Article Vilebrequin F8L413
Article Vilebrequin F8L413
Article Vilebrequin F8L413
Model for dynamic behavior of the crankshaft of an air cooled diesel engine
subjected to severe functioning
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ABSTRACT−The dynamic behavior of the engine organs in severe conditions is complicated to identify. In this paper, the
dynamic behavior of the crankshaft of the diesel engine Deutz F8L413 direct injection-type air cooled in the severe operating
conditions is investigated in a 3D global model. The maximum operating characteristics of the engine are experimentally
measured on a bench test equipped with a hydraulic brake. The most stressed areas of the crankshaft are determined by
numerical simulations. In addition, an analysis of the fatigue behavior of the crankshaft is carried out by using two fatigues
criteria. The efficiency of the model is demonstrated by comparing between the numerical results and the experimental data
obtained with the natural modes of vibration test.
fatigue as shown in (AR et al., 1989). conducted in laboratory to identify the eigen modes of free
This paper investigates a 3D model using the maximum crankshaft (without flywheel) and compare to the eigen
loading conditions deduced from experimental measure- modes from numerical simulations.
ments on bench test to identify the dynamic behavior of a
diesel engine crankshaft with cylinders in V-type taking as 2. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON BENCH TEST
a case study Deutz diesel engine types F8L413 with four
(4) crankpins to 90 widely spread. This engine, air-cooled, The aim of bench test is to measure the operating
is heavily loaded. The novelty of the present model is that parameters of the engine, in order to: (i)-plot external
the parameters are derived from engine real working characteristics curves (power, torque, specific consumption)
conditions which are used to identify the dynamic behavior according to crankshaft number of turns; (ii) determine,
of the crankshaft. This paper is organized as follows. First, through the connecting rod the acting efforts on the
identification of optimal regimes (maximum power and crankpins. The used fundamental material is a bench test
torque and minimum specific consumption) is made with equipped with a hydraulic brake. The test conditions and
experimental data collected on bench test. It is followed by other materials prepared are described in (Taher, 2003).
the kinematic and dynamic characterization of the piston Figure 1 (a, b and c) show the curves of power, torque and
and the connecting rod this, is to determine the efforts specific consumption, respectively.
exerted on the crankshaft through the connecting rod-crank From these performance curves, it is find that 2650 tr/mm
handle system at maximum identified regimes. Then corresponds to the maximum power engine; 1600 tr/mm is
hydrodynamic bearing-crankshaft contact model is minimum consumption and 1400 tr/mm is maximum
presented as well as the 3D finite element modeling of the torque. The crankshaft dynamic behavior is studied on those
crankshaft. The simulations results and post-processing are different regimes numerically by the finite element method.
presented. The fatigue calculations are performed. The
vibration modes were also identified. Vibration tests were 3. KINEMATICS AND DYNAMICS
θ and ϕ as follows:
Figure 1. Engine regime: (a) power; (b) torque; (c) specific Figure 2. Technological scheme and parameterizations of
consumption. connecting rod-crank handle system.
taking into account that cosϕ ≥ 0(see Figure 2), we get: momentum that is a function of the moving parts and their
accelerations. To calculate this momentum, it is necessary
cos ϕ = 1 – λ 2 sin2 θ (2) to determine the mechanical actions applied to the
connecting rod head and feet. The engine types F8L413
3.1.1. Kinematics of the connecting rod Deutz diesel is an engine with 8-cylinders in V-type. At
By deriving equation (1) and taking into account equation each of the four crankpins are mounted to two head of
(2) we obtain angular acceleration of the connecting rod as connecting rod (figure 3). A multi-cylinder engine of V-
2 type is constituted by two inline engines offset by an angle
λω sinθ -
ϕ·· = ------------------------------------
( 1 – λ2 ) (3) δ = (Y1,Y2) called the V opening angle (figure 3) (Swoboda
( 1 – λ sin 2 θ )
et al.,1998). In our case V opening angle δ = 4π/8 = π/2.
The linear acceleration of the connecting rod is therefore Let FA1 and FA2 be the forces exerted by the crankpin on the
expressed by following relation: connecting rods (b1) and (b2) at point A, respectively and
FB1, and FB2 the forces exerted by the pistons on the
Γ ( G ) = ( ω 2 r sinθ – lG ϕ·· cosϕ + l G ϕ· sinϕ )x –
– PY 1 = –P ( θ ).S.Y1 (10)
ϕ·· 2 = --------------------------------------------------
- ( 1 – λ2 ) (14)
1 – λ sin ⎛⎝ θ + ---⎞⎠
2 2
– λω .cos ⎛⎝ θ + ---⎞⎠
·ϕ = -------------------------------------------
2 - (15)
2 2⎛ π ⎞
1 – λ sin ⎝ θ + ---⎠
Figure 8. Variation with the crankshaft angle: (a) of the Figure 9. Scheme and assumptions of computation of the
engine torque on the various crankpins; (b) of the total hydrodynamic pressure of the oil film exerted on the
engine torque resulting from the superposition of the crankshaft: (a) hydrodynamic bearing; (b) bearing bush
torques created on the four crankpins. assimilate to a plan (Jean, 1995).
