CH# 3 To 5
CH# 3 To 5
CH# 3 To 5
Student Name:
Abdul Basit
Student ID:
Supervisor’s Name
Wang laiJun
Table of Contents
CHAPTER# 3..............................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Introduction:..........................................................................................................................................4
3.2: Theoretical Framework.........................................................................................................................7
3.3 Hypothesis Development:......................................................................................................................8
3.4 Research Psychology:............................................................................................................................8
3.4.1 Epistemology:...................................................................................................................................11
3.4.2 Ontology:..........................................................................................................................................14
3.4.3 Research Paradigm:..........................................................................................................................15
3.5 Research Approach:.............................................................................................................................16
3.6 Research Design:.................................................................................................................................18
3.7 Sampling Technique:...........................................................................................................................22
3.8 Sample Size:........................................................................................................................................24
3.9 Data Analysis Technique:....................................................................................................................24
3.10 Data Analysis Instrument:.................................................................................................................25
3.11 Primary Data Source:.........................................................................................................................25
RESULT AND FINDINGS.......................................................................................................................27
4.1 Descriptive Frequency:........................................................................................................................27
Table 4.1 Gender Analysis........................................................................................................................27
Table 4.2 Age Analysis.............................................................................................................................28
Table 4.3 Education Analysis....................................................................................................................29
Table 4.4 Experience Analysis:.................................................................................................................30
Table 4.5 Designation Analysis.................................................................................................................31
4.2 Measurement Model:...........................................................................................................................32
Table 4.6 Construct Reliability & Validity:...............................................................................................32
4.3 Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT):.................................................................................................33
Table 4.7 Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT)........................................................................................34
Table 4.8 Outer Loading:...........................................................................................................................34
Table 4.9 Measurement Model:.................................................................................................................35
Table 4.10 Path Analysis...........................................................................................................................36
Chapter #5.................................................................................................................................................41
Discussion &Conclusion...........................................................................................................................41
5.1 Discussion:..........................................................................................................................................41
5.2 Conclusion:..........................................................................................................................................45
5.3 Implications:........................................................................................................................................50
5.4 Limitation and Future Direction:.........................................................................................................54
3.1 Introduction:
In this chapter, a description of research methods and processes that are used to create and
analyse data is given. These techniques and processes are used to produce and analyse the data.
The development of the data, as well as the analysis of it, makes use of these approaches and
processes. It is possible to think of the research procedures as the "how" of the study since they
give an all-encompassing blueprint for the manner in which the research endeavour is to be
carried out. The researcher will describe the sample of participants, the quantitative design of the
research strategy that was employed in the study, the collecting of data, and the use of
questionnaires within this chapter. Additionally, the researcher will discuss the usage of
questionnaires. In addition to that, the researcher is going to talk about how questionnaires are
used. In this chapter, we will also discuss the analysis of the data that was performed on the
information that was collected by us. This analysis was based on the information that was
obtained by us. Concerns that need to be addressed include the validity and reliability of the
instrument that was used to collect data, as well as the consideration of any ethical concerns that
may result from doing the research. The research question that lies at the heart of this
investigation is "The Covid-19 pandemic effect on business survival and performance in the
logistic sector of Pakistan." The emphasis of this investigation is on "The Covid-19 pandemic
impact," which is the title of the research problem. The investigation will concentrate almost
entirely on addressing this specific concern. The field of study known as the social sciences
served as the focal point of the inquiry that was performed. The researcher conducts this type of
study in order to analyse current events, as well as to characterise and make sense of the opinions
and attitudes of the participants within the context of their natural habitats. In addition, the
researcher hopes to draw conclusions about the participants' natural habitats (Babbie, 2008: 97).
The primary purpose of this section of the research is to offer an in-depth explanation of the
procedures that were utilised throughout the inquiry in order to collect data and carry out
analyses. This will be accomplished by providing a summary of the methods that were
employed. This objective will be fulfilled by the presentation of a summary of each step that was
carried out. In order for researchers to choose a strategy from which they may apply it
throughout the course of their investigation, there are a number of different options available to
them, each of which can be obtained in a manner that is accomplished in a manner that is
accomplished in an extremely straightforward manner. These many distinct kinds of
investigations may often be categorised as belonging to one of these three primary groups:
qualitative research techniques, quantitative research methods, or combination research methods.
The researcher is going to be the lone individual who is responsible for carrying out this inquiry.
The researcher is going to rely on quantitative research procedures in order to get the necessary
information for the investigation so that they can carry out the study. This will allow the
researcher to get the most out of the investigation. In order to conduct out this investigation, the
researcher will first devise a set of guidelines to follow. After then, all of the individuals who are
taking part in the project will ensure that they comply to these requirements. This section will go
over a number of topics that are associated with this chapter, such as how to recruit people, how
to design a research that will provide valuable statistical findings, how to gather data, and how to
make use of questionnaires. Additionally, this section will discuss how to design a research that
will provide valuable findings. In addition, this part will describe how to plan a research project
in such a way that it will provide insightful results. In addition, this section will explain how to
arrange a research project in such a manner that it will provide enlightening findings, which is
one of the main goals of this paper. In addition to that, we will look at a wide number of different
methods that may be used to find those who have gone missing. On the other hand, the
techniques for participant recruitment will get the bulk of our focus, and we will concentrate our
efforts there. It includes a description of the methodologies that we utilised to carry out an
analysis of the data that we had previously gathered, as well as detailing how we went about
carrying out the activities themselves and how we went about carrying out the activities
themselves. In addition, it includes a description of the methodologies that we utilised to carry
out an analysis of the data that we had previously gathered. In addition to that, it offers a
description of the methodology that we used in order to carry out an analysis of the data that we
had previously obtained. This analysis was carried out using the information that we had
previously gathered. We placed a significant amount of weight on the prior study that we had
conducted and the data and information that we had accumulated in order to properly accomplish
our work. In order for us to be able to undertake an analysis of the data and create conclusions
based on those analyses, it was required for these processes to be completed in their entirety. The
overarching objective of conducting an analysis of the information that is already in our
possession served as the primary motivating factor for each and every choice that was taken. All
of the success that was achieved was directly attributable to the fact that this acted as the primary
motivating factor. This was done with the intention of enhancing our knowledge of the material
that we had previously studied and increasing the likelihood that what we had learned would be
successfully applied in the real world. This was done with the intention of enhancing our
knowledge of the material that we had previously studied. This was done on purpose so that we
could strengthen our understanding of the material that we had previously examined. This was
done with the purpose of strengthening our knowledge of the material that we had been
concentrating our attention on up to this point in our studies. This was done in order to better
grasp the topic that we had been studying. This was done so that we would have a higher chance
of being able to put the knowledge that we gathered from our earlier research to good use. The
reasoning for this decision was as follows: This decision was made so that we could increase the
possibilities of what we are capable of doing. This action was taken in order to make the most of
the circumstance and get as much value as we possibly could from it. Our goal was to maximise
our potential outcomes. This was the impetus for our taking this particular step. Our major
concentration was on achieving our objective, which was to get the most possible benefit from
the information that we acquired. As a result of the fact that it made it possible for us to form
views on the basis of the data that we had obtained in earlier phases of the project, we came to
the conclusion that it ought to be included in the procedure as a whole. This conclusion was
reached because it made it possible for us to form views on the basis of the data that we had
obtained in earlier phases of the project. This was the case due to the fact that it allowed us to
create opinions based on the data that we had gathered in previous stages of the project. We
reached the conclusion that it ought to be included as a direct result of this, which led us to the
conclusion. In other words, the problem originates from the moral judgements that were made, in
addition to issues regarding the reliability and quality of the data collection technology that was
used to obtain the data. This technology was utilised to get the information. In order to get the
information, this was required to be done. The procedures that are discussed in this article are the
ones that need to be carried out in order to effectively get the data. To phrase this another way,
the process of getting the data was hampered throughout its whole by a number of substantial
barriers that made it exceedingly difficult to do so. This made it very tough. This is because the
technique that was used to acquire the data was the same one that was utilised in the beginning to
collect the data, which led to the conclusion that was made. This was the reason why the
conclusion was reached. The conclusion that was reached was correct since it was a direct result
of the circumstances that took place. Throughout the whole of the process of collecting data, we
made it a point to give these criteria the full attention they deserved at all times and to have them
in the back of our thoughts at all times. This was done in order to ensure that we collected
accurate and reliable information. We did this to make certain that we gathered information that
was both accurate and credible. During the course of the inquiry, we are going to direct all of our
efforts, as well as our time and resources, on finding a resolution to a single significant problem
that is now perplexing the scientific community.
COVID‐19 Unemploy
ment / Business
Pandemic Job Loss Performance
The COVID-19 epidemic has become a worldwide problem, resulting in the curtailment of
people and international trade, as well as the disappearance of employment and the closure of
businesses throughout the globe. The purpose of this paper is to look at the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic and the will to survive on the productivity of logistics firms, offering
recommendations for the future of the industry. In this study there are ONE independent variable
name is “Covid 19 Pandemic”, Five mediating variables name are“ Business Survival,
Innovation System, Unemployment/ Job Loss, Firm Productivity, & Customer Retention, and
One deponent variable name is “Business Performance
H2: There is a significance mediating Firm Productivity between the Covid-19 and Business
H3: There is a significance mediating impact of Business Survival between the Covid-19 and
Business Performance.
H4: There is a significance mediating impact of Innovation System between the Covid-19 and
Business Performance.
