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2 authors, including:
Gufran Ahmad
Aligarh Muslim University
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interaction of root-knot nematode (meloidogyne incognita) and air pollutants (Sulfer dioxide, simulated acid rain and fly ash) on the sensitivity of pumpkin (Cucurbita
moschata). View project
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Received: February 1, 2019; Accepted: February 25, 2019; Published: February 26, 2019
*Corresponding author: Gufran Ahmad, Section of Environmental Botany, Department of Botany, Faculty of Life Sciences, Aligarh Muslim Uni-
versity, Aligarh, India: Email;
Abstract Mexico at least c. 5000 B.C. and in Peru c. 3000 B.C., now widely
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch ex Poir) is one of the important distributed throughout the world. It is said to be the most
among the vegetable crops and native of Mexico and extensively commonly cultivated among Cucurbita in the American tropics.
cultivated in India, Africa, Latin America, Southern Asia and the C. moschata is dicotyledonous, consists of a succulent soft hairy
United States. Since past times it is in the diet of agronomic and some stem, an annual climber growing to 3 meters and at maturity,
metropolitan areas throughout the world while today pumpkin is more
it gives rise to flowers and fruits, which have numerous seeds.
analyzed crop mid-October horticulture, commercial, industrialization,
and research. There are few of scientific studies on its physiological, Leaves are simple, alternate, and shallowly lobed, often with
chemical, physicochemical, nutritional, functional and technological white spots along the veins. The peduncle (stem that holds the
characteristics. There is some scientific literature on pumpkin has fruit) is five-angled and flares outward where attached to the
been highlighting its importance as a source of α and β-carotene, fruit. Fruits (technically referred to as pepos) are relatively large,
lutein, vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), dietary fibers, minerals etc and these with shapes ranging from globose to oblong to flatten. Seeds are
nutritional and bioactive components are very important for providing
benefits to human health. Many of the researchers agree to indicate that
16–20 mm long. Seed germinates in 5–7 days from sowing. The
more of the scientific investigations are needed to achieve greater and plants form an extensive fibrous root system. Flowering starts
better utilization of this important pumpkin crop. This review will focus 35–60 days after emergence and is more or less continuous.
on nutritional, minerals, physical, phytochemical, medicinal, industrial Pumpkin fruits are picked when nearly or fully mature 4–6 weeks
and some technological approaches of the pumpkin. after flowering, and are harvested in several rounds until the
Keywords: Diet; ethnomedicine; horticulture; nutrition; lphyto- crop ends, 90–180 days after planting. Some farmers leave the
chemical; pumpkin fruits lying in the fields for weeks for fully ripen to collect the
seeds. The skin is also variable in thickness, but soft, smooth and
Introduction durable. The skin color can be from light to dark green, light to
Among food crops, vegetables are important in the aspect dark orange, and the pulp can vary considerably from brown, to
of the diet and give an eloquent amount of nutrients especially completely white, bright orange to greenish light. It can be sweet,
carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and fiber and always have an smooth and usually nonfibrous, and the seeds can be numerous,
elite status among the health food crops. By integrated action of ovate-elliptic, with a yellowish white surface. The main season for
oxygen radical scavengers such calcium, fibre, β-carotene and growing cucurbits is summer and rainy in most parts of India. The
ascorbic acid which is present in vegetables, reduce the risk of maturity of pumpkin fruit occurs in about 90-120 days [5] and
cancer, heart disease, premature aging etc. Among all of these, the fruits are often allowed to ripen on the vine to ensure good
pumpkin is one of the important vegetable crops and because of shelf life. Nutritional plants and herbal preparations have been
the nutritional and medicinal values, it is considered as important traditionally used in developing countries and, a revival of its use
vegetable crop nowadays [1]. In India pumpkin is also Commonly in the United States and Europe can be observed. It is popularly
known as ‘Sitaphal’, ‘Kashiphal’ or ‘kaddu’ and belongs to the used in various systems of traditional medicine for treatment of
family Cucurbitaceae and the genus Cucurbita. Cucurbitaceae several ailments like antidiabetic, antihypertensive, antitumor,
family consists of about 118 genera and 825 species, according antibacterial, antihypercholesterolemia, intestinal antiparasitic,
to the last taxonomic treatment of Jeffrey [2]. It includes C. and anti-inflammation [6]. Polysaccharides, para-aminobenzoic
moschata, C. Pepo, C. Maxima, C. Mixta, C. Ficifolia and Telfairia acid, oils, sterol, proteins and peptides like biological components
occidentalis as vegetable crops. Three of these, like C. pepo L., C. are also present in pumpkin. [7-10].
