Vipul STPR
Vipul STPR
Vipul STPR
Supervised by:
Dr. Prateek Gupta
Prepared by:
Vipul Taliyan
University roll no: 2100290700150
MBA Department
This is to certify that the project report titled “ Marketing Strategies of Hindustan Coca
Cola Beverages Pvt Ltd”. been prepared by VIPUL TALIYAN , ROLL NO
2100290700150 under my supervision and guidance, for the fulfillment of master’s in
Signature of Guide:
I do hereby declare that this project work titled “ MARKETING STRATEGIES OF HINDUSTAN
COCA-C0LA BEVERAGES” submitted by me for the fulfilment of the requirement for the award of
Master in Business Administration (MBA) is a record of my own research work. The report embodies
the finding based on my study and observation and has not been submitted earlier for the award of any
degree or diploma to any Institute or University.
Roll No: 2100290700150
First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty God for blessing me with the strength, aptitude
and patience for successfully completing my internship program.
I would like to thank my Supervisor Dr.Prateek Gupta for giving me the opportunity to work
with her during my period of internship. I have been able to compile and complete this report
in a comprehensive manner due to the guidance, support and counselling that she has provided
me during this period. I have tried my best to implement her constructive suggestions while
doing my report.
I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the help provided to me by some
personals of the company. My sincere gratitude goes to Sameer Mandal, (HR) Manager Mani
Gupta Manager RTM, Md. Rokan Uddin Ahmed Manager (MIS) for giving me time from their
busy schedule, providing me with information that were required to complete the report, and
for guiding me properly throughout the period of my internship.
I would also like to thank all the employees of moon beverages Limited -Beverage Unit who
supported me and co-operated with me during my internship period. Finally, my sincere thanks
go to each and every one who helped and su0pported me significantly in different stages during
the period of my internship.
1.1 Prelude 1
1.2 Objective of the Study 2
1.3 Methodology 2
1.4 Scope 3
1.5 Limitations 3
Conclusion 27
Recommendations 28
Bibliography 29
For generations, the simple pleasure of drinking Coca-Cola has been associated with special
times, special places and timeless moments but also with the satisfying experience of everyday
life. That is the magic of Coke. Coca-Cola, the brand is the heart of moon beverages Limited.
It has always been and always will be. Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite& Kinley create the magic to
provide consumers with special moments. Consumers of all ages want great tasting beverages
that also provide nutrients for healthy growth and to make them feel their best. Coca-Cola
compliments and shares the best moments of all consumers!
A customer is generally understood to be the person who makes the decision to purchase a
product or who pays for it. In fact, products are often bought by one person for consumption
by another, therefore the customer and the consumer need not be the same person. The Coca
Cola Company who is manufacturer, retailer and marketer of the non-alcoholic beverage
concentrates and syrups focuses on the consumers rather than the customers. Being a company,
which is American by origin and with a rich history starting from the year 1886 it must have
been a very dynamic firm which changes its strategies and tweaks its products according to the
needs and wants of the consumers.
In the recent market Coca cola has identified what the customer’s value in the market. “This
generation values the openness to new culture and sense. Even though they value new cultures
they have a love for their local products and want to support their neighborhoods and
communities and keep the wealth within their region itself. In a way you can say that they are
moving back to a collectivist culture. With the collectivist mindset they want to revive folk
traditions and rituals starting from food to spirituality. Customers now follow the YOLO
concept where you only live once and they want to experience personalized by unique
experiences which allow them to express their identity. The customers have also become health
conscious because of their increase in awareness towards the world as a whole. This has made
customers scrutinize every ingredient present in the products they consume and makes them
weigh their pros and cons before consuming it again. Consumers now value their time; they
believe time is money and have a burning desire to be hyper productive especially when it
comes to their shopping habits and way of communication. Consumers want to be productive
but at the same time they want to have more leisure in their lives and more moments of pleasure
and even indulgence. The utmost expectations from the brands they consume is to engage with
the brand through new experiences and conversations. These insights are helping Coca cola to
become a total beverage company.
The main objective of this study is to identify the marketing strategies of moon beverages
Limited-Coca Cola Beverage Unit. The specific objectives of the study are given below:
The mode of methodology selected for this report is known as Multi-methodology. Also known
as Mixed Methods Research, Multi-methodology is an approach to professional research that
combines the collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data.
Primary Secondary
Data Data
Internal Extezrnal
Data Data
Figure 1: Sources of Information
Different data and information are required to meet the goal of this report. Those data and
information w5ere collected from various sources, such as, primary and secondary which
isshowed below:
Primary Sources: I have had face-to-face conversation with Manager HR, Route to Market
Manager, Head of Sales and employees of this company.
Secondary Sources: Necessary information was received from the Web Site and internal
Due to several unavoidable situation and reality, the extent of this report has been compromised
up to certain limit. The boundaries of this report are thus:
• This study focuses on moon beverages Limited-Beverage Unit especially for sales
&marketing team,
• This study will focus on the value chain activity of the beverage production unit of
AML, from production to promotion, and the key factors affecting those activities.
• The reports will also focus on the strong logistic and manpower to ensure the marketing
strategy of its beverage product to each corner of the market place.
The extent and limit of the study were constricted due to some of the following considerations:
• AML doesn't agree to provide me their official papers & documents as they are one of
the renowned in Bangladesh and they are competing with their competitors.
• They don't provide their financial report for some obligations, for which I had to collect
it only by personal interview.
• I got the information after a little bit late than I expected. For that, I have to make the
report in a very short time.
• Time limitations.
Company Overview
is one of the leading diversified business conglomerates of Bangladesh which was established
in 1956. This Company one of the luckiest few to experience change over the Millennium. Today,
in the constantly growing and ever-changing world of trade and technology, moon beverages Ltd.
has a new challenge, the challenge to keep it competitive in the Millennium with the leading-edge
technologies as well as products and services. The company has long experience of more than 50
years in accomplishing that in the past and is sure to be able to meet this challenge in the future
as well. Started as a Construction Contractor in 1956 and later diversified to food sector, moon
beverages Ltd. proudly represents brands like Coca-Cola, Igloo, Novus Pharmaceuticals and
Danish Emulsion that are the milestones to the company’s quest to provide the best and quality
products to its millions of consumers.
Corporate Profile
The Managing Director and Chairman had established the organization in the year 1994 and he still
strongly and successfully runs it along with his two eligible sons working as the Deputy Managing
Directors (DMD) of the company, company has led others to follow. The core strength of this
organization is rooted in its capacity to gather the resources to complete infrastructure projects on a
grand scale (funded by Word Bank, ADB, JICA etc.) thus demonstrating the ability to bear the initial
risks associated with such projects and proving sustainability of the company throughout the long
development periods.
Company History
As a Company, our products are an integral part of the micro economy particularly in
small towns and villages, contributing to creation of jobs and growth in GDP. Coca-
Cola in India is amongst the largest domestic buyers of certain agricultural products.