H5: There is a significance mediating impact of Innovation System between the Covid-19 and
Business Performance.
outcomes up to this point. Even if you are unable to completely build an original theory of
human motivation, you will still have performed well on the work that was assigned to you if
you are able to provide new information that assists in solving a business issue. In other words, if
you are able to provide new information that helps solve a business issue, you will have
performed well. This will serve as evidence that you have done a good job with the tasks that
were assigned to you. To put it another way, if you are able to provide novel information that
makes a positive contribution to the resolution of an issue faced by a company, then you will
have accomplished what it was that you set out to do. This is due to the fact that if you contribute
new information that assists in the resolution of a business issue, it demonstrates that you are
engaged in the topic that is currently being discussed. This is because if you contribute new
information that assists in the resolution of a business issue, it demonstrates that you are engaged
in the topic. Whether or not you are aware of it, every component of your inquiry is predicated
on a variety of distinct presumptions that vary in complexity from the most basic to the most
sophisticated. This is true regardless of whether or not you are conscious of this fact. It makes no
difference whether you are aware of this reality or not; things will continue to be the way that
they are anyway. Students from each and every class are now working together at the place
where the school is now being built to establish the foundation for the school. Human cognitive
insights are also included in this category; they are provided for your convenience because they
may have an impact on the sort of analysis that you choose to utilise. This category is provided
for your convenience because of the potential influence that they may have. They have the power
to make you reevaluate how you feel about certain issues and topics. In addition to taking into
consideration the results of the study, it also takes into account the distinctive viewpoints of
individuals and the human cognitive insights that they possess (axiological hypotheses).
According to one school of thinking, the only way to obtain real knowledge is by a mix of one's
own firsthand experience and careful observation of their immediate surroundings. This view
holds that this is the only method to acquire authentic information (measures). Participants in the
research who are prepared with the knowledge and abilities required to obtain and evaluate data
in an effective manner are able to carry out their responsibilities in a manner that is objective.
The results of these investigations and assessments are often provided in quantitative forms. In
addition to the procedures you followed and the results you drew from the study, these points of
view also have the ability to have an impact on the outcomes of the research (Crotty, 1988).
Evidence is required in order to give support for hypotheses that have been submitted to the kind
of examination that is now being undertaken and that have been the focus of appropriate inquiry.
This kind of scrutiny is currently being performed. The same degree of investigation is now
being applied to ideas that have already been submitted to a sufficient amount of examination in
the past. Before one can even begin to consider the benefits and drawbacks of adopting a study's
hypothesis, it is necessary to first demonstrate the hypothesis's validity. If you commit to a
regular study schedule, you will almost certainly find that it is a great deal simpler for you to
attain the objective that you have set for yourself. The aim that you have set for yourself is to
become more knowledgeable. You just cannot go forward without bearing this in mind. It is
imperative that extreme caution and good judgement be used whenever one approaches any
aspect of this subject matter. When it comes to this particular subject, you should never let your
guard down, and you should be on the lookout for potential dangers at all times. According to the
findings of Johnson and Clark, (2006) the philosophical commitments that we make about our
research methods will have a significant impact on the direction that our future work takes in the
disciplines of occupation and management studies. This is the case because the philosophical
viewpoints that each of us holds has an impact on the manner in which we approach the work
that we conduct in our respective academic careers.
The philosophical ideas that we are presently investigating will have a considerable influence on
the work that we carry out in the management and employment-related topics of study that we
are currently investigating. According to one school of thinking, the only way to obtain real
knowledge is by a mix of one's own firsthand experience and careful observation of their
immediate surroundings. This view holds that this is the only method to acquire authentic
information (measures). The vast majority of positivist researchers are of the opinion that the
primary emphasis of their research should not be on the production of new information but rather
on the collection of data and the conduct of analysis. This is the view held by the overwhelming
majority of positivist researchers. The vast majority of academics who subscribe to the positivist
school of thought subscribe to this point of view. Throughout the course of this investigation, we
are going to be gathering and examining data that is pertinent to the results of the tests. It is
essential to have data that can be categorised based on either quantitative or qualitative criteria,
depending on the amount of information that it includes, in order to carry out statistical analysis.
This degree of information might be qualitative or quantitative. The fact that positivists can reach
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an agreement on this issue is compelling proof that positivism supports the premise that the
foundation for all knowledge is situated in the experiences of individual persons. The fact that
positivism is compatible with the premise that underlay it should not come as much of a surprise
because positivists are the ones who made the argument that this is the case. Because positivists
are the ones who made the argument, the fact that positivism is compatible with the premise that
underlay it should not come as much of a surprise.
3.4.1 Epistemology:
When we consider the matter through the lens of this specific prism, we have the opportunity to
get a fresh perspective on what is taking place in a number of various geographical areas. This is
because we have the ability to see the problem from a more holistic vantage point. The
production of an assumption is based on a collection of observable and assessable facts, which
also serves as the basis for the actual construction of the assumption itself. An assumption might
be built on top of a collection of facts, which would serve as the foundation. It is possible to
carry out research and investigations on these facts in order to determine whether or not the
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assumptions are correct. It is possible to carry out this step in order to determine whether or not
the presumptions are accurate. This phase may be carried out in order to ascertain whether or not
the presumptions are accurate. It is really conceivable that if we make use of quantitative
representations, we will discover that it is a great deal less difficult for us to appreciate the topics
that are being discussed inside the confines of the scope of this dialogue. [Here's an example:]
The branch of philosophy known as epistemology focuses on the study of how we got to acquire
the knowledge that we already have and how we came to know what we already know. [For
instance:] In addition to this, it studies how we got to know the things that we are already aware
of. The investigation of how we come to be aware of the knowledge that we already possess is
what epistemology does at its most basic level. This is also the principal area of concentration in
the subfield of philosophy known as ontology, which is defined as the study of beings and the
qualities they possess. The most important thing that has been looked at for the purpose of this
report is the sequence of occurrences that led to the acquisition of the material that has been
obtained and is now in our hands. The majority of the time, epistemologists were interested in a
broad range of subjects that were immediately relevant to the study of knowledge and logic. In
addition to this, they had an interest in the theoretical underpinnings that constituted the basis for
the several types of study that were being conducted at the time. The overarching topic of
research known as epistemic discourse may be simplified by dividing it up into four fundamental
subfields, each of which focuses on a distinct facet of knowing. Each of these subfields is home
to its own unique specialised area of study, and they are all interconnected. It is common practise
to split each of these subfields into two distinct subgroups, which finally results in the creation of
a total of four new subgroups that are distinct from one another. In the context that is referred to
as the classroom, the academic field of study known as philosophy conducts investigations into
fundamental issues. These are the most basic issues, and they include the question of whether or
not there is such a thing as reality and the question of whether or not we can trust our reason. The
purpose of this research is to acquire a more in-depth understanding of the components that make
up reality as well as the potential criteria by which it may be evaluated in the future.
Additionally, the study seeks to understand the potential criteria by which reality may be
evaluated in the future. Knowledge can be acquired in many different ways, such as through
perception, reasoning, memory, and other overt indicators of one's level of understanding. One
way to acquire knowledge is through reading. These are only few instances among many more.
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Acquiring knowledge may also be performed via various means in addition to those listed above.
These are just a handful of the many various choices that are open to you, and there are many
more. There are still a great many more. Reading is a fantastic tool that may help you enhance
not just your knowledge but also the way in which you perceive the world that is all around you.
Reading can help you learn more about the world that is all around you. These are just a few of
the many different paths that one may take to increase the breadth as well as the depth of their
knowledge, but there are many more. There are still a very significant number left. There is still a
sizeable and considerable quantity available. There is a huge crowd of them present at this
location. It is not fully clear whether or not morality, which can be viewed as a collection of
ideas that have been demonstrated to have justification, has to be formed on a set of moral
principles in order to exist. Morality may be considered as a collection of ideas that have been
shown to have justification. Another contentious issue that has been brought up is the question of
whether or not justification can be based on a single overarching framework of notions. Any one
of these presumptions could be called into question, to differing degrees, depending on the
particulars of the circumstance that are at play. When it comes to each and every one of these
issues, there is space for debate and conversation. Throughout the course of this dialogue, each
of these concerns has, at different periods in time, been brought to the forefront of the
conversation. Another aspect of this issue that has to be addressed is determining whether or not
justification can be offered only on the basis of logical premises (Hallgren, 2016). The scientific
method will always use the same line of reasoning to arrive at the same conclusions, regardless
of the specifics of the problem that is being examined or the environment in which the research
is being conducted. In order to observe and record the outcomes of the research in a manner that
is as precise as is realistically possible given the conditions of the scenario, it is essential to make
use of all of one's senses. This is the only way to ensure that the findings are accurately recorded.