maxima Duch. and C. moschata Duch. are economically important Worldwide production of pumpkin, squashes, and gourds is
species, have high production and cultivated worldwide. [3,4]. 24.62 million metric tones from an area of 5,10,0000 ha [11] and
C. moschata has a Central American origin, domesticated in in India, the total production is 49,00,000 tones from an area of
45,000 ha [12]. The average fruit weight fluctuates between 8 to soil type, irrigation method, and condition of weathers like hot,
10 kg, sometimes even up to 20 kg. Pumpkin is one of the rich dry winds for a consistent maximum yield of high quality. Furrow
sources of phytonutrients and they are the valuable source of irrigation requires an even, gentle slope and a soil type that
functional components mainly carotenoids, zeaxanthin, vitamin allows water to spread laterally, without penetrating too deep
E, ascorbic acids, phytosterols, selenium and linoleic acid, which into the soil. Irrigation plays a vital role during flowering time, for
acts as an antioxidant in human nutrition [13]. Pumpkin has proper fruit setting and filling. If plants are stressed due to lack of
vast scope of diversification for its application in the production water (osmotic stress) at these times, flowers and young fruit are
of commercial products such as jam, jelly, marmalades, puree, fallen off. At the time of maturation of fruit, the crop needs less
sauces, chutney, pickle and halwa, cookies and weaning mix, irrigation. When the conductivity of the irrigation water reaches
pies and beverages [14-16]. Any drink other than water kills to 2.5 dS/m, a yield loss of 20 to 30% may be expected. These
as beverage, is an important culinary prepared by pumpkin for values are a guide only and vary with soil type, leaching potential,
human consumption and contributes mid-August to quench the irrigation method and age of the plant.
thirst [17] and are marketed under a variety of names such as
fruit drink, breakfast drink, ready-to-serve (RTS), nectar, squash,
spiced squash etc. [18]. Harvesting of the crop is done four months after the time
of sowing. Pumpkin are harvested September through October.
Sometimes harvesting may start in mid August to early September
Climate which requires good handling and storage of the pumpkin fruit
before selling to the customers in late October. The first frost
Pumpkin is very sensitive to frost that’s why temperatures
occurs in early to mid October in northern parts of the state
should be high (above 35 ºC), freezing-free period and humidity
when the pumpkin fruits are still curing outside in the fields. It is
should also be low. Temperature ranging from 20ºC to 35 ºC for
important to note that pumpkin fruits can tolerate light frost that
maximum production are ideal and till the emergence of plants
kills the vines only but more fruit loss can occur if the frost caused
for germination the soil temperature requirement should be
injury on the fruit surface as the damaged areas act as avenues for
above 16 ºC. The above temperatures are helps in high yield for
fungal and bacterial fruit rot pathogens. Remove pumpkins from
pumpkin production [19].
the fields before the hard freeze (when the night temperatures
Soil, sowing of seeds and irrigation are less than 27 degrees (F) or else you may risk losing 80-90
percent of the fruits.
Well-drained soil is preferred for easy penetration of roots
maximum up to a meter deep, fertile soils with pH water between Status of chemical substances
6.0 and 6.5. Except these the pumpkin root can tolerate both
Pumpkin is a good source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid),
slightly acid and slightly alkaline soils. For better growth and
minerals, carotenes (α and β), various dietary fibers and
risk of diseases which is especially soil born in pumpkin, a crop
phenolic mixtures. Skin firmness which comes from the sunlight
rotation has been used so that pumpkin crops do not follow the
has decreased by β-carotene that’s why it is known as an anti-
previous crop which was infected by diseases. For high yields
inflammatory agent and on the other hand α-carotene basically
good ground preparation through many times of plowing is
accepted as to decrease the procedure of aging, decrease the
essential and ripping is necessary if the soil has been compacted.
danger of mounting cataracts in eyes and defend against the
Before planting the field should be plowed 20 to 25 cm deep for
growth of a tumor. By the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acid then
fine tilth. Before sowing and after this the seeds have been sown.
