document cover · What topics do the document The topics do the
is all about the Cry that happened cover? documents cover are all
in Balintawak and the symbolism about the different dates and
of "Rise of rebellion in August places, the Katipunan, death
1896. and legacy, and the tearing
of cedulas.
The documents are important · Why are the documents The documents are
because it was the beginning of important? important because it was the
the Philippine Revolution against beginning of the Philippine
the Spanish rule. Revolution against the
Spanish rule.
Its contribution provides all What is the contribution of the Its contribution provides all
Filipinos with a wealth of reading to Philippine history? Filipinos with a wealth of
information regarding the history information regarding the
of our revolution under Spanish history of our revolution
colonial rule and the location of its under Spanish colonial rule
inception. and the location of its