We will be gathering quantitative data in order to carry out our investigation, and the conclusions
that we arrive at will have a leaning toward a descriptive orientation in their presentation. We are
currently conducting quantitative research; however, in order to collect and investigate the data
that is essential to our study, we are making use of a descriptive methodology. This is because
our study will focus on the following: While we are currently conducting quantitative research,
our study will focus on the following: This is done in order to retain the coherence of the design
while adhering to a positivist perspective, which mandates the use of a descriptive technique. In
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other words, this helps ensure that the design stays consistent. To put it another way, this is done
so that the design can keep operating as it was originally designed to. To put it another way, this
helps to ensure that the design is maintained consistently, which is an important step in the
3.4.2 Ontology:
Ontology is the study of the inherent qualities that are present in an object, therefore the word
"ontology" is often used while discussing many scientific topics. On the other hand, many
members of the scientific community believe that its application is either incorrect or, at the very
least, inconsistent. Even though the term "ontology" is frequently used in scientific writing to
refer to the study of a thing's inherent properties, this does not mean that it is the only term that
can be used to describe the study of a thing's inherent properties in this context. There are many
other terms that can be used. The objective of the ontology school of philosophy is to
characterise in as much detail as is humanly feasible the qualities that universe objects now have
in their present configurations. The majority of persons who get interested in this area of
academic study do so because they have a strong desire to acquire a more profound awareness of
the meaning of their own life. According to the ontological framework of objectivism, the
qualities of reality are said to be defined by the inferences that may be formed by looking at the
pieces that make up the universe. It is believed that these judgments establish the qualities that
reality has. According to the information presented in the article, positive ontology may be used
to investigate attributes that are rooted on the outside world and personal experiences. Despite
the fact that this is the case, it is possible that the research does not concentrate on all
components in a manner that adheres to the same organisational paradigm as positive ontology.
When attempting to determine whether or not a certain method of teaching is successful, it is not
adequate to just concentrate on how important it is to have a good learning framework. This is
due to the fact that there are a variety of other considerations that must also be taken into account
and which must be regarded as being of utmost significance. How well does this argument stand
up when we consider the possibility that the educational system could be able to provide answers
to problems that already exist in the real world? According to the specifics of the scenario, one
may draw the conclusion that students have access to both empirical and theoretical information
either in the classroom where they are now learning or at the location where they would be
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spending their field trip. This course of action can be available to pursue depending on the details
of the situation. It is quite likely that this will take place both when the students return to the
classroom after the field trip as well as at the location where the field trip will take place. The
phrase "ontology of the setting," which was taken from the area of philosophy and is now used to
define the natural environment, refers to the natural context in which our study is carried out.
The word was stolen from the field of philosophy. In this context, we employ the more
sophisticated word "aetiology," which literally translates to "the reason," to talk about the
primary factor that led to the problem. In positive ontology, the fundamental principle of
ontology is seen as being the organisation of objects. According to the positive ontological
perspective, the fundamental constituents of reality are things. The study of reality as well as the
underlying concepts that underpin it is referred to as ontology. This article presents the concept
that serves as the basis for positive ontology's foundational pillars. Although it is one of the most
important notions in positive ontology, the contention that this is the fundamental principle of
ontology is also one of the most contentious themes that may be discussed in the field. Another
principle of positive ontology is known as the "objective universe hypothesis," and it asserts that
the world is objective, that it is made up of things, and that it will continue to exist independent
of the existence of human beings.
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that the participants have had with these practises. By sticking to positivism and the concepts
outlined by Terre Blanche and Durrheim, (2006:34) the interpretive researchers are working
toward their aim of attaining knowledge of the dynamic conditions. In order for them to attain
this goal, their primary objective is to fulfill their primary objective. The positivist philosophical
viewpoint is congruent with the scientific premise that the genesis of knowledge can be traced
back to the experiences of humans. This view of the topic is taken from the standpoint of
science. This is the chemical and ontological view of the universe, which holds that the world is
made up of discrete and measurable components, as well as things that interact with one another
in a way that can be seen, is objective, and is consistent. This view also maintains that the world
is made up of things that have a history that can be traced back to the beginning of time. This
approach likewise holds that the universe originated as a chemical reaction between two
elements, and that it is these chemical events that gave birth to the world as we know it today.
This view is referred to as the Big Bang theory. Not only does the design of the study lay out in
great detail the plan of action, but it also lays out in great detail the reasons for doing the inquiry
as well as its goals. Not only is the plan of action laid out in great detail, but the reasons for
doing the inquiry are also laid out in great detail. Working within this paradigm, the researcher
was able to collect knowledge (data) on how managers or assistant managers view and practise
assessment of learners within their logistics based on their daily logs. This allowed the researcher
to gain insight into how assessment of learners is carried out. The researcher was able to obtain
some understanding of how the evaluation of learners is carried out as a result of this. As a
consequence of this, the researcher was able to get some insight of the process that is used to
evaluate the progress of the learners.
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way by looking into the possibility of such a connection. This research made use of a deductive
approach, with the primary emphasis being placed on the building of theoretical foundations and
the subsequent testing of ideas via the use of questionnaires. The Pakistan was the location where
this inquiry was carried out. This was done for the purpose of ensuring that the goals of the
research, which were accomplished with the help of this investigation, would be fulfilled (Dash
et al., 2018). An approach to data analysis that is deductive in its nature, in which the primary
focus is placed on creating theoretical underpinnings and then verifying those assumptions in the
actual world, is an approach that is beneficial to the efficacy of data analysis. This approach is
beneficial because it focuses on creating theoretical underpinnings and then verifies those
assumptions in the actual world. Contribute to the collecting of new evidence that may either be
used to support or refute the notion that was stated by Drs. Ghauri et al. in the previous sentence
(2020). An investigation's methodology is a planned and deliberate technique that serves as the
explanation for the investigation's results. The methodology may also be referred to as the
investigative approach. In order for us to arrive at the conclusions we want, we will be using a
methodology that is referred to as induction. A idea (or hypotheses) that is founded on previously
held beliefs serves as one of the components of a deductive approach. Another component of this
strategy is a research technique that will be utilised to analyse the hypothesis." One way to
characterise the mental state known as delusion is as a shift away from focusing on specifics and
toward a more broad perspective. This subject has been brought up in previous conversations. In
situations that are more all-encompassing, deductive reasoning may be used as a technique for
deciding whether or not a connection or correlation has been made. Deductive reasoning can be
used as a means for identifying whether or not a link or correlation has been created. The process
of deductive reasoning has the potential to become more transparent if one adopts the theories
that may be formed from the theory claims. We won't discuss the deductive approach in relation
to any hypotheses or ideas in order to maintain the highest level of clarity possible throughout
this discussion.
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It is possible to clarify and explain the causal relationships that exist between definitions and
Research that is deductive investigates an existing theory or event and determines whether or not
the theory can be applied to specific sets of circumstances by investigating the link between the
theory and the conditions."
Deductive reasoning is the kind of reasoning that conforms to logic the most closely of all the
other strategies. This was one of the factors that was taken into consideration. The formulation of
a hypothesis comes first, followed by the refinement of that hypothesis into a fresh conclusion,
which is the first phase in the process. The development of data that either corroborate or
invalidate the hypothesis is one approach to test whether or not this hypothesis is tenable as a
working hypothesis. Another technique to test whether or not this hypothesis is tenable is to
compare it to another working hypothesis.
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could make the most of this quality. When constructing the foundation for this research, a co-
relational approach was employed as a methodology because of how well it plays to this
attribute. This action was taken in order to maximise the potential benefits that may be gained
from the capabilities that are made available by this feature. This was done so that we could
make use of the fact that co-relational research supplies analysts with a much larger quantity of
data than tests do. In other words, we wanted to be able to take use of that fact. The justification
for this may be broken down as follows: We did this in order to take full use of the capacity
described above, so that's why we did it. To be more specific, this was done in order to make the
most of the fact that this was done in order to make the most of the fact that this was done in
order to make the most of the fact that this was done in order to make the most of the fact that
this was done in order to make the most of the fact that this was done. One kind of correlation is
known as a cross-sectional correlation, and it examines the link that exists between two distinct
variables at the same time. During the course of our investigation, we are going to make use of
two variables known as teaching learning and overcrowding, and we are going to analyse the
findings simultaneously with our use of the factors. In order to gather information that might be
used in the research, questionnaires were sent to a number of different high schools around the
state and given to both the students and the instructors at those schools. The research design
offers a description of how the study will be conducted in the appropriate manner. This contains
the details of how, when, and by whom the data will be received from McMillan and
Schumacher (2001:30). The design also provides an explanation of how the study is conducted,
what the potential outcomes of the case may be, and the techniques of data gathering that have
been used in this investigation. The plan that decides how to respond to a question by picking out
topics, test locations, and methods for collecting data is referred to as the "research architecture,"
and the word "study architecture" refers to that approach specifically (s). According to Mouton
and Marais (1996: 32), Selltiz et al. continued to describe research terminology in a way that
combined the relevance of research purposes with process economics as the backdrop of
demands for data collection and examination. In other words, this combination ensured that the
research terminology was useful. The research conducted by Mouton and Marais made reference
to this explanation. In the paper that Mouton and Marais wrote, they were able to fulfil their goal
(1996: 32).
19 | P a g e
This is done with the intention of bringing the study design into line with the constraints and
limits that the project encounters when it is put into its practical application. Yin, R.K.
According to Yin, R.K. (2011:75), the research design can be thought of as logical blueprints,
and it serves as logical plans that connect research concerns together, data gathered, and data
analysis methodologies, so that research results deal with the research issues that are meant for
study. Moreover, the research design can be thought of as logical plans that connect research
concerns together, data gathered, and data analysis methodologies. In addition, one way to think
about the research design is as a series of logical designs that link the research concerns, the data
collected, and the methods used to analyse the data. In addition to this, he says that there is no
definite spectrum of designs that may be utilised to conduct experimental research, and that the
fact that this is a restriction of his reasoning. Moreover, he considers this a flaw in his argument.
