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A sportsman adept at deploying robotics for practical purposes


Education Background Acedemic Honors

Oberoi International School (OIS), Pursued and completed many STEM

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
(IBDP) MIT APP Inventor
Grade 11 Courses Scratch
Math AA HL English LL SL HTML courses
Physics HL Spanish Ab-intio SL Machine Learning, Advanced
Business Management SL Python
Design Tech HL
Drone making
Oberoi International School (OIS), CAD Modelling
Mumbai Fusion 360 &
IB - MYP (Middle Years Program) Internet of Things.
Grade 10 Courses
Standard Mathematics Non-STEM Courses
Integrated Sciences
Hindi GESE 11 & Cambridge Advance English
Visual Art
Design Tech Participant; Innovation School
& Societies
Physical & Health Education Program- Maker’s ASYLUM GOA (2022-
I bring a unique blend of technical STEM- Summer School 2023)
expertise, leadership experience, and
community engagement with a solid Achievements
foundation in STEM for the last 8 years.
My passion for Robotics and AI is evident
in my extensive skill set and Robotics Aficionado
Participated in FIRST LEGO LEAGUE- 2018
Languages Participated in WRO- 2021 (Regional
Ranking 7th)
WRO- 2022 (National Ranking 5th) &
English Spanish Hindi Gujarati
Participated in ED Tech- 2022.
Also, gearing up for FRC 2024
Competitive Badminton Player

Problem Solving Time Management Playing Badminton for more than 10 years.
Represented my school in badminton at
Team Player Multitasker the All India IB School meet.
Extra Curriculum Activities Leadership Experience & Community

Playing a broad range of sports:

Green Impact
Have been pursuing Basketball, Soccer,
and TT for several years both at the Collaborated with HULLADEK for an E-
school and local levels. Also trained waste drive to recycle electronic waste.
juniors in basketball to upscale my skills.
Member of TECH Council at OIS
Lego Maestro Adeptly leading collaborative tech projects
Expert at creating integrated and and fostering innovation through strategic
layered LEGO-based sets and models. My discussions and effective communication.
latest creation is a warship
Bringing “FTC to OIS”
Fitness Enthusiast Instrumental in introducing and
Dedicated fitness enthusiast adept at establishing FTC (First Tech Challenge) at
creating and implementing personalized OIS, enhancing technological engagement
workout plans. Proven track record of and fostering robotics innovation within
achieving and maintaining fitness goals the school community.
through a variety of exercises.
Spearheading Event Management
Origami Artisan
Took complete responsibility including
Passionate about crafting intricate and
allocation of time slots, monitoring the
delicate origami designs. A recent
progress of projects as also logistical
masterpiece includes an elaborate
matters for the OIS Hackathon 2024
dragon folded from a 2000 sheet of
origami paper and since then started my
own “Club Dragon”. Founder, Club Dragon
Under the aegis of Club Dragon, have been
teaching young students the basics of
Origami like paper selection, paper folding,
Internships & Volunteering
creation of animal and airplane models.

Internship- Confidence Bay Institute Outreach Programs to promote STEM

Conducted etiquette workshops for the Training juniors at OIS for vex robots with
special emphasis on the components like
participants and was engaged in co-
end effectors, controllers, and dynamic
teaching chat GPT.
movements of robots.

Volunteering- Digital Inclusion

Conducted a Workshop for senior
citizens on the theme of ‘Empowering
Elders in the Digital Age
Mind in the stars, feet on the ground

My Contact Leadership Experience

YOUR@GMAIL Head of Layout, Press at DAIMUN (2020 -Present )

In charge of 'The Daily MUNtra' magazine's layout and
design elements. Managed stakeholder relations and
coordinated between the photography, writing, video,
Education and outreach teams.

Founder, astatara.com (2023 -Present)

International Baccalaureate Diploma Created Astatara whose vision is melding celestial
Program (IBDP) stories globally. Explored cosmic views of multiple
Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS), faiths, including Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Judaism, and
Mumbai Christianity.

