A Combined Simulation Procedure For Wear Assessment of The HXN5 Locomotive
A Combined Simulation Procedure For Wear Assessment of The HXN5 Locomotive
A Combined Simulation Procedure For Wear Assessment of The HXN5 Locomotive
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/wear
art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Wear phenomena like flange wear and hollow-worn tread of HXN5 locomotive wheels are studied by a
Received 18 November 2013 nonlinear iterative procedure. For better understanding of these specific wheel wear mechanism, a
Accepted 24 November 2013 numerical solution is developed by a combination of a SIMPACK multibody model and Archard's wear
Available online 4 December 2013
theory. The wheel wears can be predicted by the nonlinear wear formulation, in which real time
Keywords: parameters of state conditions and contact forces are updated by the multibody simulation in a parallel
Co-simulation manner. Five numerical examples of the locomotive simulation are presented and numerical results are
Locomotive in good agreements with the real observations. The present simulation procedure is validated to be
Hollow-worn tread effective in dynamic steady wheel wear and may be used to assess the optimization of locomotive bogie
Flange wear
Wear prediction
& 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0043-1648/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
306 J. Zhang et al. / Wear 314 (2014) 305–313
According to Archard's wear model [9], Eq. (1), the wear volume
due to wheel-rail rolling contact can be expressed in terms of
normal contact force, sliding distance and the softer material as
Vw ¼ K ð1Þ
Fig. 1. Hollow-worn tread of one wheel on the 3rd wheelset. where Vw is the wear volume, D the sliding distance, N the normal
force, H the Vickers hardness of the soft material and K the
dimensionless wear coefficient.
solution is approved to be effective in prediction of wheel wear
The wear coefficient in Archard's model in association with
forms of heavy duty locomotives and bogies. In the near future,
parametrical nonlinearities is examined by Olofsson and Telliskivi,
optimizations of geometric and dynamic parameters and suspen-
performing real wheel-rail contact experiments and material tests
sion for the pedestal bogie and HXN5 locomotive will be suggested
[12]. The wear coefficient classification is investigated by Jendel
for the purpose of reducing the specific wears mentioned previously.
and Berg, according to the contact pressure and the sliding
velocity [6], as shown in Fig. 2. The most severe wear occurs in
2. Modeling and simulation the top region when the contact pressure exceeds over the value
equivalent to 0.8 times material hardness. Wear coefficient for the
The multibody system dynamics model of the entire locomo- tread contact usually drops in the bottom left region and that for
tive is established in SIMPACK environment, in which Kalker's the flange contact may be allocated in all the four regions. In the
algorithm FASTSIM is integrated and adopted to predict the wheel- present research, median values of wear coefficients in the four
rail contact forces. By simulation of the locomotive dynamic regions, for example k1 ¼350, are taken for computations.
performance, dynamics responses and parameters, creep veloci- Derivation of Eq. (1) with respect to time [10] leads to the
ties, contact area and normal force can be produced and input to following equations as
the Archard wear model built in Simulink. Numerical results of the qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
N_ N
wheel wears can be obtained directly during each simulation by V_ w ¼ K D ¼K V 2ξ þ V 2η ð2Þ
using the combined simulation procedure. For convenient treat-
where Vξ and Vη are components of the rigid body creep velocity
ment of the two domain numerical solutions, the SIMPACK
to be determined by the dynamic simulations.
Co-simulation Interface is employed in combination of the wear
The conversion from the removed volume ΔVw to the removed
model in MATLAB/Simulink and the multibody model in SIMPACK.
wheel profile depth ΔZ in time step is as follow
The differential equation in Eq. (4) for the wear depth may be component of the gravity while the locomotive is negotiating
solved by Matlab/Simulink, in which variables, N, R, b, Vξ and Vη, curved tracks.
are obtained at each time step from the dynamic simulations. For Case 3 a series of curved tracks with variant superelevation
are idealized and given in Table 3 for details. The running speed of
the locomotive is assumed to be constant at 120 km/h. For Case
2.3. Combined procedure
Fig. 3. Architecture of the combined numerical procedure for wheel wear prediction.