the oxidative damage occurs and the cell membrane is full of fatty
Before sowing all organic matter should be incorporated into the
acid that’s why the tocopherols (Vitamin E) saves the cell from
soil well to allow complete decomposition otherwise there can
this damage [20]. The seeds of C. moschata are usually thrown
be serious losses from damping-off diseases. Usually, pumpkin
away but they possess a great source of various nutrients and
crop plantation has been happened by direct seed sowing but
oils [14]. After the industrial processing, the seeds of C. moschata
sometimes can be sown as transplants and this transplantation
are commercially used as a savory appetizer and have been
procedure are useful when trying to establish a very early season
reported as a good alternative for nutritional embellishment of
crop or when using permanent beds. The crop is sown in with the
various products of food [21]. The seeds of C. moschata also have
space of 1.0 to 1.5 m and the range of rows has been 2.0 to 3.0 m
a high nutritious value, contain the good quality of oil and are a
apart between plants. Before sowing seeds should be treated or
good source of protein. The fruits of pumpkin are usually sweet
dusted with a fungicide to manage the disease-causing organisms,
after ripe with a yellow and an orange flesh, rich in β-carotene
such as bacterial spot, Fusarium root rot, and damping-off, which
and precursor of vitamin A. Various antioxidant components
may be generally spread by the seed surface. The requirement
including vitamin A, vitamin E, C, K, B2, carotenes, xanthophylls
of water for proper growth and development of pumpkin crop,
and phenolic compounds have been reported from fruits of
about 4 to 8 megalitres per hectare of irrigation water for full
pumpkin [22]. Pumpkin seeds are also an important source of
cultivation started from sowing to harvest time. Due to the
polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, and zinc, which can
different type of soils, the quantity of water also varies with the
prevent chronic diseases [23]. In addition, pumpkin seed extract
Citation: Ahmad G, Khan AA (2019) Pumpkin: Horticultural Importance and Its Roles in Various Forms; a Review. Int J Hort Agric Page 2 of 6
4(1): 1-6. DOI:
Pumpkin: Horticultural Importance and Its Roles in Various Forms; a Review © 2019 Ahmad G, et al.
significantly improved the histopathological parameters such and latter are also used to prepare the various type of sweets.
as vacuolization in dermatopathology, disorganization, and Pumpkin seeds from different regions contain a protein, fat and
separation of epididymal epithelium in CP-treated rats that’s carbohydrate content of 28-40%, 44- 53% and 7-10% and shows
why pumpkin seed extract could be used to prevent CP-induced as a prominent source of oil and protein [37]. The seeds are eaten
reproductive toxicity [24]. Similarly, Mohammadi et al [25-27] whole as roasted or toasted ground into different stews and are
have shown that administration of ginger and pumpkin seed also consumed directly by humans as a snack food. [38] Pumpkins
extract simultaneously increased the number of germ cells in provide a number of beneficial nutrients and minerals like iron,
seminiferous tubes and had positive effects on the recovery of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese
spermatogenesis in adult rats. [39]. They contain high levels of thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6,
have even higher levels of vitamin C and vitamin E and are also
Seeds as a source of oil and nutrients
dominant fatty acids present in the oil like oleic acid of 29% and
Seeds of pumpkin are also known as Pepitas and are small, linoleic acid of 47%. [40].
flat, green, having the taste likes nut flavor and mostly are
Ethnomedicinal purposes
covered by a white husk, however, some varieties may produce
seeds without husk. Seeds representing 3.1% of total fruit weight Due to the wide range of biological activities in flora and
of pumpkin and are rich in protein (33%), low in phytic acids fauna, the various species of cucurbits family have phytochemical
and trypsin inhibitor and high in sulfur-containing amino acids, of great interest and called cucurbitacins. As a result of this,
a major source of oil (47.3%) and added in the source of national cucurbitacins are better-known chemicals and are kept in the
oil production [28]. In addition to high levels of Zn, P, K, Se, Mn list various stock of drugs for the preparation of medicines [41].
and Cu the seeds of the pumpkin are also contained Mg and Fe Various parts of the plant species belong to family Cucurbitaceae
and has high amount of fatty acids content like palmitic, stearic, is used in ethnomedicines like fruits have the sharp effect on the
oleic and linoleic acids [29,30]. The linoleic acid is the major fatty bowels, in the refinement of blood and in the medication of leprosy
acid in pumpkin seed oil reported by Kamel et al. [31] and is also a in human beings. Besides these, seeds have useful importance in
rich source of phytosterols and structurally similar to cholesterol. the cure of pain chests, febrile disease, haemoptysis, bronchitis,
The oil of pumpkin seeds improve the nutrition of human diets applied in the case of bladder stone, chronic kidney problem and
having high unsaturation and tocopherol content and also has also used as anti-ulcer cucurbitane type triterpenoid [42,43]
high oxidative stability, various applications in industries and 3-amino-3-carboxypyrrolidine, a specific amino acid called as
suitable for food [32]. cucurbitin is present in different varieties of pumpkin and squash
and their seeds are used for the elimination of tapeworms and
roundworms which are intestinal parasites.