As an industry which has strong backward and forward linkages, our operations
catalysis growth in demand for products like glass, plastic, refrigeration, transportation,
and Industrial and agricultural products. Our operations also lead to incremental growth
for enterprises engaged in post-production activities like merchandising, marketing and
sales. In addition, we share best practices and technological advancements with our
supplliers, vendors and allied industries which often lead to improvement in the overall
standards of quality across industries
The Coca-Cola Company has always placed high value on good citizenship. Our basic
proposition entails that our Company’s business should refresh the market; enrichthe
workplace; protect and preserve the environment; and strengthen the community.
We leverage our unique strengths to actively support and respond to local needs — be
itthe need for education, health, water or nutrition. We have used our distribution
networkfor disaster life, our marketing prowess to raise awareness on issues such as
PET recycling, and our presence in communities to improve access to education and
potable water. TheCoca-Cola India Foundation is now taking forward in the
community at large, projects and programs of social relevance to carry forward the
message of inclusive growth and development.
In India, beverages form an important part of the lives of people. It is an
Non-Alcoholic Alcoholic-Beverage
ore consumers and satisfy the existing consumers.
The vision of Coca-Cola is the framework for their guides of every aspect of its
business. It ispresentedin6Ps:
1. People: Bea great place to work where peopleware inspired be the best they can be.
2. Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate
andsatisfy people's desires and needs.
3. Partners:Nurtureawinningnetworkofcustomersandsuppliers,togetherwecreatemutual,e
during value.
4. Planet:Bearesponsiblecitizenthatmakesadifferencebyhelpingbuildandsupportsustaina
ble communities.
5. Profit: Maximize long-
Productivity: Bea highly effective ,lean and fat-moving organization
This is a mega plant having six lines and packaging 80,000 packs per day.
Approximate turnover of the company is about Rs.500crores.
Product portfolio:1)RGB-CSD(Fanta,Coke,ThumsUp,Sprite)
2) RGB-Maaza(Maaza)
3) PET-CSD(Thums Up,Sprite,Coke,Fanta)
4) RetailWater(KinleyWater)
5) Tetra-Pak(Maaza,MinuteMaidMango)
Is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in history, as well as the
best-known brand in the world. It was created in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, by Dr.John
Pemberton. Coca-Cola might owe its origins to the United States, but its popularity has
made it truly universal.
FantaOrangeistheleadingflavorbutalmosteveryfruitgrownisavailableas a
Fanta flavor somewhere. Consumed more than 130 million times every day around the
world, consumers love Fanta for its great, fruity taste.
ThumsUp is a brand of cola in India. The logo is a red thumbsup .It was
introduced in1977 tooffsetthe withdrawal of The Coca-Cola Company from India.
(Continuous coagulation based WTP) (Ultra filtration based WTP)
Raw water is taken from different sources and stored in storage tank. The plant has
three storage tank. Presurized Sand Filters (PSF) consist of multiple layer of
sand,pebbles and granules with variety in size and specific gravity. PSF is
rticles & heavy metals etc. PSF reduces turbidity. PSF is an ideal solution for the
systems with high sediment,silt,sand,and turbidity.
Activated Carbon Filters (ACF) can effectively reduce some of these organic chemicals
as well as certain harmless taste- and odor-producing compounds. The medium for an
activated carbon filter can be one of many carbon-based materials, but is typically
petroleum coke and bituminous coal. The length of contact time between the water and
the carbon which is determined by the rate of water flow also affects contaminant
adsorption. Greater contact time can allow for greater adsorption of contaminants.
Also,the amount of carbon in the filter affects
contaminantremoval.Forinstance,lesscarbonisgenerallyrequiredto remove tasteandodor-
producing compounds.
Dealkaliser removes the alkanity of the water by the adsortion of
carbonates,bicarbonates,hydroxidesonthe resins.
Degasser is used to remove gasses from drilling fluid which could otherwise
formbubbles. It removes the carbonic acid formed by breaking it to CO2 and
H2O.Water isnowstored in the Blending Tank where chlorinedosing is done.
Water is filtered by Ultrafiltration for the removal of particulates and
macromoleculesfrom raw water to produce potable water. It has been used to either
ionand chlorination) systems employed in water treatment plant. UF processes are
currentlypreferred overtraditionaltreatmentmethodsforthefollowing reasons:
qualityregardless of feedquality
3)Capable of exceeding regulatory standards of water quality, achieving 90-
100%pathogen removal
Now, treated water is stored in the Storage Tank . After this the water is sent to
Leadand Lag ACF tank. Water is then passed through 5µ filter for removal of all
unwantedand harmful microbes. UV removes all microbes by killing them by DNA
denaturation.Water is then finally passed through 3µ filter which gives water sparkling
appearance.Water is then sent through 1µ filter. Water from here is supplied to various
Raw water is supplied from river Daya. This water is stored in three different
storagetank. Solid contact clarifier (SCC) provides for coagulation, flocculation,
the water.
Clarified Water Tank (CWT) stores the water. It is generally used to remove
solidparticulates or suspended solids from liquid for clarification. The clarifier
Pressurized Sand Filters (PSF) consist of multiple layer of sand, pebbles and
granuleswith variety in size and specific gravity. PSF is highly recommended for the
removal ofsuspended solids & undissolved impurities like dust particles & heavy metals
etc. PSFreduces turbidity. Activated Carbon Filters (ACF) can effectively reduce
some ofthese organic chemicals as well as certain harmless taste- and odor-
producingcompounds.The medium for an activated carbon filter can be one of many
carbon-basedmaterials, but is typically petroleum coke and bituminous coal.The length
of contacttime between the water and the carbon which is determined by the rate of
water flowalso affects contaminant adsorption. Greater contact time can allow for
greateradsorption of contaminants. Also, the amount of carbon in the filter affects
contaminantremoval. For instance, less carbon is generally required to remove taste and
odor-producing compounds
Afterthis thewaterissentto Lead and LagACFTank.
Water is then sent through 10µ filter for removal of all organic matter
includingmicrobes. Water is then passed through 5µ filter for all organic matter
UV removes all microbes by killing them by DNA denaturation. Water is then
passedthrough1µfilter.This waterisusedin CIPoftheplantandin blendingofthebeverage.
1) Taste,Odour,Appearance
2) pH
3) TDS(TotalDissolvedSolids) ---ppm
4) Turbidity---NTU–NephelometricTurbidityUnit
5) M–Alkanity(TotalAlkanity)—hydroxides,carbonates,bicarbonates
6) P–Alkanity(Phenolpthalein)–carbonates,bicarbonates
7) TotalHardness
8) CalciumHardness
9) IronTest
10) ChlorideTest
11) SulphateTest
12) FRCTest(FreeResidualChloride)
along with water is circulated throughout the interior surfaces of pipes, vessels,process
equipment, filters and associated fittings. The benefit to industries that use
1) Cleaningisfaster,
2) Lesslabor-intensiveandmorerepeatable
3) Possesslessofachemicalexposurerisktopeople.
It is used to remove in-process residues, control bioburden, and reduce endotoxin
levelswithin processing equipment and systems. Residue removal is accomplished during
CIPwith acombinationofheat,chemicalaction,andturbulent flow.