308 J. Zhang et al. / Wear 314 (2014) 305–313
4 one track is idealized with 800 m radius. The running speed of 3. Simulation analysis and discussion
the locomotive is from 60 km/h to 120 km/h stepped by 20 km/h.
The typical tracks for the combined simulation in Cases 1 to It can be easily verified by simulation that the wears of left and
4 are treated to be identical. Total length of all tracks in these four right wheels on a single wheelset are identical after locomotive
cases is 1 km, as shown in Fig. 4 and in Tables 1–3. Fig. 4 gives negotiates a sinusoidal track. For simplification, definition is made
variation of the curvature and superelevation in the longitudinal on the track with one right hand curve and only wear results of
direction of the curved track with 300 m radius. The first 150 m, left wheels, as well as the outer wheels, are presented. In Fig. 5 are
the following 100 m and the middle 500 m are straight track, shown simulation results for the wear depths of left wheels of six
transition track and circular arc respectively. After the middle wheelsets obtained for Case 1 and in Fig. 6 are given simulation
circular arc, the following 100 m is also the transition track. The results for the wear depths of left wheels of six wheelsets obtained
final 150 m becomes the straight track. All other tracks have the for Case 2.
same shape but different values of curvature and superelevation. As shown in both Figs. 5 and 6 the maximum wear depths of all
For comparability, irregularities of the track used herein possess wheels are reduced by increasing the curved track radius for the
the same statistic properties as those of the AAR Class 5 spectra. locomotive at the same speed. The locations of maximum wear
For Case 5 a track with separate portions of curved and straight depths on the 1st and 4th wheelsets occur in the flange area for
tracks are used, which possesses of statistical properties of a the curved tracks of radii less than 3000 m. The value of wear
typical railway line in China [13], as given in Table 4. The track is depths of left wheels on the 1st and 4th wheelsets are at least one
divided into eleven intervals, in each of which a curved track with order larger in quantity than those of the other wheelsets. This
the mean radius, Rm and the mean superelevation, hm are used to means that wheel wears of the leading wheelsets of the front and
represent the geometry of all curved tracks. The definition of the rear bogies become severe than other wheels. In this condition,
track is mainly dependent on curved tracks with smaller radii severe flange wear can occur on wheels of leading wheelsets of
which affect more to wheel wear distribution in comparison with both bogies.
larger ones. Curved tracks with radii larger than 3500 m are The wheel flange wear in the 2nd and 5th wheelsets are found
simplified to be straight. If so, the wear distribution can be in Case 1, as shown in Fig. 5(b and e), and also normal wears are
determined for each curved tracks and weighted by the total observed in Case 2, as shown in Fig. 6(b and e). Locations of the
length of intervals, which ensures that each interval contributes to maximum wear depths are moved to the tread zone from the near
the total wear distribution proportionally. flange area by increasing the curved tracks radii.
Both in Figs. 5(c) and 6(c) are plotted, respectively, the left
wheel wears on the 3rd wheelset of the front bogie. Positions of
the wears remain almost in the tread zone. As a result this rolling
contact condition may cause hollow-worn tread. The similar
simulation results produced for the wheels of the 6th wheelset
are presented in Figs. 5(f) and 6(f).
In Fig. 7 are shown simulation results for the wear depths of
left wheels on six wheelsets obtained for Case 3. The normal
contact force between the left wheel and rail is decreased by the
increasing superelevation, because the horizontal component of
gravity of locomotive balances more centrifugal force. Therefore,
the maximum wear depths of left wheels of all wheelsets are
reduced by increasing the superelevation of the curved track
according to Eq. (4).
As shown in Fig. 7(a and d), the locations of the maximum wear
depths of left wheels on the 1st and the 4th wheelsets remain in
the near flange area with the increasing superelevation. Compar-
ing with results of other four wheels, the maximum wear depths
of left wheels on the 1st and 4th wheelsets are at least one order
larger in quantity than those of the other wheels, like results in
Case 1 and Case 2.