This suggests that since there is no clear blueprint typology, the design of each quantitative study
is likely to be one-of-a-kind. This is because there is no blueprint typology. It will be possible for
you to modify your design in accordance with the specifications that you specify, and this will
make it possible for any quantitative research to be carried out in a manner that is specific to that
research. This will be made possible by the numerous options that are provided. Research design
is defined by Creswell (2009:54), an additional researcher, as a process that identifies the
participants, study locations, and methods for collecting data in order to respond to the research
question. This is the location where Creswell's definition of research design may be located. It is
possible that Creswell's definition of study design may be found at this particular area. As a
consequence of this, the design of the study reveals which individuals are investigated, when the
inquiries are carried out, where the studies are carried out, and under what circumstances the
studies are carried out. According to Bobbie and Mouton (2001:74), it is a map that describes
how you want the research to be carried out and functions as a guide for how the study should be
performed. Bobbie and Mouton describe it as "a map that specifies how you want the research to
be carried out."
Additional researchers then continued to define the characteristics of scientific inquiry while
always going back to the overall framework of the project. According to Marvasti et al. (2004:9),
the design of the study is a reference to the processes that were followed in order to carry out the
research from the very beginning to the very end. This is because the research was carried out in
20 | P a g e
a sequential fashion, beginning with the very first step and ending with the very last step. In
other words, the design of the research outlines the methodology that was used to carry out the
inquiry. The following components are included in every one of these stages:
• Coming up with a unique research topic for the orientation study • Choosing the participants in
the study to collect data from, • Conducting an analysis of the collected data, • Reporting the
outcomes of the analysis
In order to take into consideration the limitations that are inherent in both of the strategies, the
quantitative data were acquired using a method that was distinct from either of the two
approaches. This was done using an independent methodology. Following the completion of
each phase of the questionnaire administration procedure for both sets of data, an independent
assessment and analysis of the results was carried out in a separate session. In order to find
answers to the questions that needed to be answered based on the study, it was essential to
compile information that could not be easily accessible in a timely manner.
The primary purpose of this study will be to conduct an inquiry into the influence that the current
stage of the COVID 19 pandemic is having on the economic viability of organisations that
participate in the logistics sector as well as the overall performance of such businesses. The
design of the research that will be carried out will make use of a variety of distinct quantitative
techniques, including both inductive and explanatory approaches. These will all be brought
together to form the overall design of the study that will be carried out. This is because the
methodological approach for the design of the research will comprise both a deductive and an
explanatory quantitative approach. The reason for this may be found in the fact that the study
will be designed. This is because the nature of the research will be quantitative, which explains
why this is the case. The justification for this may be found in the statement that came before this
one. This research will ask a number of questions to the audience that is being targeted, which is
the "Logistic sector," in order to acquire their perspectives on the current state of the logistic
sector and to learn how they feel about adopting new technology. The "Logistic sector" is the
audience that is being targeted by this research. The "Logistic sector" is the audience that this
study intends to address in order to accomplish its goals. The "Logistic sector" is the target
audience that this research seeks to approach in order to achieve the objectives that it has set for
itself. In order for this study to accomplish the goals that it has set for itself, the "Logistic sector"
21 | P a g e
is the target audience that it intends to address. The "Logistic Sector" will act as the target
audience that will be the major focus of this research's attempts to connect with in order for it to
be successful in fulfilling the objectives that it set out to do at the beginning of the study. The
viewpoints and attitudes that logistic managers and company owners have toward the
implementation of technology advancements will be the primary subject of this research. The
Pakistan is going to play host to the research that has to be done. A deductive quantitative
inquiry employing a case study technique will be carried out in order to gather one-of-a-kind
ideas and anecdotes from a range of logistic management. This will be done in order to fulfil the
purpose of the research. In order to gather information, we are going to proceed in this manner.
The following strategy is the one that we will use in order to successfully complete the objectives
of the research. We are going to proceed in the same manner in order to get more information
regarding the current predicament. The strategy that is going to be used by our team in order for
us to successfully complete the objectives of the research is going to be broken down in the
following paragraphs.
22 | P a g e
depth interactions. This is because the person in question will function as the primary point of
contact for the surveyor while they are gathering information as part of their investigation. This
is one of the reasons why this is the case. After the investigation is finished, it will be discovered
that the method of sampling known as "convenient sampling" is the one that is the one that is the
one that is the one that is the one that is the one that is the one that is the one that is the one that
is the one that is the one that is the one that is the one that is the one that is This is due to the fact
that the circumstances of the investigation are taken into account when convenient sampling is
being carried out. The findings of the investigation and analysis will be made public after the
research has been completed, after the study has been done, and after the investigation and
analysis have been finished as well. This will serve as the ultimate conclusion reached at the end
of the research. During the course of this investigation, it was determined that a technique of
sampling would be utilised that did not in any way rely on chance. This decision was made in
order to ensure that accurate results would be obtained. The facts that were revealed ultimately
led to the formation of this decision. It has been determined that this is the conclusion. This
result has been thoroughly analysed, and all of the repercussions that it may have been subjected
to have been taken into consideration. During the course of this investigation, one of the ways
that was employed was a strategy that had been explored and confirmed during the course of an
earlier investigation that had been carried out. This strategy was used in the course of this
investigation. During the course of our inquiry, we used this tactic as a strategy. In a nutshell, the
contentious tactic in question has been put into action and analysed in earlier versions of the
game that have been played. When choosing participants for the study, the researcher is more
concerned with how easy it will be for the participants to comply with the requirements of the
study than with how easy it will be for the researcher to carry out the research. In addition, the
researcher gives the convenience of the participants more weight than the convenience of the
researcher's personal convenience while making selections of persons to participate in the study.
The researcher does not choose participants for the study based on any preferences the
participants may have for the study; rather, the researcher chooses subjects for the study based on
the availability of the persons being studied.
23 | P a g e
3.8 Sample Size:
In this study there is total 300 sample size its mean the participants of this survey total number is
300 and all participant’s working in the different logistics companies in Pakistan.
When using the panel data regression technique, it is possible to discover statistically significant
correlations between the dependent variable and the independent variables. The fact that these
linkages can be discovered makes this possible. In addition to the common effect model, which
will be discussed in greater depth in the paragraphs that follow, many additional statistical
models are used to analyse data. Making a prediction with regard to the dependent variable
requires taking into account the correlations between the dependent variable and each of the
other components that were taken into account. This resulted from correlations between the
dependent variable and each of the other components.
In order to gather and organise the data on the independent and dependent variables, a number of
approaches will be employed in this research, including descriptive statistics, percentages,
averages, and frequencies. These are only a few of the methods that will be used in this study.
Below are just a handful of the strategies that will be used in the future. The correlational and
24 | P a g e
panel data regression research procedures will be used in conjunction with other research
methodologies in order to fully understand the relationship between the evaluation of the status
of the COVID 19 pandemic's impact on company survival and firm productivity in the logistic
sector will be the major objective of this study. This must be done in order to achieve the goal of
fully understanding the connection between these three elements. The software's primary
function is to do statistical calculations. The data required for this research were gathered using a
number of methodologies, including SMART PLS.4 and Structure Equation Model. Then,
conclusions were reached based on this data. After being produced with the help of the SMART
PLS 4 software, the findings of an investigation were then made public and could be seen by
anybody with an interest in doing so. A detailed discussion of the issue under study is necessary.
Additionally, the evaluation's outcomes and consequences must be recorded, and this evidence
must be shown in a tabular fashion.
25 | P a g e
under investigation that are interconnected with one another, this will also be carried out. In
addition to the evaluation of at least two and maybe several important features of the item under
research that are connected to one another in some way, this analysis will be carried out as well.
In addition to the primary emphasis of the investigation, which is an examination of the item in
its totality, this will also be carried out as part of the investigation. It is important to note that the
primary focus of the investigation is an inspection of the item. Because of how well it plays to
this quality, a co-relational approach was used as a technique while establishing the basis for this
study. This was done because of how important this quality is. Because of how well it plays to
this quality, a co-relational approach was used as a technique while establishing the basis for this
study. This was done because of how important this quality is. This step was performed in order
to maximise the possible advantages that might be acquired from the capabilities that are made
accessible by this feature. This action was taken in order to maximise the potential benefits that
could be gained. This was done so that we could take use of the fact that co-relational research
provides analysts with a far bigger amount of data than tests do. The reasoning for this decision
was as follows: To put it another way, we want the ability to make effective use of that reality.
The rationale for this may be split down into the following categories: Because we wanted to
make the most of the capability that was stated before, we did this. This is the reason why we did
it. To be more specific, this action was taken in order to make the most of the fact that this action
was taken in order to make the most of the fact that this action was taken in order to make the
most of the fact that this action was taken in order to make the most of the fact that this action
was taken in order to make the most of the fact that this action was taken in order to make the
most of the fact that this action was taken in order to make the most of the fact that this action
was taken in order to make the most In addition to this, this is useful for analysts since it
provides them with access to a range of fresh information that they may analyse, which is a
significant benefit. For this reason, this is vital for analysts. Analysts may benefit from this since
it gives them access to fresh information, which is why it is valuable. This results in a situation in
which all parties involved end up in a better position than before. Analysts are in a position to
gain from this situation since it gives them access to knowledge that was only just collated,
which was a recent development. As a direct consequence of this most recent turn of events, the
experts' prognosis is turning out to be more hopeful than they originally anticipated it would be.
26 | P a g e
This chapter has been dedicated to a discussion of the methodology; in a brief, the results and
outcomes of the research have been analysed and discussed in great length throughout this
chapter. This chapter includes a descriptive examination of the respondents, an evaluation of the
general dependability of the data, and the application of the structural equation model.