For the importance of human health, pumpkin has a good
Medicinal properties
source of minerals. Pumpkin is used as a food for mid-aged and
aged peoples because having high calcium and potassium as well C. moschata Duch. commonly known as “pumpkin” and
as sodium in its pulp. It is used for the prevention of osteoporosis belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and the plant widely deals for
and hypertension [33]. Having chromium (Cr) content, pumpkin the use of its fruit and seeds in various pharmacological activities
is good for any other vegetable and is a component of glucose for example fruits is rich in nutrition due to γ-tocopherol and
tolerant factor and improved blood glucose tolerance. carotenoid and shows anti-fatigue activity in mice [6,44]. It
has been found that the peel of pumpkin contains different
Amino acids and proteins
amino acids including alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic
Besides less than 2.0% of protein content in pumpkin, there acid, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, glycine, lysine, methionine,
are various essential amino acids in pumpkin pulp eg; 0.508% phenylalanine, serine, threonine, valine, and tyrosine. Both of
of lysine, 0.493% of isoleucine, 0.609% of valine, 0.700% of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as saturated ones
leucine, 0.483% of phenylalanine and 0.381% of threonine are like palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid, have
high in C. moschata [34]. Many immuno-component proteins have been found in the oil which is extracted from the seeds of pumpkin
also been found in pumpkin [35]. From pumpkin leaves there is [45]. On the other hand pumpkin has several pharmacological
antifungal protein isolated and purified which can rapidly break activities in its different parts like the powder which has been
down the hyphal tips of Neurospora crassa at a concentration extracted from the fruit help in reducing the blood glucose
of lesser than 200nM, and significantly inhibit the growth of with the increment of plasma insulin and showed antidiabetic
Fusarium oxysporum and Candida albicans on agar disc plate at activity in alloxan-induced diabetic mice [46-48]. Pumpkin peel
lesser than 2 nM [36]. was also used for the treatment of hepatic disorders, peptic
ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding and different types of wounds,
Nutritional values
including burn wound because of its cool and wet nature [49].
Pumpkin is cultivated in hot climate type of areas around There is some other medicinal importance of pumpkin including
the world as diet, fodder for the animals. Besides these, the here that it shows an antidiabetic effect and also protect the
flowers, young stems, ripe fruits are consumed as a vegetable diabetic nephropathy [50]. Extensively pumpkin extracts have
Citation: Ahmad G, Khan AA (2019) Pumpkin: Horticultural Importance and Its Roles in Various Forms; a Review. Int J Hort Agric Page 3 of 6
4(1): 1-6. DOI:
Pumpkin: Horticultural Importance and Its Roles in Various Forms; a Review © 2019 Ahmad G, et al.
antimicrobial activity antimicrobial activity like pumpkin oil and subjected to gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography.
inhibits Acinetobacter baumanii, Candida albicans, Enterococcus Beside this, AIP fraction promotes the activities of good intestinal
faecalis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas bacteria, peel might be an attractive material for the development
aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus at the concentration of of functional foods [64].