Fig. 4. Definition of the curved track with 300 m radius in Case 1. (a) Curvature As the superelevation is larger than 0.11 m, the wear zone
against track length and (b) superelevation against track length. of the left wheels on the 2nd and 5th wheelsets moves to the
tread area instead of remaining in near flange area, as shown in
Table 4 Fig. 7(b and e). The results indicate that the location of maximum
Discretization of track profile. wear depths varies on the wheel profile and wear distributions of
wheels on the middle wheelset of each bogie are better than those
Radius interval Rm hm Total track length Total track sum of other wheels.
[m] [m] [m] [%] [%]
For the left wheels of the 3rd and 6th wheelsets, the situation is
0–350 300 0.142 0.10 0.1 similar to the tread wears of the same wheels in Case 1 and Case 2.
350–450 400 0.106 0.42 0.52 The wear zone is independent of variation of the superelevation
450–550 500 0.085 0.6 1.12 and remains in the tread area. The similar numerical results
550–650 600 0.071 1.11 2.23
produced for the left wheels of the 3rd and 6th wheelsets in the
650–750 700 0.061 0.51 2.74
750–900 800 0.053 1.17 3.91 Case 4 can also be observed in the following Fig. 8.
900–1200 1000 0.170 4.04 7.95 In Fig. 8 are given wear results for left wheels of six wheelsets
1200–1700 1500 0.113 2.25 10.20 obtained for Case 4. The variation of locomotive speeds influences
1700–2500 2000 0.085 3.21 13.41 the wheel wears of six wheelsets differently. Wear depths of left
2500–3500 3000 0.057 4.84 18.25
Straight 81.75 100
wheels on the 1st and 4th wheelsets are proportion to the speed of
locomotive. On the contrary, wear depths of left wheels on the 3rd
J. Zhang et al. / Wear 314 (2014) 305–313 309
Fig. 5. Numerical predictions for wear depths of left wheels on curved tracks in Case 1. (a) The 1st wheelset, (b) the 2nd wheelset, (c) the 3rd wheelset, (d) the 4th wheelset,
(e) the 5th wheelset and (f) the 6th wheelset.
and 6th wheelsets are inverse proportion to the speed of locomotive wheelsets can also be concluded by Case 4. However, the wear
and the maximun value remains in a small interval, in the sense that zone of the 2nd and the 5th wheelsets remains in the near flange
the maximum wear values of these wheels are not very sensitive to area in Case 4 rather than move to the tread zone with changing
the speed in Case 4. As the speed is from 60 km/h to 100 km/h, the simulation conditions in the other cases.
maximun wear depths of left wheels on the 2nd and 5th wheelsets In Fig. 9 are shown the numerical results of wear distributions
reduce and then increase after the speed is larger than 100 km/h. after 104 km running distance on the track defined in Case 5. As
In Case 4 the wear zone of left wheels on the 1st, 3rd, 4th and can be observed, the wears of the 2nd and the 5th wheels are
6th wheelsets, as shown in Fig. 8(a, c, d and f), are similar as Cases normal in comparison with other four wheels. Severe flange wears
1, 2 and 3. The flange wear of left wheels on the 1st and 4th can be observed on the 1st and 4th wheels, especially the 1st
wheelsets and the hollow-worn tread of the 3rd and the 6th wheel, and the maximum wear depths are at least one times larger
310 J. Zhang et al. / Wear 314 (2014) 305–313
Fig. 6. Numerical predictions for wear depths of left wheels on curved tracks in Case 2. (a) The 1st wheelset, (b) the 2nd wheelset, (c) the 3rd wheelset, (d) the 4th wheelset,
(e) the 5th wheelset and (f) the 6th wheelset.