Grade 12
DAIS Round Square leadership role (2021)
• History HL • English LL Led gender empowerment talk at the school's global
• Psychology HL • French B SL Barraza. Gained diverse global views on women's
• Math AA HL • Chemistry SL status as also multi-cultural insights on transnational

International General Certificate of Conference, Volunteer at All India Conference of East

Secondary Education (IGCSE) Asian Studies 2022 (Institute of Chinese Studies)
Dhirubhai Ambani International School (DAIS), (icsin.org)
Mumbai Attended 4-day conference, met 20+ Asian delegates.
Discussed China's International Relations shifts and
Grade 10
India's view on it.
• English • French
• History • Chemistry Volunteer, Vipassana (Mental Mindfulness)
• International Math • Additional Math Worked twice as Dhamma Sevak in Vipassana
• World Literature • Global Perspectives Research Institute, Kanpur branch in their 11 days
• Biology • Physics meditation camp. Responsibilities included assisting
• Computer Science the participants, serving foods and logistics.

Advanced Placement (APs) Internship

Grade 11
Tour Guide, Khakhi Tours
Toured tourists around Mumbai. Showed
• Economics: Microeconomics
historical locations such as the Ziggurat
• Environment Science
influenced theater and the frozen fountain.

Scuba diving, Professional Association of Astronomy (3 credits) from Cornell

Diving Instructors (padi.com) University (2022)
Obtained Advanced Open Water Diver License Completed Summer Course "ASTRO
at Koh Samui, Thailand (2023). Obtained PADI 1199: Are we Alone in the Universe" from
Open Water Scuba Diving license at Zanzibar, Cornell University.
Tanzania (2019).
Distinction, Trinity College London,
Taekwondo practitioner Grade 8 Speech & Drama (2023)
1st POOM holder from the Kukkiwon, World Passed Trinity College London Grade 8
Taekwondo Headquarters. Explored Poomsae. Speech & Drama, with Distinction.
Sharpened self-defense techniques like knee
strikes and neck attacks to destabilize the Sociology (3 credits) from University of
opponent. Pittsburgh (2023)
Completed the course "Intro to
Dramatics, DAIS (dais.edu.in) Sociology" from Outlier.
Engaged in the portrayal of women's
professional evolution in Indian cinema through Veritas AI's AI Scholar Program
inter-house drama. Explored their progressive Explored historical texts via large-
journey. language AI models

Tarot card reader Won Third Place, Thapar

Completed Intuitive Tarot Mastery Program Entrepreneurs Academy
(2023). Explored card meanings, mastered Learned the basics of entrepreneurship
major/minor arcana, excelled in spreads like and formed “Here To Help”, a platform
horseshoe, Celtic cross, and choices. focused on allowing direct accessibility
of therapists to teenagers.

Ranked First in School, SOF

Interests International English Olympiad (2021)

Writing Analysis and Persuasion, John

Mythology Theatre Board Games Hopkins CTY (2020)
Hiking Skiing
Crafting the Essay, John Hopkins CTY

English French Marathi

Hindi Korean
A music and health enthusiast raring to make a mark in
the world of finance


Education Background Leadership Experience

Oberoi International School (OIS), Mumbai
Co-Founder, Wall Street Club
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP)
Guided 25 students (Grades 9-11) in a mock stock game. Invited
Grade 12 Courses Alchemy Capital's Hiren Ved to speak; the winner earned an
Math AA HL English LL SL internship with them.
Business Spanish B SL
Management HL Environmental systems Founder, Wall Street Service Club
Economics HL and Societies SL Led Axis Bank workshop on accounts, UPI, and digital
transfers for more than 200 participants. Aided 8 society
Oberoi International School (OIS), Mumbai helpers in adopting non-physical money transfers.
IB - MYP (Middle Years Program)
Family responsibility
Grade 10 Courses
Assisted my grandfather post-heart surgery in 2023, aiding
English LL Standard Mathematics
his hospital-to-home transition. Offered daily care to support
Spanish Drama his recovery.
Individuals & Sciences
Societies Physical & Health Guitar Player
Digital Design Education Performed guitar at family events like birthdays, weddings,
and building festivals. Repertoire boasts 80+ songs.

Extracurricular Academic Honors

Participant, Shiv Khera's Leadership Workshop For
School (shivkhera.com/program-for-schools)
Solo Classical Guitar Player
Playing the guitar for personal pleasure since Distinction in CEMC Exam of University of Waterloo
grade 3. Have partaken in many Trinity exams.
Play classical style for meditative effects. Runner-Up, Thapar Entrepreneurship Academy
Member, OIS Running Club
Ran weekly in traffic-free zones like Powai Lake, Participant, Clever Harvey's Junior MBA
Juhu Beach, and Hiranandani with 14 members
during early morning pre-school hours.
Gymming &Yoga practitioner
Trained with Mr. Brinston Miranda 2-3 times a
English Hindi Spanish
week. Worked on mental and physical wellness. Full Professional Proficiency Full Professional Proficiency Professional Proficiency

Practiced yoga, cardio, powerlifting and

modified runs using equipment.