Valid Cumulati
Frequen Perce
Perce ve
cy nt
nt Percent
MALE 142 47.3 47.3 47.3
158 52.7 52.7 100.0
d E
Total 300 100.0 100.0
27 | P a g e
As can be seen in the table to the right, this research project includes individuals of varying
genders who filled out the questionnaire survey. There were 143 male respondents, which
represents 47.3% of the total, who filled out the questionnaire and offered their thoughts on how
to choose the most important finding from this research. The questionnaire was filled up by 158
female respondents (52.7%). This survey has a total of three hundred participants, including both
male and female respondents. In this particular research, the number of female participants is
more than the number of male participants.
28 | P a g e
20 TO 30 31 TO 40 ABOVE 40
The data shown in the table to the right demonstrates that respondents of varying ages are taking
part in this survey and filling out the questionnaire. There are 95 contestants; all of them are
between the ages of 20 and 30. There are one hundred people in the age range of thirty to forty
that took part in this study. The final age range, which is more than 40 people, took part in filling
out the questionnaire. The total number of participants was 105.
29 | P a g e
The education levels of the participants who took the part and filled out the questionnaire are
shown in the table that can be seen above. There are 92 participants that took part in this
research, and 30.7% of them hold a bachelor's degree or above. There are 110 people that
participated in this poll, and 36.7% of them hold a master's degree or more. There are a total of
98 participants in this research project, and 32.7% of them have education beyond high school.
According to the results of this poll, the percentage of respondents with a master's degree or
above is much higher than those with a bachelor's degree or any other level of education.
30 | P a g e
Chart Title
108 108
96 96 96
The information presented in the table above reveals the working experiences of the respondents
to the survey questionnaire. This information is very significant for the current investigation
because, as a researcher, I need that participant’s to fill out the questionnaire that has good
working experiences in the logistics department. There are now 96 participants, and their
combined years of professional experience vary from one to five. The questionnaire for this
research was filled out by 108 individuals who had between five and ten years of professional
31 | P a g e
The preceding tables demonstrate the designation analysis of those respondents who take part in
this survey questionnaire and finish this procedure by filling out the questionnaire. There are 153
participants, or 51%, who hold the position of assistant logistic manager in either the logistic
department of their respective companies or in a specific logistic firm. There are 147 individuals
that hold manager logistic manager positions in either specific logistic companies or the logistic
departments of their own companies, accounting for 49% of the total. According to this poll, the
participation rate of assistant managers is greater than that of managers.
32 | P a g e
Business Survival 0.765 0.864 0.680
Covid 19 Pandemic 0.739 0.852 0.657
Customer Retention 0.752 0.858 0.668
Firm Productivity 0.773 0.810 0.690
Innovation System 0.819 0.892 0.735
Unemployment/ Job
Loss 0.884 0.928 0.811
33 | P a g e
Table 4.7 Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT)
Business Busines Covid 19 r Firm
Performanc s Pandemi Retentio Productivit Innovation Unemployment
e Survival c n y System / Job Loss
Business Survival 0.517
Covid 19 Pandemic 0.849 0.849
Customer Retention 0.828 0.674 0.674
Firm Productivity 0.674 0.849 0.548 0.866
Innovation System 0.768 0.735 0.705 0.751 0.674
Unemployment/ Job
Loss 0.825 0.656 0.609 0.658 0.574 0.419
An alternative method, which was given by Henseler et al., (2015) was used in order to conduct
out the assessment of the test's discriminant validity. This method was utilised in order to carry
out the examination. In order to determine whether or not the discriminant can be depended
upon, we make use of a matrix that contains several grains and multiple methods. The method
that our business use is referred to as the Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio and its name comes from
the ratio of Heterotic traits to Monotic traits (HTMT). According to Teo et al. (2008), a figure
that is less than 0.9 is seen as being within a desirable range. The fact that not a single one of the
values in the table has a value that is lower than the threshold of 0.9 that acts as the minimum
criteria suggests that the table is competent to make judgment’s that are biased.
34 | P a g e
One method for determining the extent to which a particular item correctly depicts the central
idea is to investigate the factor loading of the item in question. According to Vinzi, Chin,
Henseler, and Wang (2010), the optimal factor loadings are those that are greater than 70;
nevertheless, research in the social sciences often delivers lower outer loadings (0.70). Deleting
the item is not something that is suggested to be done while the loading is at or below the
threshold. Because of this, the table that is shown above illustrates that each variable element has
35 | P a g e
a value that is more than 0.70, which indicates that the conditions for the outer border have been
met. In addition to that, each of the components in the table has a value that is on the positive
The measurement of model fit is shown in the above table; hence "Business Performance (DV)"
is given here. Very close to R-square value of 0.928 is R-square adjusted value of 0.927. The
adjusted R-square value for business survival (DV) is 0.530, which is extremely similar to the R-
square value of 0.532. The adjusted R-square value for customer retention (M) is 0.855, which is
extremely close to the R-square value of 0.856. The adjusted R-square value for firm
productivity (M) is 0.532, which is extremely near to the R-square value of 0.533. The corrected
R-square value for the Innovation System (M) is 0.303, which is extremely close to the R-square
value of 0.306. The corrected R-square value for unemployment and job loss (M) is 0.242, which
is extremely similar to the R-square value of 0.245. Another sign demonstrates that the model is
fit and excellent when the R-square for all variables and the R-square Adjusted value are both
less than 1.
Hypothesi T statistics (| Hypothesis
Regression Path deviation P values
s O/STDEV|) Status
Covid 19 Pandemic -> Unemployment/
H1 0.017 2.032 0.043 Accepted
Job Loss -> Business Performance
36 | P a g e
Covid 19 Pandemic -> Firm
H2 0.023 0.390 0.000 Accepted
Productivity -> Business Performance
Covid 19 Pandemic -> Business
H3 0.036 18.093 0.000 Accepted
Survival -> Business Performance
Covid 19 Pandemic -> Innovation
H4 0.029 7.370 0.000 Accepted
System -> Business Performance
Covid 19 Pandemic -> Customer
H5 0.027 5.604 0.000 Accepted
Retention -> Business Performance
The above table demonstrates that the hive concept was investigated in this research. The results
of the SEM analysis suggest that (H1) there is a Covid 19 Pandemic -> Unemployment / Job
Loss -> Business Performance (t value = 2.032, Std deviation value = 0.017, & p = 0.043), which
indicates that the hypothesis was correct and should be accepted. This indicates that the
unexpected development of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative influence on the
performance of businesses, which has resulted in an unemployment ratio that is steadily growing
in Pakistan's logistic industry. Because the direct hypothesis (H1) Covid 19 Pandemic -> Firm
Productivity -> Business Performance was supported by the data (t value = 0.390, STD deviation
value = 0.023, and p value = 0.000), the researchers decided to go with the indirect hypothesis
(H2). This indicates that the unexpected outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic had a negative
37 | P a g e
influence on the firm productivity of Logistics, which was the primary cause of the poor overall
performance of the company. Since the direct hypothesis (H1) Covid 19 Pandemic -> Business
Survival -> Business Performance was supported by the data (t value = 18.093, STD deviation
value = 0.036, and p value = 0.000), the indirect hypothesis (H3) was also supported, and the
hypothesis was thus accepted. This indicates that the unexpected outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic had a detrimental and bad influence on the continued existence of businesses, and as a
consequence, the performance of businesses operating in the logistic sector was poor. Since the
value of t was 7.370, the standard deviation value was 0.029, and the probability level was 0.000,
the hypothesis about the indirect relationship between the pandemic and the innovation system
and business performance was accepted. This indicates that the unexpected appearance of the
Covid-19 pandemic had a negative influence on the lack of innovation system, which led to the
business performance in the logistic sector not doing as well as it should have. The last indirect
hypothesis, which was Covid 19 Pandemic -> Customer Retention -> Business Performance (t
value = 5.604, STD deviation value = 0.027, & p value = 0.000), was approved due to the fact
that it had a p value of 0.000. This indicates that the unexpected outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic had a negative influence on client retention, which was a contributing factor to the
poor overall business performance in the logistics industry.
The indirect hypotheses (H1 to H5) investigate the viability of businesses operating in the
logistic sector as a consequence of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. These hypotheses
make use of firm productivity measures such as firm productivity, unemployment, customer
retention, business performance, and innovation system in order to evaluate the viability of these
businesses. The findings of this study show that the COVID-19 pandemic has an indirect impact
on all of the performance measures that were used in the research. As a result, the pandemic has
an effect on the operations of many organisations in the logistic industry, which ultimately
determines whether or not these firms will be successful.