1) 3-stephotlye-
2) 3-stephotwater-
3) 5-stepCIP-
Hotlye(85⁰C)(1-1.5% conc.)(15mins)
growth of the establishment.
Business Units of Moon beverages Group
AM Economic
Service Engine
Igloo Foods
Igloo Suger
Igloo Dairy Ltd. Igloo Ice-cream
Nature Fresh
● Most respected and connected organization with the community and Government
“Our people are our strength”. Hence, our company prioritizes to nurture and provide them
with the opportunities to achieve their maximum competence. We also express our preeminent
desire to serve the needs of our valued customers, business partners and the society in general
by being responsible in creating and delivering our valuable products, services and business
“Prosperity outlook is key to our success”. Our company contributes immensely to the
prosperity of the people and the country. Therefore, we ensure to utilize advanced technologies,
skills and knowledge of a dedicated, well-trained and motivated workforce in delivering high
quality products and services to our esteemed customers.
“We explore for progress”. Our company believes in sustainable development by investing
in the future of our people, our business, our society and our nation as a whole. Thus, we
continuously explore ways to progress and elevate our practices, our standards and our
Organogram of Beverage Unit
Managing Director
Head of General
Head of Sales Manager
& Marketing Factory Ops
NSM Manager
Plant Manager
There are 7 types of carbonated beverage and 1 mineral water products of Coca-Cola, these
Coke Diet
Coca-Cola ZERO
Sprite ZERO
History of moon beverages Limited-Beverage Unit
Moon -Beverage Unit is the authorized bottler of Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite & Kinley. The
bottling operation started after acquiring the plant Company ( in 1982. In 1987 the company
made an aggressive move to expand the market byestablishing a new RGB (returnable glass
bottle) bottling plant of 450 BPM (bottles per minute)capacity in gaziabad. With this move the
company immediately gained the market leadership position from the competitors. Strategic
planning in further capacity building, investment in logistics and support services as well as
aggressive marketing approach rewarded the enterprisewith dividends in better market share
and product availability across the territory.
In 1990 the company was awarded the President’s Turtle Award by the President of The Coca-
Cola Company (TCCC) in recognition of its contribution to positioning the brand. This is the
most prestigious reward for bottlers by Coca-Cola.
In 1997 the company established another bottling plant at Chittagong. This state-of-the-art
RGB (returnable glass bottle) bottling plant of 650 BPM capacities is the most modern plant in
the country, equipped with straight-line technology from Germany. This plant was established
to expand the market further and to deliver products at every consumer’s doorstep, even to the
most remote areas of india. Company stopped operation of Chittagong plant in 2005 due to
centralize the factory bottling operation in Comilla.
In 2001, AML Beverage Unit established two production lines for producing products in PET
(Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles and in Can (metal container) at Comilla named PET-1 &
CAN production line to meet the increasing consumer demand. Capacity of PET-1-line is 200
BPM (Bottle per minute) & CAN line is 300 CPM (Can per minute).
In 2016 company installed another production line named PET-2 Production Line. Capacity of
this highly sophisticated fully German technology production line is 440 BPM (bottles per
minute). This is a Combo Line (PET CSD + Water production in same line).
Company has a vision to expand its market growth. To meet the incremental improvement on
sales forecast, company planned to install another PET production line in 2021.
Strategic Hierarchy of Coca Cola in india
The beverage unit of moon beverages Limited works under two different managements. The
production and quality of the beverage is maintained and strictly monitored by the international
Coca-Cola authority headquartered at Atlanta, USA, whereas the local operations are
maintained under the supervision of Management Board of moon BeverageUnit.
Coca-Cola is a significant player in india economy and operates its business through two
bottling partners, International Beverages Pvt. Ltd. (IBPL) and Abdul Monem Limited (AML).
One territory under International Beverage Private Limited (IBPL) & the area covered Dhaka
& Rajshahi region. IBPL is a company owned bottling entity, part of Bottling Investment
Group (BIG) of The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC).
Coca-Cola Bangladesh Limited (CCBL) is the liaison company for Coca-Cola operation in
Bangladesh, responsible for demand creation, brand building, marketing, product development,
consumer response, IMCR (incident management & crisis resolution), etc. CCBL is operated
& controlled by Coca-Cola India (CCI). CCI is the Business Unit (BU) of Coca-Cola & the
area covered India & Southwest Asia (INSWA) under Asia Pacific Group which is directly
controlled by The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC).
Coca-Cola India and South West Asia (INSWA) is one of the fastest growing Business Units
(BU) in the Coca-Cola universe. This BU consists on India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal,
Maldives and Bhutan. Bangladesh is the second largest and fastest growing economy in this
BU. Bangladesh is a young and vibrant nation that has a bright future ahead of it. Coca-Cola is
one of the most loved brands in the country as it represents the youthful aspirations of the
It is an incredibly local company as through its business system adds approximately BDT 800
crores value added to the Bangladesh economy, which equals to about 0.1% of Bangladesh's
The strategies and operations of the beverage unit of AML are maintained under the control of
the General Managers of corresponding divisions. The General Managers are supervised by the
Chief Executive Officer of the Coca Cola Operations, who is accountable to the Board of
Directors composed of The Managing Director and Deputy Managing Directors. The operation
and performance of the Coca Cola operations of AML are closely monitored by the
International Coca Cola Authority through its regional stations (CCI).
A conceptual flow diagram of the strategy making hierarchy of Abdul Monem Limited is given
Corporate Strategy
Undertaken by the international Coca Cola Authority at Atlanta, USA, delivered and
monitored by the local country
Business Strategy
Crafted by Abdul Momen Ltd. as a part of the group. The Board of Director is
responsible for the Beverage Unit as well as for other units
After independence the food habit of Bangladeshi people has been changed a lot. Besides our
traditional food consumer of Bangladesh like to take western food also after 1980s. As a result
of global marketing this was not too hard for the consumers. Different foreign food companies
were established in Bangladesh. Beverage industry is one of them. But more interestingly we
don’t know beverage is also our cultural food because beverage doesn’t mean only carbonated
drinks. Yoghurt, soup and lacchi are also beverage of our own tradition which consumed for
the last 100 years in Bangladesh. But carbonated beverage is new in Bangladesh and today our
research is on carbonated beverage market in Bangladesh and consumer reaction to it.
Carbonated beverage entered into our market in the later part of 1980. At that time there were
only few companies in Bangladesh. But by the change of time and western culture influences
it’s become very popular in Bangladesh. By year 2000 more than 12 Beverage Company
operating business in Bangladesh and most of them are foreign companies.
The rivals for the beverage unit of AML range from the rivals producing other carbonated
beverages as well as from the producers of other beverages such as Fruit Juices, Flavored Milk,
Synthetic Drinks and Pure Drinking Water. Notably, the major rivals of AML are:
The positioning strategy used by Coca-Cola has allowed them to paint a suitable image of
themselves in the mind of their customers as the only “Real One”. They have designed their
positioning strategy so as to draw an effective picture of their products offered for their
customer. Once they had decided the market segment they wanted to target and compete in,
they clearly developed a picture of that targeted market segment and properly defined their
products as part of their positioning strategy. Through their positions strategy they emphasized
on their distinct and unique characteristics with relation to their competitive brands stressing
on their individuality. They associated their product with the customer’s values and knowledge
highlighting their benefits. Their positioning strategy also included comparison of Coca-Cola’s
products with those of their rivals, like Pepsi, so that drive their customers to believe that Coca-
Cola’s products had higher quality and standard.