Member, Western Ghats Trekking Club

Attended biweekly meets of the Western Ghat
Trekking Club. Trekked the luscious green
mountains of Kanyakumari with a group of 12 to Lateral thinking Time management
15 members.

Interpersonal skills Creativity

Internship, F-Look-Up
Researched Ukraine-Russia conflict's impact on
Indian exports. Interviewed 10+ companies in
steel, pharma, tea sectors.
Running Music Philosophy
Internship, Khaitan and Co
Inspired by my cousin's SEBI work, explored
India's top 5 insider trading cases. Under Mr
Arindnam Ghosh presented a report that
identified loopholes to the office.
Electronics & Communication Engineer | Tech Innovator | Python & IoT Specialist |
Transforming Challenges into Smart Solutions



Recent Electronics and Communication Engineering graduate from Anna University, with proficiency in Python, HTML
& CSS, and JavaScript. Eager to apply my academic knowledge and technical skills in the IT industry, particularly in
innovative IoT and networking solutions. Known for a proactive approach and strong work ethic, I am committed to
contributing effectively in a dynamic team and pursuing continual professional development.


Anna University Regional Campus Coimbatore, 2023 IoT-based Smart Energy Monitoring & Control System
B.E in Electronics and Communication, 8 CGPA Published in the proceedings of the 15th National Conference on Signal
Processing Communication and VLSI design NCSCV’23.
Secured a high CGPA with a strong focus on practical applications of
electronic and communication principles.
The paper detailed an innovative IoT-based system to monitor energy usage
and improve industrial safety by preventing potential system failures.
Engaged in extensive coursework and projects centered around Python,
HTML & CSS, and JavaScript, demonstrating a strong aptitude for
software development within electronics and communications
Automation of Hand Sanitizer with Opening and Closing
Indian Matriculation Higher Secondary School, 2018
of Door
SSLC (10th Standard, 2016)
Attained 98%, demonstrating academic excellence and Presented at a national-level symposium at Anna University regional
mastery of foundational subjects. campus, Coimbatore.

HSC (12th Standard, 2018)

Highlighted the integration of automated hand sanitization with door
Achieved 88%, showcasing strong analytical and scientific operation mechanisms, emphasizing innovation in public health safety
skills in higher secondary education. measures.


Programming: Proficient in Python, HTML & CSS, JavaScript. IBM Project - Smart Connected Signboards for Road Safety (2022)
Database Management: Skilled in SQL for database querying Duration: 3 months
and management. Programmed and deployed a Python-based smart signboard system capable
Networking and IoT: Knowledgeable in network protocols and of real-time environmental updates through OpenWeatherMap API
IoT system design. integration.
Embedded Systems: Experience with Arduino Node MCU, IR, Synthesized regional alerts and traffic flow data to create responsive, safety-
centric signage, enhancing road user awareness.
and Ultrasonic sensors.
Data Analysis: Capable of analyzing and interpreting complex Automation of Hand Sanitizer with Door Operation (2022)
datasets, leveraging tools like Python for insights. Duration: 3 months
Electronic File Management: Efficient in managing and Developed an automated system using Arduino Node MCU, IR, and
organizing digital files. Ultrasonic sensors for hands-free sanitization and door operation, promoting
hygiene and reducing contact points in public spaces.
Internet Research: Effective at conducting online research
and information gathering. IoT-based Smart Energy Monitoring and Control System (2023)
Data-Driven Decision Making: Expertise in utilizing analytical Duration: 5 months
tools and methodologies to drive strategic business decisions Engineered an advanced IoT solution to monitor energy usage and control
and enhance operational efficiency through actionable data systems, significantly reducing industry-related risks by enabling early
detection and mitigation of inefficiencies.