38 | P a g e
Chapter #5
Discussion &Conclusion
5.1 Discussion:
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned into a worldwide crisis, which has led to the limitation of
individuals as well as international trade. Additionally, people have lost their jobs and companies
all over the globe have closed down as a result of the outbreak. The purpose of this research was
to investigate how the COVID-19 pandemic affects the ability of Pakistani businesses to go on
with their operations and achieve success despite the danger presented by the epidemic. In this
study, there were 143 male respondents, which represents 47.3% of the total, who filled out the
questionnaire and supplied their ideas on how to identify the most significant discovery from this
research. These respondents were asked to identify the most significant discovery from this
research. These respondents were given the task of determining which finding derived from this
study was the most important. In other words, male respondents made up 47.3% of the total
population that was questioned during the study. The survey was completed by 158 different
female respondents, which is equal to 52.7% of the total. In this survey, there are about the same
number of male and female respondents taking part, bringing the total number of participants up
to three hundred. Within the parameters of this specific inquiry, there are a greater number of
female participants than there are male ones. This survey and the associated questionnaire are
being filled out by respondents whose ages range from very young to very old, as shown by the
statistics that are displayed in the table that is located to the right of where you are now reading
this sentence. There are a total of 95 individuals taking part, and everyone who is participating is
regarded to be a young adult (between the ages of 20 and 30). The participants' ages ranged
anywhere from thirty to forty years old, and there were a total of one hundred persons that took
part in this research. There were one hundred people that took part in the event. The final age
range, which consists of more than 40 people, served as a helpful guide for respondents as they
filled out the questionnaire. There were 105 people that took part in the activity that was being
hosted. The table just above this one displays, for your perusal at your own convenience, the
levels of education attained by those respondents to the survey who were able to complete it.
You took part in the survey and were successful in completing it. This study was completed by a
39 | P a g e
total of 92 individuals, and among those participants, 30.7% had a bachelor's degree or above.
This survey was taken by a total of 110 persons, of whom 36.7% had a master's degree or above.
There were a total of 110 participants in this survey. This study project includes a total of 98
participants, and of those 98 participants, 32.7% have completed an education that is higher than
that of a high school graduate. According to the findings of this survey, a significant difference
can be seen between the percentage of respondents who have a master's degree or a higher level
of education and the percentage of respondents who have a bachelor's degree or any level of
education that is lower than a master's degree. The percentage of respondents who have a
master's degree or a higher level of education is significantly higher. The working experiences of
those who responded to the survey questionnaire are revealed by the information that is provided
in the table that is located above. These folks were provided with the chance to speak their minds
on the matter and offer their thoughts. This information is of the utmost importance for the
investigation that is being carried out right now because, as a researcher, I require the
participants to fill out the questionnaire if they have previous experience working in the logistics
department and if they have been successful in their jobs there. Additionally, I ask them to
indicate whether or not they have been promoted while working in that department. As a
consequence of this, the inquiry will benefit greatly by having access to this information. There
are now 96 people taking part, and the total number of years of experience that the participants
have accumulated in their various disciplines ranges from one to five. This study had 108 people,
all of whom participated in it by completing out the questionnaire. Their collective professional
experience ranged from five to ten years, and each participant had between five and ten years of
it. The tables that came before this one reveal the designation analysis of the respondents who
conclude this process by filling out the questionnaire and take part in this survey questionnaire.
This analysis can be found in this table. The prior tables presented an analysis similar to this one,
which can be found here. There are 153 participants, which is 51% of the total, who hold the
position of assistant logistic manager either in the logistics department of their respective
organisations or in a separate firm that specialises in logistics. These participants come from a
variety of industries, including manufacturing, retail, and transportation. This participation rate is
shown as a percentage of the total number of persons that participated in the survey or activity.
At this time, 147 people are employed as manager logistic managers, either in the logistic
departments of the firms for which they work or in specialised organisations that focus on the
40 | P a g e
logistics industry. These specialists may choose to work for themselves or for another company.
This is 49% of the total number of individuals working in the logistics industry today. The
findings of this survey indicate that the involvement rate of assistant managers is much higher
than that of managers in general. Investigating the component loading of the item in question is
one way that may be used for the purpose of establishing the degree to which a certain item
accurately portrays the main notion. Vinzi, Chin, Henseler, and Wang (2010) state that the ideal
factor loadings are those that are more than 70; despite this, research in the social sciences often
results in lower outer loadings (0.70). It is not recommended to delete the item when the loading
is at or below the threshold since doing so might cause the threshold to be breached. As a result
of this, the table that is shown above shows that each variable element has a value that is greater
than 0.70, which demonstrates that the requirements for the outside border have been satisfied. In
addition to this, each of the elements in the table has a value that is on the plus side of the scale.
A measurement of how well the model fits the data is shown in the table that can be seen above;
as a result, "Business Performance (DV)" is provided here. The unadjusted R-square value of
0.928 and the corrected R-square value of 0.927 are quite close to one another. The value of
adjusted R-square for business survival (DV) is 0.530, which is quite close to the value of R-
square, which is 0.532. This indicates that the two values are highly correlated with one another.
This suggests that the two values are very closely connected to one another. The value of the
modified R-square statistic for customer retention (M) comes in at 0.855, which is quite
comparable to the value of the R-square statistic, which comes in at 0.856. The value of the
adjusted R-square for firm productivity (M), which is 0.532, and the value of the R-square,
which is 0.533, are quite close in comparison to one another in terms of the degree of similarity
that exists between the two. The R-square value of the Innovation System (M) is now 0.303,
which is relatively comparable to the R-square value that it had before it was adjusted, which
was 0.306; nonetheless, it is worth noting that the R-square value was 0.306 initially. The first R-
square value that was estimated for unemployment and job loss (M) was 0.245; however, it has
now been corrected to 0.242, which is quite close to the initial R-square value that was
calculated. When both the R-square value for all of the variables and the R-square adjusted value
are lower than 1, this is still another indication that the model is accurate and dependable. From
the table that was shown in the portion of the article that came before it, it is possible to draw the
conclusion that research was conducted on the idea of a hive. According to the findings of the
41 | P a g e
SEM analysis, there is a possibility that (H1) there is a Covid 19 Pandemic -> Unemployment /
Job Loss -> Business Performance (t value = 2.032, Std deviation value = 0.017, & p = 0.043),
which indicates that the hypothesis was accurate and ought to be accepted. This leads one to
think that the unplanned appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a harmful influence on
the productivity of firms, which has in turn resulted in an unemployment ratio that is continually
rising in Pakistan's logistic industry. This has resulted in an increase in the number of people
looking for work, which in turn has led to increased competition for available jobs. The
researchers came to the conclusion that they should test the indirect hypothesis rather than the
direct one because the data indicated that the direct hypothesis (H1) Covid 19 Pandemic -> Firm
Productivity -> Business Performance was supported by the data (t value = 0.390, STD deviation
value = 0.023, and p value = 0.000). In other words, the data indicated that the direct hypothesis
was supported by the data. Because of this, they came to the realisation that in order to get the
answer to their question, they needed to test the indirect hypothesis rather than the direct one.
(H2). All of this points to the conclusion that the sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic
had a negative influence on the firm productivity of Logistics, which was the primary cause for
the organization's poor overall performance. This conclusion is supported by the fact that all of
the aforementioned points speak to this conclusion. The data revealed that the direct hypothesis
(H1) was supported by the data, hence the Covid 19 Pandemic -> Business Survival -> Business
Performance hypothesis was accepted. This was done because the data demonstrated that the
data supported the direct hypothesis (t value of 18.093, STD deviation value of 0.036, and p
value of 0.000). Because of this, the researchers were able to reach the conclusion that the
sequence of events outlined in the theory is accurate. This finding showed that the hypothesis
was accepted as a consequence of this finding since it indicated that the indirect hypothesis (H3)
was also supported, which meant that the hypothesis was supported. This suggests that the
unanticipated onset of the COVID-19 pandemic had a negative and destructive influence on the
continued existence of firms, and as a result, the performance of businesses that operate in the
logistic sector was poor. The hypothesis regarding the indirect link between the pandemic and
the innovation system and corporate performance was verified when the value of t was found to
be 7.370, the value of the standard deviation was found to be 0.029, and the probability level was
found to be 0.000. These findings all contributed to the confirmation of the hypothesis. This
suggests that the unanticipated introduction of the Covid-19 pandemic had a negative influence
42 | P a g e
on the lack of innovation system, which in turn eventually led to the business performance in the
logistic sector not doing as well as it should have. This occurred as a direct result of their not
being a structure for innovation in place at the time. Because its p value was 0.000, the last
indirect hypothesis, which was Covid 19 Pandemic -> Customer Retention -> Business
Performance (t value = 5.604, STD deviation value = 0.027, and p value = 0.000), was accepted.
The hypothesis that was examined directly was that the Covid 19 Pandemic would have an effect
on Business Performance. A rundown of its values may be found in the following list: t = 5.604,
STD deviation value = 0.027, and p value = 0.000. This lends credence to the theory that the
quick spread of the COVID-19 pandemic had a detrimental effect on customer retention, which
was one of the contributing causes to the unsatisfactory overall business performance in the
logistics sector. As a consequence of the effect discussed earlier that the COVID-19 pandemic
has caused, indirect hypotheses (H1 to H5) analyse the viability of enterprises that operate in the
logistic sector as a result of the impact. This assessment is carried out as a direct result of the
influence that was discussed before. In order to determine whether or not these enterprises are
applicable, these hypotheses make use of corporate performance measures including firm
productivity, unemployment, client retention, business performance, and innovation system.
According to the findings of this research project, the COVID-19 pandemic does, in fact, have an
influence, albeit a very small one, on each and every one of the performance indicators that were
evaluated for the purpose of this work. This evaluation was carried out for the purpose of
determining the effectiveness of this work. As a consequence of this, the pandemic has an impact
on the day-to-day operations of a substantial number of organisations that are active within the
logistics business. This, in turn, is the most significant factor that will define the course of these
businesses' futures and the degree of success they will achieve.