and iso-viscosious fluid permanent regime, Reynolds Table 1. Crankshaft mechanical properties.
equation is given (Jean, 1995) as:
E Yield
Material ν[-] ρ (k/m3)
∂- ⎛ 3 ∂P ∂ ∂P (N/mm²) (Mpa)
h ------⎞ + ----- ⎛ h3 ------⎞ = ---------- ------
1- ----- 6µV dh
---- (19)
R2 ∂θ ⎝ ∂θ ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ R dθ 42CD4 200.000 0.3 7800 780
Where P, is the pressure in the lubricant, θ and Z, are the
circumferential and axial coordinates, respectively, and
expressed as θ = X/R h, is the lubricant film thickness
V = ωR, is the linear velocity of the shaft µ, is the dynamic
viscosity of fluid. ε, is the relative eccentricity (ε = e/C),
which varies between 0 and 1. The film thickness can be
written as:
h = C ( 1 + εcosθ ) (20)
( C, D ) : y = -----D- x + σ D (23)
( D, E ) : y = – x + R e (24)
( D, A ) : y = -----a- x (25)
Point B is the intersection of the line (O, A) with line of
the Goodman (C, D). Point A can occupy different
positions on the line (O, A). The safety coefficient is
defined as:
S = -------- (26)
The choice of the stress fatigue limit σD, breaking
strength σm and yield strength Re is made according to the
steel grade of the crankshaft, number of cycles, and its
diameter (Jean-Pierre, 2008). For our crankshaft of 42CD4
grade, corresponding value are: σD = 600 MPa, for 107cycles;
σm = 1200 MPa, and Re = 870 MPa. The determination of the
equation of the line (O,A) requires knowledge of mean and
alternating stress (equation (25)). For that we use the Figure 14. Haigh diagram: (a) at crankpin 2, (b) at crankpin 3.
evolution curve of von Mises equivalent stress (Figure 12).
The development at first order in Fourier series of von
Mises stress is expressed as:
σ eq ( x, y, z, t ) = ( ( σ eq ) + ( σ eq )a sin ( ω t + ϕ ) ) (27)
( σ eq )m = ∫ σ eq ( x, y, z, t ) dt (28)
2 1⁄2
⎛⎛ T ⎞ ⎞
⎜ ⎜ σ eq ( x, y, z, y ) cos ω t dt⎟ +⎟
⎜ ∫ ⎠ ⎟
2 ⎝0 Figure 15. Fatigue verification at the crankpin 2. Dang van
( σ eq )a = --- ⎜⎜ ⎟
2 ⎟
T ⎛T ⎞ ⎟ Diagram.
⎜ ⎜ ∫ σ eq ( x, y, z, y ) sin ω t dt⎟ ⎟
⎝ 0⎝ ⎠ ⎠
are the mean and alternating stress, respectively. We use the approach. It proposes a linear relationship between the
graphical method of trapezoids to compute integrals in amplitude τa(t) (alternating part) of octahedral shear stress
equation (28 and 29). For the maximum power of regime, and hydrostatic pressure pH(t), and is expressed as follows
the cycles number is: 1cycle = 4π = 12.56rd. For N regime, (Bouraoui et al., 2007):
it corresponds to n cycles /s. n=N/2*60 = 22.08 cycles/s for
maximum power regime, where the pulsation ω = 138.66rd. max ( max ) { [ τa ( t ) ] + αD p H ( t ) })) ≤ βD (30)
n t
Our factor of safety research is focus on a number of points
where the equivalent stress is maximum at a given time in τa(t) is define by the following equation:
the cycle. Figure 14 shows the fatigue verification with
Haigh criterion at the crankpin 2 and 3. τa ( t ) = τa ( t ) – τ m (31)
5.4.2. Fatigue verification with Dang Van criterion where τ(t) and τm are macroscopic and average split,
The Dang Van criterion is one of the multi-axial fatigue respectively. τ(t) can be expressed as:
criteria. A multiaxial fatigue criterion indicates whether the
endurance limit or more generally the fatigue limit of the τ( t ) = --- ( σ 1 – σ 2 ) 2 + ( σ 2 – σ 3 ) 2 + ( σ 3 – σ 1 ) 2 (32)
material in N cycles is reached for a succession of stress
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in-cylinder pressure estimation. SAE Paper No. 2012- Appendix A.1. Kinematics of the connecting rod
01-0896. The velocity field of a solid being a equiprojectif vector
Gazaud, R., Pomey, G., Rabbe, P. and Janssen, C. H. field, we can write:
t-1 and f-1 are the endurance limits in torsion and alternating
bending, respectively. For the material of the crankshaft
42CD4 : t-1 = 294.3 MPa, f-1 = 519.93 MPa. This allows to
Figure A18. velocity scheme. find αD =0.198 and βD =294.3.