Gateway Software Solutions (1 Month, 2021) The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp by Dr.
Angela Yu, Udemy
Intern - IoT and Embedded Systems
Comprehensive coverage of front-end and back-end web development,
Engaged in the development of embedded systems and IoT including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and React.
applications, enhancing technical acumen and practical skills.
Collaborated on a project team to design and implement a Python Developer Course by Andrei Neagoie, Udemy
prototype for smart energy monitoring, gaining hands-on Advanced Python programming, focusing on real-world applications, data
experience with industry-standard tools and practices. structures, and algorithmic challenges.
A Student |Researcher |Swimmer

your@gmail.com YOUR CONTACT NUMBER

Education Background Leadership Experience

Vibgyor High School Stood up for School Election
Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (cisce) Initiated and managed online Model UN during Covid. Led 5
committees with 90+ participants. Developed social media campaign
Grade 11
courses : 2023
Business studies English language Ilead the donation drivewe The whole skit , the donation and this
Economics English literature did for the pople at the old complete project was led by me .
age home which consisted
Accounts of a skit and a couple of
games which we played with
Vibgyor High School
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) Languages
Grade 10 English
Courses: Full Professional Proficiency

Full Professional Proficiency
Biology Math
Chemistry Hindi
Physics English Language
Professional Proficiency
Physical Education English Literature

Extracurricular Skills
Communication Skills Organizational Capability
Started in 2016
I started swimming when I was in the first grade. Initially I was very
scared of the whole concept of swimming . Who knew one of my Motivational Skills Creativity Teamwork
biggest fear would end up being one of my greatest strengths.
Ihave been titled as the fastest swimmer in all the pools I have ever
raced or swam in.
Problem-Solving Skills Execution Skills

Started in 2020
I started gymming with ,y father during the lockdown. I was aways
fascinated with the conept of gymming as looking at my father
going to the gym frequently since I was a child . Gym it has always
taught me a couple of thigs like , how to do something even when Fashion Travel Entrepreneurship
you are exhausted, Weary and Drained out. It has thought me, how
to not give up no matter how harsh the circumstances are .
Leadership Public speaking
An artist with sights trained on inducing
meaningful transformation across sectors

My Contact Skills

YOUR@GMAIL.COM Communication skills Time management

Collaboration skills Lateral thinking

Education Leadership Experience

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program Founder, Forte Classes, Mumbai

(IBDP) Trained 10 middle school flutists. Hosted parent workshops on
B D Somani International School (BDIS), Mumbai Western classical appreciation, delving into the history and works of
Beethoven and Mozart.
Grade 12
3D car modelling, Eccentric Engine (weareeccentric.com)
Used AI to refine 3D car models in a firm. Improved textures for top
presentation using AI sites like withpoly and implementing github
• Economics HL • Chemistry SL
• Math AA HL • English LL SL
• Physics HL • Spanish Ab SL Volunteer, UnTaboo India (untaboo.online)
Designed Marathi module on sex education for Mumbai's BMC school
teens, covering human reproduction, harassment nuances, and
International General Certificate for Secondary informed decision-making.
Education (IGCSE)
B D Somani International School (BDIS), Mumbai Head of IT, Student Council, B.D. Somani
Raised over $6000+ for more than 15 school events, namely Tedx, BD
Grade 10 Liga, BD Idol, and BD Slam Dunk. Provided tech support for all events


• English - Language • French Research

and Literature
• History • Physics - Co-ordinated
• Chemistry - Co-ordinated • Biology - Co-ordinated
AI Fellowship Program, Veritas AI (veritasai.com)
• Mathematics - Additional • Mathematics -
Created a music generation model in an AI program, involving data
• Drama International
preprocessing, training generative models (RNN, GAN) and crafting
unique sequences.

Individual Research Program

Extracurricular Activities Lumiere Research (lumiere-education.com)
Mentored by Anoushka Agarwal (Rice University). Created a
hierarchical task analysis model for users working on UIUX projects.

Professional musician,
Symphony Orchestra of India Music
Academic Honors
Have been a flute & piano practitioner Participant (Online Summer School)
since the last 7 years. Achieved solo GenWise Summer School (genwise.in)
Studied Fourier Series & their application in electrical circuits and
and ensemble levels. Played in 20+
waveforms. Made math-loving friends from across India.
children's orchestra events at
Mumbai's top spots for 10k+ people.
Teaching Kathak, Languages
Art Village Karjat (artvillage.co)
Helped teach Kathak at a summer English Spanish
camp for middle schoolers Hindi French
emphasizing hand gestures and
footwork precision. Aimed to instill
discipline and creativity. Interests

Home Decor Photography

Event management

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