The Coca-Cola brand has turned out to be one of the most recognizable and a popular brand of
all times and their beverage company is among the world’s largest beverage companies. They
have become a successful brand since they have used a number of different brand management
strategies depending on the market situation and target market. The strategies include hybrid,
manufacturer, and individual, private, family and generic brand management strategies.
However, the most utilized brand management strategy she used is the individual brand
management strategy since all of their major products have individual brand names, like Sprite,
Fanta& Kinley. Coca-Cola’s world-wide recognition comes from the fact that they have spent
billions of dollars to promote and develop their trademark and brand name. Due to this today
more than 95% of our global population recognizes Coca-Cola along with their special writing
and their prominent red and white color.
As a matter of fact, Coca-Cola Company came into being in 1986 and within the past 2 decades,
it has been able to establish itself as one of the leading beverage companies in the world. The
brand used a number of modern marketing techniques which has immensely benefited the
business. This includes aiming their marketing concept totally towards their customers and
allowing the focus of their customers to percolate trough almost every department whether
human resource, production or finance. Another beneficial modern marketing technique
includes taking of all of their important decisions with relevance to the existing market
considerations, position and segmentation. Apart from placing importance on market
implications, there are 3 techniques of modern marketing which the company can highly benefit
from – focusing on customers, coordination and profit orientation. The company’s focus should
always be on the consumer’s viewpoint so that they can totally understand whichproduct or
service the buyer needs. Since the marketing mix is an interconnected system, the entire
marketing program needs to be considered and designed as a whole.
In addition, the marketing techniques used by Coca-Cola allow them to listen to the needs and
demands of the people all over the world who want beverages that extend over a wide variety
of occasions and tastes. Their marketing strategy has allowed them to produce great beverages
which contribute towards each and every community of our world. Their marketing techniques
display their commitment towards diversity, health, education and wellness, thus establishing
them as one of the most successful and powerful brands of all time. Coca-Cola’s marketing
techniques consists of an extremely efficient marketing mix strategy combining product, price,
promotion and place. They not only provide the customers with their products, soft drinks, but
also several services, like movies and holidays, allowing the consumers to be completely
satisfied. Their main pricing strategy includes penetration pricing which has allowed them to
grab a footing in their target market by winning a major part of the market share. After
establishing customer loyalty, Coca-Cola then slowly raised their product prices. Coca-Cola
has always been among the fore-runners in gimmicks and advertising styles and techniques
which fall under promotion of marketing techniques. They have effectively use their
promotional strategies for persuading their customers into buying their original products and
trying the new ones. They have used a combination of public relations, advertising, personal
selling and sales promotion as a part of their marketing techniques. Coca-Cola have also
carefully chosen the place or distribution techniques for their company. Their techniques
include direct, selective, intensive and exclusive distribution. It is completely apparent from
their widespread popularity and reputation that these marketing strategies used by Coca-Cola
has helped them establish themselves as among the most powerful and successful brand of
modern times, one which will fortunately be a complex yet vital part of our modern world
In a highly competitive world such as ours effective branding and positioning strategies are
extremely essential since it plays as a major force for the company and allows it to retain its
stronghold all over the world. The branding strategies of a company accurately define the
individuality of the company, its products and services. Every company, whether small or large,
consider their branding strategies to be an important part of the entire business. Through their
branding strategies they establish themselves as a brand name which represents quality and
standard to their customers. A brand name helps the differentiation among customers based on
their unique qualities from other similar products.
Additionally, the positioning strategy of a company helps it to establish the profitability of their
various products and services. In order for a company to be successful simply having a quality
product is not enough in our capitalistic world economy. The products and services must have
a distinct and clear image and should be offered to the target customers at competitive prices.
This is what a positioning strategy creates. Therefore, positioning strategies helps companies
create a useful and desired image of the product for the customers, producing a direct contact
between them and the company.
The Coca-Cola Company aims to be globally known, they do this by targeting different areas
across the globe with different products, gaining their brand name and popularity. All the
bottling partners work closely with their customers such as convenience stores, grocery stores,
eating & drinking stores and modern trade to create and use localized strategies developed in
partnership with the Company. Their competition with other beverage companies are also
narrowed down as they own various brands that could be possible competition. For example,
the company sells Coke without the competition of other popular soft drink brands like Sprite
and Fanta because the company owns those brands as well. The company often reviews and
evaluates their business plans and performance to improve their earnings and analyze their
competitive position in the market. They make decisions in realigning their business models to
match the objectives of the company by using strategies and tactics in the analysis of their
Marketing Mix (4Ps) of Coca-Cola india:
Diet Coke
Coke Zero Sprite
Kinley (Packaged drinking water)
The beverage industry is a major driver of economic growth. A National Council of Applied Economic
Research (NCAER) study on the carbonated soft-drink industry indicates that this industry has an
output multiplier effect of 2.1. This means thatif one unit of output of beverage is increased, the direct
and indirect effect on the economy will be twice of that. In terms of employment, the NCAER study
notes that “anextraproductionof1000cases generates an extra employment of410man days.”
As a Company, our products are an integral part of the micro economy particularly in small towns
and villages, contributing to creation of jobs and growth in GDP. Coca-Cola in India is amongst the
largest domestic buyers of certain agricultural products.
As an industry which has strong backward and forward linkages, our operations catalysisgrowth in
demand for products like glass, plastic, refrigeration, transportation,andIndustrial and agricultural
products. Our operations also lead to incremental growthforenterprises engaged in post-production
activities like merchandising, marketing andsales. In addition, we share best practices and
technological advancements with oursuppliers, vendors and allied industries which often lead to
improvement in the overallstandardsof qualityacrossindustries
The Coca-Cola Company has always placed high value on good citizenship. Our basicproposition entails
that our Company’s business should refresh the market; enrichtheworkplace; protect and preserve the
environment; and strengthen the community.
Weleverage our unique strengths to actively support and respond to local needs — be ittheneed for
education, health, water or nutrition. We have used our distribution network
fordisasterrelief,ourmarketingprowesstoraiseawarenesson issuessuchasPETrecycling, and our
presence in communities to improve access to education and potablewater. TheCoca-Cola India
Foundation is now taking forward in the community at large,projects and programs of social relevance
to carry forward the message of inclusivegrowthanddevelopment.
InIndia,beverages formanimportant partofthelivesofpeople.It is an
Non-Alcoholic Alcoholic-Beverage
The vision of Coca-Cola is the framework for their guides of every aspect of itsbusiness.It
6. People:Beagreatplaceto workwherepeopleareinspiredto bethebesttheycanbe.
7. Portfolio:Bring to theworld a portfolio ofquality beveragebrands that anticipateand
8. Partners:Nurtureawinningnetworkofcustomersandsuppliers,togetherwecreatemutual,e
9. Planet:Bearesponsiblecitizenthatmakesadifferencebyhelpingbuildandsupportsustaina
10. Profit:Maximizelong-
This is a mega plant having six lines and packaging 80,000 packs per day.