5.2 Conclusion:
During the course of this examination, both the COVID-19 epidemic and the productivity of
businesses and logistical organisations were analysed for the aims of the study. The method that
is known as structural equation modelling (SEM) was used in order to carry out the task of doing
an in-depth analysis of each of the five hypotheses that were successful in being proven correct
during the course of this particular research endeavour. Because it was determined that each of
the five hypotheses that were investigated using the Structure Equation Model (SEM) was
43 | P a g e
supported, the total number of supported hypotheses is the same as the number of hypotheses
that were investigated, which was also five. This indicates that the number of hypotheses that
were supported is the same as the number of hypotheses that were investigated. The research
came to the conclusion that the COVID-19 outbreak had an effect on the ability of businesses in
the logistic sector to continue functioning as a direct result of the mandatory lockdown that was
enforced by the government of Pakistan. This conclusion was reached as a direct result of the
research that was conducted. Study was done, and as a consequence, this conclusion was arrived
at as a result of the research. As a direct result of the findings of the inquiry, the researchers were
able to arrive at this conclusion as a result of the evidence they uncovered. This offered support
for the conclusions that had been drawn from a research that had been carried out by Bloomberg
(2020a). According to the findings of this research, companies that are placed into lockdown are
at a much increased risk of failing on a worldwide scale, both in terms of their ability to continue
operating as a corporation and their decision to permanently close their doors. This point was
hammered home by the fact that the results were consistent with those obtained from other
research, which helped to make the argument more concrete. Additionally, the data indicated that
the COVID-19 outbreak exposed some degree of company technology that was not used very
successfully, which made it very difficult for them to maintain their position as a competitive
player in the logistic industry. This was due to the fact that the outbreak exposed some degree of
company technology that was not used very successfully. This was caused by the fact that it was
extremely difficult for them to retain their position as a competitive player in the logistic
business. This is not only consistent with the idea of maximising profits, but also with the
philosophy that is founded on the idea of surviving. It is compatible with both of these ideas.
This is because any company that is unable to create at its full capacity nor maximise profits puts
itself in danger of not only surviving but also prospering. This is due to the fact that any business
that is unable to produce at its full capacity nor maximise profits puts itself in danger. This is due
to the fact that any business that is unable to produce at its maximum capacity nor maximise
profits is at a disadvantage. The contribution of new ideas and developments in technology to the
overall financial health of businesses in the 21st century is, and will continue to be, an
increasingly critical factor. This is as a result of the fact that the business environment of the 21st
century is now operating at a speed that makes it nearly impossible for a company to accomplish
much of anything without fully integrating an innovation system and technology into its day-to-
44 | P a g e
day operations. The reason for this is due to the fact that the business environment of the 21st
century is now operating at a speed that is now operating at a speed that makes it almost To be
more specific, this is the situation as a result of the fact that the business environment of the 21st
century is now running at a speed that is now operating at a speed that is now operating at a
speed that is now operating at a speed that is now operating at a speed that As a consequence of
this, many businesses find that they are unable to fulfil the criteria of their clients who make
purchases from them over the internet. On the other hand, some of their rivals are able to
efficiently satisfy the criteria of both their current customers and those of prospective new
consumers by making efficient use of technology. This allows them to keep their present clients
and attract new customers (Mutlu et al. 2015). According to the facts, a broad range of various
logistic organisations had only a miniscule usage of technology throughout the whole of their
value chain. This is extremely clear. This point is made very clear by the statistics, which helps
to explain why it may so easily be seen. [Cause and effect] As a direct consequence of this fact,
businesses are now under the requirement to completely incorporate cutting-edge information
technology systems into the value chains that they are in charge of managing. This duty is an
immediate fallout from the reality that companies have direct responsibility for the value chains
in which they participate. This is necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of the performance
being adversely affected by circumstances that are unknown to the user. This will assist lessen
the possibility that there will be a negative influence on the performance (Mutlu et al. 2015). It
has been determined, on the basis of the findings of this research, that this is one of the potential
contributions to the body of knowledge that may be produced as a direct result of this study. This
conclusion was reached after determining that this is one of the potential contributions to the
body of knowledge that was produced. After identifying that this is one of the possible additions
to the body of knowledge that was created, we were able to arrive at the conclusion that was
presented here.
The findings also showed that the COVID-19 pandemic is a contributor to an increase in the
general rate of unemployment and may be to blame for persons losing their jobs as a result of the
pandemic. This was shown by the fact that the data indicated a rise in the number of people who
were unemployed and so unable to support themselves financially. This, in turn, has an effect on
the economically viable options available to businesses operating in the logistics industry. This
finding was consistent with reports by the International Labour Organization 2020, the World
45 | P a g e
Bank 2020a, and Nkengasong and Mankoula 2020, all of which stated that the COVID-19
pandemic affects the unemployment rate in many countries, leading to a loss of jobs and income
throughout the world, including Pakistan. This finding was made in the year 2020. Nkengasong
and Mankoula 2020. The year 2020 saw the discovery of this phenomenon. Nkengasong and
Mankoula 2020. It wasn't until the year 2020 that this occurrence was uncovered. Nkengasong
and Mankoula 2020. In the year 2020, this discovery was disseminated across the whole
population for the purpose of feeding it. The findings lend credence to the theory of survival-
based profit maximisation because every organisation strives to find the most effective ways to
maximise profits and, as a result, would engage in any activity that is within the bounds of the
law to ensure that it can continue to conduct business. The findings also lend credence to the
theory of survival-based profit maximisation because every organisation strives to find the most
effective ways to maximise profits. The results offer support to the notion of survival-based
profit maximization since every organisation attempts to identify the most effective methods to
maximise earnings. The findings also add credence to the hypothesis of survival-based profit
maximisation. The findings provide credence to the theory of survival-based profit maximisation
because of the fact that every organisation strives to determine the strategies that are the most
productive in order to maximise revenues. The results provide more support to the idea that
survival-based profit maximisation is the optimal strategy. As a direct result of these discoveries,
the idea of survival-based profit maximisation has been given a greater degree of credibility.
This is as a result of the fact that every company makes it a priority to discover the most
effective strategies for expanding their income streams to the greatest degree feasible. The
findings of the research indicate that the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has an effect on the
long-term financial sustainability of businesses that are active in the logistic industry. This has a
direct influence on the increase in the number of people all around the country who are now
jobless (International Labour Organization 2020). According to the research, the COVID-19
epidemic not only has an effect on the productivity of businesses but also on the capacity of
businesses in the logistic sector to continue functioning in the same way as they did previously.
Because of the state of the economy, many businesses, particularly those that were considered to
be essential in terms of the products they made, were forced to reduce the size of their labour
teams as well as the number of hours they spent producing goods. Those businesses that were
forced to make these cuts included those that were considered to be essential in terms of the
46 | P a g e
products they made. This was especially true for companies that were seen to be essential in
terms of the goods they produced. Because of this, it was far more difficult to function at one's
absolute maximum ability than it would have been under normal circumstances. Because of the
impact that this factor has on the efficiency with which businesses operate, there will be
repercussions for the needs and requirements of customers, as well as for the income and profit
of businesses, as a direct consequence of the relationship between the two (World Bank 2020b,
Nkengasong and Mankoula 2020). This discovery is likewise consistent with the assumption
made by the theory that strives to maximise profits, as well as the theory that is centred on the
idea of surviving. Both hypotheses are supported by this data. If a company wants to be
successful in the traditional meaning of the word, which refers to turning a profit and remaining
in business, it must first ensure that it is operating at the maximum level of production capacity
that it is capable of. If this were not the case, businesses would look for any and all feasible ways
to continue being in business, even if it meant a large decrease in the number of people necessary
to accomplish this goal. If this were the case, however, businesses would look for ways to
continue being in business that do not involve reducing the number of employees. However, if
this were the case, companies would search for methods to continue being in business that did
not necessitate lowering the number of individuals they already have on staff. If this were not the
case, businesses would investigate any and all possible courses of action in order to guarantee
their continuous presence in the market.
The findings of the research indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic has a considerable negative
indirect affect on both the continuation of businesses as well as the maintenance of their existing
clientele. Even after the epidemic has been stopped in its tracks, this remains the case.
(Nkengasong and Mankoula 2020, Acikgoz and Günay 2020) In times of crisis, industrialised
nations make it a top priority to ensure that their citizens may continue to enjoy a high quality of
life by taking measures to ensure that they have access to essential household goods. This is done
in an attempt to put a stop to the spread of the COVID-19 sickness and to lessen the urge that
individuals have to flee their homes as a result of the outbreak. In addition to this, we do this in
an effort to reduce the possibility that any individuals may pass away as a direct consequence of
the condition. This is not the case in Pakistan, however, as a sizeable portion of the population in
that country is unable to meet even the most fundamental need for their families, and as a
consequence, they are unable to provide for those families. As a result, Pakistan is not in a
47 | P a g e
position to support its own families. As a direct consequence of this, the locals are obliged to
look for the necessities, which raises the probability that they would come into contact with sick
people and exposes them to the COVID-19 outbreak. The scenario in Pakistan is not the same as
the one that was described in the paragraph that came before this one. To put it another way:
Therefore, in order for businesses to completely satisfy customers regardless of where they are
located, they need to develop fewer physical interfaces and more virtual connections with
customers. This will allow them to totally satisfy customers no matter where they are located.
This is due to the fact that companies find it easier and more cost efficient to communicate
virtually with customers. This strategy is the one and only approach to accomplish what has to be
done (Mutlu et al. 2015).
5.3 Implications:
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a new normal for business operations all over the
world, particularly those of logistic companies, and it was able to expose organisations both
directly and indirectly to their various weaknesses in terms of their operational flexibility,
innovation system, and readiness to accept change as imposed by both internal and external
pressures in the business environment. In particular, the pandemic was able to expose
organisations to their various weaknesses in terms of their operational flexibility, innovation
system, and readiness to accept change as imposed by internal and external In particular, the
pandemic was able to draw attention to the different deficiencies that organisations have in terms
of their operational flexibility, innovation system, and preparedness to embrace change as forced
by both internal and external factors. In particular, the pandemic was able to draw attention to the
various deficiencies that organisations have in terms of their operational flexibility, innovation
system, and preparedness to embrace change as forced by both internal and external factors.
These deficiencies were brought to light as a result of the pandemic. In particular, the pandemic
was successful un bringing to light the incapability of organisations to adapt to changes that were
pushed by both internal and external circumstances. This was a significant repercussion that
emerged as a result of the pandemic. The epidemic had a direct and immediate impact on a large
number of firms, notably those in the logistics industry. These businesses had significant
negative repercussions (Michie 2020, Nkengasong and Mankoula 2020). The fact that the
contemporary atmosphere in which business is carried out is not only dynamic, but also diverse
48 | P a g e
also constitutes a component that contributes to the total degree of unpredictability. This factor
adds to the total level of unpredictability by making the scenario more uncertain, which in turn
contributes to the overall degree of unpredictability. Because of this, the incorporation of
information technology into the workings of value chains is not only essential to ensuring that
consumers are satisfied and continue to patronise a company's products or services, but it is also
necessary for the company to continue to exist. This is because of the way that value chains
work. In addition, the results of the research indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic had an
effect on the unemployment rate in Pakistan, in addition to employment levels and the
productivity of businesses. This was revealed by the findings of the study. The fact that the
pandemic had an influence on each of these parameters provided proof that this was the case.
This was shown by the fact that COVID-19 was one of the viruses that led to the pandemic in the
first place. Despite this, a huge number of nations, particularly rich ones, are offering assistance
to businesses in an effort to decrease the damage that the COVID-19 outbreak is having. This
help is being provided in an attempt to lessen the impact that the epidemic is having. Therefore,
in order to lessen the effects of the loss of employment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in
Pakistan, the government of that nation needs to assist logistic firms in that country in surviving
the pandemic. This will allow the government to lessen the consequences of the loss of
employment. Because of this, the government would be able to mitigate the negative effects of
the loss of employment. As a consequence of this, the government would be in a position to
mitigate the devastating effects of the widespread loss of employment that the epidemic caused
(Gossling et al. 2020). The results of the research suggest that there is a negative indirect link
between the outbreak of COVID-19 and the survival of enterprises in the logistics sector as well
as the retention of consumers. This is shown by the fact that both of these outcomes were
negatively impacted. This is supported by the observation that the two of these outcomes were
discovered to have an inverse correlation with one another. This conclusion is reached as a
consequence of the observation that both of these events were found to be negatively impacted.
This discovery led to the arrival at this conclusion. The COVID-19 epidemic brought to light the
inability of many businesses to reevaluate the degree to which they can remotely cater to the
requirements of their customers and keep their customers involved in the corporation by using
technology. This inability was brought to light because the epidemic brought to light the inability
of many businesses to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This shortcoming came to light as a
49 | P a g e
result of the outbreak, which shed light on the fact that many firms were unable to stop the
spread of COVID-19. This flaw was exposed as a consequence of the outbreak, which brought to
light the fact that many businesses were unable to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As a result
of the outbreak, this brought to light the fact that many firms were unable to halt the spread of
COVID-19, this weakness came to light and was revealed. Many businesses have given up on
conventional methods of marketing in favour of digital ones in order to compete for their
consumers' attention in light of the rapid rate at which the world is changing (Dadzie et al. 2017).
According to Dadzie et al. (2017) and Mutlu et al. (2015), in order for businesses to survive the
pandemic, they will need to fully adopt digital content marketing communication strategy and
fully integrate technology into firm value chains. These two steps are necessary in order for
businesses to survive the pandemic. In order for companies to make it through the pandemic,
these two actions absolutely need to be taken. It is imperative that these two steps be
implemented immediately in order for businesses to have any chance of surviving the epidemic.
In order for companies to have even a remote possibility of surviving the outbreak, it is very
necessary for these two actions to be put into action as soon as possible. Because of this, it will
be feasible for businesses to keep the involvement of their customers while simultaneously
ensuring their happiness and retaining those individuals as customers. The COVID-19 pandemic
has evolved into worldwide phenomena that are wreaking havoc throughout the whole planet. It
is now expanding at a tremendous rate over the whole world. In addition to this, it is a major
source of worry for a large number of different organisations, governments, and people on a
variety of different levels and in a variety of different situations. This article provides an analysis
of the effect that the COVID-19 epidemic and the strain that is placed on companies to maintain
their profitability have had on the overall performance of logistical organisations. The COVID-
19 virus was responsible for the outbreak of the disease. According to the findings of the study,
there is a relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and the rate of unemployment, the
survival of enterprises, the productivity of firms, the maintenance of client contacts, and the
innovation system in the FMCG industry. [Further citation is required] It was found that there is
some kind of connection between all of these different places. When looking at the economic
prognosis for Pakistan during the pandemic, the findings suggest that there would be a slowdown
in the growth of Pakistan's gross domestic product (GDP). This would be because of the
epidemic. The fact that "pandemic" is included in the prognosis provides some support for this
50 | P a g e
interpretation. The cause of this is the epidemic that just broke out (GDP). This is because local
manufacturing as well as international trade have been put on hold as a consequence of the
mandatory lockdown of the economy that has been implemented in order to reduce the severity
of the pandemic's effects and slow its spread. The reason for this has to do with the fact that the
lockdown of the economy has been implemented in order to slow the spread of the pandemic.
This is due to the fact that a lockdown of the economy has been enforced in an effort to limit the
spread of the epidemic. This was done in order to prevent the pandemic from becoming any
worse. This is a direct outcome of the mandatory shutdown of the economy that has been put into
place in an attempt to stop the virus from spreading further. This measure was taken in an effort
to stop the virus from spreading further. In spite of this, significant progress has been made in the
development of vaccines in a number of countries (including the United Kingdom, China, India,
the United States of America, and Russia, amongst others), in an effort to limit the ability of the
virus to spread further and, if at all possible, to eliminate its presence in all countries. This
progress has been made in an effort to limit the ability of the virus to spread further and, if at all
possible, to eliminate its presence in all countries. These advancements have been undertaken in
an attempt to restrict the virus's capacity for future transmission and, if at all feasible, to eradicate
its existence in all nations. These precautions are being taken with the goal of bringing the
pandemic's intensity as well as the rate at which it is spreading to levels that are more
controllable (Wang and Tu 2020, Liang and Litscher 2020). However, the findings of this study
highlight the critical importance of the Pakistani government establishing practicable policy
frameworks and implementing economic reforms in order to ensure that the economy is
revitalized and placed on the path of growth and development with the goal of reducing
unemployment and the burden of job loss. This is because the findings highlight the critical
importance of the Pakistani government ensuring that the economy is revitalized and placed on
the path of growth and development in order to ensure that the burden of job loss is reduced.
This is due to the fact that the findings highlight the critical importance of the Pakistani
government ensuring that the economy is revitalized and placed on the path of growth and
development in order to ensure that the burden of job loss is reduced. This is done in order to
ensure that the Pakistani government is able to ensure that the burden of job loss is reduced. This
is because the findings highlight the critical importance of the Pakistani government ensuring
that the economy is revitalized and placed on the path of growth and development in order to
51 | P a g e
ensure that the burden of job loss is reduced. This can be explained by the fact that the findings
highlight the critical importance of the Pakistani government ensuring that the economy is
revitalized. This is done so that the Pakistani government will be able to guarantee that the
weight of job loss is decreased, and it is done in order to ensure that this happens. This is due to
the findings of this study highlighting the critical importance of the Pakistani government
ensuring that the economy is revitalized and placed on the path of growth and development in
order to ensure that the economy is revitalized. This path must be taken in order to ensure that
the economy is revitalized. This is due to the conclusions of this research highlighting how
important it is for the government of Pakistan to ensure that the economy is revitalized. They not
only need to find a way to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, but they also need to
devise a strategy to stop the economy from completely collapsing as a direct consequence of the
outbreak in the logistics business. The findings of this study highlight the critical importance of
the Pakistani government ensuring that the economy is revitalized and placed on the They not
only need to find a way to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, but they also need to
devise. This is due to the fact that the results of this research shed light on how critically
important it is for the government of Pakistan to ensure that the economy is revitalized and put
back on track. This is because individuals working in the logistics business are directly to fault
for the development of the disease, which is why it has come to this. This is something that they
need to be able to achieve in order for companies in the country to have the chance to develop
and be successful, as well as for there to be economic growth in the nation as a whole.
52 | P a g e
provide additional insight into the future of business operations. This would allow for the
development of a more comprehensive understanding of the impact that the COVID-19
pandemic will have on the logistic industry in Pakistan. In addition, more research might be
conducted to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the survival of enterprises and the
performance of such firms in rich nations and developing countries respectively. The findings
would serve as a guide for the government, particularly in economies that are still in the process
of developing, about the importance of supporting firms and building an environment that is both
sustainable and conducive to business. This is particularly relevant in economies that are still in
the process of developing.
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