than those of the 2nd and the 5th wheels. The wear zones of the 3rd wheelsets occurs for the curved tracks of radii less than 3000 m
and 6th wheels located in the tread area and the maximum wear and the hollow-worn tread of the 3rd and the 6th wheelsets
depths are about one times larger than those of the 2nd and the 5th appears in all five cases. In the condition that wear depths of left
wheels, which may cause the hollow-worn tread. For further wheels on the 1st and 4th wheelsets are at least one order larger
predicting wheel wear distributions accurately after a long running in quantity than those of the other wheelsets, the flange wear
distance, the wheel profile evolution should be involved in the could be severer than usual. The specific wears, severe flange wear
simulation procedure, which will considered in the future work. on wheels of the 1st and the 4th wheelsets and hollow-worn tread
It is worthy of being noted that the present predictions in five on wheels of the 3rd and the 6th wheelsets, are identical to real
cases are in good agreement with real observations for wheel observations mentioned in the first section. Because the HXN5
wears phenomenon of the HXN5 locomotive. Concluding these locomotive has only one driver cab in the front of the locomotive,
five numerical predictions, the flange wear of the 1st and the 4th wheels will retain the wear features between two maintenances.
J. Zhang et al. / Wear 314 (2014) 305–313 311
Fig. 7. Numerical predictions for wear depths of left wheels on curved tracks in Case 3. (a) The 1st wheelset, (b) the 2nd wheelset, (c) the 3rd wheelset, (d) the 4th wheelset,
(e) the 5th wheelset and (f) the 6th wheelset.
With assumptions for tracks, causes of these wears are the wheel flange wear on wheels of the 1st and the 4th wheelsets and
dynamic parameters of the locomotive body, bogie suspensions, hollow-worn tread on wheels of the 3rd and the 6th wheelsets are
as well as clearances between wheelsets and bogie frame rather predicted by the effective nonlinear combined simulation procedure.
than conditions of curved tracks. The numerical solution is developed by the multibody model
and the Kalker simplified theory in SIMPACK, and the modi-
fied Archard's wear model in MATLAB/Simulink. The SIMPACK
4. Concluding remarks Co-simulation Interface was employed to integrate both software
and communicate with each other. Five typical numerical exam-
The HXN5 locomotive wheel wears are formulated by a non- ples, locomotive on curved tracks with small radii at the speed of
linear computational procedure based on the multibody system 60 km/h, curved tracks with large radii at the speed of 120 km/h,
dynamics and Archard's wear theory. Numerical results of severe curved track of radius 1000 m with variant superelevations, curved
312 J. Zhang et al. / Wear 314 (2014) 305–313
Fig. 8. Numerical predictions for wear depths of left wheels on curved tracks in Case 4. (a) The 1st wheelset, (b) the 2nd wheelset, (c) the 3rd wheelset, (d) the 4th wheelset,
(e) The 5th wheelset and (f) the 6th wheelset.
track of radius 800 m at different speeds and a track with separate wears, severe flange wear and hollow-worn tread, are mainly
portions of curved and straight tracks, are presented and discussed. affected by dimensions and parameters of bogie and locomotive
The flange wears of wheels on the leading wheelsets of the front rather than conditions of tracks.
and rear bogies are found than those of other wheels for the HXN5 By the proposed procedure for prediction of wheel wear forms,
locomotive on the curved tracks with radii less than 3000 m. Wear synthetic optimization of the locomotive and bogie system may be
depths of wheels on the 1st and 4th wheelsets are at least one order carried out in the earlier stage of design to limit the abnormal
larger in quantity than those of the other wheelsets, which makes wears. This combined simulation procedure should be validated by
the flange wear severer and may cause severe flange wear. The measurements of worn wheel profiles in the future. In addition,
tread wears on the 3rd and the 6th wheelsets occur in all numerical the tractive effort and braking of locomotive in curved and straight
examples and may cause hollow-worn tread. By assumptions of tracks can also affect the wheel wear significantly, which will be
track system and the numerical results, it is also shown that the considered and studied in the future works.
J. Zhang et al. / Wear 314 (2014) 305–313 313
Fig. 9. Numerical results of wear distribution after 104 km running distance on the
track defined in Case 5. (a) Wear distributions of wheels in the leading bogie and
(b) Wear distributions of wheels in the second bogie.