Approximate turnover of the company is about Rs.500crores.
Product portfolio:1)RGB-CSD(Fanta,Coke,ThumsUp,Sprite)
2) RGB-Maaza(Maaza)
3) PET-CSD(Thums Up,Sprite,Coke,Fanta)
4) RetailWater(KinleyWater)
5) Tetra-Pak(Maaza,MinuteMaidMango)
Is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in history, as well as thebest-known
brand in the world. It was created in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, by Dr.John S.Pemberton. Coca-Cola
might owe its origins to the United States, but its popularity hasmadeittrulyuniversal.
Diet Coke, also known as Coca-Cola light, is a sugar- and calorie- freesoft drink
with a deliciously crisp taste that gives you a light boost in your busyday.Today, Diet Coke/Coca-
Cola light is one of the largest and most successful brands ofTheCoca-
ColaCompany,availableinover150 markets around theworld.
ThumsUp is a brand of cola in India. The logo is a red thumbsup .It wasintroduced
in1977 tooffsetthe withdrawal of The Coca-Cola Company from India.
Kinley water has added minerals which is necessary for body. It isavailable in many
sizes like 500 ml and 1 ltr and 2 ltr bottle. It goes through and uv treatment to make the
waterpurify.The taste of the water is very fine and very sweet soitfelt good to drink.
Water used in the beverage industry has to be treated to remove undesirable substances and to control
the alkalinity. A drink made from untreated water or water of poor quality would result in off tastes in
the finished beverage.
Carbon dioxide is added to most soft drinks. It dissolves readily in cold water
underpressureandgivesasparklingappearancetothedrinkwhenpoured.Italsoenhancesth e flavour and
gives a pleasant refreshing 'lift' to the drink. Carbon dioxide also contributes to the inhibition of
micro-organisms, particularly at higher carbonation volume.
Flavouring syrup is normally a concentrated solution of a sweetener (sugar or artificial),an acidulant
for tartness, flavouring, and a preservative when necessary. Theflavouring syrup is made in two steps.
First, a “simple syrup” is prepared by making asolution of water and sugar. This simple sugar solution
can be treated with carbon andfiltered if the sugar quality is poor. All of the other ingredients are then
added in a precise order tomakeup what is called a“finished syrup.”
Concentrate is an essential component in all soft drinks. Without the addition ofitmost drinks
would taste like sweetned acidified water. It is supplied to all Coca- cola plants in India
Mango or Orange Pulp is used in making Maaza and other Minute Maid products.Mangoes used are
Alfanso and Totapuri. The product mango pulp is obtainedbyprocessingofsound,mature,ripened Totapuri
mangoes possessing the characteristics flavourand colour.
Source:1)Industrial Development Corporation Of Orissa(IDCO)
2) Oil Orissa
3) Oil well
Source water is obtained from IDCO through pipeline. It is supplied from a pump house situated at 15kms
from Khurda plant on the bank of river "Daya". During rainy season,water carries high turbidity and
pesticide residues which is taken care by settling tank prior to being supplied to the plant. Another source
of water is from a well 2kms
frawmaterialsquality,using multiple barrier approach.
2)1000 kl
3)1500 kl
4) 1250kl(To be installed)
(Continuous coagulation based WTP) (Ultra filtration based WTP)
Raw water is taken from different sources and stored in storage tank. The plant has three storage
tank. Presurized Sand Filters (PSF) consist of multiple layer of sand,pebbles and granules with
variety in size and specific gravity. PSF is
highlyrecommendedfortheremovalofsuspendedsolids&undissolvedimpuritieslikedustpa rticles &
heavy metals etc. PSF reduces turbidity. PSF is an ideal solution for the systems with high
sediment,silt,sand,and turbidity.
Activated Carbon Filters (ACF) can effectively reduce some of these organic chemicalsas well as
certain harmless taste- and odor-producing compounds. The medium for an activated carbon filter can
be one of many carbon-based materials, but is typically petroleum coke and bituminous coal. The
length of contact time between the water andthe carbon which is determined by the rate of water flow
also affects contaminant adsorption. Greater contact time can allow for greater adsorption of
Also,the amount of carbon in the filter affects
contaminantremoval.Forinstance,lesscarbonisgenerallyrequiredto remove tasteandodor-producing
Dealkaliser removes the alkanity of the water by the adsortion of
carbonates,bicarbonates,hydroxidesonthe resins.
Degasser is used to remove gasses from drilling fluid which could otherwiseformbubbles.
It removes the carbonic acid formed by breaking it to CO2 andH2O.Water isnowstored in
the Blending Tank where chlorinedosing is done.
Water is filtered by Ultrafiltration for the removal of particulates and macromoleculesfrom raw water to
produce potable water. It has been used to either replace
existingsecondary(coagulation,flocculation,sedimentation)andtertiaryfiltration(sandfiltrat ionand
chlorination) systems employed in water treatment plant. UF processes are currentlypreferred
overtraditionaltreatmentmethodsforthefollowing reasons:
1)Nochemicalsrequired(asidefromcleaning)2)Constantproductqualityregardless of
3)Capable of exceeding regulatory standards of water quality, achieving 90-
100%pathogen removal
Now, treated water is stored in the Storage Tank . After this the water is sent to Leadand Lag ACF
tank. Water is then passed through 5µ filter for removal of all unwantedand harmful microbes. UV
removes all microbes by killing them by DNA denaturation.Water is then finally passed through 3µ
filter which gives water sparklingappearance.Water is then sent through 1µ filter. Water from here is
supplied to variousproductionlines.
Raw water is supplied from river Daya. This water is stored in three different storagetank. Solid
contact clarifier (SCC) provides for coagulation, flocculation,
,calciumhydroxide,calciumhypochloridearepresentwhichcoagulatesandremovesturbidityof the water.
Clarified Water Tank (CWT) stores the water. It is generally used to remove solidparticulates
or suspended solids from liquid for clarification. The clarifier works
Pressurized Sand Filters (PSF) consist of multiple layer of sand, pebbles and granuleswith variety in
size and specific gravity. PSF is highly recommended for the removal ofsuspended solids &
undissolved impurities like dust particles & heavy metalsetc. PSFreduces turbidity. Activated Carbon
Filters (ACF) can effectively reduce some ofthese organic chemicals as well as certain harmless taste-
and odor- producingcompounds.The medium for an activated carbon filter can be one of many carbon-
basedmaterials, but is typically petroleum coke and bituminous coal.The length of contacttime
between the water and the carbon which is determined by the rate of water flowalso affects
contaminant adsorption. Greater contact time can allow for greateradsorption of contaminants. Also,
the amount of carbon in the filter affects contaminantremoval. For instance, less carbon is generally
required to remove taste andodor-producing compounds
Afterthis thewaterissentto Lead and LagACFTank.
Water is then sent through 10µ filter for removal of all organic matter includingmicrobes.