2.0%. [51]. Several studies (in vitro as well as in vivo) with crude
According to several technological properties, the powder of
pumpkin extracts and its various purified fraction including
pumpkin with different ratio was added to noodles and makes
proteins and polysaccharide shows anticancer activity against
some noodle products. Four samples (2%, 3%, 4% and 5%)
malignant tumor associated with skin cancer, Ehrlich-Lettre
samples were evaluated for β-carotene content, physical dough
ascites carcinoma (EAC) and leukemia. Besides these, boiled
properties, color, cooking properties, and sensory characteristics
pumpkin juice comparably suppressed the rate of the division of
and among these four noodles with 5.0% pumpkin powder were
tumor cells [52]. Pumpkin seed was found to be an anthelmintic
the most favorable in appearance, taste, texture, and acceptability
and was eaten fresh or roasted for the relief of abdominal muscles
among the four samples. Raw material of peeled and unpeeled
pain due to intestinal worms; reduce the incidence of bladder
pumpkin pulp used for the production of flour mixed with wheat
stones [53]. For the reduction of bladder pressure, increase the
flour as a functional integrant in food products to evaluate of its
bladder compliance and reduce the urethral pressure the oil of
physicochemical properties like color, proximate compositions
pumpkin plays the significant role. [54]. The protein which is
includes moisture, ash, lipid, protein and carbohydrate contents,
extracted by pumpkin seeds after CCl4 intoxication resulted in
water activity and functional properties like water holding
significantly reduced levels of various enzymatic activities like
capacity and oil holding capacity. After the evaluation, it has
lactate dehydrogenase (LD) which is found in nearly all living
been found that in comparison to the commercial wheat flour,
cells of animals, plants, and prokaryotes and catalyzes the
the peeled pumpkin pulp flour (PPPF) and unpeeled pumpkin
conversion of lactate to pyruvic acid and converts NAD+ to NADH
pulp flour (UPPF) were observed to be more attractive in
and back, alanine transaminase (ALT) to maintain the blood level,
terms of color. On the other hand, it was found in comparison
aspartate transaminase (AST) to diagnose liver disorder [55].
to commercial wheat flour the peeled pumpkin pulp flour and
Pumpkin showed urokinase inhibitory activity over 80% with
unpeeled pumpkin pulp flour was superior in term of nutrients as
water by different ways of processing [56]. Head of a pumpkin
indicated by the significantly higher ash and crude fiber content.
stem observed in the use of analgesia and anti-inflammation
There was no significant difference shown in the water holding
activities [57]. A dietetic formula made of pumpkin oils was
capacity of PPPF and wheat flour but the oil holding capacity of
found to beneficial for children with diarrhea [58]. According
PPPF and UPPF was shown to be significantly higher than the
to Kim et al. [59] the presence of β-carotene in pumpkin help in
wheat flour. After exposure to air drying between 30ºC and 70ºC,
the treatment of depression in Korea and the seeds of pumpkin
the concentration of proximate like lipids, fibers, and proteins of C.
also used in anti-hyperglycaemic activity because of containing
moschata has been diminished with drying even at a temperature
globulins and developed the peptide-drugs or phytomedicines
as low as 30°C and this the most ambient temperature in tropical
from these bioactive proteins used in therapy of Diabetes
countries. The protein content was not affected by drying and it
mellitus [60]. Aghaie et al. [61] show the reproductive toxicity
was observed that increasing the drying temperature from 30°C
of cyclophosphamide which has been found in pumpkin and
to 70°C led to a reduction of 70% of the drying time [65].
used in the treatment of cancer. Sharma et al. [62] also gave the
suggestion for a medicative importance of Cucurbita on colon or Conclusion
rectal cancer.
From this review article, it is clear that members of
Technological aspects Cucurbitaceae family show multifunctional uses in the living life
of humans as well as animals. Cucurbita moschata has been used in
From edible part of C. moschata, chloroform and ethyl
the making of medicine to diagnose the various diseases in human
acetate have been extracted by the studies and from the extracts
being. They can be employed in the nutritional, ethnomedicinal
of chloroform, the saturated fatty acid which contains 52%
purposes, technological aspects for the extraction of various
of C17, 49% of C19 and 4% of C15 have been isolated. Besides
chemicals. It is recommended that there should be increased in
this, by the ethyl acetate, the 11.36% of phytosterols, 48.86%
the production of these plants which will be profitable and will
of stigmasterol and 39.77% of bsitosterol have also been
contribute to food security and livelihood sustainability in India
isolated. Having above these substances the chloroform and
and other parts of the world.
ethyl acetate showed significant anti complementary activities
of the complement system [63]. The polysaccharide like Alcohol Referencess
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Citation: Ahmad G, Khan AA (2019) Pumpkin: Horticultural Importance and Its Roles in Various Forms; a Review. Int J Hort Agric Page 5 of 6
4(1): 1-6. DOI:
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Citation: Ahmad G, Khan AA (2019) Pumpkin: Horticultural Importance and Its Roles in Various Forms; a Review. Int J Hort Agric Page 6 of 6
4(1): 1-6. DOI: