Inforgraph Final
Inforgraph Final
Inforgraph Final
What is Kodable?
Easy to Use Lessons Fun!!
42 week scope and “Our expert-designed
Online software over 70 lesson games, activities, and
kids learn
about computer
digital citizenship,
world that
plans and videos robotics and prepares them for a
JavaScript future in the digital
age” .
(Kodable, 2022)
Teacher Resources
Lesson Plans
Concept Tutorials
Practice through games
Student progress monitoring
Worksheets and Printables for non-
tech days
Free educator use and
monthly/yearly paid
subscription for parents
Educators Kickstart
subscription is free with no
expiry and provides lessons
for every course and
unlimited creative games
Premium is for 400 students
or less for $1750 a year
and more for the purchase
of a classroom or grade or
even small school
Premium + $2500/year and
unlimited students and
includes all of the above
(Kodable, 2022)
Why Teach Coding in Schools?
Practicing computer science
helps students develop
Problem Collaboration
Solving Coding together teaches
Solve problems creatively kids to work with others
with various possible while problem solving,
solutions to spark critical and to learn from each
thinking others experiences
Resilience Creativity
Technology Integration
and Integrative Learning
Integrative Learning
6 Strands That Support Students learn how to problem-
Integrative Learning solve, communicate and make
connections with other
1. Computational Thinking concepts, subjects, and
experiences in the real world
and Programming Concepts
(Ithica College, 2022)
2. Programming and Me
3. Programming Impact
4. Everyday Connections Example From
5. Programming and Strand/Activity
Communication Kindergarten strand (EC.K2)
6. Social Emotional Learning teaches understanding repetition
(Kodable, 2022) and routines in coding. By
practicing these routines in the
game and connecting these to
real routines like washing hands
before/after snack, they develop
the understanding. Teachers can
put game examples as pictures in
front of the routine space to
mimic the game
Ithica College. (2022). What is integrative learning? Ithaca
College. Retrieved October 27, 2022, from