Water is then passed through 5µ filter for all organic matterincludingmicrobes.
UV removes all microbes by killing them by DNA denaturation. Water is then passedthrough1µfilter.This
waterisusedin CIPoftheplantandin blendingofthebeverage.
13) Taste,Odour,Appearance
14) pH
15) TDS(TotalDissolvedSolids) ---ppm
16) Turbidity---NTU–NephelometricTurbidityUnit
17) M–Alkanity(TotalAlkanity)—hydroxides,carbonates,bicarbonates
18) P–Alkanity(Phenolpthalein)–carbonates,bicarbonates
19) TotalHardness
20) CalciumHardness
21) IronTest
22) ChlorideTest
23) SulphateTest
24) FRCTest(FreeResidualChloride)
4) 3-stephotlye-
5) 3-stephotwater-
6) 5-stepCIP-
Hotlye(85⁰C)(1-1.5% conc.)(15mins)
Company History
The beverage industry is a major driver of economic growth. A National Council ofApplied Economic
Research (NCAER) study on the carbonated soft-drink industryindicates that this industry has an output
multiplier effect of 2.1. This means thatif oneunit of output of beverage is increased, the direct and
indirect effect on the economy willbe twice of that. In terms of employment, the NCAER study notes
that “anextraproductionof1000cases generates an extraemployment of410man days.”
As a Company, our products are an integral part of the micro economy particularly insmall towns
and villages, contributing to creation of jobs and growth in GDP. Coca-ColainIndiaisamongst
thelargestdomesticbuyers ofcertain agriculturalproducts.
As an industry which has strong backward and forward linkages, our operations catalysisgrowth in
demand for products like glass, plastic, refrigeration, transportation,andIndustrial and agricultural
products. Our operations also lead to incremental growthforenterprises engaged in post-production
activities like merchandising, marketing andsales. In addition, we share best practices and
technological advancements with oursuppliers, vendors and allied industries which often lead to
improvement in the overallstandardsof qualityacrossindustries
The Coca-Cola Company has always placed high value on good citizenship. Our basicproposition entails
that our Company’s business should refresh the market; enrichtheworkplace; protect and preserve the
environment; and strengthen the community.
Weleverage our unique strengths to actively support and respond to local needs — be ittheneed for
education, health, water or nutrition. We have used our distribution network
fordisasterrelief,ourmarketingprowesstoraiseawarenesson issuessuchasPETrecycling, and our
presence in communities to improve access to education and potablewater. TheCoca-Cola India
Foundation is now taking forward in the community at large,projects and programs of social relevance
to carry forward the message of inclusivegrowthanddevelopment.
InIndia,beverages formanimportant partofthelivesofpeople.It is an
Non-Alcoholic Alcoholic-Beverage
industry,inwhichtheplayersconstantlyinnovate,inordertocomeupwithbetterproductstogainm oreconsumers
The vision of Coca-Cola is the framework for their guides of every aspect of itsbusiness.It
11. People:Beagreatplaceto workwherepeopleareinspiredto bethebesttheycanbe.
12. Portfolio:Bring to theworld a portfolio ofquality beveragebrands that
13. Partners:Nurtureawinningnetworkofcustomersandsuppliers,togetherwecreatemutual,
e nduringvalue.
14. Planet:Bearesponsiblecitizenthatmakesadifferencebyhelpingbuildandsupportsustain
a blecommunities.
15. Profit:Maximizelong-
This is a mega plant having six lines and packaging 80,000 packs per day.
Approximate turnover of the company is about Rs.500crores.
Product portfolio:1)RGB-CSD(Fanta,Coke,ThumsUp,Sprite)
2) RGB-Maaza(Maaza)
3) PET-CSD(Thums Up,Sprite,Coke,Fanta)
4) RetailWater(KinleyWater)
5) Tetra-Pak(Maaza,MinuteMaidMango)
Is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in history, as well as thebest-known
brand in the world. It was created in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, by Dr.John S.Pemberton. Coca-Cola
might owe its origins to the United States, but its popularity hasmadeittrulyuniversal.
Diet Coke, also known as Coca-Cola light, is a sugar- and calorie- freesoft drink
with a deliciously crisp taste that gives you a light boost in your busyday.Today, Diet Coke/Coca-
Cola light is one of the largest and most successful brands ofTheCoca-
ColaCompany,availableinover150 markets around theworld.
ThumsUp is a brand of cola in India. The logo is a red thumbsup .It wasintroduced
in1977 tooffsetthe withdrawal of The Coca-Cola Company from India.
Kinley water has added minerals which is necessary for body. It isavailable in many
sizes like 500 ml and 1 ltr and 2 ltr bottle. It goes through and uv treatment to make the
waterpurify.The taste of the water is very fine and very sweet soitfelt good to drink.
Water used in the beverage industry has to be treated to remove undesirable substances and to control
the alkalinity. A drink made from untreated water or water of poor quality would result in off tastes in
the finished beverage.
Carbon dioxide is added to most soft drinks. It dissolves readily in cold water
underpressureandgivesasparklingappearancetothedrinkwhenpoured.Italsoenhancesth e flavour and
gives a pleasant refreshing 'lift' to the drink. Carbon dioxide also contributes to the inhibition of
micro-organisms, particularly at higher carbonation volume.
Flavouring syrup is normally a concentrated solution of a sweetener (sugar or artificial),an acidulant
for tartness, flavouring, and a preservative when necessary. Theflavouring syrup is made in two steps.
First, a “simple syrup” is prepared by making asolution of water and sugar. This simple sugar solution
can be treated with carbon andfiltered if the sugar quality is poor. All of the other ingredients are then
added in a precise order tomakeup what is called a“finished syrup.”
Concentrate is an essential component in all soft drinks. Without the addition ofitmost drinks
would taste like sweetned acidified water. It is supplied to all Coca- cola plants in India
Mango or Orange Pulp is used in making Maaza and other Minute Maid products.Mangoes used are
Alfanso and Totapuri. The product mango pulp is obtainedbyprocessingofsound,mature,ripened Totapuri
mangoes possessing the characteristics flavourandcolour.
(Continuous coagulation based WTP) (Ultra filtration based WTP)
Raw water is taken from different sources and stored in storage tank. The plant has three storage
tank. Presurized Sand Filters (PSF) consist of multiple layer of sand,pebbles and granules with
variety in size and specific gravity. PSF is
highlyrecommendedfortheremovalofsuspendedsolids&undissolvedimpuritieslikedustpa rticles &
heavy metals etc. PSF reduces turbidity. PSF is an ideal solution for the systems with high
sediment,silt,sand,and turbidity.
Activated Carbon Filters (ACF) can effectively reduce some of these organic chemicalsas well as
certain harmless taste- and odor-producing compounds. The medium for an activated carbon filter can
be one of many carbon-based materials, but is typically petroleum coke and bituminous coal. The
length of contact time between the water andthe carbon which is determined by the rate of water flow
also affects contaminant adsorption. Greater contact time can allow for greater adsorption of
Also,the amount of carbon in the filter affects
contaminantremoval.Forinstance,lesscarbonisgenerallyrequiredto remove tasteandodor-producing
Dealkaliser removes the alkanity of the water by the adsortion of
carbonates,bicarbonates,hydroxidesonthe resins.
Degasser is used to remove gasses from drilling fluid which could otherwiseformbubbles.
It removes the carbonic acid formed by breaking it to CO2 andH2O.Water isnowstored in
the Blending Tank where chlorinedosing is done.
Water is filtered by Ultrafiltration for the removal of particulates and macromoleculesfrom raw water to
produce potable water. It has been used to either replace
existingsecondary(coagulation,flocculation,sedimentation)andtertiaryfiltration(sandfiltrat ionand
chlorination) systems employed in water treatment plant. UF processes are currentlypreferred
overtraditionaltreatmentmethodsforthefollowing reasons:
1)Nochemicalsrequired(asidefromcleaning)2)Constantproductqualityregardless of
3)Capable of exceeding regulatory standards of water quality, achieving 90-
100%pathogen removal
Now, treated water is stored in the Storage Tank . After this the water is sent to Leadand Lag ACF
tank. Water is then passed through 5µ filter for removal of all unwantedand harmful microbes. UV
removes all microbes by killing them by DNA denaturation.Water is then finally passed through 3µ
filter which gives water sparklingappearance.Water is then sent through 1µ filter. Water from here is
supplied to variousproductionlines.
Raw water is supplied from river Daya. This water is stored in three different storagetank. Solid
contact clarifier (SCC) provides for coagulation, flocculation,
,calciumhydroxide,calciumhypochloridearepresentwhichcoagulatesandremovesturbidityof the water.
Clarified Water Tank (CWT) stores the water. It is generally used to remove solidparticulates
or suspended solids from liquid for clarification. The clarifier works
Pressurized Sand Filters (PSF) consist of multiple layer of sand, pebbles and granuleswith variety in
size and specific gravity. PSF is highly recommended for the removal ofsuspended solids &
undissolved impurities like dust particles & heavy metalsetc. PSFreduces turbidity. Activated Carbon
Filters (ACF) can effectively reduce some ofthese organic chemicals as well as certain harmless taste-
and odor- producingcompounds.The medium for an activated carbon filter can be one of many carbon-
basedmaterials, but is typically petroleum coke and bituminous coal.The length of contacttime
between the water and the carbon which is determined by the rate of water flowalso affects
contaminant adsorption. Greater contact time can allow for greateradsorption of contaminants. Also,
the amount of carbon in the filter affects contaminantremoval. For instance, less carbon is generally
required to remove taste andodor-producing compounds
Afterthis thewaterissentto Lead and LagACFTank.
Water is then sent through 10µ filter for removal of all organic matter includingmicrobes.
Water is then passed through 5µ filter for all organic matterincludingmicrobes.
UV removes all microbes by killing them by DNA denaturation. Water is then passedthrough1µfilter.This
waterisusedin CIPoftheplantandin blendingofthebeverage.
25) Taste,Odour,Appearance
26) pH
27) TDS(TotalDissolvedSolids) ---ppm
28) Turbidity---NTU–NephelometricTurbidityUnit
29) M–Alkanity(TotalAlkanity)—hydroxides,carbonates,bicarbonates
30) P–Alkanity(Phenolpthalein)–carbonates,bicarbonates
31) TotalHardness
32) CalciumHardness
33) IronTest
34) ChlorideTest
35) SulphateTest
36) FRCTest(FreeResidualChloride)
7) 3-stephotlye-
8) 3-stephotwater-
9) 5-stepCIP-
Hotlye(85⁰C)(1-1.5% conc.)(15mins)
Coca-Cola is the world’s favorite soft drink and has been enjoyed since 1886. It is now the
most recognized trademark in the world, available everywhere in the world. Coca-Cola was
introduced in Bangladesh in 1963 and has been an accelerator for spreading joy ever since.
Secret of Coca-Cola formula: The formula for making Coca-Cola is a trade secret. The
company has protected the special taste of Coca-Cola for more than 132 years. Only The Coca-
Cola Company (TCCC) knows how to make Coca-Cola. That way, when someone buy Coca-
Cola drinks, you can be sure you’re getting the same delicious and refreshing experience time
and time again!
The most closely guarded and best-kept secret in the food and drinks industry, the Coca-
Cola formula is a complex blend of natural flavors. Although it has been frequently imitated,
it has never been replicated.
Only a few people know the secret formula of Coca-Cola in the world. Dr. John S. Pemberton
invented Coca-Cola in 1886. Since then, the formula has been kept under wraps, shared only
with a small group. The secret formula of Coca-Cola is written on a piece of paper which is
kept in a vault in the United States. Anyone can visit of Coca-Cola the Vault of the Secret
Formula at the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta.
Packs available: 200ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, 2 ltr, 2.25 ltr
Crisp, refreshing and Transparent, Sprite is the world’s leading lemon and lime-flavored soft
drink. It first hit shop shelves back in 1961 and since its inception, Sprite has not only
established itself as a brand which successfully boasts it's 'cut-thru' perspective with an
authentic, edgy, irreverent, urban and straight forward style, but has also achieved status of an
undisputed youth 'badge' brand.
Packs available: 200ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1ltr, 1.5 ltr, 2 ltr, 2.25 ltr
Bright, bubbly and a popular favorite, Fanta Orange is a soft drink with a tangy, fruity taste.
Over the years Fanta has occupied a strong market place and is identified as "The Fun Catalyst".
Perceived as a fun youth brand, Fanta stands for its vibrant colour, tempting taste and tingling
bubbles that not just uplift feelings but also helps free the spirit, thus, encouraging one to
indulge in the moment.
Diet Coke, also known as Coca-Cola Light in some markets, is a sugar-free soft drink. It was
first introduced in the United States since 1982, as the first new brand since 1886 to use the
Coca-Cola Trademark. Today, Diet Coke/Coca-Cola Light is one of the largest and most
successful brands of The Coca-Cola Company, available in more than 150 markets around the
world including india
Coca-Cola Zero
Coca-Cola Zero is one of The Coca-Cola Company’s most successful and significant
innovations. It offers the same ‘Great Coke Taste, with Zero Sugar’. Launched in 2005 in
America, Coca-Cola Zero is now available in 150 countries including india where it was
launched in 2017. Coca-Cola Zero is one of the $20 billion brands of the Coca-Cola Company
in revenue terms and is one of the fastest to this milestone.
Sprite Zero Sugar, a sugar-less variant of the classic and original lemon-lime beverage – Sprite,
offers the same refreshing taste but without the calories. As with the classic version of Sprite,
Sprite Zero Sugar is also caffeine free. Sprite Zero Sugar was launched in Bangladesh in 2017.
Kinley packaged water, was launched in india in December 2016 and comes with the assurance
of safety from The Coca-Cola Company. Kinley undergoes a reverse-osmosis technique along
with the latest technology to ensure purity of our product. Because we believethat right to pure,
safe drinking water is fundamental.
The prices of Coca-Cola products vary according to the brand and the size. Each sub-brand of
coca cola has different pricing strategy. Their pricing strategy is based on the competitors
pricing, Pepsi is the direct competitor to coke.
Sprite 15 Mirinda 15
Sprite 20 7-up 18
Fanta 20 Merinda 18
Sprite 40 7-Up 35
Fanta 40 Merinda 35
Kinley 10 Aquafina 15
Sprite 60 7-Up 50
Fanta 60 Merinda 60
For more than hundred centuries The Coca-Cola Company has dominated the world’s market
for beverage. The main products of The Coca-Cola Company like Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta,
Kinley, etc. are available at any location in the world. Many factors contribute to Coca-cola
Company’s enduring success of high-quality products, feasible and efficient manufacturing and
steady stream if innovative new products, and a lean organization that makes them responsive
to customer needs. The biggest reason for Coca-Cola Company’s success has beentheir system
of distribution & product support and the close customer relationship. The backbone of that
system is their uncountable dealers around the world who sell their products. Coca-Cola
Company and its dealers work in close harmony to find better ways to bring values tocustomer.
The close relationship between Coca-Cola Company and its dealers come down to more thanjust formal
contracts and business agreements.
Dealer profitability: When times are good, Coca-Cola Company shares the bounty with dealers rather
than trying to grab all those riches for itself. When times are bad, Coca-Cola Company emerged with the
distribution systemintact and its competitivepositionstronger thanever.
The Coca-Cola Company sells its products by bottling and canning operations. The distributors
reached the coke to the wholesalers and the wholesalers reached it to retailers. And at last the
customers buy coca cola from retailer shop.
Producer/ Producer/
Manufacturer Manufacturer
Regional Sales
Distributor Distributor
Retailer Retailer
Consumer Consumer
There are 260 numbers of Distributors across the AML territory. Total number of retailers in
AML region: 42,000 numbers and 4 types of retailer shops are available—E&D (Eating &
Drinking), Convenience, Grocery & Modern Trade.
Advertising the Coca-Cola Company uses advertising as its main source of increasing
consumer awareness. It mainly uses the television. There are many television advertisements
on Coca-Cola products. This source allows the company’s products to reach a large audience.
In Bangladesh, Coca-Cola promotion is the event base ad like Pohela Boishak, Basha Dibosh,
Eid festival, Sports, etc.Coca-Cola is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in
Bangladesh in Cola segment, as well as the best-known product in the world. Coca-Cola is the
oldest brand in Bangladesh.
Coca-Cola Company communicates with its dealers fully, frequently & honestly. There is no
secrets (except cona-cola formula) between them. They have financial statements and key
operating data for every dealers in the country. In addition, virtually all Coca-Cola Company
and dealer employees have real-time access to continually update databases of service
information, sales trends and forecasts.
➢ Advertising
➢ Personal Selling
➢ Publicity
➢ Sales Promotion
➢ Direct Marketing
➢ Interactive/ Internet Marketing
SWOT Analysis
Strength Weakness
Opportunities Threats
• Growth in beverage
consumption • Increased competition
• Increasing bottle water in carbonated drink
demand industry
• Increasing demand for • So many local brand
healthy food & • Impacting sales
beverage volume with weather
It was observed that Coca-Cola has been perceived quite positively as it has been projected.
People are aware of the Brand & Awareness of Coca-Cola is quite high in the market. When a
product is launched, avid Coke drinkers choose the product over any other competitor simply
because it's a Coca-Cola product and they trust it.
When people buy Coca-Cola, they are not just buying the beverage but also the image that goes
with it, therefore to have the price higher reiterates the fact that the product is of a better quality
than the rest and that the consumer is not cheap.
In modern trade (super market) and convenience stores Coca-Cola has their own fridge (cooler)
which contains only their products. There is little personal selling, but that is made up for in
public relations and corporate image. Coca-Cola sponsors a lot of events including sports and
recreational activities.
❖ Recommendations
The study has been concluded some recommendation for the Coca Cola Company, which are
• According to the survey, conducted by the international in some places, people like
little bit sweeter Cola drink. So, for this Coca Cola company should produce their
product according to the local demand;
• Marketing team should try to increase the availability of Coca-Cola products in rural
1. Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller (2016) published by Pearson Education,
authorized adaptation from the United States edition, entitled Marketing Management,
15th edition, ISBN 978-0-13-385646-0.
2. Jennifer Aaker (August 1997), “Dimensions of Measuring Brand Personality,” Journal
of Marketing Research 34
3. West CF. (2013) Coca Cola Market Plan and Market Research. Retrieved from Study
4. Aashish Paha (2018) Coca-Cola Marketing Case Study. Retrieved from Fee dough, ,
https:// doubleweight. com/you=
5. Abdul Minam Jamil Parachi, Muhammad Waqas, Ali Raza Khan (2012). Consumer
Preference Coca Cola versus Pepsi-Cola. Global Journal of Management and
Business Research,
6. COCA COLA (2018) . Marketing Analysis Project Report., Retrieved from Bohai
Ala:https:// - cola-marketing-analysis-project-report/
7. Drummond, Graeme, Ensor, John & Ashford, Ruth (2008). Strategic marketing:
planning and control. (Butterworth-Heinemann)
8. Jobber, David (2013). Principles and practice of marketing. (McGraw-Hill)
9. Cengage Learning (2010). Moot into, Luiz & Southern, G. Strategic
marketingmanagement: a business process approach.
10. Marketing Jobs & Marketing News - Media, Advertising, Brands - Marketing Week
11. moon Group (2018) Growth of Sales Report.
❖ Income level of an investor is an important factor, which affects portfolio of the investor percent.
❖ 39.6 Percent of investors are preferred to invest in long-term where as 40.6 percent of investors are
preferred to invest in both long term and short-term avenues.
❖ 37.6 percent of the investors are preferred to invest in monthly and 20.8% of investors preferred to invest
.in quarterly basis.
❖ Business paper is an important source of study for the investors. Apart from this, business channels and
websites are some other important sources of study.
❖ Return on investment and risk involved in most important factor for the investors before taking any
investment decisions.
❖ Return on investment and credit rating are to important factors for those investors who are interested to
invest in bonds/debentures.
❖ 47.5% of investors investment pattern will affect if any changes in the market, so market movement is
very important factor is changing of investment pattern.
❖ Risk and Return should be evaluated before making an investment decision. 105
❖ There should be a regular E-Mail, SMS updates to the investors regarding their investments.
❖ Those investors who want to avoid risk should invest in treasury notes or high-rated municipal
bonds and debentures etc.
❖ SMC Global Securities Ltd. should expand its by business by setting up of new branches in
various places where they have potential clients.
❖ Those investors who want to avoid risk should invest in Public Provident Fund; National
Pension Scheme & Equity linked savings scheme.
When was Coca-Cola first introduced to the public?
a. 1886 b. 1900 c. 1920 d. 1940
What is the name of the Coca-Cola Company's first diet soft drink?
a. Tab b. Diet Coke c. Coca-Cola Light d. Pepsi Max
In which year did Coca-Cola start selling bottled water under the
Dasani brand?
a. 1982 b. 1992 c. 2002 d. 2012